• ...

Tryin' to tell me how to feel

Rarity glanced up at the clock over the doorframe: 3:28. The fashionista turned her attention to the other occupant at the table: Time Turner. To his side sat the coffee she had brewed; Saddle Arabian and ice cold, long forgotten by the rambling stallion.

"...And that's how I want to do it," he concluded, bringing his attention back to Rarity, "What do you think?"

"That it sounds rather...shall we say tacky?" The stallion's ears drooped slightly in disappointment.

"You think so?" He interrupted Rarity before she could continue. The stallion continued on, ignoring her attempts to speak.
"I don't want it to be tacky, I want her to like it. Maybe I should just delay it. But if I do that, then I'd have to cancel tonight's plans and if I have to do that she's going to flip out. I've been swamped and I promised something nice for her birthday. But if I keep the plans and just don't do that part, she's still going to flip because I said it would be the best one yet," Turner paused to smack his forehead, "I said it would be even more impressive than the thing Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie did."

"Well, I-" Rarity tried to take advantage of the pause, but he continued ranting.

"I can't tell her I'm sick, she'd see right through that. I can't pretend I forgot either, that would just make her even more angry." Time Turner smacked his face against the table, startling Rarity, "No matter what I do, I lose."

"If you would let me finish," Rarity ignored the now silent stallion, "It's tacky, but in a way that Rainbow would like."

Turner perked up, "You think so?"

"It's a cliché, but she likes it."

"Well that makes it easier," the stallion sat back up beaming, "Raven said it was stupid and Ditzy thought it was cute."

" Time Turner, there's a reason Raven hasn't had a steady relationship for years," Rarity mused, "So go and do it. You need to get ready."

"Right!" The stallion stood up and headed towards the door, "Thank you, Rarity."

"You're welcome." The door slammed behind the stallion.

Rarity sighed as she stood, engulfing both coffee mugs in her aura. "He didn't even drink his," she muttered as she poured the rest of his coffee down the sink, “What a waste."

"What's a waste?"

She looked up, out of the window above the sink: a pair of violet eyes looked back at her.

"I said, what's a waste?" Rainbow Dash repeated herself.

"Rainbow Dash, can you please use the door like a normal pony?" Rarity sighed as she unlocked her window.

"I could," Dash replied as she flittered into the kitchen and touched down, "But, that's no fun."

"My windows are not designed to have Pegasi fly in through them,” Rarity continued on, "Even Soarin knows that."

"I need advice." Rainbow Dash ignored her as she took a seat on Rarity's table.

"Why do you always come to me for advice?" Rarity asked as she took the seat opposite of the Pegasus.

" 'Cause I'm not asking Pinkie or Fluttershy. Egghead and AJ are out. Not asking Flit or Chaser either," Rainbow counted off her friends, "AJ doesn't give any romantic advice, Twilight'll go off on some long-winded lecture, Flit and Shy are the same; neither wants to talk about it, Chaser is... kinda weird about her relationship with the big guy and Pinkie..."

"..Is the last choice, isn't she?"

"I don't know how she and Joe got into a relationship, but I don't think it'll work for anyone else," Dash shook her head, "So that leaves you."

Rarity rolled her eyes, "So what's bothering you, then?"

"Turner's been acting weird lately," Rainbow Dash replied, "Sort of shifty, like he's hiding something from me. I talked with Raven and Ditzy, but Raven said she never noticed, and Ditzy just shrugged."

"Is he? I haven't noticed," Rarity shrugged again.

"Well I have," Dash paused, "Is he planning in breaking up with me?"

"Rainbow! Have some faith in him!" Rarity snapped, "The two of you have been together for what now, four years?"


"Five years," Rarity corrected herself, " And you honestly think that he wouldn't talk things over with you if things were not going well?"

"Well...I guess so, it's not like Turner to keep something like that a secret," Dash admitted.

"So talk to him, see what is bothering him and solve it together." Rarity replied.

"...Yeah, you're right. Thanks Rares."

Dash got up and headed for the entrance. Rarity sighed as she got back on to her hooves and returned to her unwashed dishes.

"Why must They always bother me for advice?" She muttered to herself as the doom slammed close.

"Because you're good at it," Rarity jumped at the response, before whirling around, ready to use the cup she had been washing as a weapon. Soarin backed off slightly, before giving her a sheepish grin.

"Sorry Rares, Didn't mean to surprise you like that," He apologized.

"Soarin, I wasn't expecting you today," Rarity responded as she placed the cup back into the sink.

"Yeah, well... Spitfire had a family emergency back in Hoofton, so that makes me in charge and..." He shrugged, "We're overdue for a break anyway."

"I see."

"Anyway, what were you muttering about? And why was Dash here?"

"Well, the answer to those questions is one and the same," Rarity placed the last cup onto the dish rack, "It all boils down to Time Turner."

"Her coltfriend? Or is it going to be one of those 'soon to be ex-coltfriend things?"

"No, no," Rarity trailed off, "Why don't you sit down and I'll explain..."

"Can we do this a Berry's? Or maybe Sugarcube Corner?" The sheepish grin returned to Soarin's face, "Feeling a bit hungry."

"...Darling, you are nothing but an eating machine," Rarity rolled her eyes, "The Cakes are out of town and Pinkie is in Canterlot for the weekend, so Berry's it is."

"Great! Been craving one of her Granny Smith Cure-Alls."

"Is that the only reason you keep visiting? Berry's bar?"

Soarin quickly glanced around, "Well..."

"Sweetie Bell isn't here."

"Well, two reasons then," Soarin's grin returned, but the sheepishness of it gone: replaced with the predatory smile of a wolf.

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Very well."


Dash checked the mirror again: her mane still remained tied back in a single braid showing off the multitude of colors. She looked down smoothing out the nonexistent creases in her dress. After another glance in the mirror she glanced over in the corner at the hovering Tortoise.

"Alright Tank, wish me luck."

The tortoise silently nodded in response before flying off to another part of the house. Dash opened her window and shot out, streaking across Ponyville until she reached Le Cheval Amical. The maître de wrinkled his nose as she came to a stop in front of him, and quickly dusted herself off with a flitter of her wings. The two stared at each other, frowning.


“Yeah, yeah I know,” Dash brushed the warning off, “I’m not gonna knock Castroli into anyone’s face.”

“It was linguini.”


The maitre de rolled his eyes as he turned around and led Dash into the restaurant. The two passed several other couples before the two reached her table. A sweating Time Turner flashed an unconvincing smile as Dash took her seat.

“While you’re looking over the menus, can I bring any drinks?”

“Mimosa,” Time Turner stuttered out, “Grapefruit if you have it.”

“Vodka Buck.”

“We do not serve vodka.”

“Seriously?” Dash rolled her eyes, “Horse’s neck, then.”

“Very well.”

Dash turned her attention back to Turner as the maître de left, “Why are we here?”

“For your birthday dinner.”

“Why here?”

“Well, you finally got unbanned,” Time Turner paused, “I still don’t know how or why.”

“Your dad pulled some strings. I think he got sick of eating at the café,” Dash grumbled as their drinks arrived, “Thank you.”

“Well…Yeah, he did,” Turner shrugged as Dash took a swing of her drink.

“So this is the big birthday surprise? Bit of a let down.”

“No, no, dinner’s just part of it,” Turner took a sip of his drink, “…this is tangerine.”

“…Whatever,” Dash grumbled as she picked up the menu.

“…Why are you angry?”

“I’m not angry, I’m…annoyed,” Dash glanced up, “What’s a risotto?”

“Rice cooked with sauce.”


“Sort of a riceball that’s stuffed and fried. It’s more of an appetizer than anything.”

“Get some of that, it sounds good,” Dash looked back down at the menu, “What’s a Scacciata?”

“Sort of a cheese pie or calzone.” Turner responded, “If it’s a fancier one, it’s more like a pie.”

“That sounds good, what are you getting?”

“Probably the Scaccia,” Turner shrugged, “It’s more like a flatbread thing.”

Dash stared at him “…Right then. We’re eating Lipizzian food.”

“…Yes? The restaurant expanded from just French.”

Dash’s response was cut off as a waitress arrived and flashed the couple a smile, “Ready to order?”

“I’ll take the scaccia. Is the basil fresh?”

“Very fresh,” the waitress turned towards Dash, “and for you, Miss?”

“Can I get an order of arancini and a Scacciata?”

“Mozzarella, mushrooms or eggplant arancini?”

“Which one’s the normal one?” Dash folded up her menu.


“That’s fine,” Dash downed her drink and brought the glass down with a loud clink, “Can I get another one of these, too?” She asked, ignoring the annoyed glares the other diners gave her.

“Certainly. Please remember that we do have a limit on how many drinks a guest can have,” the waitress informed her as she took the menus from the two, “We don’t want to disturb other guest with drunken antics.”

“Is this about what happened at Berry’s?” Dash asked, “We didn’t know Maud couldn’t hold her liquor.”

“No, general rule,” the Waitress paused, “Happened before they hired me.”

The waitress walked off, leaving the two behind.

“…What did you do at Berry’s?” Turner asked, “and when did that happen?”

“You were visiting your relatives in Fillydelphia. Pinkie’s sister came to visit again, one thing led to another, we ended up at the bar, and…Well Maud’s a lightweight. Like really lightweight.”

“You said Fluttershy got…” Turner paused, searching for the right word.
“What’s the word you used?”

“Shitfaced,” Dash paused as the waitress returned with her drink.

“That’s it. You said Fluttershy became loopy drunk over one beer.”

“Well, to be fair it wasn’t a beer. Or one. It was like three Manehatten Ice teas.”

Time Turner smacked his forehead with his hoof, “And you said Fluttershy has no drinking experience.”


“So what did Maud do?”

Dash looked down at the empty spot in front of her, avoiding Turner’s gaze, “She had Nightmare Fuel,”

“…Is this why Berry’s has been closed for the last month?”

“Yeah,” Dash shrugged, “Turns out she’s a really vicious drunk.”

“…Sweet Celestia, do you know how much the repairs cost?” Turner rubbed his face, “Twilight’s Castle needed refitting to fit the new building safety codes, the Bowling Alley needed new plumbing, the new library need to be rewired after it nearly shorted out, and then Berry needed to refit her entire bar.”

“Well, to be completely fair, Maud never drank before either, and I don’t think she plans on it ever again.”

“Good, it’s not for everyone.” Turner paused, “I know how weird it sounds for use to be saying that.”


The waitress returned with a small cart. She beamed at the couple as she quickly placed the plates on the table in front of them.

“Enjoy ♪!”

Dash prodded at one of the arancini balls, breaking it in half with her fork.

“…It’s a breaded rice ball,” Dash blinked, “I thought it was like an actual rice ball, not covered in breadcrumbs.”

“You’ve had Taishoshima food before?” Turner asked as he cut into his food.

“I’ve had rice balls. Or Anigari or whatever they call it.” Dash sniffed the broken half.


“That’s it,” Dash popped the broken arancini into her mouth and chewed.

“…How is it?”

Dash swallowed and reached for another, “Sort of like a weird cross between a mozzarella stick and a rice ball.”

“…I’m going to try one.” Turner reached over with his own fork and took one for himself.

The two chewed in silence. After a moment, Dash turned to her Scacciata, taking a bite out of it.

“…This is pretty good.” Dash stated, “Sort of like a big fancy calzone.”

“I told you you’d like it.”

Dinner continued as the two traded small talk. After the last of the food vanished, the waitress returned.

“Anything for dessert?”

“What kind of cannoli is it?” Turner asked.

“Blueberry and rose water in the ricotta cheese.”

“That will be fine.” Turner nodded.



The waitress walked off, leaving the two to silently stare at each other.”

“Seriously, what are you planning?” Dash continued to ask, “We’re eating Lipizzian. You make Lipizzian when you have something big to tell me.”

Turner paused, pondering over his options. He sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

“I was really hoping to put this off as long as I could, but…”

He flipped open the box and spun it around to show her the contents: a single golden ring connected to a chain. Dash stared at it in confusion for several moments, before what was going on sank in.

“Rainbow Dash, will you marry me?”