• Published 18th Aug 2015
  • 499 Views, 59 Comments

Darkrim And The Elements Of Harmony - Lunaexcelsior

One day Twilight receives a letter from Princess Celestia, claiming that a dethroned Tartarus prince has requested a meeting with her and the Elements of Harmony and needs their help.

  • ...

The Arrival

With the first rays of sunlight Darkrim had woken up, preparing his things for the departure. Just as he was about to fold his cape, he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in,” he said as a dark blue alicorn gracefully walked in.

“I just wanted to wish you good luck,” Luna said and kindly smiled at the banished prince “Twilight is really an amazing mare. I know she will be able to help you greatly.”

“Thank you princess,” Darkrim said, trying to hold back his tears.

“What’s wrong Darkrim?” Luna asked concernedly, noticing the melancholic undertone in his voice.

“It’s just that,” Darkrim sighed “A lot has changed recently and, I know I tend to put on a façade and play like nothing really fazes me that much, but truth be told, I am scared. I mean my mentor, a creature I thought would be with me through thick and thin, was just using me, while those he said I should fear and loath turned out to be the ones showering me with kindness,” Darkrim’s voice quivered as he said those last words.

Luna’s wings covered him, like a mare covers her foal, as Darkrim began to cry. All of his frustration and confusion that he had been bottling up just poured out as Luna held the young prince in her embrace, trying to calm him down. Once his tears had simmered down, Darkrim turned away from Luna.

“I am so sorry, princess,” he said as he wiped away the last remains of his tears.

“Don’t be,” Luna said “I know how you feel.”

“You do?” Darkrim sniffled.

“Do you know about Nightmare Moon?” Luna asked as they both sat down on Darkrim’s bed.

“Celestia told me she was a monster that took over you, right?” Darkrim recalled.

“She was a bit more than that,” Luna began as she felt the walls she built beginning to crumble down “You see a long time ago I was quite unhappy with the way things were in Equestria. I felt like my sister was getting all the praise for her wonderful day, while my blissful nights weren’t even noticed by anypony. At first it was just petty jealousy, but, much like a virus, it spread through my mind infecting every essence of my being. I felt angry, weak, but above all else, I was vulnerable. And that’s when I allowed her to step in. She promised me so much and asked only to be let in to my mind,” Luna’s face suddenly turned grim at the mere memory of Nightmare’s influence.

“So you allowed her in?” Darkrim asked.

“Indeed,” Luna sighed “Only later did I truly realize how blind I was. I wanted my night to be appreciated so badly that I attacked my sister, enforced my whim and plunged the entire land of Equestria in to eternal darkness,” Luna gritted her teeth.

Darkrim couldn’t believe his ears.

This benign princess, who took him in when nopony else would, was once a monster like his mentor. He could clearly see contempt in Luna’s eyes even as she continued her story.

“Even after my sister rose up, wielding the Elements of Harmony, and banished me to my beloved moon my blind rage would not give in. It ate away at me from the inside as I accused her for my own transgressions. It took over a thousand moons for me to realize my mistake, but by then, she had won. Nightmare Moon took over my body and mind as I was pushed back to nothing more than a memory. Had it not been for my beloved guardian, the Nightmare would have won. With last breath he managed to keep her away, fading away just as the Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon and released me from this fate,” Luna finished her story.

Darkrim just sat there speechless.

“What happened after that?” Darkrim asked as he snapped out of his shock.

“I was much weaker and I had to readapt to a world I had not recognized anymore,” Luna said, “But, even after all I had done, my sister had not forsaken me. She helped get back to my feet and regain my status as the ruler of the night. The Elements themselves helped me to forgive myself about my horrible mistakes and to get to know this new world I had awoken in,” Luna said with her sorrow slowly fading away and being replaced with a kind smile.

Darkrim still remained silent, but he was beginning to understand Luna’s message.

“Trust me when I say this,” Luna spoke paternally “Life will always throw unexpected changes and challenges at you. However, as long as you have somepony by your side to help you out, nothing is impossible,” Luna winked at the prince and smiled.

Seeing Luna’s smiling face brought a much needed feeling of safety back to Darkrim. “I think we better join the others,” Darkrim said as he took his clothing bag and placed it on his back.

“Only if you’re ready,” Luna replied and opened his bedroom door.

“I am,” Darkrim responded back and followed Luna out.

Before he left, Darkrim took one final glance at the paintings on the walls. With a smile on his face, the banished prince took in a deep sigh and closed the door as yet another chapter of his journey was ending.

As he closed the door Darkrim followed Luna through the main corridor. He looked at the midnight maned alicorn in a whole another light after her tale. Her sins seemed great, but yet she was able to repent for them and even regain her former respect. Not only that, but she managed to become a better pony for it.

“Maybe one day he will do the same,” Darkrim thought to himself.

He was suddenly snapped from his thoughts as he noticed Luna fumbling around her mane.

“Before you leave, I wanted to give you this,” she said and pulled out an amulet from her mane.

Darkrim observed the object. It was a small, hourglass shaped, necklace coated in black gemstones.

“What is it?” Darkrim asked.

“It is the Transcendence amulet,” Luna explained “This will help you to find me in the dream realm, no matter where I am. That way I will still be able to mentor you no matter what,” Luna explained.

Darkrim placed the amulet around his neck.

“I shall wear it with pride,” he exclaimed.

As they approached the end of the hallway, Darkrim noticed Princess Celestia standing in front of Canterlot’s main entrance.

“Where are Twilight and her friends?” Darkrim asked concernedly.

“They are all waiting for you outside, but I wanted to wish you good luck before you leave,” Celestia said with a kind smile “I know these past few days must have fallen hard on you, but I want you to know that we will do anything we can to help you out. Twilight is the absolute best magic user I have met in a long time and I know you two will get along swimmingly. I can see that same spark a in your eye that I saw in hers when she first trotted in my school. Just hold on to that spark and you will be fine” Celestia winked.

Darkrim blushed at her kind words.

“Thank you, princess,” he responded “You have been a most wonderful host. Thank you for everything both you and your sister have done for me. It really was too much and I can see now why Equestria has been so prosperous.”

Celestia smiled and nodded her head.

As one of the guards opened up the steel gates of the castle, Darkrim noticed a carriage waiting for him outside. From it a pink pony he knew as Pinkie Pie was waving her hooves, eagerly urging him to come in.

Before he entered, Darkrim shot one final look back at the regal sisters and waved at them.

Just as the dark blue unicorn turned his attention to the carriage two pink hooves took him by the shoulder and dragged him inside. Unfortunately Pinkie Pie’s grip was a bit too strong as Darkrim managed to land face first on the floor.

“Pinkie Pie, darling, that is not how you welcome our guest,” Rarity said, while barely holding in a chuckle.

Pinkie Pie smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of her mane.

“Sorry, prince,” Pinkie said as she helped Darkrim up to his hooves.

“That’s alright, Pinkie,” Darkrim smiled “but do warn me next time you’re about to do that.”

“Gotcha,” Pinkie winked and sat next to Rarity and Applejack.

Darkrim looked around for a place to sit and saw one next to Twilight. As he sat next to her, Darkrim could see she was writing something on a scroll.

“Umm, I don’t mean to be rude, but what are you writing down, Twilight?” Darkrim asked confusedly.

“Oh,” Twilight said, snapping out of her work, “I am just making a small study plan. After all I am in charge of teaching you magic and I cannot
be underprepared,” Twilight explained and returned back to her writing.

Not wishing to interrupt her, Darkrim took a glance at everyone in the carriage. Applejack was resting her hat across her eyes, making her appear to be sleeping while Rainbow Dash was looking out of the window, bored out of her mind. Fluttershy was meekly seated next to Twilight while Rarity was fixing her mane. His eyes stopped at Pinkie Pie whom appeared to be bobbing her head. It appeared like she was listening to music, which made him giggle a bit.

“What a fascinating pony,” Darkrim thought to himself.

The silence continued for quite some time, making Darkrim grow a bit uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to say something the carriage suddenly stopped.

“We’re here!” Pinkie Pie screamed and rushed out of the carriage.

“Wait, we’re in Ponyville already?” Darkrim asked confusedly.

“No, darling, that’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Rarity explained “We’re actually at the train station leading to Ponyville.”

“Oh, that makes much more sense,” Darkrim nodded his head and smiled.

“Although if I was taking us, we’d be there in five seconds flat,” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Ah’m sure yall think so,” Applejack ribbed her rainbow maned friend as they exited.

“Think so?” Rainbow Dash flexed “I know so!”

Applejack just rolled her eyes while Darkrim chuckled at the two. Just as he exited he noticed that Twilight was packing up her scroll.

“All done?” he asked.

“Well I finished our first week of magic training,” Twilight said “It should be enough for now.”

“You really love to be prepared, don’t you?” Darkrim noticed.

“It never hurts to be organized,” Twilight said sheepishly.

Once all ponies were out of the carriage the two royal chauffeurs started their journey back to the castle. Darkrim looked at the long, brightly colored train in front of him and took in a deep breath.

“And so it begins,” he thought to himself ready for a new adventure.

However, just as they were boarding the train, unbeknown to the group, another pony was about to board that very same train. A white maned earth pony with a black book cutie mark was hiding inside the crowd of ponies boarding the train.

Even hidden deeply inside this crowd, Makita could still very well see Darkrim as he boarded the train. Like a predator stalking his prey, the fearsome hunter kept a close eye on Darkrim.

Soon, the banished prince felt the hunter’s piercing gaze as he suddenly turned around, looking through the crowd. However, his efforts were in vain as he could not see the threat among the large mass of multicolored ponies.

“Is everything alright, your highness?” Applejack asked Darkrim “You seem mighty nervous.”

“I just thought I saw something in the crowd,” Darkrim said, shaking his head.

“Well, Ah wouldn’t recommend yall get paranoid now,” Applejack said to Darkrim “It’ll just get yall mind all scrambled. Trust me I know.”

“I guess you are right, Applejack,” he said as they joined the rest in their compartment. Just as the two of them settled down, they could feel the sudden movement of the steam driven mechanical vehicle.

“Finally!” pinkie Pie screamed with excitement “Oh, I am so excited for this! I just know you’re going to love Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie started to jump around Darkrim.

“I’m sure I will,” Darkrim smiled “Although I haven’t got a clue on how am I supposed to behave.”

“Just be yourself and you‘ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Yeah, it’s easy for you to say,” Darkrim commented “You aren’t from Tartarus.”

“Trust me, Darkrim, you have nothing to worry about,” Twilight said, “Sure it will be a bit weird to some ponies that you are from Tartarus, but
over time they will get used to it.”

“Are you sure?” Darkrim asked.

“Trust me darling, you have nothing to fear,” Rarity said comfortingly “Look at Twilight for example.”

“What about her?” Darkrim asked.

“Well, when she first came to Ponyville she was as lost as you were,” Rarity explained, “and just look at her today!”

Twilight blushed at Rarity’s comment.

“That reminds me,” Darkrim suddenly remembered,” I’ve been meaning to ask; how did you all became such good friends?”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked him.

“For once, you all seem so different and yet you act around each other so comfortably. I was just wandering how it all came to be,” Darkrim asked shyly.

“Well, it all comes back to Twilight again, really,” Rarity said.

“How come?” Darkrim asked.

“Well, you see,” Rarity continued, “The five of us knew each other before Twilight came in to town, but we were mild acquaintances at best,” Rarity said.

“It’s true,” Applejack confirmed “We all came from different places with different goals to Ponyville. To be honest, Ah barely knew most of my friends before Twi came into Ponyville.”

“It wasn’t until Twilight came that I finally found the courage to speak to other ponies and get some pony friends,” Fluttershy barely spoke meekly.

“Not to mention all of the epic adventures we went on, because of her,” Rainbow added, causing Twilight to blush even more.

“And I was just so happy that I had even more friends after meeting her;” Pinkie Pie smiled widely.

“So in a way, your friendship started because of Twilight,” Darkrim concluded.

“Well that is the reason she is the Princess of Friendship after all,” Rarity added “She brought us all together and we became inseparable ever since.”

Twilight’s face had become completely red now.

“Thank you girls, but really I wouldn’t have even realized what friendship is had it not been for you five,” Twilight said “These five mares have become more than friends to me by now. We shared so many laughs, tears and not to mention adventures together, that I couldn’t even imagine my life without them.”

As Twilight said that the other five mares embraced Twilight in a group hug. Darkrim watched this display from the side and it reminded him of someone he left back at Tartarus.

“I wish you were here, Larbo,” Darkrim thought to himself as tears weld up in his eyes.

The rest of the trip Darkrim spent going over through the study schedule with Twilight and laughing at Pinkie Pie’s absurd jokes. He barely even noticed that their train was pulling to a stop until the conductor yelled their stop.

As Darkrim walked out, his suitcase firmly grasped with his crimson magic, he noticed a pleasant little village surrounding him.

“So, where will we be staying?” Darkrim asked as he saw Twilight exiting the train.

“Right there,” Twilight pointed to a gigantic, crystal, tree-like fortress, shinning its light all around. He watched in awe as this structure’s beauty could match even that of the Canterlot castle. The banished prince barely kept his jaw from dropping at the sheer awe of this amazing structure.

“I think I can work with this,” Darkrim smiled to himself as he followed Twilight to the castle like fortress.

As their friends joined them, the seven ponies trotted slowly towards the castle, unaware that they were being closely observed from up above.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to get to this chapter. A lot of school work has come up lately so i don't have the time I had before to write it all down. I do intend to finish it since I still have a lot of ideas for further down the line. Hopefully this chapter was enjoyable.