• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,784 Views, 15 Comments

Daring Do: A survivor is born - andmos

A survivor in a quest to find who she is.

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Chapter 4: A desperate call

Daring Do: A survivor is born

Chapter 4: A disparate call

Written by: AndMos

Editor and proofreader: Ryde55 aka rainbowwithextradash


Following story is based on My little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Tomb Raider. All rights and prestige deserved by the respective owners and accompany. This story has no knowledge to the game Tomb Raider and can contain spoilers unknowingly. You have been warned. Big thanks to my fellow pre-readers, my editor and my proofreader. Without your help, this story would not even exist.


“We set this over here and done,” the black stallion said. Roger was annoyed with one thing when Daring came back into the room, and gave him a cold stare. However, it was well deserved by the time Daring had explained what it was about. Her left wing had gotten much worse, and all the feathers were now either loose or missing.

Roger was not a doctor, but when he saw Daring’s wing led him to wonder if she would ever fly again after this was over. His job was more in electronics and mechanics section than first aid anyway.

In his hoof, he held a communication device that was fresh out off market. It was small and had an oval shape. It was yellow with some black in the middle. In one of the end was a radio mast that was only one-quarter hoof long. The black screen in front shows some numbers and some text in it. He changed the number to F, F for Frequency. “Let see,” he said, S 3 gigahertz, a-and,” some small noise from the radar confirmed what just had happened, “done. All yours Do.” Roger handed over the radio to the confused mare.

“Are you sure this will work?” she asked.

“Absolutely, this thing will now send the messages towards any harbor within forty miles. That’s far beyond what range we will need to call for help. I also set the frequency to the mayday radar. Therefore, anyone within forty miles will hear this. Just click on the biggest button and you can make the call.”

Daring sighted, this was far beyond her knowledge. She rolled her eyes and clicked one the biggest bottom in the device. She spoke, “Mayday, mayday. This is Daring Do on the ship Endurance. We are stranded on an Island in the middle of Muerte Triangle. We need help and medical supplies. Please respond.”

No response. Only a low monotone sound from the radio. She tried again, more hectic, “Mayday, mayday, mayday. The ship Endurance is stranded in the Muerte triangle. We need help and medical supplies. Please respond.” Nothing came from the other end. She tried again, “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. The ship Endurance is stranded. We got Wisky, Delta, Charlie, two, foxtra, niner. Please respond to our call. Our grid is Two, Niner, November, Five, Zero, Delta. Please respond.”

More monotone sound from the device. The last she said was in a code she head in a film she saw. They used just the same code, except the last piece of the messages. They were in an emergency and the code was sinking boat with passengers and crew. But nothing came from the other end of the radio.

Daring gave up and tossed the radio back to Roger with a “this thing is not working” stare.

“Listen Daring, I know you are upset,” the golden mare starred in small eyes towards him, “Ok, very upset. However, that is not the point. I need you to find the Boss. Can you do it for us all?”

Daring Do hesitated for a moment. She could do this alone and get herself killed or worse, or she could find help and get everyone of the cursed Island. She nodded as an answer.

“Good, take the radio, I will be here to fix the boat and to supervise the radio.”

“Didn’t you say that the big radio needed this small radio?”

“I said that? Anyway, that thing you found was the memory card to all radio communications in Equestria. I needed that for a moment, at the most.”

Daring could choose to either slap him in the face again or to hug him dearly. She chose the first one. After some swearing and blessing, Daring Do walks off the ship. She had a captain to save.


Daring Do entered the woods again. She dislikes how the sound of waves quickly was mute from the barrier of green. She was alone again. The rocks and sand that were on the beach was replaced with grass and mud. She had contacted Roger for some time now and she knew where she was. In her hoof was the radio she had got from the scrap of the ship. There was one thing Daring thought was good by searching for the radio, she had company and someone to talk too. Ok, she admitted there were two things.

She walked deeper and deeper into the forest. No birds or flies were heard. It was silence. A creeping silence you get when something bad is happening. She had to be prepared for anything while she moves deeper and deeper. One large bang was heard in the distance and many birds flew away from the sound. They sang in a panicking way, “Danger, danger. Don’t go here!” More bangs were heard and Daring started to run towards the sound.

She jumped over obstacle that stands in her way. As she went on, the song from the bird began to be louder. “Danger, danger, don’t go here!” they sang. She slipped over a rock and slides down, as the grass was wet. She had run to a slope and fell down as well as to grain speed of the fell. A hill began to come into her vision. Daring screamed as loud as possible before she hit the end of the hill. She hit a rock as she landed, and drove her to unconscious. Some predators that was nearby, began to circle around her. Suddenly a large bang got their attention. They growled threatening as the one with the bangs began to make more of the sound. The predators retreated as the figure began to make large bangs again. What they did not see, was that the figure also was hurt by them. The figure filled a big leaf with water and treated the golden pegasus carefully. The figure smiled. It muttered aloud, “We meet again, Daring Do.”


Radar Watch hated his job. More than that, it was the worst job in the history of Equestria. His job was to listen on the radar for specific activity in Equestria’s sea. Although fish and pirates filled the sea, none of them was a treat by the normal fishing and travel industry. The pirates’ only goal was to sell fish in the black market. They literally where peaceful, even if they stole the silver from the sea.

His cutie mark was a radio beacon. That did not mean that he was born to do this job. His special talent was to take messages safely to the goal. He was a mail carrier before, and he did what he did best, to send messages.

Radar Watch massaged his eyes from boredom. It was 10am, a quarter of his job time. He sighed, maybe he could take lunch early today. He stood up and removed the ear piece from his head. He left the room with only a slight sign of guilt.

When the door locked, a sign was lighted. It was a warning light that everypony in this business knew about. It was sign that someone had contacted the SOS center. In the headset, a female voice spoke in panic and fear. “This is Daring Do”

To be continued…

Sorry for the short chapter, but it has been a wile month back home.. Anyway, new chapter. Any ideas, plot twist or likewise will be accepted

Comments ( 2 )

A great story, my friend. As for helping you out I'm not sure what to do, but I'll think about it.

2330550 I need serious an editor that can do his thing. Unfortunaly, those guys are hard to come by. Will try to do something about the errors you made highlighted, but it is difficult to see does without proper knowledge to English. And I have problems with exactly this things! No wounder why my English school character is so bad.

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