• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 10,867 Views, 527 Comments

The New Hive - ArtichokeLust

The love stolen from the Canterlot invasion was finally enough to awaken sapience in Chrysalis' changelings. But to her horror, it became apparent that these were no longer truly her changelings, or even changelings at all.

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Indians and Pink Slime

What is this?

Chrysalis struggled to think. The endless whiteness around her addled her mind.

Was this what death felt like? She imagined there would be a lot more burning and screaming, not feelings of fullness and peace like the ones she felt now. Such pleasantries were reserved for good little ponies that did what they were told, not conquerors who would go through hell and back for their changelings.

Resting on soft, wet grass was another thing that didn’t come naturally to hive-queens destined to rest in Tartarus. In fact, she was beginning to think that she wasn’t dead at all. But being blasted from Canterlot should’ve killed any changeling, royal or no.


As reality faded back in around her, she felt something: a cold, wet, and sweet smelling liquid rested in a pool under her chin. While normally she’d jump at such delicious smelling food, for some reason she wasn’t hungry right now.

And the slimy and sticky feeling was disgusting.

Chrysalis lifted her head as she stood up. With a quick look around, she found herself in a forest. By the plants she could identify, it should've been near the equator, but the cold summer air told her it was a northern forest. Strange.

With another look back down, she saw what she had been resting in: a strange pink slime, with hearts of love drifting off. Any changeling would’ve killed for that pure love, but for some reason, she wasn’t hungry at all…

The queen burped, feeling something come back up. It tasted almost too sweet. But why…?

Her recent memories flashed in her mind.

Cadence's wedding! She thought she had failed! She thought she had lost the most recent chance of completing her hive! Yet she was more full than when she had been draining Cadence's consort! But how could—!? The Shield! That’s right, Mrs. Damsel in Distress' and Mr. Changeling Food's shield had been conjured by love and had been reinforced by the love of all the ponies in Canterlot! And changelings ate love!

Chrysalis, the almighty queen of the changelings, gleefully giggled and pranced around with all the decorum of a little filly who had just discovered her cutie mark. Despite a rather embarrassing defeat, she won everything she could have imagined.

Every single day, for countless years, she’d been struggling to find enough love so that just one of her changelings would have the strength to truly think like she did; to look at the world with intelligent eyes instead of dull ones. The emotions and playful reactions they had were fun, sure, but it just couldn’t match the sort of connection two bugs could have if they understood each other. In short, Chrysalis was lonely. She also cared about the pride of her changelings, and without self-awareness, changelings couldn’t be very proud of themselves. There was that thing about the prophesied Great Awakening too, but Chrysalis only believed in making her own destiny.

The changelings would finally awaken, and it would be all thanks to her, not some ancient prophecy. They would develop personalities more complex than a dog’s and she’d finally have intelligent hive-mates to converse with. All she had to do now was wait and listen.

She could already feel her first minion waking up, a few miles away from her...

“Hello?” Chrysalis greeted over the hive-link, her excitement evident in her voice. She was like a foal on Hearth's Warming morning.

“Hello,” came the subdued answer from the other changeling. He spoke in a strange accent and with a small voice, as if he were sick. “I know I’ve been skipping work for the past few weeks, but I’m sure your bicycle or TV can wait until my stomach’s better.”

Chrysalis blinked. Bicycle? TV? What was he talking about? What did those words even mean? Whatever. She would address what made sense.

“Drone,” she said, though the deadpan gaze was lost through the link, “you’ve been working just as hard as everybug else, and your stomach is perfectly fine: it’s just full. I know it’s a new feeling, but you’re not sick.”

The other changeling paused before responding.

“Huh. You’re right,” he said in a stronger tone. ”Strange, I remember a lot of pain yesterday.”

“That would make sense,” Chrysalis replied, “Yesterday was a pretty great battle.”

“Battle?” replied the changeling, confusion evident in his tone. “It was no more a battle than any other day.”

That gave Chrysalis reason to pause. No changeling had awakened in eons, but she didn’t remember anything about forgetting her past. Did she remember enough of her past to remember that she hadn't forgotten though? She couldn’t be certain.

“Tell me,” Chrysalis spoke slowly, “what happened yesterday?”

The changeling paused, organizing his words for the reply.

“It was just like the last few days. The stomach illness was getting stronger, more painful, and I had to miss work for another day. No bicycle repairs, no TV repairs, and even though I think someone wanted me to repair their computer which would have been exciting, I could hardly move. I’m not sure if I could even think, things were so fuzzy.”

Chrysalis repeated her changeling’s words in her head. What he was saying was impossible if he was really the same changeling that followed her orders yesterday. Then again, she might’ve just wanted to believe this was a joke and that she hadn’t lost a changeling. Despite how animalistic they were, she had gained a certain fondness for them over the countless years.

“What’s a TV?” She asked, hoping the changeling would realize he was spouting nonsense words.

The confusion of the changeling was so strong that it flowed through the link and rebounded off Chrysalis. “You don’t know what a TV is?” The changeling asked, quickly building in excitement. “Oh, you poor, poor lady. It’s an amazing box that brings images from all over the world into your home! Want to know about that thing that happened in Chennai? Flip to channel eight! Want to watch one of those crazy American movies? Flip to channel twelve!”

The gleeful voice continued, “And how it goes about doing that is even more amazing. Electricity pulses through the cable in sequences that are decoded by the onboard microchips, depending on the selected channel, and then that gets sent to the vacuum tube area, and let me tell you about that tube...” he droned on.

Despite how full she was, a pit formed in Chrysalis’s gut. This definitely wasn’t the same changeling she was ordering around with the rest of the swarm yesterday. And something told her none of her other changelings would remember her either.

“Hey!” She cut off his inane babbling.

“Yes?” the changeling asked back.

“Who are you?” asked Chrysalis. She couldn’t tell if her voice was filled more with venom, hope, or curiosity.

“Oh,” began the changeling, “I’m Mitul Chiranjivi Sharma. Just Mitul’s fine.” There was a pause. “Why am I in a forest?”

Chrysalis ran the name through her head a few times.

‘Metal chiranjive shwarma,’ she tried.

‘Meetool Cheering-Jeevee Sh- shama,’ she tried again.

‘Mii-tool Cheerin’-jiving Shark-ma.’ Close enough.

“My Tool,” Chrysalis addressed the changeling—

“Mitul,” he corrected.

“Right, My Tool,” Chrysalis continued. “Look, you seem confused, so let’s just cut to the chase.”

“Oh!” My Tool interrupted again. “American phrases! And you have an American accent! Are you an American?”

Shut. Up.” Chrysalis glared in the direction of My Tool’s presence, making it seem as if she were glaring at a nearby tree. “This is important.”

A couple more changelings popped up into the hive-link. But before Chrysalis could even get excited, the changelings panicked and broke the link. That was not good.

After a couple seconds, she cleared her throat, satisfied that she wouldn’t be interrupted again. “We were having a quite successful raid yesterday. We found plenty of food and everything was going splendidly. Unfortunately, at the last moment, Cadence and her love stallion activated some defense shield thing. I don’t even think they knew where it came from. But this shield, being powered by love, fed us almost as well as raiding Canterlot would’ve done. After talking to you though, I’m thinking it might have given some of us brain damage as well.”

“Hey!” protested My Tool.

“I’m serious,” Chrysalis continued. “Not remembering yesterday is not a good sign. Plus, a few more changelings woke up and they’re panicking now.”

“Changelings? Canterlot?” asked My Tool. “What are you talking about? Why am I a cockroach?”

If looks could kill, Chrysalis would now be looking at the most dead tree in the world. “Never call a changeling a cockroach.” Her chilling tone cut deeply through the hive-link. “You are a proud member of the changeling race, and I don’t know what happened to your head to make you forget that, but that’s not important right now. What is important, is that there are several changelings around us that are panicking and could get themselves into serious trouble if we don’t find them. I can’t be everywhere at once, so I need you to search around your area for changelings as well.”

She waited for confirmation, but nothing but confusion and hesitance came over the link. She grit her teeth and smacked her hoof against her face in frustration.

“Ugh!” screamed Chrysalis. “I’m sure you felt those changelings just as well as I did.” She started to speak as if she were talking to a child, “Turn to the nearest location that you felt, fly up over the forest, find them, and talk to them! Get them to calm down!”

My Tool huffed petulantly. “You don’t have to be so mean about it. And how do I fly?”

“Wha—?” How could he not know how to fly? What was this? No. There would be no more of this nonsense.

Chrysalis stomped her hoof. “I don’t have time for this! Changelings could die if I have to sit and tell you how to do every little thing!” She took off, blasting into the sky in search of the more awakened changelings. Hopefully the next one would be less of a tool than My Tool.

Dodging the trees as she flew was a great stress reliever, but soon Chrysalis had to slow down. She finally spotted the next changeling, and she was just in time too: it looked like the changeling’s panicking had attracted a nearby manticore.

Always ready to act the hero for her changelings, Chrysalis swooped down and grabbed the unfortunate changeling, giving it the privilege of seeing her wide, motherly smile… only to have it scream even louder and flail out of her grasp