• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 1,558 Views, 15 Comments

Punch Out! Before The Ring - RaritySimper44

Mac is troubled kid, he fights a lot and and has been doing so his whole life, he is so troubled though that his mom sends him away, he goes to a new school and things are a little rough on day one, can he make friends and change himself around?

  • ...

Tell Me! Tell Me! Tell Me!

Mac knocked firmly and aggressively on the door of the principle. "Principal Celestia! We need to talk!" He waited a moment, preparing to start again when the door opened Celestia stood there looking down at him.

"Hello um…."

"Mac. Good to see you too, we talk. About wvba."

"Never heard of it, schools over why not head home now?" She tried closing the door but Mac slammed his hand into the door and kept her from closing it. "You best get out of my sight before I take my sister's advice and expel you, young man."

"You're gonna tell me about the wvba and why this school doesn't participate in it any longer."

Celestia grabbed his shoulder firmly squeezed it, "young man, I am losing my patients. I suggest you get out of here before you get into something you can't get out of." She stated, glaring at him intensely.

"Absolutely not I'm not leaving until you tell me everything I wanna know lady so start"- suddenly he was pulled away roughly, he almost fell to the ground but managed to keep his balance at the last minute. He found it was Rainbow Dash, he pulled away from her grip and glared at her, "what is your deal girl?!"

"You're welcome." She said with a smirk, hands on her hips as she looked him in the eyes. The sound of Celestia slamming her door rang out through the halls.

"I'm not thankful!"

"You should be though, I just saved you from getting expelled. Idiot, what's your deal?"

He clenched his fists, glaring at her, "I'm trying to learn about why this school doesn't participate in the WVBA. She knows, I know she does but I'm having trouble getting her to talk."

"You won't get anything out of her, trust me. I know why though."

"You do?"

"Walk with me." He looked confused, and only stood there at first but then she grabbed his arm and pulled him, "come on!" they walked through the halls, "Buck Withers."


"Our starfighter was Buck Withers, he was the champ of the minor circuit in his freshman year. He was a big guy and seemed to have a good future, he kept it up to his senior year. Then he lost. Hard. To a guy named Glass Joe."

"Really? He lost to him?! He was Joe's one win?!" Mac laughed hysterically at this.

"He lost all his sight in his left eye. Celestia decided to pull out of it after that, she didn't want any other students getting their life ruined by the league."

"How do you even know this?"

"I know everything about sports Mac, trust me, when you're the captain of every sport in school you can learn anything. Anything."

"How long ago was this? Glass Joes' been out of the league for years!"

"Eight years ago. I don't see our school getting back in easily, Principal Celestia hates it."

"I'm not giving up, no matter what I'll do what I've gotta do, even if it kills me."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I like you." She then gave a playful punch to his arm.


"I barely hit you, don't be such a girl."

Mac looked at his arm, it was red where she hit him, it would likely leave a nasty bruise. "Look at this, this is gonna be a nasty bruise!"

She smirked, clearly amused by it, "it builds character, you'll live, go to the nurse's office and ask her to kiss it if it's too much." She teased as she turned and walked off. "I'll try my best to get the wvba back into CHS, but I expect you to do your part. Though I hope you aren't planning to try out for wvba, you're too delicate for that sort of thing."

"You punch like a dude!" He yelled angrily after her.


He sighed and walked off, leaving the school, and down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets. How are we gonna do this?


He turned to his left to find Fluttershy in her car driving next to him down the street. "What's up creeper?"

"Wh-what?!" She asked, alarmed.

"I'm kidding."

"Oh. um, do you want a ride to the shelter?" She asked hesitantly.

He stared at her and her car and nodded. She braked and opened the door and he got in.

"So. a Fiat huh?"

"Um, yes. They are the most eco-friendly, so it's the only car for me." They rode in silence for a while before Fluttershy broke it, "do you have any pets of your own at home Mac?"

"Yeah, I do. Well, it's my Uncles but either way, it's a dog."

"Aw! What kind of dog is it?"

"A Pitbull."

"Oh, I love Pitties! They're so sweet! Do you get along with him?"

"He sleeps in my bed with me."

"AWW, that's adorable!" She cooed.

"What about you Fluttershy, any pets?"

"Of course! I've got a rabbit named Angel Bunny, I bring a lot of animals from the shelter home with me. Mostly feral cats and dogs, I love watching them go from vicious to sweet and cuddly."

"Have you ever been bitten?"

She floored the car forcing Mac to fly forward, "Fluttershy! What is wrong with you?!"

"S-sorry… listen I hope you don't mind but I don't feel comfortable talking about getting bit…."

"Mac looked at her like she was crazy, that's why you almost gave me a heart attack?! You couldn't just say it like a normal person?!" He put a shaky hand to his chest and breathed.

"S-sorry, sorry I-I-"

"Forget it, it's all good."

"Okay…." She replied with a pressed the accelerator and they drove down the road again. She smiled and pointed to a slightly rundown building, "that's the shelter right there!"

Mac eyed it hesitantly, "it's a bit run down don't you think?"

"It's seen better days I admit…. But that's one reason I want people to come to the shelter and help out!" She pulled into the parking lot and they got out and walked to the shelter. The first thing Mac noticed was a cat casually walking about the place.

"Hello DW!" She said happily, squatting down, he immediately meowed and rushed over to her and rubbed all over her. "Mac this is DW."

"I've noticed." He hesitantly got down on a knee and put his hand out, DW walked over and sniffed him and walked off dismissively. "Well, I sure do feel welcome."

"I'm sorry, he doesn't really care too much about people. I'm an exception. He won't say no to pets I'm sure. Feel free."

"I'm good, let's get started in here."

"Okay, follow me." Mac nodded and followed her through a door to a room full of cat cages.

"Great more cats."

"You don't like cats?" Fluttershy questioned, giving him a glance as she walked over to one of the cages.

"I'm allergic." He said following her. He watched her open a cage door and let the cats out, he caught on quick and began letting the other cats out as well. Once they were all out they cleaned the cages.

"Do you… always do this?"

"What? Help at the shelter?"


"Of course! I love animals and helping them find a forever home. This is my sanctuary." She said as she locked the last cat into its cage. She turned back to Mac with a smile, "Mac, you don't have any allergies to dogs, do you?"

"No, why?"

"Good! Come with me!" She grabbed him by the hand and eagerly pulled him out of the room and into the main hall. "Not all the dogs have been walked yet, and they all need baths too so you are going to help me do this, it'll be so much fun!" She said with an excited giggle as she practically dragged him through another door, the sound of unending barking and cages rattling came from everywhere, Mac looked around at all the dogs and he couldn't help but smile a little in excitement. "I see that smile Mac, I'm excited too!" She said squeezing his hand as she gave him a good yank. They stopped at a dog who had its front paws on the cage door licking at them, "oh hello there cutie, what's your name?" She said as she opened it and let it out and put it on the leash.

Mac looked to the information on the cage. "Isabelle huh."

"What a pretty name, so nice to meet you, Isabelle!" She said as if talking to a baby. The dog hopped around happily licking at her face as she squatted down to her level. She stood and held the leash out to Mac, "do you want to hold the leash, Mac?"

"Yeah sure." He said as he took it from her and the dog started walking off to the exit.

Author's Note:

Sorry, it's so short. I had to cut it short to reach the mark this month.