• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 581 Views, 8 Comments

Chaos Dawns - EmeraldRing

Discord's history with his adoptive siblings... and the time they called him a monster

  • ...

The Start of a Family

It should have been beautiful; it probably was, before all this. Things like this rarely happened in Equestria, raging fires popping up from nowhere. Luna was glad she was still small enough to hide underneath her Mother's protective wing. This village scared her. All the death and destruction; no reason, no survivors. That was when she heard it. The noise, the groaning, the pitiful moans. Slowly Luna floated ( walking was for people with no imagination) over to the source and immediately recoiled. It was not that he ( it ?) was ugly, it was just not what Luna had expected. The creature was coiled in a small ball, its misshaped limbs curled around itself in a pitiful effort to keep warm. It wasn't working and she saw shivers racing over it. This creature was obviously not a pony and Luna should be telling her parents, but something about this creature intrigued her. Was this animal the cause of the fire? Luna was sure that was not the case. So what was it doing here all alone and, more importantly, why was it not harmed by the devastating fire?

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and would have shrieked if a gag hadn't magically appeared around her mouth. She turned and relaxed as she saw the familiar face of her sister, and then tensed as she saw the familiar expression on the familiar face.
"Look I haven't done anything" she whispered, not wanting to wake the creature.
"Not yet you haven't anyway and WHAT is that?" Luna shrugged in reply; then gasped as the thing started uncoiling its limbs.
"It's awake" Celestia whispered in terror.

The creature looked up at the princesses with true fear shining as bright as the night stars in it's eyes. It screamed. It ran as fast as it's near frozen limbs would allow; due to exhaustion, it collapsed. Where most ponies would see one less threat to deal with, Luna saw an afraid creature who was lost and alone, a creature who needed care and medical attention, but, most importantly, a creature who needed a friend. It was clear as day to her that this thing needed help and fast, so she tried lifting it with her magic, which, unfortunately, was not strong enough to lift the chimera any more than a centimetre into the air.

"What are you doing!" Celestia cried after realising what Luna was trying to do.
"Something you didn't have the heart to do, " Luna replied, stung.
"But he's, it's … different from you and me Luna."
"So, everypony deserves a little love don't they. Please don't tell me you've gone all changeling and lost your heart," Luna retorted angrily.
She saw shock register on Celestia's face and immediately realised she had gone too far.
"No, Tia, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"Luna calm down, you're right he deserves, and needs, our care," Celestia told her as she took over and used her magic and lifted him out of the wreckage.

"Girls!" Staria called out desperately, looking for Luna and Celestia, both of whom had vanished.

"Mother! We're over here," Luna cried in return, realising she had forgotten to tell her mother where she had gone whoops.

"Girls, what have I told you about sneaking off like that, it's dangerous around here," Celestia and Luna hung their heads, "do you understand the dangers of this place, there are fires appearing randomly, strange monsters living here and- what is THAT!" Staria exlaimed pointing her golden hoof at the creature behind the sisters, finally noticing it. Celestia explained to her mother that this creature was very cold and tired, but strangely not hurt; in short it needed help and they were there, how could they leave another creature to die. Staria nodded in agreement and, while still wary, used her magic to summon three blankets from the palace for her daughters and for the creature. While she did this, Luna used magic to begin a small fire and together the four sat. A family to be, amidst all the destruction.

Back at the castle (after Staria and Stellarum (Luna and Celestia's father) had stopped the fires and cleaned up most of the mess) Luna and Celestia were sitting beside the chimera as it slept in one of the many guest beds, whispering to one another about what the creature is and where it came from. Staria and Stellarum entered the room.

"Let me cast a deep sleeping spell on it so it can get the proper rest it needs," Staria said whilst gently moving the sisters out of the way.

"You sure you don't want me to do it?" Stellarum asked.

"Really, you know that while you can enter dreams I was always better than you at sleeping spells," Staria teased.

"It's true," Sellarum said casually, "I guess" He muttered quietly, Celestia and Luna giggled at his remark. Staria started on her sleeping spell and the others left, knowing she would need her full concentration, hoping to get their questions answered in the morning.

Early the next morning Staria, Luna and Celestia congregated outside the room the creature stayed in. Then taking a deep breath they all rushed in and the creature just stared at them.

Finally Staria broke the silence.

"So, would you care to tell us your name and what creature you are," she said softly.

"I'm Discord and I'm a draconequus," he said proudly.

"Where do you come from Discord," Luna butt in.

"Weeeeeeeeell it is quite a lot of long stor-"

"How long?" Luna interrupted. Discord shot her a glare.

"Long" he replied curtly. He was about to begin again when there was a squeal.

"Hey put me down!" Discord looked up and saw Luna levitating in the sky surrounded by a bubble of Celestia's magic.

"You should continue while you still have the chance" Staria encouraged. So Discord heaved a huge breath and began … again.

"It was not always this way, I am not the only draconequus there were more."

"More" Luna repeated in awe, everyone turned and glared at her.

"Yes we lived in peace with the ponies. They would not kill us and we would give them amazing gifts like jewels and chocolate milk,"

"Chocolate milk" Luna gasped and then gasped again as she was lifted up and far away from the others.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," Luna's voice echoed as she landed in a mushroom of dust at least one kilometre away. Discord sighed at least she was far, far away.

"However a sickness spread through my species until my parents were the only breeding couple left in the whole of Equestria. They had bred but unfortunately I was the only draconequus left so there was no one to carry on the species so we were, to be dramatic, DOOMED. Then the next catastrophe arrived."

"The next catastrophe arrived?" questioned Luna.

"Yes, wait when did you arrive?"

"Only recently " Luna replied with a smug smile.

"Carry on," Celestia and Staria sighed.

"Fine, fine. It was a blizzard. A massive blizzard apparently sent by the Windigos."

"Oh I know this," Celestia cried.

"Of course you do," her younger sister muttered. Celestia continued uninterrupted,

"The Windigos fed off the hatred between the tribes and used it to create a blizzard only for the blizzard to create more hatred, eventually the tribe leaders decided to look for a new land, they all found the same one and the blizzard started again. The leaders bodies froze over but their assistants became friends and their friendship chased away the Windigos. The leaders thawed and in the end they became friends and Equestria was born."

"Yes, exactly and the blizzard targeted my village and froze half the villagers,"

"Half of the villagers!" Luna repeated shocked.

"Must you repeat EVERYTHING I say, if you don't stop I will have to do something like teleport you to the Everfree forest," Discord yelled at the terrified midnight alicorn.

"Th-the Ev-v-verf-f-free forest" Luna stuttered. We live in the Everfree Forest and she's still scared of it Celestia rolled her eyes silently at her younger sister.

"Right that is the last straw", and using his chaotic magic he turned Luna's mouth into a zip. Slowly she unzipped the zipped up zip and crept stealthily up behind Discord.

"THE LAST STRAW?" She bellowed into Discord's ear. Staria nodded to Discord to keep going while Celestia tugged Luna off Discord and wrestled her to the ground. At this Discord suddenly turned serious.

"You know magic takes control when you are feeling most emotional. Well my magic took control of me and my terror, rage, upset began to burn inside of me and then burn outside of me. The fire spread like well, a wildfire and by the time I got control of my emotions it was too late. The village, the villagers, everything had been burnt down all because of me." Discord hung his head. Slowly Staria approached him putting her hoof around his neck. Even the small act of kindness broke Discord and he sat down crying thinking of his dead mother.

"Would she still have loved me even though I have done this?" He didn't realise he had been speaking out loud until a voice comforted him.

"Discord your mother would always have loved you even if you turned out to be a murderous psychopath because that is what mothers do they love their children no matter what." Discord turned around to meet Staria's unwavering, amethyst gaze and something inside him told him she was right.

"Anyway" she continued "you still have a family … us!" Discord knew (again) she was right. The three of them stood up to look for Stellarum (they had something they wanted to discuss) to give Discord some more rest .

Author's Note:

It's Done!!!!!!!!:pinkiegasp: Well that took me longer than I thought it would. Oh well. Cadence comes in later if any of you were wondering where she was. So in the next chapter rtyuilkjhfdfghjklkjhgffghjhgghjkjhthjkjtjkjyhjhhjhghjhghhggbnm

Also, if anyone dislikes the story can you please tell my why so Silver Flash and I can improve, if you don't like the story line then can you please not dislike it because I wan't to have a reason why and if it is because of the story line then I can't actually change it to improve it. Thanks!:pinkiesmile: