• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 10,982 Views, 113 Comments

Rebirth of a Nightmare - Raven Blackwood

When a second chance arises, do you jump on the fleeting moment changing your fate forever, or do you let it pass?

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The Elder Wizard (Rewrite)

Author's Note:

Chapter four is finally here! Woooooohoooo!

Thanks to JadeDusk and RandomHamster33 for helping me get this on here! You rock my friends!! :pinkiehappy:

Also, the words "Umbra possidet, lux perstat" in English mean "Shadow possesses, light remains" if you wanted to know what that meant.

Enjoy. Chapter five is in the works. :twilightsmile:

Chapter 4 has been rewritten for you, the readers, to enjoy reading.

Thank you, Echo_Off for assisting in helping me improve in the areas of the story.

As the wind blew through the more broken halls, the library shows no signs of the frigid air in the weathered castle. Surprisingly, the centuries old books still maintain their form in the library, a sign of preservation spells long past.

Nightmare Moon has been trying to help me find a good spell book for me to better understand how to use magic. So far, we've been unsuccessful in finding a bookcase that would contain magic spells, as well as magical theories.

How many bookcases are even here? The bookshelves reach the top of the roof at different points while just walking in the library. Only a few bookcases have fallen; the books they contain are damaged unassumingly both by old age and when the bookcases fell over.

As I continue to look, it comes to my attention that there is a strange statue in front of me. I can tell it is a stallion just by looking at the muzzle, and it appears it has a long beard, a starry cape, and even a matching wizard hat on top of its head.

Getting a closer look, I see a gold plaque that is just underneath the statue:

'Starswirl the Bearded'.

The plaque stats that he was an immensely powerful wizard that changed the rules and limits of magic casting. His role in essence was to create spells that had good intentions, and he worked closely with the Royal Sisters. Unfortunately, most of the spells he created ended up becoming what is known as dark magic. As he continued to research the magic, the darker forms started to come to life.

In addition, the dark spells that he created were put into a book that still remains a mystery of where it is located, but it is rumored that it was placed here in the Royal Sisters' Palace.

Starswirl was never seen again after he finished his last spell. Some believe that he's not dead, that he might still be alive and is just waiting to return to make greater spells for future gifted unicorns like him to perfect. I wonder if this stallion did something that he regrets to this day? Maybe… but who am I to judge of what he did back then? I didn't come to this world when he was around.

Giving a shrug, I continue looking around to find at least one book about magic spells. There some other books about history, science, the Royal sisters of Equestria, really advanced-looking math, different animal species that live in Equestria, among some other miscellaneous literature.

How hard is it to find books that are just about magic? Based on the fact that a third of this world’s species uses it, the books should be abundant. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to find books filled with magic, that I might not even have a problem to learn to understand and take time to harness, especially spells that some of the most renowned wizards used.

I lost track as to where Nightmare Moon is. It feels like we're trying to find a needle in a haystack. Did the designers even organize this place? The library here is possibly one of the biggest libraries that was ever made in this world. I've been to libraries in my world, but this one is just too big for even the best of ponies to get around.

As the old saying goes, 'Knowledge is power', but I think there's far too much knowledge in here. This place could be used for multiple universities in my opinion, that's just how many books are in this library.

Continuing further down the aisles, I feel something faintly cracking underneath my hooves. Looking down, I notice that there is a crack encircling my left forehoof, continuing not just from there, but spreading out in all directions from where I am standing.

My blood goes cold; is the floor about to collapse?!

I froeeze in place. I don't think I'll be able to gallop away before it collapses.

The floor cracks. Once, then twice, before succumbing completely sending me plunging down into the darkness.


"Ughh... My head...”

What... what just happened?

Darkness draws all around, encompassing me in its hold, rendering my sight useless.

As my memory returns, I remember that the floor I was on collapsed right under me and made me fall.

"N-Nightmare?” I cough out some of the dust that got in my lungs, “You- ugh..." I can hardly talk. I must've really hit the bottom hard. I try to move my body, but it is painful to even move my legs. My whole body is screaming to be released from all this rubble on top of me. My wings feel like they are crushed, generating pain I never knew I could feel. My bones ache, and I feel them, broken.

Great. That's just great! I'm at the bottom of this place and I'm not sure Nightmare even knows that I'm in this mess.

Is this how it's going to end for me? Am I going to die in the darkness? Nightmare won't even know until she finds a hole in the floor of the library, and I'm not even sure she heard me scream before falling down here.

"S-Somepony..." I cough out more dirt. "Anypony... h-help me."

I can hear hoof steps quietly coming from in front of me as bricks start shifting around the floor.

"N-Nightmare? Is... is t-that you?" I call out.

No answer, as the hoof steps stop completely. Am I just imagining things? I’m sure I heard something.

There it is again. I can hear the sound of bells shaking in unison as the steps start up again. It is getting louder and more prominent as it comes towards me. I know Nightmare Moon doesn't have any bells for her armor or for mine, and it wouldn't make any sense as to why you would need bells for yourself.

The assailant takes a few short breaths, just loud enough for me to hear.

Who is this pony, and why would he/she be under the castle? Could it be another spirit that's like Nightmare Moon? Perhaps it isn't acting in order to see if I’m a threat to it.

"Lost you are, it seems." The voice sounds wise and well spoken.

"Y-You could s-say that.” I slightly laugh out of nervousness, “I can s-sure use some h-help getting all the rubble off of me though..."

"You must be patient. Don't struggle, I shall help you get back on your hooves." I can feel some of the weight being lifted off me.

I try to move my body again, but I withdraw due to having a sharp sensation of pain all around me.

"You are injured. Stay still, it will be over in a minute or two."

I feel myself being levitated off the ground. The bruises I sustained are disappearing and I can feel my bones starting to reconnect to one another. There is no pain, only a slight sense of bliss.

The anonymous pony then gently places me back on the ground.

"Thee art most wondrous, for thou art powerful."

He's speaking Old English it seems...

"Who are you to help me in this place of darkness?" I respond in kind.

"Aren't thou Nightmare Moon, hmm?" he asks.

"My name is Nightmare Moon," I answer his question.

"My name is Starswirl, or Starswirl the Bearded as I have come to be known."

Wait, Starswirl the Bearded, the pony from the stature earlier? So it is true. He still lives to this day.

"Ah, thou art surprised? Surely thee must be, for thy eyes don't forswear." He gives a chuckle.

Well, he is right about that! I presume that he must have a spell that makes him live forever!

"Hehe. Yeah.” I respond as I drop into a more relaxed position, “For I am surprised that you are standing here before me. Why have you come to this place, Starswirl?"

He shows himself to be the wizard of mystery, at long last. The statue had every bit of detail on him just like I see him now. His eyes, for the most part, look golden. More like a darkish color of gold. Though old, he still shows that he can walk without needing a cane, if elderly ponies are even able to use them. His coat is dark gray. His mane and tail are light grey, almost white. His beard and hooves are a snow-white color.

For his appearance and magic, he is a unicorn, and a very powerful unicorn indeed.

There happens to be an old book strapped to his back, the cover a leathery blue with an elaborate golden border and lock on it. “What’s that book on your back?” I ask quizzically.

"I’m afraid I cannot say exactly… but it holds magic no-one should touch; it’s much too powerful for anyone.” Adopting a new mentality on me, he shifts to modern speech.

"You mean... That's the book that's been rumored to be in the Royal Sisters' palace?" I think that perhaps the book would have been destroyed to prevent power hungry ponies from using it for evil deeds. I wouldn't dare try to even think of having temptation to take Starswirl's book away from him.

Wait! I must tell him who I am. How will he react? He knows that I am NIghtmare Moon, so he wouldn't just give me his book like this.

Taking in a deep breath, I tell him who I am. "Although you see me as Nightmare Moon, I'm not really her. I've just been reincarnated in her image," I confess. "My real name is Ada.” His eyes are closed. He doesn't say anything. But I can tell he has listened to what I were saying. Then, without even thinking of what he might say next, he starts to… chuckle?

"I knew you were different when I saw you, Ada. I might be old, but I can sense who's who." Now I'm flabbergasted. Did he knew this whole time?

"Why, I know you are now a sister to Nightmare Moon, and you have changed her outlook greatly in the matter of just two days. Many would fail to try to change the Mare of the Moon for who she is. But you have been successful in ridding her of the hatred and sorrow that was deep inside her heart."

"How do you even know that?" How does he know this stuff? Does he read minds or something?

"Remember the voice you heard at the start of your journey, Ada? Did you not recognize it?" He smiles and looks at me.

"Wait, you mean you were the voice?"

"Yes, Ada. I was the voice you heard at the beginning of your new life here in Equestria. I listened to your wish, and I made it come true. The voices from the pond answered your wish to help Nightmare Moon redeem herself? That was also me."

My jaw drops to the ground.

"What? T-that was you, Starswirl the Bearded? " I sit down, and I can hear him laughing softly at my dumbfounded reaction.

“It is a bit of a surprise, and I see you have heard of me before.” He glances up at the hole that I fell through in thought. “You also fell through one of the traps I set up so long ago… at least you know where I am now.” Starswirl looks back at me.

"I do believe you were also wanting to find a book that contained magic spells, yes?" I merely nod to his question.

The book that he has on his back starts to levitate towards me. I slowly extend out a foreleg to grab onto it. The seal that is on the blue cover contains an alicorn that has a gold coat, a show of great power.

There is something that is written under the seal.

Umbra possidet, lux perstat

I look up to notice Starswirl giving me a smile. "That book is all that you need to learn about dark and light magic Ada, but be warned. The spells that are in my book are more powerful than any other spells that ponykind has seen before. I was the only one who tried to master these spells… but I made a grave mistake in trying to master them.” He holds his head down for a moment before his golden-yellow eyes glance back at me with the same smile as before.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a master of magic?” I ask. That last part that he said confuses me… How can I master something that one of the said greatest wizards of pony history wasn’t able to complete? "I'm merely new to magic that this world has to offer. How are you certain that I could master these spells, Starswirl?"

"I know you can do this, Ada. You just need to believe in who you are. My spells may be difficult for me to use, but I see great potential for you in both kinds of magic." He slowly backs away and starts disappearing into the dark. “I wish you good luck in your training, Ada. Use time to your advantage. Good luck, and may the night aid you in your quest to become what I could not." His voice echos in my head.

A light made itself present to my right.

"Go to the light. It is your exit, Ada. There you will meet up with Nightmare Moon. Don't keep her waiting," whispers Starswirl.

Nodding, I place carry the book in my left hoof and gallop over to the light. While doing so, I enter the throne room, and light shines through the windows. After a quick look around, wherever I was in has disappeared.

"Nightmare? Are you here?" I ask.

My ears perk up as the sound of a door creaking open from behind me. Turning around, I can see Nightmare Moon getting ready to tackle me to the ground, causing me to drop the book.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy there, Nightmare! I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

"Where did you run off to?” She proclaims as we both got to our hooves, “It’s not like you to just disappear like that.”

"Relax, Nightmare. I got a book that I found in another part of the castle." I point my hoof at where the book is now on the floor. She turns her head to where I am pointing. As she did so, her pupils contract to where I can't see them.

She looks back at me and said, "Is that what I think it is?"

Nodding my head, I say, "Yes, it is. Starswirl the Bearded's spell book." I don't want to tell her about what really happened when we got separated. I might tell her that I met him in person.

I walk over to grab the book with my hoof, and now I just need to figure out how to open it. There seems to be no key to unlock it, but perhaps there is another way to open it: magic.

"Magic is a powerful tool, Ada. It's like an animal, but you must learn to control it. I had to resist dark magic many times back when I was young, but you should have an easier time with it. Concentration is most important to understand taming magic; just don't kid yourself. You were born from the night that was created out of jealousy, pain, and sorrow by Princess Luna. Those three emotions will keep you sane. Take my advice seriously, and I will continue to teach you over the course of your life in Equestria."

Smiling, I tell Nightmare that we should leave the castle for an hour or two. She seems to understand that it is time to learn magic outside. Wouldn't want to blow this castle off the face of Equestria, after all.

I'm going to need a saddlebag to keep the book from slipping off my back. Surely there would be a few in the armory room for me to take with me. I might also need to make a hoodie or cloak so that nopony could see my face. They would probably alert the Princesses and everypony in Ponyville, so I must be cautious in my surroundings.

"One more thing. Allow me to give you a temporary disguise, Ada. It's to ensure you are safe when walking into the fields where you were placed in before. This may cause you to black out, but you shouldn’t worry. Everything will go according to plan."

I feel a sudden headache hitting me all of a sudden. As I look down to look at my forelegs, I notice that the upper part of my legs are turning to dark blue, while the lower part fads into midnight black. The blue color is still spreading all around me. The armor has disappeared, replacing them with a black cloak that covers my wings. I also feel a sudden pain around my body where I can't bear it any longer.

Now feel my consciousness waning, a rather common occurrence lately. I don't even bother fighting, feeling too exhausted.

"Ada!" Nightmare shouts, but her voice is being tuned down while entering the void of darkness.

"You'll be fine, I promise. It's merely temporary. I am giving you an opportunity, and by the time your current appearance wears off, you will know magic and how to change back at will."

“I do believe a new name is in order, considering your new form. How about Nuray, yes? It fits you perfectly."

"Good luck."