• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 10,865 Views, 527 Comments

The New Hive - ArtichokeLust

The love stolen from the Canterlot invasion was finally enough to awaken sapience in Chrysalis' changelings. But to her horror, it became apparent that these were no longer truly her changelings, or even changelings at all.

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Side Chapter: Thorax visits his family for the holidays

Author's Note:

This is an unedited response to an episode. It doesn't really pertain to the main story, but I thought it'd be fun.

Oh, there might be a few really minor spoilers, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Thorax flew back to the hive, his emotions changing as he switched his thinking between his happy pony and dragon friends, his nostalgia for his old hive and how great it would be if they were friendly like ponies were, and his thoughts of how Chrysalis would start frothing at the mouth if he suggested making friends with ponies.

As he flew over the forest, he counted the hills, noted the distance from the mountains, and observed each body of water he passed over. The beauty of the landscape soon gave way to boring repetitiveness, and he was glad he knew how to use the various landmarks to orient himself rather than have nothing to do. But now, he knew he was almost there.

He looked right in front of him. Sure enough, there was a large black mountain in the middle of a forest. It was strange, usually the place was hidden much better, if he remembered correctly. Changeling material covering the outside of their home just didn't make sense.

Now filling up with curiosity, Thorax fluttered down to the mouth of a cave on the black mountain.

Things quickly became even more strange. There was changeling material on the outside of the mountain, but the material on the inside was splotchy at best. He would've bet that more than fifty percent of the ground was left completely uncovered.

And where was the rest of the hive?

Thorax looked left and right, observing the five entrances. To the left and right were Chrysalis' chambers. Regular changelings were not to go in any of those places. In front, the door to the hatchery stood tall, and since that was the hatchery he came from, he was free to enter.

Thorax walked up to the massive door, pushed it aside, and trotted in.

In the way of the hatchery was a room filled with history he didn't care for. He was there to see his hive-mates. Though, to be perfectly honest with himself, he might've wanted to stall a bit, since he was still unsure of how his hive would react.

He looked at some of the posters on the walls. One particular poster showed zombie changelings crowding what looked like Manehattan's streets.

Well, that might've been interesting, if not for the freaky decor his old home now sported.

Thorax flew on, entering his old hatchery.

He landed in the center of the room.

He stared blankly for several seconds.

This... this couldn't be right.

As he looked around, there were no changelings, and, like the rest of his home, the changeling goo was splotchy at best. He could see the rock walls that should've been hidden behind the goo, and worse, he could see connected pieces of what looked like rusted metal sticking out, like bone sticking out of a long dead animal.

If he was to be perfectly honest with himself, he didn't care much for his old home. Still, the sorry state of his birthplace made him whimper.

Dejected, Thorax turned around, flew back to the mouth of the cave, and lay down. He stared out to the forest surrounding his birthplace.

A long breath filled the cave with reverberating sound as Thorax sighed. What had happened to the rest of his hive? Was there a crisis? Should he have returned sooner?

Or, maybe they just moved. That would still be sad, but at least he would meet some of his fellow changelings later on.

But, wait a minute, what if many of them were starving like he was? He had a solution to their pain, but he wouldn't be able to get it to them in time! Maybe if he waited, one of them would come back.

A picture of the rusted metal sticking out of the formerly living hive cave flashed into his mind. No, this was not a hive that changelings were coming back to. He would have to find his hive-mates elsewhere, wherever they were.

He laid his head down on one of the remaining splotches of changeling goo and closed his eyes, giving the former hive a moment of silence.

The wind outside blew past the mouth of the cave.

The birds chirped.

Thorax's heart beat rhythmically.

Holy SHIT guy! Thorax heard a female changeling laughing in his mind, from a distance. What the FUCK is wrong with you!

Thorax perked up. He could hear his hive!

Hey, you laugh now, but I'd bet you a grilled salmon that it would help with love extraction. I mean, how else do you extract love? He heard another male changeling respond. He assumed this one was 'Guy'.

Thorax perked up. His hive-mates were alive! Oh, how great it would be when he saw them again!

A scene made its way through the hivemind. A changeling hoof picked up a terrified and flopping fish. Then, the hoof turned the fish over and...

"W-what? No. NO! NOOO! Augh! Gross! What in Equestria is he doing!" Thorax yelled, closing his eyes and trying to shake the images out of his head.

Wow, okay. Did you really have to add pictures? The female changeling said.

Thorax picked up a hoof full of the changeling goo he had been resting his head on and shoved it against his eyes. It didn't work.

Well, 'Guy' responded, how else would I get the point across?

There was no response.

You know what? I'll see what Chryssi thinks. 'Guy' continued.

Wait, Chryssi? How did he get away with calling Chrysalis that? Was he one of the higher ups?

Chryssi! 'Guy' yelled.

Putting the question of how that changeling managed to get away calling Chrysalis 'Chryssi' aside, Thorax stood up. Maybe now really was a good time to reintroduce himself to his hive. They seemed friendly enough, if a bit perverse. Chrysalis even seemed willing to accept cute nicknames.

No. Chrysalis responded, her annoyance clear in her monotone response.

C'mon, Chryssi! 'Guy' yelled again.

Please no. Chrysalis replied again.

Thorax started homing in on the origin of those voices. It would only be a few minutes before he was with his hive again.

Oh come on now, Chryssi! 'Guy' continued badgering the queen, I've got a great idea. You know how some of the changelings like wearing clothes right? Well, if you can call what they wear clothes.

Yourself being one of the first offenders, Chrysalis pointed out.

Thorax tilted his head. That was new.

Well, 'Guy' continued, ignoring Chrysalis' logic, how about we make some games where, if they lose, they have to take off one piece of clothing?

...I'm listening. Chrysalis said.

Thorax tilted his head. Really? Chrysalis was listening to allowing strip versions of games because she didn't like changelings wearing clothes? Weird.

Okay, 'Guy' said, so we take a fish... Suddenly, the same image of a fish popped up. The changeling hoof started to turn it over and—

Thankfully, the scene cut out. Ah huh, I'm just going to stop you right there, Chrysalis said. If you want to see if it works that way, by all means, have fun with your new job.

Uh, 'Guy' responded more quietly, I-I was just kidding.

Really? Chrysalis said. But if you don't do it, we'll never know.

I'm good. 'Guy' said.

I know you're good, Chrysalis said. Which is why you'll be good at your new job.

Thorax could hear whimpering noises reverberate in the hivemind.

Okay okay, Chrysalis said, mirth filling her voice. I was kidding too. Of course I'm not changing your job into... that.

Thorax stopped flying forward and hovered in place. The voices were now below him.

He stared down at the empty field beneath him and the cliff face next to it. All he had to do now was flutter down, quickly find his way into the entrance, and reintroduce himself.

Suddenly, a broadcast came from the female changeling 'Guy' was talking with earlier. It looked like she was doing full body push-ups as quickly as possible. Actually, she was doing them more quickly than possible. Well, really, It looked less like push-ups and more like a parody of a bad dance move.

Sorry about that, the female changeling said. Trying to come up with new exercises is hard.

Oh? 'Guy' said. I know all about making your body harder. You gotta do partner exercises. I like the one where you lay down and wrap your hind legs around my shoulders so I can keep you balanced while you do ab workouts.

Thorax blushed when an image came to mind. He decided to hover in the air a bit longer.

...Y'know what, fuck you. The female changeling said, though it was in a strangely friendly tone.

Hey, if you don't like that one, we could do the one where you do squats, and I lie down under you to make sure you have proper form. 'Guy' said, having trouble keeping himself from laughing.

Argh, no! I completely forgot what I was doing! Chrysalis cried out.

Maybe you should focus on your work instead of private conversations between your subjects then, 'Guy' replied.

...I hate you. Chrysalis said.

Okay, so they were a little weird, but they were his family.

Thorax started hovering down to the mouth of the cave.

Suddenly, an image of a changeling being slapped with a fish entered Thorax's mind. The fish exploded, and the poor changeling was flung across the room.

No, please, I didn't mean it! The changeling spoke in a higher pitched version of 'Guy's' voice.

It's too late now! The female changeling laughed. You're going to remember not to—

Wait, 'Guy' interrupted. Why not just do that in real life? Why go to all the effort of showing me a movie of it? Just come over here and slap me with your fish.

Don't tempt me, The female changeling replied.

Hohooooo! 'Guy' made some sort of noise.

Wait, was that another perverted joke I didn't get? The female changeling asked.

Yeah, you're not having much luck with them. Why don't you come over here and get lucky? 'Guy' answered.

Thorax stared down a bit longer.

Aaand there it was: a green flash lit up the ground below Thorax and a crashing noise nearly deafened him.

Oh yeah! 'Guy' said. that's more like it!

Thorax turned around. He could always visit his old family tomorrow, or the next day. Besides, they seemed like they were doing well enough without him.