• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 9,496 Views, 79 Comments

Spankset Shimmer - TheNewYorkBrony

Sunset becomes the butt of a joke that she has no idea about.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The moment Sunset Shimmer entered the school building she knew something was very, very wrong.

First, everyone was staring at her.

Second, everyone wasn't exactly staring at her, but her butt.

Thirdly, apparently her butt had become some type of joke because the next thing she knew it was stinging from the smack a student passing by had given it.

"What the hell!" She shouted angrily. The entire hallway turned back to their lockers as if nothing happened. But not without letting out a few giggles.

She had no idea what was going on, but she was about to find out.

She saw Rainbow Dash talking to Pinkie by her locker and ran up to them. "Okay, someone wanna explain to me what the heck is going on here? And why someone smacked my ass just now?"

The two girls shared an unsure look.

"Uh, that depends," Pinkie said.

Sunset raised a brow. "On what?"

"If this is ten points or not!" Dash shouted running past her, giving her booty a nice smack.

"Aw, no fair!" Pinkie shouted, running after her, shutting her locker. "I wanted the extra points!"

"What are you talking about?!" She shouted after them, but they were long gone down the hallway.

A hand tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to see that she was standing face to face with Flash Sentry.

"Uh, hey, Sunset," He told her with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Save the cute boy next door bullcrap for Twilight. Right now I need you to tell me why everyone's been hitting me on the ass like a bad kid in Catholic school."

"You mean you don't know?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Know what?! I just got here!" Sunset yelled, banging her head against a near by locker.

Flash pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. Sunset was about to ask him what he was doing, but he held up a finger to shush her. When he found what he was looking for, he handed the phone to her. "Take a look for yourself."

At first Sunset was confused. Why was she looking at a picture of herself bending over? And why would that make everyone want to smack her ass?

"Press the screen."

Sunset gave Flash a bewildered look, but did as she was told.

The game version of herself let out a high pitch moan and blushed as 10 points was added to the counter beside her.

She picked him up by the collar of his jacket. "Who created the app?" The fire in her eyes could have made a grown man piss himself.

Flash relased himself from Sunset's grip carefully and dusted himself off. "Dunno. All I know is that it was uploaded to the app store last night and shared on the school's MyStable page by some anonymous user."

"The A.V. Club! I bet they did this! They're always trying to take creep shots of me!" Sunset said, storming down the hallway.

"Uh, hey! What about my phone?!" Flash called after her.

"I'll bring it back!"

To say that Sunset scared the A.V. Club was an understatement.

She terrified them.

And nothing terrified them more than an angry Sunset.

So anyone could imagine the fear in their eyes when she stormed into their club room like a bat out of Tartarus.

"Which one of you girlfriendless nerds made this app?!" Sunset shouted, brandishing Flash's phone in all of their faces.

"We couldn't have done it!" One of them said. "We may be tech nerds but there's no way any of us could've made a game like that in so little time!"

"Well find out who did or so help me God you won't live to see graduation!" With that, Sunset was gone, the door slamming hard behind her.

Later, at lunch, Sunset decided that her best lead was probably her friends. Specifically Pinkie Pie, since that girl knew almost everyone.

"Why didn't you tell me someone made a app out of smacking my ass?" Sunset demanded, sitting down at the lunch table.

"To be fair, we thought you knew," Dash said in her defense. "Besides, it can't be that bad."

"I had to go to the nurse's office because every time I walked past someone they'd slap me on the butt! My heinie is redder than the apples on Applejack's farm!" Sunset growled, rubbing her bum.

"If it makes you feel any better darling, none of us have downloaded the app except for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie." Rarity assured her with a warm smile.

"Yes! New high score!" Fluttershy cheered. When she realized everyone was looking at her, she shrunk into herself. "Um, I mean, yeah, I didn't know until you said anything..."

"Wow Fluttershy you're a worse liar than Applejack," Pinkie told her, taking a peek at her phone. She gasped. "Wait, you're ShyGal34?! She's at the top of the leader boards!"

"There are leader boards for this thing?!" Sunset demanded, taking Fluttershy's phone to see for herself. She banged her fist on the table. "That's it! When I find out who's behind this, they're dead!"

"How exactly are ya gonna find out? It's not like they're gonna just come out and say it. Especially not with you rampaging around the school like a she-demon." Applejack said to her.

Sunset gave her a glare.


"Whatever. At any rate, I can't make any progress with everyone on my-"

"Sunset Shimmer please report to the principal's office."

"Ass." Sunset sighed, getting up. "Goddamit."

When Sunset got to the principal's office, she couldn't look Principal Celestia in the eye as she sat down in front of her desk.

The older woman cleared her throat. "It has come to me and Vice Principal Luna's attention that there is a certain...game connected to you making rounds in the school."

"Believe me. I'm well aware. And my butt is too," Sunset mumbled the last part more to herself than Celestia. "But don't worry. I'm working on finding out who the culprit is and making them pay."

"That's what I called you here for," Celestia told her, slipping Sunset an envelope. "Who ever created the app left this on my desk with instructions to give it to you. It seems they want to meet you personally."

Oh great. What if it really was one of those creepy nerds from the A.V. Club? Or even worse, Snips and Snails? She didn't even want to look at them, let alone be in the same room as them! But she couldn't just let this chance slip by. The offender was handing themselves to her on a silver platter and all she had to do was take the bait.

Hey, she wasn't complaining. It was making her job easier.

She stuffed the note in her leather jacket. "Thank you, Principal Celestia. I'll be sure to deal with them after school." She nodded at the older woman and exited the office.

Without a second thought Sunset ran down the hall and out the school building, ready to kick some ass.

Apparently on the note was an address, and she followed it towards the more expensive and luxurious part of town. Where all the snooty senators and famous people lived.

When she stopped in front of the house that the address lead her too, she noticed something...familiar about it. The gate that lead into the yard was open, and when she walked in she noticed that the house was covered in a purple velvet bows glittering with small yellow diamonds.

She knew this wasn't Rarity's house. She lived above her boutique. No, this belonged to someone more self-centered and bombastic.

Adagio Dazzle.

Sunset grit her teeth. She should have known it was her and the other Sirens. Things have been too quiet since they had supposedly skipped town and it didn't seem right that they had just dissappeared without a trace.

Walking inside the massive house she saw more evidence of who lived there, including portraits of Adagio and childish drawings courtesy of who she assumed was Sonata.

When she made her way to the main room, she saw the three of them sprawled out on fainting couches watching some daytime soap oprea.

"YOU!" She shouted, just as the girl on the tv did the same to her lover, who she caught with her sister.

The three young women jumped, turning to see where the second voice had come from.

Regaining her composure, Adagio smirked. "My my. Well if it isn't little miss Shimmer. How's the friendship life?" She asked.

"Bite me!" Sunset answered. "Don't try to be all cool! You know why I'm here! I know you're the ones who made that app!"

Adagio raised a brow. "Us? How could we have possibly made such an app? Especially something that could spread so fast? Besides, we've done nothing to you since we left CHS."

"Bullshit! I know it was you guys! One of you sent me this note!" Sunset said, holding up the piece of paper to Adagio's face.

The former Siren squinted and then shook her head. "Sorry sweetie. That's not any of our handwriting. You've been duped."

"Duped?!" Sunset yelled in disbelief. "B-But if you guys didn't make it, then who did?!"

A few houses down in a dark room a lithe girl sat down at her computer with a bowl of cereal. She had just put the finishing touches on her latest creation and was ready to upload it to share with the world.

Twilight pushed her glasses up on her face. "I can't wait to make so much money off of this!" She squealed as she named the sequel to her first game.

Smack Dat Sonata.

Author's Note:

Did i mention that this is a real app. A real app you can download to your phone right now? Because it is. And I have done so. This is just a little blurb of a story I sat down and wrote last night. Like I said still getting into the groove after Bronycon. Hope yall enjoyed this. Cause I enjoyed writing it!

Comments ( 78 )

Could be worse.

Seriously? This can't be a real app. I can't even put into words how hilariously amazing that is. Mind sharing the exact title or something? I can't seem to find it.

Oh, and besides some minor typos, this was spectacular. I loved it

6347597 6347599 6347682
For those wondering, yeah, this is a real app, you can find the links to download it here.
You're welcome ! :raritywink:

Smack Dat Sonata.

... Mother of God...
You already know what picture this is :

Did i mention that this is a real app. A real app you can download to your phone right now? Because it is. And I have done so.

*Brain process information*
WHAT!? You must tell us the app name. I can't find it.

And Twilight you crafty bitch.

:rainbowlaugh: I can't even... Wait ,Twilight? You sly bitch! :rainbowlaugh: What's this app called again? :twilightsheepish:

You have no idea how much I needed this in my life! :rainbowlaugh:

...never wished I had a smartphone until now...

Dat ending..,

"Heh heh heh. Ain't I a stinker?" :trollestia:

Please make a sequel maybe they finally learn who it is and tracking Human Twilight down, Maybe Sunset gets even by spanking her?
Of course gets sexy as Twilight likes it and Sunset finds herself liking it as well.

Stop smacking my ass before I kick yours!

6347914 What... the... HUH?! :rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh: Oh mah days!!!

6347901 You don't need one to enjoy this!

According the description in 6347914 's link, there are also Windows and OSX ports of the game linked in that description for download! (along with an APK for all your Android based needs)

Thanks TNYB :yay:

poor Sunset Shimmer. this is hilarious, dialogue makes my day. How do you get a high score on that??
Adagio seemed to know what she was talking about does that means she downloaded it as well? :raritywink:
I'd like second that motion for a sequel where Sunset finds out who it is with Sonata and they punish Twilight. :facehoof:

you seem to have a bit of a quote-ending problem, capitalizing the attributing word...

"Uh, hey, Sunset," He told her with a smile.

for example, 'he' would not need to be capitalized

6348039 ah. I'll fix that right now. And maybe there will be a sequel.

Well, that's one way to get revenge.

6348082 A sequel? Like an actual "Smack Dat Sonata" app?! :pinkiegasp:

Or do you mean a story sequel?


Thanks for letting me know it's actually a game, as well as for writing this. :rainbowlaugh:

6348082 whether you learn something new about convention or about what little things to pay attention to, I'm glad to help :pinkiehappy:
no pressure, I know you have a lot on your plate :heart:

6348101 both. I think haha. Maybe a sequel and yes there's a sonata app.

6348212 Is it also easily downloadable like the Spankset one? :pinkiegasp:
Would you happen to have a link?

Oh yes. A sequel story MUST be made!

6348507 :yay:
I can now die a happier man. Though I think I'll stay alive for quite a bit longer if you don't mind :trollestia:

Thanks again!

Former bullying victim here. Not funny at all. Hope Sunset finds out the responsible and punches them HARD.

Not funny at all. Sunset is the victim of bullying and sexual harassment and you try to play it for laughs. Her "friends" are horrible people for downloading this app and playing it around her like it's nothing, Sunset should take down the name of every person who slaps her ass and turn them over to the police, and I hope Twilight is found and charged with what she's doing.

When will this app be for Android omg :heart:

6350331 it is for android my friend.

6349759 you guys need to learn to take a joke. It's just a story. I've seen way worse stories than this that everyone has sung their praises for. It's not real. And this is coming from a victim of bullying.

I'd like to know the rules of the "Spank Sunset Shimmer" game. Do you just get 10 points for every tap? If so, seems more like a measure of obsession than skill to be on the leaderboard.

6350538 I can easily take a joke (and in fact I often make them myself, sometimes at my expense), but not on an act of bullying. Real or fake doesn't matter. Had this happened in real life would have meant humiliating a girl who already has serious self-respect issues AND cause her grave injury due continue spankings. Or physical assaults, to say it in legal terms. People have killed themselves over much less. Or killed their tormentors (I know for a fact I'd have reacted violently).
As for you being a bullying victim... I'll better not say what I think. This is not the place for that.

6350733 whatever dude. I have my opinion and you have yours.

6350538 I can take a joke. This still isn't funny. Take something like Sunset Shimmer's Naked Marathon. Sure, everyone is running around in bikinis and stripping each other, but there's an internal insanity that makes it work. The girls have fun doing it, we have Flim and Flam's silly commentary, and the story is so over-the-top with its depictions that yes, it is funny.

You know what would have made this funny? Have Sunset find out Twilight did it, and Twilight reveals how much money she's made from the app and shares it with Sunset. Then Sunset is like "meh, no big deal" and gets into it, encouraging students to try harder and talking to the Humane Five excitedly about the royalty payments she's getting for the app. That would have humor in it. Or maybe Sunset makes a "Spank Fluttershy" app to get back at her for playing the thing, and then someone else makes one of Rainbow Dash, and it spirals out of control into there being a Spank app for everyone and they stop caring because everyone is even. Maybe you have folks argue over which variant of the game is superior for whatever reasons you wanna make up. Or one of them (Pinkie, maybe) makes the variant with her on her own because she thinks it's funny. Something to take the edge off Sunset being the victim, so we can just enjoy how silly the situation is, and then take that silly situation to the realms of absurdity.

This story does not have that, and for it, Sunset is the victim who receives no retribution or closure come the story's end. This is a story about a teenage girl being sexually assaulted repeatedly as she tries to find out who made a humiliating app of her, and the person behind it gets away with it. You, as a victim of cyberbullying (and my sincere sympathies to you for dealing with that) should understand exactly how she feels and empathize with her, and understand why seeing her go through this stuff isn't funny.

Despite how much I like your profile pics, you need to stop being stuck up douches. He's doing this for fun. My motto is 'Don't like it, Don't read it'. It's THAT SIMPLE! I used to be a victim too. But I take it as a joke. Now, get your ass out of this story, faggots! I seriously love the Sunset Shimmer profile pic tho!:raritywink:

Don't listen to those douches. They suck ass for a living!

6351046 thank you for the support but i don't appreciate you calling people faggots. I understand that we don't agree on the outcome of the story, but nonetheless it's a word that shouldn't be used.

Oh my god the comments XD Dash, man, how do you deal with these people.

Understood, sir. As always, good soldiers follow orders.

6351046 See, the inherent problem with the idea of "don't like it, don't read it" is that if I don't read it, I can't decide if I like it or not. Silly thing. Otherwise, if being offended by a girl being sexually assaulted and it being intended as humerous makes me a douche and faggot to you, then I'm proud to be one.

I'm not going to argue anymore. I'm sorry for insulting you, but I still stick with my motto. I'm gonna get so many downvotes for this.....

On the playstore? I don't see it.

6351320 gotta go to ponut joes tumblr i think. Hes the artist

Got it, thanks Ronnie. :pinkiecrazy:

6351046 You forgot to chew your soap, son.

This is my new favorite fanfiction.

By the way, I got the app and I'm addicted.


It should be:

Smack Dat Sonatass.

I dunno anymore.
This was a hilarious story.

Plot twist: Pinkie is 2nd in the leaderboard.

Meanwhile Flash hasn't shown up for school in the last 3 days.

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