• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 666 Views, 18 Comments

The Incredible Storyloom - Gothic Dreams

Cheerilee and the little foals of Ponyville visit the Royal Museum of Oxerford. Inside is a strange machine called the Storyloom, where Cheerilee tells a story about the very Pony who inspired its creation...

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Chapter 10: The Accident

Within a few weeks, Rosy Bliss had finished the latest book she brought to read to the foals at the mill. Now, as she promised, she had to bring one of her own stories to read. But which one? Admittedly, she didn’t have a large selection to pick through but it didn’t help make her decision any easier.

It was the night before she would visit the mill again with her father and she still sat by the desk, shuffling through her own manuscripts. As she let out a small groan of frustration, Bliss lay her head against the desk surface and lay still for a moment. Slowly, she lifted her head and turned to look to the compartment that contained her mother’s manuscript. A few doubts flew across her mind that any of her stories may have had as much appeal as that one did. In fact, it was at that point it occurred to her that none of her own stories had a foal as a lead character. None of them contained anything like the flights of fancy her mother had conjured. Oddly, enough, despite the kind of books she had read since childhood, all of Bliss’ stories attempted to keep themselves more grounded in reality. They were set in grand cities not unlike her hometown Birminghoof, and were more like the works of historical fiction.

If Rosy Bliss hadn’t regretted her choice in her artistic direction before, she certainly did now.

Bliss let out a deep sigh, feeling increasingly weary. She still hadn’t turned her gaze away from where Quillflower’s manuscript was stored. A curious little thought entered her mind.

By now, she has read through the manuscript several times and it doesn’t seem like there is any ending in sight for Little Rose. Even when Little Rose finally did make it back home, it seemed for almost less than naught, as she couldn’t find her family there. Beyond that, the filly also came to realise that “home” seemed incredibly limited in possibility and majesty compared to what she had seen. Driven by the desire to discover more, she left her home city and decided to further explore the world while following any clues to the whereabouts of her family. With the map given to her by that stag of the faraway island, it was almost as if she had the entire world in her hooves.

Bliss always made it to the last page just when it seemed like Little Rose’s adventure had only begun.

When Rosy Bliss finally took the opportunity to speak to her father about Quillflower, she told him about finding the manuscript. It was not only at this point that she found out that Carbon Skies wasn’t the least bit surprised to be told that but he also shared with her how Quillflower had no intention in ever finished it, let alone have it published.

It had then dawned on Rosy Bliss that there was the possibility that Quillflower wanted to pass on the manuscript to her daughter. This in turn gave her the responsibility of continuing the Little Rose’s adventures across a land that was continually expanding.

The feeling of uncertainty loomed over her, but deep within her heart, there was the belief that this was something her mother intended. She wouldn’t make her decision on this just yet. For the time being, she figured there would be no harm in making do with just sharing her mother’s fantasies with the little foals at the mill.

As Rosy Bliss stood outside the mill with her father, she was still feeling a little tired. She had spent the night working on binding Quillflower’s manuscript in order to keep it safe while she took it outside the house. Just before they arrived at the mill, Carbon Skies expressed some concerns;

‘My dear Rose, are you sure you want to be here today. You don’t seem to be at all well.’ He was certain that the mill would be an incredibly uncomfortable place to be for Rosy Bliss given the condition she was in since earlier that morning. As they rode the carriage, Bliss almost fell completely asleep on multiple occasions. Although, Carbon Skies didn’t sound much better himself. His voice had been rasping slightly for the last couple of weeks.

‘It’s okay, father. I am going to be fine…’ She said, attempting to reassure Carbon Skies. After all the trouble she put herself through last night, she couldn’t just stay at home.

However, it turned out her father’s caution was not without reason. When she got far enough inside the mill, the sound of the working machinery seemed far more intense than Bliss had ever heard them. A horrid, pulsing sensation repeatedly burst in her head to the point that it made her feel disorientated. Fortunately for her, Carbon Skies had already made his own way around the mill by that time. However, Brunet Smoke found her shortly afterward, strongly advising that she should stay outside and get some fresh air. Still, Rosy Bliss was far too reluctant and she insisted that Brunet Smoke instead lead her to the break room for the working foals and do so while avoid being near any of the machinery as often as possible.

She didn’t want to disappoint the young foals by not turning up as she always promised. Besides, she knew a throbbing headache was hardly the worst thing that could ever happen whilst in a place like this.

‘You mean foals also worked in the factories and mills?!’ Apple Bloom exclaimed. Cheerilee had just been talking to the foals about the day Rosy Bliss visited her father’s mill and saw the little foals working among the machinery. Cheerilee’s face showed a hint of disapproval with Apple Bloom’s outburst. She quickly recomposed herself and answered politely.

‘Yes, Apple Bloom. In fact, it was not at all uncommon for the fillies and colts of poorer families to work at a younger age than those whose parents were much wealthier.’

‘What kind of jobs did the foals have then?’ Scootaloo asked.

’Well, some of them would have helped a little with sorting the mill’s materials. Although many of them would have worked at the actual machinery, usually cleaning up areas of the machines that were too small for grown Ponies to reach into.’

‘But wasn’t that dangerous, miss Cheerilee?’ asked another foal.

Another foal, Scootaloo again, spoke up, ‘Yeah, didn’t anypony get hurt?’

Miss, Cheerilee,’ Apple Bloom joined in, ‘did an accident ever occur when Rosy Bliss was around?’

Cheerilee fell into a grim silence for just a short moment. At first, Cheerilee had her reservations about giving the foals the real answer, but she could already see they understood perfectly. She kept her severe expression and gave them the answered in a solemn tone.

‘I’m afraid so…’

The foals were evidently troubled upon hearing this truth, yet they didn’t seem as perturbed as Cheerilee expected them to be. Shortly after the foals stood silent with their teacher, they looked among one another and gave Cheerilee a nod, to show they were ready to continue with the story.

Apple Bloom stepped forward, ‘So, what did Rosy Bliss do?’

Rosy Bliss sat quietly before the roomful of foals in their “break room”, many of them were feeling puzzled and uneasy with Bliss’ silence. She couldn’t help but notice that some of the little ones were still missing, including the amber-eyed colt. She kept looking up at the clock, and could see that it showed the time to be 10:47. Both the adults and children had morning break starting 10:30. However, while the foals had break that lasted half an hour, the grown Ponies had to return to work at 10:45. Bliss would have expected all the foals to be here by now. Finally, she spoke.

‘Excuse me, children but do any of you know where everypony else is?’

‘They are still out there, ma’am. Iron Wall had them stay behind to finish cleaning up before the adult’s next shift.’ One of the foals replied.

‘Please ma’am,’ another foal called out, ‘can we start the story now? We have to start working again soon. Couldn’t you read to the others when they get here later?’

Rosy Bliss wasn’t so sure. She preferred reading when everyone was present. But the foal may have had a point. However, Bliss herself was not in all too good a state to think things through. Even if the break room was quieter than any other part of the mill, the headache she had earlier that morning was still working against her.

Just as she was about to say something to the children, a whistle sounded throughout the mill that rung horribly in her head. Instinctively, she pressed her hooves over her ears and found herself feeling confused.

She thought to herself, ‘Why have they sounded the whistle for lunch now?’

Then she realised that couldn’t be right. This was a different noise. She slowly lifted her head and noticed the foals all had a look about them that gave off a sense of dread. From the doorway, she also saw a few other Ponies rushing along the corridor. Although her heart sunk, Bliss stood up and ran towards to the door before looking back to the foals, ‘Please stay here, children!’ she cried out, even though a part of her knew that wasn’t at all necessary. Bliss began to follow the stallions ahead of her in the corridor. Despite the noise becoming increasingly unbearable for her, she pushed herself to follow them still, knowing they were getting closer to the machine-filled rooms.

When Rosy Bliss finally entered the large room where the mill’s machines ran, she noticed they were moving more slowly over time, as many of them had now been deactivated. Still, their screeching, clanging and hissing noise still resonating throughout the building. Although many of the Ponies in the room remained at their workstations, further down, Bliss could see where a number of Ponies had crowded around.

The sound of the machines was dying down some more but Bliss could still feel the ringing in her head, to the point it made her feel completely disorientated. Still, when she got closer, Bliss managed to make some sense of what was happening the group. She shortly started to wish that she couldn’t.

The Ponies that rushed together were circled around Iron Wall, in a way Bliss never imagined him before, with a face stricken by panic and grief. Gently, he seemed to be cradling something with one of his forehooves, while brushing its pale, dust coloured hair with the other. In no time, Bliss realised that Iron Wall was tending to the tan colt she spoke to the other month. She could see no sign of him looking to anyone with his bright amber eyes.

Barely able to stand herself up, Bliss held open her mouth to let out a silent scream.

Her vision had become so blurred, she didn’t notice Brunet Smoke and her father looking at her, their faces filled with horror. They got the attention of another Pony and altogether rushed towards her and help her up and lead her out of the mill.

Before she was even out of the room, Rosy Bliss had completely blacked out.