• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 5,955 Views, 118 Comments

Survive, adapt, evolve. The Swarm in Equestia. - Krozairofequestria

“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. Warning, Dicplaced story. Don't like it, don't read it.

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Invasion Part1

>>> Changeling Hive Abathurs POV<<<

I was looking around. My Zergs run around and looked for me over the cocoons where the Changelings were in. I stayed close to the cocoon of Chrysalis, I couldn't allow anything going wrong with her evolution. Looking back, who would have thought that the queen of a bugpony swarm would be my first real friend and ally in this strange world. While most Zerglings and some Drones were here in the hive with me setting up a base my Overlords patrolled the Borders of the Changeling territory. One thing you could say for sure about Chrysalis, she cared a lot about her people and so she had me promising that I would protect her hand her children as long they were in the evolution process. But so far nothing had gone wrong, so I hoped it would stay this way. And the moment I thought this line I got a call over my hive mind.

“Murphy, I hate you. Why, just why did I thought this?” Taking a look at the signal I tried to reach the Overlord that has send it. And what I saw was terrifying.

“What the hell? WHAT! THE! HELL!?” There were over thousand creatures marching over the borders. Clad in thick armor and carrying strange weapons. They looked like weapons you would find in RPGs and fantasy games. They were a mix out of metal and gems, but the strange thing was the energy that radiated from the weapons and armor. Also I felt a familiar feeling from them.

“This is not good. Even with my Zerglings I can't stop them. What could less then one hundred Zerglings do against an army of this magnitude?” I was nearly panicking then something come to my mind. Back in my hive something has appeared the day before. It had also some strange energy attached to it. I hadn't the time to take a look at it and had a drone to store it in the hatchery. If I could use this I could either empower myself or my Zerglings. Giving the command I felt a drone taking the strange gem and entering the Nydus network.

>>>40 Minutes later Abathurs POV<<<

The Nydus worm shot out of the ground and spewed the drone with the gem out. The Drone floated over to me with the gem in her claws. I bowed down and was about to grab the gem as I felt the death of one of my Zerglings. They reached the first Hive entrance! I grabbed the gem out of the claws of the Drone and was about to try to tap into its power as I heard a voice.

"I am Asphyxious. The Iron Lich. If you need my aid just take this token and call my name." Ok this was new. But what other options I had?

“Try. Only choice.” falling back to speaking like Abathur I talked to myself. Then I lifted the Gem in front of me and spoke.

“Asphyxious. Need help. Enemy close.” And the gem started to glow.

A portal rips open and 4 strange machines lumber out one had large claws and spikes sticking out of it back. The next one had a single claw like arm with what looks like a harpoon on it other arm. The next thing to run out were two smaller machines that looked the same. Only one had what looked like a secular saw in it mouth riving away. The other one had some kind of barrel in it mouth.

I then saw something small jump out of the portal. "Hi!" It was a child, that looked like a changeling but walked on two legs, had hands and was wearing a sky blue dress. "Oh wow what this?" She said as she ran over to one of the Cocoons and looked at it.

"Puparium!" A voice roared out as a tall thing come flying out of the portal swinging some kind of staff with a moving eye in it and smoke bellowing out of his back. "You are in so much trouble young lady!” He said as a 4 legged spider like thing wit ha long 3 finger like claw come out and wait. Is that Chrysalis? it was like the child only a full grown woman with large… Anyway she was holding some kind for staff with glowing ruins. "Puparium you're so grounded when we get back!" She screams as the portal closes.

"Oh that just great the portal closed." Complained the Iron Lich I think seeing as he has a Skull for a head. He then looks at me and all the cocoons. "Wow this world's Chrysalis has interesting taste in boyfriends." He said as Chrysalis fly over to get the one called Puparium.

"You’re Iron Lich? Asphyxious? This Chrysalis?" And back it is to the Abathur speak. great. This was too much. And the dying of my Brood was not helping my mind. And the angry look on the Human version of Chrysalis face was something that was really unnerving. And she was coming over to me great. And this staff looked like it could hurt, a lot.

>>>Entrance of the Hive with the Invaders ???POV<<<

"Charge man! Kill this stupid Insects! We need to reach the Queen and kill her! Attack!" The soldiers were running in the entrance. This strange creatures were nothing like the Changelings they had expected or known out of stories and legends. And many warriors died killing them. But they slowly advanced deeper in the Hive. For their Master they would take the head of the queen and set up a base for the main army to attack Equestria. Then one of the strange bug creatures jumped out of the ground and attacked him. He pulled up his shield to block the claws of the Monster. Then he swung his battle ax at the claws and shattered one of them. And one of his man pierced the side of the Monster with his Sword but could not pulled away in time to avoid the other claw as it slashed at him and he lost his head. But more and more of his soldiers attacked and against all of them it never had a chance. Just seconds later it also died.

'Kill, protect, buy time.' This was the only thoughts the Zerglings hat while dying for her new allies and friends. Even if they weren't the smartest on their own they could feel the wish to protect the Changelings. Not only because it was a command of Abathur, no they were nice to the Zergs even if they had no need to be nice to them. So they died without any regrets believing they helped to save and protect the Changelings.

***Asphyxious pov.***
"So you're under attack by an army coming here to kill everyone." I asked as I looked at the cocoons in the large room. "Chrysalis stay here with Pupa and the Ripjaw and Defiler. I'll deal with this.

I looked at the bug thing I'm sure I've seen it before I just can't put my finger on where. "Witch way?" I asked and the large bug guy points into a tunnel. "Enemy closing in. need aid. or all die." I just give him a look. "You keep talking like that and I'm going to smack you up side the head with Sombra here." I say hefting up my staff.

I make my way into the tunnel with Seether, the Reaper and Harrower following me. I then summoned my Bane Knights up along with Abby and Banjo. "So boss what we doing in this place?" Asked the Pistol Wraith. I say nothing as the sounds of battle get louder and sends Seether on ahead.

"Why Banjo my friend to kill, we're going to kill them all." I said with one thing on my mind Keeping Pupa and Chrysalis safe.

>>>Abathurs POV<<<

Ok not the worst thing that could have happen. He was willing to help. But what happens after this I would need to see. And the Human Chrysalis was standing between me and the Child, holding her staff ready to defend herself and the child, was she her daughter? What ever now was not the time. I concentrated on my Hivemind. Why was this happening right now? So many have already died. I was just happy that this guy brought some powerhouses with him.

"So tell me what is the meaning with all this Changelings in the cocoons?" I snapped out as I heard her question. I hoped to get some answers out of her.

"I Abathur. Lead Swarm. Made deal. Help Changelings. Become allies, friends. Need help." She looked at me with curiosity. But then some of this strange armored creatures destroyed the ceiling and come crushing down. They lie there for a moment, enough for me to command some of the Drones to attack them while i moved over to them. This Bastards killed the Drones without any problems. Finally the pain of losing so much of my brood changed to rage as I roared in anger and charged at them with all power I had. My back claws slashing at them. The one with the green bags on them priced the armor of the attackers and buried thier tips deep in their bodys. Then I feel some strange pressure on them and the bags contracted. I could feel something flowing out of the tips. And as soon as the feeling come my enemies begun to cry out in agony. Acid! This was in this bags. This would explain the healing liquids that got emitted from the skin at this part. It would need to heal any damage fast so the acid wouldn't hurt my own body if I'd spilled out of a wound. The two twitched in pain as my acid killed them. But I ignored them as I sliced the other three down with my other two back claws.
I then heard a scream and turned to see the thing with the saw blade in it mouth goring the downed creature. There was so much blood... The human like Chrysalis walked over and stabbed her staff into the things neck. Then looked at me.

"Tell me you have a way to keep them out of here." She looked to the child, when I looked at her she gave a nod to Chrysalis and was gone. I was shocked, all I saw was her small horn glow then she just faded away like she wasn't there all 4 of my eyes blinked at this.

This whole situation was a mess. Why now? Why here? No no time to think right now. I couldn't move the cocoons, but sending the child away on her own? How? I would take time for my last backup to arrive, they were nothing more than 30 Zerglings, but better than nothing. But then I got an idea. When the Zergling arrived with the Nydus worm I could use it to hide the child in it. This Monsters could never find her underground. And should worst came to worst I would give the worm a last prime command, should I fall he would take the group that has come out of the portal and would bring them to my hive in to safety. If I Fail my new Changeling friends it would only happen because I died!

"Child, promise, stay close. Need, guard, cocoons. Until backup arrives. Then get you safe." With this said i concentrated on my Zergs at the entrance, only 32 were alive of my Zerglings. and 5 of my Drones. This wasn't good.

Author's Note:

So this was a long wait again.
I totally forgot to update XD and now late in the night i remember.
Sooo..... I AM SORRY!
This is the first Chrossover chapter with ShadowsInTheDarks Ironlich
So see you in two weeks, hopefully XD.