• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 299 Views, 1 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Summer of Horror. - Grenazers

One night at a summer camp, the crusaders decide share their three different horror tales to their fellow campmates.

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Ch 2-Trapped with the Grinning Killers


Passion Heart woke up in a blank white room, lying on top a soft, comfy bed. The fluorescent lights on the ceiling shine a white light down onto her face. The mare, very tiringly flip to her side and saw not only the door, but several other ponies too. She sat straight up and scratches the back of her head while taking a look at her surroundings.

There wasn’t really much of anything in the room. Nothing really interesting aside the several beds with ponies on them.

Passion got off her bed and trotted towards the nearest pony, a grey earth stallion.

She told the stallion to wake and shove him a little. When she got no response, she said the same things, but louder this time and even shoves him harder. The same thing like before, the stallion gave no response.

Not getting anywhere with this stallion, the mare decide to move onto the other five ponies.

She repeated her same attempts on these five ponies, but like the first one they wouldn’t wake up.

Passion was getting scared at this point. She has no idea where she was or how she got here and now she find herself alone, in a unknown place with several ponies she thinks are dead.

Panicking, Passion saw the door and immediately trot to it. However, before she could take a single step, her hoof kick a plastic water bottle to the wall.

The mare picks the plastic bottle up and notices it was completely empty. She then lifts her head up and starts to notice several other empty water bottles, one for each pony. Suddenly realizing something she head to where her bed was and found her water bottle. But, unlike the others hers was spilled all over the floor.

She finds this pretty strange and as much as she wants to investigate it, she needs to put this mystery on the side as she has more pressing matter to attend to and this is getting the hell out of here.

When Passion steps out the room she was in a narrow white corridor. There was an opening to the left and to the right. She picks the right path that leads to a flight of stairs. She left the door, her eyes caught the sign on the wall that says: Bed Room.

The mare continues her trek alone in this eerily empty facility, passing by many rooms with signs telling her what the rooms were. From what she gathers from her exploration of this place, she seems to trotting around in an underground shelter.

She has heard of places like this before. She remembered that long ago, paranoid ponies built these shelters in case Equestria was ever bombed by the other nations.

When Passion Heart turns around a corner, she immediately spotted a large metal door with the words ‘Exit’ over it. Glad that she found the exit, she happily gallops across the hall and attempted to open it.

She pulls onto the handle hard, but the metallic door won’t budge. It was locked tight.

While pulling, she notices a small keyhole in the center. That hole was attached to the mechanism that kept the door firmly locked in its place. If she wanted to get out of here, she’ll need to find that key.

If that was the case, then logically she would head back to Bed Room. One of them has the key and once she finds it, she’ll finally get out of here.
When Passion turns around another corner, she instantly stops dead in her tracks. Trotting along the hallway was the same grey stallion from earlier. The stallion was facing the other direction, slowly trotting forward.

The mare was at first surprise to see the grey stallion up and trotting, but then she became glad to see that she wasn’t alone anymore. She then called out to the stallion, alerting him of her presence.

She about to trot up to the stallion but immediately stopped in her tracks when he twists his head around. To her shock, the stallion’s eyes were completely red. But, what terrified her most was his creepy grin on his old face.

It was a kind of smile that give off more eerily creepy vibe then joy. It’s the kind of smiles you see on the faces of psychopaths.
The warning bells in her head were starting to kick in and they were telling her to run for it.

Following her instincts Passion made a dash to the left and was galloping away. From the distance she can hear the sound of heavy hooves clopping on the metal floor as the grey stallion chase after her.

She burst through the door of a supply closet and shut the door behind her. When she locked it, the stallion was already banging on the door. Passion, though she was safe for the moment, but soon the closet door was cracking. The stallion’s sheer strength is breaking the door and in a matter of seconds he’ll break right through.

With only seconds left, the mare looked around for a place to hide. The supply closet contains many empty boxes, some tools and equipment. Finding nothing that will aid her, she was about to accept her fate until she spotted a vent.

Getting in the vent will be a tight fit, but she’ll manage. Opening the cover, she crawls right in, squeezing into the tight spaces. After closing the cover, she lay there motionless and waited.

She heard the door shattering and the grey stallion stumbling in. However, to her shock several other ponies came rushing in as well. She recognizes them all from earlier in the bed room. Like the grey stallion, they all shared the same menacing red eyes and creepy grins.

She watches as they all search the room, but finding no sign of her. After thoroughly looking around, all the ponies left the room to continue their search somewhere else.

Once they were gone, Passion slid out the vent and carefully trots to the left side of the doorway. As she took cover, one of those grinning ponies passed by. The mare waited until she couldn’t hear the sound of their hoofsteps before moving on.

Her goal remains unchanged, she needed the key to unlock that metal door and get out of here.

Passion traces back her steps, remembering which path she took all the while avoiding those ponies that were looking for her. When she saw the stairs, she knew she was getting close to her destination. When she passes by a door, the mare didn’t notice it slightly opening.

She stopped right in front of the steps that lead down to the floor below. As she was about to take the first step down, the then suddenly felt a tight string wrapping around her neck and somepony pulling onto them hardly.

Passion tried to resist and pull the string back, but her assailant prove to be quite strong and the pony in response pulled harder.

The strangling was getting too much for her, so without thinking Passion toss herself down the flight of stairs, dragging her killer down with her.
The two ponies rolled down the steps, bruising up their entire body along the way. When they hit the bottom, Passion was hurt badly. Nothing was broken, but the pain was unbearable. She flip over to get a good looked at her assailant and saw that it was a young blue Pegasus stallion.

Unlike herself, this one didn’t get out of this unscathed.

Both of his wings were broken and his right front leg was twisted.

She wasn’t sure if this pony was alive or not, but she doesn’t intent to stick around and find out. Ignoring the pain in her body, she stood straight up and limb away from the scene.

At first she was planning to go at this slowly, but the sound of multiple hooves galloping towards where she is put a botch on her plan. The mare hastens her pace and manages to reach the bed room door before any of them caught glimpse of her.

She gently shut the door and hid in a corner, praying that none of them would come in here. Outside the room she could hear them trotting around, doing something. What they’re doing she had no idea. Suddenly there was sound of a scuffle, a fight perhaps.

This only lasted for a couple seconds before it suddenly ended and became silent. She heard the sound of their hoofsteps trotting around outside until she can no longer hear them.

Assuming that they have left, it was now safe for her to resume her search. She quietly trots around the blank room, searching each individual beds for the key. Unfortunately, after looking through all of the beds she found no sign of the key.

Sighing in frustration, Passion was about to head out and look for the key in the other rooms, but then stop when she heard the sound of the door opening. Turning her head to the door, Passion saw a green unicorn mare staring right at her.

The green mare grin deviously at her frighten prey before her. When she locked the door behind her, she slowly trots towards her. The grinning mare can sense the fear rising in her target and made sure to savour the moment.

Passion was terrified, trapped in a room with this maniac. The mare though about making break for the door, but before she could do it, the green mare uses her magic and grabs hold of her. She then proceeds to throw Passion against the wall, smashing her into it.

The green mare gleefully repeated the process of smashing Passion against the wall over and over again. Once she grew bored with that she threw her across the room, crashing onto one of the beds.

Passion lay on the broken bed, body hurting, bones broken and blood leaking from her wounds. She was in agonizing pain and wished for her killer to just finish her off already.

However, the grinning mare had no intention of finishing her off. She plans to toy with the injure mare, planning all the horrible and terrible things she will do to her. And once she is done with her, she’ll give her to the rest of her group, so that they can have a turn with her.

As Passion continue to lie on the remains of the broken bed, her eyes caught something sparkling in the distance. Focusing her eyes forward, she spots a piece of silver, dangling around the green mare’s neck. Looking closely, her eyes widen upon seeing what it was.

The key.

Seeing the silver key has fill Passion Heart with hope to keep on going. So she grabs the pillow next to her and threw it at the grinning pony. The green mare instinctively blasted the pillow with her magic, however by doing so, feathers came bursting out.

The burst of feathers acted like a smoke bomb, obscuring her vision of her target. Suddenly coming out from the cloud of feathers, Passion, dash towards the green mare and bash her face with a broken metal leg from the bed she crashed on.

The hit knock the green mare to the ground, knocking her out in the process.

Passion fell to the ground as well, reeling from the pain her body hasn’t recovered from yet. As much as she just wants to lie there, she didn’t have the luxury and knew that she needed to get out of her.

So grabbing the silver item in her mouth, she pulls the key away from the green mare, breaking the string attached to it.

Passion then limply trots towards the door, fighting through the stinging pain all over her body. She put her ear against the door and listens closely, making sure nopony was outside.

Opening the door and stepping outside, Passion slowly made her way back to the exit. Now with the key in her hoof.

When she got near the stairs, she passed by the corpse of the blue Pegasus that tried to strangle her earlier. The young stallion was mess, stomp to death by the other ponies. She only spares a quick glance at him before heading up the step.

Despite how quick the glance was, the image of his still grinning face left an imprint on her mind.

She pushes onward, silently and stealthy passing the numerous grinning ponies roaming the hallways.

Eventually Passion finally reaches the metal door and stood in front of it. Taking the key in her mouth, she inserted it into the tiny hole and turns it. The lock mechanism sprung to life, emitting sounds of clicks and squeaks as all the gears started to move.

After a few seconds, the door was soon unlocked.

Passion hastily pulls on the door and was immediately assaulted by a very bright light. The mare trots into the light, using her own hoof to shield her eyes from the blinding light.

Once she was outside, her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the light and now she was able to clearly see the blue skies above. The sky was clear, allowing the sun to shine its radiant light down onto the world below. This beautiful day was a total contrast to the ruin city in the distance.
Off in the distance, Passion can see the destroyed city of Manehattan. The tall skyscrapers once stood high and mighty were in wreck, shadows of their former selves.

As she stood there gazing at the destroyed city, her memories started coming back to her and now she remembered what has happened.
It all happened a year ago when the incident started. Nopony knew where it came from or how it all started, but that didn’t stop them from keeping control of the situation.

In the early days there were wide spread reports of violence happening across Equestria, either done by lone individuals or by large groups. Things only got worse from there as the violence gradually increases over the weeks.

She remembered Manehattan being hit and witnessing the carnage on the streets. She remembered that she was part of a small group that managed escape the city and hid themselves in an old underground bomb shelter. They planned to hide in here and wait for this whole thing to blow over and for things to go back to normal.

However, as months pass, things did not get any better. It then became clear that Equestria was loss. Canterlot, the last haven for ponykind has been overrun by the horde of murderous, grinning ponies.

As she continues to stand there, more memories came flooding in. Memories that has been buried, but were now being dug up. She remembered the grey stallion, Iron Hoof. He was former royal guard and he was the owner of the shelter.

Next there was the blue pegasus stallion and the green unicorn mare. Those two she personally knows well. The blue one was her younger brother, Blue Streak and the green one was her fillyfriend, Olive Branch.

Passion was shocked and horrified that they tried to kill her, but this was a pale comparison to the next thing she remembered.

She was remembering it now. They were all in the bed room, Iron Hoof, Blue Streak, Olive Branch and the other three: Hardball, Sweet Bliss and Tinker. They were all sitting on their own beds, each holding a water bottle. With the knowledge that the world has ended, they all decided to commit suicide together. Each of their bottles has been tainted with poison and they plan to all die at the same time.

As they all drank the water, there was one pony that was hesitant about it. That pony was Passion Heart. The mare only drank half of the bottle, before dropping it on the floor. Despite not drinking all of it, the poison still affected her, knocking her out and giving her amnesia.

After remembering everything that happened, Passion drop to her knees, feeling dejected. When this all started, the mare thought that everything would be fine once she escape from this shelter and away from those grinning monsters. But, now the fact that the entire world is full them, really hit her hard.

Passion continues to stay on the spot, not moving a single inch from it. By this time, the grinning ponies from the shelter found their way out and spotted the mare sitting idly by herself. They approach the sitting mare, grinning gleefully at target.

Passion turns her head towards them and saw that Iron Hoof was at the front, wielding a steal pipe. The grey stallion trot up in front of the mare and raise his weapon upwards. Knowing what’s going to happen next, she closed her eyes waited.

First came the pain and then came the blackness.


“And that’s the end of my story.” Applebloom conclude her story. The little filly looked around and saw that the other foals were very impressed with the story, even counsellor Fire Starter.

“That’s quite a story you got their Applebloom.” The stallion praised the young filly. He then turn his attention to the other two fillies. “So which one of you is next?” He asked.

Sweetie Belle then step forward and begin telling her tale.

“My tale is about a stallion that has recently moved into a new house. However, at the same time another creature has also moved in as well. Later that night, strange noises started appearing, freaking the stallion out. However, the stallion is going to freak out even more once he discovers that there is…