• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 5,554 Views, 46 Comments

Missing Piece - Spider8ite

Sunset Shimmer has everything she wants in life, but even her closest friends don't notice that she's missing something she needs. A lover. Luckily, Vinyl is there to help and knows a Great and Powerful girl who would be just perfect for her. Maybe.

  • ...

You Can't Help who you Love

Sunset Shimmer wasn’t alone. She had her friends, thanks to Princess Twilight of course. But even if she had fun with them, and their friendship grew stronger everyday, Sunset felt that something was missing. She didn’t talk about it with anyone though — Sunset wasn’t the type to lay all her burdens on the shoulders of others.

Even after helping the Elements to defeat the Dazzlings, Sunset still felt odd around people at Canterlot High. Sometimes she felt she caught them glancing at her out of the corner of their eyes, giving her a look of distrust earned by all those years of troublemaking. Pinkie Pie had already told her that she was just imagining it, and that nobody bore her a grudge any more. But Sunset knew that even if most people had forgiven her, they hadn’t forgotten — she wouldn’t either in their position.

Before she’d been defeated on Twilight’s first visit to this world, she’d been the most self-confident person in the school. Now she wasn’t.

Sunset felt stupid when she thought about it, but she knew people would mock her if they ever knew her main problem. But she didn’t need any help — she was going to be just fine. Like her mother back in Equestria had said, “love comes when it’s time. You have to give it and yourself time. But when you do, you can’t help who you love.” Sunset still remembered her mother’s words after all these years. Her problem was that one little thing called love.

The first time she really felt that for another person, that person happened to be a magical pony princess from another dimension on the other side of a mirror — a world full of ponies called Equestria. Twilight Sparkle had been her first true love. It wasn’t just a crush; Sunset was damn sure about that. She wasn’t lying about loving her like she did with Flash Sentry. It was real.

But Twilight had responsibilities. She couldn’t just leave everyone that she knew in Equestria and live in a whole other dimension because of Sunset. That’s why Sunset gave up on it. She still loved Twilight, and it broke her heart, but she had to let her go — for Twilight’s sake. Twilight was special and would find a fine mare in Equestria, somepony better than Sunset. Yes, everything was better this way. At least in her opinion, but Vinyl’s opinion was pretty different.

Vinyl Scratch, frequent support act, and occasional backing artist for the Rainbooms: Sunset had developed a close friendship with the DJ, a girl of few words but infinite wisdom. Vinyl, too, had once shared Sunset’s attitude to love. After a few boyfriends in her mid-teens, she’d given up on the idea of ever finding happiness. That was until an unlikely encounter involving a storage cupboard in the music department, a broken door handle, a stroppy young cellist from the year below her at school, and… well, that’s another story. But since that day, Vinyl had been in the business of hurrying true love along for her friends, even if it sometimes meant looking for it in the most unlikely of places. Fate sometimes needs help.

The evening it all started, Sunset was making her way through the park, crunching through fallen leaves. She looked at her watch, and saw she was running almost ten minutes late. She pulled her coat tight around her shoulders to keep out the cold air, and hurried along the path to the gate on the opposite side of the park.

She caught sight of the restaurant where she was meeting Vinyl, and skidded to a halt. This place was smart — remembering the casual clothes she’d thrown on, she felt rather underdressed. She wondered why Vinyl had chosen this place rather than their usual café.

As if to answer her question, her pocket beeped. She fumbled inside for her phone, pulling it out and unlocking it.

Im not coming tonite. Somebody else will be waiting for you. Have fun! DJP3 xxx

Sunset growled. She’d seen Vinyl do this to countless classmates over the last few months, but she thought the DJ knew better than to try to set her up on a date. She stormed into the restaurant and glanced around, trying to figure out who Vinyl was setting her up with, but couldn’t see any familiar faces.

A waiter sauntered up to her. “Miss Shimmer?”

“Yes!” Sunset snapped at him. Realizing it wasn’t his fault, she apologized. “Sorry, yes, I’m Miss Shimmer.”

“Table for Miss Shimmer is this way,” he said calmly, leading her into the restaurant. “Your companion hasn’t arrived yet.”

Sunset stopped for a moment. “Wait, how did you know who I was?”

“The lady who booked the table, a Miss Scratch, told me to keep my eyes open for an angry-looking girl with red and yellow hair that would be arriving approximately ten minutes late.”

Sunset sighed. Vinyl knew her too well.

The waiter led Sunset around a corner to a small alcove with a single romantically candle-lit table. The table looked charming, with a tablecloth decorated with a red rose pattern. Even the backboard of the chair was in form of a heart. Sunset rolled her eyes — she was going to kill Vinyl as soon as she saw the DJ.

As mad as she was about the situation, she said a polite thank-you to the waiter and sat looking around. Sunset was nervous, drumming her fingernails on the table repeatedly. God only knew who Vinyl was trying to set her up with! All that she knew that it wasn’t going to be good. Of course… Rainbow had been dating Spitfire for two months — it turned out she’d always had a secret crush on Spit — but that was the only time Vinyl was right. Oh, and the time when she’d set up Lyra and Bon Bon. But those were the only times. No more.

She spend some time sitting at the table, checking her phone from time to time, waiting for this “date” to finish. Just as she was about to give up and leave, a girl Sunset Shimmer knew very well walked in the restaurant.

Trixie Lulamoon.

Trixie was friends with Vinyl — both were in the drama club. Sunset simply couldn’t understand how could Vinyl like her. Sunset could tolerate her and respect her, but sometimes Trixie was such a royal pain in the ass. Trixie was the face of arrogance herself — always full of pride over anything and everything she did, from a simple cracker with peanut butter to her fake magic tricks. Trixie had started trying even more after all the “magic” events in Canterlot High. She really needed to stop doing it. But dreaming was something, right?

Trixie stood looking around confusedly just as Sunset had done. Trixie was alone. Since she and her ‘friends’ had lost the last competition, her ‘friends’ had left her. Those two girls had only wanted to win and take advantage of her. Since then, the magician had felt alone; it was time to find someone. However it was rare for Vinyl to put the two right people together and really make a couple, but Trixie had to admit that she was hoping this would happen today.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie shall be attended right now!” she said, looking at the waiter who raised an eyebrow but then coughed.

“Here, Miss Lulamoon. I’ll take you to your table. Miss Scratch asked me to keep my ears open for a girl that spoke in a weird way,” the waiter said as he took Trixie to her table. She asked herself what Vinyl could possibly find weird about the way she spoke. It seemed perfectly normal!

Trixie walked with the waiter and raised an eyebrow as soon as she saw who was sitting at the table he’d stopped in front of — somebody she knew well. “Here is your table, Miss Lulamoon. Miss Scratch said that you and Miss Shimmer will be on a date tonight, am I right?”

Trixie opened her mouth and for a few moments no words would come out. “Eh… yes. Trixie and Sunset are on a date tonight,” she parrotted with no emotion.

“Okay. I’ll be back when you two are ready to order. Enjoy your evening,” the waiter said with a kind smile as he walked away.

Trixie looked at Sunset. Sunset glanced at Trixie. “You!” both said at same time.

“What are you doing here?” Trixie asked as she sat in front of Sunset. “Are you going crazy? Why would Vinyl choose you to be my date?!”

Sunset sighed. “Trixie do I look like I’m enjoying this? I knew she was going to set me up with someone who doesn’t even like me!” Sunset laughed a little. “She should care more about her own love life — maybe she should spend more time with Octavia rather than meddling in my life. That would be a good thing. I mean, I know it’s kind of her to try, but I don’t like you…”

“Thank you for at least being honest with Trixie.” Trixie took off her blue jacket and hung it on the back of the empty chair, before sitting down opposite Sunset.

“What would you want me to say?”

“Well at least you could try to be nice to Tri—”

“Talk in third person one more time and I’m gonna pick up that candle and burn your hair with it,” Sunset said slowly and Trixie gulped with a nervous smile.

“Tri–I mean, I’m sorry. I’m used to it,” Trixie said. They sat quietly for a while, observing each other. But then Trixie broke the silence. “So… are we really going to do this? I mean the date. We don’t have anything in common with each other. And you still haven’t said sorry for screaming at me in the Battle of Bands.”

“For… for scream— what?! I haven’t said sorry?! Me?! You threw me down a damn hole in the ground!”

Trixie looked hurt at the accusation. “You know full well that Adagio and her friends tricked me into doing that.”

“Whatever. Look, let’s just get this over with. We’ll skip the starters, skip dessert, just have one course, and we can go home. It’ll take an hour at the most, and we can honestly tell Vinyl that we tried but it didn’t work out. Deal?”

“Deal,” Trixie agreed, nodding. She picked up the menu and started flicking through it. “Ooh… slow-roasted la—”

Slow? Nothing slow!” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Pick something that will be quick. I’m having the goat’s cheese and caramelized onion pizza.”

“Oh, they do pizza?” Trixie leafed through the menu trying to find the page.

“Give it here!” Sunset grabbed the menu and found the correct page, then thrust it back at Trixie.

“Rude,” Trixie mumbled under her breath, almost inaudibly. “What? No Hawaiian? No double pepperoni? I haven’t heard of any of these!”

Sunset looked at her own menu. “You like double pepperoni?” Trixie nodded. “Well, try this one.” She pointed out a pizza.

“Vesuvio…” Trixie read from the page. “Salami Napoli, Piquante Peppers, and Mozzarella…” She looked up from the menu. “You think I’ll like that?”

“Yes… now let’s order! Where’s that waiter?” She turned around and started snapping her fingers, trying to get his attention.

The waiter appeared as if from nowhere, carrying a pencil and small pad of paper. “You are ready to order, mademoiselles?”

“Yes, please,” Sunset answered. “We’ll have two pizzas — the goat’s cheese one, and a Vesuvio — and can you make it quick, because we’re both in a hurry.”

“Very good,” he answered, scribbling on a sheet of paper.

It was barely ten minutes of awkward silence before two freshly cooked and delicious smelling pizzas arrived.

Trixie enjoyed the pizza that Sunset had chosen for her, between gulps of mineral water to quench the fire in her mouth. Sunset enjoyed the more delicate flavour that her pizza had to offer. Soon their plates were empty and their bellies were at least reasonably full.

As the waiter cleared their plates away, he offered them the menus again to pick a dessert.

“No, thank you,” Sunset said.

“Are you sure?” Trixie asked. “They did look very—”

“No. Remember what we agreed?” She turned back to the waiter. “Just the bill, please.”

As the waiter left to get the bill, Sunset spoke to Trixie again. “So, should we just pay half each?”

“What?!” Trixie asked. “But your pizza was more expensive than mine.”

“I hardly got any of that mineral water though,” Sunset pointed out.

“Fine! Whatever it takes to get away from you,” Trixie huffed, taking out her purse.

The bill paid, a tip left, the two girls walked out of the restaurant. Sunset pulled her coat around her shoulders. “Goodbye, Trixie. And if Vinyl asks, we had a very nice date, we got along well, but neither of us thinks we’re suited for each other. Agreed?”

Trixie nodded. “I don’t know what she was thinking, setting me up with… with you!”

Sunset turned her back on the girl and started walking back towards the park. “The feeling is mutual.”

Sunset walked to her house, turning back to see if Trixie was doing the same. She looked to the watch on her wrist, seeing it was too early to go home already. Sunset sighed, she knew she was going to be bored at home without anything to do. Sunset walked a little further and came to a stop in front of her favorite jazz club.

It might be a surprise to anyone to find out that Sunset Shimmer liked jazz. It was a style of music many people didn’t pay too much attention to these days, preferring more modern genres. And it wasn’t at all like the music she played with the Rainbooms. But Sunset loved it — it was a soft and sweet sound, just what Sunset liked.

She walked in, already hearing the sound of a piano and saxophone making a beautiful melody. The place didn’t only have a old-fashioned music, but an old-fashioned look too. The unpainted brick walls were hung with photos showing the famous musicians that had played there over the decades of the club’s history. The light came from elegant candlesticks at each table.

Sunset walked to a little table in a corner, sitting and enjoying the music. She was mentally exhausted after the date. Not that Trixie was so bad really, but even a little bit of Trixie could be too much… Sunset couldn’t even explain. But she had to admit Trixie was more tolerable than usual that night. She wasn't as cocky as she usually was.

C’mon Sunset, you’re just here to listen to some music and enjoy it, not think about that… stupid girl, even if she has beautiful eyes, Sunset said to herself. Let’s just enjoy tonight.

Sunset got up and got a drink for herself and took a sip. Some vodka might help you stop thinking about that—

All her thoughts were interrupted by a new voice drifting through the club. It was a familiar voice. It was the same music from The Battle of Bands. Wait is that… Tricks Up My Sleeve?! Her eyes widened when she noticed who was singing, almost spitting up her vodka. Trixie?!

Sunset couldn’t believe it. Even though she’d come to an obscure club, a place she had always gone to hang out, Trixie was here. Maybe it is some kind of witchcraft from Vinyl, Sunset thought, looking at the stage and hoping that Trixie wasn’t going to notice her there.

She sat and watched Trixie from the corner of the bar. The singer didn’t seem to have noticed Sunset sitting there quietly. Sunset motioned to the bartender to pour her another drink, which he did without a word, Sunset sliding payment across the counter to him, without taking her eyes off the stage.

Trixie’s song came to an end and she climbed down off the stage, shaking hands with the guitarist and piano player who had accompanied her. She sauntered over to the bar and dug around in a handbag for a few moments. “Trixie would like a vodka and orange,” she announced to nobody in particular, but the bartender soon arrived and poured her a drink.

Sunset saw him lean over and whisper something in Trixie’s ear. Trixie’s eyes shot over to where Sunset was sitting. Sunset cringed in embarrassment as Trixie started strutting towards her.

“So, Thunderbass behind the bar tells me that he thinks Trixie has quite a fan over here.” Trixie smiled. “Says that somebody couldn’t take their eyes off me while I was performing.”

Sunset giggled nervously. “Ummm… yeah… if I see this fan of yours then I’ll let you know.”

“Quit the act, Shimmer. This place is almost deserted. I don’t know why they still run open mic nights here — nobody ever comes to watch.”

Sunset looked around. It was true. She sighed and looked back at Trixie who had a raised eyebrow and a cocky smile on her face. Sunset hated when Trixie did that face. “What did you want me to say? That I want an autograph or something? I don’t quite think you’re at that level yet, Miss Cocky. And please, don’t start talking in the third person again.”

Trixie let out a little giggle sitting at Sunset’s side. “I just wanted to see you admit it, that’s all. Sometimes a little honesty can be a pretty good thing.”

“You’re calling me a liar?”

“Moi?” Trixie put a hand on her chest, like if she was the victim. “Of course not! But if the shoe fits…” Trixie smirked.

Sunset shook her head. “Okay! Okay! I was looking at you… so what? It’s not some kind of big deal.” Sunset sat in silence for a moment. “Also why the hell are you here anyway? You don’t even like jazz from what I know.”

“Tsk tsk, Sunny. I come with a lot of surprises,” Trixie said and Sunset gave her a little shove, prompting some laughs from Trixie.

“Are you… trying something with me, you little…?” Sunset held her tongue, not wanting to say something bad about her.

“Moi? Of course not. I’m just being friendly. But I forgot you hate Tri… I mean, you hate me.”

“I–I don’t hate you, okay?” Sunset said softly. “But sometimes you’re a royal pain in the ass and I don’t take royal pains easily. So don’t make a drama out of this, okay? I mean, I’m only just starting to develop a little respect for you,” Sunset said giving Trixie’s shoulder a playful punch. “You like jazz after all!”

Both smiled at each other. “Oh, but you shall have respect for the Great and Powerful Trixie! Because she’s so powerful and because she… wants you to like her.” Trixie said, but then widened her eyes. “Wait! I don’t mean that I wanted you to you know, like me like that, just as a friend!”

Sunset giggled. “Calm down, Trixie. It’s not like you’re a crazy girl wanting attention from me.”

Trixie laughed. “Because I don’t need attention. I’ve already got it.” She winked and Sunset shook her head.

They talked more about random things, school, their own lives and finally themselves. Trixie had to admit Sunset was way more interesting than she looked. Now Sunset was hearing Trixie tell about her recent dates and how they had gone awfully, and she found herself thinking about how Trixie deserved something serious for once — something good, someone who treated her right. Sunset hoped someone could do that for her. You know you could… Shut up, mind! Don’t even start thinking like that…

“Do you want another drink, Trixie?” Sunset asked, standing slightly unsteadily and walking towards the bar.

“I suppose.” Trixie yawned and looked at her watch. “It’s getting late though, and I have quite a long walk home.”

“You could come back to mine if you like,” Sunset suggested. “I mean… not like that! I didn’t mean it like that!” She buried her face in her hands. After a moment she looked up. “What I meant is that I’ve got a very comfy couch you could stay on tonight if you needed somewhere. I only live just around the corner.”

The bartender arrived and Sunset ordered their drinks. She returned to the table that Trixie was sat beside, carrying a couple of large vodkas and two cans of Red Bull on a tray. “So what do you say, Trixie?”

“You live right around the corner?” Trixie asked, pouring the can of Red Bull into her vodka.

“It’s like two minutes’ walk,” Sunset promised.

Trixie knocked back her drink, downing the whole glass in one. “Then let’s go!” She stood up.

“Just a minute!” Sunset hurriedly did the same, mixing her drinks and downing the mixture. She coughed and shook her head, then got to her feet. “Okay, follow me.”

Sunset led Trixie out into the street. She pulled her coat around her. “Aren’t you cold like that?”

Trixie was still wearing the shimmery silver-sequined minidress that she’d had on for their disaster of a date. Although she had a blue jacket, it was made out of such a thin, silky material that Sunset couldn’t believe it would offer any protection from the cold autumn night. “N-n-n-n-no,” Trixie answered, her teeth chattering.

“Here, take my coat,” Sunset said, pulling it off. It was cool without it, but she still had her leather jacket on which at least offered protection against the wind.

“N-n-n-no. You’ll b-be c-c-c-cold,” Trixie stuttered.

Sunset draped the coat over the girl’s shoulders. “I’ll be fine. I dressed sensibly.” She pointed across the road. “Come on, it’s just along here.”

They walked a little more, stopping by Sunset’s door. She opened it, walking in, followed by Trixie. “I don’t think I need it anymore,” Trixie said, pulling off the blue jacket as she felt warmer inside. She passed it back to Sunset. “Thanks. Not that I needed it.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and coughed. “Welcome home. You can do anything here, just don’t touch my important stuff. Like that.” Sunset pointed to her guitar standing against the wall. “It’s more precious than Robert — my motorcycle, before you ask.”

Trixie giggled. “You named your motorcycle?”

“Yes. What’s the matter with that?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing! That isn’t totally ridiculous at all!” Trixie exclaimed sitting in the couch and turning on the TV as she laid down and stretched. “So when are you going to show me Trixie’s room?” Trixie asked with a lazy voice tone while changing channels and stopping when she heard some theme music starting with ‘We are the Crystal Gems...’. It was the only good thing to watch right now anyway.

Sunset, who had changed clothes in her room, came back into the living room now wearing pajamas. She frowned. “What, do you think this is your own home?” she asked, stopping in front of the TV.

“Oh no, get out of the way! I’m gonna miss the part where they fuse!” Trixie said with a sad puppy face.

Sunset sighed. “Your ‘room’ is here. Sorry, but even if I offered for you to stay here, I didn’t bring you to a hotel, Miss Great and Powerful,” Sunset mocked. Why did I even offer that? I must be drunk…

Trixie huffed. “What a way to treat a lady like Trixie!”

Sunset laughed as she walked to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. “You’re starting to sound just like Rarity.”

“Do I look like a prissy drama queen?” Trixie asked with her eyes still on the TV.

“Mmmm… yes,” Sunset mocked as she sat in the little corner remaining on the couch. She received a scowl from Trixie. “Wow you don’t have to kill me with your eyes. But I don’t really think you want to sleep with me, even though I am as amazing as I am,” Sunset mocked again, making Trixie blush. As soon as she saw how Trixie reacted, she chuckled. “Damn, Trixie! I’m just joking around. Are you Fluttershy now?”

“Could you stop comparing me to all your little friends?” Trixie said. “And Trixie knows that you are kidding, but she also knows you would love to do it.” Trixie sat on the couch and gave Sunset a malicious look and a smirk. “Everyone loves it. Satisfaction guaranteed!”

“Haha, very funny,” Sunset said, punching her playfully in the shoulder. “So… I think I’m going to go to sleep now. You should too — it’s getting really late.” She rose, but Trixie took her hand.

“No, wait I…” Trixie tried to find the right words.


“Can we stay up a while? Talk?”

Sunset looked a little uncertain. “Sure. I guess. But don’t you think we should try to get some sleep? It’s pretty late. We can always talk in the morning.”

“Tsk. Like I ever sleep!” Trixie huffed dismissively. “I mean… yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean you never sleep?”

Trixie leaned back on the sofa closing her eyes. “I suppose you could say that Trixie has insomnia,” she admitted. “I try to sleep but… well, that’s one trick I haven’t been able to master recently.”

Sunset looked at her with concern. “Why not?” she asked softly.

“I…” — Trixie looked at Sunset — “you’re not going to tell all your little friends any of this, are you?” Sunset shook her head and Trixie lay back again, staring at the ceiling. “I… well… I suppose that staring into the dark I get this feeling of crushing isolation, of loneliness.”

“What do you mean?”

Trixie closed her eyes. “Well, I don’t really have anyone. And I know when I wake up again, I’ll still have no-one.”

“You mean like a boyfriend? Girlfriend?”

Trixie sat up again and looked at Sunset. “I mean like anyone. Just a friend.”

Sunset thought for a moment. “But what about Vinyl?”

“More of an acquaintance.” Trixie shrugged.

Sunset tilted her head to the side. “Your band mates then?”

Trixie sighed. “Those losers ditched me the moment we lost the Battle of the Bands. Said they’d rather continue as a two-piece.”

“So that’s why you stay out late at almost deserted jazz clubs?” Sunset asked in concern.

Trixie shrugged and nodded.

Sunset bit her lip. Not even once she had thought of Trixie as being so lonely. She sat there staring at the other girl with concern on her eyes, but then sighed. “I never knew you felt like this. I mean…” Sunset sat on the couch’s arm and Trixie looked up to her with curiosity. “Can you keep a secret?” Trixie nodded. “Before Twilight came here, way back when I first came her from… from the other place, and I was still a… a stupid person—”

“You were a jerk,” Trixie said.

Sunset chuckled. “Yes, I was a major one. But even if I wanted to have power and feel more important than other people, I was alone. Even when I had Flash as a boyfriend, I didn’t really like him much. And everyone else hated me.” She paused seeing that Trixie still had her eyes on her, now sitting with crossed legs on the couch. “I tried to not care about it, but it turns out that before Twilight came, I was unhappy — not only with this. Now I have people who care about me, and I care about them.”

“Okay… so what’s your point?” Trixie murmured.

“You should give friendship one more try. I mean we did this tonight. Right? Because uh… we are friends, even if this was supposed to be a date. But it was fun, right?” Sunset smiled which caused Trixie to do the same.

“I guess, yes.”

“See! That’s a start! I could take you out to spend the day with my ‘little friends’, as you call them.” Sunset didn’t even think about this as she said it, but she instantly cursed herself. Why in the name of Celestia I want to spend more time with her? I mean she’s nice, but c’mon Sunset… the girls are gonna hate it… Sunset bit her lip. But Trixie is cool. She’s great.

Trixie thought for a moment. “Tsk, like I wanted to spend time with those clods.” Sunset was prepared to say a ‘okay’, but Trixie continued. “But I suppose, even if they’re clods, I think I can give it a try.” Trixie shrugged with a little smile.

The room got deathly quiet for a moment. Trixie coughed, breaking the silence.

“Well, I think that you can go now…?” Trixie said simply, not wanting to be seen as The Great and Needy Trixie. But she was enjoying her time with Sunset, maybe way too much for her own tastes.

Sunset blinked. She’d been paying attention to other things. “Oh, eh… yeah. I… yeah, good night.” The girl rose quickly, going to her room.

“Night,” Trixie whispered. She rose, getting a red blanket that was lying folded on the little armchair next to the couch and laid in the couch. She stared at the ceiling for a long time. Maybe a hour. The night was cold; too cold for the simple blanket. Trixie couldn’t sleep, feeling uncomfortable with the cold.

Maybe Trixie could… No, Trixie, you won’t do this. Trixie said to herself, but got up anyway. What’s happening to you? The Great and Powerful Trixie would never… Shut up, mind! Trixie thought to herself. Tired, she walked to Sunset’s room, opening the door carefully trying not to wake her up. But it looked like Sunset was still awake.

“Trixie, I thought you were sleeping,” Sunset said with a tired voice.

“Trixie can’t sleep. It’s too cold, can Trixie get a—”

“You don’t need to get a blanket, just come here.” Sunset whispered, pointing to the other side of her bed. She felt weird making this offer. Sunset I don’t know what’s happening to you today, but if you are doing what I think you are doing then I hope you remember this is not Twi, and you… Mind, shut up! Sunset didn’t need to think. She was too tired for it. And far too in the ‘I don’t care’ mood to do so.

Trixie slipped into the bed beside Sunset, and Sunset turned to face her, their faces inches from one another.

Trixie blinked and spoke to Sunset, looking around the room to avoid any eye contact. “Just because Trixie is in bed with you, it doesn’t mean she wants to—”

Sunset put a finger to Trixie’s lips. “Ssh, Trixie.”

Sunset ran her fingers through Trixie’s long soft hair.

Trixie looked into Sunset’s green–blue eyes. She gulped nervously.

Sunset took a deep breath and leaned forward.

Trixie woke up and looked around, taking a moment to remember where she was. She sat up too quickly and her head started pounding. How much did I drink last night? She surveyed the room. Sunset seemed to have gone… but… this was her flat. Trixie’s dress and underwear lay crumpled on the floor beside the bed. The memories started flooding back — the kissing, the touching, Sunset slipping off her pyjamas…

Part of her felt like she should regret it, but she knew she didn’t.

She heard a sound stop. She hadn’t even been aware of the sound until she heard it stop and silence had returned to the room. It had been the sound of a shower.

Seeing a robe hanging on the end of the bed, she rose and quickly dressed herself in it, just as Sunset Shimmer came through the door, a towel wrapped around her body, her long red and yellow hair wet and hanging down over her shoulders.

Sunset smiled. “Look who’s awake! Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Sunset let the towel down making Trixie, who was sitting on the bed, blush and look away. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. Because of yesterday night I…” Sunset stopped when she saw how uncomfortable Trixie was looking. She liked making girls feel like that, but it was weird to see Trixie acting like this so she wrapped the towel back around her body and walked to her, sitting at her side. “You wanted it right? I mean… us?”

Trixie looked at Sunset’s face with a frown. “Trixie… I mean… I wanted it and… I’m feeling happy. I think this is good, right?”

“Me too… so I think this is good. Yeah. It is,” Sunset answered with a smile while she ran her fingers through Trixie’s hair. “This won’t change anything between us?” Sunset asked with an anxious tone on her voice. Not like I wanted it anyway, even if she’s cute…

It could. “No, it won’t,” Trixie lied. “Trixie admits you have skills.” Trixie gave her a smirk and Sunset chuckled. “But Trixie’s not your girl. And you know what? Even so, I find you… amazing. I mean you’re great. Not as great as Trixie is, but you got it.”

Sunset shook her head. “After yesterday I think you won a true friend,” Sunset winked. “Maybe even a friend with benefits, if you want,” Sunset mocked and Trixie gave her a playful punch on the shoulder. “I’m just kidding, but I respect you a lot more now,” Sunset admitted.

The room got quiet.

Trixie coughed and got up. “Trixie thinks it’s time to go.” She was about to fetch her clothes, but a hand took hold of her own. Trixie let out a little moan that was a mixture of relief for Sunset wanting her there and disgust for having an odd feeling in her mind and heart.

“You could stay for breakfast. I’m doing pancakes. Everyone loves pancakes, right?” Sunset gave her a cheeky smile.

Trixie couldn’t resist. “I guess Trixie could stay for a while more.”

Both smiled.

Trixie ate her pancakes peacefully while watching Sunset cooking her own breakfast, after she’d already made Trixie’s. Trixie had to admit: Sunset was an amazing cook. See? One more reason… Shut up. Trixie started thinking about it. Again. But Sunset clearly doesn’t want that. After all, it’s only been one night. Trixie should forget about it and keep going, just as friends. You didn’t have friends and now you have one, so be happy just for that, Trixie scolded herself mentally.

“So, how is it?” Sunset asked sitting down on the chair beside Trixie and putting her plate down in front of her.

“Mmm, it’s amazing. I thought only Trixie had such special powers in the kitchen,” Trixie said swallowing her food.

She drizzled some syrup onto her pile of pancakes. “You should come back again some time and show me your ‘powers’ then,” she said with a kind smile before taking a mouthful.

Their breakfast was followed by a few minutes of chat, Trixie admiring Sunset, and Sunset admiring Trixie when she wasn’t watching, and Trixie trying to think about anything other than how that girl was making her feel happy, and how much she wanted Sunset to make her feel like that again. It won’t happen, her mind said. Her heart said another totally different thing however.

Sunset picked up their breakfast things and Trixie offered to wash the dishes. After all, Sunset had made a lot of things for her, but she hadn’t done anything special for Sunset.

Sunset accepted of course, but she helped Trixie dry them. The kitchen was quiet, but the silence was broken by Sunset. “Are you still up for hanging out with me and the girls today?”

“Well… Trixie forget that she has to work at her father’s emporium today, The Lulamoon Magical Item Emporium, so Trixie can’t go,” she answered, not looking at Sunset. She wasn’t lying and for the first time Trixie gave a silent thanks to God for having Artemis putting her to work.

Sunset shrugged. “I guess we can do it another day. But I won’t let you forget about it! The girls won’t bite you if you’re worried about that or something,” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow. Though lately Fluttershy has…

“Tsk, like I would fear them.” Trixie interrupted Sunset’s thoughts and gave her a cocky smile. “For you I’ll try to make some new friends. And for myself too of course.”

“Atta girl.” She really hoped that Trixie wouldn’t feel so lonely. However Sunset had something in the back of her head. But she didn’t believe that Trixie would want that, even if Sunset just wanted to make her happy. She liked it when Trixie smiled.

They both finished the dishes and Sunset insisted that Trixie stay for a while more. They hung out for a while, chatting some more and watching TV. But as soon as it was ten o’clock, Trixie decided to go and Sunset looked reluctant about it. Like she would be, Trixie, she said mentally as she followed Sunset to the door.

“So…” Sunset scratched the back of her head nervously. “I’ve had an amazing time. You remember what to say to Vinyl, right? Even after last night…” Sunset glanced towards the bedroom door for a moment. C’mon, you won’t do it…

Trixie nodded. “Yes, I remember. The date didn’t go right, that’s what I’ll say. But yes, Trixie has to admit it was great.” They stood in uncomfortable silence for some time. Trixie coughed. “Uh… I guess Trixie must go now. Thanks for everything, Sunset.” She smiled and turned, but a hand grabbed her own.

Oh, Sunset… she moaned internally and turned back to her.

“Wait I—” Sunset began.

“Sunset, I need to go, okay? It was amazing and I thank you for everything and for that amazing night, but I have to go,” Trixie interrupted her, looking straight into her eyes. She could see impatience in them.

“I just wanted to ask you something,” Sunset said. When she saw that Trixie was going to interrupt again, she continued quickly. “I know you’re busy most days, but you’re not at night, so… would you go on another date with me? This time for real?”

Trixie didn’t react for a moment. She just widened her eyes and opened her mouth a few times trying to find words, but she couldn’t. She was blushing harder than ever. She really…? “I thought you agreed when I said I wasn’t the one for you and… why? Why do you like Trixie?” she asked.

“Because you’re cocky, but behind that cocky exterior there’s a amazing girl that likes jazz, is cute, pretends to be a magician and even if she isn’t, magicians are awesome and so is she. Because that girl has beautiful eyes and a smile that makes my heart beat faster when I see it. I just realized that yesterday and even more this morning.” Sunset paused to let out a laugh. “I’m not in love Trixie, but I think I’m starting to feel it again. And I thought no one could do that to me again. So… wanna give it a try?” Sunset shrugged with a smile while holding Trixie’s hands.

Trixie’s eyes shone and a little grin appeared in the corner of her lips. The magician bit her lip and chuckled. “Y–yes, Trixie would love to give it a try.”

Sunset couldn’t contain herself and gave Trixie a bear hug, blushing and smiling more brightly than ever. “So… tonight? Eight o’clock?” Sunset let her go.

“Yes, that would be perfect. But the Great and Powerful Trixie must go now, milady.” Trixie gave Sunset a kiss on her hand, smirking through the kiss and looking up to her. “Later,” Trixie promised and left Sunset alone.

Sunset closed the door with a stupid smile on face. She threw herself onto the couch and laughed. “Yes, perfect.” She looked at the table where the TV sat and saw the small picture at the side of the TV. Sunset got up and picked up the picture. She smiled. It was her mother — the only picture she’d brought with her when she come to the human world. “Yeah, mom, you were right. You can’t help who you love… and I never have been so happy about it,” she murmured to the picture.

Sunset could hardly wait; she was so excited for their date that night. She hoped that this ‘try’ would work. She only wanted to make Trixie happy. And Sunset would do it for an eternity if she could.

Finally she was complete.

Author's Note:

Suntrix what an adorable ship :3 As you may have seen this was made with my gre8 m8 VitalSpark as a collab and I love this, so I hope you liked it too :heart:

Comments ( 46 )


Now to read.


How did I not notice until now that we picked the exact same title as Feather Flyer's awesome Sunlight x Sunlight story?!?!

I'm so sorry, Feather Flyer!!! :heart:

Miss Spectrum, I dunno… can we change title? Maybe we could keep You Can't Help Who You Love as the chapter title, and call the story something different?

Fantastic! Bravo! Great story! This ship deserves more stories. :pinkiehappy: It's no big deal that you chose the same title as my *cough* AMAZING *cough* story. This was great. It made my day!


A very sweet story! :pinkiehappy: This ship needs more love.

A lot more love.

My only real thing is that it feels too fast paced. Not so much the physical sequence of events. From the disaster of a date to jazz club and realizing they have more in common than they though, to the bedroom - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - to the morning after, that makes sense within the story. It's more the speed at which they form the emotional connection. It seems more like something that would have benefited from a couple more chapters, rather than being a one-shot.

Still, take my fave and upvote anyway, for a sweet little shipping story that brightened my night.

Though lately Fluttershy has…

Friendship is Benefits indeed? :derpytongue2:

Another gem written by two incredible writers. Amazing story guys, I hope I can become half the writer you guys are today. :twilightsmile: Speaking of gems, you clods and your references. :rainbowlaugh:
All in all, 10/10


So. You want to be 1/4 of a writer?

6243761 You know that's not what I meant random user.


Well, if you want to be half of two writers ... :trollestia:

6243779 Yes yes. Smart play on words friend. Anyway, pleasure to make your acquaintance. :twilightsmile:

What else is there to say? This a is a great story featuring a ship I wanted to see of.:twilightsmile:


Likewise. Always nice meeting someone who can appreciate a joke. :twilightsmile:

6243598 That part was mine of course, if MLP was SU Trixie would totally be Peridot. :raritywink:

I can dig this ship.

I have to admit this wasn't what I was expecting. I came in expecting a secret clop fic but it turns out to be an even more amazing story with Sunset teaching a lesson on friendship and wins Trixie's heart in the most odd manner I've seen in an ship fic up to date. But this one is done very well, I dare say it's in my top five favorite ship fics as a whole. And I have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of them.

If you don't mind I'd like to give you my thoughts.

Characters: 9 - 10. Stays true to their personalities long enough to establish a common ground with one another, before realizing they have more in common than either thought. That and they both are going to murder Vinyl.

Story: 8.5 - 10. Not the most original idea but it's told in such a way that it feels like something new. And for a Equestria Girls fic it's possibly the best one-shot fic for Sunset I've personally seen.

Character Development: 9 - 10 Again the characters are true to their show/movie counterparts and is done well to the point where it obviously turns to the fics story plot. Though the changes in Sunset and Trixie are great in terms of personality (I personally think), it feels like it was a natural transition rather than forced like most stories do.

A well throughout story and done in a great manner with very few issues other than the occasional grammar error. Solid 9.25 - 10.

Well done friend!

Now, about that sequel? :trollestia:

6246256 Thank you very much for the mini review, we tried our best working on this for like 2/3 weeks and it's good to see you lke it that much :heart: About having a sequel: I don't think we will do one. This could've been easily a kind of longer story with more nine or ten chapters, but I knew it would be better to do a one shot (because Vital is working in a lot of stuff and my time is shorter than usual), but never say never right? :raritywink:

(Also, sorry for being late with the answer :moustache:)

6256493 Aww, no sequel? Fiiiiiiinnnne. I'll wait. Still it was a nice little story I love TrixieXSunset! And the Steven Universe refs. NO prob on the mini review I liked do it! You ever want one I'll gladly offer my services.

6256514 I'm happy other person than Vital or Hat Mann got the references, I love to do some for my other fandoms :3 Like I said to Hat, Trixie would totally be Peridot!

6256653 She's definatly got the right mindset for it! Plus she worked on a "ROCK" farm! Get it! :rainbowlaugh:

If she was Peridot, Maud would soooooooooooooooo love her! And thanks for not being a lumpy clumpy clod! :trollestia:

6256668 OMG I didn't thought of it and I just think I laughed too much at this :derpytongue2: You sir, is a fine gentlemen I like you :trollestia: Someone needs to draw this

6256672 Ill get right on it!

Simply amazing story

6246256 Funny thing is, I could see Sunset and Trixie having this kind of relationship. "Friends with Benefits" , sort of way.

I have to admit this wasn't what I was expecting. I came in expecting a secret clop fic

I wouldn't have minded that actually.:raritywink:

6260934 I totally thought it would end that way too! Now I wish it did. :twilightoops:

Of course YOU would know about that wouldn't you? Mr. let Trixie get a free show with sunset and twilight?

Of course YOU would know about that wouldn't you? Mr. let Trixie get a free show with sunset and twilight?


SunTrix! Yus! I wish for more X3

You know, we accidentally named it the same thing as your story, and then we renamed it, but I've just noticed today that the new name is the same as Sari's SunLight story. It's like we can't help stealing people's story titles. :facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

6460064 Oh my goodness, Vital! Geeeeez!

Review of this story for your winning of Blood_rose_doll's contest.

Missing Piece by Miss Spectrum

Reviewed by Lethally Insane

Initial Reaction Before Reading:
Hhhhmmm….. a Trixie and Sunset story. Seems interesting enough. I have high hopes for this story.

Lethal’s Quotes With Notes:

“Trixie was friends with Vinyl”

Reactions: Hold up, what? That’s something I haven’t seen done before. While Vinyl is a background pony and therefore doesn’t have a personality in the show’s canon. I just don’t see her fanon personality liking Trixie.

“Sunset simply couldn’t understand how could Vinyl like her”

Reactions: My point exactly.

“Talk in third person one more time and I’m gonna pick up that candle and burn your hair with it,”

Reactions: Slow clapping. Thank you.

“It was barely ten minutes of awkward silence before two freshly cooked and delicious smelling pizzas arrived.”

Reactions: It’s not delivery, it’s Digiorno.

“I don’t know what she was thinking, setting me up with… with you”

Reactions: Neither do I,but I’m gonna keep reading anyway.

“It might be a surprise to anyone to find out that Sunset Shimmer liked jazz. It was a style of music many people didn’t pay too much attention to these days, preferring more modern genres. And it wasn’t at all like the music she played with the Rainbooms. But Sunset loved it — it was a soft and sweet sound, just like Sunset liked.”

Reactions: My inner metal head is screaming right now. Also I think you meant “, just what Sunset liked.”

‘We are the Crystal Gems...’

Reactions: Freakin’ love that show.

“I suppose you could say that Trixie has insomnia”

Reactions: Hey me too!

“How much did I drink last night”

Reactions: Not enough.


Well, that happened. Overall, it was a well written story with an interesting shipping concept. I haven’t really encountered that ship in the fandom before, and this story presents it very well. If I had to be nitpicky, there are a few grammatical errors here and there, none of which are that obvious to the average reader. I liked the story, although I don’t really see the need for the sex tag(but that may just be me). I hope that you continue to write more stories of this level of quality in the future.


6474710 Thank you very much for the review, I'm happy you could find it a overall good written fanfic. We choose to have the SunTrix ship because: 1- People usually don't give it attention 2- It would actually work, even if their flaws and lastly me and Vital wanted to have a experience with that couple for a long time. Also thanks for poiting out that error, it's fixed now. Also:

“‘We are the Crystal Gems...’”

Reactions: Freakin’ love that show.

Ikr? :heart: And I'll make my best to keep doing more stories of this level. :twilightsmile:

6474755 Thank you for reading it. That show is the best. I used to live near where Rebecca Sugar got the inspiration for Beach City.

6474757 How cool! Also the review is important to me so of course I would read.

6474782 okay. I was impressed with its quality.

Pretty decent. There was some comma splicing, but nothing too distracting, and the sudden perspective changes were a tad jarring, but otherwise this was pretty good.

And, well... There was no point in showing the sex explicitly, but I rather wanted Sunset to keep the towel off a bit longer the morning afterward. Keep things a bit... spicy... y'know?

6996203 But of course Trixie likes SU, her fave is Peridot and she really indentifies with her (the episode she was talking about was 'Jailbreak' :rainbowkiss:) :trollestia::rainbowlaugh: That's why she always says 'CLOD' when ofending someone. Or is it? Who knows. She's just a silly hooman. :derpytongue2: Anywho, it's really amazing to see a great artist and writer like you liking this. I, even if I like new Sunny (and depressed horses, I know it's mean, but... things get more real with sadness on fics), like to put a little of old Sun here and there. :moustache: I'm so happy you like it, and I hope you can read 'She Took My Hand and Said' too :heart:

Omg this is adorable! Thanks for adding it to my Trixieshimmer group! :heart:

Word count: 6,969

7172361 I'm happy that you like it! :rainbowkiss: The TrixieShimmer ship needs more love, it's such a great ship! The number of words was all Vital's idea, I swear :rainbowwild:

Omg! I have never thought of these two together, I mean I have, but I never felt such a connection with it like I do now. Great job!

This was an adorable ship piece. Thanks for writing.

Have a 👍 for such a great and powerfully cute story with two of the best characters in EG.

Sunset se sintió estúpida cuando pensó en eso, pero sabía que la gente se burlaría de ella si alguna vez supieran cuál era su principal problema. Pero no necesitaba ayuda, iba a estar bien. Como había dicho su madre en Equestria, “el amor llega cuando es el momento. Tienes que darle tiempo a ti ya ti mismo. Pero cuando lo haces, no puedes ayudar a quien amas”. Sunset todavía recordaba las palabras de su madre después de todos estos años. Su problema era esa cosita llamada amor.

Crazy little thing called love!

“La señora que reservó la mesa, una señorita Scratch, me dijo que mantuviera los ojos abiertos para ver a una chica de aspecto enojado con cabello rojo y amarillo que llegaría aproximadamente diez minutos tarde”.

Awesome hahaha

"¿Vives a la vuelta de la esquina?" preguntó Trixie, vertiendo la lata de Red Bull en su vodka.

U wanna die? You can't do that!

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