• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 3,741 Views, 172 Comments

Cafe Dazzling - brzy

The Dazzling's run a restaurant with Anon. The Rainbooms are jerks. They solve mysteries.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Monday, school day, no more pool day. Anon dreaded coming to school this morning. After the Rainbooms gave the Dazzlings the third degree, he expected any good will they accrued over their opening weekend to be gone. The Dazzlings walked the couple blocks to school in silence. They entered the atrium in silence. The split up to go to their lockers, grabbed their books and met up in homeroom in silence. Finally, Aria broke the silence.

“Ok, what the heck is going on?! Everyone is ignoring us and all cheerful and crap!”

Ditzy turned around from in front of Anon.

“The Friendship Games start next week silly! We get to mess around and ignore class work this entire week while we all try to qualify for the games!”

She smiled at the Dazzlings. It was bright and free, as if she didn’t remember the Battle of the Bands.

“Crap! I completely forgot about that!” shouted Anon.

He turned sideways so he could see Aria behind him, Sonata and Adagio in the desks to his left. Adagio had commandeered the desks after the restaurant arrangement was finalized. She was very persuasive to their previous occupants.

“It’s like an interschool competition to foster mingling and comradery. We compete against Crystal Prep in a bunch of events. There is sort of a rivalry thing between us, it’s supposed to help diffuse it.”

The Dazzling’s faces were completely blank. Anon felt slightly uncomfortable. Ditzy just continued smiling.

“Umm, you haven’t heard anything about the riots, have you Ditzy?” asked Dagi.

“The what? No, everyone is all excited for the contests! Some of their students are gonna be here all this week to help with setup!”

Aria's eyes lit up.

“Is Twilight gonna be here?!” she asked, eyes wide.

“Huh? I dunno. You’d have to ask Sunset and the Rainbooms if she’s visiting.”

“No, I mean Crystal Prep’s Twi… crap. Never mind.” Aria sighed. “Man. We’re gonna have to talk to the Rainbooms, aren’t we?”

Adagio nodded. Anon stuck his palms to his temples and shook his head. It was way too early in the morning for this. After homeroom ended, they followed the crowd out to the field. Everyone was there, assembled around a makeshift stage with the Principal and Luna, along with a lady and guy he had never seen before.

“Hello students! I’d like to welcome you to the first day of preparations for the Friendship Games! Everyone please get along with your counterparts from Crystal Prep as we run the qualifying matches and set up equipment for the games next week!” shouted Principal Celestia.

“Yes, everyone remember that you are an ambassador! I’d like to introduce you to Principal Chrysalis and Vice Principal Discord from Crystal Prep!” Luna handed her mic off to Chrysalis, only to have it intercepted by Discord.

“Such a fine introduction Woona! It’s nice to see how the other half lives every once in a while, eh Chrysi?” He winked at his Principal as Luna blushed fiercely.

“Vice Principal, please. I haven’t been called that since I was a child!”

“Oh Woona, you know you’ll always be a child to me!” He grinned as she blushed an even deeper shade of red.

Chrysalis finally managed to grab the microphone away from Discord as he contorted to keep it away from her.

“Ahem. Thank you. Please give my precious students the welcome you’d want for yourselves and make them feel at home. I like to think of every one of them as my children, just as I’m sure Celestia does of you!”

Principal Chrysalis handed the microphone back to Celestia and regally stepped into the background of the stage. Wow. Holy shit was she hot. She was like some freaky fractal where the curves had curves so you could curve while she curved. Her gorgeous long dark blue hair framed crazy, deep green eyes that seemed to suck you in. Her voice was like warm syrup being poured into your ear. Anon knew that didn’t sound appealing at first blush, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Adagio slapped him on the back of the head.

“And what are you staring at, mister?”

“Uhh, umm, nothing?” he asked, slightly confused in his ear syrup-ed state.

"That's right nothing!" she huffed.

Anon shook his head. He was having trouble remembering where he was at the moment. Sonata and Aria both glared at him as well. Sonata’s cheeks were even puffed up. Anon believed she did this to make herself seem larger, as a sort of defense mechanism. Anon felt his pancreas shudder and stop under her gaze, as the affect was diabetes inducing. He was about to say something in his defense just as the Shadowbolts team took the stage. Right in the middle, in her dark red Crystal Prep uniform and glasses was Twilight.

“Holy crap, it’s her!” shouted Brad.

Everyone ignored him as they saw their savior from two separate extra-dimensional incursions wearing the uniform of the enemy. Even Celestia looked shocked. Discord quickly grabbed the microphone.

“I see you are all shocked at our girl Twilight here. Apparently you all had some sort of lookalike running around all willy nilly here a couple times in the past. I can assure you Miss Sparkle’s whereabouts at the time have been verified and she is most definitely not the clearly deranged psychopath from that YouTube video.”

Rather than hand it back to Luna, he dropped the mic and walked back to stand beside Chrysalis. The crowd was silent until Rainbow Dash ran to the front and shouted at them.

“Twilight is not deranged! She’s just not used to using her hands for stuff! Let’s see how you manage when you’ve had hooves all your life!”

Discord, Twilight, and Chrysalis looked extremely uncomfortable as the clearly unsettled blue girl continued to yell at them.

“Please Miss Dash, I'd like you to refrain from badgering our guests!” shouted Luna.

Sunset and Applejack dragged her kicking and screaming back into the herd. Twilight looked awkwardly at the ground, her eyes occasionally glancing up at the crowd. Aria waved her arms frantically trying to get her attention. Doc’s eyes lit up as she saw her friend in the crowd. She waved quickly, then tried unsuccessfully to go back into stealth mode.