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chapter 5.5 Dawn after the Nightmare

It was a little while later when they returned to the camp as Sam set Rarity down on his blanket.

"Well that was fun. How 'bout next one of your friends gets poisoned and I can save them from that?" Fluttershy looked at him, a bit stunned.

"It was a joke. I'm just saying, that in one day, I've resuced 5 of you ponies. So tell me, are you all the danger prone? Cause if you are I may

just have to go to Canterlot to keep the lot of you from dying." Sam said sarcasm heavy in his voice. Fluttershy giggled a bit. God it was cute

when she did that...come to think of it she was cute when she did anything.

"Well umm we don't normally go into the Everfree Forest because it's dangerous for us." Said Fluttershy

"Yah I can tell." Sam shot back causing Fluttershy to giggle again. Then somthing crossed Sam's mind.

"Hey aren't you freaked out by what I did back there?" Fluttershy looked at him quizzically for a moment before realizing what he meant.

"Oh umm well I don't like it, if thats what you mean." she said shuffling her hoof. "But I've seen a lot of carnivores eating habits so it won't

bother me as much as other ponies." Sam looked at her in surprise.

"To tell you the truth I'm stunned. You are a lot stronger than you let on." At this Fluttershy blushed. 'Well seems she's vunerable to

compliments at least.'

"We should get some rest, it will be morning soon enough and I'll need the sleep in case I have to save your other friends." Fluttershy

giggled...again, and nodded as they both went back to sleep. A few hours later Sam woke up just as he had done on any other morning save, the

small ponies laying around his campsite. Suddenly he noticed something. He reeked terribly. Though he knew the fire in the camp masked his scent,

the smell of the blood on his armour would draw more predators to them as they made their way to Ponyville.

"Probably a good idea to clean it before they wake up." he said as he walked to the small stream that flowed behind his camp. All the way he felt

a presence stalking him but he sensed no danger from it. Besides whatever it was obivously wasn't in the best of shape so he had a pretty good

idea what and who it was. He slowly removed his armor leaving only a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on, as he diligently cleaned his armor in the

stream. He didn't like cleaning his armor when the dust of the forest settled on it, as the color merged with its natural color. It was perfect

camoflauge. However now it would have shine to it and be easier to spot, and that idea didnt sit to well with him so he desided he'd like to freak

his stalker out a bit. After taking a moment to figure out where she was without turning around, he said

"You know if your gonna watch me, the view is better up close rather than in that bush." As he heard a russle and a "eeeep" from behind, he

chuckled a bit. Soon after Rarity walked up to sit beside him, slightly blushing from embarassment

"How could you tell where I was?" she said he voice a bit shaky

"Three things. One I'm an expert hunter so noticing stuff around me without having to look is essential. Two you're tired, so on the way over here

you were stumbling over yourself a bit. and three...you're not very good at hiding." He took a moment to look at her stunned reaction before


"Well let's see you do any better." Rarity said without thinking.

"I have done better from the past two years remember?" Sam was having a ball with this. She just kept giving him ammo for these jokes.

"Oh right...umm well thank you again for saving me last night." She said giving a slight bow out of gratitude.

"Think nothing of it. It seems like saving you ponies is quickly becoming my new hobby." Rarity giggled.

"Indeed it does Mr. ...deary me with all the excitement last night, your name seems to have slipped my mind." Rarity gave a sheepish grin "What

was your name again Maxfeild?"

"It's Maxwell, Sam Maxwell." Sam said, not letting his irritation show. He hated when people called him Maxfield. People had been mixing that up

for ages and it always pissed him off when they got it wrong.

"Ahh I see. Thank you again Mr.Maxwell." Rarity said "Don't mention it, but please call me Sam. Being called Mr. makes me feel old." he smiled a

warm friendly smile towards Rarity. {Freelance173 is awesome!}

"Alright Sam then...I feel I must also apologize." For the first time today Sam was surprised.

"Apologise? For what exactly?" Rarity looked ashamed.

"Well you see darling...well I was worried about Fluttershy being in this forest... all alone... with you." Sam understood.

"Ahhh so you dont trust me then!" Rarity's head shot up.

"NO.. I mean, yes I didn't, but now I do oh please can you forgive me?" For a moment Sam wanted to mess with her a bit more, but quickly decided

against it. After all it looked like she might kill herself if he didn't accept her apology.

"It's fine really, after all if my friend was stuck in a dangerous place with a wierd creature I'd probably freak out too." A smile immediately

returned to her face.

"Oh thank you darling it means ever so much to hear you say that." Sam smiled as he finished up cleaning his armor and started to put it back on.

"Well better go and wake Fluttershy. We've got a ways to go if were going to get to Ponyville so I can see these princess of yours." Raritys

shocked exprestion returned with full force.

"You mean you've changed your mind?" As Sam put his helmet on he said

"What can I say? Fluttershy got the best of me."