• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

Comments ( 57 )

I dunno. I couldn't get into this one. Anon was just too much of a pain in the neck.

Subtle. Maybe you're getting a little better at this joke thing.


This is what happens when you hang around ponies for too long.

As I can only say this cause my mind clearly can't comprehend to what it is here.


You know I'll never stop.
I'd never leave you like that. :heart:

Mein eyes.


The best story ever glad I hanged around until the end

Anon's just cranky because he went to sleep with a sore neck. I'm sure he'll feel better when he gets his Pennysworth and then maybe stick(Read hang) around for a while.

Truly a living hell

6189882 Well if I was in his position I might abuse it, if I can't handle it then I would just swear, cuss and overly insult everything until my steam is blown, then try to do to something else to keep my sanity in check. IE free Discord, help Chrysalis, give Sombra the finger. give Tirek the finger, give myself the finger by looking in the mirror. Just about anything.

:pinkiehappy: Nothing like a suicide to brighten up your day!
:unsuresweetie:This did seem a little "Anti-Pony" though.

Not meant to be heh, just looking at ponies from another perspective, that of an edgy little shit.

I was unsure about this story to begin with, but your really roped me in.

Might I say, I'm so glad you're back to your punning ways when it comes to my stories.
You often have me dying with laughter, especially when they're coming at this fast breakneck pace.

WOW, that was something alright

At first I thought this was some silly fic like the ones made by bendy, but I was wrong :rainbowlaugh:

To anyone out there reading this fic; the climax is really good. Just gonna hang in there.

and there's literally no vomit in it at all.


Anon seem pretty high-strung today, maybe he need to hang around more and relax.

Also, the idea that Equestria have a negativity filter never occur to me. Not a lot if any writer thought about that, i guess.
.....Wait. Did i just learn something from reading a anonpencil's fic?


Seri #18 · Jul 11th, 2015 · · 2 ·

This Anon was 'I'm so edgy notice my edge faggot, notice my edgy, NOTICE NONCONFORMIST ME!'
If he was anything other than a shallow edgy emo who 'worships' Satan to upset his parents and 'society', he would have used it to his advantage.
Being able to slip beneath the surface of reality (like a shark) almost at will would be useful for almost anything.
And if you got bored, you could 'be nice' and work on the whole 'heroes saving the world' thing after whatever you did to help yourself to whatever.

.....Wait, what? Do you even know how to use that word?

"Edgy" is usually applied when a character is trying to be way too serious, or just overly-awesome. The key word being "trying". In reality, they fail and thus are dubbed "edgy". As for Anon here, we haven't seen any of that really. We don't know much about his time spent in Equestria, but from what we can gather he hates the place and just wants to end it because he's tired of the immature bullshit around him. "Edgy"? No. Cynical/asshole-y? Yes.

That was the whole point of the story, us laughing at this guy's misery and the naivete of the ponies around him. He wasn't trying to gain attention, rather, he was accepting of the fact that there was no way to escape his own personal hell and wanted a way to end it. And he did. Graphically, after an implied great number of days. There was no mention of Satan, if you want an emo character go read My Immortal and then throw up, because it's the worst fanfiction ever.

Anon did make use of his powers to

shoved kitchen appliances up Spike's as till it looked like he was pregnant with a porcupine

. He didn't have motivation to actually do anything else with it. And it was quite apparent that he utterly despised the denizens of Equestria so becoming a hero was right-out.

You didn't read the story, you only posted this in an attempt to easily insult someone. And if you actually did read the story, I'm sorry to inform you but:

Seri #20 · Jul 11th, 2015 · · 1 ·

6192026 He killed himself solely as a 'fuck you, look at me' trying to break what looked like a rule of the world rather than trying to improve things in his own way. I did exaggerate what I perceived as what he would have done on earth and for that I am sorry that you interpreted that way.
I shouldn't have written that comment while in a pissy mood, I just couldn't believe someone could fail to try to adapt that badly.
As I said, he could have done almost anything he wanted and they would have only noticed the good, but chose to kill himself to spite others.

Jesus fucking christ when did my comments section get so deadly serious? Quick! More puns!

Someone call Blaine because that ropeburn looks serious. Looks like anon bit the rope on this one. It's so lovely of anon to help Twilight hang some men. Looks like Anon's been roped up in another bad situation. What do Saddam Hussein and Anon have in common? They hang around people who aren't their friends. Aaaaaaand I'm spent.

Well, this story kept stringing me along and I was held in suspense until the final fray.

This needs to have a spin off where Anon finds the thing that makes everything censored and destroys it. Maybe by severing ties with our world or teleporting into the main Hasbro editing studio and kick ass, who cares. Then, after that's done, he proceeds to tell off everyone and everything he sees and laughs at their reactions.

Or a continuation of this where another human pops up and does all that. Then, in an effort to find out when all this started, Twilight is forced to live through this exact moment again with all her friends watching as well. That would be a worthy sequel. :pinkiecrazy:

OR! Either spin off or another human, who really cares it's an Anon fic, abuses the fuck out of the power and does whatever the heck he wants. That sort of story would of course need every tag that makes the story Mature. If it was really censored I don't know if they could get injured or if it would be like Kenny off of South Park and he just comes back the next day...

Or take the boring path and make it just a straight up clop fic. Meh...

... :twilightoops:

Wow do I get twisted ideas late at night... *shrugs* Anyway hats off to the author, way to take something to the extreme. :pinkiehappy: Down with censorship!

Wow, that sure was a sweet story about Twilight and Anon helping each other!
It's really nice to see fanfics about our lovely pony friends doing what they do best.

10/10 would read to my foals.

Will read if someone would explain the mind control to me.

6198117 This story is in the mind control group, correct?

Try to help me understand here, what in the FUCKING hell is with you folks and your fetishes for bodily wastes? Something that's not meant to be adored in ANY way and is the body's rejection of it that you would find arousing?

6198358 Huh! That's news to me!

6198659 I do not find it at all arousing. What exactly do you mean?

6198659 A lot of if it regression. A lot of children had quite the affinity with the potty when they were young. Immaturity and potty humor sometimes develop into a fetish.

This could be polished into a legit series.

What if he was extremely nice, and everypony heard them as nasty, horrible insults? :duck:

Maybe he just wants to hang out...

... Oh my god. Yes. So much win. I have a story to tell that a friend of mine told me. Basically, a guys dad had committed suicide a while back via hanging himself, and this guy wasn't having a good time in life in general, so he hung himself too. You know what he wrote on his suicide note? 'See you later, I'm gonna go hang out with my dad now'. I shit you not, despite the situation, I laughed my ass off. And this is no different.


You sir are a prince among men, and thanks for being my 100th follower and all dat shit.

6252519 Anytime sire! Should you require fucked up comedy of all sorts, I'm here to provide! Especially 9/11 jokes. Now if you excuse me, I've gotta go, I'm scheduled to roundhouse kick a blind orphan off of the empire state building. On the plus side, he won't know what hit him. :pinkiecrazy:

This was funny, yet depressing.


This was a good one. Do you suppose that Equestria is littered with dead humans that just couldn't take it anymore?

This was profoundly beautiful and just the right amount of cynical.

I want to see this animated, though of course he couldn't be hanged then. He'd have to be drawn and cornered. Fortunately, no noose is good news.

In all likelihood, the world's offensivivity filter (I typed it, so it's a word now,) just manipulated Anon in some subtle fashion into this execute-ive action then promptly refused to allow him to actually expire. The end goal, obviously, being to put pressure on him to stop cursing--a gag order on a Celestia-l level--a real banner day for censorship, there.

I want to see a sequel/continuation in that vein, actually. Perhaps he dangles for a while, struggling and eventually just giving up to sulk. A few more ponies pass through the library before a particularly generic appearing background pony looks directly at him in horror and finally frees him. Said Observant Oscar introduces him to a secretive underworld of those "in the know"; persons, largely non-Equestrian, who independently grew sufficiently jaded that the Hasbro Haze simply lifted from their perception. This would certainly include a few ex-villains that spontaneously realized they did something profoundly dumb just to provide the illusion of a conflict for characters to overcome.

From that point, the obvious course of action for Anon is to work on educating the Important ponies (M6, princesses, Derpy, etc.) That requires subtle guidance of otherwise innocuous conversation to anything even mildly depressing or meaningful with most of the Mane 6, over time building on previous success until every pony around is just as broken as Anon. Pinkie Pie probably is already "aware" and actively struggles to keep others from making the same sad discovery. The Royal Sisters may or may not be in on the Censorspiracy--I can see Luna as having fallen off the wagon and then Friendship Cannon'd back on in S1Ep2. Maybe Celestia has been goading and courting disaster in a quest to die at long last when a story calls for some villain to murder her to demonstrate just how evil they are. (Chrysalis really got her hopes up for a few minutes.)

As Anon inducts more and more VIPs (Varyingly Interesting Ponies) into the Cult of Company-Loving Misery, each reacts differently. Apple Jack throws herself into work and family unto exhaustion in ironic denial. The flower sisters become total nihilists and don't cry calamity over any threat, but instead acknowledge the regular disasters and drama as an ever-escalating trend towards inevitable and inescapable annihilation. Eventually, even Twilight Sparkle faces up to facts and, entirely in-character, exhaustively explores every debauchery and depravity that passes her newly opened mind's eye--after an equally in-character emotional meltdown, of course.

The final boss is probably a gang of life-sized plastic Megatron, Cobra Commander, and Doctor Octopus toys with real spring powered orange missiles and flashing lights! the darkness inside all our own hearts and the ending of the story is entirely ambiguous and unsatisfying. (Assuming you ignore the violent-grudge-fucking-obsessed Twilight and the hilariously emo-goth Rainbow Dash writing purple prose about teen-angst tier depression and life's unfairness.)

There. I've done all the hard work. Somebody else with talent make a nice gradual-corruption black comedy fic. (Kidding about my hard work, but srsly: I'm considering finding somebody I can commission to write this, now.)

So thanks for that.

Was really hoping it wouldn't have worked. The biggest "fuck you" the universe coulda given him.

6185633 i.giphy.com/HbGLGlDN7aGFG.gif

You seem slightly buttflustered, pencil, could you possibly be irked at our friends over at hasbro?

I love this story

This is a good example of breathing different air.

I love it.

6903854 At least he took a real good swing at it, eh?

Wow, I guess you could say Anon reached the end of his rope...

Suicide make a person hungry, I dont care what anyone says.

Am I the only one who couldn't help but envision Anon's voice as sounding like Samuel L. Jackson?

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