• Published 8th May 2016
  • 2,737 Views, 49 Comments

Oddities Anonymous - TheAlmightyTinCan

Anthony (classic HIE) gets invited to a support group for odd and strange beings that society has cast out. Will he survive the first week's meeting?

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2 - A Night Under the Town

I am, certainly not the smartest being in the world. You’d probably think that me risking my life dangling from a makeshift rope off the side of a cliff is… well, stupid. And in hindsight I’d agree. After all, what’s the point of doing all this anyway, if I just plan on coming back?

I don’t know… I really don’t.

Maybe I’m just starting to lose my mind, if I haven’t already. Or maybe it’s not that, maybe it’s just because, when you don’t have much left to lose, you’re willing to go much further for those fleeting moments of peace or comfort.

Yeah, that second one sounds better. And will keep me out of a mental hospital.

3rd person

Anthony walked through the damp and dark escape tunnel with practiced ease. Only the occasional gem lamps that lined the walls gave him vision, and due to the decades maintenance the tunnel lacked, the enchantments keeping the lamps bright had faded greatly. This wasn’t a problem for the human though. Having taken the path a number of times already, he could navigate them fairly easily. The only problem though, the tunnels were pony sized.

“OW! God flipping dang it!” Anthony cursed as he once again bumped his head against the low stone ceiling. Trying to rub the pain out of his head, he could already feel the lump starting to form. Groaning to himself, Anthony continued his journey.

“To think, I used to be claustrophobic.” He murmured. Yes, the tunnels were indeed small, and not very refined, the path was always twisting and turning on a downward slope. Not steep enough to be too dangerous, but enough to where if you tripped badly you could end up breaking something. Anthony was constantly shoulder to shoulder with each side of the tunnel sometimes having to turn sideways to fit through certain gaps and almost always kneeling down to avoid further head trauma.

During this time, Anthony reflected his previous actions of the night. This was't the first time he'd managed to infuriate and trick the guards, it was actually about the twelfth. Each time more unique a tactic than the last, well, accept for this one. The human resigned to the fact that he couldn't outdo himself after that chocolate syrup one. I mean, seriously, that was golden. Anthony frowned as he ducked under a small stalagmite, he had quickly become infamous, or more accurately, MORE infamous among the day guard since he started escaping. Not that he cared, they treated him like dirt anyways. The Night Guard were the true soldiers, at least, in his opinion.

After moving through the tunnel for what felt like hours, a cool breeze suddenly hit the sweaty, and now muddy flesh of the human. Turning the final corner, moonlight flooded the tunnel, revealing the man’s skin. Anthony took notice of a few scrapes he’d acquired on the sides of his arms and legs from hitting the walls, one of which was bleeding slightly. But the stinging from them couldn’t compare to the relief he felt about escaping the castle.

Just ahead of him was the exit, built into the side of a small cliff face. Anthony spotted the grated iron door, just behind which was~

“Dawn Water Park.” He said to himself. Otherwise known simply as Canterlot Park, officially this area was allocated for the preservation of local wildlife and a place of small respite from the city life for those who sought it. Walking up, he placed his hand on the cold knob before turning it. The clickings of tumblers activated as he pressed his shoulder up against the metal surface. Rust from the iron door now finding a new home on his hands and shoulder as he struggled to push it open. Once he managed to open the gap large enough to slip through, the human stepped out, filling his alien lungs with a deep breath of the fresh air. Ah yes, one could almost ignore the stench of arrogance Canterlot gave off within this park.

click, click, CACHUNK!

The door locked behind him, as usual. Not that he cared however, the hard part about his escapades was escaping, all he had to do to get back was walk through the castle’s front gate. None of this concerned him at the moment, as he simply soaked in the night bathed sea of green before him.

The moon and stars above gave light and made shadows. The sound of the night creatures permeated the air, hoots, chirps, and distant ribbits. The visible and audible swaying of branches in the cool wind sent a shiver down his spine. Ahead of him, he spotted a familiar path of what had once been bright yellow bricks, but had faded with time. Anthony laced his fingers behind the back of his head.

Where to go, where to go… The lake, the cliff, or just explorer. Down the right of the path was the small lake that was the obvious staple of Dawn Water Park, however the path as a whole made a big loop around it and going to the left was the closest way the hills many hikers would travel for the nice view overlooking the lake. On the other hand, that way would also bring him right to the edge of the city.

If a guard spotted me here they could trace my steps back to the tunnel and stop me from getting out in the future. Lake it is! With a spring in his step, and a smile on his face, Anthony turned on his heel and began running to the path and down to the lake. The freedom he felt almost making him forget about his weak, aching muscles.

Panting and sweaty, Anthony’s running began to slow as he spotted the shimmering blue water behind the trees. A small sandbar that was his destination lay ahead. While still trying to move forward Anthony began to remove his shoes and socks, hopping along on the opposite foot like an anime chick who was late on her first day of school.

Just as he finished removing them, his bear feet left the brick path, sinking into a cool sand.

“Ahhh…” Anthony let out a contented sigh, tossing his shoes and socks to the side he walked up to the water. Sitting down on the edge he stuck his feet out and placed them in the water, almost feeling ashamed that he disturbed it’s glassy stillness. However the guilt was soon lost as the cool sensation of the water lapping against his legs filled him. Sighing once again, he lay back, hand behind his head to keep the sand out of his hair as he looked at the night sky. Lifting the other hand up, he counted his finger widths beneath the moon. A simple technique he found to measure time in Equestria.

“About an hour and a half til sunrise.” He said with a frown, almost able to see the pearly-stone’s movement across the sky. She’ll start freaking out if I’m not back by breakfast. He thought to himself.

“Might as well make the most of it!” he said to himself, hopping to his feet, he pulled off his dirty shirt in one swift motion. Gazing down at his bare upper body, Anthony frowned. He wasn’t fat mind you, in fact it was quite the opposite. Visible ribs could be seen lacing his chest, no visible muscle whatsoever. Not emaciated, but definitely an… undesirable, and likely not healthy thinness.

I really need to find a way to get protein sometime… He thought to himself. The Castle didn’t have any meat and the things that could substitute it in his diet were few and far between. The lack of meat was mostly on Celestia’s preference. Not that she held any disdain towards meat eaters. Anthony had a feeling she must just get sick at the thought. Too kind for her own good. In more ways than one. He thought with a frown.

You might wonder how such an arrangement would work out if say a griffon ambassador were to come over. You'd think they'd be offended to not having their needs suited. But remember, Equestria is top dog, and because of that the princesses needs and desires come first. Anthony really had no idea how they survived the trip without food, he brushed the idea off, thinking it wasn't really his business anyways.

Out of habit, Anthony took a look around the area. Seeing and hearing nothing but the usual night occurrences, he slipped off the rest of his clothes, throwing them near the treeline before taking a step in the cool blue. No sense in getting them wet after all.

A chill ran through the human’s spine as he stepped deeper into the water. It wasn’t exceedingly cold or anything, considering it was summer, however whatever chill was in the water seemed to soak straight into him. Nothing a few minutes of swimming couldn’t fix. And he did just that.

The nighttime, the complete solitude, it was something Anthony couldn’t dream of getting in the castle. His escapades were a breath of fresh air to him, again, in more ways than one.

It wasn’t long before his body acclimated to the water, once it did Anthony stopped swimming and went about scrubbing off the mud and dried specs of blood he’d collected from the cave. As well as cleaning off the few cuts he’d gained to the best of his ability. While in the middle of trying to scrub his blackened knees, he froze as he heard a soft noise.


Anthony’s ear twitched as he picked up the tiny sound. Ordinarily, such a small noise could be completely lost in the background of most any scene. But in a forest at night, the sound of a glass tinking was clear as day to the man. He froze mid-scrub in the water, his heart involuntarily skipping a beat.

tink, tink…

Anthony carefully slid his body under the blue lake top. Leaving only his wet brown hair and dirty hazel eyes sticking out.

“He o-... -er.” Words, coming from behind the treeline. He couldn’t quite make them out, but he could tell the voice was light and young. He assumed it was a mare.

The fact that this mare was talking however, sent jolts of fear through Anthony’s spine. Knowing that had to mean there was more than one pony out there.

His thoughts raced as he continued to scan the treeline. Trying to calm himself down he tried to come up with some possibilities.

Ok, if they’re guards I’m done for. Night guard, Maybe not. Who knows though, it could just be some kids taking a midnight stroll. Or two lovers going to do the nasty in a dark forest… nevermind, that sounds less likely the more I think about it.

Suddenly out of the gloom emerged a face, while it was still too dark to make out any details, he spotted a short maroon mane just above a pair of thick brown eyes. And they were staring right at him.

Oh fuck! Oh shit! WhatdoIdo whatdoIdo! I could swim away. But my clothes! They’re right by the path.

Suddenly the face dove beneath the bushes as more whispering erupted from the treeline. Though, they only came out as garbled muffled to the distant human.

“So, how are we doing this?” One of the voices asked.

“What do you mean? Just give it to him!” Another argued. The first scoffed in response.

“Did you see his face? He isn’t coming over here.” The first once peeked her head just over the bush, still seeing those small, scared green eyes staring back from the darkened lake top.

“I could just bring him over here.” A third voice said mirthfully.

“Well, what do you have in mind then, Fiz?” A fourth interjected.

“That’s what I was asking you guys!” the first replied. Turning back she peaked over the edge, followed by the other three.

“Does he know how creepy he looks staring at us like that?” The second asked. The others simply shrugged.

Meanwhile from Anthony’s view.

Anthony had been floating in the water silently since he saw the first pair of eyes poke out. Once it had gone back beneath the bush he could make out the whispering, which had quickly turned into a full blown argument. He still couldn’t make out the words with the trees and breeze muffling them, but he knew that whatever it was it had to be about him.

Suddenly the first head shot back up from behind the bush, followed by three more. A pair of yellow and two blue pairs of eyes stared at him. His face blanched.

Oh god, that’s creepy! He thought, slinking under the water a little bit more. Thinking fast, Anthony tried to forcibly calm his breathing.

Alright… alright. They’re right by my clothes, and I certainly don’t fancy running through Canterlot back to the castle naked. If they’re guards I’m already done, and if they’re anyone else… then screw it, I choose nudity over the circus.

For now though, Anthony resigned to stay where he was. Watching and waiting.

Oddities view.

“Hey, what’s that stuff over there?” The second voice asked pointing to a few pieces of cloth strewn about on the path just before the sand. All eyes followed suit.

“I believe those are his clothes…” the third said thoughtfully. “We should take them.” He said with a dark chuckle. Knowing full well what they meant to the man.

“Oh, oh, put it by them!” The fourth suggested. “He’s gotta come back for them, right?” The others nodded in agreement.

“Sounds like the best plan we have.” The first said, lifting a white enveloped letter to the second. “Dizzy, if you please?” she asked kindly.

‘Dizzy’ rolled his eyes, then with a snap flash and pop (Rice Crispies!) the letter appeared on a now neatly folded pile of clothes just on the edge of the path.

“I still think it would’ve been better if we had just taken them.” He grumbled.

“Nevermind that, let’s get out of here!” The first said before turning and slinking back into the darkness of the forest. Unable to silence the tink tinks of her retreat.

“This week’s gonna be interesting.” The second said.

“No, kidding.” Two and four both followed suit, slipping away. The third, Dizzy, stayed behind for a moment, chancing a final peak over the bushes. The human was still there, eyes just above the water, staring back. A maelstorm of conscious raging behind them as they locked with pale yellow ones. He could see into them… the planning, planning for everything, anything. He could almost see the neurons firing off, like millions canons at war, resting just behind those hazel-green eyes, as dark as the Everfree.

“Finding order through chaos eh?” The third chuckled. “I have to agree, this week certainly will be interesting…


And with a small poof of magic, all was quiet once again.

Author's Note:

Next chapter, thanks for those who followed, liked, and favorited. I will be picking up the pace with updates since exams are about over. My goal is one chapter a week, so things will be going down fast from now on.