• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 3,406 Views, 28 Comments

Cries of a Self-Tormented Soul - twilightsparkle3562

Luna reveals to Celestia her guilt she carried since being freed of her Nightmare Moon persona.

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In the Days After

Chapter 9

"In the Days After"

Following their emotional breakthrough, Luna and Celestia committed themselves to each other in moving forward instead of dwelling in the past. The guilt that Luna had in her mind was completely gone with the tears that flowed from her eyes. Now, Luna was at peace with herself and for the first time since the breakthrough, she could think happy thoughts about the future.

"I can't believe I hid all those thoughts from my mind," she thought to herself as she looked up at the moon one night from a hill overlooking her and Celestia's old castle as well as Winsome Falls. "My sister is right, I need to move on from the past. All I have done was bring harm to myself and everypony suffered because of it. From this day forth, I will not let my past catch up to me again."

Luna then activated her magic to lower the moon, concluding her nighttime rule over Equestria. As she lowered the moon, Luna took notice of several ponies who were camping out by Winsome Falls, where she had mentored Scootaloo in conquering her fears. This brought a smile to Luna's face, seeing that there were ponies after all who admired the night.

"I'm glad to see you happy again, little sister," said Celestia, as she came up to the hill. "You see now why dwelling on the past is not what we need to do."

"I know," sighed Luna as she saw her sister use her magic to raise the moon. "All I ever brought to you was heartache and sorrow, nothing of the good that we had done since we were fillies."

Once the sun was raised, Luna was just about to depart for her slumber, but Celestia wanted to talk. It had been a long time since the two of them had a friendly conversation together as sisters and as a family in general.

"All we can do now is look to the future, Luna," said Celestia, looking at her sister with compassion. "I know we can be the best rulers we can possibly be and even though we will have our moments, we will learn from them and move on."

"If that's what you say is true, sister," replied Luna, shutting her eyes. "Then, that is what we should do. My subjects need me to protect them from their dreams. Besides, those three fillies need me to teach them how to obtain their cutie marks."

A small look of confusion came onto Celestia's face, as Luna had never told her about her relationship with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Who are you talking about?" wondered Celestia. "What three fillies?"

For the first time in a while, Luna had let out a small giggle upon hearing those words come from her big sister's mouth.

"Why, have I not told you about them?" remarked Luna. "There is Scootaloo, a young pegasus who I taught to face her fears. Then, there is Sweetie Belle, Rarity's sister, who I taught that it can be hard to be in the shadow of somepony who is older than you."

All Celestia could do was nod silently at this, realizing just how she had made herself outshine Luna to the point of becoming Nightmare Moon. But, after a moment, she rebounded to listen to what her sister continued to say.

"Then, there is Apple Bloom," continued Luna. "Who is fair Applejack's sister and is the most determined out of the three to earn their cutie marks."

"I can't wait to meet them all at some point," replied Celestia. "Yes, I know I have seen them at Cadence's wedding and at the Equestria Games, but it would be nice to finally get to know them."

So, the two sisters came down from the hill before taking to the sky and returning to Canterlot. By this point, Luna had begun to get tired as a result of her duties and the time would soon come for her to take her rest.

"Perhaps we can discuss this over dinner tonight," suggested Luna. "I'll even have the royal baker put in our favorite desserts: Angel and Devil's food cake."

Both sisters shared once last giggle before they eventually made it to Luna's quarters. Knowing the time had soon come, Celestia and Luna crossed their horns together before going into an embrace that lasted for a good few minutes.

Eventually, Luna quickly fell asleep in her bed and began to dream of the realm that she was in after finally conquering her past and the Tantabus as well. Luna continued to sleep soundly when a shadow came up to her and a hand began to gently rub her flowing mane.

"Well done, Princess Luna," said the voice and Luna opened her eyes to see the master standing before her with a smile on his face. "You have conquered the demons that plagued your mind."

"You mean my past, master?" asked Luna. "I needed to get what was hurting me out of my mind. It was thanks to those closest to me that I was able to understand that we can't change the past and instead we have to focus on the future."

"Indeed, you are correct, young mare," replied the master. "I know that you are a strong pony and I know that you are dedicated to your kingdom and your family. No one will care about your past and even if they do, they will think of it as a way to turn something that was evil into something that will enlighten those who were once frightened."

Luna could understand that the master was referring to Nightmare Night, the night that she was perceived by but later embraced thanks to Twilight Sparkle.

"Remember, Luna," said the master as he started to float away. "In times of darkness, in times where you feel lost and alone, look to the skies and look into your heart. For lo, I am with you, your family and friends always, even to the end of time itself."

With one flash of light, the master disappeared as Luna rested her head and was once again left alone in her realm of peace and tranquility. She was now free of the torment that had plagued her mind and it was all thanks to her fellow princesses, her sister and most importantly, herself, for realizing what was really important:

That it is better to focus on the present and the future, not the past.

Comments ( 7 )

6246685 One of my goals is to reach out to the Christian Brony community at large by including Jesus in some of my stories. They may result in a mixed bag of up and down votes like this story, but that really doesn't matter to me. What is most important to me is getting the idea of adding religion into stories out to fellow writers and readers who have a somewhat similar interest and point of view to me.

The problem here is that you are claiming to speak for Jesus. I can't help but view that horrifically sacrilegious.

You know how when someone wants to make some kind of point and they pretend that Albert Einstein said something along the same lines so that it has more punch? That's an awful thing to do. It's lying about the point, lying about Einstein, and when it gets found out, whatever point it was that was trying to make gets associated with lies.

I'm sure you mean well, but putting your words that you wrote into the mouth of God and pretending that He said them is a morally dubious idea at best.

I love happy endings.

6253329 I'll take that into account for future stories that feature religion. I mean well, but you do have a point. Perhaps maybe instead of incorporating Jesus directly, I'll just focus on Christian values like (Good Samaritan, Parables, etc). I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is a never ending learning process about the joyous profession of writing.

6334288 I guess adding Jesus was a bit of a risk. I was considering writing an alternative to this story, but what good would that do? A lot of people seem to like it and one discipline as a writer is to focus on the positives and not the negatives.

Why thank you.
I do enjoy make people smile :pinkiehappy:

Overall, I liked this story, but I really disliked how, in the end, the others made the whole situation more about themselves than Luna. For example, Celestia saying she can't let herself see Luna that way. That's... kind of a self-centered thing to say if you're trying to help someone. Cadance flat out sounded like she was blaming Luna for their fighting when all three were essentially ganging up on Luna. Their intentions were good, but they still verbally beat her down and guilted her into it, which was what they were supposed to be getting her to stop doing to herself. Ironic, to say the least.

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