• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 3,741 Views, 172 Comments

Cafe Dazzling - brzy

The Dazzling's run a restaurant with Anon. The Rainbooms are jerks. They solve mysteries.

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Chapter 3

It had been a long week as they worked after school, but they all pitched in and cleaned off the uniform layer of dust that had settled over the place. The counter tops sparkled, the booths and tables were pristine, and the windows were spotless save for the “GRAND OPENING THIS FRIDAY!!!” written in large bright friendly window marker letters.

The Dazzling’s had finished moving all their stuff from their old apartment to the living area above the café. Since it was early they even got back a bit more than their deposit, which was one less thing to drag on Dagi’s mind as they busied themselves with final preparations.

During school they had all passed out flyers to the students and teachers letting everyone know about Café Dazzling’s big opening day. Reception was a little mixed. The teachers and student’s Anon talked too seemed excited, but Adagio and Aria got a cold reception from their classmates. Sonata had an easier time of it, as it was nearly impossible to stay negative in the face of the blue girl’s bubbling cheerful energy. As he handed out flyers in the hall during a class break, Anon suddenly found himself surrounded by Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms.

“What are you guys planning?” Sunset drilled at Anon.

Anon was taken aback. Like almost behind a shed aback.

“… What?”

“Yeah, whats the big idea? You guys planning on stealing magical energy from the customers or something?” asked Dash in a really aggressive way. Her face was nearly pressed up against his. He gently pushed her back to arms length and stepped back. She glared.

“… Sunset. Dash. What the fuck are you girls talking about? I’m reopening my Uncle’s restaurant.”

“With the Dazzlings,” added Sunset.

“And? They’re nice girls and Adagio is a great chef.”

“They tried to take over the school!” shouted bacon hair.

“Allegedly! I didn’t see any of that. And, well, so did you! And these other girl’s you are with stopped you! Who are you to hold a grudge?” he spat back at her.

Sunset looked suitably chagrined for a moment, her righteous momentum stopped dead. Anon found himself breathing hard. He only knew Sunset, Pinkie Pie, and Dash by name, due to Pinkie probably training to be an NSA agent by knowing everyone and Rainbow being on every single sports team. There was also yellow quiet, country blonde, and purple fancy.

Just a few months back they had stopped Sunset from turning everyone into zombies or something. He didn’t really know much about it, due to being sick at the time. It sounded stupid. His Uncle would have loved being there with zombies, he actually had a bunker somewhere outside of town prepared for just that contingency. Well, technically Anon had a bunker now. He made himself sad as he remembered his awesome Uncle. Now somehow Sunset was the leader of the group that took her down? Awfully suspicious. Sunset Shimmer finally regained her composure.

“Anon, we don’t know if you are in on it, but we are gonna be watching the Dazzlings! They can’t be trusted.”

“Great! We’re open today after school, you can come by for supper Sailor Moon! Gotta make sure the negaverse doesn’t collect all the heart energy!” he said at a just slightly above normal volume, barely fighting off the urge to shout it at them as he stormed away. With a final spurt of vitriol he shouted “At least they didn’t blow up the school!” The Rainbooms stood there wide eyed jaws slack as he stormed off.

Anon headed toward the cafeteria to meet with the Dazzlings. He had taken to eating with them while they talked about the restaurant. He found himself more aware now as the eyes of the students stared at them. He hadn’t noticed it before. He had always just thought of them as normal girls. Outsiders maybe, but variety was one of the best spices. Not everyone can fit into the stereotypical jello mold. It was messed up how Sunset tried to turn the entire school against them.

“Are you ok Anon?” asked Sonata. “You look sad.”

“It’s nothing. Stupid Sunset and the Rainbooms talked to me and got me all riled up.”

“Oh? And what did they say?” queried Adagio.

“That you guys couldn’t be trusted and that everyone should do what the Rainbooms say because they’re sooo awesome. Stupid bacon hair.” He scrunched his face up as he said it.

“Geeze, leave it to Sunset to hold a grudge. Little miss everyone forget I turned into a demon and tore the front of the school off,” threw out Aria.

“I hadn’t realized how bad the rest of the school treats you guys,” muttered Anon.

“Hmm, it’s alright. They do actually have cause to be mad at us. Though it does seem disproportionate compared to what Sunset did,” added Adagio. “We tricked people who wanted a fight into fighting and took advantage of it. It’s not like any of it was against their will, politicians have been doing it for centuries.” She said it as if she had been there to witness those centuries.

“We would have moved again if we’d actually had the money for it,” added Aria. “The whole Battle of the Bands thing wiped out all our savings. Dresses, outfits, and pyrotechnics can get pretty expensive on short notice.”

“I don’t want to go, I like it here,” said Sonata softly.

“It’s fine, we’ll show those stupid Rainbooms that the Dazzling’s won’t be their whipping boys! Err, girls!” shouted Anon in the crowded cafeteria. The students’ eyes bored into them harder. “We’re gonna open this restaurant and people are gonna love the awesome food and you guys won’t have to take their bullying anymore!”

The entire cafeteria fell silent. All eyes were on them. He felt time slow as his heartbeat boomed in his chest, like this was one of those moments where something needed to happen. Renegade or Paragon. As he felt the moment slip away Sonata stood up and clicked L2 for him.

“You guys! Please come to our restaurant! We’ve been working really hard fixing it up and Adagio and Anon are gonna cook really yummy food for everyone! Ooh, plus we got really pretty dresses to wear!”

“Okey dokie! I’ll be there!” shouted Pinkie Pie from the cafeteria entrance.

The tension in the cafeteria melted away as people laughed and said they’d check it out too. Anon breathed a sigh of relief. He had come that close to yelling at what would probably be his main customer base. He looked over as Sonata smiled at him. Her eyes shimmered a bit more than usual, but she blinked and it vanished.