• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 5,950 Views, 118 Comments

Survive, adapt, evolve. The Swarm in Equestia. - Krozairofequestria

“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. Warning, Dicplaced story. Don't like it, don't read it.

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Invasion Part 3

Author's Note:

OK this was nearly forgotten by me XD.
So here is the last part of the Crossover with A Lich Of Metal And Souls.
So I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope I can give you the next Chapter before April.
Tell me what you think, and if you don't like something pleas tell me what and why.
And If you like the chapter it would make me happy to hear this too ^^.

>>> Abathurs POV<<<

This wasn't good, they were really working for him. I had expected this, but still. The single Question since I had felt him for the first time in this world raced back to the front of my head. How can he be here? This wasn't the Koprulu sector, if it where I would feel the swarm, or at least the Queen. But no, nothing. I observed the now Lich turned human as he devoured the Leader of the Minotaur. Taking a look at the whole situation with my Overlords I could see that only a few Minotaur survived. I let my Zerglings take care of it while the Drones scouted the rest of the Hive until they reported no enemies left in the systems of tunnels. With this out of the way I really hoped I could get some time to breath before another scaring thing happened.

"Now that out of the way just who are you?" Oh no, I forgot about her. The human like Chrysalis was looking at me with looks that could kill.

"Abathur. Lead Swarm. Evolve Swarm." 'Why was it that the Woman could become so scary? Why?! Oh please what god there ever is, please save me.' This thoughts were going through my head as I shacked mentally in my boots. My Body stood there and did nothing. I didn't want to offend her.

Chrysalis just raised her eyebrow at me as I said that. Chrysalis then slowly walked around every cocoon almost as if inspecting them. "Why do you talk like that? I already know if you're anything like Asphyxious then you used to be human." She said calmly. As the small changeling child walked up to her and held her hand.

"Character Abathur. Stress, speaking like Abathur. I calm, speech normal. Many Zerg dead. Stressful feel Zerg dying." I tried to calm down. Not the easiest of things after such losses and the unknown curse of my new helpers. would they stay friendly or would they turn on me? So I began to take calming breaths in the hope to get my speech under control, so I could have a proper conversation with them.

"Five minutes. Please. Try calm down." I really hoped she would give me the time and I hoped that this Asphyxious guy would be here by the time I could speak normal again.

Then she walked up and gave me a hug... Okay, I don't know what to do. "I know what it like... I lost my hive before Asphyxious found me and Pupa." She said calmly as she held me in her arms, not easy seeing as I'm a bit on the large side.

I felt strange, the cold feeling of my body was melted away by her. This whole situation was strange for me. As I woke up in this world and began to understand what had happen to me, as far as you can understand such a thing, I had sworn to myself to think of my Zerg only as units. That I would lose many of them over time was a thing I had seen coming. That was the reason why I didn't want to get attached.

But feeling them die in the Hivemind. It was cold, all of this minds, as simple as they were, vanishing. It was more like losing a beloved friend or a family member. And the knowledge that this was just the start was terrifying. But here was someone that could understand me. Someone that felt the same way.

"I...I. Thank you." Just two words. nothing more come to my mind. I slowly returned the hug. And for the first time I wished this body could shed tears. The contact with her, her calming voice and the hug helped me to calm down faster than ever before. And for the first time ever since I landed here I felt how much this whole situation was a burden to me.

"Thank you. I think I needed this." I said as I started to calm down.

Chrysalis just smiled at me and nodded that when we heard the sound of the metal beasts. "Honey I'm home!" Called out Asphyxious with a smile as he held up two heads in the air. "Did I miss anything?" He asked as he made his way over to us.

"Not much Asphyxious but I think you need to have a talk with this displaced. I'm going to make sure Pupa does not do anything she will regret." Said the human like Queen as she walks off.

Asphyxious then looks at me and drops both heads on the floor. "Okay number one how long have you been in this world?" He asked as Asphyxious sit down on a large rock.

"This would be my fifth month here. To tell the truth even with Changelings here I can only guess where I am right now." It was true. I had watched some Episodes with my sister, and she had talked to me about this show. But still, It couldn't be true that I ended up in a Kids Show. This was just insane.

"Please tell me, are there more of us? Your.... Wife? Told me you were a Human before, so was I. But are we the only one?" The question wasn't really smart, I mean what were the chances of us being the only ones? No there needed to be more of us.

Asphyxious gave a short laugh as he smiled. "Not even close, there are many of us out there. Let me guess you got something from that a-hold of a merchant right. Then you got sent here, you were lucky. Lets just say some of us weren't so lucky." He said licking his fingers.

"So do you need me to explain about my token to and how to make your own?" Asked Asphyxious as his tail moves.

"Do I even want to know what you mean with, not so lucky? But you are right, I bought something from this guy. Two things to be honest. A book with plans for Protoss and Terran Units and Buildings. And the Egg of my first Larva." His behavior said something bad has happened to him in the past. Something very very bad. But he had Information, hopefully he would explain this things for me.

"I would appreciate it if you could explain things to me. Also this token, thing. And if we are so many, what are we called? Misplaced? Jumper? Or do we call us something crazy like 'Universal rainbow squad'? " At my last idea I couldn't stop a small gurgling snicker from escaping.

Asphyxious just rolled on to his back laughing. "Yes -sort- We're called. The Universal, Hahaha!. Rainbow squad!" He just kept rolling on the floor laughing like a nutcase.

"Okay... Okay for real, heh we're called Displaced. As for what I mean by unlucky is some of the others got turned to stone. By you guessed it the royals anyway to make a Token all you need is an item. Then all you have to do is to pour magic into it then say something like. My name is, then who you are and how you could help and or talk." Asphyxious explained.

"Mhm. This could become a Problem, this Body can't create Magic. But I could manipulate an Larva egg to have the magical properties of the Changelings. Mhm. This could work." With a Mental command to the hatchery in the Changeling Hive I send the genetically Plan to it. This would take at least 30 Minutes until one of the Eggs was matured enough to be used, but I had this time.

"So we are called Displaced. Could be worse. My Token will be ready in 30 Minutes. Maybe you can tell me a little bit about the Displaced and this world." I scratched my head with one of my back claws as a part of my brain worked on the new information while another listen to Asphyxious story about us Displaced.

I quickly learned that Asphyxious was not by any means sane, but at the same time he had info on at least several Displaced many he saw as friends. He also warned me about a group who was trying to do something he didn't know. All he knew was what the group was called and that they can travel to other Equestrias.

"That pretty much it really, hey do you mind if we stick around to see what happens?" Asphyxious asked as he was looking over one of cocoons.

"You can stick around as much as you want, I don't know if this were all enemys. I have Overlords patrolling the borders, but beyond them I am blind." After the story I could feel the Egg was finished. We walked over to the Hatchery where I grabbed the Egg.

"I am Abathur, leader of the Swarm. I'm a Displaced, and to all of you with the same fate. If you need an Army do not hesitate to call me. Place this Egg on the ground and call my Name and I will come to your aid. We will Survive, we will Adapt and we will Evolve." With this said I hold the Egg up and watched as it just vanished. I looked back to Asphyxious to say something but then one of my Drones called me back to Chrysalis cocoon.

"I have so many questions, but they have to wait. I think my Chrysalis is hatching...... Why did this sounds so wrong in my ears?" Shaking my big head I crawled over to said cocoon and saw the Human Chrysalis and her Child standing there already.

"What the matter not used to being a dad?" Asphyxious joked as he go to join them watching the cocoon.

"I am sixteen, or I was. Not sure how I should count the age of this body, my mind is still sixteen. I was more the Nerd type of human, and sometimes I dreamed to tie my sister up and put her in the basement so I could have some peace. So yea tell me." It was one thing to have a sister, another to share a room with her. Without any room to put her in when she was going on my nerves I really dreamed some times to tie her up and put her down in the darkest part of the basement, chaining her down, building some sort of cage around her, putting around this cage ten meter walls of massive stone and around this sound proofed walls of metal. But I still loved and missed her. Was this strange?

"But to think someone as old as her being my child. Just strange." With this we all watched as the shell of the egg grow harder and harder.

"Not really I'm over 900 years old myself." Said Asphyxious as he start to poke the cocoon with his finger. Chrysalis was giving him a look that just screamed that was a bad idea. The little changeling was looking on with big eyes.

"Still I hope to see her more as a good friend. I am sure as hell will need one in the future." Looking around, there were more cocoons harden. The rest of my Drones and Zerglings ran around to prepare for the hatching.

I saw how much Chrysalis cared for the Changelings. It was the same way my Chrysalis cared for them. And knowing she had lost her whole hive, it broke my heart. What was powerful enough to beat the whole hive when they were awake? Or where they starved as much as my Changeling where.
"Chrysalis. Can I ask you a question?" Talking to her while i crawl closer to the cocoon of my Chrysalis, looking at the nearly completely formed butterfly wings.

"Do you have food problems over in your world?" I asked feeling a knot in what I guess was my stomach.

That when I saw the look in her eyes, Chrysalis slowly turned to me as the little changeling Pupa was looking at the Cocoon in wonder. "Life is hard in the Badlands, more so when you have to worry about other beasts hunting you and a large tribe of Farrows living in the same space."

I saw Asphyxious walk up and wrap his arms around her in a hug. Chrysalis smiles softly at this as he leans into him. "Farrows are pig like creatures that eat meat. Not only that we had to watch out for desert hydras who would eat anything in there path."

"I meet Chrysalis because I saved one of her love harvest groups that were attacked in the Everfree." I looked at the cocoon again. Putting one of my claw hands softly on the outer membrane, slowly stroking it.

"She and her Hive was nearly starved as I arrived here. Even after all the slaughter it looks better than it had as I had come in here first. So I offered my help. Providing food for her Hive." Looking over to the two as they still hold each other in a hug.

"The change that this world is going through, I think I am part of the cause. So I wanted to help. But the best thing I could do would never provide the needed Love for such a big hive. At least not fast enough and for long if they start to grow again." I clenched my Hands to fists and my other claws pressed close to my body.

"I talked to her. I didn't want it to end like this. They were in a situation where they had no choice. And this is something I will never forgive me for. I offered to change them, make them better. So the body was more efficient. That they would need less love to survive. They never had a real choice." I looked down. I didn't mind that I had changed to Abathur, but many other people would think of them self as Monsters. Even if it was to save them, I could never know how they would react. Until I could be sure they were okay I wouldn't be able to rest and feel peace. But then I heard the cracking of a hardened cocoon. The first Changeling hatched.

Rushing over to the Changeling I got a good look at it. It was more than a head taller than the Changelings before. His whole body was much slimmer than before and the hoofs ended now in pointed hoofs and the holes had vanished. The Mouth was now formed with four jawbones, like the Elites of Halo, This four mandibles were connected through skin and muscle tissues. The mane had changed into some sort of tentacles that reminded me of Kerrigan hair after she was changed.

The tails had changed into scorpion like tails with an evil looking spike at the end. And instead of one Horn they had now two, the original horn was now longer, and a little bit lower in the face a smaller one had grown. As the liquid of the cocoon evaporated in the air the wings dried of and formed completely in four slender long dragonfly wings with thin carapace at the edge. We all stand there looking at the changeling as he slowly stand up and buzzed his wings.

"Huh reminds me a bit of what our kids look like back home only bigger." Said Asphyxious as he looks at it from afar. Pupa stay close to her mother and Ax Chrysalis was holding her hand. “Only with out the dragon wings and black eyes.”

“Looks interesting. I mostly used sequences that lay dormant in the Changeling DNA. Maybe it was an alternate way of evolution for them that was thrown away because it was not useful compared to the changing ability.” With this thoughts I crawled back to Chrysalis Cocoon.

“But she looks different, more then I have thought before. What could be the reason behind this?” Looking over to Asphyxious with a questioning look. They had Children? Not now, the day was already hard enough.

“This will take a while until she hatches.” Touching the outer shell of her cocoon and feeling that the hardening was not finished yet.

“So how can I repay you for your help?” I asked the Iron Lich. Who was now a half dragon and human, Asphyxious rubbed his chin as he looks around. He then smiles at me as he walks up to me and asks a question. “You said you had the blueprints for the other armies right?” I just nodded.

“Okay then think you can part with the plans for the terrans bunkers and what else, what else… Hmmm.” Said Asphyxious. As it looked like he was thinking hard about what else he wanted.

“I can give you copies of all the Terran units and buildings. Just let me get the Book.” I gave a mental command to one of the Drones at the Hive where the book was hidden away.

“It will be here in an hour. Then we can make copies for you. And you really don’t want anything from the Protos? I could put the teleport technology on top as thanks for the explanation of the situation with the Displaced.” Looking over to his Chrysalis another idea came to mind.

“If you want I can give you something I had created for my Chrysalis. It is a Zergstructure that can produce love. You only need to position it close to a thermal energy. like a volcano or a hot spring or geyser. I already tested it in the hot springs of this hive. It radiates love energy from the main body, and as soon as the creep reached the water it will be overflowing with love.” I hoped to be able to repay her, for the help she was to me, with this new way of food generating.

Asphyxious snapped his fingers as I said this. “Pylons you can teleport wherever you want with them right? that and the bunkers will be all I’ll need. I get most of my guns from Jack anyway.” He said as he saw Pupa talking with one of the new changelings. “Also can you dumb down the tech so my dogs back home can use it?”

“To tell the truth, I can’t really use it for now. Zergs normally don’t need Tech. We Evolve, to reverse engineer it you would need to do the work.” It was true, I wish I could use some of the Tech, but creating it was not in reach for now. Zergs just were not created to do this. But at one point I would break this wall to.

“I get it well can’t be any harder than rebuilding a Colossals.” Asphyxious said with a smile.

“Then we have a deal. And what is with your Queen? Do you want the Lovetree or can I thank you in any other way for the help?” Asphyxious gave me a smile that made me a little uncomfortable then he laughs. “I think I’ll try the planting that tree back home for fun. But really I’m all the love they need and I show my ‘Love’ to the Queen in other ways.” I looked at him, ok this explains a lot. This whole situation should make me question a lot of things right now, but it didn’t. Seem it is true, a Human can adapt to every situation.

“Well then I am happy to hear this. The seed will come with the book. And then we can copy it. So what…” I stopped talking, the cocoon under my hands was hardened, she was hatching.

“She is hatching!” Sending the message to all Zergs and Changelings in the hive I started to concentrate only on her. The first loud crack was heard as the shell broke, no more explode. After the mist of the Liquid evaporated completely we could see the new form of my Chrysalis.

She wasn’t bigger than before, nor was she smaller. But she was still bigger than the normal Changeling. Her wings were different, not only to her original form, but also from the other Changelings. They were now butterfly wings, shimmering in many colors. She holded them up while they dried. And in the process the colors got even brighter. The Horn changed so it stand straight now, without the holes. The holes in the legs where also closed, and the legs were smaller to, not as pointy as the ones of the Changelings, but not so big as before. Tail and mane changed in the same tentacles as the mane of the normal changelings, but they were finer than the ones of the Changeling Drones. Her face didn’t change much, Only sharper teeth and longer ears.

“Wow I think we found someone who has more flare for the dramatics than me.” said Asphyxious as he starts with his Child and Queen. Ou oh... “Asphyxious you say that about anyone who get more action than you.” Said the Anthro Chrysalis as she kisses him. Pupa just giggles at this.

“Well this was unexpected.” I said as some sort of powder starts to drift of the wings and mane. It looked beautiful, but this powder seems to radiate with some sort of energy. So it wasn’t just for show. I would need to look into this. I slowly crawled over to her.

“How are you feeling?” She first looked at me and smiled, then over to Asphyxious and her other self. They stared each other long in the eyes. I felt strange. Would this end in the destruction of this universe? Enough of this dark thoughts. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. Then she looked again to the visitors of another universe.

“So who would you be?” She asked the group. Asphyxious just smiled as he then took a pose. “We are the heroes of the night, the fools of the rubber chickens, we’re the rainbow squard!” The little Changeling was laughing really hard that this little show. Where as Ax Queen was rolling her eyes at this and smiled.

“Okay I’m just kidding, I’m just a displaced you can ask your boyfriend all about me.” He said pointing at me.

“Boyfriend? What is this?” She asks, I just try to shake my head to not start laughing at this. The Anthro Chrysalis then spoke up. “Is this lovely being who saved your hive not your mate?” She asked with a large smile. Chrysalis still looked confused.

“Still doesn’t know what a Boyfriend is, but no Abathur is not my mate. I don’t even think he can have this sort of emotions.” Oh this Hurts. Only because I told her that I had some sort of problem with emotions since becoming this. One of the down sides of the over sized brain with is obsession with logic.

“I’m sure he can make one. After all he is still human at heart so he CAN love.” Ax said with a large grin on his face.

“Do I have nothing to say in this?” I asked only to see some of my Drones rolling over and feeling the amusement in the Hive mind. Oh I would make sure to send them on the next mining run down the darkest part of the hive.

“Hush now.” Was all Chrysalis said to me with a big smile nearly splitting her face. I just murmured like a scolded child.

“Well I guess it time for me and the girls to head home, I have a friend wedding to get to. By the way Aby if you want to send me back just say my name and our contract is complete.” Said Ax as he picks Pupa up in his arms.

“OK the book and the seed are here.” I said as a Drone come up behind me and gave me the two items.

“Chrysalis I Show you a few sides, can you make a copy of them?” She looked at me as if I had asked her if she know how to breathe.

“Of course I know how to do this. So lets get started and then you tell me what had happen here in the time I was not here.” I swallowed hard. I hope she won’t be to angry with the invasion and all. After this I showed her the pages that I wanted and she copied it.

“I ate a minotaur.” Said Asphyxious from off to the side. “By the way get the info out of those heads I didn’t bring them to you so they could rott.”

“Ok and thanks again for the help. Here you go with the pages and the seed. So Asphyxious this is it. Wait, I have one last question. Will the pain ever go away? About our Families back on our earth I mean.?” I looked at him hopefully.

Asphyxious looks sadly at me. “I’m not sure I’m the kind of guy you need to ask about that. After all I lost my mind a long time ago and can’t even remember my old name… But I have a new family now.” He smiles as he get a hug from both his wife and daughter. “So I guess that up to you. oh, one more thing.”

Asphyxious go up to the side of my head and whispers to me. “Chrysalis loves it when you rub the base of the back of her neck, it a small soft spot you can’t miss it once you feel it.” He said with a smile. I coughed nervously.

“Thanks for the advise. Both of them. And just to say it, I think everyone of us in this situation has lost his mind in one way or another.” With this I crawled back to the side of my Chrysalis.

“Ok this time. Asphyxious our contract is complete.”
A portal of blue fire opens as Ax hands Pupa to his Queen as she walks into the portal first. Asphyxious walks in but turns around walking backwards saying this before the portal closes. “Don’t be afraid to get jiggy with it!” He yelled as the portal closed.

“What does he mean with this? And what had he whispered to you before?” The voice of Chrysalis brought me back to her. Oh this would take a bit of time to explain, and a lot of time in a cold pond for me.

“Well you see….”

Comments ( 20 )

Yes you will see chrysalis. You will.

I like the design of the changeling-zerg hybrids (what should we call the zerg changeling now? or do the infested changelings get a new name for their new form?) anyways glad that this continues and while I am not a fan of cross overs this was a pretty neat chapter :pinkiehappy:.
I wish you well and hope you have a good day :heart::moustache:.

I have to say that I am enjoying this story and hope to see a new chapter soon.

Keep up the good job you are doing.


Attention author: MOAR!!!

that is all.

Sorry for the late answer everyone, wanted to bring this out sooner, but life comes first ^^.
To all of you, thanks for the nice comments.

Thanks for the idea, they will come in later when the Swarm has more DNA in the arsenal ^^.

Well the name will be a little problem, but i think i will use his memory of Earth and a specific game series to help him with this :pinkiehappy:
I am happy to hear that you like the new forms, took me a little bit of planing, but I have some plans for them too.
And Crossovers are good as long they don't slow the story down or get to the point when they become more important than the story itself.

Thanks, and I try to work hard on the next chapter.

As soon as possible ^^.

Wait... Swarm... Starcraft... :pinkiegasp:

Is it... The Zerg...?:rainbowderp:

7313634 read and find it out for yourself ;P

*rolls around in the comment section waving my arms around like a brat* GIMME ME MORE!!! I WANT MMMOOORRREEEE!!!

Is it dead? No wait, it's trying to evolve, right??

Seriously, any plans to continue this story??

Awesome new designs.

It needs to continue!

I really liked this story for what it is worth. I myself never manage to finish Projects like this because I tend to lose the spark which is why I don't write any, I hope you found something else that you like to do.

Have a good day :heart::moustache:

Please tell me this addictive story will continue??

If his species is evolution... Can't he go into a evolution chamber and evolve himself to look more like a changeling?

This is a great story so far, looking forward to reading more. :pinkiehappy:

Hopefully I'm in contact with him, I'll ask him the what's goin on

Admittedly, one thing I dislike about Displaced stories is the frequent crossovers between them.

But still, this is an awesome story! Got any ideas for original zerg units, @Krozairofequestria?


Now all we need is a confimed Terran Displaced, and there could be a crossover between the three. Or maybe a new story detailing a world where all three of them exist!

Is this dead?

I hope not I want too see more chapters soon:heart::twilightsmile:

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