• Published 16th Jul 2015
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Cryo-7 - Metal Pony Fan

Twilight searches the galaxy for the remnants of her world with the help of freelance pilot Astral Plane.

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Worst Date Ever

"The current time is 10:47 am, on the fourth of Summersun, Canterlot calendar, in the year 1556 Post Light. Four-point-four-point-five-four-one Galactic calendar." Jasper shuffled some papers around, making sure he had the relevant ones at the top. In the dim light of this room, lit by a single bulb hanging from a fixture above, he had been able to remove his sunglasses. The pony sitting across the table from him opened their mouth to speak, but Jasper held up a wingtip, his longest feather, indicating silence. "This is Jasper Stonewing, conducting the interview of the pony-of-interest in the assault of the presidential security detail, culminating in the theft and destruction of Government property, including the hijacking of one Warp-Capable Shuttle designated Alpha-zero-one-zero-two, formerly designated Airspace One." He looked up at the other pony. "State your name, and planet of birth, for the record."

"Stormy Skies," the young mare said quietly, staring at the table, "I was born in dome seven of the Binar Solar Domes."

Jasper nodded his head, letting the mare know the answers were fine. "And your relation to the suspect, Radio Dancer?"

"The accused?" Stormy looked up. "I thought he was a friend of you guys!"

Jasper didn't respond to the outburst. "Please answer the question. What is your relation to Radio Dancer, and why did you accompany him to the dinner?"

With a sigh, Stormy forced herself to settle down. "We met at Luna's academy the other day, and went on one date after that. You should know, you interrupted us. And then, he invited me to dinner with a friend of his, and I accepted the invitation. I didn't know who we were meeting, or what he was planning. He just locked me in there, and then the gunfire started. You know what, I don't even think he was planning anything. The way he-"

Jasper leaned forward, pressing his hoof to the recording device on the table, cutting off the recording, as well as the feed to the other room, a feature meant to be used by lawyers when they wished to speak with their clients in confidence, but useful enough in cases like this. "Miss Skies, in a few minutes, the ponies watching through the one-way mirror are going to take a coffee break, the door behind me is going to open, and you will be released into the custody of a pony sent by Luna to retrieve you. At which point, you will do exactly as they say, without question, and they will see you home. Meanwhile, after a long, convoluted, and largely unethical, entirely fake, investigation, I will archive a corrupted audio tape and entirely illegible paperwork under a case number that will never be looked at again. Until that time, because of the involvement of local authorities, and public use of force by our security detail, we need to give an accounting of what happened. You have a role to play, at least until a suitable replacement arrives, and that is of an unwitting accomplice to an act of civil disobedience. Now please, answer my questions."

"Wait," Stormy raised her hoof towards the recording device, as if to hold Jasper's hoof on the button. She pulled it back as she realized that was probably not a good idea. "Is Radio alright at least?"

Jasper raised an eyebrow. "You seem awfully concerned for the colt that locked you in a restroom, and bent the door handle over so you couldn't get out. A fire crew had to cut you free."

Stormy winced. She was mad at him for that, for sure, but he wouldn't have done that without a good reason. At least, that's what she hoped. "He said it was for my safety."

Jasper released the button, resuming the recording. "And stealing our shuttle?"

"I don't know," Stormy admitted helplessly, "he just kept apologizing to me before he closed the door. He... he said he would stay with me forever if he had the choice."

"Forever?" Jasper asked with some amusement. "As much as the Assembly and Furia would appreciate you keeping him docile, you've known each other two days."

Stormy sighed in annoyance. "Look, I just want to know if he's alright, and then I'll answer your questions. You didn't shoot him, did you?"

"The reports are rather... divided on that question." Jasper flipped back a few pages in one of the reports. "And it isn't like we can ask Radio."

Stormy blinked. "You can't..." Stormy gasped as she realized something. "Holy crap! You mean he actually succeeded?! The way everypony's been talking, I thought he got caught trying to take the shuttle. You mean he actually got away with it?"

"He is a sentient weapon designed by a planet that was brought to the brink of extinction by war with an incredibly advanced foe. Our only other military experience with them was a devastating defeat on a pirate base at the hooves of their expeditionary force. One of our battleships, carrying hundreds of soldiers, forced to surrender, and a league of pirates wiped out, all by a single pony, until he came to an accord with then-lieutenant Jones. I would say we were lucky Radio only took a shuttle."

Stormy stared at the sharply-dressed pegasus. "You mean, everything he told me was true? I mean, I believed the genetic engineering, but the super weapon thing, that's also true? What about mach three?"

"Mach three? Flight speed, I suppose?" Jasper flipped to another piece of paper, and read, "three point four seven," he looked up at Stormy, and added, "within the confines of atmosphere."

The young mare shook her head. "Now you're just messing with me."

"Perhaps, but any further information on the colt is classified." The stallion's ear twitched, hearing a far off bell, and ponies shuffling out of the neighboring room. "Well, that's that. Stormy, since we will be obfuscating your involvement with him in our official reports, we would appreciate it if you did the same. You don't need to lie. You were there, and the shuttle was stolen, that much is public record. But it would be best if you don't talk with friends or family about the details, or about how the situation was resolved. You were locked in a small room, after all. Describing the situation as chaos should be sufficient."

Stormy scoffed. "Trust me, I am not telling my parents any of this. They'd never let me off Binar again. But, what do you mean, how it was resolved? It seems like it isn't resolved, like, at all."

Jasper smiled as the door behind him slid open. "Exactly. Not yet, anyway." A second Stormy walked into the room, smirking, and winking at the orignal, beside a blind mare dragging a bell on her tail. "Welcome to the world of galactic politics."

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