• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 1,296 Views, 15 Comments

Fallout Equestria: True Skies - Acespadez1134

Splitstream was a proud Pegasus who was out for his own selfish gain. This all changes once his team is sent to the waste.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chains wrapped around my hooves and began to pull while I was inside of a cage. I tried to scream but no sound came from my muzzle as the chains pulled my limbs out spreading them out. A strange popping sound came from each joint as they threatened to pull them off.

“I thought you could take more than that?” a familiar voice asked me with a sickening cold tone. I slowly looked down to see the smirking face of… myself looking up at me with a thick chain wrapped around his hoof. He looked filthy and scared as he grinned wickedly back, “I never realized how much of a pussy I was!” he pulled the chain making me scream in silence.

“Split… ztop playing with your food,” came another familiar voice that dripped with affection. I watched as Serenity walked onto the stage holding a dead foal in her wing like the baby was still alive. She was equally filthy and bruised in several places and… and… i swallowed as I my eyes widened at her missing wings. She held up the dead foal to the other me, “Bubble Gum broke thiz one too… zo we need to get to making a new one.”

‘Ma… making?’ my brain pony said horrified as she walked in front of the other Split and bent over and lifted her tail. The pain in my limbs dulled to a slight throb as the other Split mounted her, still smirking at me and pulling more at my limbs. I could do nothing but watch as he violateed her with that disgusting smirk and when he finished, Serenity stood up, already fully pregnant and ready to burst. She walked the way she came looking back just in time to lower her head.

“Things could not be better for me… after I took that Lucky out for using me to run his errands I decided to bring back the cage… Serenity is my breeding mare and Bubble soon will be both a fighter and a breeder,” he laughed and I felt ice in my veins as I glared, “I just need to get rid of…”

I stopped listening and started to pull my legs together. It was slow and the other me was not making it easy but I was getting my strength back as I glared back. The other Split looked panicked as he started to pull with all of his strength. I roared and my hooves snapped together. The chains broke and I landed on the floor and looked up.

My eyes went wide as I looked around down the hall in stable 7. I took several steps back and looked around frantically until a robotic sound came from behind me and I spun to see Dr. Safehands pulling up his machine gun like arms and pointed them at me. I swallowed, trying to move but the walls of the stable melted away and became a tangle of the tree branches which instantly wrapped around me and pinned me down. I tried to scream again but I still had no sound.

Serenity walked up next to the robot wearing my armor. Her mane was tied back into a tight bun and she looked to me with disgust, “will you pleaze end hiz mizerable life!”

‘Serenity! Please!’ I cried in my head but the sounds in my head died away as the guns opened fire and began punching holes through me.


I woke with such a start Bubble Gum who was shaking me fell back onto the bed with a shriek. I sat up quick and… realized that sitting up quick was not something I could do wrapped in the blankets like a mummy. I wiggled and squirmed and Bam! Fell onto the floor landing on my chest and chin. Well the bright side was the blanket was loose enough for me to lift my hooves to my head but that's where it stopped. My chin now throbbed and I am quite sure I chipped a tooth.

I curled onto my side holding my chest as having cracked or broken a rib or two, it felt like I did it again or at least something similar. Bubble landed on the floor next to me putting a hoof on my head, “are you ok Split?”

“Morning Bubble,” I groaned as I clenched my eyes tightly. As my mind cleared a little from the nightmare and the pain I figured I didn't break any ribs but hardwood floor and gravity was not great combination for them.

I opened an eye to see Bubble sitting and tapping her hooves together looking at me with concern, “you… were having a bad dream so… I tried to wake you up.”

I sat up wincing slightly, if this was a premonition to my day I was staying in bed, and reached a hoof out and gently stroked her mane, “yeah… sorry about that sweetie… happens from time to time.”

She looked up and smiled, “not when you're around. That's why I like to sleep next to you,” I flinched looking at her wide eyed. She hasn't had any nightmares since I started letting her sleep next to me? She stood up and smiled, “Serenity made breakfast again!” her smile faded as she looked past her tail to the living room, “but there is a big stallion downstairs… Serenity is quite scared to be around him.”

My ears perked and I found my way onto my hooves faster than I realized. Bubble was telling me something but I wasn't listening. Serenity was scared and I needed to help her.

I quickly made my way downstairs and looked and saw Serenity sitting behind the bar half watching and half cowering at a… whoa… when Bubble Gum said big stallion I was not picturing this. He was huge, I was big for a pegasus, but I barely came up to his shoulders. He was a steel gray earth pony with a light blond mane and tail that were cropped to give him a military like appearance. Well okay the military coat he wore with the sleeves rolled up gave him that too but who was really paying attention to that. He had kind green eyes that looked to the explosives collar in his hooves with several different kind of tools on the table beside him. Lucky was walking the mare from the bedroom over to Serenity and talking.

When I approached I heard Serenity, “yez I have no problem helping her clean up,” she looked to me and the worry on her face instantly melted away as she smiled. She then moved from behind the counter and helped the mare to the stairs. Her velvet like wings brushed my cheek as she walked by and I leaned into it until she passed. I then heard her quietly ask Bubble if she wanted to help which Bubble was all too happy to do.

I walked to Lucky as he walked back to the large buck, “so this is the guy?”

Lucky glanced at me as we reached him and he set the collar down smiling to me. Lucky raised a hoof to him, “Split… this is Pineapple Grenade,” he then swung his hoof to me and looked to the stallion, “Pineapple… this is the crazy stallion I told you about.”

He held out an enormous hoof to me, “nice to meet you,” his voice was deep but kind and I reached a hoof out and bumped his. He chuckled as he lowered his hoof, “not very trusting of me?”

I frowned my eyes narrowing slightly, “you were scaring my marefriend…” if he wanted to dance then we would. I could take him even if it meant my nicely bruised ribs got broken.

He reached a hoof back and rubbed the back of his head, “yeah… all I did was wave and say hello but she looked like I was about to attack her,” he lowered his hoof and sighed looking quite apologetic, “tell her I am sorry for scaring her. I really didn't meant to.”

My jaw hung open in disbelief, “I… um… will…” I hadn't expected a pony this big to be such a softy. I cocked my head and moved to a tray of food that Lucky levitated over to me and began to eat. He chuckled, “your mare has a talent with cooking.”

I nodded as I ate the… emergency rations I got from Solar Flare mixed with some canned applesauce. The rations if I remembered correctly never tasted this good before and before I knew it my bowl was cleaned. I licked my lips as I set the bowl down and looked back up to the other two. They just sat smiling and I frowned feeling my cheeks burn, “what… it was good…”

My ears twitched and I heard Bubbles voice as she squealed and then a splash. I chuckled as I was sure Serenity took the opportunity to bath the filly. Lucky and Pineapple glance up at the ceiling and chuckled as well before Lucky looked to Pineapple, “so you are willing to talk to them for me?”

Iron Gate tapped my shoulder holding the lever action rifle in his hooves looking quite good now with the mouth grip on the other side. I grinned, “how much do I owe you?”

He set the rifle on the table his face still stern, “did i ask for a price? Besides…” he turned glancing back over his shoulder, “I have a debt to pay off for you getting this place back under Lucky's hoof and the help with the water talismans. Otherwise,” he smirked sending a shiver went up my spine. He just turned and walked away leaving me feeling a little lost yet somehow grateful. Lifting the rifle up and staring down the barrel I... quickly lowered it down and set it on the bar remembering I was never one for firearms. My ear spun as I caught Lucky and Pineapple talking next to me.

“So you just want me to head to Stable 20 percent cooler and ask the Dashites for some help with the mare?” Pineapple asked.

My head snapped around instantly and Lucky looked to me surprised. He sighed and face hoofed, “Great job Pineapple… just announce it to the one stallion who probably should not have heard it.”

I was not listening to him however, “wait… there is a stable with Dashites in it?” I am pretty sure my tone was a bit more menacing than I intended but I could worry about that later. I wanted answers about this stable and I wanted them now.

Pineapple looked a bit ashamed at first but at my tone he looked a bit curious and nodded, “well it has Dashites and other ponies in it… but it was founded for Dashites around the area to to have a safe place to stay.”

I shot a glanced to Lucky who was watching me with a frown then turned to face him, “I want to see… I'm as much as a dashite by this point as any of them without the brand,” I tried to sound sincere and in truth I really was despite how much I didn't believe it.

Lucky looked down to the rifle for a long moment but then I caught his gaze travel to my scarred up side and he sighed, “fine… you haven't done anything for me to not trust you so… I will give you this one lad.”

I grinned at him, “thank you Lucky!” I looked to Pineapple, “care for some company!”

He chuckled, “as Lucky would say… Celestia's sweet dock yes!” Pineapple and I shared a laugh at Lucky tried to argue that was not what he said, but soon joined in the laugh as he levitated out a couple of glasses and poured the three of us a glass of Whiskey.

My laughter died when a soaking wet pink ball of fuzz dove into my chest, “Split help! She's trying to get me to… to…” I looked down as she pointed at her clean brushed mane, “be girly!”

I smiled, “but it looks nice,” okay… I was floored that she could be even cuter. I mean it wasn't completely brushed yet which gave the other half of her head was spiked out in all directions from being dried.

She frowned, “really? I was told that it didn't matter… in fact if I looked messy I was less likely to be-,”

I cut her off, “somepony has to get by me first Bubble,” she beamed at me and I gave her a small nuzzle before nudging her to go back up, “now let her finish up… we will be leaving soon,” she looked back with a stare that would have broke my heart but I smiled, “yes you are going too,” she cheered and bounced up the stairs on the tips of her hooves.

Lucky frowned, “you're taking her?” His tone telling me that he may be questioning trusting me now.

I turned to face him, “yes.. I am not about to leave Bubble Gum out of everything I do… with her with me I won't be looking for a fight.” Lucky thought about it for a moment and conceded my point. I looked to Pineapple, “when are you heading out?”

He chuckled, “when ever you are ready,” he stood up pocketing the collar and sliding the tools into his saddlebags, “I will go get things ready to go. Meet me outside when you are ready,” and he turned and walked to the door and disappeared outside.

I turned to Lucky, “gonna need some supplies,” Lucky nodded with a sigh getting up. I stood up off the stool and walked to the stairs to talk to Serenity.

She was taking a brush through the white mare's mane who seemed much better now that she was clean. She still looked very weak and unsteady but she smiled as the brush made her sliver grey and still quite damp mane shimmer. Bubble was sitting in front of a mirror looking at her mane that Serenity put a bow into and tied into a neat pony tail. She stuck her tongue out and pulled the bow free letting her mane fall and shook her head making it poof a bit then settle into organized chaos.

I shook my head with a chuckle then turned to Serenity who was watching Bubble with a mixture of disappointment and silent defeat turned to me and shot me a glare... a glare that caused me to take a step back… a glare I had seen before… in a dream.

Her glare softened as she gave Bubble the brush and asked to brush the mares tail. Bubble nodded and did so. I swallowed as Serenity glared to me and walked past, “room… now!”

Bubble looked to me with her ears down but did not say anything. I swallowed hard again turning to follow Serenity into the room like a foal in trouble for breaking something expensive. She waited by the door as I walked past her into the room my eyes locked onto my hooves before i slowly lifted my gaze to the couch. We needed a new one… if you could find anything that counted as new in the wasteland.

The door snapped shut making me flinch and slowly look back at her. She had her head down frowning, “what are you thinking!” She asked with a venom that I the last time I heard was telling a robot to kill me. She hissed, “bringing a filly with uz as we travel to another ztable!” I wasn't looking at her anymore as I hung my head breathing heavily. I never had the memory of a dream effect me so much but then again I never had a dream hurt so bad. She walked forward, “Split?” Her tone was soft and filled with concern a she knelt next to me placing a wing over me, "Split... I... I'm zorry... I... I didn't-"

I flinched hard enough that my bruised chest sent a painful sting up my side, I slowly lifted my head and eyes and I looked to her. I was shaking and my vision was blurry not to meantion I could fell my heart thumping heavily in my chest, “a dream… it was a dream…”

I watched as her eyes widened with realization and she leaned forward wrapping her wings around me, “Split… what happened?”

I took a breath breathing in her sent, “you… you used the trees to keep me down and then ordered the robot to kill me… you hated me… I don't know why but,” it was only a dream but I felt that any second I was going to see trees reaching for me to hold me down. Wait… I was being held down!

I tried to struggle a little and only Serenity's soft voice and her hoof gently stroking my mane stopped me from moving. She gently pressed her head against mine and I could see her eyes as she gazed into mine, “Split… I'd never hate you…” She smiled and I felt her shrug, “dizagree and get upzet… yez… but never hate.”

I sighed as the shaking began to die down, “w… what happened?” I was at a loss and a little worried about what happened.

She took her wings off me allowing me to stand, “I… don't know… have you ever had anything like thiz before?”

“No,” then I thought, “maybe…” then I sat as memories began to blend and blur together, “probably…” I stood up shaking the feeling and memories away, or at least tried to, I glanced at her, “anyhow… as for why I want her to go,” Serenity stiffened but I didn't stop, “we are going to see Dashites and Lucky trusts me enough to talk to them without me getting angry… having Bubble with us I won't be inclined to start anything in fear of her getting hurt.”

She thought on the for a long couple seconds then frowned, “and… the zecond thing?” She asked like she knew it was coming.

I smiled to her and pointed to the door behind her as Bubble peaked in looking curiously, “you want to tell that face she can't come?” instantly Bubble looked to my her eyes wide then to Serenity. It was like magic as her eyes became big and her lower lip popped out and quivered.

Serenity took a step back as she looked to Bubble in surprise, “I… I didn't…” Bubble walked in further and lowered her ears back. Serenity hung her head in defeat, “fine…” her tone carried the loss which made Bubble cheer jumping into the air.

Bubble ran over and we bumped hooves before she ran to the door, “Cedar has saddle bags I can have so I will get them and meet you downstairs,” she bounced down the stairs hopping from one side of a step to the other side of the step below it happily singing, “I get to go! I get to go!”

I started to laugh but my eye caught Serenity's eyes and I bit my lips closed. She stood up and moved in front of me, “pleaze Split… don't let her get hurt…”

My suppressed laugh turned into a confident smirk, “That will never happen!”

Serenity looked at me skeptically but sighed, “I guezz you are right… we can't juzt leave her if we are going to raize her into a lovely and rezpectable young mare,” she smiled as she walked past the the door following Bubble down the stairs.

I nodded smiling, “yeah we…” My ears sprung up and my eyes widened as I watched her tail fall below the top step, “wait… raise her?” Okay I admit the thought was not as bad as I thought but that would mean I would have to… well raise her. I was no father and as much as I loved the filly I don't think she would see me as one. Serenity was on a different level as she was caring and fantastic and... and... well, she was still emotionally hurt beyond anything I could imagine, but our time at the stable helped me see that she is trying to get over it.

Then something in my mind kicked something else causing a riot to start. A voice rose up above the rest and said, ‘she wants to be in a family with you!’ everything in my mind stilled. I felt a smile spread across my face a the thought of Serenity holding a newborn while Bubble came running to me calling me… ‘Murderer…’ something in my brain said which sent a chill up my spine and shattered the mental image.

I lifted my hooves to my head and shook my head, “stop!” I hissed through my teeth, “I could have a family if I worked hard for it!”

‘Like Sunny worked for hers?’ the thought said.

I shook my head, “no… she… she was using me to have one and…” that wasn't true as the memory of when we had finished one of our… extra lessons she sat on my lap as she cuddled against me, “do you want a family?” I could hear her voice so clearly in my head I clenched my eyes closed tightly.

“Maybe someday,” I said thinking of the memory.

“Does it matter which mare?” The memory asked… I could remember her smell and her look as she looked to me.

I shook my head, “I guess it's…” My wings fell to the floor along with my hooves as the warmth drained from my face. I felt like I just swallowed an ice cube as I spoke softly, “what… what ever mare I got pregnant…”

I felt my blood freezing as I sat staring at nothing. I knew she hated me because of what I did but now I truly knew why. She wasn't using me she was doing what any mare wanted… to be a mother… and she wanted a pony who would love her…. Me… I didn't love her, like maybe, but not love… I was sure of it because every time I looked at Serenity she took my breath away and her smile made my heart skip. Sunny was just… well… a mare who found a stallion who wanted a family for the first mare he got pregnant… she got pregnant with his foal and… he… I… left her to…

Bubbles head poked up from the stairs smiling, “Split! Come on we're waiting for you!” She caught my look and her ears folded back, “what's wrong… you are not leaving me are you?”

‘Split… you can think about Sunny later… give Bubble a smile and follow her down… oh and give her a good lie,’ my mind told me.

I stood up and smiled, “just thinking about what kind of armor I can get a little pink filly!” It was not the best lie but it would be good enough for her.

She stuck her tongue out at me, “why do I have to have armor? Serenity doesn't wear any!”

I bent my head down as I walked to her and she put her hooves on my head and with a small hop jumped onto my head. I lifted my head up and tilted my head back sending the filly laughing down the back of my neck to my back and started down the stairs, “because… I won't have any filly around me not protected with the best I could provide,” I wanted to say my filly but I held my tongue for now, “and I will find something for her too when I can.”

Bubble huffed for a second, “maybe… but I don't have to like it…” She looked up the stairs and then down, “Split… can I ask you something?” I stopped before I got to the bottom and looked back to her. She was tapping her fore hooves together lightly and looked incredibly nervous.

I cocked my brow and nodded, “sure sweetie… what is it?” The thoughts and guilt from what I did to Sunny momentarily vanishing.

She swallowed hard, “it's just that… I was wondering if… if I can call…” She looked to me for a long moment. Her eyes locked onto mine and I could see a pain in her eyes and small tears begin to form in the corner of them. Suddenly she looked away with a disappointing frown, “never mind…”

My ears dropped back and I frowned flatly at her, “oh no young lady!” I lifted a wing and began to tickle her side, “what is it? Tell me!” I said as she started to squirm on my back and started to laugh and giggle.

After a minute or so I managed to get her into my wing and was holding her close as she wiped her eyes trying to calm the giggling. She looked up smiling but the smile faded, “please Split… I… I'm not ready to ask yet…” She looked down at my wing her ears folding back.

I was going crazy for wanting to know but I gave her a soft smile, “ok sweetie,” I pulled her close and gently kissed her head, “I can answer anything for you when you are ready…”

She looked up and smiled softly, “thanks Split…” She leans against me and tries to wrap her tiny hooves around my neck. I lowered my head over her and hugged her close.

“Split?” I looked up to see Serenity at the bottom of the stairs looking up with concern. I smiled and shook my head and she smiled, gave a nod and walked away.

I lowered Bubble down to the steps as she looked up with a smile. I gently ran a hoof through her mane, “go help Serenity with getting ready… I got to get my armor on and a few other supplies,” she gave a single nod and bounced the rest of the way down the stairs. I followed her and watched as she talked with Serenity and they walked outside. Instantly I sighed and walked to my armor hanging my head.

As I began to step into it Lucky walked over, “what's wrong lad?” he was levitating a orange pouch of, what I knew all too well, Rad-A-Way. I looked to it confused then thought back to how much magical radiation I have taken and allowed him to pop the tip of the built in straw off and I sucked it down. It was tart and tasted like someone wanted to give it some kind of flavor but it just tasted like crap.

I looked at the dial on my pip-buck drop down and I let out a slow breath from my nose, “I just remembered something I did to a mare that… I am not proud of,” Lucky sat down his eyes looking at me without judgement. If anything he looked patient and willing to hear me out. So I told him how I got a mare pregnant and had her turned over when she wanted me to be a family with her. I told him how she was most likely forced to get rid of the foal and imprisoned at best and then the icing on the cake that I told her that I was willing to setting down with the first mare I got pregnant.

He looked at me for a long time or at least I assumed he was looking at me as my eyes never left my hooves. I was feeling bad for remembering what I did and while he silently judged me I was starting to feel worse. He however lifted a hoof and set it on my shoulder, “Split… I can't say what you did was good… in fact that was downright despicable,” whatever I needed to hear that was not it and I began to deflate but stopped when he spoke again, “however… the Split who did that seems to be different from the one beating himself up in front of me,” I looked up at his comforting smile, “am I wrong?” at my confused look he clarified, “do you think you would have said or done that now?” I slowly shook my head, “good… and with that I can say that even if you remember doing it and even if you did… it wasn't you, it wasn't the Splitstream I know.”

I felt my smile spread, “thanks Lucky…” I hung my head and then stood up and looked to him, “do you mind if we set some time to talk every now and then?”

Lucky looked a bit stunned but gave a kind smile and nodded, “sure lad… I'd be happy to,” then he started to laugh, “might have to start charging for therapy sessions!”

I chuckled as well and started for the door stopping to look at the mare who was sitting in the corner where I saw Cedar sitting when we first met. She looked to me and flushed a deep red and looked away. I looked to Lucky who shrugged and turned and walked up the stairs towards my room.

I walked close to her and smiled at how much better she looked, she was still very skinny and didn't seem to be able sit still, but better. I stopped close to her and smiled softly, “never got your name…” I placed a hoof on my chest, “I'm-”

“Splitstream…” She said as I watched her cheeks grow a deeper red. She swallowed and quickly glanced at me, “I'm… Hey You…” The sound of her tone made it seem like that is all she knew either by the drugs and being called it she had forgotten.

I shook my head, “not while I'm here you won't be,” she lifted her head as I leaned back to think.

Her tone sounded skeptical but had a hint of hope, “you… are going to give me a name?”

I looked down at her and took her appearance in and smiled, “Diamond...” I have to admit that my mothers name came to mind as well for some reason, but it seemed to fit.

I was thinking of something more but she grinned, “Diamond…” She held up a small necklace with gold heart shape on it, “Locket!”

I smiled and gave a nod, “Diamond Locket... it suits you,” she giggled and then flung herself wrapping her hooves around my neck. I was scared that she was going to kiss me, like I needed that in my life, but she just hugged me weakly.

I hugged her back and gently pat her back, “make sure Lucky knows and get stronger. We will be back when we can.”

She let go and I helped her back into the stool and leaned her against the wall, “Thank you Split… and… I will.”

She leaned on the bar weakly and I gave her a small wave before I turned and trotted out the door into the wasteland, which seemed to be a little brighter. My eyes scanned the area taking in Pineapple talking to an excited Bubble Gum who was sitting on his back as he tightened straps to a large wagon. Serenity, predictably, was waiting by the door with her flank pressed firmly against the wall staring at the enormous stallion.

I smiled noticing that she had not yet noticed me and lifted a hoof and gently ran it up her spine. I watched as she shivered and turned to glare at me but I just smiled, “you will be fine… he is quite nice and very polite.”

I watched as his ears swiveled to us and his eyes glance over as her glare melted into a look of shy fear, “I… I know but… the… the thingz stallionz have done to me…” She started to shake as her wings pulled to her side tightly. I could hear the tremble in her voice.

I placed a hoof on her cheek and the shaking subsided almost instantly, “remember that I am here… and I won't let anything hurt you or that little filly… I promise,” she relaxed as she smiled back. I leaned forward teasing her with a kiss in which I kissed the tip of her muzzle, “why don't you ride with Bubble for now?” She nodded and turned to walk to the cabin.

I grinned as she glanced back slightly, ‘ha! I win this round!’ She smiled sweetly and the her tail brushed against my cheek and slowly under my chin. I felt my face split in a wide grin as the sent of her filled my nostrils. It slowly started to pull away as she walked and I didn't want it to go yet so I leaned forward to keep it against me but it kept moving so I leaned more and more and… BAM! I slammed my chin onto the ground hard. my eyes watered as she smirked back to me as I lay on the ground with my back half in the air, ‘you will never win Split…’ my pony said.

I growled, “sure… when we win it's we but when we lose…” I slowly pulled myself to my hooves and watched as Pineapple said something to Serenity. She backed up with worry but he also flinched and lowered his head and I heard something like an apology.

I moved forward in time to catch him say something about a mare. He looked to me then back to her, “so… I left the Steel Rangers to find my mare… I planned on marrying her and it hasn't changed.”

Serenity didn't look scared anymore… if anything she looked sorry a reaching a hoof out and gently placed it on his shoulder. He looked at it surprise for a second before his face broke into a sad smile. I stood next to Serenity, “what happened?” I asked feeling an odd anger swell up inside as I watched the huge stallion close his eyes to hide the pain.

He let out a breath, “she… she was taken…” he eyes opened and became steel and that moment I was glad it wasn't me who took her, “those damned winged fucking parasites.” His tone made Serenity take a step back and instantly his eyes softened as he looked to her, “Sorry about that…”

I cocked my brow, “winged… parasites?...” My mind went to a bunch of parasites carrying off a unicorn mare as she screamed. Then my eyes slowly traveled to my black armored wings and my heart dropped.

“Alicorns,” he said with disgust, “They are evil and highly dangerous,” I must have been wearing my expression like a mask because he cocked any eyebrow, "you ok?" feeling my heart calm down now that I knew it wasn't more pegasi and gave him a nod.

He straightened up as Serenity gave her wings a few flaps lifting into the air and then landing gently into the back of the wagon with Bubble Gum who sat between her front hooves as she laid down, I walked up beside Pineapple. I glanced up to him my confusion skyrocketing, “Alicorns! Like… the Princesses Celestia and Luna?”

“Goddesses!” Bubble Gum said frowning at me, “you even said they were goddesses!”

I nodded to her, “They may be now but before the wasteland they were Princesses.”

Bubble opened her mouth but Serenity put a wing to her mouth and nodded, “he's right zweetie.” Bubble slumped. Serenity smiled and gently pet Bubble Gums mane as she looked to Pineapple, “anyhow… Alicornz?”

Pineapple frowned to Serenity, “you seem very…” She cocked her head and I found it looking rather adorable as Bubble cocked her head too. He shook his head, “never mind… anyhow yes… there are three color of Alicorns but apart from that not much is known. They talk like they are one like they share experiences and follow something they call the goddess.” The sound of the word Goddess was like me tasting the Rad-A-Way after eating a mintal.

Serenity cocked her head, “the… Goddezz? That zoundz… pretentiouz.”

I smiled at her accent with that sentence making my feather curl with delight. Pineapple looked to her and nodded, “most of the Steel Rangers would agree with you,” he said looking to the east as the road split in two directions. One went to the east and the other went west. A sign had a white arrow pointing right with a white Las Pegasus with a number 25 on it and the 3 arrows pointing the other way had Ponyville, Manehatten and Canterlot in respective numbers of 50, 75 and 90.

I looked at some of the graffiti on the sign and frowned, “so… why did you leave the Steel Rangers?” I glanced back as he folded his ears back, “what?”

“The… they told me that I should just give up on her and focus on my mission to securing technology that would help us with securing our place in the wasteland,” he closed his eyes, “that's not why I signed up.”

I cocked a brow and my head and Bubble Gum spoke up, “my Momma told me that Steel Rangers are raiders with bigger guns and better armor!”

I flinched a little at Bubbles bluntness and slowly looked to Pineapple. He… just smiled at the filly and gave a nod, “many of the Steel Rangers have lost their way… I want to talk with the pony who helped me make my decision to sign up to see what I should do… until then,” he looked to the back of the wagon which had a large dirty white sheet over something. Serenity was laying on a few sacks of something with Bubble next to the sheet. She looked curious and lifted it and I could see the clean metal beneath.

I looked to Pineapple and smiled, “which way to Stable 20? And which way to see that pony you need to talk to?”

He pointed to the left, “it's not far from here… the stable I mean,” he looked at me raising an eyebrow, “the pony I need to talk to… he is quite a ways off… between Ponyville and Canterlot.”

I winced, “that's a lot of ground to cover…,” I looked to Serenity who just rolled her eyes smiling and Bubble gave me a happy nod, “well then… let's stop by the stable so we can help you find him!” I said grinning up at him.

His eyes widened in surprise, “say what now? You want to help me? Why?”

“Bored,” I shrugged.

“I'm sticking by him,” Serenity said with a nod to me.

“Because you shouldn't have to travel without friends!” Bubble said with a big grin.

Pineapple looked at the filly, “friends?” he looked to Serenity who just nodded and then to me, “really?”

I lifted my hoof, “I know how much it sucks to work on your own,” I looked to Bubble and Serenity then back, “so you're stuck with us,” I chuckled, "well for now at lest."

He looked at me and my hoof for several seconds before he smiled and shook his head, “you're an odd one Split…” he lifted a hood and bumped mine, which I think made me skid back a little, but he chuckled and looked to Bubble Gum, “Thank you tiny…”

She huffed puffing her chest out, “who you callin’ tiny!”

Serenity giggled, “you sweetie!” She then leaned close and blew a raspberry on her side. The filly let out a breath which she was holding to puff out her chest and fell to her side laughing while trying to keep Serenity from doing it to little effect.

“Well ain't this cute?” came a greasy voice from behind us.

Bubble Gums laughs died away instantly and I slowly looked back to see several ponies walking from behind overturned wagons and huge rocks. The inner me smirked as I noticed none of the had any kind of firearms, then one buck walked forward. He was a ugly brown with a yellow mane and equally yellow eyes. Serenity stiffened next to me and my eyes narrowed. I don't normally care too much about a stallion but you remember the one who tried to worm your mare from you.

Pineapple started to pull the straps as I walked forward dropping my metal wings to the ground making the blades sink into the asphalt with ease and cutting deep lines as I walked. I passed a filthy pink mare with blue eyes holding a pipe of some kind in a yellow magical aura and gave her a smirk and a wink. Her magic faltered and the pipe fell to the dirt and she backed up. I turned my smirk to the stallion as my thoughts played out fun ideas of what I could do to him.

The metal on my wings rang as I lifted them from the road and held them up showing the blades still as sharp as I had gotten them, “are you fast enough?” if he wanted to play I was sure I could get one of my Dash inhalers and take it before anypony moved.

I flinched as I looked down, ‘wait… since when did I need Dash to win?’ I thought, however as I tried to think about it something hard slammed against the side of my head staggering me to the side and making my ear ring. The pain was incredible and I am sure i blacked out a little at some point because a warm wet sensation on my neck and shoulders had not been there before.

I could not hear anything from that side of my head and I swayed as my balance felt like I was trying to stand on a floor with water under it. My other ear on the other hoof clearly heard the scream of Bubble Gum from behind me and then a bang from a rifle. The pony next to the stallion who I was walking to dropped with a bullet between his eyes and a moment later a loud blast that knocked me over peppering me with little rocks and pieces of ponies.

I opened an eye to see a the stallion lifting a huge hammer over me with a wicked grin on his face. He said something but my ear and the screams, gun fire and explosions did not make it clear and the hammer came down to smash me in the face. I rolled to my side and thrust my hind hoof out. My good ear heard the clatter of the wooden handle soon after the metal head smashed into the road breaking a small chuck of the road, spraying debris all over. I looked to see the stallion bent over holding his stomach a look of pain on his face. I started to pull myself to my hooves when a flash caught my eye and I looked to see the mare I winked at tackle another stallion with a hoofball bat in his jaws with splatters of blood on it.

I lifted a hoof to my ear and realized what it was and who had hit me. The mare was small and with a swing and a clear sound of breaking ribs the mare fell to her side trying to scream but that hit pushed the wind from her lungs. He reared up to smash her head in but I was already pushing the plunger of the Dash inhalers down and breathing in deeply. The world slowed to a crawl and I became a bullet with blades.

I flung myself to the stallion and using my momentum and a good push of my fore hooves hit him in his side. Before he fell away I spun and bucked him in the side of the head with all I could muster changing his momentum from a slight fall to an unconscious flop. I looked to the mare who was curled up holding get her side with her eyes tightly closed groaning with pain. I then looked up to the stallion who brought all of this turning to run away.

I shook my head, “not if I have anything to say about it!” my wings snapped and I was flung forward with incredible force. Before the Dash wore off I was already in front of him and was in the middle of a buck as he tried to stop. My rear hooves smashed into his muzzle making a loud crack and blood sprayed from his nostrils as he reared up and fell back. Pineapple was walking over to me but I could hardly make it out as my heart thundered in my bad ear and my head.

When he reached me he placed a large hoof on the stallion and said in a careful tone, “Bubble has a healing potions ready for you… hurry… she's scared.”

I wobbled and panted as i hung my head trying to give some kind of movement to show him I understood. Moving my head at the moment was not a very good idea so he walked over to my saddlebag and after a second of searching he pulled out a needle and jabbed it into my neck and pressed the pain killing drug into my system. The pain began to subside and little and I started to walk to the cart. I glanced around the best I could to the carnage that my new friend and lover caused. If it was a whole pony it had a single bullet hole in its head… if not then… well… I hoped Bubble was out of sight.

I was almost to the cart when the mare who saved my head from another hit started to rise and… Serenity's eyes looked to her with daggers and her rifle began to lift to aim at her. It was like I was in the effects of Dash as I sprang forward and hit the gun away to try and save the mare. The gun fired and I new fierce pain burned from my ear as the round hit it and luckily grazed it taking a small chunk from my ear if I wasn't bleeding before I was now as the side of my head was now soaked with my blood.

I hissed in pain grabbing the side of my head and Serenity dropped the gun in horror. I could barely hear her quivering voice as she quickly moved putting her hooves around me as she frantically tried to apologize the high pitched ringing in my ear took over my ability to hear much at all. Bubble Gum hurried over and held out a healing potion to me and as I took it she pulled another and began to work the cap off. I guzzled the potion down and began to feel the sensation of something being moved back into place. With a sudden and awkward feeling pop in my ear I could hear Serenity crying as she held me tightly as she continued to say she was sorry it was still muffled but i could at least hear again and was getting better.

I blinked as the vision in the eye on the side of my head I was hit began to focus, ‘damn that hit messed me up worse than I thought, and I took the other potion from Bubble and began to drink.

Serenity was shaking as I slowly pushed her back and lifted her wet and scared face. She looked to the side of my head and whimpered, “Split… I…”

I cut her off by placing a hoof over her muzzle and shook my head, ‘whoa ok… after a head trauma like that… not fast head movements while healing’, I thought and grabbed my head.

Before I could gather my thoughts a soft thump of something landing next to me caused me to look away from Serenity to see the stallions both bound and gagged tossed to the ground as the mare stood next to a very angry looking Pineapple. I looked to Pineapple, “she saved me,” was all I could manage as the swimming feeling began to subside.

Apparently that was all I needed to say as Bubble Gum pulled a healing potion for her which she took and began to drink looking to us her ears back and very skeptical. I groaned and leaned back against the wagon and sliding down to sit. I closed my eyes which Serenity took the opportunity to lean her head against my chest. I made her wince as my wing wrapped around her, being careful to keep my blades away from her. She relaxed and started to cry again softly mumbling as she sobbed. I then winced myself as I felt Bubble take a cloth and touch it to the side of my head.

Pineapple looked to me then to the two stallions, “okay… first question… what do we do with these two assholes?” His tone suggested they would make a fine road paste and I was certain he could do it.

I looked up, “were you… Bubble or Serenity hurt?”

He shook his head then took a long worried look to Serenity, “not… physically…” I nodded knowing Serenity and I would have to have a talk about what happened.

I looked down to the sobbing mare and kissed the top of her head making her look up her face wet with tears, “get in the wagon and keep Bubble out of sight,” her eyes shrank but I smiled, “trust me.”

She gave a weak smile and stood up wiping her face with her wings. Her voice was frail and full of regret but she smiled to the filly, “Sweetie… can you move back to the front with me?”

Bubble must have nodded because she didn't say anything, at least I hope she didn't and I didn't have some kind of permanent damage to my hearing. She hopped up into the wagon as I slowly stood. Pineapple used a hoof to help steady me as I looked down to the stallions the world was still a bit like trying to stand on a storm cloud, “I have plenty of ideas of what we should do,” I said with as much venom as I could muster which must have been something because the stallion I kicked in the face recoiled in fear as the ground around him began to darken. I snorted, “untie them… give them 20 seconds to run… if you still see them… they are fair game,” I leaned against the wagon for support as Pineapple moved and started to slap the other stallion awake.

I looked to see the stunned expression of the mare who saved me watching as he began to stir. Pineapple looked the stallion in the eye and said with a promise of unimaginable pain, “I am going to untie you… you have to the count of 20 to get the buck out of here… got me?” The stallion nodded and Pineapple began to untie him and he looked to me. Pineapple snorted, “yeah… thank him while you can… if it were up to me I'd use you to fill in the holes on this road.” I watched as the stallions ears pasted back as he looked to me. I just smiled and managed to straighten up a little. The swimming feeling was almost gone, now what I was feeling was… an incredible headache.

Once he was untied Pineapple started on the other buck while he took off like a bat out of hell not even glancing back as he ran. The other followed when he was released but he glanced back a small frown on his muzzle but something else in his eyes.

Pineapple stood up and walked to the mare and I realized how tiny she was when he stood before her. She shrank back with a small squeak her ears flattened against her head as he looked to her then to me, “what about her?”

I shrugged, “what about her?” I took a breath and trotted over the clack of my armored hooves sounding like gunshots in my aching head. I stopped before her and bent down, “why did you save me?” She had pretty eyes… nothing like Serenity's… when she was not looking to kill… but pretty soft red eyes.

She squirmed a little, “be… because I felt… felt like it!” She said trying to sound tough but the shake in her tone gave away her fear.

I looked to Pineapple who just glanced back and shrugged. I sighed and smiled, “I'm not about to hurt somepony who saved my head from anymore brain damage… please… why?”

She fidgeted with her hooves for a moment before she looked up, “be… because you… you're the first pony to look at me like a mare and not… not something else,”

I frowned, “you… are a mare though… aren't you?” as I said it my eyes started to wander over her features. I was sure, without being rude or perverted, that indeed she was.

She however shook her head, “not to most ponies… I'm… I'm just some…”

A pair of aqua green hooves wrapped around her making her flinch but Serenity just held the mare, “whatever they zaid to you… or however they treated you… you are a mare… a strong and beautiful mare,” the mare looked ahead of her in shock then slowly the tears began to form. She started to slowly lowered into Serenity's embrace and began to sob openly. Serenity looked up to us, hurt and fear still in her eyes but she smiled, “give uz a moment alone pleaze?”

I watched the mare who so easily had captured my heart for a few moments and felt my muzzle break into a soft grin, “help her love…” Serenity took a quivering breath at the word love and looked like she wanted to cry again but nodded. I stood up and with some support from Pineapple we began back to the wagon and the waiting Bubble as the mare cried into Serenity.

As we walked back to… ok him walk me swaying like a drunken sailor… to the wagon I looked to Pineapple, “what did you use in that fight?” I asked feeling small next to him.

He pulled out a small metal apple and smiled at me, “I'm a bit of a demolitions expert. I am very good at calculating where I need to toss something like this for the full effect.”

I looked around at the mess and nodded, “yeah… I'd say so…” when we got to the wagon he pushed a hoof on it, it tilted back allowing me to climb on without much difficulty. I groaned as I slumped onto the sacks putting a hoof over my eyes and face, “okay.,. The world can stop spinning now…”

Bubble moved up and tilted my head to the side a bit, “you're lucky that the healing potion was able to fix the damage inside your ear… you're going to have a bit of a weird looking indent in the side of your ear,” she pulled out another healing potion, “take it… we can't have you unbalanced because the inside of your head is lopsided.”

I frowned at the filly who just looked back holding the potion up to me. I let out a sigh and drank the potion and she gave me a big smile. Celestia the things I will do to make that filly smile… including but not limited to taking healing supplies that we may need in the future. Despite that thought though the spinning finally subsided enough and the headache dulled to a tolerable throb allowing me to sit up and see that Serenity and the mare were walking over.

The mare looked at me and flushed a deep red before looking to Serenity, “you are one hellava Lucky mare to have a stud like him!”

Serenity's ears folded back but I grinned to the mare, “please… I'm lucky to have a mare like her!” Serenity's eyes went wide and she looked down bashfully. I would deal with that when we had our own privacy right now I wanted to make sure the mare was set. I looked to the mare, “so what are your plans now?”

She shrugged, “to be honest… I'm not sure. Wander around until something happens?” She sounded like the thing that would happen would not be preferred.

I thought for a moment, “why not going to Lucky's Saloon and seeing if he will hire you?” She looked to me like I was crazy and I shrugged, “tell him I sent you… he shouldn't have an issue with some help from anypony just mention i sent you,” I gave her a smile.

She looked at me for a long moment, “you're… serious… me? Why help me?”

Bubble looked to her, “why not?” The mare looked to the filly like she wanted to argue but Bubble smiled, “you are a nice pony… and you helped Split… so it's the right thing to do to help back.”

She looked from her to me and back then with a soft sigh a tiny smile spread across her face, “fine… I will try,” she turned to Serenity and the two of them hugged. A small part of me had some interesting thoughts but I took that thought and stuck it into a cannon and launched it to the moon. When they parted she smiled at the mare, “Thank you…,” she looked to me and then Bubble, “all of you… for a second chance!”

Pineapple cocked an eyebrow, “well… don't blow it okay?” She nodded and with one final look she turned and trotted back the way we came from.

We watched until she crested the small hill and then Pineapple started working on the straps again to hook himself back up. I looked to Serenity who carefully picked her rifle up from the ground and set it on the wagon with an expression of regret. I leaned my head back to look at Bubble and Pineapple, “hey.., you guys wanna check the fallen to see if they have anything we can use.”

Pineapple looked at me with the question of why on his lips but then his eyes wandered to Serenity and he nodded and picked Bubble Gum up much like a mother cat would do to kitten. She curled instantly as he turned and set her on his back and began to trot off saying something about teaching her something cool.

Once they were out of earshot I looked to Serenity and patted the sacks next to me and with a deep hurting frown she climbed up next to me. I grabbed her before she could find a place to sit and pulled her onto me. She squeaked, “Split! Ow you're armor!” but she didn't fight as I held her close and started to stroke her mane.

I spoke softly and carefully, “tell me… you shot the unicorn after I caught him didn't you?” She was quiet for far longer that it took to say no. I gently leaned her back and looked her in the eye, “Serenity… did you?”

She closed her eye sending a fresh tears down her cheek, “yez…” her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke.

I lifted a hoof and brushed her mane from her face to see both of her eyes. She may be scared but I loved to see her full face. I didn't smile but I kept my tone soft, “why?”

She sniffed and gave a small sob, “I… I don't know… it'z… it'z like I want to end him before he can hurt me again… and when I zaw Cherry Cola… before I knew what she was I thought she waz going to… to…”

I looked at her in confusion then almost face hoofed, “I never asked her name… did I?” Serenity blinked at me in surprise and then shook her head no with a warm smile. I sighed, “give a mare a name and forget to ask another her's…” The look I got from that and I smiled, “the mare from the room next door… she didn't have a name so I gave her one… Diamond Locket.”

Serenity smiled at that, “that's a pretty name!” but then she lowered her head and looked at the rifle, “I… I don't want to shoot again… I… I can't take shooting you again… you're the one who got hurt and I felt every bit of it in my chest.”

With my hoof again I made her look at me as I placed it under her chin, “Serenity… it was my fault for being at the wrong end to begin with… and was the only thing I could think of…,”I frowned and looked to the side, “Am I happy you shot the unicorn buck? No” she deflated a little, “should you have told me how you felt… yes” she deflated a bit more, “am I upset with you because of what you did?” I watched as she closed her eyes tightly waiting. I smiled, “no…” She opened her eyes and looked to me in disbelief. I shook my head, “with what you have been through… I'm lucky I can touch you at all… and with how we… um… improved… our relationship… I was both happy and impressed.” She gave a small smile and I leaned up and kissed her head softly, “just… let's try and talk to each other more about problems we have… okay?”

She gave a small nod making her mane fall back over her face. I sighed and kissed her forehead and she sniffed, “what do I do now?”

I thought about that for a long moment then looked down to a rifle, “keep the rifle on you…” She shook a little and I patted her head. She looked up to me and I pointed to Pineapple and Bubble which she followed my hoof to look at them, “we need to keep her safe… and I can't do it alone… I need your help,” she watched the pair as Bubble watched as Pineapple crushed a rock under his hoof to Bubbles amazement which she tried but the filly could easily stand on the rock she wanted to crush with no effect. She gave a small bounce and with surprising speed he hit the rock and it broke and the filly looked down at it then up to him with a huge smile.

Serenity sat up watching her as a warm smile spread across her face, “I… I won't let anything happen to her…” She looked down to me, “you're right…” She lifted her rifle and slung it over her back, “but… I have a favor to azk…” I tore my eyes from the bouncing excited filly and looked to her. She frowned, “don't get hurt like that again… what happened?”

I swallowed and looked away knowing she meant why i suddenly stopped while i was in front of the group, ‘wait… why are you ashamed?’

I cleared my throat, “I uh… trying to think of a quick way to end it and my brain fizzled out…” She looked to me concerned and I laughed, “hey… I would like to joke that the hit to my head was not a vital organ… but… that hurt.”

She looked at me flatly, “you don't zay?” She then lowered herself down onto my chest and touched her muzzle to mine and looked into my eyes, “promize me you won't get hurt like that again…”

I swallowed, “I can't promise I won't… but I will promise I will be a lot more careful.” I think she was fine with that because she pushed her lips to mine. I was pulling my hooves over her when I heard a sound next to me and I opened my eyes and looked over.

Pineapple was leaning on the side of the wagon with his head in his hooves with Bubble doing the same on his head. They both sighed and simultaneously went, “aww…”

Serenity quickly looked to them and went bright red and I was sure I was too but all I could tell was my face was burning as I glared at them, “no fair being that big and quiet!” I sat up helping Serenity off me, “and what do you mean Aww?”

Bubble just giggled and Pineapple shrugged and went to start hooking up the straps again. I glanced at Serenity who looked up from under her mane with a small smile… damn she was cute… Bubble was helping pull straps over the massive stallions back to make things a little easier, however by the looks she was making it more difficult but he just smiled and continued to let her.

I was watching them for a few moments when something caught my eye past the sign. I cocked my head and slowly hopped from the wagon and wandered over to… to… it was a body… a body in some weird metal box. I shivered and looked around noticing nothing around the area to suggest where the box came from. As I looked inside my recently healed ear gave a weird high pitched whistle that went away almost as soon as it came but I rubbed it with a small wince. I really hoped it was not going to be serious and permanent. I looked down at the bones in the box and frowned, “somepony must have dumped you here… huh?” I muttered softly.

Serenity walked over next to me, “Split… are you okay?” She looked down into the box, “zomepony you know?”

I reached into the box and pulled a glowing orb from inside, “no but… maybe this could shed some light…” I sighed, “provided I can get a recollector…”

“I got one,” I heard Pineapple call from the wagon making me look back. He pointed a hoof into a deep green duffel bag, “inside…”

Serenity and I began walking back when she leaned forward to look at me, “are… you okay? You seem… off,” her tone sounded worried which made her look even worse.

I smiled feeling a bit odd myself but just shrugged, “was smacked upside the head with a hoofball bat… so…” I wasn't sure if that was the reason or not but seemed to be the best excuse I could come up with.

We got back to the wagon and I hopped into the back and began to rummage through Pineapples saddle bags not exactly sure what a earth pony recollector looked like, “so… you look through memory orbs?” I asked him as I pulled out a weird looking suit and set it aside.

Serenity hopped up next to me and laid down and Bubble snuggled up next to her and he began to start walking to the left and down the road. He looked back over his shoulder at me and grinned, “nah… tried it once and don't like the feeling of being helpless while inside one.”

I pulled up the familiar crown and looked it over in my hooves at the beautiful gold trimmed and sleek black metal. It had a circular slot that you placed the memory orb in and then the recollector would allow you to see what was inside a memory orb. Memory orbs held a pony's feelings, sights and smells to see what or why the memory was worth taking. It also allowed a pony to maintain their own thoughts while you rode, goddesses that sounded wrong, the pony in the orb.

I looked at my pip-buck and using my inventory sorting spell I was able to pull out the memory orb far faster than having somepony fish it out. I handed the orb to Serenity, “can you set the orb inside once I get the crown on?” She nodded and I started to strap the crown on, “okay… I will be out for a bit so keep me covered.” She and Bubble nodded and soon I was ready for her to set the orb inside.

I laid down and suddenly felt very worried considering this was my first time inside an orb, but the thought of turning back dashed as she placed the orb into the slot and when she lowered a small arm that keeps the orb from slipping out and the crown started to hum and then my world swirled to black.


As I started to become aware of my surrounding… well more of the pony I was… the more I started to realize that maybe memory orbs were not such a bad idea. I was a stallion who was quite large. My wings felt odd and my body felt heavy but my hoof steps were light. I was walking through a dark hallway with light marble floor and large windows on either side of the hall. I could see it was night outside and if I could shrug I would having seen the stars and moon before however…. With the city and the smaller town in the distance it made the view breathtaking.

My host walked to a large set of double doors and lifted a hoof to push them open without knocking. He walked into… I think my physical jaw dropped as he walked into a large room with banners hanging from the ceiling. Large pillars went around the room and lined the red rug that lead to a large golden throne. Sitting upon that throne was… nopony… my host walked to the throne and looked into the polished gold so I could see a little more of who I was. My cut and styled back deep blue mane had a single red bang dangling down in between my eyes. My clear blue eyes reminded me of Serenity's with a slit like pupil.

I placed a hoof on the throne and ran a hoof along it, “he's late…” My voice was firm and sounding irritated.

"I'm not late son…” My host turned to see a unicorn stallion walking along the red carpet towards me. He was a light gray coat with a platinum blond mane that was slicked back. His steel colored eyes were soft as he looked to my host from behind a pair of small square glasses. He had an odd cutiemark of a thin sword like thing holding a crown on its tip. He strode forwards, “you are just early.”

My host chuckled and walked down to meet the stallion. When they came face to face they embraced and I felt my host ask in a soft tone, “how is mom?”

The stallion sighed, “the way things are going… I feel that she may outlive you and I.”

The two shared a laugh for a few seconds before they walked to the throne and sat down. My host looked to the throne and back down to the stallion, “so why did you want to meet me here? Could you not just come to my shop?”

He shook his head, “with what I want to ask I feel your wife would kill me,” my host cocked his brow and tensed ever so slightly. The stallion then slowly looked into the eye of my host, “Things are getting bad… real bad… could you-”

My host stood up and started to walk away, “We are done here!”

“Ace!” the stallion called and trotted up before me, “Ace please… we need all of the help we can get… you need to-”

Ace turned and pressed his muzzle to the stallions face with a glare that made the stallion step back in fear, “I need to care for my family! Nothing more nothing less… you forget that I stepped down to keep from the Princesses from using me!” as he spoke I felt a heat rising in his throat that made me want to cough or puke or something.

The gray stallion nodded, “yes I am aware… but Ace… I would not have considered it if things were not getting out of hoof… Li… Littelehorn… it… it was attacked.”

Ace stepped back his eyes going wide and back peddle is shock, “y… you lie!” he steadied himself as I felt a cool sensation like he just swallowed an ice cube got rid of the heat, “why… why would they attack?”

The stallion stood up frowning running a hoof over his head soothing his mane, “I wish I knew… but even I cannot set a hoof on the grounds due to some cloud. It eats away at you from the inside…” I watched as the stallion shivered which made my host and I worried. The stallion calmed himself with a sigh, “Celestia is devastated… Luna… I haven't even seen her,” he said looking to the empty throne, “I feel… things are about to get worse… a whole lot worse so… I came asking for your help,” he looked back to me and my host.

Ace stood for a long time but then slowly shook his head, “I cannot fight or leave my wife and foals in this time… I can't and won't… you know that better than anypony,” the stallion lowered his head. Ace continued, “however… I have been working on a few new projects… things to make pegasi dangerous without carrying swords or firearms… things that make earth ponies worthy opponents… and unicorn's the ability to wield better weapons.” The unicorn looked to him skeptically but then my host snapped open his wings with a familiar metal on metal Shink and smiled as the stallion looked at them, “wing blades… for starters… gives armor and a deadly blade without costing speed.” he folded his wings up, “I have to talk to a few ponies about a few ideas for them but in the end I have working on mass production… just give me some time. It's not the best but it will help.”

The stallion sighed, “I'm not so sure anymore… I'm really not.”

I felt Ace smirk, “just relax Platinum… we have one of the best tacticians in Equestria to help if things get out of hoof,” Ace turned to leave the smirk fading from his face.

Aces ears picked up Platinum as he spoke softly, “in Equestria maybe… but… things are far beyond that now…”

My host sighed and lowered his head, “I am not sure what to do… if I go I hurt my family… if I don't… I hurt everypony…”


As I came to I felt confused and a little down at what I witnessed. I also felt very uncomfortable as I realized several things about my current predicament. First I was hoof cuffed on my back to a ragged and worn bed in a dark room. There was a little light coming from a window over the top of me which showed little dust particles floating in the room. It had a heavy smell of must and a damp feel about it. I was out of my armor and feeling very naked and beginning to panic until I looked to one side and seen one brilliantly glowing pink eye looking at me.

As I looked to it I swallowed hard, “S… Serenity?” I am not sure why I was feeling scared but I could see she was mad, “what's… what's wrong?”

I watched as her eye closed a little and dropped then I felt something land on my stomach. I looked to see the picture of the mare I found in the office I found the saddlebags. She spoke with a sweetness that made my heart race and sweat beading on my forehead, “have picturez of marez on you all the time?”

I pulled against the hoof cuffs as my dream started to come back and I could now start to hear my heart in my ears, “Serenity… let me out… this… this is not funny…”

She walked forward and when I could see her face I saw… pain… she looked down at the hoof cuffs and lifted a key, “I'm zorry… I juzt…,”

I slumped, “it's nothing to worry about… I found it when I found the saddlebags. I felt that I should keep it both because she was attractive at the time I found it and because of how good of condition it is.”

Serenity looked to the image and cocked a head then slowly looked to me, “really?”

I nodded, “She's attractive but… nothing compared to you.”

I smiled as her face lit up from that compliment and I wiggled my hoof for emphasis to get me out. She looked to my hoof and the to the keys that now dangled on the little claw like thing on her wing. She then looked to me and I watched as her smile spread and she flicked the keys onto my chest which slid down and settled on my stomach. I suddenly began to worry until she licked her lips, “oopz… I will have to get thoze now won't I?” I swallowed hard as my face began to burn and I watched her slowly walk to the foot of the bed where my hind hooves were locked spread apart. Her cheeks turned a bright red, “conzider thiz payment for putting you like thiz…”

I felt her kiss and gently grab the keys and set them aside then another lower kiss and my eyes rolled back and I relaxed as I knew the payment was a very nice trade.

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