• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 10,993 Views, 113 Comments

Rebirth of a Nightmare - Raven Blackwood

When a second chance arises, do you jump on the fleeting moment changing your fate forever, or do you let it pass?

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It was only a nightmare (Rewrite)

Author's Note:

this chapter.

I will make more chapters by the time finals are over. So stay tune for more my fellow subjects! :pinkiehappy:

Enjoy reading.

Edit: Thank you Echo_Off for helping me rewrite this chapter.

Please enjoy this new version of chapter 3 everybody. Chapter 4 will be out soon. Very soon.

The night has ended, and a new day has come to land of Equestria. Nightmare Moon has begun to look at me as somepony that cares about her, and all her sorrow seemed to have washed away from last night. I have yet to have any new memories come flying towards me, which is probably a good thing.

I am reading tremendous amounts of books from the library, and most of the knowledge I have found is quite useful for me to remember.

Alicorns have all three apparent races in them, the unicorns, the pegasi, and the earth ponies being the races mentioned. Unicorns get to use magic, pegasi are able to use their wings to fly, and as their namesake would suggest, earth ponies are more attune with the ground.

The alicorn, ruler of the land, seems to surpass all three races, making it the most powerful species known to Equestria.

A little further on, I find a book about how to safely use magic without causing massive damage to either my surroundings or myself. As luck would have it, an alicorn's magic is more unstable than that of a regular unicorn. It requires time and patience to even slowly understand the process of thinking of what magic an alicorn would possess. Heck, the book even speaks of teleportation and the complicated theories behind it. Now that does make things easier for me. I don't always want to walk to get where I want to go.

Nightmare Moon actually found and gave me a book that has what looks like pictures of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along time ago. Almost every picture that is in the book shows them having a good time with one another, in complete harmony, with no sign of Luna acting mischievous or otherwise upset in the pictures.

Continuing to examine through the book, I notice there being one picture of Luna. She looks almost contempt, but at the same time saddened by something.

Her left eye seems to show signs of rage. The eye shape looks to be almost reptilian. Her coat color in this picture is a darker shade of blue, not the more common light shade that the pictures normally depict Luna wearing. It's perhaps two or three coats darker than the other pictures I have seen. She is trying to hide something when this picture was taken, and I believe this was almost near the time when she was turned into Nightmare Moon.

Turning my attention elsewhere, I decide that I probably shouldn't look at this anymore. It may give me an unpleasant memory of what had happened during that time period.

After a couple hours of learning new stuff in these old books, I start to tell Nightmare Moon more about who I was before I came to this world. I tell her about how my parents didn't appreciate in who I was as an eighteen year old teenager living in their house. I even tell her about how I wished to be reborn into a different form that was an escape from my life.

For the most part, she seems to understand what life was like for me in my world. Nightmare spoke of how Luna and I are alike. For Luna, she is just a shadow to everypony around her. Celestia only has pride for herself and for her subjects. I can see why Luna wasn't happy with how everypony, including her sister, were treating her. She only wanted ponies to appreciate her night. Next thing you know, her lust for power corrupted her and turned her into Nightmare Moon.

When Nightmare was on the moon, she said that she only felt regret of taking Luna away from her sister. However, her regret evaporated long before she escaped the moon. Her lust for vengeance only lead her down a path that got her sentenced to an eternal existence in a plane of oblivion. However, I have given her a chance to redeem herself with the only problem being is she is in spiritual form where nopony would be able to see her. I am the only one that can see and hear her, which is perhaps a blessing, and a curse.

Sisters… the word still echos in my head. How I am like a sister to her. I can only hope that she will begin to see me in the same way.

Sometimes I wish I had another sister on earth. Alas, I was an only child. Life can sometimes be unfair for many people. With how fickle and fleeting it is, life can be taken away in fraction of a second. So, a person or pony must enjoy what life lays before them..

One thing that is certain is that I'm an immortal being that lives forever. One of the books that I read said that alicorn ponies are possibly the only creatures that are able to live forever, but it also spoke of a creature that goes by the name 'Discord'. Supposedly, he's an immortal being too. He is known for his 'chaotic' behavior in this world, dubbed as the Spirit of Chaos. That does seem to fit his character. After all, his name is 'Discord’.

His history is very… strange. He committed some of the most chaotic evil that nopony had ever seen before. He did things differently than an average villain, forcing ponies to do things they would never do and tricking them, turning them into their mirror selves, even creating chocolate rain from cotton candy clouds. It was all nonsense, but still destructive.

It wasn't until Princess Luna and Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone that his reign of chaos ended. The book did say his body was placed in Canterlot's garden, only to be looked at as a chaotic looking statue that Celestia had hired a sculpture pony to make.

The more I am thinking about Discord, the more I think of him as little boy screwing things around with his parents. I give myself a chuckle just thinking about him. Guy must have some of the craziest ideas that I would never even fathom.

Another book spoke of different places all across Equestria. What I found interesting about it is how some of the cities names are almost identical to the ones that were on earth. Manehattan is the city they call "The city that never sleeps'. Of course, that's what the state of New York is like, even with the same name, just a different world. Even Fillydelphia is similar to the city of Philadelphia. There's a city called Stalliongrad. It just like saying Stalingrad, even though that city was later renamed. Nightmare seems interested to learn about human history as much as I am about Equestrian history.

It's very strange to know that Equestria seems to have mimicked some of the names from earth. I wonder if both worlds are somehow connected to one another. What was it that scientist called it again? Parallel universe theory, or perhaps it was alternate universe theory? Seeing a world that's the same, just showing an alternate reality. No. That wouldn't make any sense. Then there's the multiverse theory. Maybe Equestria is one of the billion or trillion worlds that are in different universes that mankind has yet to even come close to finding.

"The books I have read so far are very helpful in my understanding of this universe, Nightmare Moon," I exclaim as I turn to look at her. "I seem to understand more about what Equestria is like now. Even more than I had expected."

"Glad that you understand, Ada." Nightmare gives a slight smile to me. She didn't even have any sign of anger in her words. I must've done an excellent job in helping her from last night. There is just something that I still want to know: what will happen if I were to meet Luna and Celestia personally? Okay, that does seem stupid to even think about now. They would probably try to kill me. I quietly ponder what would happen to Nightmare Moon should I be defeated in the future.

Maybe she would just feel everlasting pain to see somepony who is now her sister be killed by the ones she would also call sisters, since all of us would technically share the same blood.

I wouldn’t want that to happen to my sister. I'm not sure if I would be known as the big sister to Nightmare, since clearly she is older than I am. Or are we the same age as one another? Technically speaking, I wouldn't be eighteen anymore. Considering that I inherited her body, I'm guessing that we might be around the same age, physically at least.

I care about her. She's the pony that I want to protect with every fiber of my being, and I will not sit idly by to see her get hurt by another pony. I’ve taken a vow to refuse to let that happen to her. I'd sacrifice myself if it is to come to that point.

Getting on all fours, I stretch my wings out to get the blood flowing back through them. I seriously need to learn how to fly with these things, although that might need to wait for some other time, along with the inner workings of magic I can’t seem to grasp.

"Want to walk around for a bit, Nightmare?" She gives a quick nod to me as we walk in the castle. In the daylight, I can see that multiple rooms have unveil themselves to me. I see picture frames that contain some pictures of the princesses. One of the pictures has Royal Guard soldiers saluting Princess Celestia, while another picture shows Princess Luna flying up in the beautiful night sky she had spawned.

There are several statues that once resembled past government officials that served in Equestria's former government. Statues of high-ranking military leaders are present in the hallway we were walking in, ever omnipotent. Each one has stone-cold expressions on their carved faces, and I assume that these leaders must have showed great strength during their time protecting Equestria.

There isn't much to look at besides that. The castle seems to remain anything but presidential. I'm actually surprised that the ceiling hasn't decided to give in to crash right on top of me, but it seems the material that the builders made have passed the test of time. Few buildings on earth would've have already crashed back to earth for nature to swallow in one big gulp.

Nightmare seems to want to tell me something, but is stopping herself before she said anything. I can't be sure if I should be the one to speak and break the ice, as she seems to be quieter than what I had anticipated. Is she starting to be shy all of a sudden, or maybe these hallways are bringing back bad memories? I hope that's not the case.

We make our way to one of the exits of the castle, where the door has already been opened. I find it somewhat strange. Did somepony decide to venture off in the Everfree Forest and decide to come to the castle? I certainly didn't hear anypony coming in and I don't think it was any animals that made their way in here. Probably a gust of wind is what caused the door to open up.

My heart throbbed as I fell to my knees, my head pounding with a sharp and swift pain, almost unbearable to combat. I have no other choice but to sit on my haunches and wait for it to disappear. Nightmare came to my side, seeming to be concerned over my sudden collapse. Why am I getting a headache now? I broke out into a cold sweat as my heart continued to pound against my rib-cage.

"I don't... feel so good..." Everything is spinning all around me, and I can hardly remain stable. What's going on? Everything around me goes black as I can feel somepony shaking me in a vain attempt to get me to wake up. As I slipp out of consciousness, I can hear Nightmare one last time.

"Ada! Wake up!"

"Ugh." Gah... my head hurts... who's voice is it that I'm hearing?

"Don't keep your sister waiting, Ada. She's needs you more than ever."

"Wait a minute, you're that voice from the other day, correct?"

The voice did not respond.

Different voices flood my consciousness. In comparison to my earlier spell, these voices sound soft spoken and young, more like children. They are screaming for somepony to help them, but I can not see anyone.

"Mommy! Help me!"

"I don't want to be eating by the monster!"

"Somepony! Anypony! I want my mommy and daddy!!"

As I listen in, it becomes clear that these are fillies and colts screaming for their parents! What is the cause of them being in such a state?

"She is coming. Do not let her find you in the shadows of darkness."

I can see a dark blue dot from distance trying to get to me. Its not running, and I don't see it as a threat. I can see it has wings on the sides of its body and a horn sticking out of its head. Upon close inspection, I think this might be Princess Luna. She hasn't seen me yet, so better to find an exit before she spots me.

The area is completely dark. What is this place? Could I be in a dream once again, but how would Luna be here? Maybe I was reading way too much about her and looking at the pictures of when she was very young, and as a result am dreaming of her.

"She can feel the presence of shadows, but she does not know the reason as to why it has awoken from its great slumber."

"Run Ada!"

That sounds like Nightmare! Frantically running, I can see a pentagon door that has light coming from the other side of it. This must be my ticket to getting out of here, but before I could even get a chance to even set hoof on the door, the light from it start to grab onto my legs and eventually blinding me.

Everything goes black, and once again I’m stranded without my senses. Am I ever going to wake up?

My eyes slowly adjust, and I take the opportunity to look around. As the last of the dizzy spells dissipate, I’m finally able to see where I am, and for some reason I’m no longer in the hallway anymore. Turning my eyes to the left and right, I discover I am in a room of some sort, that I don’t recognize. The blinds are preventing the sunlight from penetrating in the room I am in. I can feel myself laying in silky sheets, embraced in the bliss of an elegant bed. I seem to have been tucked right into the covers to keep me warm. Nightmare Moon, is not here.

Where'd she go? She must've carried me and placed me on this bed to see if I were to wake up.

"Nightmare? You there?"

Nothing happened.

I call out again, "Nightmare? Hello? Sister?"

Still no response.

Getting out of to my bed, I approach the door to see if she were trying to perhaps scare the living daylight out of me. Oh yes, I’ll play along with her secret game...

Once I open the door, I check to see if Nightmare is going to try and do a jump scare on me. She isn't in the hallway. Where is she? It is like she just decided to disappear and never come... back.

Realization grips me as I gasp and dash out of the room and gallop through the castle with extreme haste.

"Nightmare! Where are you?” I look around, hoping for any sign of where she could have wandered off to, “Answer me Nightmare! This isn't funny the slightest!!" Shouting her name isn't effective enough to find her. There is simply no sign of her anywhere.

Oh god. Please. Tell me she didn't just disappear when I woke up.

Turning around, I try to see if maybe she was in the room I was in. Peaking in the room, there is no sign indicating she was there.

"Nightmare.... Come on, I'm right here!" It was no use. Nightmare is not here anymore.

Looking down to the floor, I feel like I want to scream to the top of my lungs. There is nothing to even think about. I feel magic building up in me. It is waiting to be released. It is calling for me to just give myself up to it. This magic depends on the pain and sorrow I am going through.

"GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!" I let out a loud raging roar, it shattering any windows that managed to remain intact over the many years of it’s existence.

"None of this real. You are still dreaming, Nightmare. Allow me to remove the rage and sorrow that has been filled within your body."

I feel my emotions suddenly drained out of me. The rage and sorrow is replaced with warmth and comfort. I start feeling calm again. I take in deep breaths and exhale to calm myself a little more than expected.

"Why have you come to help me?" I ask.

"Because I'm the one who watches over you. I do not upon any circumstances want to see you go more into unleashing your rage while you're still sleeping. Try to understand in what you are, Nightmare. There's more to you than meets the eye."

I have a hard time figuring out whether the voice was male or female. Why is it hiding its real voice?

I feel myself starting to feel dizzy once again. Everything starts to fade into black, while my legs gave in and I fall to the floor

My eyes shot open to a cold breeze. No longer am I in the hallway where I had originally passed out, but neither was I in a bedroom. I am now in what looks akin to the living room area of the castle. The furniture itself is surprisingly clean with no dirt on it, the paint that is covering the walls has not lost any part of its color, and the walls are covered in a dark blue color, no longer fresh nor decaying.

It feels like I am sitting on something under my belly. Looking down, I realize that I am on a couch, feeling very comfortable while lying down on it, with two blankets draped over me to keep me warm.

This time, I am sure this is reality, the biting breeze too real to ignore.

Getting out from under the covers and getting off the couch, I try to see if can relieve my fear and find Nightmare Moon. However, I quickly notice something, or someone blocking the door.

As I creep forward, I get a better look at the assailant. Nightmare Moon herself is guarding the door. With her head leaning up back against the wall, she has a contempt look on her face as a small bit of drool leaks out her sleeping form. She looks almost... cute.

I put my hoof on my mouth to prevent her from possibly hearing me giggle at her. She looks so adorable the way she is sleeping! Maybe I shouldn't wake her up. She may need the rest to regain her energy.

Before thinking of going back to sleep to recover more, I see that there was another couch that is from the opposite side of the living room.

I decide to carefully lift Nightmare from the ground and tried to place her on my back. Surprisingly, she didn't even wake up. I am able to gently place her on the couch for her to be a bit more comfortable without rousing her even the slightest. Looking around to see if there are any other covers, I see at least two more that were in the center of the living room. Grabbing them with my hoofs, I place them on Nightmare Moon.

I notice that she is forming a smile on her mouth. She must be feeling the warmth from the covers I gave her to stay warm. Or, she could be feeling the love I am giving her. She's all I have, now that I think about it. Sisters stay together till death, maybe even beyond that. Though we are immortal, there might be a possibility that I or her could die, but I'm not going to let that happen to me or her.

Without compromising my plan, I trot over to the opposite side of the room where my couch is, slowly getting on it, and placing the covers back on me.

I'm not sure if it is day or night out. But, that isn't a problem for me. As I close my eyes, I whisper quietly, but just loud enough where Nightmare would be able to hear me.

"Goodnight, my dearest sister."