• Published 3rd Aug 2015
  • 573 Views, 5 Comments

Sleepless - Random Order

Somepony is on Vinyl's mind, and it shows itself in her lack of sleep

  • ...

The Visit

“Hay, Vinyl!”

The pale-yellow mare looks blearily at her friend. “Yo, RD.” She yawns. “Wha’s up?”

“You’ve been up jamming all night again, haven't you?”

Vinyl yawns again. “Yup.”

Rainbow facehoofs. “Listen. Lyra told me you haven't been getting any sleep, and I'm well aware you're staying with her after… after that whole thing with Octavia.”

They both wince. Vinyl had missed one too many of Octavia's concerts, so Octavia had left for Canterlot and hasn’t come back since.

Rainbow sighs before continuing. “But you need to get past it. It's affecting your sleep.”

If only that were the truth, Vinyl thinks as she gazes wistfully at Rainbow. If only I could come clean about my feelings.

Out loud, she says, “Yeah, sure.”

“Promise me – no, Pinkie promise – you'll at least try to get some sleep tonight?”

Now it's Vinyl's turn to sigh. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

That night is torture for Vinyl. She goes to bed at eight thirty, almost a full three hours earlier than normal, but her brain refuses her body's protests for sleep.

Two straight hours of endless tossing and turning later, Vinyl finally starts to fall asleep, but it’s far from restful – another half hour sees her waking up in a cold sweat.

“Why can't I stop thinking about her?” Though it comes out a whisper, it sounds like an explosion in the dead silence around her.

“Tis because you love her.”

Vinyl whirls her head around. “Oh, uh, hay, Luna. Are you… here to help me sleep?”

Luna chuckles. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

“Um, how did you know…?”

“You were only asleep for thirty minutes, yet your dreams in that short period of time were strong enough that I could sense their contents.”

“Oh. Uh, h – how much did you see?”

“Enough to know who you are in love with. To be honest, I always thought you were… what do they call it now? Straight?”

“I'm bi, actually.”

“In any case,” Luna says dismissively, “I am not here to discuss your sexual orientation. I am here to help you fall asleep. For now, I can cast a sleeping spell for you. But, tomorrow, you need to talk to her about your feelings. Only then will you be able to fall asleep on your own.”

“Could you do it for me? I… don't think I'm ready to face it yet.”

She bows her head. “I am sorry, but I cannot. This is something you must do for yourself.”

Vinyl sighs. “I was afraid you'd say that.”

Luna smiles sympathetically at her. “I know how you feel. I was in your situation, once.”

Vinyl looks at her curiously. “I was lead to believe alicorns couldn't fall in love.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “I have heard that rumour floating about. Would you happen to know who started it?”

Vinyl shakes her head. “Nope, sorry. Thing's older than I am.” A pause, then: “Anyway, who was this crush of yours? If you don't mind me asking.”

Now it's Luna's turn to sigh, as she lies down next to Vinyl.

“Her name was Winter Mint. She was a unicorn with a coat the colour of her namesake, her eyes the colour of fire opals.”

“She sounds… beautiful.”

“She was. But what attracted me to her the most was her personality. She didn't care what others thought of her. She was who she was, and she never let anyone forget that.”

“What happened?” Vinyl asks her gently.

Tears well up in her eyes. “A gorgon turned her to solid gold.”

“I'm… sorry. Do you… know where she is now?”

Luna sighs again. “She is in the Royal Canterlot Archives, in a hidden room. I visit her there every day at sunrise, telling her about the night's events, while Celestia visits her at sunset, telling her about the day. We are not sure if she can hear us, but we do it all the same.”

Vinyl sits quietly for a moment before a sudden thought hits her. “What exactly is a gorgon? It sounds vaguely familiar.“

“A gorgon looks something like a cross between a viper and a changeling. Tis a truly hideous creature, whose bite turns you to solid gold. Scientists through the centuries have tried collecting the venom in an attempt to create a cure, without success.”

“Why not have Discord undo it? Surely he'd be able to help.”

“I've considered it, but… I'd rather not.”

“Yeah, true.” Vinyl grimaces.

Suddenly, Luna's ears twitch. “Oh, sorry, Vinyl, but somepony else needs my attention. They seem to be having a particularly nasty nightmare.”

“Oh, well, I guess I'll see ya, then.” She hesitates before continuing, “Hey, uh, thanks for talking to me. I needed that.”

“You are welcome, Vinyl. Good bye, and good luck,” she says, and a glow from her horn and a flash of light later, she's gone.