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chapter 2.5 escort mission

"STUPID STUPID STUPID." the man said as he banged his head against his makeshift house "how could I just let them see me?! What if they report me to their authorities?! DAMN IT" he screamed in frustration. After all that time he spent making sure none of those ponies knew he was here, how could he slip up so badly? "What if they send a detachment of their army and I have to fight them?” I don’t want to kill ponies. Wait, why not? He thought starting to think it over "I mean when you really get down to it aren’t they just animals? Ok so their smart and can talk, but they are still just horses “I mean granted I’ve never killed a horse but if it comes down to necessity should I really feel bad if I have to kill them to save myself?"

He didn't have long to ponder that though. As he looked up just in time to see a grey blur crash into the distance "Oh well I guess I’ll put that on hold for now" he said rushing to the crash site. After about 5 minutes the man slowed down both not wanting to alert whatever crashed, but also because he had to move carefully, as there was a poison like flower, that grew in grew around this part of the forest. He'd seen the strange effect it had on anything that touched it, as six ponies had demonstrated awhile back. Huh he thought now that I think about it the two ponies I saved were in that group, odd.

As he crept closer he heard a voice crying out for help in what he thought was a very sweet voice. "Help somepony, anypony please help I can't see anything" then the man saw who was calling, it was a grey pegasi with 3 bubbles on her flank and blond mane. He had seen this mare before a few times as she often went to the edge of the everfree to picnic with her daughter on a sunny hill and sometimes, she just went there to cry about being cross-eyed which always made him a bit sad to hear because it reminded him of his sister.

As the poor pony whipped around calling for help the man saw what the problem was the poor mare had landed face first into a patch of poison joke which caused her to go temporarily blind. Poor girl. He thought she's already suffering and now she's blind? Talk about terrible luck. Wait no wait this is perfect if she can't see then I can help her without her being able to report what I am like the others! Who knows maybe she's friends with those other ponies and they'll be so happy to see she’s alright that they'll forget all about me... well worth a shot, still I can't just walk up and grab her she'd freak out and might hurt herself plus it would be hard to explain why I have such hard armor on. I’ll have to convince her I’m some kind of pony and lead her out by voice.

The man worked up the best cockney accent he could muster and yelled “OI ya awright missy?" immediately the grey mare wiped her head towards the sound a smile bright on her face "Oh yes... Oh wait I mean no but I’m super happy somepony else is here" "Yah I saw ya crash an' I rushed ova" the man said in an unbelievably fake accent. "Looks like ya landed in some poison flowers d'ere" Great now he was slipping into a Brooklyn accent. Stay focused damn it. The mares head sunk a little "Oh yes umm I was coming back from delivering a package when there was this really big gust that blew me down and now I can't see" She let her heard hang as if she was about to get yelled at

"Right then well falla my voice an' I’ll getcha outta 'ere" he almost squawked man was he bad at this good thing she was buying it "Alight I’ll follow you mister.. Uhhh what was you name?" Oh crap think, man think. “Ma name is... Burgandy ya that’s it, Iron Burgandy." he said quickly "Okey Dokey, Mister Burgandy my names Derpy Hooves" she said cutely as she followed the sound of his voice. About 10 minutes later they were almost to the edge of the Everfree Forest and the man was stunned. He and this mare had been talking to each other the entire way and he was shocked. Talking to Derpy was almost like talking to his sister "Oh once we get back I’ll bake you some muffins I like muffins" strike that, it was exactly like talking to his sister "Sorry Derpy but I won't be able ta join ya fer that in fact as soon' as we’re clear of this forest I gotta jet." All of a sudden he heard her hoovesteps stop which in turn made him stop and turn around. "Oh... Ok I’m sorry I didn't realize they bothered you" The man looked at her quizzically "What are ya talkin bout?" Derpy lowered her head "its ok you don't have to pretend, I hate my stupid eyes too" she said on the on the verge of tears. The mans heart shattered for the poor mare. She thought that he didn't want to be seen with her because she had crossed eyes "Derpy… Derpy open yer eyes wide" Derpy picked her head up “What... What?"

”Yer eyes Derpy open 'em up" the mare looked confused but obeyed. The man then took off his helmet and walked over to her and kneeled down when he got close to her and nuzzled her with his bearded face, and as Derpy blushed in surprise he said "You 'ave the most beautiful eye's I 'ever seen Derpy an' I fink yer a great pony too" she blushed harder and smiled simply saying "Thank you" The man smiled and put his helmet back on and they continued onward. 5 minutes later they were finally at the edge of the Everfree Forest and just in time too. Derpy was starting to get her sight back since the poison joke patch she landed in was older and not very healthy so it tended to weaken faster. "Right then from 'ere ya gonna 'ead straight until ya 'it Ponyville can't miss It." he said

“Umm mister Burgandy? Will I ever see you again?" Derpy asked a bit sadly "Uhhh yeah o'course you will." he cringed a bit. He hated to lie to her but its not like he could just stop by whenever he wanted. Derpy smiled brightly and said "Okey Dokey then see ya later Mister Burgandy" as she walked away from the forest and disappeared out of view. The man stood there for a few minutes before turning back towards camp Yah I really don't want to kill ponies, but now the question is if I have to…He sighed inwardly. What do I do? he thought to himself as he disappeared into the black of the forest.