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It's a Love Story...

The chapel was filled with the murmurs of the assorted ponies gathered there. At the front of the church, Firefly, Clagan and Fortuna sat, bored out of their minds.

“This is ridiculous,” Firefly muttered as she turned to look around again. About two dozen faces stared back at her.

“You are the one who made it for the afternoon,” Clagan grumbled, “Should have made it for this mourning. There’s nothing wrong with a wedding Brunch.”

“I hate brunch,” Firefly muttered, “Brunch is filled with stuff that’s not breakfast, and it ain’t lunch.”

“Yes, that’s why it’s brunch.”

“Will the two of you stop it?” Fortuna interrupted, “They’ve made their choice.”

Firefly and Clagan huffed, but said nothing.


Rarity frowned and waited as Soarin patiently took the time to take photos and sign autographs for ponies.

“I thought you said you were going to avoid this,” Rarity grumbled.

“Let it go,” Soarin whispered back as he passed another signed wedding program, “Sorry folks,” He apologized to the rest of the crowd, “But I know I’m not the reason you all came here. Don’t want to rain on their parade,” He flashed an apologetic smile as the others groaned, “I’ll be at the after party.”

The ponies dispersed and returned to their seats. Soarin turned to face Rarity, “What?”

“‘Don’t worry.’ you said. ‘I’ll keep a low profile,’ you said.” Rarity muttered.

“Can I help it?” Soarin argued back, “I could have worn the mustache, but you said-”

“It was tacky.”

“It would have at least partially disguised me.”

“Forget it,” Rarity pouted.

“I’m not going to upstage the wedding. When Dash comes out in the dress you made her, all eyes are going to be on her.”


Twilight sighed, trying her best to calm herself.

“Alright Twilight, you’ve got this,” She muttered to herself, “You’ve rescued Equestria countless times. You’ve faced Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Starlight Glimmer, Tirek and countless others…”

“Nervous, Twilight?”

Twilight jumped and spun around to find Princess Celestia and Luna standing there.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! What are you doing here?”

“…We were invited,” Luna paused, “Were we not?”

“We were, we received invitations from Clagan,” Celestia chuckled, “He’s quite proud.”

“But…” Twilight trailed off.

“If you are worried that we will upstage the wedding…” Celestia trailed off as she became engulfed by a brilliant blinding light. As Luna followed suit, Twilight shielded her eyes. The light abruptly vanished, just as quickly as it had started, allowing Twilight open her eyes again. Standing in front of her was a white pegasus with a flowing white mane and a cutie mark in the shape of a sun. Next to her stood a dark blue unicorn, with a straightened black mane in a bob cut, her cutie mark in the shape of a crescent moon.
“Who would care to bother Sunny Skies and her sister…” Celestia trailed off, “Luna, you never told me what your alias was.”

“I have elected to use Selene as an alias,” the unicorn paused, “Is it too on the face?”

“The phrase is ‘On the nose’, but I believe it will be fine,” Celestia turned her attention back to Twilight, “You will do fine, so relax.”


Moonracer, clad in her flower filly dresses, peeked through the door frame, peeking at the crowd.

“There’s Great-Aunty Rainey, there’s Aunty Firefly….that looks like Miss Pinkie…”

Windblade trotted back towards her twin with a huge grin on her face. She yanked out an autographed photo of Soarin and held it in Moonracer’s face.

“I got it!” Windblade beamed, “He signed it for me.”

“I’ll get it later,” Moonracer brushed her sister off.

“…If you get a chance. He’s with Miss Rarity, and if she’s anything like the stories Aunty Rainbow tells us…”

“What’s that?” A new voice interrupted. Windblade froze up as the speaker trotted into Moonracer’s view: a young pegasus colt with a brown coat and wispy white mane, dressed in a little tuxedo.

“Windy got an autograph from Soarin.”

“Cool, can I see it?” the colt trotted in next to Moonracer to look at the autograph. Windblade’s face flushed as the colt looked down at the autographed picture.

“That’s pretty cool.” He glanced up at Windblade’s frozen expression, “Is she ok?”

“Just a little stage fright, Tempest. She’ll be fine.” Moonracer responded, “…Where’s the rings?”

“I have it…” Tempest trailed off as he felt around his pockets, “…Uh-oh.”

The colt spun around and quickly ran back to the dressing rooms in panic. Windblade began breathing again as her face returned to normal.

“…You could just say you have a crush on him,” Moonracer grumbled, “Then you won’t do something stupid in front of mom and Aunty Dash.”

“I’m fine, I don’t have a crush on him.”

“Yeah, you do. You act like Mister Springer when he’s around Miss Mulled Cider.”

“That’s different,” Windblade countered.

“No, it’s not.”

“Girls, what are you doing?” Slipstream cut off Windblade’s response.

“I got an autograph from Soarin,” Windblade spun around to show the photo to her mother.

“Windy has a crush on Tempest Fugit.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.” Moonracer rolled her eyes.

“Do not.” Windblade shoved her face into Moonracer’s face.

“Do too.”

“Girls, if you’re going to keep arguing, I’m not letting you go to the reception after this. That means no hanging out with Great-aunt Rainy, Aunty Firefly, Aunty Dash...or Soarin.”

The two fillies paused mid-argument and quieted down.

“Good,” Slipstream sighed, “For now, give me the autograph, and go wait in the next room with Tempest.”


“How did we get roped into this?” Raindrops groaned as she rested her head on the reception table.

“Dash asked, you agreed,” Dizzy Twister responded, “I volunteered.”

“How many ponies are even coming to this?” Raindrops snapped up one of the programs and looked over it, “I mean, this makes it look like it’s going to be a short ceremony,”

“Weddings vary. My wedding was a very nice affair.”

“That’s because your parents are rich,” Raindrops grumbled.

“Excuse me…” another voice interrupted their bickering, the two turned their attention to the speaker: Gilda stood in front of the two, dressed for the occasion, “Is there a guest book or something I’m supposed to sign?”

“Right here,” Dizzy Twister pushed it towards the griffon, “Also, here’s your program.”


Raindrops watched at Gilda entered the chapel.

“Didn’t the two of them have a falling out?”

“They made up. They’re friends again,” Dizzy smiled, “Dash even asked her if she wanted to be one of the bridesmaids, but she said no.”

“...She never asked me.”

“All you two do is argue and fight.”

“That doesn’t mean we’re not friends.”

Another pony cut off Dizzy’s response.
“Pardon me, but this is where the wedding is right?” the grey maned pegasus asked.

“For Rainbow Dash and Time Turner, yes.” Dizzy smiled.

“Excellent,” the mare pushed her glasses up, “Just let me sign the guest book…”

“...I hate to say this, but you look an awful lot like-”

“Like Daring Do?” the mare shrugged, “I get that alot.”

Raindrops peeked at the guest book.
“...Wait, A.K. Yearling? The writer for all the Daring Do books?”

“Is that so?” Dizzy spun the book around, “...So it is.”

“How does Dash know her?”

“One of their adventures, probably.” Dizzy shrugged, “You know how those things go.”

Spitfire, Fleetfoot and other Wonderbolts trotted over to the reception table.

“Do we just sign in here, or?” Spitfire trailed off.

Raindrops stared at the group, slack jawed and wide-eyed. Dizzy reached over and closed her jaw.
“Sign here, S.F.”

“Dizzy? How did you get roped into this?” Spitfire asked as she signed.

“My daughter is the junior bridesmaid.”

“Seriously?” that’s pretty cute.”

“Have a good time in there.” Dizzy chuckled.

“Ugh, don’t get me started. I’m really not into this sort of thing,” Spitfire rolled her eyes, “But we were invited and Soarin’s already here.”

“...You know he’s with his marefriend, right?”

“Yeah, Chastity.”


“Close enough,” Spitfire shrugged as she and the others entered the chapel. Raindrops continued to stare at Dizzy in shock.


“How do you know Spitfire?”

“We were flight school partners,” Dizzy smiled.

“...This wedding is getting weirder and weirder.” Raindrops grumbled as she slumped back in her chair.


“....So do we have to keep waiting here or...or what?” Cloudchaser grumbled, “I’m getting bored.”

“It’s going to start soon, just wait for the music,” Flitter responded.

“...Rarity was makin’ RD’s dress right?” Applejack asked.

“Yep,” Ditzy nodded.

“So when’d she get time t’ make all o’ these dresses for the rest o’ us?”

“She’s use to it, I assume.” Ditzy shrugged.

Applejack’s response was cut off as music began to play.
“Alright, everyone ready?” Ditzy turned to the others, “...Where’s Scootaloo?”


“...Well, the show must go on.”

The bridesmaids stepped through the curtains, and begun their walk down the the aisle. The group came to a stop at the head of the chapel, and moved to the left of the chapel. The curtains flipped open as Scootaloo, hurried down the aisle with an embarrassed smile on his face.

“Sorry,” Scootaloo whispered to Ditzy.

“It’s fine.”

Thunderlane and Caramel followed suit, taking their place on the right of the chapel. Finally, Big Macintosh and Time Turner started their way down the aisle.

“His suit looks very good,” Fortuna nudged her husband.

“It should be, it was mine.”

“You gave him your wedding suit?”

“Rarity updated it for him,” he shrugged, “It was cheaper than making a whole new one, and she did say it was…” He paused searching for the words, “Retro.”

“...If you say so.”

Turner and Big Macintosh took their place on the groom’s side. Tempest trotted out, balancing a pillow on his back, using his wings to keep it steady. The colt stopped at Turner’s side, still balancing the pillow. Windblade and Moonracer flittered out, carrying their baskets on one hoof, tossing flowers everywhere. Flitter stifled a laugh as Windblade threw a flower onto Spitfire’s face. Slipstream smacked her forehead as one of Moonracer’s flowers landed on Fog Gun’s nose.

“I told them both to just toss it into the aisle.”

“It’s cute, let them be.” Cloudchaser countered.

The fillies finished off their baskets, showering Turner in flowers as they took their spot next to the bridesmaids. The music continued as the gathered ponies looked down the aisle, waiting for the bride.


“She’s not coming out, Uncle Bluestreak,” Fluttershy knocked on the door again, “Rainbow, everyone is waiting for you.”

“I’m not coming out,” Dash responded.

“Everyone’s already here, sweetie.” Bluestreak responded, “We’re just waiting for you.”

“Still not moving.”

“...Fluttershy, go get Turner,” Bluestreak sighed.
“We’re going to have to do this the hard way.”