• Published 18th Aug 2015
  • 499 Views, 59 Comments

Darkrim And The Elements Of Harmony - Lunaexcelsior

One day Twilight receives a letter from Princess Celestia, claiming that a dethroned Tartarus prince has requested a meeting with her and the Elements of Harmony and needs their help.

  • ...

Of Dreams And New Beginnings

“This could get a little bit tricky,” Grimoire thought to himself as he saw Makita and the seven ponies arrive at Ponyville.

The wide open spaces between the buildings of this rustic town offered little to no room to hide behind, while the clouds above seemed to be littered with flying equine. It seemed to be full of ponies even for a small community.

As he pondered, Grimoire suddenly noticed something beneath his feet. A field of dark green flower stretch beneath his claws. He picked one up and brought it to his snout.

As he sniffed the flower blew a puff of a foul smelling gas in his face, causing him to drop it down immediately.

“What a foul flower,” Grimoire thought to himself as he coughed. He quickly looked at his claw and was surprised to find out it was gone. He
could still feel it there, but it was completely invisible. The realization hit him like a brick as he began to laugh like a maniac.

“Invisible Orchid, of course,” Grimoire said to himself as he began picking up the flower.

Once he had collected enough of the miraculous flowers, Grimoire placed them in his snout and began to chew on them like a wild boar. As he looked at his claws they began to slowly fade away and the rest of his body was quick to follow. It would only last him for few hours, but it would suffice.

Once he was fully invisible to the naked eye, Grimoire took flight, quickly approaching Ponyville. He searched the city high and low, but there was no sign of the ferocious hunter.

Just as he was about to give up, something caught his eye. It wasn’t the hunter, but something even better. The dark blue flame gave the banished prince right away to the flying demon. However, he wasn’t alone. Next to him was a lavender pony with both wings and a horn.

“My, my, he’s doing rather well," Grimoire thought to himself, letting out a sigh of relief that the hunter hadn’t gotten to his target just yet.

As he followed the group, Grimoire noticed that they entered in the largest structure in Ponyville. He positioned himself atop the crystallized tree, overlooking Ponyville, as the small group entered below.

Grimoire looked down at his feet and began to see that he slowly began to become visible once more. With all other options gone, Grimoire had to rely on the one trick he knew best.

His claws began to dig into the crystallized surface. He clenched his teeth as his eyes began to turn white. Slowly the crystal began to creep upwards, encasing him whole and turning him in a statue. The gargoyle could still see everything around him, but nothing else.

This was a specific type of preservation magic only available to gargoyles as it allowed them to blend into any environment, but it only lasted as long as there was sunlight. At nighttime they would revert to their normal self.

“Now we play the waiting game,” Grimoire thought to himself as he searched the ponies passing him below.

While Grimoire positioned himself outside, Darkrim was given a tour of the castle inside.

“I’m sorry the rest of my friends couldn’t join us,” Twilight said as she led the dark blue unicorn through the wide hallways of her castle.

“No problem,” Darkrim said nonchalantly “I understand they have their own lives to live and businesses to run.”

“Thank you for understanding,” Twilight smiled.

After a few moments, the duo came to a large green door with a tree symbol above it. Darkrim looked back at Twilight, puzzled by this room. Twilight smirked and opened the door, revealing a large room with a map and six, crystal, chairs beside it.

As Darkrim observed the room, he noticed that each of the chairs had cutie marks on them. However, the chair with Twilight’s cutie mark had a smaller one besides it. This one was markless and just slightly smaller than the rest. Darkrim wanted to ask about it, but his thoughts were quickly drawn elsewhere as a large map was displayed in front of him.

He watched in amazement at this holographic structure. It portrayed the entire land of Equestria right before his very hooves. He could see the entirety of Ponyville with just one glance as well as the majestic Canterlot castle, perched proudly on the side of a mountain.

“I see that you like the map,” Twilight joked.

“I have never seen anything like it,” Darkrim gleefully exclaimed “I mean, I have seen a map, obviously, but this is something quite different!
The models are perfect to a tee, not to mention the details and the visual appeal” he blithered out, spastically.

Twilight laughed at his erratic response, causing Darkrim to blush in embarrassment.

“I am glad you like it, because this map is the most important thing in this castle,” Twilight began to explain “Not only does it give us a magnificent view of Equestria, but it also helps us to solve any friendship problems that may happen all over.”

“Friendship problems?” Darkrim asked skeptically.

“Oh you know, helping to resolve a family feud, reinvigorating the once fallen city of griffons back to their former strength, and taking down a corrupt leader of a town,” Twilight explained and laughed awkwardly.

As she stopped, the purple alicorn noticed Darkrim’s eyes completely bulge out and his jaw unhinged in awe. Even the flames on his mane seemed to become dimmer. She waved her hoof in front of his face, causing him to snap out of his daze.

“Yes, quite impressive.” Darkrim cleared his throat, attempting to act unfazed by Twilight’s massive achievements.

“All in a day’s work for the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight joked. As they talked a small purple dragon walked into the throne room.

He seemed to be carrying a wide array of comic books in one claw and a bowl of various gems in another. As the little dragon walked in, both Twilight and Darkrim turned their attention towards him.

“Hey, Twilight,” Spike greeted his ‘big sister’, “I didn’t hear you coming. Is this that prince pony Celestia wanted you to meet?”

“As a matter of fact it is,” Twilight said and turned her attention to Darkrim “Darkrim, this is Spike, my number one assistant and the best dragon in all of Ponyville,” Twilight

Spike blushed a bit and extended his claw.

“Na’ktur selekvim,” Darkrim said as he accepted Spike’s claw.

Spike blankly looked at Darkrim, bewildered by the words he uttered. At that point the banished prince realized that he might have made a mistake.

“You don’t speak drakonian, do you?” Darkrim asked awkwardly.

“Not really,” Spike replied.

“What’s drakonian?” Twilight asked.

“It is a language that nearly every dragon in Tartarus speaks,” Darkrim explained “I always assumed it was universal for all dragons.”

“First time I’m hearing about it,” Spike replied.

“Anyway, it’s very nice to meet you, Spike. So, I assume that empty seat is for you?” Darkrim said, quickly trying to save face after his little mistake.

Spike nodded.

“I may not be an element of harmony, but I did help them enough times to earn that seat,” Spike puffed his chest.

“Not to mention that he has been with me ever since I was a filly,” Twilight said and embraced Spike with one of her hooves. Darkrim couldn’t help but smile at the two of them.

“Sounds like you two have quite the history,” Darkrim said.

“Well, my history begins with Twilight,” Spike replied “After all, she did help to bring me into this world.”

“What do you mean?” Darkrim asked confusedly.

“She was the one that hatched me,” Spike explained as Darkrim looked back at Twilight.

“So, not only did you save Equestria numerous times, but you also hatched a dragon when you were a filly?!” Darkrim exclaimed.

“Well I had some help,” Twilight blushed a bit.

“Ms. Sparkle, you are full of surprises,” Darkrim said and chuckled “Now I can see why Celestia wanted me to study with you.”

“Oh that reminds me,” Twilight said and pulled up her scroll “I planned for our first magic lesson to start in an hour, if that’s okay with you.”

“It’s perfectly fine,” Darkrim replied.

“Great!” Twilight clicked “Spike will show you to your room while I make the necessary preparations.”

“Sounds great,” Spike said “Only one problem: where is his room exactly?”

“Well, I was thinking that he could sleep in the guest room,” Twilight said “It’s the one right next to yours.”

“Oh yeah, I know now,” Spike said and gave Darkrim a sign to follow him.

The two left Twilight in the map room with Darkrim carrying his suitcase. Spike noticed this and offered his help.

“You know, I could carry it for you,” Spike said to Darkrim.

“That won’t be necessary. I only have like three things in here,” Darkrim said and continued to levitate his suitcase.

“Whatever.” Spike shrugged his shoulders.

After a few moments they arrived near a small crystal door. Spike opened it, revealing a relatively small room.

It was modestly decorated and quite vibrant in its decor. Gems in an array of rainbow colors emerged from the ceiling and the corners of the room and covered it in a flower like pattern.

In the middle of the room was a medium sized bed and next to the bed was a small, diamond nightstand. On the wall to his left was a big bookcase, encircled by a tree like gem, full of various tomes aligned in an alphabetical order from ‘Abusyrnipal’ to ‘Zerphone’. On the wall to his right was a small window, overlooking the entirety of Ponyville.

Looking through this window Darkrim finally realized how much different this whole village was from his home. The vibrant colors seemed to have their prevalence and the whole community seemed to be filled with color and energy. Darkrim looked back at his dark fur and sighed. He stuck out like a sore thumb in this place.

Trying to get away from his thought, Darkrim focused his attention back to the young dragon whom seemed to be twiddling his claws anxiously.

“Is there something wrong, Spike?” Darkrim asked.

“Well,” Spike began as he scratched the back of his head “You mentioned that there are dragons in Tartarus, right?”

“Yes, there are almost as many dragons as there are ponies in Tartarus,” Darkrim explained.

“What are they like? Because most that I have met were pretty much the worst,” Spike asked, quickly getting to the point.

Darkrim thought for a few moments, before he came up with an answer.

“Some of them are like that,” Darkrim said “but most are actually quite nice. Heck, the most powerful king in Tartarus’ history was a dragon.”

“Really?” Spike asked as his eyes lit up.

“It’s quite true,” Darkrim said as he noticed that he had Spike’s attention “During his reign Tartarus entered it’s most fruitful and peaceful era.
Legends say that his wisdom could only be matched by his kindness as he made sure that no creature, whether they are a pony, dragon or other, is treated unfairly and that all are seen as equal in the eyes of the state despite their specie,” Darkrim explained.

“Wow,” Spike said and grabbed his head “I thought that all dragons were brutes.”

“Dragons are actually very similar to ponies,” Darkrim smiled “There are good ones and there are bad ones. What they are does not matter,” Darkrim said.

“But who they are does,” Spike finished his sentiment.

“Exactly my young friend!” Darkrim smiled.

“Well, I have to go and help Twilight;” Spike said quickly “Enjoy your stay!”

“Thank you, I will,” Darkrim said and waved Spike goodbye.

As the little dragon left, Darkrim began to unpack. He set his cape and horseshoes in one corner of the room and placed the pendant on his nightstand. Once everything was out, the banished prince took in his surroundings.

For the first time in a long time he felt a sense of tranquility take over him. This strange new place was filled with a sense of calm and beauty that he hadn’t felt ever since he was on a run.

For this one moment, Radifus appeared to be wiped from his consciousness completely. His father’s exile now seemed more like a blessing in disguise as he had met such wonderful ponies in his exile. The darkness still loomed over him, like an unrelenting shadow, but it seemed to be shunned away, repressed in the deepest corner of his mind. It was in this state that the exiled prince felt his eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

“Maybe a little nap wouldn’t hurt,” Darkrim thought to himself as he yawned.

The dark furred unicorn nestled comfortably on his bead as sleep soon came to him. However, it was not a dreamless slumber as Darkrim soon awoke in a desolate land.

Everywhere, as far as the young unicorn looked was nothing but dried sand and dead trees. The cold atmosphere of this curse place was accompanied by a harsh wind howling through the branches of the leafless trees.

As Darkrim looked through the wasteland, he could have sworn that there was a pony esque figure standing in the distance. Whether by curiosity or by some strange force, Darkrim felt a strange pull towards this figure.

It appeared to be much shorter than the princess of the night, but he was still uncertain whether it was friendly or not. Slowly approaching the figure, Darkrim felt a strange sensation take over him as the pony’s figure appeared to be much clearer.

It appeared to be a regular sized unicorn, just a bit smaller than Twilight, coated in a grey. The mane and tail of this unicorn, both black as coal, were quite long, hiding both her cutie mark and her eyes.

As Darkrim approached this mysterious figure it did something he did not except. The pony kneeled down in front of him and kissed his hooves. Darkrim pulled back and stepped away.

“Forgive me my liege if I offend,” the figure spoke in an airy and feminine voice.

Darkrim stared at the figure in mistrust. The unicorn pulled away her mane, showing off that both her eyes were stitched together as well as that she was wearing a necklace of the Tartarus Monarchy.

Darkrim jus stood there, frozen in fear.

“Who are you?” Darkrim asked, readying up his horn.

“Ease yourself, for I am only here to help you,” the unicorn spoke “You may not know who I am, but I know very well who you are, my true prince.”

As she said that, the unicorn attempted to get closer to the prince. Darkrim still did not lower his horn, but instead shone it even more viciously.

“However, I can sense that you still mistrust me, so I shall introduce myself. My name is Clotho, the Spinner,” the strange unicorn spoke calmly.

Darkrim’s eyes widened as the red magic from his horn disappeared.

“You are the youngest Moira,” his lips quivered as he said those words.

“That is true,” Clotho said “And I have come bearing grim news.”

“What is it? Has something happened in Tartarus?” Darkrim asked rapidly.

“I have seen the future and it is not good,” Clotho said grimly “A dark storm is brewing and only harmony will be able to calm it down.”

“What do you mean?” Darkrim asked.

“Unfortunately, my vows do not allow me to say anymore,” Clotho said “but that is not what I am here to tell you.”

Darkrim gave her a sign to continue.

“The beast with two heads has spawned two creatures and has sent them after you. One is a demon sent to be your guardian angel while the other is a hidden beast that lurks in the calm. Beware of these two for they are the heralds of a much larger threat,” Clotho said cryptically.

Darkrim was baffled by the words she uttered. However, he felt that he knew what he must ask.

“How will I know to find this hidden beast?” Darkrim asked.

“A white mane garnishes its hidden flesh while a black book reveals its truth. Beware for it is a master of disguise and a vicious murderer at heart,” Clotho said as the world around them began to crumble. Darkrim tried to run away from the crumbling ground.

“Farewell young prince. We shall meet again,” Clotho said as the howling wind took away her form.

Darkrim closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he felt his body falling through the hollow ground.