• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 1,557 Views, 15 Comments

Punch Out! Before The Ring - RaritySimper44

Mac is troubled kid, he fights a lot and and has been doing so his whole life, he is so troubled though that his mom sends him away, he goes to a new school and things are a little rough on day one, can he make friends and change himself around?

  • ...

The Mario Brother's Special Guest

Fluttershy and Mac walked out of the shelter into an enclosed area outside, Mac let Isabelle off her leash and she raced off with glee. Fluttershy took off her backpack and unzipped it. Reaching into the bag she pulled out a ball and whistled. Isabelle stopped and looked at her, her ears went up as she stared at Fluttershy. Fluttershy tossed the ball and raced off after it, she gracefully leaped into the air and missed it completely. She was left searching for it a couple of seconds, she eventually found it though and raced over to Fluttershy, took it and held it out to Mac.

"Do you want to toss it?" He nodded and took it, he turned his gaze to Isabelle before giving it a toss. "Hey um, Mac?"


"Why did you leave Manehatten?" Mac looked to the ground silently, "oh you don't have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“No, it's fine.” He sighed, “I’ll tell you.” He gave her a stern look, "you've got to promise not to tell anyone."

She smiled at him, "cross my heart, and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"What?" He asked, mildly amused.

"Oh, its um… a pinkie thing…" She said with a sheepish smile.

"Right…." He said with a raised eyebrow. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets, staring up at the sky silently. "My mom sent me here. She said It'd be safer here."

“Oh my, is that really that bad up there?”

He sighed, “in our apartment complex when I was six I had a friend. We were really great friends. He'd come over to my parent's room and we'd play. His dad was in a gang. One day he was spending time with his dad when a rival gang did a drive-by. His dad got shot in the shoulder and was wounded but…. My friend got killed. That was the first person in my life to get killed. I didn't see it but-”

Fluttershy pulled him into a hug suddenly catching him off guard. He looked down at her surprised, she was crying. "Oh Mac, I'm so sorry!"

“Mac squeezed her tight as he fought back tears. He had all these emotions pent up and they were about to come forth, suddenly he pushed her away and gave a shaky sigh and wiped his face. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Okay, I understand.”

“Yeah. gang violence, the schools are overrun with it.”

“So she just sends you to live with your uncles because of the violence? Why now that you're almost grown?”

Mac gave a shaky sigh.

Isabelle gave a bark, getting their attention, they both looked down at her, Fluttershy smiled as she squatted down in front of her and started petting her, hey there Isabelle, she said as she picked her paw up and examined her nails. “Seems you need your nails trimmed Isabelle. Mac, can you help me?”

He nodded as they walked over to a bench.

Fluttershy stopped her car in front of Mac’s house, the street light was on, as the sunset turning the sky orange and people as it sank into the East. “Is it okay if I come in and pet your dog?” Fluttershy asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

Mac couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, it saddened him to say no. But not enough to stop him from saying it though. “Not tonight, I’m tired and have homework to get done Fluttershy.”

“Oh I understand, be sure to get lots of rest tonight, and get your homework done too.”

“Okay mom,” Mac said as he grabbed his backpack and opened the door, he slid out of the car and gave a little wave to Fluttershy.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be so bossy.”

“I’m kidding, thanks for the ride.” He replied with a mischievous smile.

“Oh, okay. Um, good night.” She said blushing in embarrassment.

His smile went away and he stared at her with a serious expression. “Hey, have a safe drive home alright?”

“Yeah okay thank you I will.”

“Thank you Fluttershy for the ride home. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight”, she replied with a gentle smile, which Mac returned as he closed the door and walked up the driveway to the door, my uncles are gonna kill me. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Where have you been?” Mario asked him annoyed as he stood from his chair glaring at mac.

“I was with a friend, I was helping her at the shelter.”

“Her?!” Luigi called from the kitchen and walked in, drying a plate off with a hand towel.

“She’s just a friend,” Mac stated defensively.

“Oh well if you say so, I guess-”

“Ohoo no, I want details boy! Is she pretty?”

“Why does it matter if she’s pretty? She’s just a friend and it's really none of your business anyway!” He stated, as his cheeks started feeling hot.

“Oh, she’s at least a six! Look at his face bro!” Mario said laughing and pointing at him

“Well sounds to me like your boy’s got himself a girlfriend.”

Mac looked to the stairs, “ who’s our guest?” A large fat man in a red jacket walked down the stairs smiling at mac. He got down the bottom and put his hands on his hips. “Ain’t that sweet, young love.”

Mac stared at the man, mouth agape as he looked him up and down beginning to shake with excitement at who stood before him. He quickly turned his gaze to his uncle's, "how do you know him?!"

"Who Luis? He's an old friend from High School." Luigi replied casually.

"You went to HighSchool with Doc Luis?!" Mac exclaimed throwing his hands to his head in excitement, a big stupid smile on his face.

"Someone's a fanboy", Mario said amused.

"Damn straight, he's my hero!" Mac stated rushing over to Doc and shaking his hand vigorously. Doc it is such an honor to meet you!

Doc laughed, "it's good to meet you too Mac, I love my fans and it warms my heart to know this old has-been still has such loving fans that remember him."

Mac beamed, "he knows my name…" He said "gleefully.

"Yeah, uh… I was upstairs, listening to everything Mac. Kinda hard not to."

Mac suddenly grabbed Doc by his jacket and shook him violently staring up at him with a fierce conviction, "You're not a has-been, your Doc Luis, you can literally beat anyone in the league today!"

"Okay, okay kid, I love my fans but you're a bit too much, get your hands off me please!"

"Mac, stop being a creep," Mario stated firmly.

Mac let go of him starting to sweat from the heat in his face. "Sorry, Doc…. It's just I've always wanted to be like you since I was a kid…."

"You still are a kid," Mario stated.

"I mean a little kid."

Mario burst out into hardy laughter, "you still are a little kid!"

Mac glared at him, "I'm taller than you, old man."

"How many times I gotta tell you, THIRTY FIVES NOT OLD?!!" Mario screamed enraged. Luigi put a hand over his mouth to hold in his laughter and Mario glared at him, "what're you laughing at? We're twins!" Luigi stopped laughing and frowned at this.

Doc laughed at this, “wow, you clowns haven’t changed a bit have you?” He turned to Mac, Mac everything you said means a lot to me. Mac smiled big at this, flattered by his words. “If there's anything I can do for you let me know. Any friend of the Mario brothers is a friend of mine.” He said with a warm smile.

“There actually is something you can do for me Doc.”

“Oh yeah, what's that?”

“Train me to fight in the WVBA.” Doc stared at him surprised, he turned his gaze to Mario and Luigi, they all stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds, then burst into laughter. Mac felt his heart sink at this and frustration rising up in him. “What's so funny?”

Doc didn’t answer at first but as the laughter in the room died down he wiped a tear from his eye, “oh kid that's adorable, but I don’t do WVBA anymore. I quit that junk the day I retired.”

“Oh, so now I’m a kid now huh?”

“Yeah because you're acting like a kid, kid! You aren’t big enough for the WVBA anyway.”

“Besides, your school doesn’t even participate in the WVBA anymore Mac. Doc couldn’t train you even if he wanted to.” Mario stated.

“I’m getting the league back into the school, somehow... If I do that will you--”

“No. Even if you somehow got it back into your school I’d still never agree to it, Mac.”


“Mac, stop harassing Luis!” Mario stated firmly, “no means no! Now take old Brutus around the block. It’ll help clear your mind.”

“Why would I take him for a walk its--” Brutus was already out of his chair and at his feet barking and wiggling with excitement.

“He gets so excited when he hears the ‘w’ word.” Mac glares at Mario who smirks at him amused. Mac sighed in defeat, “the leash is by the door Mac.” He nodded and grabbed the leash, and put Brutus on it and they walked out. “Mac let Brutus lead you! He has a route he goes down no matter what!”

“Kay bye!” Mac stated, looking at Doc one last time before closing the door and walking out to the street. It was completely dark out now and the only light he had was the street lights and the moon. Mac put a hand in his pocket as he casually walked down the street with Brutus leading the way. I have to find a way to get Doc to train me, this is fate, I just know it.

Suddenly Mac looked across the street, a couple of people were watching him and talking quietly amongst themselves. Mac watched them as they stared intently at him, he felt uneasy under their stare. One of them nodded and they walked away staring at him until they turned a corner and were out of sight. I need to make a mental note to never forget those guys, they seem like trouble. Mac didn’t see them for the rest of the night, Brutus walked him around the block and they made it back home. When they got back he found Mario Luigi and Doc pulling out of the driveway in their work van.

“Hey, where are you guys off to now?”

“We’re taking Doc back to his hotel, dinner is on the counter, be sure to wash the dishes too, it's your night Mac.” Luigi stated from the passenger's seat.

“He's not staying with us?”

“Of course not, his car isn’t here mac, how do you think he got down here?!” Mario asked, annoyed.

“Uh, gee I don’t know, an airplane like anyone else?”

“Uh-uh! I’m not about to get onto one of those death traps! Besides, it's a waste of money, what kinda fool uses an airplane?!” Doc said laughing.

Mac stared at him unamused. “This fool right here.”

“Oh.” Doc said, staring at him awkwardly, “well uh, it's not that bad I guess, but I prefer my car.”

“Have a good night Mac!” Luigi said as they pulled into the street.

“Can I come?”

“No, you’ve harassed Doc enough tonight Mac, get inside and do your homework!” Mario said as he drove off.

Mac rolled his eyes and walked inside.

Author's Note:

I have officially finished this chapter.

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