• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 1,296 Views, 15 Comments

Fallout Equestria: True Skies - Acespadez1134

Splitstream was a proud Pegasus who was out for his own selfish gain. This all changes once his team is sent to the waste.

  • ...

Chapter 11

I stood in front of a metal door frowning at the oddly-clean gray metal before looking up at the rest of the building. The broken glass of the greenhouse, leaving an odd skeleton of a building in front of me, whistled in the wind.

I swallowed hard and looked down to my pip-buck, “yup… Stable 7,” I said, not wanting to walk into a building that read “Exotic Plants”; it did nothing to make me feel good.

“Iz… iz there a way to get inzide?” Serenity asked, walking up behind me.

I looked at the stunningly-beautiful bat pony mare. She herself looked at the door then up to the glasses frame. Her eye was still puffy and slightly red from crying, and I could still see the traces of tears on her cheeks. I frowned as my stomach clenching tightly at what happened… or rather, what almost happened.

Inside the shack, Serenity wanted to attempt a romantic moment between us, but after she started to shake and cry, we didn't get very far. I hadn't even removed my armor before we realized that - despite how she felt and what she wanted - her mind and heart were not ready yet. She had been beating herself up for letting me down ever since, but I was disappointed not with her but myself. I knew she would not be ready to get that deep into our relationship, but after what happened I was not thinking straight; I did know that I was not about to help myself and hurt her more.

I had no idea what to say to her or what I could do to help so I looked to her and gently placed a hoof on her back. She flinched hard and looked to me a bit worried but I didn't move my hoof as I slid it over her side and pulled her close. She whimpered; I could tell she wanted to cry or push me away again, but I wrapped a wing around her as well and just held her tight.

She stood against me shaking for several minutes trying to hold back her tears, which was not going well, but after a while the tremors subsided. She took a deep breath and sighed moving her head up under my chin which I gently rested my head on hers, “you are mad…”

I shook my head and she didn't move only listening, “My body wanted it but my brain and heart told me it was going to be a bad idea,” I chuckled making her head move a little as she tried to look up at me, “you'd think I would have more self control after being above the clouds… but even up their I got it when I wanted…” I felt her head slowly lower, “but…” her head stopped and her ears twitched, “this was the first time I was denied… and… I'm not mad at you…” I leaned back to look into her eyes, using a hoof to gently move her mane back out of her face, “I am mad at myself…”

Her eyes went wide, “y… yourzelf?! But… but why? It waz my fault waz it not?”

I shook my head, “you were happy after what I wanted to do and you wanted to thank me. You thought you were ready but deep down,” I touched her chest lightly with my other hoof, “the wounds here don't heal so easy.”

She placed her hooves on my hoof against her chest, “but… when… when can I open my heart and myzelf to you?”

I shook my head, my smile soft, “do not rush it… when it's time… only you can know… until then…” I lowered my head and nuzzled the side of her head, “let's just get used to being close.”

She gave a small nod and I let her go letting her mane fall back over her face. She reached a hoof up to rub her eyes as I walked to the door and pulled it open. I frowned feeling like it should have been locked but then again I guess ponies didn't worry about other ponies getting in when they were rushing to get into the stable. Pushing the door open I had to blink a few times to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness as the broken dead trees inside still managed to keep much of the inner greenhouse quite shaded.

I let a breath out as every plant inside seemed quite dead… unless brown to grossly black is alive. Walking inside I was able to get a better look around and for the first time… I felt… trapped.

I could feel my heart starting to beat harder in my chest and sweat began to bead on my brow. My eyes darted around the further I moved inside from dead tree to dead tree. I looked up to the sky with a few of the square frames of the greenhouse only slightly visible from the branches stretching over me between me and freedom.

I felt my chest heaving heavily as I tried to get air in as I looked for a way out but now all I could see were trees reaching over me and surrounding me and… and…

Serenity grabbed my face and held it still as she looked into my eye a her muzzle pressed to mine, “Split! Look at me!”

It took me only a few moments for me to focus on her eyes… wait… her… eyes? My breathing calmed and I was able to notice that she had pulled her mane back so I could see both of her eyes. I panted my heart still thundering in my chest, “S… Serenity?”

She never took her eyes off mine, “Split… do you truzt me to put a blindfold on you?” I slowly nodded and she pulled back a little, “close your eyez.”

I couldn't… if I did i was going to be trapped forever and I would be stuck here until I… she lifted a hoof and placed it over my eyes blocking everything and making me, out of reflex, close my eyes. Now that I could not see anything I was beginning to calm down instantly, “wh… what… happened?”

“Probably zomething zimilar to how I have no issuez with them,” she said as she removed her hoof and I felt some kind of cloth pulled over my eyes and and then tightened, “where you have no problem inside of a building because you know you only need to go outzide a door or window… here,” she says nuzzling my neck which calms me more. I always thought she smelled so good but now… she was intoxicating as I turned and pushed my face into her mane. I could almost hear her smile as she continued, “you feel like you are outside but at the same time you are not.”

I shrugged, “it's possible… I honestly have no idea why I felt like that so… yeah…” I lifted my head letting her move and look around, “what now?” My ears swiveled around trying to listen for her. She was very quiet almost like…, “Serenity?” nothing and I stood up, “S- Serenity?!”

I felt a hoof run along my mane and I relaxed, “I am here… I juzt wandered over to a small building nearby to zee if it was were we needed to go.”

I felt her lower my hoof down, “I think thiz may be a better time to try thiz,” I felt her silky tail wrap around my neck and I instantly felt my ears and cheeks burn. Before I could comment she tugged, “I know what you zaid… but this allows you to walk more carefully,” I then heard her giggle and that giggle was spreading the burning my body now, “it will alzo help you with following every movement will it not?”

I swallowed, “you are evil,” I said in a low shaky tone as she began to lead me.

We walked for a bit Serenity stopping and helping me step over or onto different things until we reached… something that made my armored hooves clack with each step. Serenity's hooves made no sound as she walked ahead of me and…

‘Sweet Celestia!’ my mind pony cried. I could smell her tail and knowing very well it was her tail was torture. There had to be an easier way to do this that was not putting pictures of Serenity using that tail to guide me to…


I fell face first as I tried to step over something in my path but I was only half paying attention to her as my mind went wild about her. I was sure at this point or at least I was pretty sure that I liked Serenity enough that I could say that I at least really wanted her a lot.

I felt her tail slide from my neck and then her hooves as she tried to help pull me to my hooves, “are you alright?”

“Yes,” I groaned as I lifted to a sitting position lifting a hoof to my nose and rubbing it gingerly, “I only broke my face,” she giggled and again my cheeks burned but this time it was because I was feeling quite stupid.

“We are inside the building now,” I heard her say as she moved behind me, “this should be okay for you to see now.”

The cloth fell and I had to blink again as the building still had power and there was a fairly bright light in front of me. When my eyes adjusted again to the light I looked around. It looked like it was supposed to be a shed of some kind but there was a large open door that lead deep down into the earth. I could see with the light that the concrete floor of the shed stopped at the door and it was a rocky bath into darkness.

I frowned, “this is promising,” I glanced at Serenity who was sitting looking down the tunnel as well but she was sitting under a light. The way the light brightened her and the way she sat made her look stunning.

She looked over, “what?”

I frowned, “Serenity… do you… really like me?” She was expecting many questions but I was sure not that one as she looked at me stunned. I just sat there for a long time, “think on it…” I said standing watching her head drop and she looked down. I couldn't deal with the torture I was putting myself though and I didn't want to hold her back.

I walked to the entrance to the tunnel and glanced down through the darkness. The tunnel went on for quite some time and the light from behind me died away before reaching anything. I huffed and began down the tunnel giving my wings small flaps as the uncomfortable feeling of going underground swam over me. The tunnel was like that of a cave except in some spots I could see were some kind of cutting… things like marks into the rock.

There was some kind of pointed rock both rising from the bottom of the cave and hanging from the ceiling like wicked teeth made of wet solid rock. I remembered reading something about how they are made but right now I could not think as I looked back.

Serenity was following behind looking unsure of everything as she slowly walked. I didn't want to push this kind of decision on her like this but I couldn't keep having moments of wanting her and being upset all the time. I felt horrible for making her decide on something like this now but hopefully it would not be too bad so she could think.

When it became too dark I activated a function on my pip-buck that made the screen light up like a small torch filling the cave with a dull blue-ish light. Ahead was a wall with a huge gear shaped slab of steel that was the stable door, with a big number 007 painted on it. On the left side of the door was a control panel that I trotted over to and after giving a quick glance found a place to link my pip-buck so I got to work. I flipped the switch and heard some kind of siren from the other side of the gear shaped door and unhooked my pip-buck and sat waiting.

Serenity sat close by and looked to me, “Split… why would you azk me that?”

I closed my eyes hearing a metallic scream from the other side that made my teeth ache and sighed, “I like you… far more than you realize I think,” when I opened my eyes to look at her she looked both surprised and quite stunned but I went on, “you are beautiful and… well you smell incredibly sweet.” I stood up moving to the door as it began to move and looked back at her, “I can't keep having moments of pure lust and then upsetting regret that I cannot do anything… so… I want you to think about what we can do in this relationship to make it so we don't drive each other crazy if you…”

I could feel and smell the stale air flow from inside as the door rolled to the side. But before I could look or finish my sentence I heard a series of pats and sharp pain running up my side. My ears picked up a scream and more of the rapid gun fire as the room swayed and the fell to one side. I could taste something coppery in my mouth and each breath made a bubbling noise in my chest. I could catch a couple flashes but just barely as my vision began to darken and I felt cold. I was dying and I had not been able to keep any promise to either Bubble Gum or Serenity, I tried to work my mouth to say something before the darkness took over.

OK so I wasn't dead as I thought as I felt a sharp pain in my side then something pressed into my muzzle, “Drink… pleaze,” Serenity's fragile and terrified voice pleaded. I swallowed as a sweet taste ran over my tongue and began to fill my body with a warm feeling. The pain in my side began to subside and the chill in my body was now limited to one side. I opened my eyes and took in the room that was sideways.

I was on a steel table with a large bright light over me that stung my vision but it was pushed away and Serenity's beautiful face came into it. I looked at her for a long time before I smiled, “for the love of Luna herself… if I'm not dead show me…” My tone was alien to me. It was weak and low like all the strength I had was gone. Her wet eyes sent fresh tears down her cheeks and she gave a small sob and I felt her kiss me.

“I will let you two love birds be alone,” came a mechanical voice and I heard the sound of something slide away then slide back down with a hiss.

I couldn't move as she pulled away, she reached over me and grabbed something. When she leaned back down sitting in front of me she popped the cap off of another healing potion and pressed it to my lips, “drink…” I did as I was told and relaxed with a sigh as the potion worked it's magic. She set the empty bottle down and then took my head in an embrace and held me close. I could tell she was still crying as she held my head, “I… I almost lost you…” I think I would have tensed if I was in better condition but I just listened to her soft voice.

I had enough energy I found to give her a nuzzle, “Serenity… I-”

“I love you!” She said with more strength cutting me off. She sniffed and I could see a tear rolling down and dripping from the tip of her nose, “I do…,” she sniffed again, “I thought about it and wanted to tell you that I did but… but when the door opened the stablez defenzez targeted you inztantly… I watched az… az…”

She started to shake violently and I moved my wing that was being stretched behind me over and pulled it around her. I could tell that she was scared and the scare was too much for her. The thought that she may not have actually had feelings for me had me wanting to feel the pain of being shot all over again. Her head was breaking and it was my fault because I was sick of being teased and not getting any.

“I'm sorry…” I said my voice cracking. I remembered when Bubble Gum and I had a moment and became so close was a teary eyed moment, but the last time I cried… that was ages ago… until now… my heart did my name sake and split as warm wet tears rolled down my muzzle and to the floor. I was scum for everything I had said and done and I knew it. Then everything came out as all the things I had done and the realization of its effects pushed into me. Killing Bubble Gums mother in cold blood and leaving the filly with no pony but me in the world. Killing a foal not even old enough to have had a second birthday because I was cocky. Having to tell a ghoul that his brother that he was talking to was not his brother but just a dead pony's skull and that his brother was dead. Then the thought of Sunny hit me and that hurt the worse. I had almost died and almost left the most important ponies… no… the two most important things in my life alone like I left Sunny alone. It's hasn't even been a week and I felt like the biggest scum.

“I zaved you… just like you zaved me,” her words pushed the clouds in my heart back and I looked up into her eyes. She brushed a hoof through my mane, “I don't want to loze you Split… and I can zee you hurt more than phyzically,” she nuzzled my cheek, “get zome rest zo we can talk…”

“Don't,” I rasped with a hiccup, “don't leave me alone.”

She leaned back and smiled sweetly, “never…”

I sniffed feeling my heart bleed out, ‘was I a bad pony for what I have done?’ I thought, ‘Did I deserve to have the love of Serenity and Bubble Gum?’ I clenched my eyes shut, ‘Did I deserve to be saved?’ I could feel the embrace of sleep sneaking up on me as the last thought kept playing in my head and I wondered if I really did.


I sat up in a circle of light like last time except I was not a young colt.

“Hello?” I heard a colt call out and I spun around. I could not see anything in this darkness.

“Hello?” I called back straining my ears for any sound.

“Who's there?!” came the small voice from all around me.

I sat down and looked up to the light shining over me, “I… I am Splitstream… who are you?” The voice went quiet for a second and I feared that I had scared the colt so I smiled wide, “don't worry… I won't hurt you.”

“You're lying…” The voice said back the voice said back with a tone of certainty. I felt a little uncomfortable as I shifted, “why do you hurt?”

“I…” I rubbed my leg feeling deeply put out now, “I hurt ponies because I am not a good pony… ponies that do not deserve it… but… I try to only hurt ponies that do… like slavers and raiders and…”

“No… why do you hurt?” The question was simple but still floored me.

“I… I'm not…” I began but was once again cut off.

“You think yourself tough and strong, and physically you are but…”

A light flared to life a little ways away from me and I could see a colt sitting by himself as he read a book about using your wings in a fight. A tiny filly walked up next to him, “Hey Split! Wanna come play hide and seek with us?”

The little me looked to her not setting the book down, “playing a foalish game like that won't help us get anywhere in life.”

The filly just scoffed, turned and left as I watched as I went back to reading, my mouth open in protest. I didn't remember doing something like that but then again I didn't remember much of the time of me being in school.

“You know when you started to act like this don't you?” the colt asked.

“No… I… I never was like that I…” I didn't want to believe it.

“Mommy!” my young voice called out, “Mommy! I got my cutiemark today!”

My ears drooped as the memory came flooding back, “No… I… I don't need to hear this…”

The colt continued on, “Mommy… where are you I got my…” there was a small gasp, “who… who are you?!”

A stern male voice answered, “your mother assigned me to look after you while she is off taking care of things… she won't be back for some time so… here…”

“I… I want… I want my mommy,” the colt began to cry

“Stop!” the voice carried through the emptiness, “you are a strong colt and your mother heard about you getting your cutiemark… she wants you to continue with your schooling and start your training… I am here to see that you grow to be a strong and confident young stallion.”

That last word continued to echo in my head over and over again making me lower my head. The colt spoke again, “you saw your mother every now and then but she could not raise you the way you should have so you made things up as you went and started to believe that you were the best because of the training. You mother tired to help where she could but…”

“But because of me not having her around… I… I lost…”


I began to wake up feeling my body, noting my armor was no longer on, and I was feeling much better. I was on a comfortable bed that smelled clean, which was odd. I opened an eye and looked around, moving slightly. The room was made into a normal square with steel gray walls and a metal floor. There was a vent on a wall by the strange door that, from what I could see, was split in the middle allowing the top half of the door to rise up and the lower half to drop down. Even in the low light I could make out a sign that warned about high pressure so I figured that it was a hydraulic door of some kind.

Since I could not see the rest of the room I began to stir to try and sit up but something cause me to freeze and my heart to pound. My hoof pressed onto something warm and soft… something… breathing. I also now felt something over my neck pinning my head down so I slowly tilted my head and looked down to see Serenity's head laying on my neck fast asleep. Her cheeks were still damp suggesting she was crying on me and ended up falling asleep. I felt my heart cry out to her and I felt a strong wave of guilt slam inside my chest as I looked at her.

I lifted a hoof and brushed her mane from her face, “I really don't deserve you…” I said to the sleeping beauty in such a low tone that I didn't even really hear it.

She however must have heard something because I watched as her eyes fluttered open and slowly her head shifted to look into my eye. I could not help but stare as the little bit of light coming from… someplace hit her eyes and made her good eye shine. Her eye asked the question I knew she wanted to and in truth… I was physically better but I was far from fine now and I think she saw it.

She lifted her head and gently using her hooves and wings made me roll over to face her. She then laid on her back and pulled my head onto her chest and gently stroked my mane, “what iz it?” She asked looking at me. Her voice was soft but seemed to shake like she had spent too much time crying.

I looked into her eyes my ears folding back, ‘she's hurting because of you,’ the pony in my mind said, ‘just like your cutiemark got rid of your-’

She tapped my the tip of my muzzle with a flick of her wing making me wince, “ztop it!” She said her smile turning to a frown, “what iz wrong Split?”

I wiggled my nose as the sting died away from the snap and I looked to her, “Serenity… I'm sorry…” I felt her breath catch as I turned my head laying on her chest. I could hear her heartbeat as I lay there. It was hard to believe that I was part of that beat given how selfish I have been to her. I swallowed, “I never meant to hurt or scare you… I'm… I was selfish and incredibly stupid.” I was shaking now as her hooves tightened around me, “why… why do you love me? I don't deserve a pony as good and sweet as you.”

She sniffed but lifted my head to meet her gaze, “because… you zaid you loved me… juzt before you lost consciousnezz… that was the only thing you zaid… you loved me,” she kissed the tip of my nose and looked back into my wide eyes. I was stunned at myself.

“But… but why?” I asked my brain running on everything I did to hurt her. It didn't make sense to me… she should be pushing me off her and the bed and telling me to leave.

“Split…” her tone caused my ears to snap up and she had my full attention, “you may not zee it… but take it from an emotionally broken mare,” she took a deep breath and let it out slowly closing her eyes, “you… are a good pony… and you were right about the teazing…,” she swallowed, “zo… pleaze…”

I watched as her cheeks became a soft rosy glow and she pulled my face closer and once again our lips met. My eyes widened in surprise as she made a simple kiss a lot more passionate as the kiss deepened with her tongue. She smelled wonderful and felt amazing against me, I wanted her more than anything. Our lips parted and I leaned my head down and kissed her neck softly and the way her breath escaped from her muzzle I started to burn from wingtip to wingtip. I was going to be with her in heart and body, I was going to show her how much I loved her I was…

“No…” I tried to pull myself off but her wings wrapped around me. I wanted to get off but I didn't have the strength to pull from her.

“Split… pleaze… I need thiz… I can zee that I do… and you…” her hoof touched my cheek making me look to her face. She was still smiling softly her eyes kind but she could not hide the fear of what was happening, “my body needz to show my mind and heart that you are ok to open up to.”

I did not necessarily disagree with her line of thinking but jumping into this wings first was not the way to do it. I did not want to scare her by pushing her away but I did not want to take the chance that I would hurt her by doing this now like this.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, “I… don't know what to do!” I looked to her and I could see her ears folding back, “I do love you… I do want this… but… I think this is too much too fast for both of us…” I closed my eyes, “is… there has to be something… some way to make this better for both of us so we don't mess things up.”

OK I was in the need of something to happen here or I was going to pop and when she pulled my leg out from under me and pushed me over onto my back I was just a little caught off guard, But when she pulled herself onto me sitting on my chest and looking down into my surprised eyes, caught off guard was an understatement. She was looking down at my face her breathing heavy and her mane hanging down in front of her face.

I swallowed hard as she slowly started to push her hips back lowering her face to mine and smiling her eyes narrowing, “then… I have an idea… do you truzt me?” Honestly that was a dumb question as I didn't trust myself right now but I nodded dumbly, “good.” Her tone curled my wings as she slid off me and walked to a nearby door. My head twisting from side to side as I watched her hips. She lifted a hoof and pushed a button and opened to a room that I could see a sink and mirror in and she looked back to me, “follow me my love.” and she walked in and soon I heard water running. I was stunned for a few moments but only a moment for my ears to catch a sound that she made that had my to the door in milliseconds and closing the door.

After being cleaned in a really hot shower by the mare I loved more than my own life was simply more than I expected but easily worth every second. Then me getting to return the favor by cleaning her allowed me to make her almost sing. It was something we both needed and I feel it was a right direction for our relationship to go in.

When we walked out of the shower and rest room I could still taste her as I helped her into the bed. She was smiling from ear to ear but very tired after the emotional roller coaster ride and I wanted her to rest while I looked around for the water talisman.

I ran a hoof through her mane as she looked to me her eyes looking very hard to keep open, “I admit I did not think of that.. it allowed each of us to… well…”

She sighed softly and I smiled, well to be honest I could not stop smiling even if a small part of my mind kept asking me if I was happy now how happy would I be when we finally decided to fully open up to each other. She closed her eyes, “I love you… pleaze be careful.”

I kissed her head, “I love you too… now get some rest… I will be right back,” with that I left the beautiful and wonderful mare sleep.

I lifted a hoof and pushed the switch to open the door which gave a loud hiss and lifted open into a hallway. I looked to my left as I stepped out hitting the button again making it hiss closed. The hall went on for a while then turned and I could not see the sign at the end of the corridor to make heads or tails of which way I was supposed to go. I then spun and looked right and there inches from my face was one of those multi-limbed hovering robots.

I believe any pony with my recent interaction with bots like this would have reacted as I had. I screamed and stumbled back falling to my rump and lifting my wings to cover the attack. I clenched my eyes because my lack of armor, which Serenity told me was in the medical bay while we cleaned up after our time together, was going to hurt a lot. I sat there waiting… and waiting… and waiting… I finally peeked through my wings at the hovering robot who had not moved.

The robot moved a claw like appendage up under the weird eye like camera that was in front of me and made a odd speaker like cough, “are you done?” It asked in an artificial tone.

It was talking to me and not shooting me… progress… I stood up keeping my distance and cocked an eyebrow, “sorry… I was… surprised.”

The robot waved the claw like arm, “well I should say so… oh please forgive me,” swept the claw around in a weird motion and tilted the three eyes forwards, “I am a personal robot butler… you can call me Safehands Sir! And might I say I am glad you pulled through the surgery! Well not as the Miss but still quite glad!”

“Wait… what surgery?” I asked sitting down. I knew it was probably something to do with me being shot but…

“Well the stables automated turrets made a right mess of you. I had to pull many bullets out of your side before we could properly heal you… but to stop you from dying I had to give you a high strength restoration potion then cut them out of you,” I jumped to my hooves and looked at my side.

I flattened my ears back at all of the little scars on my side. I really was close to death and seeing the aftermath I truly felt for Serenity. Something did not make sense as I looked to the bot, “what about my armor? It should not have been that bad!”

“I'm afraid that armor piercing rounds do not stop for simple armor,” he said flatly.

I felt my eye twitched, “w… why does a stable… made to save ponies…” I stood up and stomped a hoof hard, “HAVE FUCKING ARMOR PIERCING BULLETS IN IT'S TURRETS?!” I roared at the robot who faulted back a little.

He recovered and straightened up, “Sir! Shouting will not change things… but as for why it was to keep ponies from getting in.”

“I… wait… what?” I stammered as a mental fuse popped inside my head at that. Stables were built to keep ponies alive but this one was to keep them out?

He made a cough like sound as he tried to clear a non existent throat, “well it was built to save ponies but if a pony could not get inside they did not deserve to stay,” he lifted his claw and tapped his weird casing, “though… not many tried to get in… I guess they didn't have much chance to get here.”

I groaned, “so why are we here?” I swear there was not enough face hooves in Equestria.

“Simple… the Miss asked to be let in then asked for us to save you,” his tone was so matter of fact that I was expecting some kind of joke or something a single looked to him. I guess he didn't get my expression so he continued, “then she asked to have a room with you so you could recover… though… I must say the way you two washed each other was not very useful. I was fighting my programming of listening to the Miss by leaving you both alone of running to her aid as she became quite loud. The cameras showed that you can clean that part of her without your muzzle and it would be more productive!”

Ok… it was a robot and I could see my hooves were red, “y… you have… cameras… in… in the…” I was shaking with embarrassment and a burning anger inside me. I'm sure I was going to break and probably would have if Serenity was standing here.

“But of course! We have cameras throughout the stable and the building outside.”

I just face hoofed with both of my hooves and my wings and groaned loudly. As our relationship evolved we would have to be careful of future adventures. I lowered my wings and took a breath, “ok… that aside!” I shot the robot a glare, “since you have no need for it… can we have the water talisman here?”

“The water talisman is property of Stable Tech and removal of it will take place as soon as all proper papers are filled,” he said sounding like a recording.

“Why can't I ask for anything and get it?” I said standing up and moving away from the pain in the bot.

It took me several minutes to find the medical bay and once inside I quickly found my armor. I stiffened as I saw the crimson coating one side of the armor along with many small holes. I frowned as many holes were under my wing and it took me several seconds to remember that I was moving my wings out of discomfort for being in the cave. I sighed and looked to the blood covered table. It looked like somepony had attempted to clean it but couldn't.

I swallowed, “how did she get them to stop?” I asked touching the dried blood with a hoof, “I guess no pony ever thought to ask them to stop firing…” I shrugged as I activated my pip-buck and climbed into my armor.

I checked the rest of my things on my pip-buck and frowned to discover my energy pistol that was just fixed was broken beyond repair and sparking slightly. I lifted a hoof and using the pip-buck to open the slot pulled the pistol from it spot and dropped it into my saddlebag. I frowned as I stood looking at the empty weapon slot. I felt… off balance now and it was not a great feeling.

I looked around the medical bay and smirked, “I'm armored… happy and itching to settle a few things… but first… I need some stuff,” I said as I began to empty every drawer, medical box and cupboard into my saddlebag and turned and walked to the door, “want to play paper work? I have a pass that will get me into anything,” my smirk widened and my wing snapped at my side and I opened the door and walked out. I made my way back to Serenity's using the auto map on my pip-buck to retrace my steps. I dragged a blade along the wall happy to see it leaving a deep gash in the steel walls as I moved along.

I came up the landing to the hallway and turned and watched as Serenity was talking a couple sapphire gems on silver chains being handed to her by the hovering robot. I sat hard enough to make a loud Bang from my butt hitting the floor as I stared at her in disbelief, “I… but… wha…”

She looked to me when I sat and smiled and waved at me. She turned back to the robot and said something and gave a small bow of her head and turned and trotted towards me, “I cannot believe you didn't azk for the talizmanz yet,” she said looking quite proud, and I could not help but notice, livelier.

Seeing her smile not only on her muzzle but in her eyes as she wrapped the chain around the sapphires and slowly stuck them into her saddlebag. I sighed, “I felt naked without my armor.”

She giggled, “zilly… we are normally naked,” she leaned over and placed her muzzle against the tip of mine, “zo are we done now?”

I nodded, “I want to get out of here… it was a death trap… shooting at ponies trying to get in and only letting them survive if they made it.”

Her smile vanished instantly, “oh… um… yez… we muzt be going… zoon,” she said glancing back to the robot.

I pushed her gently with my nose and she started walking in front of me as I glanced from empty room to empty room, “this is far creepier than I want to think about…” we quickly made our way back to the entrance and I stopped as suddenly as she did as I looked over her at the large closed door, “this isn't good,” I looked around and noticed the door controls. A quick flap of my wings and I was next to them Serenity landing at my side as I started to hook my pip-buck to it, “come on!”

“we need a get out of here!” Serenity said looking to the still inactive turrets skeptically.

My pip-buck then instantly was given access and I grinned, “Must have the access from outside still!” I didn't wait and flipped the switch and looked as the giant drill like arm swung down to the door.

“I don't zuppoze you can get accezz to the turretz?”She asked as the turrets swung and pointed to the open door.

I was already looking for the appropriate code when she asked me and smirked at my luck as I hit the first password and instantly got access, “Trinity?” I said cocking an eye at her. She just shrugged shaking her head. I wasn't in the mood for guessing either and instantly moved the cursor to the “shut down turrets” button and clicked it. The turrets soft hum died and the barrels pointed down, “let's go!” and we both did not hesitate and flew out the giant door. She stopped halfway up the cave like tunnel and looked back. I landed close to her and looked back as well because the door gave a loud metallic scream and started to slide back into place. Just before it fully closed I watched as the turrets swiveled to life and I shuddered, “ok then… let's hope if we need to come back they remember who we are.”

I looked to her and she nodded and we moved up the tunnel back to the shed. I was glad that I was out of the Stable thinking Lucky needed to tell me more about how he knew and answer for almost getting me killed that when I reached for the door Serenity pushed it away causing me to stumble and slam face first into it.

My face slid down the heavy wood door as I looked to her with a frown. She put a hoof to her mouth, “Oh! Split I am zorry! I juzt… thought you would want thiz,” she said pulling up the cloth blindfold.

I sat up and rubbed my nose, “it's ok… you didn't hurt a vital organ…” I looked at the cloth, “no… but I will close my eyes and you can lead me,” I said standing and then quickly added, “put your wing over me! Not by tail…”

Celestia drop the sun on my head… she had the look of disappointment on her face that made my ears burn and my wings tingle. I was quite affiliated with her body now after what we did and now that we opened up a little to each other the thought of being lead by her tail opened new things. Being lead through a place where I had panic attacks so easily made that possibility a bit unnerving.

She walked over and swung a wing over the back on my neck and she leaned close to my ear, “do you think I cannot have fun like thiz?” She purred softly.

I was prepared for this and my tail snapped on her flank making her yip and look back as I smirked, “I can play equally unfair sugar flank,” I said giving her as much sweetness as I could muster while being a bit cocky.

Her eye went wide and her cheeks were bright red, “you… you juzt!” but she caught my eyes and smiled sheepishly, “I guezz if I can be mean you can be a bit too…” She pushed the door open and I closed my eyes. My ears twitched as I felt her breath on my ear, “I will have to play a bit more unfair then, won't i?” The promise on her tone was driven home as she gently bit down on the lower part of my ear.

I groaned… well… no I moaned… that nibble was something no pony has ever done to me in any relationship and I was not expecting it. I remember while in the shower she had unintentionally shown me that she had fangs which made me nervous about what she planned to do, but to be honest it made no difference for anything. Heck in fact knowing that she had them gave me fun fantasies of being one of those old movie vamponies. That thought when I asked about it caused me to get a snap of her wet tail across my ass that stung quite a bit. Now as her teeth gently moved along my ear, it gave a sensation that sent a tingle down my spine that I was bent down and my head tilted to the side.

As sudden as she started she stopped leaving me low to the ground and my head bowed, “oh? No come back thiz time?” She purred as her tone told me she had accepted her victory.

I let out a low breath and stood up and my eyes opened and I looked out into the greenhouse with its dead skeletal trees reaching out to grab me. I stepped forward the corner of my eye watching as her smirk instantly faded and became scared. As soon as I was clear of the shed I felt my heart begin to thunder and my eyes darted around at the dead trees. I could feel my chest rising and falling rapidly as I struggled to catch a breath I felt like I was losing but I kept walking forward.

Serenity's wing dropped over my face and she said in a shaky and hurt voice, “Split… w… why? I… I thought…” She stopped as she saw my smirk, “y… you…” She growled a little, “you cheater!” and she moved her wing and walked ahead of me her nose up.

The effects of my attack came back in force and I sat down hard, “S… Serenity! Please… you win! Come back!” I called in desperation.

When we were outside the greenhouse and I was panting and sitting just outside the door she sat next to me frowning, “no more cheating like that… I was zcared!” her tone carried a hurt in it that made me look to the dirt and my ears fold back. She stood up and walked forward, “let'z uz hurry it iz getting late.”

I rose and followed behind her my head still hung low. She was mad and had a right to be so. She had nibbled on my ear and found something about me that I didn't even know and what I did was… scare her…


Her tail cracked across the tip of my nose Making me jump back and raise a hoof to my nose. I looked to her through the tears in my eyes from the sting and she glared back, “you don't need to pout… you need to make it up to me.”

I frowned, “but… but how?” I asked dumbly. Her eyes didn't let up as she burned holes into me. I lowered my head, “I'm sorry… I wasn't thinking about how you would take it,” and it was the honest truth. I need to think more about my actions before I do something next time.

She tilted her head not taking her good eye off me, “zorry iz not going to cut it Split!” I sighed and closed my eyes. I was about to say I know until she gave me a small kiss and I looked at her. Her eyes softened a little now showing a bit more sadness and love than pure anger. She gave a smile that matched her eyes, “but it'z a ztart.” she thought for a moment then smirked the sadness in her eyes vanishing, “I know the perfect punishment!” and I swallowed hard… I was in trouble.

We soon walked back into the bar which had ponies in it finishing up the take down of the cage and adding a few more lights. Everyone stopped as we walked in and there were murmurs and pointing as she lead me in with her tail wrapped around my neck to where my head was over her flank. She was grinning from ear to ear and gave Cedar a small wave with her wing as Cedar held her stomach laughing. I was no longer a white pegasus… I was a very deep red pegasus. The embarrassment and the predicament I got myself into was driving me crazy now.

She finally let her tail go and looked back with a smile, while I looked away pressing my lips together. No i wasn't pouting… I wasn't… I was just… being difficult. She giggled and turned and lightly kissed my cheek then gave a small wink. I watched as she turned and walked over to Cedar and Lucky who was watching her with a smile that I imagined a father would give to their foal after overcoming a something difficult which filled him with pride. Cedar… was the crazy sibling that seemed to enjoy the torture that she did to her lover.

I groaned as I felt like if I took my armor off it would hiss letting steam out like a portable sauna. Luckily I didn't have to think much about it as a strong hoof draped over my neck and pulled me into a headlock and I looked into the annoyed eyes of Iron Gate, “ow!” I said realizing that he was no pony I wanted to tangle with wincing as he gripped tightly, “what is it already?”

His eyes narrowed, “seriously… I just repaired that armor for you and you go and get that kind of damage?” he nods to the holes in the armor and the empty weapon slot.

I pulled my head free, I think there was a popping sound as I did it, and reached up to see if I had ears still, “well I was denied some seriously needed to know… information!” I hissed as my eyes slowly moved to the old stallion walking over to us.

His smile faded instantly and he had the nerve to look a bit ashamed, “I'm sorry lad… I figured you would be careful with my warning,” he moved up in front of me and looked at my armor and his eyes went wide, “Celestia's holy asscheeks!”

I frowned, “yeah! I almost died… hell I probably would have is Serenity hadn't thought to do what no pony else had and asked them to stop!”

Iron Gate lead me over to a small pair of what looked like engine block holders spaced apart enough to hold up my armored wings and had me get out so he could look it over. Serenity walked over dangling the water talismans on her wing, “where is Bubble Gum?”

I looked to Lucky as the question was just about to come from my mouth and he levitated the talismans from her, “I put her to bed just before you got in,” he held the sapphires in the air while he spoke to her.

She smiled, “I am going to go check on her and make sure she'z azleep,” and she turned and walked to the stairs.

I smiled at her as she glanced back at me, “I will be up in a bit,” she nodded and ascended the stairs. I watched until her tail left my vision and I looked to Iron Gate, “by the way… did you fix her that rifle?”

He looked back to me, “yeah… many weapons in the wasteland can converted to be shot left,” he instantly looked suspicious as he added, “why… did you break that too?”

I glared and pulled out the lever action rifle from my pack and held it out to him. I was glad she gave me a second to look over the ponies we took out when we left for the stable and I got a decent weapon out of it. He looked at it then to me cocking an eyebrow and I sighed, “this caliber of rifle is a bit more powerful than the other one she had… and… she is an amazing shot.”

His eyes widened at that, “wait… she what?” He looked to the stairs and then back, “I… I can see what I can do…”

“I will be right back… gonna go check on on the girls and I'll come back and help,” he just waved a hoof as he looked at the rifle setting it on a table. I looked to Lucky who shrugged and walked past the bar and straight to the door where his room was. I gave Cedar a glance but she was talking with another one of the bucks in the room and I shrugged and started up the stairs.

When I got to the top I could hear Bubble’s tired voice, “but… I want to see him… I want to see if he is,” the word okay was stretched out with a long yawn.

I smiled and reached a hoof to the door and pushed it open slightly to peek in. Bubble was curled up in Serenity's fore hooves as she laid with the filly on the couch. She gave Bubble a soft motherly smile and twisted her head and pulled a blanket over the filly, “he is talking businezz with the otherz downstairz but he will come up to wish you goodnight zweetie.”

Bubble snuggled into the mare, “but… but I can't sleep without him here… its… it's weird but…”

Serenity reached up and ran a hoof through Bubbles mane and the filly looked like they wanted to drift off the sleep then and there, “how about a lullaby?” Bubble looked up to Serenity and gave a small nod. Serenity closed her eyes and took a breath in, what came out was her singing the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. Her song floated through my heart and I could feel every note, “Hush now quiet now it'z time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now it'z time to go to bed,” the end of the simple line rang through me as I watched her.

Bubble shifted and smiled, “I… I know this one!”

Serenity giggled at her and smiled tilting her head, “would you care to join me?” Bubble nodded and took a breath too and they continued in an almost perfect unison, “Hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed,” I watched and my vision blurred. My chest clenched as I watched and I blinked sending fresh tears rolling down my cheeks, “drifting off to sleep… exciting day behind you, drifting off to sleep let the joy of dream land find you,” Bubbles voice slowly died away as she drifted off to sleep. Serenity finished up with only some humming as she lifted Bubble in her wings and slid off the couch and walked her into the room with the bed.

I hung my head as the effect of the simple song hit me harder than I ever thought possible. Listening to her sing to the filly brought back a memory I had all but forgotten of the day my father left. I was confused and scared and to calm me down my mother sang me that song, or when I was scared of something she would comfort me with its simple tune. I had suppressed the memory so deeply that when she sang it and it came up it was physically painful.

“Split?” Serenity said surprised and I slowly looked to her. Her eyes went wide at my face and her ears folded back. Instantly she moved close and placed a hoof to my cheek, “Split… what iz wrong?”

I closed my eyes as I tried to calm myself, “I…” She waited as I took several breaths, “that song… it… it brought back a memory of my mother that… that was…” She didn't need to hear anymore as she smiled softly. She then pulled me into the room and onto the couch where she curled up next to me and just listened as I talked. I told her about everything and anything I could. My dreams, my mother, my training and my guilt and she just stroked my mane and listened.

By the time I was finished I was feeling exhausted and mentally drained. Serenity stopped petting my mane and lifted my face, “better?” I nodded and she smiled and kissed my nose, “well if anything it explainz a lot but pleaze do not feel bad for the thingz you did,” she slid from the couch and stretched giving a small and cute yawn before looking back to me, “you are a good pony Split… do not think of yourzelf as anything lezz’” she turned and stretched her hind legs with a small groan, “I am going to go to zleep with Bubble,” she glanced at me, “you better come into the room thiz time,” and with that she entered through the door to the bedroom and closed it.

I stared at the door for several moments wondering what she thought of me now, but at the same time I kind of knew when she told me to join her when it was time to go to bed. However I was feeling quite hungry so I stood up and gave my legs and wings a small stretch and opened the door to head downstairs and almost ran into Lucky who was levitating a tray of some kind of noodles and some water.

I smiled the him, “you read my mind!”

He trotted in and set it down on the end table by the couch, “figured you would be hungry after getting back… I'm surprised Serenity is already sleeping,” he said looking to me raising an eyebrow.

I walked to the table and lifted the water to my lips. It was clear and cold which was one of the best things I have ever tasted. Well was one of the best things I ever tasted which made my cheeks burn and me look to Lucky. I watched as his skeptical look slowly turn to one of surprise and my cheeks burned more and more, “it… it's not what you think… we… we had a… moment… and things got intense… and we wanted to get closer and…”

His cheeks slowly turned red, “I… don't think I need details lad…” he smiled though, “but I'm glad you are able to help her out of her shell,” his smile faded, “but please… do not rush it… I'm surprised she wanted to do anything after her life but… anything is possible.”

I had started to eat the noodles when he started talking, more to keep me from talking. By the time he was finished the noodles were gone and I was finishing the water. If I got anything from my basic training up above the clouds was the ability to eat fast. I set the bottle down and looked to him, “I don't plan to but we felt we need to do something to open up to each other,” he thought about that for a moment then gave a small nod. I stretched my wings and looked at the scars on my side, “by the way… was that explosives expert here yet?”

He looked to the door, “yes… he was exhausted and needed to get some sleep. He will be getting her out in the morning.”

I yawned and stretched again, “that's good… what are you going to do with her?”

He shrugged as he levitated the tray up, “she won't make it far on her own… might send a message to a couple places to see if they can help or something. Until then I may just keep her safe and happy,” he watched me for a few seconds then stood up straight, “that unicorn is dead isn't he?”

I looked to the window and nodded as the thought of what I was going to do made me feel… well honestly I didn't know what it made me feel. He walked in front of me with a flat expression and I sighed looking away again, “I… was going to let him live but… that choice was taken from me and the chance was taken from him.”

“He didn't deserve to live… he had ponies killed slowly by King and reaped the rewards,” he said flatly, “he bought Serenity and was going to give her to him to-”

“I KNOW!” I snapped glaring at him. He took a startled step back and that caused me to push, “you can’t get any good from a pony if they are dead to make up for what they did!”

“But the word of what you have done has spread without him!” he said frowning.

“I…” I stopped… “wait… what?” He smirked and I slowly looked down to my pip-buck, “that DJ Pon-3… huh?” he nodded and I sighed and went to turn it on and he stopped me which caused me to look at him confused.

He shook his head, “DJ Pon-3 doesn't do the news this late at night.”

I nodded having remembered his closing news caste before he went off the air for the night. I also remembered something else, “what about that mare?”

“Who… the Stable Dweller?” I nodded and he chuckled heading to the door, “I'll let you find out yourself,” he opened the door, “well… goodnight lad,” with that he closed door behind him.

I watched the door frowning, “what? Did she die… blow up a radio tower… fly a train? Come on!” I stood up and started to the bedroom door, “and what's up with the Stable Dweller for a name?”

I pushed open the door and pulled up short as Bubble was curled up next to Serenity both fast asleep. I couldn't help but grin and really wanted to let them just sleep but I didn't want another torture session with Serenity so i closed the door with a swish of my tail and climbed into the bed next to Serenity, curling into a ball close to her. Bubble instantly woke up and pulled herself from Serenity's hooves and wings and half walked half wobbled over to me. I lifted a hoof and she curled up next to me laying her head on my other hoof and letting out a breath and closing her eyes again. I lowered my hoof over her and held her and used a wing to stroke her mane. She gave a tiny groan and curled her face into my chest.

Something caught my eye and I looked to see Serenity watching me and smiling softly. I cocked an eyebrow, “what?” She just shook her head and moved closer and curled up close to me laying her head close to Bubble. I watched her and Bubble for a long time until sleep pulled my head down along with my eyelids and I soon found myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep… or so I thought.