• Member Since 24th May, 2014
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Big fan of fantasy and lesbians. If you want magic, lesbians, or ponies, you've come to the right place. Follow me itch.io if you want to see my visual novels. https://thecrimsondm-vanillia.itch.io/


Twilight Sparkle is still having a hard time adjusting to the new castle, but her friend Pinkie has a plan on how to fix that. After setting up a slumber party, Pinkie begins pulling out the games. When she brings out Truth and Dare, things start to get a little crazy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

I love this one! Needs more chapters though, or a sequel or something.

6117969 I will probably do other stories that are similar in nature at some point in the future. I really like how awkward the game of truth and dare can get. XD

I figure in my fanon that by Season Five AJ, Pinkie, Dashie and Fluttershy have noticed that Rarity has started to return Spike's affections, but doesn't bring it up because all it could accomplish would be to embarrass the couple until they choose to make it public. In my fanon it's legal anyway: the Age of Consent in Central Equestria is 14, and Spike's 15, so she's not molesting him. However, it might be seen as scandalous cradle-robbing, given that my Rarity's 23 by this point.

Twilight knows too, she just tries not to think about it too much, while vaguely hoping that Rarity won't break his heart, and -- possibly -- she'll wind up with Rarity as a sister-in-law.

6118223 interesting theory. I like it very much, although after doing far too much research into this topic I've come to several conclusions, proved by Rainbow Dash and Tank, and Spike's season two episodes.
About two years has passed since the very first episode, considering the fact that Rainbow Dash didn't know what hibernation was, making Spike about ten or eleven. And we actually have no idea how old Spike would be considered in his own culture. Chances are that ten year old dragons are teenagers. I mean Spike hit puberty once when he started gathering a horde... so his age might be entirely based on his wealth, which could be both a blessing and a terrible curse.

What do you think?


The main reason I went with roughly one-year-a-show-season is that too many seasonal changes are shown in the series, and too much happens per show season, for it to be more like the three years a show-season claimed.

That... actually sounds like a fun game. :unsuresweetie:

Gently Fluttershy set her hooves onto the floor again. She looked very nervous as she said, “After I fell from Cloudsdale, I landed in Whitetail Woods, where a friendly family of bears adopted me. They taught me everything that I know. That’s when I learned how to steal picnic baskets without ever being caught.”

Headcanon accepted. :yay:

6119047 tis true that the show has no real understanding of time. I once tried to make sense of how Winter Wrap Up could happen before Fall Weather Friends... my brain hurt. Once my friends, who don't over examine cartoons like I do, pointed out that as a slice of life series they probably take random stories from through out the year and show them with no sense of time to us, I felt much better. (Of course I think that the writers were just lazy in the first few seasons before they realized that people actually loved this show.

If they attempted to do something as big as Changing a main character's appearance and age now, people would flip their lid. Poor Luna got stuck in the time before Hasbro actually cared about us bronies.

In the end I just try my best to make sense of the cannon, ignore the conflicts that seemingly exist everywhere, and pray that my stories at least make sense.

btw, thanks for the reply. XD

I think its funny, and you should continue it.
as for you, well... since we don't actually know their ages, people make them up, but since twilight has been with family since birth, then moved on to Celestia's student around teenage years, then moved to ponyville around adulthood, we can assume she is over 18, and she had spike for a while, so I would say (going by how long people say dragons live) spike would probably be around 15, since he saw rarity and I assume hormones kicked in.


Rarity is actually not the first female Pony to whom Spike has been attracted. Remember, he had a crush on Moon Dancer. Rarity may, however, be the first female Pony to whom Spike has been seriously attracted. This may be a combination of his biology becoming more ready and her being more compatible with him and worthy of his love.


The big reason they don't change characters' appearance as time passes is that changing the models is difficult and their system is set up to show only major age differences (small foal, colt/filly, adult and elder). Logically, even if the 4 1/2 seasons we've seen so far were only 1 1/2 years, we would see appearance changes in the CMC (who are, after all, transitioning from childhod to adolescence), but that would mean a lot of work. And this is a TV series. They don't know how long it will run.

If they do decide to age-up Spike or the CMC, it is likely to be sudden, and happen between seasons. They may finally decide to create a "teenage" del and bump them up into it. This is unlikely barring a "time skip" though (where they decide that the next season takes place "X" years later).

Luna's case is special because she's neither a filly nor (really) a young mare. She's an immortal semi-divine being, and she looks like a little filly at the end of S1E02 because her power has been drained. She is larger and more mature-looking when her powers have recovered -- when she's come All The Way Back.

6120918 Specifically when I was talking about the appearance change, I was talking about Luna. And let's all face it, despite whatever theories we come up for why it happened. The simple truth as explained by hasbro is in the original screen testing of the episode, nobody could actually take Luna's plight of having ponies fear her seriously, because she was too young looking, and too adorable. The model change was a last minute decision that ended up with a few rather awkward glitches in animation.

as for other characters growths, Twilight Sparkle actually grew during season 4, although it was very minimal. Finally I do have to say this much, if every episode of the show happened once a day there would only have been 100 days that have passed by. Since most episodes seem to be separated by a few days each, and with some episodes taking place over the course of a week or so in episode, they easily make up for the two winters that they only had one episode for. I hate to admit it, but you can't count the Holiday specials into the time frame, they were made specifically for meta reasons, thus they don't really fit anywhere.

BTW Rainbow Dash obtained Tank in the beginning of Season 2, and her first winter with him was in season 5. I know it might sound weird, but the writers of the show actually don't care about timelines. For all I know, this is like the never ending summer from Phineas and Ferb.

Although I really do like your theory, and boy do I wish that you were the one in charge of organizing the show's timeline over at Hasbro, I have to come to the conclusion that nobody was supposed to think about how much time has passed by. Seriously, in the end it's only going to make one's head hurt.

ps: it was never confirmed that Spike had a crush on Moondancer, it looked like a lot of ponies were going to her party and Twilight was supposed to go there with Spike. Twilight was too focused on her research to even consider it though.

Thanks for the comments. XD


He has been referred to as a baby dragon all this time, not as a term of endearment or mollycoddling. Ten would not be a teenager. We've seen teenage dragons and they were much bigger than Spike. We also have literally nothing describing what the Greed Growth meant for his biology. It could just as easily be a biological defense mechanism to help him defend his hoard when he's too young to do it normally. Maybe all dragons get like that when they're whelps.

Amongst especially long-lived species in fantasy, it's normal that their age-ranges both biologically and socially are also expanded beyond what we are familiar with. For a species that lives say... 500 years, 50 is still quite young. We have no idea how old dragons get, but if we're using common instances of draconic mythology and fantasy and such, they're nearly immortal. Spike is definitely still underage for a dragon until we get proof in the series/from the writers different, or until we learn more about draconic physiology and such.

I was hoping for some action, but this is good enough! :twilightsmile:

It was too short, I upvoted it but I hoped for something a bit more complex, more dares, more embarrassed ponies and awkward situations, plus in the end it just escalated too quick in a few lines, I know that was supposed to be the final punch line or so, but anyways.

Pinkie dropped two more dice onto the floor. One of them listed the names of all her friends, and the other listed various body parts that she dared not name out loud. A wicked grin grew on Pinkie’s face as she stared deeply into Twilight’s eyes. Slowly Pinkie Pie said, “We’re going to play and adult pony game now.”

“And I,” Twilight said in pure horror at the realization of her earlier blunder, “Volunteered to go first, and with you…”


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