• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 916 Views, 18 Comments

A New Dawn - Crimson Twilight

Follow Comet Trail on an, hopefully, epic adventure in ponyville and beyond! Why doesn't he talk about himself? What dark secrets is he hiding? Wait, what?

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Chapter 2, A New Face in Town, Part 2 (revisited as of 2015/11/11)

Pinkie was quick to gather everything she needed and was in full motion. She had asked Twilight to gather as much information about the newcomer so that Pinkie knew exactly what to do. Of curse, this was much harder than Twilight had initially thought, as she would soon realize.

Twilight went around town to try to find him, yet every time she thought she had found him, she was only greeted by some random pony from town. Urg, why is it that every single time I see him something just has to get in the way and then, poof, and he's gone... Maybe asking around might yield something as opposed to going around town looking for him. It's always worth a try. With a new plan, she started asking ponies that she passed.

Hours passed yet almost nopony had seen him, or at least didn't remember anything particular about it, nor when or where it was. It wasn't until Twilight stumbled upon Rainbow Dash that things brightened as she promised to help out.

"Soo, eh, Twi, why is it so important to find this guy for you to need me to do it, not that I couldn't, but still?" Rainbow landed in front of the purple Alicorn, "Couldn't you just ask Pinkie? She knows everything about everypony around town."

"Well that's the problem, even she doesn't know him..." Rainbow started laughing at what Twilight had said but stopped when she was still giving her a serious look.

"You're kidding, right? Pinkie knows everypony, she even remembers every single one's birthday on the exact date." She gave Twilight a cheap grin.

"I'm afraid to say, but it was Pinkie who had me do it. Mostly..." Twilight looked a little nervous as she continued, "I may or may not have made a promise to get him to come over to a surprise party this evening..."

"But it's already late! Well wouldn't be the element of Loyalty, now, if I didn't help, would I?" The grin that Rainbow wore did little to comfort Twilight, but at least she knew that once Rainbow had her mind on something, she wouldn't stop until she had finished.

"Thanks, Rainbow, I really appreciate the help." And with that, both the Pegasus and Alicorn took to the air.

Rainbow had after a short while located the stallion Twilight had mentioned and dove down right in front of him. He flung backward at the sudden move, only to find the Alicorn Princess behind him.

Quite startled by the suddenness of their arrival, he quickly fell to the ground. "Eep! Please don't hurt me!" He said while shaking, terror filling his eyes. "I'll give thou everything I have, just please don't hurt me..."

Both mares looked at each other until Twilight spoke, "Why would we hurt you? We just want to talk to you, that's all..." She gave him a reassuring smile while stretching out her right hoof. He shortly grabbed it to pull up on his own hoofs. "May I have your name?"

"I'm Comet Trail" It just hit him that the purple Alicorn was none other than Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. How he had not noticed was beyond him so embarrassed by what he had done he blushed and quickly said, "I-I'm so sorry about me freakin' out l-like that, thou just came out of nowhere, a-and I'm not good with jump scares..." He looked at the blue, well sky-blue, Pegasus, "It didn't help t-that thou cornered me..."

Rainbow gave him a cheap grin, "No worries, name's Rainbow Dash, didn't quite get yours?"

It took him a second before he answered, "Rainbow Dash, –"

But before he could continue Twilight spoke up, "You do realize that she's Rainbow Dash, right?"

He rolled his eyes seemingly oblivious to what happened only moments earlier and continued, "No, I'm Comet Trail, but"– he turned to Rainbow who now had moved next to Twilight, –"thou art Rainbow Dash, the element of Loyalty, aren't thou?"

"Sure am!" She tried making an as radical pose as possible, "Took you long enough to figure out..."

"Hi, guys!" Everyone jumped at the sudden voice from the pink Earth Pony that came out of seemingly nowhere.

"Pinkie..." Rainbow growled, she tried hiding the fact that she too had been startled.

"Oh, did I interrupt you?" But before someone could answer she continued, "I just wondered why you took so long..."

"Well, I guess I'll be going now, need to find somewhere to stay for the night," Comet said.

Before Comet could leave Pinkie suggested, "Why don't you come with us? We're going home to Twilight." she grabbed both Rainbow and Twilight and pulled them close.

"We are?" Rainbow said while taking a step back and giving Pinkie a confused look.

"Of course, you silly filly!" Pinkie said it like it was common knowledge.

"You can stay at the castle after– err... –we're done, my castle has too much room anyway. It could be nice having some company more than Spike."

"Art thou sure? I don't want to be in the way for thou and thy friends." He was a bit unsure about it, but Twilight gave him a reassuring smile.

"You yourself said that you needed somewhere to stay and as I mentioned earlier, my castle can get pretty lonely."

"Wow, thanks," he proceeded to give Twilight a cheap grin, "are thee certain that thou art not the element of kindness and not magic?"

Twilight shook her head and giggled, "You wish..."

As they walked through town to get to Twilight's castle he noticed that the whole town was completely empty even if it wasn't completely dark yet. Huh, strange, shouldn't there be at least a couple of ponies around? He couldn't think about it too much before they were just outside the crystal castle.

Inside he hung up the dark-grey cloak that he had worn. It wasn't until then the others noticed that he didn't have a cutie mark, but to be fair, they hadn't really noticed that he had worn a cloak at all. They were quite intrigued by this revelation as he was roughly the same age group as them. "Oh, you don't got a cutie mark?" Rainbow spat out. Twilight gave her an irritated glance, but she didn't notice. What had Twilight puzzled was the fact that nopony had noticed the cloak, but she waited to address it later.

"Well, I never found out that my destiny is, though I'm not going to complain, just means I can become anything."

They continued down the corridor to the throne room, but Comet didn't notice that Pinkie had disappeared. When they open the door to find the room in complete darkness. Suddenly the lights turned on revealing the whole town's ponies gathered. There was a banner where it was written 'Welcome to Ponyville'. "SURPRISE!" they yelled. Comet almost got a heart attack by the surprise – almost. It didn't take long for him to realize that it was a welcome party and one for him, his first real party.