• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 666 Views, 18 Comments

The Incredible Storyloom - Gothic Dreams

Cheerilee and the little foals of Ponyville visit the Royal Museum of Oxerford. Inside is a strange machine called the Storyloom, where Cheerilee tells a story about the very Pony who inspired its creation...

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Chapter 9: Story Time at the Mill

By the following month, Rosy Bliss felt obliged to accompany her father whenever he attended to the mill as she noticed that he was becoming increasingly tired earlier into the day. She suspected that his health was beginning to decline. Such thoughts, understandably, saddened her a great deal but she tried to see the flip side of things. She could make sure that all was well with her father and she was able to see the foals at the mill, just as she promised.

Every night before a day she visited the mill, Rosy Bliss would peruse the library’s collection to pick out a book she could read for the foals. Her reading sessions would always be held in a small room that the foal workers had whenever they were allowed for a break, for a short while. For her first few visits, Bliss had been able to read on with much delight and little interruption. Eventually however, one such session was cut short when a rough looking yet smartly dressed stallion who Bliss did not recognise stomped into the room.

‘What in Equestria is going on here?’ The stallion bellowed. He then pointed to a select number of the foals present, ‘you, you and you lot over there… Your break has been up a good ten minutes ago!’

‘Sorry Mr Iron Wall…’ one foal murmured. It was a little colt with a tan-coloured fur coat and no cutie mark on his flank. He had a mane that was speckled grey, presumably covered in dust. He slowly looked up to the stallion Iron Wall with timid amber eyes, ‘…we just wanted to find out what happens next, sir.’ The little foal added in “sir” hoping that his excuse could somehow sound more dignified. It didn’t.

Iron Wall leered down onto the foal with the dusty mane and spoke again, this time in a condescending tone and with a face to match, ‘Oh? You wanted to know what happens next, did you? Well then, I suppose that makes everything here all right! And by the way,’ He then looked directly towards Rosy Bliss sitting at the back of the room, surrounded by a small drove of foals who clung to her in fear of Iron Wall’s glare ‘what do you think you are doing here?’

Rosy Bliss didn’t recognise the stallion, which made him all the more frightening for her. She could feel a lump in her throat but knew she had to speak up to him. She gulped and took just a moment to recompose herself before she turned her head up to look directly into Iron Wall’s eyes and say as-a-matter-of-factly, ‘I was just reading to these children a story. Since they work long and hard here I thought it would do them some good.’

She knew that putting up with the stallion was far from a pleasant ordeal, yet Rosy Bliss made sure to stand her ground.

‘Some good?’ Iron Wall parroted mockingly. ‘What these foals need is to keep their heads down here in this mill, not up in the clouds with this,’ he paused to point to the book Bliss currently held ‘not this airy-fairy horse feathered nonsense!’

A very young Pegasus in the room seemed to show a mixture of shame and scorn, turning their head down to look closely over their shoulder. He then ruffled his wings with one hoof, as if trying to hide them. The colt was so caught up in this odd little act that he was startled when he saw Brunet Smoke and at least one other Earth Pony step into the doorway.

‘Iron Wall, would you care to explain why you are yelling at the children… again?’ Brunet Smoke ended his sentence through gritted teeth. ‘What exactly is going on?’

‘I’ll tell you what’s going on!’ Iron Wall pointed to Rosy Bliss without even looking at her, ‘this mare has been disrupting a number of foals who should be at work right now! I don’t know about you, Brunet Smoke, but Carbon Skies and I appreciate the fact that we need to make sure that the mill continues to supply according to demand.’

Brunet Smoke was able to remain level-headed while confronting the fuming stallion, ‘Well, I’m sure that Carbon Skies wouldn’t appreciate you yelling at his own daughter now, would he?’ Iron Wall flinched. ‘If you would let me, I will have a word with her,’ he then turned to Rosy Bliss, ‘if you don’t mind. M’lady?’

Rosy Bliss got up and walked to the end of the room. She turned to look to all the foals and gave a quick goodbye. As she got out, she made sure not to look towards Iron Wall as she could still feel his stern glance being turned against her. It made her very uneasy. Brunet Smoke didn’t say another word to Bliss until he was certain that they were a good distance away from Iron Wall and that he could find a room in which the two of them could discuss the matter privately.

‘So this is what you have been up to during your recent visits, hmm?’ a smile slowly curled from the corners of Brunet Smoke’s mouth. Bliss noticed that he always seemed to have this kind of suave attitude about him, she even found it a little over-bearing at times. This instance was no exception but it didn’t stop her from speaking up, ‘My father said it would be okay.’

‘He did? Well, I wish he had told me about this…’

‘He didn’t?’ Bliss was surprised.

‘No. I’m also surprised that he never thought to warn you about Iron Wall.’

‘So am I…’ Bliss looked to the floor with a brief tremble. She couldn’t imagine her father associating himself with anyone who seemed so aggressive.

Brunet Smoke noticed her trembling. ‘I can assure you, he isn’t entirely unpleasant.’ He then let out a deep sigh, ‘He just… rarely seems to show that other side to him.’ It was apparent this wasn’t making Bliss feel any better so Brunet Smoke decided to get back on to the point of this discussion. ‘I don’t see any reason for you to stop reading to the children. If anything, you are right. It will do them some good.’ He could Bliss’ face lighten up a little, even if she didn’t look up. ’I would, however, recommend that we have someone supervise the reading sessions. Just so we can be certain the little ones do make sure they get back to work when they need to.’

Rosy Bliss decided that this would be a compromise she could accept. Especially since the alternative would most likely be not getting to read to the foals at all.

Just as she was about to say she accepted the offer, she noticed Brunet Smoke looking towards the doorway. She turned to see that the amber-eyed colt from earlier was standing there, looking incredibly timid. Bliss couldn’t help but notice some of the dust had been shaken off from the colt’s mane, as its colour appeared to be more like a pale brown.

‘Excuse me, ma’am.’ The little colt sounded very timid.

‘Why yes, my little Pony?’ Rosy Bliss replied, urging the foal to speak up.

‘I just wanted to say I really enjoyed hearing your story, ma’am.’

‘Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.’ Bliss was beaming. She never had any of the foals thank her up front before.

‘Some of the others say that you are a writer. You’re really good, ma’am.’

Now she was filled with delight. ‘Again, thank you! However, that wasn’t one of my stories. I am a writer though… Trying to be, at least.’ She didn’t want to sound too boastful.

‘Do you have any stories of your own, ma’am?’ The tan colt asked.

‘Why, yes I do. If you like, after we finish the story I’m currently reading, I could bring one of my own over next time I visit.’

The little colt’s eyes shined. Very eagerly, he nodded. Rosy Bliss then brushed the colt’s mane with a hoof and then brought out a handful of toffee sweets. ‘Be sure to share this with your friends.’ Bliss told the colt. He nodded again and briskly paced out of the room to return to his post.

Brunet Smoke chuckled quietly and gently put a hoof to Bliss’ shoulder as he walked up beside her, ‘You see milady? They work here because they need to, but I haven’t seen a single one smile like that until you started coming here. They need you here...’