• Published 28th Jun 2015
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Project Harmony One. - Megaskullmon

It's been 2000 year's since Equestria has found a station adrift in the middle of their space. They rebuild it and take up house. To keep their world from falling apart,They must work on peace with other species. While exploring the cosmos.

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Season one Chapter four: The Element of Hope

"It is said... That hope is strong willed and has the heart of a knight."

"Howdy, I am Apple Core."

There is much screaming of her storming into a rebel base on Seven Fang, Using her gun and her rope. Taking down many of the large Lizard creature's

"I am just a normal everyday cowgirl."

She keeps attacking


Said one of the Seven Fangs.

"I am loyal and give hope to all my friends. For I am The Element of Hope. But if you anger me... or hurt one of my friends... Just hope you won't be in my sights."

She aims the gun at the Seven Fangs that yells for mercy again.

"Mercy?! You scream for Mercy?"

In the eye's of the scared shaking lizard is Apple Core aiming her gun

"And I bring hope to all those that wish it. But... now... I am hurting those... that hurt my friend."

She fired and it all went dark.


The Speech.

It all happen so fast. A bullet ripped through Sugar Sparkle's neck all eyes in shock. Muffin rushing up to checking her out opening her first aid bag. Apple Core rushing up along with Rainbow while Sun Sparkle keeps Security near Luna and Celestia.

"How is she?!"

Rainbow asked in anger.

Muffin looks up and growls.

"I can't tell you!!"

The Doctor, Muffin worked with rushes up with a stretcher.

"Come lets... keep her alive."

Muffin nodded and rushed off with the doctor.

Apple Core seemed very angry. Then stormed off.

"Apple Core!!"

Apple Core turned to look to Rainbow her eyes full of anger.

"Don't do anything crazy."

"Crazy Rainbow?... Crazy?!... I am pissed... I am angry. I am going to find... who did this... Since... I am not part of the army in Equestria I have the right to do this. You can stop me... Rainbow friend or not."

Rainbow blinks and sighed. Learning awhile ago that if Apple is this angry she can't stop her.

Apple Core then trotted off.

The Element of Hope

Apple Core sadly didn't know where to start or how to start. But then remember's the building that the sniper came from. She trotted to that building to learn what happen. This building seemed blown out and like it was about to fall. Checking every room to make sure she doesn't miss anything. Seeing a Seven Fang family that seems to have nothing her eyes fill with tears. Calmly coming up to them.

"Excuse me... I'm searching for one of your own that... probably shot one of my friends. Can you help me find them?"

The family looked up and the seemed to shake from the cold and seemed hungry. She trotted over to them calmly and opened her saddlebag and brought out a blanket and food for them and smiled. She sat down watching them and the family sniffed the food that was apples and they ate it. Putting the blanket around them and the male smiled.

"Thank you..."

Apple Core gave a smile nodding.

"Now... again... did any of you see someone with a sniper rifle?"

The male looked up and nodded.

"We see rebels and the normal army come in here all the time. But we saw one that shot someone from your world just recently. My son chased after them. But he vanished from the building. He found a sewer grate open. But felt it wasn't wise to follow."

She nods with a large smile.

"Of course. Now are you folks homeless?"

The family nodded.

"Alright... give my princess this."

She gives them an apple.

"Tell them that you want to live... on Equestria or Project Harmony."

The family nodded with a smile and they slowly left the building.

She calmly went down the stair's to find that sewer grate. Finding it she opens it up and slowly climbs down the ladder. It's not easy with hooves of course. But is able to make it down. Reaches down to her pistol and checks the caps to make sure. Thinking to herself {Hmm I have enough.} Looks to see if she has her lasso. The interesting thing about this one. it seems to be a lasso with a knockout setting.

She reaches into her saddle bag and puts on some strange goggles that let her see in the dark. Slowly following the path to try to find these rebels that harmed her friend. Her anger is great and she is the element of hope... Which is not wise to force her anger on others. She hears a sound and then hides quickly.

She hears some talking.

"Well... it seems that creature that was shot by our sniper. Is not going to live through the night. Poor poor poor creature. That means their so called alliance will not happen."

Apple Core's anger rose she didn't want to be seen yet. Slowly following the two to their base. She kept hearing them talk.

"Those poor weak creature's and their so called harmony. They don't seem to understand real battle. They don't seem to get the reason we started this war. But too bad we will make sure they leave this planet so... We don't have to deal with their harmony."

A voice comes from a com device.

"I just got orders to bomb the office holding that pony that is close to death. We will do it soon. Hurry back to base."

Apple core grew very angry following the Seven Fangs back to base. She was hiding in a very dark spot and heard their words calmly.

The one that seems heavy armoured seems to be their leader.

"After we kill the pony... I will make an announcement on this station here. To ask our kind to rise up and remove these ponies from or world by force. Too bad these foolish creatures don't seem to understand anything. Bring the station to my office. I shall wait for your words that it's been done."

They all nod and remove the screen and the console it's connected to and follow the leader. Apple Core's eyes fill with anger. She then starts the attack.


The now.

"Being the Element of hope. I bring hope... I also bring death to those that cause my friends pain. Even if I don't mean to kill and to harm. But Sugar Sparkle is close to death... From what I learned two hours ago. They are going to kill her. I don't know where the rest of the rebels are. But if I can get to their leader in time... I can bring it to their leaders. That they need to clean up the city more."

Apple Core stood over bloody and knocked out Seven Fangs...walking towards the office. Her coat messy of blood. Following the path that the leader went down. Seeming to not lose her way or caring who gets in her way. Holding the gun in her mouth. Her eyes scanning the area. It seems she was able to do this without raising the alarm.

Calmly walking closer to the office. Her eyes calmly staring at the guards. Seeming to make a sound with her hoof drew them away. Slowly sneaking past them. Then with one swoop sets down her gun and brings out her lasso. Swinging it around in her mouth and wraps it around one of the necks of the creatures. Then uses it to swing up and buck the other in the face. Then forcing the other back on the ground.

Forcing her hoof on the head of the one... That is not knocked out.

"Give me... the code... to the room... and I will let you see the light of the next day."

In the room, the leader was writing his speech. The door opened up with one of his species.

"Something wrong?"

The creature fell to show Apple Core and with the rush. He tried shooting her and she hid behind anything she could as he spoke.

"How... why? I thought you creatures were of harmony."

Apple core replied.

"You harmed... one of our own... a friend of mine. Harmony no longer is needed to those that deserve to be brought to justice."

He would now see her eyes it's full of anger and hate. She charged as he fired again and her dodging as well as she could. With his species being seven feet tall. it was hard to get them. But she quickly used the lasso to try to tie him down. He was able to toss her away and her back smashed into the wall and it took her awhile... To regain herself. But when she did a gun was aimed at her head.

"I shall use your body... To show my species... That your kind are full of hatred just like the leaders of this planet."

He pulls the trigger and Apple Core closes her eyes. Hearing something in her mind. {For what you have done... You have brought hope to some of this world.} Then her element created a shield around her. Her eyes open up as her hat slowly stops glowing and she smirked and with one flip. She bucks him in the head. Using her lasso to tie down the leader. Her eyes grab the gun and aim it at his head.

"Now... tell me... how to use this machine. I got some words for your planet."

He explained to her how to use it.


The city.

Rainbow was speaking to Luna and Celestia. As they noticed large screens seeming to form out of the buildings. Finding this strange. Then one of the leaders speak.

"Hmm, it seems the rebels have some words for us."

The screens turn on and then the face of Apple Core. Her Teal half orange face. They noticed the blood caked on her fur she softly spoke.

"Howdy... I'm Apple Core... and I bring hope to your species... I did something that many are to scared to do. Bring justice to those that harmed Sugar Sparkle. I know my friend's and my kind wouldn't be happy with what I just did. But Infiltrated a rebel base. The leader of this batch is tied up at the moment. The rest are either dead or knocked out. I may be a pony from Equestria. But your rebels stop your plans on bombing the office that is keeping... my friend alive... Then I won't hunt down the rest of you. This civil war has come to an end. If the rest of you rebels don't comply I will come for you next..."

Rainbow had wide eyes. As the rest of the ponies watching.

"I sadly don't care for your world's politics or why this started. But it needs to end..On my world this wouldn't have happened. But this is not my world. I am not scared to make sure my friend lives... So those who are ready to cause more death and harm... To a world without hope... I say this. A lowly earth pony with no magic... Was able to take down a base of rebels. Try an entire world of us. Surrender to your leaders and guards or proper channels. Then I won't come and hunt you down."

Luna had a smirk on her face.

"I like her Tia... she has guts."

Rainbow face hoofed sighing there was no way there would be an alliance now in her mind... Then Apple Core spoke again.

"To all those that wish for hope... Talk to that family... A family I gave food and my blankets too. Your world... and ours will do great in an alliance... That these rebels were trying to destroy. It seems they're too scared now to try... Thank you, Apple Core out."


The dark world of Disharmony. The empty zone.

The army seems to be biding it's time to wait for it's time to strike. Then one of them see's the element of hope has shown back up. They click the button and it brings out the counter of hope. Of course, it would take a few months it seems or even a year. A light in a pod turns on showing the former element carrier of hope. it's that bug like creature that helped them find the elements at the start. A voice softly spoke.

"Soon Yanari will wake... The bearer of the element of Despair."

The creature seemed to have an odd pink on its chest and the pod slowly started to bring the creature back to life. Next to that pod is the counter of the other elements. That can't be turned on till the element has been used.


The planet of the seven Fangs.

Apple Core came out of the building she was in leading the leader of the rebels that she captured. Claps and lizards cheering. It seems what she did gave them hope. Having a large smile on her face. leading the leader to the guards to let them take him. Luna smiled along with Tia and Luna put her wing around Apple Core.

"You could have been hurt Apple Core... But it seems you saved the alliance. When we get back to Project Harmony... You will be given something for the trouble you went through."

Apple Core nodded and looked to her friends Charity and Rainbow who gave her a tight hug.

"Never do that again darling."

Rainbow nods and keeps hugging.

"Rainbow you can let me go... please."

Rainbow nods and lets Apple Core go. The main leader of the Seven fangs slowly walked up. Then he got on his knee and bowed to Apple Core. Apple core looked around seeing all the Seven Fang's bowing to her. Luna and Celestia blink finding this odd. Apple core smiled as her heart is full of hope... She brought hope to a planet that needed it.

An hour later Celestia and Luna signed their names in the treaty. As well as the leaders. Then they lifted up the treaty. Everyone cheered as it's shown on the screens. The first alliance for the army of harmony is the Seven fangs. The leader then come's to Rainbow and nods.

"Spike Jaw will be heading to your station. To be the first to join you there. As well some of my species will go to your world. To see what it's like."

Rainbow nods and blinks watching Apple Core walk off to see how Sugar Sparkle is doing.


Medical office.

Apple Core calmly walked in. Looking around getting cheers from the wounded and sick Seven Fangs. She smiled and blushed a bit. Slowly walking to see Muffin who looked at her smiling

"I heard what you did Apple Core... but... sadly... Sugar won't be awake for a long time. That bullet had a poison in it... That harmed her system badly. We need to get her back to the station as soon as we can."

Apple Core nods and goes to the side of Sugar Sparkle. Her neck is wrapped up and seems very sick. She wraps around her and closes her eyes to stay with her till they leave. Her and Sugar Sparkle didn't get along at first. Till they got to know each other. She slept as Sugar slept. Muffin not wishing to remove Apple core at this time. Muffin went back to work on trying to heal the sick and the wounded.


Getting ready to leave.

It's been a week since all that happen Celestia and Luna..Left a few day's early. Some Equestrian ships are staying behind with some troops. Muffin was helping Sugar Sparkle back onto a medical transport and she looked to the others with sad eyes.

"Rainbow... Charity Core... if I fail... please keep me from falling into a hole."

She has tears fall from her eye's. It seems seeing Sugar sparkle like this really hurts her. Sun Sparkle comes out of the medical ship and gives Muffin a gentle pat on her back.

"I'm sure you can take care of her."

Muffin looks over and nods the two going back inside the medical ship. Taking off leaving the others behind to take The light of Harmony back. The rest of the friends got everything around. While Spike Jaw gets into the ship with them and he chuckles.

"Going to enjoy your world and station. After what happen here it will be more interesting."

Rainbow nods getting everything ready for them to lift off. Looking back to the city. Seeing the spot that Sugar Sparkle got shot and her eyes well up with tears. Knowing she is alive for now. Apple Core comes to meet them and gets into the ship and smiles. The ship lifts up into the air.

"Being the Element of hope makes my heart warm. For I brought hope to an entire world. Hope that I don't fail and allow the hope to leave my heart and soul. I'm Apple Core just a normal every day Cow Girl. I'm nothing amazing or interesting. I'm just another earth pony looking to protect her friends. I made my friends and my great great grandparents of old proud of me. I have put myself in the history of centuries to come on that world. All I can do to hope is that my friend will liv

Author's Note:

Apple Core's Theme

First world in the Alliance

Seven Fangs.

New character
Name: Spike Jaw.
Species: Seven Fangs.
Job: Sword master.
Looks: Bright red eyes and green blue scales.

Lore on them:

World of the seven fangs.

The world is a mountains like world that has a large city on it. The reason why it was called the Seven fangs. Because there are mountains that looks like a Dragons Fang. The Seven Fangs don't think any gods exist and think their just stories. They have a rich history of war and art. Mostly art but there is not much reason to why there was a civil war. Their Tech is space travel but during the war they lost all their fighters. So they only can use larger ships.

Their ships use mostly ray type guns and they have plasma like shields that defend them from varous things.

They have a cast like race. Warrior cast, Worker, Art, and leadership. Their mostly 8 feet tall and their born from eggs. Most young don't live past five because of the war. Weapons are mostly normal everyday weapons but their melee type weapons are plasma to fire swords. But these were made for the war. But the sword masters use them only.

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