• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 916 Views, 18 Comments

A New Dawn - Crimson Twilight

Follow Comet Trail on an, hopefully, epic adventure in ponyville and beyond! Why doesn't he talk about himself? What dark secrets is he hiding? Wait, what?

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Chapter 1, A New Face in Town, Part 1 (revisited as of 2016/03/09)

It had been a long day for Twilight. Thinking about the recent Dream Incident, she was wandering around town, though too deep in thought to really be observant. Luna's nightmare creation had almost broken free into the real world, proving that the dreamscape was more than something in your head, though Twilight had suspected it to be so anyway, and instead perhaps a different plane of existence? The nightmare creation, or as Luna had referred to it, the Tantibus. Thankfully she and her friends, no, everypony in Ponyville had been able to beat it, though Twilight wasn't completely sure about the exact details of it. Dreams get fuzzy over time and it didn't help that Luna was being so vague about it, always trying to avoid talking about it.

I wonder what that thing was? Luna only said that she created it to punish herself for Nightmare Moon's actions and that it would bring an eternal nightmare if it broke free, she never mentioned its origin or the like. How did she create it, if she even did create it? she could have summoned it for all I know. But why give it that power? Did she exclude the fact that it could grow stronger, or never even realized it at all until it actually succeeded to do so? Maybe thought that it was worth the risk?... Because Twilight was so into her thoughts, she didn't notice the grey stallion in front of her until she crashed into him.

The grey stallion was quite large, a bit larger than Big Macintosh, maybe as tall as Luna; yet he was rather thin. Being dazed from the unexpected crash, she had no time to apologize to said stallion before he had disappeared. Strange–How could one so large disappear so quickly? And without raising any attention? He must have been as large as Luna and still manages to vanish into thin air! Because Twilight hadn't gotten a good look on him before he had disappeared she couldn't remember any specific details. Though she was certain that he had wings so she could definitely say that it was a Pegasus.

Having been on route towards Fluttershy when she had crashed into the larger pony, she resumed her trotting, forgetting her previous thoughts. She hadn't recognized what she had presumed was a stallion as the height was a dead giveaway. The more she thought about it though, the more uncertain she became at what gender the pony had had as the details seemed to slip her mind.

Pulling out of her thought process as she neared Fluttershy's cottage, she quickly headed towards the front door. As Twilight was going to knock, she was stormed by a bunch of Fluttershy's critters as they burst out, lead by none other than Angel, Fluttershy's pet bunny.

"Angel, please come back," Fluttershy cried out with an ever so slight hint of stress, "I'll give you an extra bowl of salad!" Noticing Twilight overrun by her critters she quickly said, "I'm so sorry, Twilight," shaking her head, "I hope you're okay..." she said hiding behind her mane.

A groan escaped Twilight as she rose up to all four. "Urg, this is the second time today..." Rubbing her temple with a hoof, she only now realized that it had been the critters crashing into her, "I hope I didn't come in at a bad time. Maybe I should come back later?"

"Oh no, it's okay, unless you really want to..." she tumbled at the last words and Twilight knew exactly where this was going, so she quickly replied, offering her assistance to help gather the wild critters that had knocked her down.

"Thanks, Twilight. I just don't know why they got so scared–" she paused for a second, only to continue, "–They were so calm earlier and I just don't know what happened...–"

"You mean the rampaging?" Twilight said rather bluntly, knowing that it wasn't the first time and that this couldn't continue.

"I wouldn't put it that way,–" she responded mildly, "–but yes." She quickly started to try to gather her critters, though she had a bit of trouble doing so. Twilight, having nothing else to do since she was meant to have a tea party with her friend, she quickly gathered the animals in her telekinesis.

Fluttershy gave Twilight a worried look when seeing her animals in her friend's telekinesis. "Twilight, could you, um..." She always overreacted when Twilight did so, oblivious to the fact that Twilight was more than capable of doing so without hurting her friends. The critters had previously even shown that they had liked it, but Fluttershy had been oblivious every single time.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the comment but quickly found herself thinking the large Unicorn from before when she saw him passing by, only to realize that something didn't add up. I could have sworn that that is the same pony from before, but there is just some detail that seems wrong to me... Having more time to inspect the newcomer she notices that he wore a dark grey coat with an azure mane. Yet the more she thought about it, the more she forgot about her suspicions, but still remained curious. I'll have to ask Pinkie who he is, she knows everypony, she had even known about Minuette, and she's from Canterlot. When they were done calming Fluttershy's critters, Twilight took farewell to her and headed for Suger Cube Corner where she hoped to find Pinkie.

Twilight wasn't normally the kind of pony to get very interested in newcomers, but something wasn't right, she didn't remember what race he had been, which was very intriguing as she had gotten a good look this time. On the other hoof, she hadn't really remembered much from the first time and he had dispersed as quick as Pinkie Pie could do sometimes. She wondered if it could have been an Alicorn. While not impossible, the Alicorns stood only for zero point eleven ppm of Equestria's population! He could also be a Pegacorn like Hailstorm, which she had met in Cloudsdale. While still extremely rare, they probably were five times as common.

Twilight had been so deep in her thoughts that when she looked up again she was already at Sugarcube Corner. She entered and found Ms. Cake at the counter smiling warmly.

"What could I get you, Princess Twilight?" Ms. Cake said with a hint of nervousness. From time to time ponies still would call her 'Princess' even if she had told them that it was unnecessary.
"Just 'Twilight' is fine, and I'm looking for Pinkie, is she here?"

Before Ms. Cake could answer Pinkie yelled, "Hi, Twilight!" She waved her right hoof before she bounced over to Twilight. Twilight shook her head on the sight of her ridiculous friend bouncing instead of walking.

"Ooh, ooh, you have something really important to tell me, don't you?"

"Well, I was going to ask you if you know this stallion..." Twilight gave Pinkie what little information she had. To her surprise, Pinkie didn't know him or even recognize him. "You mean you don't know him!?" Twilight said confused, "but you know everypony!"

"Sorry, Twilight, I don't know this guy..." She replied while shaking her head, "So where did you meet him anyway?"

"Well, I meet him here in Ponyville, just outside town squa—"

"What!?" Pinkie yelled, interrupting Twilight, "You mean there's a new guy in town and nopony told me!?" Before Twilight could say something Pinkie started running around getting different party things like confetti, balloons, and cake.

"Hey, Twi, is it okay if I use your castle to hold my 'Welcome to Town' party for– what's his name –if you don't mind?" Pinkie asked while still gathering her party stuff, "just don't tell him, I want it to be a surprise!"

"Sure, Pinkie, I just hope I defused all of your confetti bombs– Spike still get jump-scared by those..."