• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday




After attempting to recover a significant amount of lost matter in a teleportation mishap, Twilight Sparkle begins to exhibit strange symptoms.

As this goes on, a strange droning emanates from the newly discovered caverns underneath her Crystal Castle.

The worst part is, nopony in the town seems to believe her.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 32 )

I've not read this yet, but based upon the dark tag, the unicorn skull, and the two character tags I predict sunshine, happiness, and rainbows.

EDIT: Was lovely. Would recommend to a friend.


"I just… I just never knew they were this cave under my castle.”

Might wanna reread that.

um, her horn's falling off? I don't get it. What was the obsidian replica? She just used too much magic? Something teleported her? Why did the ley line do all that to her? Is she a clone? Or, something? :unsuresweetie:

You ran outta ink too, didn't ya ya basterds

6155450 fixed, thank you

Shit, you might wind up being the next Horse Voice yet.

Keep it up, squire.

Hmmm. This is interesting. I will have to fave this and see where it goes. :twilightsmile:

Sweetie Belle blinked herd

I just knew she was a herd blinker!

6157364 whoops, let me fix that

Nice work, Regi. Long way from Lyra chomping down on an Xbone.

6155545 Well, the story is not done yet, so I would suggest staying tuned

6157395 why must you bring up my past failures on every one of my (supposed) successes

I'm just gonna leave this here.


You succeeded in bringing lulz. I'm just extracting more as I genuinely enjoy your new products. :)

This is really freaky, and it looks to only get even more creepy.

Ooooo, a layer of her horn? That ain't good.

Nice job man! :D

Ag! Someone stole all the interest I had for pay with today!
... Oh, wait, never mind. You have it all. Can I have it back?
... No? Well, then I guess that I'll have to come back every chapter to ask for it. I mean, a night's worth of interest is pretty hard to come by, you know.

... I really need to sleep. I ramble when I'm tired.

I don't understand what's going on in this story, but it seems really creepy, as in like occult stuff.

> "Twilight could care less about that, … "

¿How much less could Princess Twilight Sparkle care about that?

6228642 whops, let me fix that

Ooh Twilight... silly goose, you're losing your mind! :D
Hehehe, why does it feel like she's going the Gollum route?

Nice job!

Voice inside the head = insanity

Very interesting, but also very confusing :twilightoops:, I look forward to seeing wherever this train is headed.

Another teleportation-creating-a-replica story? And they're all stored in a magical holding pen under the castle? But they're still alive in some form and need Twilight's blood to become physical again?

6266731 I wouldn't say that.


Just throwin' out a guess. :rainbowwild:

Stratum cornu

It's genitive. Stratum cornus.

6413713 thanks, I suck at latin

IM totally creeped out now

sooo... is that shard a piece of "Him" that 'attached'itself to twilight?
and if so is that why she doesn't want anybody to bother with it?

I've had this in my RL shelf since you published it. I look forward to reading it once it's complete.

Damn, well all the stakes just went up. Twilight's slowly losing her mind and Sweetie and Spike are too nice to not think she might be lying to them.

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