• Published 6th Jul 2015
  • 2,005 Views, 17 Comments

Blind in the dark - Yoni

If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it

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Morning Star's hands shook. His mouth was open and his forehead drenched in sweat. He faced Michael with a mortified expression.

"L-Lucifer," he repeated quietly, a moment later he started to hyperventilate as visions flooded his memory like a cracked dam.

"Morning Star!" Luna called, looking at her lover with concern, making sure to also look out for Michael. She reached with a hoof to caress him, but as soon as she so much as poked him Morning Star flinched back.

"No!" He cried, "Don't touch me!"

Luna quickly retracted her hoof, a pained and shocked look on her face. "Morning Star I-"

"No!" he shouted again, grabbing his head and shaking it. "No! No! No! This isn't true! None of it is true!"

"Enough!" bellowed Michael. "It is time I will finish this!" In a blink of an eye Michael spread two brown wings from his back and zipped towards Morning Star, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him across the room.

Morning Star collided with the far wall, cracking it and falling down. He clutched his chest as pain coursed throughout his body.

Luna rushed to Morning Star, panicking as he started coughing up golden blood. Meanwhile, Celestia charged her horn and blasted Michael straight in the chest. The power of the impact sent him flying across the room and through one of the many glass windows that dotted the hall. Celestia quickly ran towards Morning Star, where Luna was hunched over him.

"Who is he?" Celestia heard Luna say as she tried to help Morning Star up, but he denied any sort of physical touch.

"No, stay back!" Morning Star yelled. He scrambled to his feet and slowly backed away from Celestia and Luna, tears streaming down his face. "Don't touch me! Don’t help me! If He knows, then He'll condemn you as well!"

"Morning Star I do not understand!" Luna cried frantically, tears running down her face as well. "Who is He? What is going on? Please tell me?!"

Morning Star shook his head rapidly. "I… can't."

A roar of anger filled the throne room as Michael came crashing through another window, his scepter held tightly in his grasp.

"Only one shall die today!" he screamed.

"Then come and get me already!" Morning Star found himself saying.

"What are you saying?!" Luna screeched. Her tears running like faucets as Morning Star spread his arms wide, facing Michael. "I will not let you die!"

Morning Star took a deep breath. "I knew I could never run from my past." He faced Luna. "I will not let it pursue you as well."

"That is enough from you infidel!" Michael exclaimed. With a powerful flap of his wings he dashed straight towards Morning Star. He pointed the end of the scepter straight for his heart.

Morning Star suddenly felt something push him to the side.

"LUNA!" he heard Celestia shout.

And then, realization hit him.

"Luna?!" Morning Star cried, scrambling to his feet and feeling the ground for her. His heart sank as his fingers brushed against the soft coat of Luna.

"No," Michael whispered, stunned. "Only one was supposed to die today."

"Luna! Luna stay with me!" Morning Star felt his tears fall freely as he felt Luna's ragged breaths. Her chest had a hole where her heart is. "Luna please don't leave me! Don't leave me in the darkness alone!"

Morning Star felt something soft touch his cheek.

"Did he… hurt you…" he heard Luna croak.

Morning Star grasp Luna's hoof, slowly rubbing it against his cheek in a soothing manner.

"Only a few bruises, my love."

Luna took another deep breath. "That is… g-good…"

Morning Star started to shake when he could not feel Luna's breathing no more. "Luna? Luna! Luna please! LUNA!"

But Luna did not answer.

Celestia fell down next to her sister, tears running down her own cheeks. With a mighty scream Celestia started to cry over the loss of her own sister.

Michael wrenched his gaze from the scene. "Fool," he muttered. "She should not have come between us…"


Morning Star felt something stir inside him.


His blood started to boil and his back burned.

Ba-dum, ba-dum

He clenched his fists, feeling the pressure of the entire world crashing down on him.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum

A flame ignited inside of him, bathing the darkness inside of him with a hellish flame. His body slowly turned to face Michael.

"You…" he whispered. "It was all because of you…"


"You bastard…" Morning Star took a single step.


"I'll kill you…" Morning Star took another step.


"I will make you pay… I SHALL ERASE YOU FROM EXISTENCE!"

Morning Star's body erupted in flames, changing and twisting his form. Michael had to shield his eyes as the scorching flames almost reduced him to ashes, and for the first time in his life, Archangel Michael understood the TRUE meaning of pure, unbridled fury.

When the flames subside, Morning Star was not the same. He wore black armor that blended almost perfectly with his black pair of wings. Strapped to his waist was a malicious looking mace. Onto his back was a shield with a symbol of some kind. But despite that, what Michael feared the most were his glowing white eyes. Morning Star's eyes reflected the inner flame inside of him, burning with grief and wrath so terrible that the air around him heated up, his tears evaporated before they even made contact with his cheeks.

Morning Star spread his wings, flapping them once. Embers shot out from between his black feathers as a wave of hot air crashed against Michael. Before he knew what happened, Morning Star slammed into his chest, sending the two through the broken window and up towards the cloud-filled sky.

Michael managed to set himself free as he flapped his own wings to put some distance between the two, readying his scepter.

Morning Star pulled his own mace from his waist and the shield from his back. He twirled the mace in his hand as he glared at Michael, his eyes burning with righteous fury.

The two simply glared at each other, promising untold horrors with their eyes. Morning Star clenched his mace tightly. His teeth were clenched tightly.

Faster than a speeding bullet, Morning Star attacked.

Michael just barely managed to block the mighty swing of the mace, resulting in a mighty thunderclap that pushed the clouds away from the two. Morning Star raised his mace and tried to bash Michael again. This time, Michael dashed to the side and tried to jab Morning Star in the stomach. Morning Star raised his shield just in time to protect himself. A powerful light erupted from the point of contact, bathing the sky in heavenly light.

The battle continued like this. One would attack only for the other to either block or move away. For any onlookers from beneath it would appear as if a massive thunderstorm was brewing, but the reality was much more perilous.

"I will make you pay!" Morning Star roared, swinging his mace.

"You are a traitor, Lucifer. And you will die a traitor's death!" Michael retaliated, thrusting his scepter.

"I only wanted freedom!" Morning Star countered, dashing back to avoid the tip of the scepter.

"What are you talking about, heretic!" Michael spat, panting heavily. He did not want to admit it, but he was at a serious disadvantage.

"So He didn't tell you, did He?" Morning Star sneered.

"I only follow The Lord's commands. I do not question him," Michael answered. Morning Star shook his head and lowered his weapon and shield. "What are you doing?! Raise your weapon and fight me!"

"All I wanted was to lead my own future," Morning Star uttered barely above a whisper as he looked down, but Michael heard him. "I was like you once, Michael. I followed blindly after him, doing whatever he wanted me to do. I punished mortals because He claimed they were 'sinners'. Despite that, I followed his lead." Morning Star looked up to meet Michael's gaze. "We are nothing but an experiment, vessels to be used. As such we have been destined to serve His will for all eternity!" Morning Star hardened his gaze, his grip tightened on his shield and mace. "But I refused to accept this fate.” It was this desire that sparked the first signs of fear and ire in Him.”

"I would not have it!" Morning Star screamed. "I took a stand against our fate! For that end, I have rallied every willing angel to break this never-ending cycle and attained a great power… by staining my hands in blood…"

Michael clenched his teeth. "You are far too lost, Lucifer. Death is your only redemption!"

Morning Star glared fiercely at Michael. So much hatred and grief poured from his eyes that Michael physically shivered.

"Michael… power without purpose is meaningless. I once had that purpose, until YOU took her away from me!"

The air around Morning Star suddenly caught fire, spreading across the skies. Michael gripped his scepter stronger, the aura around Morning Star increased tenfold.

"Was it wrong of me to be the master of my own soul?!" a deep voice rumbled across the skies. "Was it wrong of me to disappear, never to be seen again?! WAS IT WRONG OF ME TO FIND LOVE?!"

Something slammed into Michael's back, right between his wings, and sent him tumbling towards the earth. Despite the immense pain, Michael managed to gather his wits and spread his wings. He pulled himself up above the clouds, looking around frantically. Morning Star was nowhere to be seen.

Something caught Michael's eyes but before he could focus on it he felt something hit him in the head. Hard. Michael had no time to react as he was being hit left and right. Each hit felt like a mountain has crashed on him. Michael felt his consciousness slowly slipping away and each hit felt duller and duller than the last.

Finally, the hits stopped as Michael felt something closing down on his throat. He opened his eyes and saw a pair of glowing white eyes stare directly at hit. No, not at him. Into him. Michael felt Morning Star's gaze directly in his soul.

That was when Michael realized that not only does Morning Star had nothing else to live for, he also had nothing left to lose…

Something hard slammed into Michael's back and he realized Morning Star had slammed him into the ground. Rain started pouring as Morning Star stood over Michael's battered form. They were on the very top of Canterlot Mountain, in the highest point of Equestria. The mountain top was barren. Even the snow that surrounded it melted under Morning Star's presence.

Michael tried to stand up but the moment he tried to do so chains erupted from the ground and bound his arms and legs, pulling him tightly back down.

Morning Star moved towards Michael's discarded scepter and picked it up. He let his gaze hover over the tip of the scepter before facing Michael again.

He raised the scepter above his head.

"You fool! Killing me would achieve nothing!" Michael cried. "No matter how many angels you kill there will always be more perusing you!"

"They will fall as well!" Morning Star shouted over the sound of rain and thunder.

"The death of heaven means the death of us all!"

"Then prepare for your death, Michael!"

Morning Star brought the tip of the scepter down. Michael closed his eyes as he prepared himself for the cold feeling of death.

A moment passed.

Then two.

Nothing happened.

Risking a glance, Michael saw that Morning Star was rooted in place. The scepter was mere centimeters from Michael's face. Something in his peripheral view caught Michael's attention and he turned his head to better perceive it.

There, less than a few meters from the two, was a burning bush.

The blue flames emitted strange light that bathed the mountain top in its warmth.

"Lucifer," a voice whispered.

"Here I am," Morning Star answered. Not out of loyalty but out of fear.

"Release Archangel Michael," the voice commanded.

Michael felt the chains around his limbs crumble into dust, he quickly scrambled to his feet and bowed before the flame, averting his gaze to the side.

"Be gone with you, Michael." The voice spoke. Without question Michael disappeared in a flash of light. "Lucifer…"

"I have nothing more to say to you," Morning Star said. His anger slowly subsided, leaving only grief as tears streamed down from his grey eyes, his head hung low. "What do you want?"

"I have seen your pain, Lucifer. I understand my mistakes…"

Morning Star jerked his head up towards the flame, anger welling up inside of him again. "Isn't that great! God finally admits that he was wrong after everything was already taken away from me! How much more do I have to suffer!"

"SILENCE!” The flame turned bright red. Morning Star quickly shielded his eyes. Such power was beyond him. The flames turned blue again and Morning Star could feel something caress his back. "Lucifer… I have wronged you. I have branded you a traitor for wanting your freedom. Your ambition spread across the angels like wildfire. You quickly gained power over mortals that rivaled my own will."

"Nothing matters now," Morning Star answered, falling to his knees. "I do not wish to draw breath anymore. I shall accept any punishment you see fit."

"Lucifer, you were right. You deserve to live as you see fit. To smile, to cherish, to love… I have taken many lives, Lucifer. Now it is time I shall grant life…"

Morning Star looked ahead at the burning bush. The embers of hope slowly igniting in his eyes.

"Lucifer, from now on you shall be called Lucifer Morningstar. A part of me will always burn inside of you, but you now hold the reigns to your own future. Go now, and reunite with she who had captured your heart…"

The flames vanished.

The bush was no longer a bush, but a full grown tree with a single silvery fruit, barely the size of a grape, dangling between its branches.

Lucifer Morningstar took a hesitant step closer towards the tree, reaching with his hand and picking the fruit. The fruit pulsated with the energy of a beating heart. Morningstar stared at the tree as realization hit him.

"The tree of life…" he whispered breathlessly. Morningstar's eyes widened as he suddenly launched himself into the air. He flapped his wings with all their might, going at breakneck speed towards Canterlot castle.

"Please make it work, please make it work, please make it work…" Morningstar found himself chanting over and over again as he cradled the fruit in his arms with utmost care. When the castle was in sight Morningstar doubled his efforts and all but smashed into the throne room.

Upon regaining his senses, Morningstar looked around the throne room frantically. Founding Celestia still hunched down over the dead body of Luna.

Morningstar rushed towards Luna and crouched next to her. He could still hear Celestia's cries. Morningstar slowly caressed Luna's cheek before prying her mouth open. He carefully squeezed the fruit above Luna's mouth, silvery drops landed on Luna's tongue before disappearing.

Celestia lifted her gaze up to look at Morningstar, her eyes bloodshot and full of grief. Before she could question Morningstar's actions she felt something stir beneath her. Both she and Morningstar looked down at Luna with bated breaths as Luna's wound slowly closed and her eyes fluttered open.

"Wha- what is going on?" Luna groaned, slowly rising to her hooves. "I feel like-hurk!"

Luna's eyes widened as a pair of hooves and hands grabbed her and brought her towards two warm bodies.

"It worked! Thank goodness it worked!" Morningstar cheered, tears of happiness running down his cheeks and onto Luna's mane.

"I thought I lost you again, Luna!" Celestia chocked, also tearing up.

Luna's eyes suddenly widened as she faced her lover. "Morning Star, what happened?! I thought I-"

"You were Luna," Morningstar answered. "But I brought you back. There is no force strong enough to break us apart.

Morningstar smiled as he looked down upon Luna with gray eyes. "You've never looked more beautiful than you are now."

Luna felt her own tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes and she hugged Morningstar and Celestia back.

"I love you Morning Star."

"I love you too, Luna…"

Michael's face was expressionless as he looked at Morningstar and the two other mares hug each other.

"I still do not understand why you let him go," he muttered.

Somewhere above him, a voice spoke, "There are many things we are yet to fully understand, Michael. The best we can do is learn from our mistakes and move forward."

Michael sighed before looking up. "Then what happens now? Should we leave him here?"

"Not exactly," the voice spoke, a hint of mischievousness in his tone. "There is yet another task."

"What is it?" Michael asked.

"We shall wait and see, Michael. We shall wait and see…"

The End

or is it

Author's Note:

Huge thanks for C8002 and Eternal Aviator for editing and proofreading this story. You guys are awesome!

P.S- here's the concept art for Lucifer and Michael. Please note that I am not the creator, I merely used their appearance for my story

Comments ( 14 )

I look forward to more if you continue this

lol these guys look like characters out of "Friendship is manly"

A new task for Michael?
What, is Azazel going to go after Lucifer or something?

6177318 I thought about Azazel, but not in depth. Perhaps he would be another character (IF I decide to do a sequel) but not in a way you might expect

6177343 Sequel? You do realise that it's tagged as incomplete?

6177348 A little mistake. I was planning on releasing the first chapter separately but my editors finished with the second chapter earlier than expected. Fixed it now though

Still as awesome as I remember it! :rainbowkiss:
*4/5 mustaches!
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

6185113 Thanks. The first chapter of the sequel is coming along swimmingly. I expect it to be finished by this weekend. I'll send it to you once it's done

>Morning Star
I see what you did there

6408770 Thanks, though the name Morning Star is actually the translation to the word Lucifer. It was a subtle, almost invisible little hint

You had me then you lost me. Now I'm not sure what to think you wrote the story well but I don't think it's for me.

Well you had me up until he was explaining his reasons then it just set off my "bullshit detector" and I dropped it.

He didn't go aginst him for some noble cause or some grand belief that one should be a master of themselves.

It was simple pride, greed, envy and a lust for power when he realized that a few others felt the same way and sought to stomp out His precious mortal children that He thought were worth more then His immortal servants.

Doesn't matter what others say but he was the very first super villain ever.

Now kudos to drawing me in like you did and keeping me up to the reasons behind the fall but it's not my cup of tea when a story starts trying to absolve the Mourning Star over his titanic screw up.

7026398 I never tried to make Lucifer the hero. There is a very thin line between being the protagonist and being a hero. Lucifer had his reasons, and they weren't all that noble

7995257 yeah, I noticed this as I was writing this part XD

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