• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 299 Views, 1 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Summer of Horror. - Grenazers

One night at a summer camp, the crusaders decide share their three different horror tales to their fellow campmates.

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Ch 1-The Summer of Horror

A white unicorn stallion hastily galloped his way through the old dark forest. It was night time, making the already dark forest even darker and harder for her to navigate through. To make things even worse, it was raining heavily that night, soaking the stallion up.

However, despite this the stallion knew his way through the forest and needed to reach the cabin. But, it was not so that he could take shelter from the rain.

Oh no, he needed it to take shelter away from his killer.

On both of his forelegs were numerous cuts. Some of them are still leaking out some blood.

These cuts were from earlier before, a reminder of his close encounters with his killer.

The stallion eventually found the cabin. The front porch of the cabin had its lights on, left on by him so that he can easily spot the small wooden house. The stallion burst right through the front door and slam it shut behind him. He then turns the light off and quickly crouch by the window. With the lights gone, it was now pitch black out there.

The stallion hoped that the cover of darkness would hide the cabin from killer that was tracking him.

As he kneel down there and looked out the window, up high above he could hear the clouds were rumbling. In that second a bright light flashes, briefly lighting up the dark forest. It was then followed by a loud thunderous crack.

In that brief time when the lighting lit up the forest, the stallion sworn he saw something trotting out of the trees. Deciding not to take any chances he gallops into the kitchen and turn the gas on the stove.

As the gas starts to fill the room, the sound of a window breaking can be heard in the living room. Upon hearing this, the stallion moves the fridge in front of the door, purposely making noises for his killer to hear.

Just as he expected, the killer heard the noise and was soon banging on the door. Once the door was starting to break, the stallion made his way to the window to the side and opened it. He climbs out the window just in time for the killer to break through the door.

The stallion then fires a small spark from his horn and aimed it into the gas filled kitchen. The spark reacted with the gas causing a huge explosion. The cabin was destroyed and the blastwave send the stallion flying forward and smacking onto the soft, wet ground.

Despite his pain the stallion wanted to get up and looked at the destroyed cabin. The building lay in shambles, with flames rising from the remains.

Seeing no sign of his killer, the stallion sighs in relief and lay on the muddy ground happily, not even bothered by the rain dropping on his body. He was finally glad it was over.

That is until a machete was stabbed right into his chest.

The stallion the blade piercing his body and looked up. Standing over him was his killer, a charred stallion but yet still standing. The large stallion wore a burnt hockey mask that conceal his deform face from them.

Before he could do anything, his killer pulled his weapon out and quickly plunged it right into his face. Killing him instantly.

Once he was dead, the killer then proceeds to pull his machete out of his skull. The killer then stood over the over looking down on him.
After a few second the large earth stallion trotted forward, disappearing into the dark forest.


“Nopony knows whatever happened to the killer of Camp Sunny Woods” Camp counselor Fire Starter said in a spooky voice. “Some say he just simply disappeared, other say he still roams around in the dark forest hunting down any ponies foolish enough to enter his forest.”

The counselor then looked around, leaned forward and motions for all the foals to listen in closely. “But, do you know what I think?” He questioned, to which none of foals answer. “I think he just move to a new place, a new camp for more victims to kill. Like this camp for example.”

Suddenly the bush behind the foals started rustling and out came a large stallion wearing a hockey mask and wielding a machete. The large stallion roared at the foals who all shriek in fright.

The roar then turn to laughter as the large stallion put down his weapon and took off his mask. “Relax everypony it’s just Strong Hoof.” Fire Starter said. The large stallion smiled and wave goodbye to all the foals as he trot away. All the foals quickly calmed down and laugh it off, enjoying the good scare. It was summer time in Equestria and with it comes no school. All the little fillies and colts are free for the next two months to do whatever they want.

On this summer, three certain crusaders agreed to spend their summer together at a camp. So after getting permission from their parents/ older siblings the girls boarded the morning train and headed off to Camp Fiery Forest.

“Alright my little ponies, it’s getting late and you should all head to your beds.”

“On come on Mr. Starter.” One little blue filly whined. “It’s the summer!”

“Yeah, we can stay up as much as we want!” A green colt exclaimed.

“Yeah and do what?” Fire questioned. “There’s nothing for us to do right now.”

“You can tell us more scary stories.” The same blue filly answered.

“Sorry kids, but I’m fresh out.” He stated. “That is unless you kiddies can come up with one.”

All the foals look at each other, hoping one of them will spring up and answer the call. Unknown to them, the crusaders huddle together and talk among themselves. They then separate and Applebloom spoke up.

“Actually sir, me and my friends got some stories to tell.”

Fire Starter look up and saw the little yellow earth filly with a big pink bow in her red mane.
“Applebloom, right?” He asked, to which she nodded. “So you and your friends got some stories for us to tell?”

“That’s right Mr. Starter!” The orange Pegasus named Scootaloo yelled out. “Back in Ponyville we come up with our own horror stories and tell it to the rest of the foals from our town.”

All the foals around the campfire stare in amazement over these three’s claims.

“Yeah, but we usually only do this around Nightmare Night.” Sweetie Belle explained. “However, just for tonight we’ll make an exception.”

“Well alright then, looks like you kids are getting your wish after all.” Fire said. “So which of you is going first?”

Applebloom answered his question by stepping forward, drawing everyponies attention towards her.

“My story begins with a mare with amnesia waking up in an underground shelter. The mare has no idea why she was here, nor does she know how she got here. All she knows is that she needed to get out of this shelter.”

“She eventually found the exit, but the door was locked. She requires a key to unlock It.”

“While searching for the key, she soon discovers that she’s not the only one roaming around in the shelter and that these ponies aren’t friendly. The mare soon finds herself…”