• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 2,002 Views, 72 Comments

The New Adventures of Sonata Dusk - The Forgotten Siren

Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie live together as just friends. That is until feeling start to grow.

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Time for the Fair Sonata Dusk

Months have gone by and Pinkie’s feeling started to grow even more for Sonata. However, she never acted on them due to she was worried that Sonata did not feel the same way. Even still, it did not seem to eat her up because she was ok with being “just friends” with the siren and did not want to ruin their friendship. Sonata was very dear to Pinkie and she would do anything to make the siren smile no matter what. On top of that, they both manage to pay the bills, rent, and food every month without missing a deadline. Pinkie and Sonata worked together as a team and the best team ever in Pinkie’s book.

It was the month of fall and both girls were playing in the living room with their new MLP toys. “FWAHAHAHA, Ponies, prepare to meet your untimely DOOM. For I, Lavan, will end Pony Land FWAHAHAHA.” Pinkie said in a deep voice as she held up a Lava monster figurine that she got on Ebay.

“Oh yeah, lava brain, we ponies will defeat you with the Rainbow of Light.” Sonata said as she help up a unicorn figurine and started to make laser noises.”

“NOOOO!” Pinkie said as she imitated explosion noises.

“And Pony Land was save, thanks to MY LITTLE PONIES!” Sonata said as both girls giggled. “That was fun he-he-he-he” Pinkie giggled.

“Yeah, I’m glad we got these new mint condish MLP figurines when we did.” Sonata added.

“Yeah, Who knew Magen had extra mint condition gen one toys that she didn’t mind selling.” Pinkie said as she smiled at Sonata. As soon as she looked at the siren a random question popped into her head. “Hey.. Sonata, I have something to ask.”

“Sure, you can ask me anything, even if it’s totally weird like can we wear bananas as shoes for the day, which we totally can.” Sonata replied as she hoped Pinkie would ask her if they could wear bananas as shoes for the day..

Pinkie thought about the question and was going to say yes until she remembered what she really wanted to ask. “Well, do sirens fall in love?” Pinkie asked.

“Well... according to Adagio, we sirens can fall in love and when we do, our hearts connect with our lovers.” Sonata replied.

“Wow, but you’re a girl Siren, so does that mean you only connect with guy sirens?” Pinkie asked not bothering to question the heart connecting part.

“Oh no, we Sirens are like the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe. We have no gender and can go with either boy or girl.” Sonata explained while using her’s and Pinkie’s second favorite cartoon show as an example.

“Wow! That’s really cool!.” Pinkie commented as she smiled. Suddenly, thanks to her ADHD, another thought came into her head. “Oh my gosh, Sonata!” She gasped with panic in her eyes. “Today is the fair and we should totally go!”

“For realzies?” Sonata questioned. “Do we still have enough “fun money” to spend?”

Pinkie dug into her hair and pulled out the “Fun Jar” that she always kept with her. As she did she looked and saw she had a hundred dollar bill left. “Yeah, we can totally have fun, plus we can invite our friends!” She said eagerly.

Pinkie then grabbed her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed up her friends. After five minutes she was done. Sonata looked at her with a cheerful smile. “Well?”

“Well.... Adagio and Sunset are still working at the museum. Applejack is working today at the brewery. Rarity is on a date with Trenderhoof, and Rainbow Dash is still in the Air Force.” Pinkie said with a disappointed expression on her face. She soon turned her frown upside down. “But Fluttershy is open and she wants to bring her date with her and I said ok.”

“That’s great, but shouldn’t we get ready first?” Sonata asked looking at herself and Pinkie who were still in their Pjs.

Pinkie and Sonata were already in the entrance and waiting for Fluttershy and her boyfriend to show up.

“Oh no what if Fluttershy got lost?” Sonata asked in a panic.

“Don’t be silly, sillynata.” Pinkie patted Sonata on the head. “Fluttershy knows where the fair is. We use to come here all the time.” she said as she looked to see Fluttershy with a very built man beside her holding her hand. “See there she is.” She pointed.

“Oh, are we late?” Fluttershy asked concerned. “I’m sorry if we are late.”

“Don’t be silly. Your never late for FUN!” Pinkie replied. “Now who is ready to HAVE FUN!!”

“YEAH! WE ARE!” Bulk Biceps roared as he flexed.

The girls and Bulk Biceps played all sorts of games such as dunking Milky Way into Milk instead of water for charity, also the bean bag toss, bottle hit, goldfish netting, and even shooting a picture of Nazi leader Grogar, with a BB gun. Pinkie Pie had won many of the games and gave all the prizes to Sonata as gifts. However, Bulk Biceps was able to dunk Milky Way into the milk and won Fluttershy a huge stuffed bear and which he received a kiss. The girls soon walked over to the Nightmare House.

“Come one, come all and see the most terrifying, most deadly hunted ride of your little lives.” Trixie said boasting. It is so scary, that you will lose your minds! HA-HA-HA!” she said as lighting effects came on with pyrotechnics.

Pinkie squeed as she saw the attraction. “Oh my gosh! We need to go on that RIDE!”

“It look...mmm scary.” Fluttershy says shaking. “Can’t we go on the tea cups?”

Bulk Biceps held her close with one arm. “I WILL PROTECT FLUTTERSHY!” He said comforting her.

“Come on, it will be fun Flutters, beside Bulk will protect you from the brain eating leeches or whatever may be in there.” Sonata added with a smile.

“Mm..ok” Fluttershy gave in.

Trixie saw the group coming and gasped. “What..what are you doing here?” Trixie demanded.

“We are here for the ride silly.” Pinkie answered.

“Heeey, aren’t you that show off, who always loses?” Sonata asked with a confused look.

Trixie gritted her teeth. “The grrreat and powerful Trixie never loses. You losers just cheat and make Trixie look bad.” She stated.

“Really? That’s not what it looks like on the winning side?” Pinkie remarked, while not meaning to sound sarcastic.

“Gah, just pay the ticket and get out of my sight, I still haven’t forgot what you did to me that one time.” Trixie glared at Pinkie.

“Huh?” Pinkie thought for a second. “Oooh you mean that time the school saw your underwear and were laughed at for a month. I told you that was an accident, I didn’t know the fan and water bucket was aiming your way.” Pinkie apologized.

Trixie just looked at her and gritted her teeth harder. “They called me “Trixie Thong” for a month thanks to you.” She scowled as she grabbed everyone’s ticket.

The girls got settled in and the ride soon began. As the cart moved passed the black curtains, the show began and out came a demon with pale skin and pins in his head. “I will tear your soul apart.” The animatronics said as it looked at Fluttershy. The poor girl started to shake and hold on tightly to Bulk Biceps. Pinkie and Sonata just giggled and made faces at the creature. As they went in deeper, they saw a creature with knives for fingers, a zombie with a machete and hockey mask. They soon saw a cute little doll. Fluttershy was at ease as the doll asked if it wanted to play. When fluttershy said yes the doll held up a knife covered in blood and spun its head to show its evil side. “LETS PLAY! HE-HE-HE-HE” The animatronics screamed. Fluttershy cried as she held on even tighter to Bulk Biceps. “No more.. Pleeeease make it stop.” Fluttershy whimpered as she buried her face in her boyfriend’s chest. They soon came across other creatures like a giant tomato with teeth, a green ghoulie in a toilet with two other Ghoulies, several demonic toys, and even round little monster with red eyes. Sonata and Pinkie were having a blast as they couldn’t stop laughing at the monsters. As they went through, they soon came across giant bees and bugs. Bulk Biceps start to cower and held Fluttershy tightly. Fluttershy on the other hand stopped being afraid and started to enjoy the giant creatures. She was rather fascinated with the detail they put in the giant black widow and roaches. The ride soon ended and the girls got off, with Bulk Biceps having wet himself due to phobia of bugs.

“That was fun Trixie, thanks.” Pinkie said smiling as she walked away.

“Fun? You were suppose to be afraid and cower.” Trixie commented back.

“Nope, it was cool how you got the monsters to look so evil and blood thirsty.” Sonata said walking with the group. “Oh, and that clown was the best part.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed.

Trixie soon gritted her teeth and looked to see the other costumers. She soon had a blank expression on her face as she realized what Sonata had just said. “Clown?... there is no clown in Trixie’s Nightmare Ride.”

The day progressed as the group had more and more fun. It was soon night time and they wanted to go on one more ride before going back home. “Ok Fluttershy, what ride do you wanna go on last?” Pinkie asked.

“Well.. I would like to go on the Ferris wheel.” Fluttershy replied with a smile. “It seems so romantic.” She mentioned, as she held Bulk’s hand.

“YEAH FOR ROMANCE!” Bulk added.

“That sounds like a great idea Flutters.” Sonata said, holding Pinkie’s hand. “Come on Pink, let’s go on the roller coaster and get to the top and see the world.”

“Ok let’s go.” Pinkie squeed, as she and the rest of the group ran to the Ferris Wheel.

The group soon got the Ferris Wheel and gave the tickets to the man. As Sonata and Pinkie got on the smiled at each other and held hands. The ride soon started and both girls were enjoying the sights as they got higher and higher. Once they were at the top, the ride stopped. Pinkie and Sonata looked into the sky and smile at how pretty the night was and lovely the full mon was. Sonata looked at Pinkie and saw the moon lit on her cute pink face. The siren smiled as she rubbed the pink girls hand. “Pinkie?” Sonata asked.

Pinkie looked at Sonata who was smiling at her and noticed the moon light on her cute blue face. “Yes Sonata?” She replied.

“I.. I..” Sonata looked deep into Pinkie’s eyes and then lean in and kissed her on the lips. After a few minute the two pulled away. “I love you Pinkie Pie, for realzies.” she said with a smile.

Pinkie was shocked to hear those words come out of Sonata’s mouth. “I love you to, I have for a long time.” She commented.

“I know, but I wanted to wait for a special time though.” Sonata said.

“You knew? But how?” Pinkie questioned.

“I’m a siren silly ha-ha. Whenever you and I sing, I could hear the love inside your heart.” Sonata responded. “We sirens have that ability to understand someone through song.”

“Oh, ok he-he, I never knew that.” Pinkie said as she felt her heart beat faster. She was so glad to hear that Sonata loved her to.
Sonata then leaned in and Kiss Pinkie again as the ride lowered. When they got off they held hand and looked into each others eyes and smiled. When Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps got off they saw Pinkie and Sonata. “Oh, what’s going on?” Fluttershy asked innocently.

Both girls looked at her and smiled. They then hugged each other. “We are GIRLFRIENDS HE-HE-HE!” They screamed.

Author's Note:

Ok, I really had fun with this chapter. I know, the whole romance at the fair on the Ferris Wheel is cliché, but this is still cute. And yes, I support Fluttershy and Bulk biceps shipping. I also wanted to use Fluttershy in this chapter because I haven't been using her that much the others.

Also, the monsters in the ride where, Pinhead, Freddy, Jason, Chucky, The Ghoulies, Killer Tomatoes, the small monster that rolled where ever they went. There was a scene were they jump into a guy in an Easter Bunny costume and eat him. I forgot the movie title. Also, Demonic Toys and PuppetMaster