• Published 16th Jul 2015
  • 5,229 Views, 635 Comments

Cryo-7 - Metal Pony Fan

Twilight searches the galaxy for the remnants of her world with the help of freelance pilot Astral Plane.

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Tinker, meet Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and Bounty Hunter

"Out," the dragon commanded, stunner carefully aimed at his prisoner. He was alone with her, his broken-legged companion having teleported himself and the other wounded to medical as soon as they were in range.

Berry rolled over in her cot, and slid off the edge. Her hooves were bound, but she could still stand, and walk, if she took it slow. Around her, the small holding cell was trashed. Panels were pulled off the wall, and bundles of cable were yanked out. Some even looked like they were chewed through.

"Were you trying to kill yourself? Some of those are live power lines." The dragon kept his distance, and when she started walking towards him, he noticed a slight limp. "Wait," he ordered cautiously. "Drop it."

With a snort, the pink pony relaxed her hoof, and a jagged metal bracket, previously concealed in her fetlock, clattered to the floor.

"Why am I not surprised?" He gestured with the stunner. "Follow me. Slowly. And keep your distance. I don't feel like getting stabbed again."

She furrowed her snout in anger, the movement causing pricks of pain where the dragon's claws had broken her skin while he was smothering her with that cloth. "Well, I didn't feel like being kidnapped."

"Kidnapped? Ha!" The dragon leaned against the doorframe. "You mean, taken into custody? We know who you are, pirate, and we will not suffer you roaming free across the galaxy."

"You don't know a thing about me." Berry grabbed the nearest bundle of wires, squeezing them in her hooves. Patches of bare wire wire connected, forming a primitive switch, that activated the power line she rigged to the door circuit.

The surge blew out the lights, and threw the dragon away from the door in an explosion of sparks. He landed in front of Berry, shouting in pain as smoke rose from his back. "Damn you!" He swiped at her with a claw, but she jumped back, turning, and bucked him in the face before running, nearly losing her balance because of her bindings. He raised the stunner, but it only sputtered when he pulled the trigger, and Berry used the opportunity to put more distance between them. "Get back here!"

Berry wasn't listening. She was focused on moving as fast as possible despite her restraints, and searching the large shuttle for the keys to her manacles. Chains! They had her bound by steel chains! She didn't know how to pick a mechanical lock!

Behind her, she heard the dragon roar as he dragged himself to his feet, and she adjusted her priorities. If she could get to the shuttle's controls, she might be able to lock the doors, and call for help. She could get the restraints off later.

She hobbled forwards, through empty sleeping quarters, past bunks enough for six, then through a door, and past a dining table. Then through another door, into an open, unfurnished room. Berry froze for a second.

The right wall of this room held a door. It was open, and light was coming through. They had landed, and who knew what was waiting out there. Ahead, there was one more closed door. If this shuttle was anything like Astral and Twilight's, that was the command center just ahead.

She had to risk it.

She glanced back. The dragon was moving slower than she was, in pain, smoking, snarling over a bloody nose, and had barely made it past the holding cell door. He fired his stunner, over and over, hoping it might, just once, deliver more than a weak spattering of blue sparks.

He roared in frustration, and Berry made up her mind, and scrambled for the far door. Anypony outside the shuttle would be able to see her. She could only hope that they were too far away to-


She pitched forward. Whatever hit her, it was hard. Her left ear rang, and just for a second, she was sure everything around her blurred. She was still falling forward. The stunner clattered to the ground near her. She stumbled, trying to plant her hooves, to catch herself. But the chains caught, and she tripped.

She fell sideways, out the open door. And she saw that there was no need for her to be worried earlier. No pony would have seen her cross the doorway. They were too busy, and too far away, rolling a ramp towards the shuttle, which was suspended from a docking clamp over a dozen meters from solid ground.

Berry saw one of the ponies at the ramp run in her direction, eyes wide in fear. She closed hers. Even if he wanted to help her, he was too far away, and she had no way to save herself. She fought the urge to scream, and instead, whispered silent thanks to the universe. At least it let her make friends, and have one adventure before it came to this.

Waiting for impact, she felt the air crackle around her, and the impact came from the wrong direction. She yelped. Something slammed sideways into her, and she felt strong hooves wrap tight around her. She opened her eyes, and she was no longer falling straight down. Somepony had tackled her, grabbing her. White-furred legs, with long, full fetlocks and polished purple hooves held her tight as their altered course took them over the edge of the landing platform. It was a much farther drop to the next landing platform down, several dozen meters more, if not a hundred.

"Hold on," whispered a voice in her ear, it was an imposing voice, deep and powerful. It almost reminded her of Mac's, save for the lack of a noticeable accent. "You're safe now."

There was a jolt, and Berry felt sick to her stomach. Up and down lost all meaning, as their fall suddenly reversed direction. They fell again, and reversed, then bobbed in place as their momentum exhausted itself, leaving them floating weightless halfway between platforms.

Berry swallowed hard, glad that she refused to eat anything the dragon had offered her on the trip here. Her stomach would have protested much worse if it had anything in it.

She and the other pony were now slowly spinning in place, and she got her first good look at the space around her. It was a massive space station, or a port. Just this docking bay was half the size of Canter Delta. And it was carved from the rock. They were completely enclosed inside, but there was a display the size of a building on the ceiling, showing the outside of the station, and the status of various defenses and transiting ships. This was a station enclosed within an asteroid.

There were ten separate landing platforms, of different sizes, and at different levels. There was a small armored cruiser docked at one platform. There was an entire squadron of fighter vessels parked on another. There were other platforms whose ships were covered by large black tarps. Support personnel went about their days above and below, approximately a hundred of them in sight at the moment, and who knew how many more out of sight, on the ships, or through any of the countless doors.

"We stopped?" She whispered, breathing heavily. Even if there was no gravity away from the platforms, inertia should have kept them going. "How?"

"Inertial arrestors between the platforms," the voice said calmly, "to keep undocked ships from drifting into each other."

She tried to look back at the other pony, only to be blinded by an all consuming flash. She felt gravity reassert itself before she fell a few centimeters to the deck. Blinking, and scrambling to stand, she tripped over her chains again. Again, she felt a hoof catch her.

"Please, calm down. You're on solid ground again, and-"

With a shout, Berry swung her front hooves, chains and all at the voice. She vaguely saw a figure dodge the strike, and lunged forward. He dodged again, and Berry lost balance. He stepped in quickly, catching her before she could fall.

"Miss, please, stop. I-"

She flicked her head over, headbutting him in the face. He staggered, and she took the chance to rear up. He was a unicorn, and she aimed for his horn. If she could just hit it, stun him long enough to get away, and back over the ledge without him able to teleport her back, she might be able to escape.

She was not expecting him to rear up in answer, like they were two wild horses fighting. He caught her chains with one hoof, then stomped back down, pulling her with him. She tried to headbutt him again, but his other hoof was waiting for that.

His hoof cracked across her face, a fierce jab with a downward twist. It floored the earth pony, and her chains were pulled out from under her right after, leaving her sprawled sideways on the cold metal decking.

"I asked you to stop."

Berry looked up slowly. Multiple fights, not resting or eating while in her holding cell, and the terror of nearly falling to her death were starting to get to her. She was losing the strength to fight back anymore.

A stallion in his late twenties looked down at her. He wore a military style jacket and a ballistic vest over his bright white coat. His long, curly purple mane was perfectly combed and styled, blonde highlights catching the lights. Not a single hair was out of place, despite the fall and brief tussle. The only evidence was the split on his lower lip, where her headbutt connected. He looked down with eyes as cold as their color, glacial blue, focused on Berry.

"Who are you?" She asked quietly. It almost hurt to say the words, her mouth and throat were dry, a combination of fear and not drinking the water they tried to give her. "What do you want from me?"

"I am Blueblood the Eighteenth, Prince of the White Flags." He motioned to the others on the platform that they should continue with their work. "Some call us bounty hunters. Some call us mercenaries. We are sworn to aid and protect those who seek our help. We have been provided evidence that you attempted to sabotage a space station. You are also the last known link to Grinparch Norland, a class zero threat." The stallion looked up at the dragon being helped down the ramp. "Given the state of my team, I'd say they underestimated you. I will not make the same mistake."

Berry listened quietly, but none of that was true! She never sabotaged anything! The only station she ever visited was Canter Delta, and she made more repairs than anything else. And she wasn't a threat, she only tried to defend herself! "What are you going to do to me?"

"We will determine which law enforcement agency has the most legitimate claim to you, and you will be transferred via a secure shuttle. Judicial proceedings will be left, um, up, uh, up to..." His well-rehearsed speech devolved into stammering, and his icy gaze softened. "Wait, no, please don't cry. I... This isn't anything personal, it's for the good of galaxy. Please understand that."

"What did I ever do to the galaxy?" Berry grabbed her head, curling up on the floor. "I only learned granpa was a pirate a few days ago! Why does everypony want to hurt me? And my friends? First Vizor, then that guy with the poison, and now this? Why? Am I really that bad? Was Granpa so hated, that I'm damned just for being born?"

"Wait, poison?" The Prince shook his head. He couldn't let himself be tricked by fake tears. Sure, criminals usually didn't cry, at least, not the type he usually dealt with, but threat level zero criminals were rare. Who knew what sort of tricks she had up her sleeve? Hell, there was a cyborg drug-dealer, with nineteen confirmed murders, in the brig right now, and he was only threat level three. "There is a famous video of Grinparch Norland killing four ponies, while chained like you are now. If you are related to him, you are a serious threat, no matter your circumstances. And how do you know Vizor? She's a level one threat, and a high priority target."

"She attacked Delta, and hijacked the Philomena, and tried to kill us. She hurt everypony, and almost killed Mac, and tried to kill Fluttershy, and uncle Astral, and blew up a bunch of stuff, and she held a gun to my neck, and hit me with glass, and it hurt, and I was scared, and I was angry, and I couldn't do anything, and-" Running out of air, Berry had to stop and breath. She sniffed loudly, and wiped her face, smearing tears and snot on her hooves, which she then wiped on the floor.

"Ugh!" Blueblood recoiled in disgust. "Goddess! You did not just do that!" Fussing and muttering, he pulled a handkerchief out of a pocket. Holding the cloth in his magic, he wiped up the mess, and incinerated the rag. He quickly pulled a second handkerchief out of the same pocket. He gently set it in her hoof. "I have more of these if you need them."

"Why do you care?!" She kicked at him, and he hopped back. She rubbed her nose on the deck, and spat the biggest nastiest glob of goo she could muster as far as she could. "If you're going to lock me up, I'm gonna make as much mess as I can!"

He had a third handkerchief out before the spit hit the ground. "No! Please, look, we're just talking right?"

Berry glared at him through her tears. He was holding his hoof up in a placating gesture, while he wiped up what he could without getting to close to her.

"We're just talking," he repeated, as if he was negotiating a hostage release, or talking her down from a ledge, "let's keep talking. You said something interesting there, you mentioned an attack on Canterlot Station Delta. Were you on Delta?"

"Yes." Berry worked up a good mouthful of spit and let it drool out directly under her, where Blueblood couldn't reach. The shuddering look of discomfort he gave was possibly the most satisfying thing the pink pony had ever seen. "Is that important?"

"I don't know yet." The Prince dragged Berry a little to the side with magic, and started mopping up the floor with his handkerchief. "It seems like a lot happened. When did you find time to visit Canterlot Station Beta?"

Berry let out a snort, forcibly clearing her nostrils, and leaving a fresh mess to replace what he cleaned up. "I didn't."

Blueblood frowned at the earth pony as he debated moving her again. "We have proof that you tampered with their computer, and a video affidavit, from a Sheriff Glacier, that you were responsible for similar intrusions on other stations."

"I don't know who that is, but somepony at that station put a data mining device on Delta's main communications array. I put my picture in their administrator list because Growl said I should let them know they got caught before disabling the thing."

"We were given only a single picture of you, and a remarkably clear one. Not the usual security footage." He thought it over for a moment. "If I recall correctly from the reports, Growl is the Station Administrator and Security Chief on Delta. If I contacted her, would she back up your story?"

"If she does, will you let me go?"

"No." With a sigh the Prince slid her over again, and cleaned up what he could. "There is currently a secret bounty of one hundred million bits on anypony tied to Grinparch Norland. Not to mention the bingo book listings. Without evidence that you have committed a crime, we will not turn you over to anyone, but unless you can prove you aren't a danger to the galaxy at large, we will not release you. And even if we let you go free, there is no guarantee that other bounty hunters will do the same." He sat down, suddenly seeming exhausted. "I'm sorry, I know that isn't what you wanted to hear. If you wish to make your case, my father, Blueblood the Seventeenth, should be returning from Zargon within the week. He can make a decision to override mine, but I doubt it will be in your favor."

Berry wiped her face again, and Blueblood was slightly relieved to see her use the handkerchief. But, he was no longer so sure that she was putting on an act. It would take a truly practiced individual to mimic the despair he saw in her eyes. "Let's, um, let's talk about something else," he suggested. He would probe a little bit, see if she lied about anything, or admitted to any known criminal connections. But, he would start off slowly. "So... Those are interesting piercings you have, on your face there. Do they have some sort of meaning?"

"They're claw marks," she muttered, head resting against the cold deck plating, "from that dragon. He was holding a cloth over my face."

Blueblood visibly flinched. "Things did not go as planned. They were supposed to stun you, and quietly transport you here. It was not our intention to injure you."

"Prove it." Berry didn't bother looking up, or moving her head at all. She laid there in apathy, knowing nothing would change his mind. But, she could wait. She could bide her time until a mistake was made, allowing an escape. "Let me go."

"I can not." He stood up, and walked over so he was in her line of sight. "That said, the actions of the team that captured you is entirely my responsibility. Would you allow me to prove my good faith in another way?"

She stared at him a moment. There was precious little he could possibly do to convince her that he wasn't a bad guy. "Whatever."

He nodded slowly, face taking on a grim look. With magic, he pulled something from another pocket. It was so small, Berry almost didn't see it at first, a small piece of metal, strung with thread. A sewing needle? He grabbed the thread, and pulled it through the needle's eye. He coiled it up, placed it back in his pocket, then jammed the needle into the side of his snout.

Grunting in pain, he pulled the needle out, only stab it in again a little lower. He winced, and groaned, and it looked like this second stab caused much more pain than the first, if that was even possible. His magic sputtered as he fought to maintain concentration as he stabbed himself a third time, closer to the chin.

His magic finally gave out, and grabbed the needle with his hoof. He transferred it to his other hoof, and took a deep breath. With a short, determined shout, he jammed it dead center into his cheek.

He doubled over in pain, whimpering as Berry stared in horror. He took a moment to breath, composed himself, then spit out the needle. He was quick to snatch it up, lest Berry procure the possible weapon, but the look on her face told him two things. First, he had made his point, second, that she was not a hardened criminal by any stretch.

He drew yet another handkerchief, and brought it to his face to stanch the blood flow from his wounds. "I give you my word, an oath sworn in blood, that so long as you not attempt to escape, or harm anypony, you will not be harmed by any member of the White Flags. Do you accept these terms?"

Berry found herself nodding her agreement. "Yes." She didn't agree, but how was she supposed to say that to his face without sounding like a terrible pony? She was going to escape at the first possible opportunity. She wasn't obligated to give up her freedom just because he was willing to stab himself in the face, right? Who even does that?

Though, that was probably the biggest single gesture of respect she had received in her life. His wounds mirrored her own in placement and severity, except the cheek one went a little deep. He couldn't be a bad pony if he was willing to go this far to right a wrong. They were at odds over something neither of them could control.

He blinked away a few tears of his own, then motioned to Berry. "That was more painful than I expected. Come, we will visit sickbay."

Berry stood up. It was a slow process, but she refused the offer of a supporting hoof. She wasn't going to be pulled in by small acts of kindness. She was still a prisoner.

"Suit yourself. I would probably do the same." The stallion pulled his handkerchief away from his bleeding face. "If you let your eyes unfocus, you will be less disoriented after teleporting."

The implication was clear, and Berry tried it. She looked out at some random spot on the floor, and tried to not look at it, or maybe focus on the air between her and the spot. She wasn't sure if she was doing it right, but when the flash came, it wasn't as blinding as before. She could make out enough of her surroundings to know she wasn't in a cell. Beyond that she had to blink away the flash.

They were in a large room, spartan in decor. The floor was covered with a smooth, yet soft, navy blue material. Mechanical beds that looked like they were sitting on articulated toolboxes were arranged in a grid, with plenty of walking space between. The mattresses were made of the same material as the floor, only thicker.

And, five of those beds were occupied.

One unicorn stallion, whose leg was being examined by a doctor, pieces of a temporary cast littering the bed and floor around him. He saw Berry, and fixed on her with a dirty look.

Another stallion, a lightly colored earth pony was being removed from his armor by several nurses while a doctor placed devices along the back of his neck. He was awake, but he didn't make any move to help undress himself. The look on his face was one of fear, and helplessness.

The short humanoid occupied a third bed. A similar looking doctor examined a screen as he ran a scanner over his chest.

The fourth bed held the dragon, laying on his belly. Wet rags had been thrown over blackened scales on his back. And when he saw Berry arrive, he pushed his way out of bed, and past a doctor arriving with a scanner. "Why is that thing here?!" He bellowed at Blueblood. "It can be treated from inside a holding cell."

He stalked over, on uneasy legs, snarling at the pink earth pony. Berry snarled back, only managing half a step in her chained hooves, but the dragon flinched. It was quite a sight, the reptilian predator backing away from a mare a fifth or less his size.

"My Prince, this thing needs to be contained." He looked over at Blueblood, who had raised an eyebrow at the interaction. "Look what she's done." He pointed at the stallion being helped out of the last of his armor. "Bell won't be able to wipe his own ass for weeks because of what she did! Four stun blasts! What kind of sadistic cruelty does it take to pull the trigger that many times with the weapon on his spine?"

"You shot Lily!" Berry screamed back, lunging at him. Only Blueblood's quick hooves kept her from wrapping her chains around the dragon's neck. "I didn't even know it was a stunner! You could have killed her for all I knew!"

"Mistakes were made!" Blueblood shouted as he dragged her back. "On all sides!" Berry turned, hoof raised to punch, but he just stared at her. She faltered, eyes focused on his still bleeding snout. "Do it, or not," he told her, "make your decision now."

Berry lowered her hoof a little. She found herself looking around. Everyone was watching her. One of the nurses had their hands on a weapon. It was hidden behind the flap of their uniform jacket, but what else do you keep in the waistband like that?

She was alone. Outnumbered by more than before. And, she was hated. She had caused pain. She caused suffering. She was responsible for more pain than they were, and not just to them. She still didn't know if Mac and Fluttershy were alright.

She looked back at Blueblood. His gaze didn't waver. His look was hard, jaw set like stone, but not in anger. He was waiting for her her to make his choice. Did he know she was lying earlier? Was he waiting for her to break the terms she accepted? Waiting for her to prove the dragon right?

Berry started crying again. Whatever he was waiting for, he was waiting. He was going to let her make her choice before judging her on it. It was more than anypony else had done. Everypony else had judged her on her heritage. Elder Tekrin wanted her dead until he found out she wasn't what he thought. Growl treated her with constant suspicion. Even her friends. As well meaning as it was, they only gave her a chance because she was related to their friend.

That was all she wanted! A chance. A chance to prove she was more than the spawn of some pirate. That she was more than their friend's granddaughter. That she was something on her own. She wanted to be something in this galaxy, something that wasn't decided for her. Didn't she have that right?

She realized she still had her hoof raised, pulled back, and ready to strike. She looked at it, and the chains secured to it, then back at Blueblood. It would be so easy. He wouldn't be able to stop her in time. She could catch his chin just right, and he would drop before anypony could do a damn thing to stop her. He even had a knife and a stunner at his hip.

She let her hoof drop. The chains clattered. Even if she broke out, stole a shuttle, and escaped, they would never stop hunting her. And she couldn't hurt him, not after he gave her a chance to prove herself. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to see that disappointment from him.

"I'm scared," she said, looking up at him. She was shaking, trying to keep herself composed and failing. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing," he promised, gently pulling her to him. His hoof softly cradled the back of her head as she fell into him, crying into his chest. Her hooves hung limp as she sobbed, and she made no effort to get away. Blueblood looked up, meeting eyes with every member of the capture team. "I think there's been a terrible mistake."

Even the dragon backed down, slowly returning to his hospital bed under the fussing of his doctor. "That's your call, My Prince. We just captured her. Sorting it out is your job."

He nodded slowly. It was his job. "Some days I wish I was lower on the food chain." His horn lit up, and Berry's chains fell clattering to the floor. She still did nothing. He stepped back, and looked around again. "Any objections?"

A few of the nurses exchanged glances, but none said anything.

Blueblood looked back at Berry. She was no longer shaking, but she was swaying slightly, staring at her unbound hooves. She didn't move, or say anything. He lifted her with magic, and she still didn't react. He laid her on the nearest bed like a ragdoll, then zapped the pile of chains out of existence. "Treat her wounds, then get her something to eat and drink. I don't think she'll refuse this time."

One of the doctors nodded. "I will take care of it once I finish here."

"Understood," Blueblood replied with a nod.

With that, the unicorn turned around. Laying limp on the bed, Berry watched him. She couldn't explain it, but the moment he undid her chains, her entire body felt like it turned to lead. The weight of the trust he showed her was overpowering. He unbound her hooves while she had easy access to his weapons, and he didn't step away first. How could he know she wouldn't attack him? Did he even know?

So, this was a prince? The stuff of those legends and bedtime stories Grandma and Granpa told her? Ancient and noble leaders, who inspired others by their valor and spirit? Maybe she was hallucinating from fatigue, but it was beautiful.

She closed her eyes as a damp cloth was placed over her forehead, only to open them a moment later. Nopony said anything to her, or started scanning her or anything. It seemed like the rag was just a passing measure to make her comfortable until they got to her.

So she just watched Blueblood, as he walked to the far corner of the room. At the very last bed, a doctor was helping a unicorn foal with a coat as white as Blueblood's, treating some small injury on his leg. The colt started talking excitedly as the Prince approached, eventually pointing her way.

Blueblood looked back. Side by side, it was like looking at two of the same face. Only, one was shrunk a little. Even the mane styles were similar. But, the colors were off. The young colt had a blonde mane with a purple fringe.

They talked a little more, until the doctor seemed to finish up. After putting away all his other equipment, he pulled out something that made Berry cringe in sympathy for the colt. It was a vaccine.

The colt didn't take it too well either. He started crawling back on the bed, but a reassuring hoof on his shoulder, and some words from Blueblood seemed to calm him down a bit. He kept his eyes on the older unicorn, wincing at the cold as the doctor washed his leg with alcohol.

A doctor had finally started on her, scanning before doing anything else. But, she was focused on what was happening across the room, watching despite temporary obstructions as the doctor moved around in front of her.

The colt had his hooves wrapped around Blueblood's neck, eyes screwed tightly shut as he waited for the painful prick of a needle. Blueblood nodded to the doctor.

Berry didn't see what happened next, as her doctor was in front of her again. "These marks on your snout are already healing up quite nicely. If you don't mind, I would rather give you an ointment and let them heal naturally." He moved, and she saw that Blueblood was walking towards them, leaving a sheepishly relieved colt behind. "The ones on your foreleg are a little deeper, so I'll take care of them first, while my associate checks that bump on the back of your head. When was your last tetanus booster?"

"My last what?" Berry asked faintly, before looking back up as Blueblood returned to them.

For a moment, she didn't say anything, and neither did he. He was waiting for her to make the first move, to set the tone, the rhythm of the interaction. In a fight, it would be like making your opponent come to you. Not letting them set the tempo, but forcing them to.

The weight she felt earlier was fading. She could trust him. He wasn't an enemy. He wasn't a friend, by any stretch, and he had other interests placed before hers, but she felt she could trust that his words were true. For the moment, she was safe. He wouldn't turn her over to anyone until he investigated for himself. Time would prove her innocent, and gain her freedom back. She could trust that now.

Berry swallowed, caving to the stoic pony's plan. "He looks like you, your son?"

"Little brother," the Prince corrected. "I have no foals, nor a mate." He looked over at the doctor. "She is to be kept under guard, but treat her with respect. When you are done, have her brought to a guest room, not a holding cell. I need to go cleanup."

It was then that Berry noticed his back. Some sort of brown liquid, with little green and orange bits was lodged in his collar and stuck to his mane. "What happened?"

"Hmm?" Blueblood glanced back over at her, before realizing, "oh," and gesturing to his neck. "Little Juki pukes sometimes when he gets excited. Doctor says he'll grow out of it eventually, but our little shouting match, followed by the needle, was simply too much for him."

Berry stared at the calm and collected prince with a hint of disbelief. The bitter, acrid stench was finally wafting her way. "And you aren't grossed out?"

He looked confused. "Why would I be?"

She covered her nose. "You got puked on?"

"It comes with the territory when caring for foals." He shrugged, immediately cringing as the action squished the puke in his collar. "Well, no use worrying about a little mess."

Berry shook her head. "But, you were freaking out when I spit on the floor?"

"Ew!" Blueblood exclaimed with disgust. "That is an entirely different matter! That was on the floor! And in a high traffic, public area. Can you imagine? All the poor ponies that have to walk there, who knows what they might step in if the area isn't kept clean? Floors should always be kept spotless. Ponies have to use their hooves for more than just walking, you know."

Berry stared blankly. He said that all with a straight face, with vomit dripping down his neck. "I... I see."

"Good. Oh!" He seemed to remember something, and reached a hoof into a pocket. "Last one." He pulled out another handkerchief. It was a little different than the previous ones. Most obviously because of the monogram, a large letter, "B," embroidered in flowing script using metallic purple thread. "Please, keep it, in case you need it."

He offered it to Berry, and as she closed her hoof around it, she realized it was also a different material from the others. Smooth and plush, it was quite possibly the softest fabric the earth pony had ever felt. She couldn't use this to wipe her nose! "Th-thank you."

"You're welcome." He gave a brief nod, and walked away.

She held the handkerchief tight as the doctor started washing her other hoof.

For some reason, she was really glad he wasn't a bad pony.

In the washroom of his personal quarters, Blueblood decided to teleport himself out of his uniform. Attempting to remove it manually was an unsettlingly squishy ordeal. He concentrated a moment, then shifted sideways with a bright flash. When it faded, he was standing beside his uniform.

It fell to the ground, contents of the various pockets and pouches clattering. The knife at his hip, or rather, the handle alone, rolled away. The stunner beside it collapsed, a mere plastic shell. When teleporting himself and the guest to sickbay, he had left all metal in his possession on the landing pad. The blades of his knives, internal parts of his stunner, even his trusty sewing needle, which was probably damaged and in need of honing.

And, there was no way she could have known that. He gave her every opportunity to get her hooves on his weaponry. He even presented himself as the perfect hostage. And she did nothing.

He stepped in the shower, and turned the water on. He stood in the center as water fell over his back, freezing cold at first. He wasn't expecting Juki to be there. He had a little accident with one of mother's sewing machines, and needed a tetanus shot. He was scheduled to get one later in the year, but there was no harm getting it over with sooner. Plus, he learned to respect the machines a little better. The young colt was brave, and handled it well, but the mess running off Blueblood's mane right now proved it was more excitement than the colt could handle.

Though, he shouldn't have had to see that stand-off. Perhaps it would serve as a learning experience, but it was still a harsh experience for the colt. If he wanted to follow in his father's and older brother's hoofsteps, he may find himself in similar situations in the future, but he had many years before he would ever have to deal with anything remotely that tense. He had years to learn that uncontrolled tempers can lead to pain, and that lack of information can lead to situations where you are manipulated.

Blueblood turned the water off, just as it was getting warm. They were manipulated. He was manipulated. Somepony used the White Flags to achieve something they either couldn't, or wouldn't, do on their own. "Glacier," he said to himself, the word dripping from his tongue like the freezing water dripped off his mane.

This gets settled now.

He left the washroom without drying off. The vomit was barely rinsed off, and he hadn't touched his bleeding face since teleporting to sickbay.

He stepped into his quarters. They sat at the top level of the docking bay, along the dividing wall between the docking bay and the interior of the station. He had a small bedroom and a closet behind a divider off to the right, but most of the room was open floor. There were two desks, one he actually used, covered in neatly organized pads and papers, and another by a window overlooking the docking bay.

He sat down behind the desk with the view. It was little more than a prop, a thing carefully designed and placed for a desired effect. It was solid wood, carved mouldings, an intricate affair, than the one he normally used, its surface inlaid with the seal of the White Flags. It was even lit a specific way, by multiple fixtures, and his wet fur and mane glittered under their harsh light.

He opened the main drawer. Inside was one thing, a communications panel. He fired up the subnet system, and placed a call to a location saved in the recent memory. An electronic screen lowered from the ceiling in front of the desk as the call connected. It stopped at a predetermined height, placing the camera at the right height to get a good view of him and the docking bay beyond.

Blueblood glanced back, a little disappointed by the lack of bustle outside. It wasn't very busy right now, most ships were out on assignment, or making supply runs. The only large ships present were undergoing minor maintenance work, namely paint, which was currently drying, or rather, curing, since it was epoxy based, and not evaporative like acrylic paint. Either way, paint made for a boring backdrop. He hit another button, and a curtain lowered behind the window, obscuring the view with a uniform sheet of lime green.

A unicorn appeared on the screen as the call connected. He was every bit icy in color as his name would suggest. He shielded his eyes from the bright light coming from his own screen, and winced at the rumbling sound of roaring engines.

Blueblood kept his expression grim and level as he waited for it to subside. His room was quiet, and the light had not changed. What Glacier just experienced was an old-school trick of software, adding a prerecorded video to the background. Glacier just saw a medium cruiser depart the docking bay beyond the window, escorted by two squadrons of fighter vessels. An impressive display, to be sure.

"I'd hate to be the lowlife you send that much firepower after," the unicorn chuckled. "I heard you sent one pony to destroy the untouchable iyella Base and capture the cyborg, Iron Hoof. But, that was your old man, right? I've heard he's one to get things done."

"It was two ponies," Blueblood corrected. "My father was not alone. Mother was with him. They deposited Iron Hoof in a holding cell before departing for Zargon."

"They captured him alive?" He nodded, clearly impressed. "Nice. The bastard got a pusher on my station earlier this year. It will be satisfying to see him on trial. But, Iron hoof wasn't a huge threat on his own, it was his little network of minions that made him dangerous. Aren't you worried they may pull off a breakout?"

Blueblood shook his head. "Iron Hoof's second in command was executed by a rival dealer last month, along with several of his crew. We have targeted the strongest leaders that remain, and are encouraging the fighting between them and the rival group, whose leader was murdered by Iron Hoof shortly before his capture. They are all too busy trying to survive to worry about rescuing the pony responsible for their troubles. If anything, an assassination attempt is far more likely."

"You guys don't mess around." Glacier nodded to Blueblood. "Looks like you haven't been messing around either. Does this have to do with a certain matter I brought to your attention?"

"As you said, we don't mess around." Blueblood folded his hooves in front of him. "The heir of Grinparch Norland is in custody."

"Ha!" He clapped his hooves, clearly ecstatic about the news. "How many guards do I need to send to keep her docile during the transfer?"

Blueblood blinked, tilting his head as if he was amused by the question. He knew the question was coming, but it wasn't amusing in the slightest. "What transfer?"

The other unicorn's smile faded quickly, and he straightened up in his chair rather quickly. "What are you playing at Blueblood?"

"Prince Blueblood," he corrected. "I would appreciate it if you address me by my proper title, Glacier."

"Sheriff Glacier," he corrected in kind. "And what kind of joke is this? You, of all ponies, should realize how dangerous she could be."

"I realize how dangerous she currently is." He raised a hoof to his snout. "I believe you see this? And a team of four trained extraction agents is currently in sickbay with serious injuries. She overpowered two stallions and a dweveli within seconds of contact. It took a dragon five times her size to finally secure her, and even he suffered greatly for it."

Glacier sighed, nodding his head in defeat. "You intend to keep her because of what she's done to you and your team."

"Incorrect." Blueblood enjoyed the confusion on the other unicorn's face. "We intend to keep her for her own protection."

"What are you talking about? She isn't the one that needs protection!"

"She is a terrified young mare that doesn't understand why the entire galaxy has suddenly turned against her. And we kidnapped her because of you. Try to imagine how troubling I find that."

"She is the last of the Norland pirates!" Glacier leaned in close. "And she knows where her grandfather is buried. Even dead, his bounty is a billion credits, not to mention the chance to put the rumors and turmoil to rest. You and I can put an end to Norland's continuing legacy of destruction. Half a billion credits could do our respective stations a great deal of good. And she must have a bounty of her own."

Blueblood scratched his chin, instantly regretting it because of the pain. But he kept his face and tone even. "Whoever turns her in to Galactic authorities would become famous overnight."

Glacier cracked a slow smile. "Now you're getting it."

The Prince nodded slowly. "I am." He let the sheriff get comfortable, let him feel confident that he had won him over, before speaking again. "I despise ponies like you. You would use me to capture a target too dangerous for your own forces, then offer an innocent mare as a sacrificial lamb to your aspirations?"

"What?" The sudden shift in tone was too much for Glacier to process. What happened? It was going so well! "No! I-"

"No," Blueblood interrupted him. "You will be silent, and listen. My next call is going to be to Growl, of Station Delta, to confirm something that I was told about you placing a data miner on their comm array, and to apologize for the intrusion on their station. Your part in this will not be ignored."

Unable to come up with a response for the Prince's latest statement, the sheriff dug back for an argument. "You call her innocent after what she did to you? To your team? Or do you intend to claim Norland's bounty for yourself?"

"Innocent and dangerous are not mutually exclusive states. She merely defended herself, as would you, I, or anypony else." Blueblood let himself smile. Glacier was faltering, he was becoming angrier with each word. But the final nail would be the sweetest. "And, it falls to me to defend myself, and the reputation of the White Flags. I will be contacting the authorizing power behind Norland's bounty, and asking them to rescind it. There is no need to dig up the past, or a dead pirate."

"You would throw away a billion credits?" That seemed to break the stallion. He stared at the Prince through the screen, and he didn't seem to have a comeback.

Blueblood waited a moment to be sure, then spoke again. "Yes, your intended prize has been taken away by somepony who doesn't even want it. A billion credits, or even more, would be useless to me if I betrayed the honor of my kingdom to gain it. Take this opportunity to reflect on your actions, and their motivations, and never contact the White Flags again."

Blueblood cut the video without giving the stallion the chance to talk back. He hit the control to raise the curtain, and stretched out. He felt a little better about trusting the mare in custody now, but worse about what happened to her. He couldn't, in good conscience, let her roam free, could he? He couldn't, in good conscience, keep her confined, either. Not unless she was proven to be a criminal like her grandfather.

Shaking his head, he stood up. He was still a mess. He could finish his shower, and maybe treat his face, before making his next two calls. And then, he could figure out what to do with the mare in medical.

Though, before anything else, he realized, he would have to ask her for her name.

Author's Note:

I am going to be breaking a 24,000 word chapter up into a few smaller pieces. Should keep updates regular for a little bit. I'm going to aim for Wednesday and Saturday. Thanks for all the comments, and thank you for sticking with my story.

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