• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 2,589 Views, 62 Comments

Project Harmony One. - Megaskullmon

It's been 2000 year's since Equestria has found a station adrift in the middle of their space. They rebuild it and take up house. To keep their world from falling apart,They must work on peace with other species. While exploring the cosmos.

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Chapter one: Broken Soul

Author's Note:

This song should be hear during the entire read thank you.

"Getting with the time's of hope."

It's been almost a month since the funeral of Celestia and the first battle of the war. It was coronation time for Twilight Sparkle to take over leading Equestria in the name of Celestia. This was broadcast all over the Alliance to the space station. She had a new council it seems the other council died in the explosion. This council was made of those that she trusted and told her that she needed to change how Equestria is run. She closed her eyes. Remembering that she had to hurt her friends so long ago. She closed her eyes tightly and gathered her outfit and crown. She remembers what they talked about a few nights ago.

"We need a real leader of Equestria, not princess we need a full leader. To lead Equestria remove princess from Luna but keep it for Cadance since... We trust her more than Luna... Since she refuses to stay on Equestria and go... with those fools that started this pointless war. It's time to care more about our own ponies then what happens in space. We leave those fools to their own devices. We will support them but we shouldn't support their silly war..."

Another of the council a young unicorn mare nodded. "I agree it's time to go back to it just being about our world... We have cared to much about that station for too many years and now... A war broke out because... Of those fools in the station. But don't let it slip from our power. I say we keep a close eye on those eight. I would say maybe we should ponies in the station that can watch them... If they show to much... We remove them from power. Then we try to make an alliance with this so called army that wishes to hurt us."

A stallion smiles. "I got an idea lets send a security correspondent up there. Then make them do what we want... Focus on the rights of our ponies of Equestria. If they don't we bring them back to our world to stand trial for their war crimes. We can't allow them to keep up with their fake holy crusade. You know this Twilight. It caused the death of Celestia and the former council. If Luna doesn't follow what we want either..We shall secretly put her to death. Say that it was angry ponies of Equestria for allowing this war." He chuckles softly. As a changeling, mare spoke.

"I agree... I may not be happy at the fact... That most of my species welcome this station. But we need to find a way to force the ponies into what we want."

A griffin male looks at them and sighs. "You do know a lot of the colonies we formed will break off from the Alliance I am sure the changeling world would be the first. We got to do this right... But this will still happen."

A mare laughs. "Let them we will keep them in the alliance by force." They all look to Twilight who was sitting there watching them speak. "Twilight you need to become Queen... again remove Luna from power... allow Cadance to stay as princess of the crystal empire. In fact, you will have your speech there... Since the castle is being repaired. We also want this castle in the middle of ponyville demolished and used to rebuild Cantorlot."

Twilight's eyes go wide... Then looks down to the ground to her hooves. She knew she had to do something like this... Focus on Equestria for Equestria remove the aliens not forcibly but to the point they wish to not return... Her mind so full. She hasn't been sure of herself since the death of Celestia.

"Since... Discord is your minion Twilight bring him back and... ahem... forcibly control him. We shall need him when the time is right. You know we need this Twilight Equestria for Equestria. Zebra's Changelings... Dragons so forth. We can't allow Aliens to be in our world with this pointless war showing up. But we do this slowly. Get our minions into power."

Twilight is not sure then hears a whisper from a cloaked figure. She nodded and looked back to them. "I agree... I fully agree. But please explain your ideas fully to me."

They all nod and they start to speak again one by one.

"We make sure we keep them under our hooves... If they try to break off the Alliance then we force them to stay in through gunpoint."

The mare laughs and spoke again.

"Also we keep a close eye on those eight... That brought this war to us. We shall remove them from power and we intrastate their minds to make them more willing to listen."

Twilight remembers she hasn't told any other pony that the Eight have new elements. She will keep that secret. Looking towards all the council that wishes her to do this crazy stuff. But she feels after so many died after the first battle she has to. She stood to her hooves and spoke softly...

"We will do all this... I will get ready for the coronation. Now I am going to head back to my chambers."

The mare speaks out.

"Also we need you to send that Dragon away. Away to the Station. It's time for you to remove all friends of old meaning Spike needs to go as well. We need to remove all history and past. Equestria shall rise and no longer be called the Princess of Friendship. The past is dead Twilight its time to move on from the past."

Twilight stood there her heart shattering... She knew she had to do this. She left the council room and headed to her bedroom. Where Spike was getting everything ready for her to go. He grew so much and they have been together since he hatched. She loved him like her son and brother. Tears fell from her eyes. Spike looked at her and smiled.

"Twilight are you alright?"

Twilight coughed and cleared her eyes nodding. "Everything ready and done Spike?"

"Yes, Twilight everything is ready... I even made my cookies for you and got everything packed."

Twilight remembers so long ago with that door that Sombra had in the crystal castle. Her eyes looking down. She remembered that he had a nightmare of him being sent away. Then said to him that would never come to pass. It is now coming to pass. She lifts up her head fully high and stare's in his eyes.

"Spike..you are no longer my number one assistant. I need you to go... and never return... I want you to never return to this castle, never speak to me again. I need you to go to the station... stay safe... Stay away from Equestria... I no longer need you or want you by my side."

Spike's eyes go wide and smiled.

"Oh come on stop kidding me Twilight. Now, shall we eat?"

Twilight grew angry and smacked him with her hoof and used her magic to toss him away into the wall shattering a photo of her and her friends. "I am not... kidding Spike. Pack... everything up and leave..."

Spike stood up his face bloody and shards of glass lodged into his scales. Lifting up the photo of the six friends... Looking to Twilight and tears forming in his eyes. "I shall... Princess..." He sobs softly and walks to his room. Spike softly gathered everything and the photo of him and Twilight when they were extremely young. HIs eyes filling with tears and puts everything in a bag and remembered doing this back when he wanted to know what it was like to be a dragon. He wrote a note and left it on the door. Knowing sooner or later Twilight will read it.

He left hearing Twilight sobbing in her room and slowly left. He walked into the night to get a flight to the station.


Next day: Three days before the speech.

It was morning Twilight had cried herself to sleep. She forgot what she did and then saw the letter taped to the door. Her eyes go wide and read it.

"Dear Twilight I am doing what you asked... and leaving. So much happen between us Twilight it seems. You have changed so much down the line. The Death of Celestia Luna refusing to stay on Equestria your new council you becoming Princess of Equestria. I see you becoming someone I don't want to see anymore. Look at yourself Twilight and if you ever wish to regain our friendship... I will never hate you. For the one that hatched me into this world... I love you Twilight please... don't lose sight of what... you were set out to do. Make friends... then learn to bring Friendship to others. Signed your former assistant, Spike."

Twilight's eyes fill with tears and she falls to her haunches and cries loudly and softly said Spike... over and over... again. Then screams his name. "SPIKE!!!!"

Spike is on a ship that calmly launches off the pad and looks back to see the world slowly getting smaller as he flys to the Station a new life... A new way of life will be for him. For there is nothing left for him in this world. Looks at the broken photo of the six and holds it close. "Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. I promised you five... that I would keep an eye on her and I failed..."

Back at the launch station Twilight rushed around looking around trying to find Spike. She had to bring him back... She needed him she needed him near her so badly. She asked if a dragon was here. When she was told he just left she broke down sobbing and everypony watched her and guards came over and lifted her up to help her walk... They didn't know what was wrong... But Twilight was becoming a more broken mare. If Disharmony was the cause of this... They were winning her heart... But no doubt this was going to happen on Equestria sooner or later... When war broken out...

She went back home and found the spell to brainwash Discord and was going to do this tomorrow as she layed in her bed sobbing hard. She fell asleep and cried hard as she slept.


Next Day: Two day's before the speech

The next day Twilight was in a dress and there was..heavy guards ready to knock Discord out. Because sooner or later he will know what is going on. She made some tea and smiled she became a close friend with Discord after Fluttershy passed away. Now she is going to break this friendship. She put a drug in the tea and felt awful for this. Discord just teleported in and smiled.

"Ah, Twilight my friend... I see that the tea is ready... Now how are you Twilight after all this with Celestia? Sad thing that... I never got to say goodbye to her."

He would take the tea and drink.

"I am fine... Discord a lot better than I was." Discord looked around and blinked.

"Hmm, where is that little dragon friend of yours... Normally he is always here insulting me with his wittiness."

Twilight held back tears and kept a smile. "He is out buying some food for dinner later tonight."

Discord nodded. "Poor Fluttershy I have kept her cottage up to snuff along with her animals that still live there. But..." He felt something strange looking at the tea and his eyes glazed over. "Twi... twilight... what... did you do? I..." He shook his head and the table moved was flipped over and coughed and tried to use his power's but it was blocked by something. He turned to look at Twilight. "What did you do to me?!"

Twilight lifted her hoof and the guards started firing at Discord wounding him enough not to kill... Since when the poison wears off he will be able to attack. Twilight lifted up the book and her eyes fill with tears. She could hear Fluttershy screaming to her no... NO!!! Don't do it. But she had to protect Equestria from coming threats she had to.

"Twilight... you're playing into the army of Disharmony!!" Discord yelled.

"There is no such thing as the army of Disharmony is a holy war that Rainbow Cloud created. Just like her great great grandmother. She will have her due in do time."

Twilight heart was hard her soul broken she cast the spell and forcibly doing what she wanted to do... Back when Fluttershy tried to reform him. The spell doing its course and Discord passed out. She thought to herself was he right? She grabs the spell from the book to rip it out... It also had the spell to break this spell. She will demand the rest of the spells to be burned.

"Take him to a cell I will speak to him later. Make sure that tea is forced into his system... So he won't escape. Not until I see that the spell worked."

The guards nodded and take him to the cell. She looked into a plate to see her reflection. She didn't even know herself anymore. She then tossed the plate away letting it smash. She needs to get ready. As she walked she looked to see the table. The throne's the thrones have shattered. The table shattered in two. She has no idea what this means. But she doesn't care. What did Friendship ever do for her... It killed Celestia. It ruined her friendship with Spike... What about her!!! She deserves to be happy. She sat at her desk and wrote her speech into the night.


Day five: Day of the Speech.

On the Station Luna was wrapped around Spike with her hooves as they all stood in the Marketplace as a large projection of the speech was going to happen right there. As the Eight watched and Muffin secretly took a stem to keep herself awake. Savannah looked at her it seems she is starting to see what is happening but she kept her muzzle shut till the time was right.

Back on Equestria Twilight gathered into her Princess dress and crown. She stood on the balcony with Cadence right beside her. All the creatures of Equestria cheered for her and then she lifted her hoof.

"I didn't wish this to happen... I wished Celestia to be a princess forever... But since... I am going to take over there is going to be a couple of changes. First Discord he attacked me last night."

Luna's ear's perk up and looked fully at the screen. Rainbow Cloud Looked to Jigsaw and nodded to him grabbing him into a hug and kissing him deeply and smiled. Then he nodded heading back to C&C they both seemed worried about something. As the speech went on.

"I did to him what I should have done years ago... I forcibly used that spell on him. Some spells were found that had it... It will not be broken... He will be a full citizen of our world. Now next Project Harmony is going to be fully run by Luna... She is no longer Princess luna... I have removed the Princess from her name... it's time to move on from the past."

Sun Sparkle grew angry. "Mother has no right to do this... Something is not right."

Luna sighed. "I am not bothered... I can't be on Equestria with Celestia dead."

"I am no longer the Princess of Friendship... The castle in Ponyville is going to be dismantled. The past needs to be removed... It is time to move on and embrace the new. Friendship will be part of my way along with Harmony. But am no longer Princess... I name myself Queen of Equestria. I will rebuild Canterlot. Now Project harmony will stay to represent us in space. I shall make sure they do it right. Equestria is for Equestria. Now everypony time to bring forth the new world!!"

Everypony cheered and watching the speech.

"So this is how Harmony and friendship dies... not with a whimper... or a bang... but thunderest hoof stomps."

Twilight smiled and waved her hoof as Cadence looked at her very concerned but sooner or later they will speak.

The cloaked Star Swirl stood by the crystal heart.

"I have protected Equestria for so long. I don't see our world getting out of this new change so easily. I see our hearts breaking. I see us falling out of Harmony and our world turning to the darkness. I see our world falling into the disharmony. With the path that we are going our world is going to fall no matter what. I am sorry Celestia, I failed... I shall go back into Space and show up when I am needed."

He left and after he passed the crystal heart he looked at it and it slowly stopped and many cracks formed into it. It seems the crystal heart is falling apart from love and harmony removing itself from the world just from Twilights words.

Back on the station. Rainbow Cloud with the others Spike and Luna... That looked at each other.. "I don't think we can trust your mother anymore Sun Sparkle... Now we will keep an eye out... I have a feeling that something bad will happen because of this... Luna please keep your contacts open so you may learn what is happening... Who will be brought here? We need to keep an eye out."

The other nod and left Rainbow Cloud sat in her chair and Jigsaw came in knocking on the door. "May I come in Rainbow?"

Rainbow nodded with a gentle smile. "It's been five months since we been together."

Jigsaw nods and comes to her holding her hoof. " Since we need some happiness in our lives..." He placed a ring the size of her hoof on her hoof and whispered. "Marry me."

Rainbow gasped and hugged him tightly.

Luna smiled softly and walked back to her room and closed her eyes. "Oh, Tia... everything is falling apart... I hope you guide us in this day..."

"Friendship is what the world of Equestria thrives on... Break many friendships the world starts to be full of greed and slowly die. The heart of Twilight sparkle is now hard as stone and the ending of the princess of friendship shall rang through Equestria itself. All worlds fear her now. But they stay in the Alliance for the Alliance can't be broken... In the name of Applejack and Rarity the founders of the Alliance... All the mane six did in the past... Is coming to an end... Twilight becoming queen. Asking Spike to leave as it coming to pass. It is time to rise and never fall."

Eight Legs said softly to himself he was watching all this. He knew what was coming... He contacted the Alliance.

"It is the time my friends... We can fully trust the ponies and creatures of Project harmony... they know... now have been backstabbed by their own leaders... It is time to fully welcomed them into the fold of the Alliance... The alliance of Harmony."

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