• Published 8th May 2016
  • 2,737 Views, 49 Comments

Oddities Anonymous - TheAlmightyTinCan

Anthony (classic HIE) gets invited to a support group for odd and strange beings that society has cast out. Will he survive the first week's meeting?

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4 - A Letter from Nocturn Alley

Anthony grumbled to himself as he muched on his oats. Not oatmeal, dry oats. Apparently, in Canterlot oatmeal is considered commoner food. Why? Because it’s soggy or something? Anthony didn’t know, but he did know that plain oats was considered a ‘healthy breakfast cereal’ for adult ponies. Also the waiter outright refused to give him any hot water for it! Or, well, he might have, but Anthony’s sudden outburst about the lack of pancakes had effectively cleared out the dining hall. He was very late though, so it was only like, five servers he scared away.

He couldn’t help but grimace between the bites he took, only being able to wash it down with water didn’t help the fact. You’d think that after a year the man would’ve just gotten used to eating dried oats most mornings. But a lifetime of Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ with a glass of milk, and maybe some yogurt or a banana. That can’t simply be undone in a year!

Anthony looked up out the windows that spanned both sides of the dining hall, it was a clear morning. The fresh looking sky only serving to remind him it was fixed through magic. He couldn’t help but notice that the skies in Equestria always felt sort of fake to him. Does using magic to make the skies clear make it a ‘fake’ day compared to Earth? This was one of the questions Anthony often wondered about, ultimately meaningless yet thought provoking. In his opinion, sunny Equestrian days were missing some sort of spark that ones on Earth had. Maybe it was their lack of an effective “in between” between sunny and stormy days. Solid cloudy days didn’t exist, neither did scattered showers, and partly cloudy days just looked too calculated.

His thoughts suddenly turned back to the letter he’d received, still resting snugly in his pocket. Taking another bite of oats and leaving the spoon in his mouth he pulled the paper out of his pocket. It seemed just that, a regular white envelope. He traced his fingers over the sides and rubbed the fine calligraphy depicting his name on the front, he even went as far as sniffing it.

Nothing out of the ordinary that he could note. By feel, it seemed to just be a folded piece of paper inside. By smell, well, it smelled kind of waxy for some reason, but Anthony didn’t think any curses or poisons smelled like that. Can curses have smells? Another thought provoking question which he stored for later.

Even with his analysis, he didn’t want to risk the consequences opening it could bring. Placing the letter on the table next to his bowl, he popped the spoon out of his mouth.

So… who could I have check this. Hmmm. Nighty might be able to! But she’s a pegasus, you probably need a spell for this sort of thing. It would make sense for the maids to help out spell-checking mail considering the quantity they likely get daily. Heh, get it?

After fully realizing what he just did, Anthony couldn’t help but groan at his own bad joke. This type of thing was becoming more common for him in recent weeks, he viewed it as his mind finally starting to crack. It was either that or a mark of the end of days. Probably both.

Lifting his arms up, Anthony let out a loud stretch/yawn combo. Pausing mid intake as a familiar smell filled his nose. Sticking his nose under his pit he took a quick wiff, recoiling slightly at the scent.

Damn you pits! Why must you stink? It’s not like the have deodorant in Equestria to quell the beast. Thinking about it though, Anthony really did need a shower. Skinny dipping in the park didn’t really count considering he didn’t have any soap. He also got pretty sweaty on the way back anyways. I’ve been sweating quite a bit recently, maybe the malnourishment is starting to get to me… He thought about bringing it up with Celestia again, she definitely wouldn’t be allowing any meat around her, but maybe he could get some nuts or soy into his diet.

Pushing his empty bowl away from him, Anthony stood up. Putting those thoughts into the back of his mind, he decided to focus on getting to his room and taking a shower.

Canterlot castle’s layout was overly complicated to say the least. Apparently, this was actually an anti-siege tactic. Yeah, there were no murder holes or moats, there were just mazes. And this, accompanied with the numerous escape tunnels, made it seem as though this castle was designed to be more easily escaped rather than defended. The only thing that likely kept other countries at bay was the princesses themselves, and the huge economic hit the world would take should they succeed.

The complexity of the castle didn’t matter though, Anthony knew the way to the specific places he wanted to go in the castle. And if he didn’t, he’d have to wait til night and ask one of those guards or maids. The day workers had lied to him about these sorts of things before.

Coming up upon the hallway that lead to his door, he spotted a new set of guards that were posted outside of it. Fresh meat!

Walking up, one of the guards finally turned to him. Anthony could immediatley tell that they were new! As in, he hadn’t pulled an escape on these two yet. Their brows were stern and irritated, but not the loathing he’d get from the guards he’d played with before. The closest one spoke up.

“Anon, we’ve been sent by the princess to~”

“Don’t know, don’t care” Anthony interrupted, opening the door and slamming it behind him. Unbeknownst to him, the guard let out a huff before returning back to his position. Now back in his familiar room, the man let out a long held sigh of relief.

“Welp, time to clean up...”

Steamy water rained down on the human as he proceeded to clean himself thoroughly with the provided soaps. Singing various tunes from Earth as he did so. It was a thing he started doing very early on in his days in Equestria. A technique to keep them in his memory, after all, he didn’t conveniently end up in this world with his phone in his pocket. Nope just some polo pajama pants and an athletic shirt.

Anyways, the shower was amazing, the dirt seeming to fly off the Anthony’s body as he scrubbed it down. Once he’d finished and stepped out, he found that his towel supply had been refilled. Grabbing one off the shelf, he scrubbed as much water off his body and head as he could before wrapping it around his waist. Turning back to the shelf he grabbed the rest of the towels, placing them under his arm. Had to get started on next week’s towel rope after all.

After stepping out he threw the towels on his bed, his eyes catching a flash of white resting on the end of it’s freshly made covers. Lifting one of the towels up Anthony was surprised to find another letter. Picking it up and looking it over, he quickly noticed some key differences. There was no address or recipient written on the front, and on the back a blue wax seal held the letter closed, half moon insignia pressed into it.

A smile appeared on his face as he immediately recognized it. With a flick of his fingers, Anthony pulled the carefully folded paper out and opened it before reading.

Dear Anthony,

Firstly, I would like you to note that I am only putting your first name in the address, as I feel that we have moved passed such formalities, at least in terms of letter sending. But that is not of the point in my message today.

I have sent you this letter to formally request your presence in our chambers once again. I greatly enjoyed the last night we spent together, and wish another with you. It was an invigorating experience that I believe allowed us both to relieve unneeded stress.

Although the RISK game you showed us is entirely inaccurate to real wartime strategy, and somewhat repetitive, I came to understand the appeal and joy those could have in playing it. But in that, I also believe it is a game better suited for more than two players. But this is not about the RISK game. I would like to ask if you could show me another one of your Earth’s many games this morrow night. I will help by providing any materials you may need when you arrive should you require them.

PS. I missed you at breakfast, Tia ate all the pancakes. I thought you would like to know that.

“I flipping knew it…” Anthony murmured to himself angrily. “Also, it appears that I am now in partial ownership of Luna’s chambers, best bring that up with her.” He said with a grin. Anthony let out another yawn, the lack of sleep last night was finally starting to get to him.

After slipping on his clothes, which were still relatively clean from whatever magic had been used on them, Anthony hopped onto his bed. Setting Luna’s letter and envelope down on his bedside table before pulling the mystery one out of his pocket and doing the same.

Grabbing some of the towels he put the semi-large pile of them directly on him before finding a comfortable position. Holding back his tired eyes for just a moment, he contemplated how he’d spend the rest of the day.

Alright, at this rate I’ll probably be sleeping here until mid afternoon. Then I guess I’ll head to the library… again. At least until night rolls around. Nothing much else to do in this place.

And with that, Anthony allowed his eyes to close, near immediately falling into a deep dreamless sleep.