• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,613 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

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F*** THE RULES!!! (Alliance)

Day One of the War

Celestia shook her head, “Please… Repeat yourself… Why are you here?”

“There is going to be war here in this Equestria and we need your help as an ally.” Dark Magician said as he gave a small bow which Dark Magician Girl did the same.

Blossom rubbed her temples, glaring daggers at the Alicorn/Dragon. “The being known as Darth Folteren has already set up a base. Our leader wishes to give you protection and in return, you supply us with the necessities.”

“What is this war exactly?” The solar princess questioned, a bit worried. “And why here?”

“Simple, Folteren is a misguided man, who’s twisted his reality and the many who serve him.” Blossom explained. “And I don’t know why here specifically. I’m General Blossom.”

“So you’re here to wage war in my kingdom?”

“Not to wage war Princess… to protect your ponies.” replied Craig

“Plus nobody will get killed and even if they do. Then they will be revived back to life.” Dark Magician Girl said.

Blossom giggled nervously, “Yeah… About that… Only Displaced and their armies are… safe. It’s a real threat for the inhabitants.”

“Wait… innocent civilians could be killed… I don’t care what any of you think but I would rather die myself than let any ponies suffer.” said Craig

It won’t just be ponies who will be affected.” Said a deep voice from inside the castle.

“Hi Asphyxious.” Dark Magician Girl called out. The Lich Lord Displaced then came out of the wall and bows to the others.

It is good to see someone that I know. But I can’t help but see this war as foolish.” Said Asphyxious as he put his arms behind his back.

Craig then smiles and says “In more ways than one… it’s just like brothers arguing.”

Agreed, but I must make one thing clear. I will be neutral in this conflict.” He said bluntly as he looks around at the other displaced.

Craig then once again smiles and says “At least I know who is who in this war.”

“Me too.” Dark Magician said. Asphyxious looked pleased at this, it was kind of hard to tell with his head being a skull and all.

Blossom cleared her throat, “Sorry, but Neutrals can’t be in Canterlot. Time Spinner’s hosting that somewhere else.”

Asphyxious, Dark Magician and Craig look at her. “So… where was it where we were meant to meet up then?” Asked the Lich as he looks to the others.

“Looking at the wrong person mate.” replied Craig.

“There’s a place called the Tomb of Starswirl. That’s where the Neutrals are. You won’t be able to go there today though.” Blossom stated.

“Why is their base at a tomb?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

Sounds interesting, but I think I can get there no need to sleep like this. But the hard part is getting there.” Said Asphyxious as he looks outside. “Where is this tomb?

“It’s in the ruins of Skybard, in the North, near the Crystal Empire but to the east.” Blossom stated.

We know where we’re going then. Dark Magician if you will.” Asked Asphyxious as he moves to stand by his side.

“I am helping Lee in this war Asphyxious.” Dark Magician deadpanned.

“Me too.” Dark Magician Girl said happily.

Asphyxious growled softly at this as he moves away. “Just open a portal and I’ll make the rest of the way by foot.” He asked calmly.

“Ok. Something tells me that you didn’t get laid today.” Dark Magician said as he open a portal.

One of my mates was almost killed… I have every right to be angry.” Said the Lich Lord coldly as he walks into the portal.

“Must be a future thing for you to see Dark Magician.” Dark Magician Girl said to Dark Magician which he nods in agreement.

Craig then waves to him, saying “Good luck.”

Asphyxious laughs at this then say. “I need no luck… Just for my enemies to be stupid.

“Don’t we all?” laughs Craig then the portal closed behind the Lich.

Blossom places her hand over her ear where an earpiece appeared. After listening a bit, she voiced her reply. “Sure thing Knox.” Turning her head to the others, she said. “Guys, I need you to go down to the Marketplace. One of our Commanders is having some troubles. Mind helping him? I’ve got this here, no use boring you.”

“Sure what kind of trouble is it?” Dark Magician asked.

“Terry says it’s Sombra’s goons flooding the city. Oh, and just a warning, he’s very… Egotistical. Just try not to piss him off, he’s a real asset.” Blossom stated. “Owen, mind staying with me?”

“Sure.” Owen said, shrugging.

The creature turned in their general direction, and roared. “Who are you maggots!?!?”

Deathwing who was quite looked at him. “I’ll handle this.” The alicorn flashed back into his dragon form.

“Okay.” Both Magicians said as they ran to kill some goons.

“I said,” The creature said, walking forward. “Who are you?”

“Simple.” In a burning flash, Deathwing returned to Dragon formed. “The Earth, literally.” Deathwing had a chuckle. “In all seriousness, I’m Neltharion the Earth Wander, but I go by Deathwing.”

Another being walked out of the broken building. This one was wearing a Spiderman costume. “Ignore Abomination, he’s taken the war thing too seriously. I’m Grand Commander Terrance Knox, or Superior Spider-man to you guys.” Four spider-like arms appeared around him. “You must be the re-enforcements I called for…”

“Yes we are. My name is Dark Magician Girl and my boyfriend’s name is Dark Magician.” Dark Magician Girl said as she appeared behind Abomination.

“I guess you’ll do.” Superior Spider-man said. “There’s an infantry AT-AT coming towards the city. A few actually. Me and Abomination can’t leave our posts because of Sombra’s shitheads, and the few Imperial Scouting Droids, so I’ll need you guys to take them out, as well as their escort team. Can you guys do that?”

Craig then smiles and says “Tell us where to go and we’ll hold them off.” Deathwing’s form altered until he was in his human form. Maul in hands he gave a smile.

Superior pointed towards the walls of the city, “Hurry up, if they get here the city is lost and all the ponies here will die. My man can’t handle something that powerful!”

Craig then looks up then says “I’ll buy you some time.” He then began to levitate off the ground and disappeared.

Deathwing’s wings formed as he took off into the air. He came landing into the fight sending bounders up which he smashed at the attackers. He made a raising motion as the clouds readied their lighting.

Dark Magician fired a magical EMP blast at the Imperial Scout Droids, frying their systems.

Outside the walls of Canterlot, three AT-AT’s were… Walking up the mountain… Craig then appears above them and shouts “I don’t think you’ll get far.” He then brings his hands to his side and shouts “KameHameHa!”

Seconds later a blue beam of light explodes from his hands destroying the AT-AT below him. The second AT-AT aimed it’s head at Craig and shot him so hard he went flying and was disoriented.

“Gah, stupid tanks!” He then looks back towards the AT-AT that shot him, draws his sword and then charges at the cables attaching it to the wall and somehow manages to slice them causing it to stumble, but it didn’t fall. Black magic held it’s feet to the stone. “dammit why won’t this thing fall!”

“Need a hand?” Deathwing asked the lightning Deathwing summoned struck him with his hands raised a massive bolt shot third and toar through the At-AT.

“Thanks, needed the support.” shouted Craig Deathwing nodded.

“DARK MAGIC ATTACK!”” Dark Magician Girl yelled as she blast the AT-AT with dark magic.

“Nice Shot.” Dark Magician said which made Dark Magician Girl blushed.

There was an explosion in the market place.

“Oh now what?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

A portal opened over the city, and another dragon flew out of it. It was gray, and powerful. It soared into the sky and gave a mighty roar of challenge. Another roar of reply was heard, and an icy skeletal dragon burst from the market place. The two dragons glared at each other before the blue one spoke.

“You threaten my mistress Alliance fool!” It said is a slithery tone and almost in a whisper, but was heard loud and clear.

“You threaten the land of my brother knave!” They roared once more and dove at each other, clashing in mid air. The gray dragon blasted the icy lich dragon with fire, and his opponent returned the attack with his own breath of frost.

They separated and growled at one another, before shooting off their attacks of frost and flame. The elements clashed, and exploded, creating quite the spectacle of light in the air. They clashed once more before the gray dragon threw the ice wyrm into the ground, and slammed into him. He then flew off, and the wyrm stood.

“I’m impressed. What is your name?”

“My name is Alduin, and I will be your ticket out of this world.”

“If you are so sure of that, then prove it.”

“Very well.” Suddenly, a black material started to surround Alduin. Once it completely covered him, he began to grow in size. He sprouted forelegs, and his wings moved to his back. He grew two more heads, and became a bit bigger than Deathwing was at full size. The material turned into red scales, and he now had Venom like eyes. Spines grew down his necks and back, and the inside of his wings were black.


Saphiron chuckled as his fires died. “Missed… Opportunity…” And with that, his body faded away.

“Well… You just scared away my dragon. Happy?” A Night Elf said out of nowhere.


“I do not.” She replied, giggling. “I’m just in it to help my BFF… You know, Sul- I mean Folteren? I don’t have any ill will towards your bromance!” She raised her hands in defence, “I’m Queen of the Dead, Shea.”

Deathwing flew up to greet Alduin. “I see you finally made it Alduin,” Deathwing saw the night elf and suddenly said, “Ishnu-alah Kaldorei.” Deathwing spoke in Darnassian.

“Thank you,” Shea said, raising her hands. “Oh, and I give up. I’m your prisoner. Yay… What’re you gonna do Aldy?”

Apocalypse, with a grunt, de-transformed back into Alduin, and an exact copy of him, but with red scales, two heads, and two tails, was flying right beside him.

“I’d say you head back home. No one surrenders this easily without a plan to get on the inside.”

“Nah, Saphiron was my plan as well as Sombra’s minions. I’m not much of a fighter against other cool dudes.”

Deathwing spook up. “She’s telling the truth… except that last part about you being cool.” Deathwing turned to his follow Dragon. He glared at the elf before huffing and flying off, searching for the real reason to why he was here. He needed to make sure his brother was okay after all. The other dragon followed him without a word.

They quickly discovered a city in the clouds that most would know as Columbia from Bioshock Infinite. And Alduin easily saw some clone troopers patrolling the area. One had yellow markings over him and was waving for the two to land. Alduin nodded and the other dragon fused with him, returning to his father. Alduin landed and looked around.

“Alright where’s Lee?”

“He’s requested your audience in the main building. Misty and I shall take you there.” The Clone Captain said, “Any questions while we wait for Commander Misty, sirs?”

“Nope.” Alduin said, shaking his head.

“Is there a calm place here? I need to commune with the Elements.” Deathwing asked

“Of course sir. Most of the city isn’t inhabited, just go to the east side. North is full of soldiers, south is run by clankers, and west is where Alduin, Misty and I are going.” The Commander said. Deathwing gave a nod flying off to east side.

Deathwing landed and got into a meditative position. If things were going to get out of hand he may need a favor. Around him was an image of fire, water, air and earth floated around him.

So the Earth Wander comes to us?” The fire one said.

What do you want?” The water one asked.

I came to ask you all for your support in the coming conflict.” Deathwing stated.

Why would we help you?” The Air asked.

I could force you four to help me, but I know that would be counterproductive.” Deathwing said, “Instead I ask you for your aid, in exchange you four may walk the world outside your plane.

The four elements started whispering among themselves. Finally the earth one spook there answer. “Very well Earth Wander.” With that Deathwing awoke from his trance.

Meanwhile, Alduin and the Clone Commander saw a teenage girl Alduin slightly recognized. Misty from the Pokemon Anime.

“Commander Misty, good to see you again.” The Commander said, saluting the water trainer.

“Settle down Bly, you know I don’t like saluting…” Misty turned to Alduin. “Wow… Um… I’m Misty!”

“Greetings, my name is Alduin. I’m told you’re going to lead me to Lee?”

“Yeah, he’s this way.” She lead Alduin and Bly to the west side of the city. There was a large castle-like structure that Misty pointed to. “Connors, General Buttercup, and General Bubbles are waiting inside.”

Alduin nodded, and then transformed into his pony/dragon form. His fur was actually dark gray scales, his mane was gray, his wings were draconic, his tail was a dragon tail as well, and his eyes were red. He trotted inside and looked around.

“Alright, where do I go from here?”

Buttercup walked out of a hallway and smirked. “Hey dude…”

“Buttercup? Odd, I thought I met you in a dream.”

“Yeah… So?” Buttercup said, “Lee told me you were real. It’s been awhile since either of us has seen you. Lee’s… Different, I must warn you.”

“Different how?”

“It’s been four years for him. His Twilight… Isn’t around anymore… There’s another thing, but you’ll need to see it to believe it.”

“Very well, lead me to him then.” Buttercup nodded and began to lead him to Lee. “I suppose now wouldn’t be the best of times to tell him that I’m married to my Twilight, is it?”

“He knows, he just wished you’d had made him the best man!” Buttercup laughed as she lead Alduin to the throne room.

“Sorry, my true brother, the one I’m related to by blood, took up that spot. I was going to invite you all, but something stopped Marx from contacting you.”

“Hey, I’m joking.” Buttercup said, “Besides, we were too busy with things. Lee for example had to kill his children, and I had to… Do something else.”

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, there was a war back home, and Lee killed at least two, while Anti-Venom murdered Toxin, and Mania. Carnage is the only one left.”

“Oh, you meant them. I was thinking you were talking about… something else.”

“Killing your kids? No, and he really isn’t in the mood for even mentioning that.” Buttercup said, reaching a pair of double doors. As they walked, Alduin could feel the Twins wake up and grow excited. Suddenly, they defused with Alduin and tackled Buttercup.

Aunty Buttercup!

“Hey guys!” Buttercup said, “As soon as I can I’ll get you a little gift Blossom made, but right now my brother is waiting for us.”

Okay!” They got off of her and ran next to their father, excited that they finally get to meet their uncle.

Buttercup open the doors and whispered to Alduin. “Glad they remember me.”

Inside was a human girl with flat pink hair and pink skin. Her eyes were dark, and she held a black, grey and white pistol in her left hand. She was talking to a Discord.

“So Loki sent you…?” The pink girl asked in a dull tone.

“Well yes, I am his voice of Chaos, his Discord.” Discord said, “I was given the same level of magic as he had before he absorbed his alts.”

“Huh, okay. I’ll have you take on a bit of responsibility. Maybe you can help with the attack on Canterlot-” She stopped, and looked towards Alduin and Buttercup.

“Hope we’re not interrupting anything.”

“No, you’re just in time Alduin.” The girl smiled lightly, “Been forever. How’s your marriage?”

“Doing well. Twilight is pregnant with our child now. Sorry but, I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Oh, sorry.” Black slime covered her body and a female black suited Spider-man stood up. “I forgot to wear my skin. After Twilight died I needed a new host, so Pinkie volunteered since Toxin died…”

“Ah, Lee! It’s good to see you again my brother.”

Uncle Lee!” The Twins ran to their uncle/aunt and hugged him. He was shocked at first, but lowered themselves to the Twins.

“Well… This is a surprise…” Lee kept his monotone voice which seemed to spook Buttercup.

“Do you not recognize them Lee?” Alduin asked.

“No, I remember them… It was just a surprise. Last I saw of them, they were asleep… Dang, they’re really energetic. Where’d they get that from?”

“Mom probably, she was always running around.” Buttercup said.

“Heh, you should see their older brother.” Alduin added.

“Older… Brother?” Lee tilted Pinkie’s head. Suddenly, the Twins backed off, and fused together. Their fusion formed into a teenager that was about 18. He had a blood red jacket on, with black stripes, a black undershirt, blood red jeans, and red shoes. His hair was also blood red, and so were his eyes. His face, unlike the happy face that the Twins usually had, was emotionless and unimpressed. His eyes gave off a cold stare of bloodlust.

So… you’re Lee?

“And that’s dad…” Buttercup added. “As you can see, Lee and Ep got the unfortunate Connors gene of a stick in the mud.”

“Epidemic is more of a silent destroyer.”

“Still seems like dad…” Lee mumbled. “Yes, I’m Lee, but I prefer Venom. Lee’s a weak name.”

Buttercup leaned closer to Alduin and whispered. “Told you he’s different.” Alduin nodded, noticing the difference.

“So, how long has this war been going on?”

“A day… And I’m already regretting the idea. I’m already sick of seeing Folteren’s face all the time…” Lee growled.

Discord summoned up some chocolate. “Here this should help calm your nerves.”

“I literally don’t have nerves…” Lee deadpanned. “The thought was duly noted.”

Discord gave nod, as he passed by Alduin he whispered into his ear. “He’s going to need his friends more than ever.” With that he passed out to the nearest clone. “Alright let’s get this city ready for anything.”

The clone saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!”

“WHAT?!” Shouted Dark Magician as he enters the room sounded a bit piss. “Did I hear right that your version of Twilight Sparkle was killed?” He asked Lee while Dark Magician Girl enters the room.

Lee looked to Dark Magician and sighed in exasperation. “Yes, she was killed. Why is this important to you? She isn’t your Twilight...”

“Even so it still grinds my gears that a version of the Elements getting killed while I can’t do anything about it until their souls arrive in my Equestria as a Revived. It just annoys me when I get future knowledge of one's death. So who did it?” Dark Magician asked in a calm tone.

“Do I need to tell you everything about me? You’re here to help me fight Folteren, not discuss those I’ve lost.” Lee growled.

“Right.” Dark Magician said rolling his eyes. “The last thing I saw you was just after your fall out with that sith lord. So when do we fight Folteren’s lackies?” Dark Magician asked.

“That’s for me to know, and you to find out. And right now, you’re not needed here. I’m discussing with Alduin. Unless there’s other personal matters you wish to hear of.” Lee sarcastically remarked.

“No I will be off to blast some of Sombra’s goons.” Dark Magician said as he walked off.

“See you later Lee.” Dark Magician Girl as she left but not before leaving a cupcake behind.

Lee ignored it and turned back towards his throne, “Now… Let’s get back on the topic at hand… Or claw, hoof, tail, etc.”


The Superior Spider groaned as he sat up… Well, tried to. Abomination was on top of him, most likely having saved him from the explosion.

“Someone get Abomination off of me!” He yelled.

Craig then walks over and says “I got you.” two blue tendrils then appear and slowly rolled Abomination off of The Superior Spider’s body and then asks “are you OK?”

The Spider sat up and brushed himself off. “Yeah, but the markets aren’t. Hope their owners have insurance.”

“Especially the pony that owns the cabbage stall.” Dark Magician Girl said as she ran by them.

Superior looked to the stall and noticed it was a pile of rubble. “I’ve seen-” He was cut off as it suddenly caught on fire for no reason. “Nevermind.”

“I feel sorry for cabbage stall owner.” Dark Magician said as he blast a goon that was about to attack the Superior Spider-man from behind.

“Hey! Where’d that Death Knight go!?” Yelled Rainbine who had flown over to them.

“What Death Knight?” Superior asked confused.

“She’s the one who attacked the market!” Dasher replied.

“Maybe she went to the bathroom?” Dark Magician Girl suggested.

Superior groaned, “She’s a Death Knight, she can’t go to the bathroom… Why do you ask?”

“Alduin and Deathwing had her captive, but they left her and she most likely got away!” Rainbine reported. Everyone face palmed at this. “You better not be facepalming at me!”

“Nope.” Dark Magician Girl said as she hides her hand she just use to facepalmed.

“Definitely not you Rainbine. More the fact that they let an enemy escape after defeating them.” admitted Craig.

“Good! Cause it wasn’t my fault!” Rainbine said before flying off.

Superior crossed his arms. “Well, I’m surprised Canterlot’s still standing, let alone there haven’t been any casualties.” He stretched a bit. “Guess I gotta give you an objective, huh…?”

“What is it?” Dark Magician asked.

“Well, before that explosion happened, one of my Spiderbots located an encampment in the Cloud District. They have vital information that could jeopardise my operations here. I’d say that’s the most important thing, but there’s also a squad of Clones trying to evacuate a large group of citizens.”

Discord came floating down. “So you need someone to get the information back, or erase it? I’m up for that.”

“They’re somewhere in the east, here.” Superior gave Discord an odd device, “This is the only way to retrieve the data by the rules. Destroy the droids, plug this in, and we’ve got our stuff back. There are five of them scattered around.”

“Ok a stealth mission it is.” Discord body soon became a copy of a droid. “Wish me luck.” He said as he floated off.

Superior was focused on a data pad. “Luck is an illusion, and you’d do best to know that.” Discord seemed to ignore that as he headed off.

“Now what?” Dark Magician Girl asked. “Because I think all the goons are gone.” She added.

Superior laughed. “These boneheads are respawning enemies! And if you listened, I said there was a group of clones who are helping the citizens escape. They’re currently under fire from a bunch of droids. When you’re done, meet me at the southern part of the city, and I’ll give you something else to occupy your time.”

“Okay.” Dark Magician Girl said as she pulls a TF2 Sapper out of her hammer space as she flew off followed by Dark Magician.

Craig then smiles and says “There ain’t no rest for the wicked.” He then began to follow Dark Magician Girl.

Meanwhile at the Neutral base.

After Asphyxious walked out of the portal he was kind of shocked at what he found. “What in all hell's happened in here?” He asked looking at all the drinks and mass in the room. Not only that but a changeling was hanging off a light with a party hat on.

“Don’t question it…” Said Miku, who was cleaning the floor with a broom. “Sometimes… It’s best to just roll with the crazy ones…”

“Any reason you’re here?” Loki asked as he was tossing some of the trash into a mini black hole.

I’m working for you, remember? Or is this another time thing again.” Asked the Lich as he crossed his arms.

“I think what Loki means is why you’re here after hours. You missed everyone else.” Miku said.

What?! I got the call just now!” said Asphyxious as he stared at him.

“Boy you must have terrible reception, either that or time was sped up in here.” Loki commented as he took some of the leftovers and ate them.

Miku shrugged. “I think Time meant for him to come by next week… For a spirit of time, he really can’t keep track of it.” She looked up to the Changeling. “Where’d he come from?”

“I think he was in Eris’ Pocket Dimension… I think.” Loki said looking at it. “He has moved right?”

“I don’t know, I just saw him!” Miku said, starting to panic. “If he’s been dead, Time Spinner’s gonna punish me again for letting a dead body rot in his castle!”

“Don’t worry I’m sure he…” Loki checked the bug, “Is dead… No matter.” Loki gave a snap of his talons bringing the bug back to life. It then screamed and flew out of the castle.

Okay I think you all need to calm down I’m only dead in my lich form. And seeing as my body made up of 90% metal and a skull like this all you have to worry about is the smell of smoke.” Said Asphyxious as he transforms himself into his human half dragon form.

“Wait, were you all talking about me or him?” Asphyxious asked as he points at the changeling.

“The Changeling? Yes we were.” Loki answered.

“Oh… okay.” Said Asphyxious as he rubs the back of his head.

“Well… This is the base, you can return when we make the next summon.” Miku said.

“Okay want me to make some warjacks in the meantime?” Asked Asphyxious as he take a look around.

“I can’t speak for my master, but I think he’d like that.” Hatsune said. Asphyxious grinned at that as he went off to get to work.

Lee sat on his throne again and let the mask over Pinkie’s face subside. “So… How’s the ms’s other than the little one on the way…?”

“She’s doing well… Sorry about what happened to yours.”

“I’m not married.” Lee deadpanned. “And I’m sick of hearing about my Twilight.”

“Very well, then I will no longer mention her. By the way, have you seen Gale?”

“No, I have yet to meet your real brother.” Lee said.

“Odd. I could have sworn he-” There was a sudden explosion and someone shouting at the top of their lungs.

“GANGWAY!” There was another blast just outside the building, and then silence. Soon after there were some footsteps, and then the double doors opened, revealing Gale.

“Okay, next time someone remind me not to jump into a closing portal. That fucking hurt.” He stopped and saw the gathered few. “Am I interrupting something?”

“Well… Guess we’ve all met…” Buttercup said, then smirked. “I heard this guy pissed off Derpigun! That’s impressive!”

“I’m pretty sure it was her girlfriend/boyfriend when I said she/he was on her/his period.”

“I’m sick of interruptions…” Lee snarled.

“Indeed. Gale, if you wouldn’t mind shutting up, we were having an important conversation.”

“Oops, sorry.”

Lee sighed. “I assume you want to know why I summoned you.” Lee stood up again and walked around the room. “There’s been a bit of a problem here. Apparently there’s something wrong with the clones, and they’ve been seen killing their Displaced Officers. You’re the only one in the War I trust even a little bit besides the PPG’s, so I want you to go to this world’s Everfree Forest and locate one of Time Spinner’s agent’s named Justine. She’ll know more about the errors of these units. I’d go myself, but I’m not allowed to fight unless Time says okay, and I want this on the downlow.”

“Very well, we’ll figure out what happened. Gale, Epidemic, let’s go.” Alduin trotted out of the room, with Gale and Epidemic following. Once the were outside, Alduin turned back into his dragon form, and took off, Gale and Epidemic in his dragon form close behind.

“Hey wait, I have some things I wanted to ask Lee. Like, why he had Pinkie’s human face and-”

“There’s no time. We are at war, and at a time like this, we don’t have the luxury of idiotic questions.” Gale was about to reply, but realized he had no argument so he shut up. “Now come on, we have an agent to find.”

When they got to the forest, they saw the Castle of the Two Sisters with white mannequin-like things attacking a group of ponies using guns.

“Something tells me that they’re in there.”

“Indeed. You handle the mannequins, I’ll make sure those ponies are safe.”

“Right.” Gale flew down and blasted the mannequins with a laser. The blast made them fly off in different directions. He landed in front of the group of ponies, and Alduin behind them. Epidemic flew above them, glaring at the attackers.

“Is everyone alright?”

One of them sighed in relief. “Thank the maker you showed up… We’re fine, but there’s a psychotic Displaced going after Commander Justine!”

“Who? What do they look like?”

“A… A little girl! She… She killed half of my squad without even trying!”

Hmph, she’s mine.” Epidemic flew a bit higher, then looked around. “Laas, Yah Nir.

A bunch of clumps of red smoke appeared everywhere. Epidemic looked around, trying to find one with an irregularity. He then noticed one, very small one. He knew what this meant.

An undead.” He flew at the aura at high speeds, not losing his target in the slightest. He slammed right into it, and sent it flying into a tree. He stood, and got a better look at his opponent.

It was a little girl only wearing a small, red dress. Her feet were bloody, and her eyes were glowing yellow. She got up and brushed her raven black hair out of her face.

“Oh… This again… What do you want?” The little girl’s mouth hadn’t moved, but Epidemic knew she was the one that spoke.

You’re trying to kill someone that’s essential to my mission. Now, unless you want to relearn the meaning of being dead, you’ll stay out of my way.

There was an echo of a giggle, and the little girl’s face bore a small smile. “I don’t think you understand. I let you hit me… Because there’s nothing left to hit! And with that, she fell apart into black flakes.

Running away? Hmph, you can’t hide for long.” Suddenly, there was a familiar presence in Epidemic’s mind.

Ooo~ can I go after her? Please? You know that she’ll be useless against me.

Fine, but only because this is a waste of my time.” The presence inside started laughing insanely as Epidemic changed. Whatever was red on him, was now a dark blue. The whites of his eyes became black, and his pupils were small dark blue circles. and cracks appeared around his eyes.

Heh heh heh, this is going to be fun!

Five clones hid behind cover with ten ponies who were cowering in fear.

“Where’s that backup!?” Yelled one named Waster.

“They’re a little busy!!!” Yelled their captain.

“Did someone call for backup?” Dark Magician Girl asked as she and Dark Magician landed next to the clones.

“Oh thank god!” Said another clone. “The cavalry!”

“Quiet Visor!” The Captain said. He then saluted. “My name Captain Beckett sir and ma’am!”

Craig then lands next to the magicians and says “Are you all ok?”

“We’re fine, but that unicorn filly needs to get out of here and get medical care. There’s a few CIS Droid Tanks blocking our path out of the city, already two groups got killed trying to make a run for it. Take those things out, and we’ll be able to get out of here.” Said Beckett. “I think there are around twenty three of them-”

“Twenty-four Captain.” Corrected Visor. “They’re lined up so we can’t escape. Folteren’s forces seem to have the intention of giving us no Quarter.”

Craig then looks at Beckett and says “Please take me to the injured… I know a bit of healing magic to help her.”

Beckett brought Craig to the filly, who was hacking and coughing. Ash covered her body as well as blood, and her left hind leg was severely broken. “Our medic tried to fix her up, but we don’t have the supplies or time to help her. She might get an infection if she doesn’t have one already.”

Craig then nodded to Beckett and then looks to the filly and asks “Are you okay miss?”

“It hurts…” The filly said, tears brimming in her eyes.

Craig then kneeled down and said “I’m going to help you… this may sting a bit so forgive me.” He then placed his hand over her and then said “Grand Healing.” Seconds later she was surrounded by a small white glow which began to heal some of the injures as she became able to breath easier and her hind legs began to heal. He then whispered it a second time and the injures completely disappeared. He then looks back to her and says “Are you feeling any better?”


“That’s good, what's your name miss?”

“T-Twinkle Sage…”

“Well miss Twinkle, You need to keep out of site. My friends and I will deal with the threat outside.”

“We’ll get rid of all the tanks for you.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl who was wearing a TF2 Spy outfit walked back to the group.

Craig then nods to them as he follows them and says “Let’s deal with these robots.”

“Its zapping time.” Dark Magician Girl said.

Craig then smiles as he sheaths his sword and grabs his Bolter pistol and a Plasma Sword as a blue synthetic skin covers his body. He then says “Let's do this.”

“Let’s.” Dark Magician said as he charge at the tanks with a EMP blast and frying their systems.

Craig then shouts “I’m with you!” He then runs forwards whilst shooting and slicing the droids as he approached the tanks. Once he got close he brought his hands near to each other then shouted “Final Flash!” Seconds later a bright yellow beam destroyed all the droids and the tank that was in front of him. He then shouted back to Dark Magician “Your turn!”

“DARK MAGIC ATTACK!” Dark magician shouts as he blasts the tanks.

A clone trooper shouted, “Boom!” As he and two other troopers threw a grenade each at the last tank of that area. The three exploded in key areas, sending the tank backwards in what they could only assume was shock. “Finish it!”

“Okay.” Dark Magician Girl said as she blasted the tank. It exploded, causing the surrounding droids to fall over. The clones shot them until they were dead.

Visor laughed as he looked at Dark Magician Girl. “Damn, you guys make that look easy…”

“Oh stop it, you’re making me blush.” Dark Magician Girl said blushing.

“Well then you just made my day.” Visor added.

“Shut it Visor! We’ve got more tanks up ahead!” yelled Beckett.

“Sorry Cap!” Visor apologised.

“I got an easier way for this.” Dark Magician said as he open a portal right under the tanks and they fell in.

“Beckett! Why didn’t you tell us he could teleport!?” Waster asked.

Beckett grumbled, “I’ve never met a Displaced other than Bly...”

“Guess that’s taken care of.” Visor added.

“Alright! Visor, Patch, you two take care of the cives! Waster, Redeye, you two scout out X-23’s last location, I’ll report back to Commander Knox.” Beckett said. He then turned towards the Displaced. “Is there anything I can do for you sirs and ma’am?”

“None at the moment.” Dark Magician said as Dark Magician Girl shook her head.

“Well, if you do, we’re at your disposal.” Beckett said. “You guys should return to Grand Commander Knox.”

The pony soldiers screamed as their flesh started to fall off. The little girl reappeared, and more of those mannequins spawned.

“Fighting for Lee is pointless… You can join us and kill the man who truly ruined Connor's life…”

“Oh trust me, I plan to after all of this, but I will NOT stand against my brother.”

“I do not fight against the Alliance… Yet. But you're annoying perseverance is making me consider it.” The little girl pointed at Alduin.

And the little bit of power you have will make a delicious snack. Heh heh heh HA HA HA HA!” Psychotic landed in front of Alduin and Gale. “You two go, I’ve got this.

With a nod, Alduin and Gale ran inside the Castle, looking for Time’s agent.

“I hate Displaced…” The little girl said. “Always so stubborn…”

Oh trust me little one, I am no displaced. By the time I’m through, you will be begging for one to come save you, heh heh heh HA HA HA!"

The little girl sent a blast of psychic energy into Psychotic, which made him stumble backwards a bit.

An image of the little girl entered Psychotic’s mind. “So cocky… So arrogant… It sickens me how my ‘kind’ are so absorbed. You seem… The same. No point in trying to reason…”

Ah, attacks on my mind, huh? Interesting. That power could be useful. Heh heh heh HA HA HA HA HA!

“You’re also annoying.” Pain struck Psychotic, and Alma left his head and disappeared. Soldiers with guns spawned and began shooting. Psychotic smiled, and rushed at them. A scythe appeared in his hand he sliced the first soldier in half.

“My name is Alma, by the way.”

Alma huh? Well, if I didn’t have to kill you, perhaps I might have asked you out. After all, you seem as insane as I am.

“I’m… Flattered?” Alma appeared again, this time there was a bigger soldier who opened fire with a nailgun. Psychotic took the shots, and charged. He leaped and bit head off. Blood spewed off and Psychotic leaped off.

You’re welcome. After all, I am allowed a bit more freedom to do and say what I want. My name’s Psychotic by the way.” With that said, he readied his scythe, and dove at Alma.

The child vanished just in time as another brute backhanded Psychotic. Psychotic recovered and leaped at him, decapitating him with his weapon. He landed as the blood rained down from his opponent’s neck. He stood and looked around.

Now, where did you go?

“You like that blade… Don’t you? It isn’t the real thing though. I’ve seen one, and it’s amazing.” Alma reappeared, a red Scythe held in her hand. “Mine is called Devious. What’s yours?”

Well mine doesn’t have a name, but if it did, I’d say it’d be called insanity. Though, if your scythe has a name, there must be reason.

“This was made by the same blacksmith as Lee’s… Devious was given to me… Maybe I could get you… Your own?”

Ooo~ that would be nice. Hmm, perhaps I won’t kill you.” Psychotic stopped and began to walk away. “I hope we meet again someday, after this is all over of course.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we did…” Alma said as she faded away.

In the east district Deathwing walked around seamlessly however he looked to see Droids being dropped off. “Where are the soldiers when you need them?” He turned to the stone statues. With his hands raised the statues came to life.

With that the statute entered into battle. Deathwing himself moved in as well. He grabbed one and ripped it apart with his Dragon strength. “Burn!” He screamed at the droids summoning up fire launching balls of superheated death on there bodies.

“Fall back.” One of the droids said only to have Deathwing heave him up and toss him off the city.

“Why are they attacking us now?” He asked himself. A tank shot knocked him out of his thoughts.

“Fire!” The spotter said, they fired again knocking Deathwing again, the organic Elementium armor taking the blasts.

With rage Deathwing ran right into the tank, picking it up and tossed it at the droid’s transports. A few more could be seen flying by. “I don’t have time for this!” With his hands raised Deathwing ripped open four portals appearing out where beings of fire, water, air, and Earth. “Elements deal with them now!” Deathwing commanded speaking you tounge

As you wish Earth Wander.” The elementals said.

As the Elements had this Deathwing shapeshift to his dragon form and flew into the sky. Within it Deathwing expand his senses in the air looking for the rest he flew to join their battle. ‘Does the other side have armies with each of their members?’ He could feel the amount of drop ships everywhere through the air itself.

Inside the Castle of the Two Sisters, Alduin and Gale were locating the Neutral Agent.

“Alright, where are you agent?”

“Should I do a scan of the area?”

“Please do.” Gale nodded, then tapped the side of his head. A few seconds later, Gale nodded.

“There we go. Top floor, I think.”

“You think?”

“What? Something’s messing with the signal.”

“I am.” They heard behind them. They spun around and saw a girl with orange hair, green eyes, and wearing odd clothes. She beamed a smile that even Pinkie would be impressed with. “Salutations!”

“Ah, so you’re the one we’re looking for?”

“Nope! You’re looking for Justine, I’m Penny! I’m sorry, but I’ve been ordered to escort you from the premises. This is Neutral business.” Gale walked up and unleashed his laser blade.

“You go on ahead bro, I’ve got this.” Alduin nodded and moved on. Gale looked at his opponent, and shook his head.

“Look, you seem like a nice girl, but we have to find this agent. If you just let us through, I won’t fight you.”

“I’m so, so sorry. I’ve been programed to take all orders from any Neutral Commanders, and Justine doesn’t want you here.” Ten swords flew out of her back and spun around. “I’m combat ready!”

“Yeah well, I’m sorry too.” Gale charged and slashed. Penny stopped his attacks with her blades. He flipped into the air, and fired a shot of energy.

Penny’s swords absorbed the attack, and she sent two of her blades to attack Gale from the back. “I’m really, really sorry for this!”

They stabbed into his back, but Gale ignored the pain. He spun into a spiky ball, and flew at Penny at high speeds. He slammed into her swords, then broke through her defense. He then slammed into Penny, and rammed her into a wall. He then leaped off, and prepared an attack.

“Forgive me as well, but I have a mission to complete.”

Penny leaped up and pointed all of her swords towards Gale and charged up her attack. Green energy collected, and quickly shot into Gale. The blast sent Gale through the ceiling.

When it was over, she looked to the sky. “Wow… I didn’t mean to send him that far…”

“Good. Because you didn’t.” Penny turned around, only to get blasted away by Gale. She was sent into another wall. “Look, I won’t stop until either you tell me where that agent is, or you’re down for the count. I really don’t want to have to resort to the second option, so why don’t you tell me what I need to know?”

“You don’t know that Justine's in Celestia’s old quarters?” Penny tilted her head, then face palmed. “Fiddlesticks! I wasn’t supposed to tell you that! I can’t stop fighting you because I was programed to prevent anyone from getting to Justine at all costs!”

“Well then I recommend you get a new job kid. Later!”

Penny shot a blade into Gale’s leg, causing massive damage around the ankle area. Gale was able to get away, pulling the Gynoid face first into the floor.

“Look, this is the last time I’ll say this! I really don’t want to have to kill my favorite RWBY character, so just back off and I won’t have to do so!”

“I physically can’t!” Penny yelled. “And I’m your favorite character?”

“Yes, you are. And if you physically can’t then I’ve got no choice.” He dove at Penny, turned his finger into liquid metal, and punched her arm. He inserted the piece of liquid metal, then sent it into what would be considered her brain. She suddenly froze, and fell to the floor.

“Deactivation virus, never thought I’d need it but apparently I did.” He then flew off, looking for his brother.

Meanwhile with Alduin.

“Ya no good varmint!” Yelled Apple Pills as she backed away, glaring at the dragon.

“Apple Pills? Never thought I’d see you again.”

“Is that an assumption or a hope?” Apple Pills asked, narrowing her eyes.

“A bit of both.”

“Well ah guess it’s the latter for me. What’re you doin here? This here place is off limits to yer group!”

“I’m on a mission to find an Agent of Time Spinner’s. Stand in my way, and I won’t hesitate to take you down.”

“Wish ah never had the misfortune ta meet ya… Go on, you won’t have an easy time with Justine’s pets.” Apple Pills stepped aside, still glaring at Alduin.

“That remains to be seen.” Alduin kept his glare on Apple Pills as he walked forward.

Superior was sat next to Abomination, who was still unconscious. A human male stood beside him wearing a black tuxedo and had his hands clasped in front of him.

“Who’s the tuxedo man?” Dark Magician Girl asked as she and Dark Magician landed next to Superior.

Craig then lands next to them and said. “That's the million dollar question.”

The man held out his hand. “Agent Coulson.”

Craig then smiled and said. “Ah, Agent of Shield I presume?”

“Technically yes, but I’ve never met Fury.”

“He’s a Displaced. The most useless Commander, I might add.” Superior added.

Craig then sighs and says “Even if someone’s not powerful they are still useful in other ways… heck they could be an amazing tactician for all I know.”

“It’s okay, he has a superiority complex. My comrades say what I lack in power I make up with dealing with his bitching.” Coulson smirked. “You must be Craig.”

“Yes and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I am the Dark Magician and this is my girlfriend Dark Magician Girl.” Dark Magician said as he offers a hand to Coulson.

“Just to make this clear, Superior, Abomination and I were Displaced together with a bigger group.” Coulson stated, shaking Dark Magician's hand. “I’ll be your handler until such time as Webhead gets on his feet.”

“Which Webhead? Lee or Superior?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

Craig then sighs and says “You want to insult either of them?”

“I’m right here.” Superior growled.

Coulson, ignoring the Commander, chuckles. “There are quite a few of them, aren’t there?”

“Yeah there's a third I met.” replied Craig

“Oh yes I have seen a few while I watch all of the Displaces back in my Equestria.” Dark Magician said while thinking about those spidermen and Gwens.

“Yeah, well there are four on the Alliance’s side and one on the Empire’s. Three are in my group, and I’m not even counting Lee.” Coulson shook his head. “Anyway, since Alduin and Deathwing let Shea escape, you’re going to have to pick up the slack. There’s another Imperial Commander by the name of-”

Craig then punches into his hand and says “who’s the target?”

“Why don’t you wait for him to finish.” Discord said as he floated up to them. He handed Coulson the drive. “Here’s the intel by the way.”

“Thank you,” The drive shrunk, and Coulson placed it into his pocket. “The Commander's name is Crona. You may know him from Soul Eater.”

Craig then sighs and says “never heard of it… this is one of the moments I wish I listened to my anime loving brother.”

“I do but it’s only from Loki memories.” Discord said with a shrug.

“I have heard of Soul Eater but I didn’t watch it. All I know of it is that one person turns into a weapon and another person can use it to fight with.” Dark Magician said while Dark Magician Girl was eating a cupcake.

“Well, it’s like this. There’s a weapon that turns into… You get it. And there’s a Meister… Hope I said that right… Well, only certain Meisters and Weapons can team up, but Crona’s weapon is… Different…” Coulson looked to a pad of paper he pulled out of his pocket. “Something like a demon weapon… I don’t know, but it’s best you don’t touch it or Crona’s blood.”

“Demon Weapon? Huh? I wonder if I could call Erza over to this Equestria to help fight this Crona.” Dark Magician Asked with a thoughtful look to his face.

“Okay, that’s good. Discord, I need you to bring Abomination and Superior to the medical bay, it’s somewhere near the castle I think.” Coulson said. “Crona was last spotted near the south part of the city before we lost communications there. There might be other Imperial Commanders, but we don’t know. Speak to Wasp, she’s set up near that area.”

“Very well.” Discord said as he floated away to get Abomination and Superior.

“Wasp? Who’s next Deadpool?” Dark Magician Girl joked.

Craig then laughs and says, “With the way my powers have been recently I’m halfway there.”

“Right then. Let’s go hunting for a Crona.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl fly off to the south part of the city.

“I can’t catch a break today” muttered Craig as he begins to follow them.

Landing soon afterwards Deathwing looked down at Coulson. “Are you with the Alliance?

“Yes, I’m Agent Coulson, filling in for Superior Spider-man. You must be Deathwing.”

Why yes I am, I wanted to ask why is our base overrun by the enemy?

“Displaced that join the War usually bring an army. Most of the Empire’s members drop off huge quantities of these troops. Droids are the frontal assault for now, but more powerful units will be joining them soon.”

Do any of our allies have an army to counter them?” Deathwing asked, “Or are we at a disadvantage?

“Some. About the only one that’s in production are Dinosaurs. Why?”

I may have one if we need it, the four Elemental Lords will offer their forces, but in exchange I must bring each of them into this world over the conflict.

“That can be arranged.” Coulson said. “Just tell a Commander when so we don’t shoot them and cause casualties.” Deathwing gave a nod at this.

Very well.” With that the Dragon left to inform a commander.

Explosions went off left and right while the Wasp was crouched behind a building that was falling apart.

“Why did I get picked for this…” She sighed.

A voice then shouts “Hey, need some help?”

Wasp looks around, trying to locate the speaker.

The voice then shouts again “Above you!”

Wasp looks up to see Craig, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. “Oh thank gosh! Can you help me out!?”

“Just give me a target and I’m set.” said Craig as he landed next to Wasp.

“And we will send them to the Shadow Realm.” Dark Magician said as he landed with Dark Magician Girl.

“I’m guessing Coulson sent you after Crona… Great… Well, might as well get my sorry ass out of here! Look, the comms tower was damaged when Crona arrived. I tried to get some troopers up there to fix it, but we’re so uncoordinated without communications that I sent them in blind and I haven’t heard back from them. They’re most likely dead, but there are still some guys here I wanna get home! Mind fixing it?”

“Sure and don’t you worry Waspy. We will fix that tower for you in no time.” Dark Magician Girl said with a Pinkie sized grin.

“Do you even know how to?” Wasp questioned.

“Nope but Dark Magician is a being of understanding. So fixing that tower is no problem.” Dark Magician Girl said still grinning.

“Well, still. If you can’t figure it out, there’s a carrier that contains a bunch of Astromech Droids that can do it.” Wasp said, “And if you want, take one as your own. As a reward, if you want.”

“Dibs on R2-D2!” Said Dark Magician shouted with a smile.

“I don’t think we have that guy, but there’s a similar one. You like purple? R3-D3 is a good one.”

“Okay. I can change its colour to blue later.” Dark Magician said nodding.

“Or we could just name it Twilight bot.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling.

“Twi-Bot!” Wasp adds. “Or Iwt! Nah…”

“I think I’ll avoid taking it. The ponies in my world are in what feels like the dark ages it would send Twilight over the edge.” admits Craig

“Suit yourself. It could come in handy.” Wasp said. “Well, hurry up! I don’t have all year! The tower is the only sci-fi building here!”

Craig then nods his head and says “Lets go.” he then vaults out of cover drawing his Plasma sword and Bolter pistol and begins to charge into the oncoming bullet fire.

“LEEEERRRROOOOYYYYY JEEEEENNNKKKKIIIINNNNS!!!!!!” Dark Magician Girl shouted as she and Dark Magician follow Craig and blasting some droids that he saw in the way.

“Ahh!” One of the Droids yelped as it hid behind a pebble…

Dark Magician Girl giggled at that droid before blowing it up. “Too easy.” She said.

“Worst hiding spot ever.” Dark Magician said in agreement.

“Without a shadow of a doubt” agreed Craig

“There’s the tower.” Dark Magician Girl said as she points to the sci-fi looking tower. It was black and smooth, with blue lines traveling upwards.

“Okay and I bet our target’s around as well.” said Craig

“Then let’s get there quickly.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl speeds up to the tower.

Once they reached the foot of the tower Craig said “Okay, I’ll keep an eye out. You focus on the repairs.”

“Roger that.” Both Magicians said as they enter the tower from behind. Along with grabbing the purple R3 on the way.

While they did that, Craig noticed a blond pigtailed girl wearing a trench coat and a miniskirt. She was skipping around, not seeming to notice the mayhem.

Craig then looks towards her and just shouts “Hey, what are you doing here miss?”

She just ignored him as she went over to a squad of clones and waved at them. They jerked back as a scythe appeared in her grip and she cut them down.

Craig’s hand then fell to his sword as he ran over towards the girl and shouts “Hey, you! Leave now if you don’t want a fight, but if you do I am more than happy to oblige.”

The girl turned to Craig, showing him her hollow green eyes. Her head tilted, and she grinned sadistically. “That’s a funny word… Oblige…” She started twirling her Scythe a bit, and spun a few times before freezing up.

Craig then sighs and says “what is your name, miss.”

“Miss? Do I look like I’m old!?” She tossed her weapon into her other hand. “Maka Alburn!”

“No older than me but heck you can’t think someone’s young or old in this world. Now, miss Alburn, what are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Helping Crona!” Maka started twirling her Scythe with one hand. “And stop calling me miss!”

“What would you prefer me to call you then?”

Maka rolled her eyes. “How about something less… Annoying? Like my first name?”

“Ok then, Maka. Second question, who is this Crona?”

An anime vein appeared on her forehead. “You know who he is. You’re trying to capture and/or kill him! Well guess what?” She slammed her Scythe into the ground, which brought up ten Super Battle Droids, weapons pointed at Craig. “I’m not letting you!”

“Ok then Maka, I can promise you that wasn’t my intention. But if you want to do this then I guess you leave me no choice.”

The Droids opened fire, sending a barrage of red towards Craig.

He then closed his eyes as a blue lightsaber appeared in his hand and he deflected the blasts back into the droids which in turn destroyed them. He then turns to Maka and says “where is Crona? Don’t make me beat it out of you.”

“I’d rather die…” Maka said, clicking her left index and thumb, which summoned a dozen CIS Tank Droids around the tower, each aiming their cannons at it’s base. They opened fire, having the full intention of tearing it down.

“MIRROR FORCE!” Shouted Dark Magician from inside the tower which created a barrier that send the attacks right back at all the CIS Tank Droids and destroyed them.

Craig then turned back to Maka and said “I gave you fair warning.” He then runs towards her and shouts “Rasengan!” causing her to be sent flying backwards. He then reappears behind her and elbows her square in the back causing her to collapse onto the ground.

Maka screamed in pain. Her body spasmodically twitched, and her Scythe lay twenty feet away from her. A clone on the sidelines held a scanner in his hands, which he proceeded to break.

“It’s over nine thousand!!!”

Craig then shouts over to him “It’s actually over eight thousand.”

“Must have been a malfunction…” The clone mumbled as one of his brothers patted him on his back.

Maka coughed, trying to readjust herself to be propped up by the remains of a pillar.

Craig then sighs as he runs over to her and says “stay down.” He then strikes her along multiple pressure points which completely paralyzes her. He then kneels down and says “I’m sorry Maka.”

“No you’re not… You aren’t sorry… At all…” Maka said as she slumped over. “Crap…”

Craig then kneels down and says “If you had just told me what I wanted to know this could have been avoided… I’m sorry but now I must take you as my prisoner.”

“You think you’re… A hero just because… You’re fighting for what's ‘right’?”

“No, I never identified myself as a hero… I only fight to protect those I care about or to protect the innocent. You harmed somebody and I had to.”

“And you don’t think I care about someone? Maybe I’m protecting Crona…” Maka groaned.

“I know you care for him and that’s why I’m sorry for doing this to you, we were both only doing what we thought was right.”

Wasp jogged over, wheezing. “Jeez! You guys work fast! Comms just went up, and a unit of clones located Crona.”

“I told you it was no problem.” Dark Magician Girl said as she and Dark Magician came back with R3-D3.

Craig then looks at Wasp and says “We also have Maka here as our prisoner. Don’t worry about her attacking you she’s completely paralyzed.”

“Kay, I’ll take psycho back to base. Crona’s in Hoity Toity’s old manufacturing building. Apparently, the Empire thought it would make a good camp for its Commanders.”

“If it’s a camp for their commanders we’ll need backup before we attack.” Craig said.

“Backup you say?” Dark Magician Girl asked with a grin.

“What are you thinking.” asks Craig

“Well back in our Equestria we removed monsters from the heart of ponies and seal them stone tables. We found a way to summon those monsters to fight for us when we feel like being lazy. Which is very rare for us to be.” Dark Magician Girl while grinning at the idea.

“Or maybe my sister Blaze and our other friends from our Equestria could come and help fight Crona.” Dark Magician suggested.

While they continued, Wasp dragged a moaning Maka along with her and called in a drop ship.

Craig then looks towards them and says “but first I will make sure Maka is taken into custody safely. Once it’s done I will catch up with you.”

“Really? I can take care of it, you don’t have to baby an Alliance Commander. Besides, maybe Coulson can help you. He’s pretty agile.” Wasp said as the drop ship arrived.

“That's not the reason, it’s more to allow her to move again after she gets to base.” admits Craig

“Oh, we can do that too. Heck, I’m pretty knowledgeable on paralysis.” Wasp said. “So, should I call Coulson?”

“Sure why not.” Dark Magician said.

Wasp got Maka on the ship and pressed a button. “Hey, Agent! Looks like these bigshot Displaced need some help from your stun gun!”

“Not funny Wasp. Why are you really calling me?” Coulson replied.

“I’m serious. Right, bigshots!?” Wasp asked.

“Yeah.” Both Magicians said.

“For once in her life she’s being serious.” Craig said

Coulson sighed, “If you knew her better, you’d know that when she’s serious, she’s not… If you really need backup, I’ll call Misty.”

“Oh come on! I love watching you flail!” Wasp gushed.

“I hate you Wasp…”

“I wonder what Pokemon Misty has.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“I think they are going to be water type Pokemon.” Dark Magician said to Dark Magician Girl.

“Most likely” agrees Craig

“You’d be surprised…” Wasp said. “Need anything before I go? That clone with the green paint should take care of everything anyways! Later!” With that, the ramp closed and the ship left.

“She means me…” Grumbled a clone in green armor. “My name is Captain Hulk… Sirs and ma’am...”

“There’s a joke in there but I am not going to say it.” Dark Magician said to himself.

“The green paint is where I get the name… Wasp’s idea… Guess it’ll do until I’m dead. Do you need my squad's assistance?”

“Yes. We are going after Crona and we help all the help we could get.” Dark Magician said to Captain Hulk.

“Perfect. Glad to know we’re your first choice for your human shields.” Hulk said sarcastically.

“More like you guys taking out Crona’s guards or droids while Dark Magician, Craig and me fight Crona. Is that alright with you, Hulky?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Not like I have a choice…” Hulk grumbled.

“Forgive him, he’s one of the oldest clones.” Said another trooper. “Some reason he doesn’t like shooting clankers. Or fighting…”

“He’s a pacifist, that's all.” said Craig

“I’m not a pacifist, I just don’t like fighting a war that doesn’t make sense to me.” Hulk said, before signaling his Troopers to head to Hoity Toity’s place. “Scout the area, but do not engage until Misty’s here!”

They saluted and ran off, leaving Hulk and the Displaced behind.

“This war is pointless… You Displaced don’t know what’s really at cost here. The inhabitants, and the soldiers are dying here, and the more that join, the more good people die.”

Craig then sighs and says “I agree with you, this war is pointless, it’s basically like two younger brothers fighting over a toy.”

“Try being the toy…” Hulk said pulling out a minigun.

“I wasn’t referring to you. I meant their arguments are pointless, I used the toy thing as an analogy.”

“Well… Let’s hurry up…”

“Misty is being a real Slowpoke getting here.” Dark Magician Girl while giggling at her joke.

Suddenly, a shuttle arrived and landed, lowering its ramp to reveal Misty and a Togepi. She hopped off, flashing a smirk.

“Some of us don’t have portals.” She said.

“Well now you are here. Crona better be prepared for trouble.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“And make that double.” Dark Magician said.

Craig then sighs ,“Any more Team Rocket lines and I will paralyze you.”

“Wobba Fett.” Misty smirked. Hulk snarled.

“Can we get moving?” The Captain asked impatiently.

“Wait for me.” Discord said as he flew up to them, “Sorry I’m late wanted to rendezvous with you all as soon as I was done.”

“Well there you go, you’ve done it.” Hulk said. “Can we capture this Crona kid?”

“I think the answer is yes.”

Deathwing landed on the Imperial group in front of Commander Bly. “Commander? I came to inform you of our... reinforcements.” Deathwing said.

“Wow… Geez!” Bly shook himself from his shock. “Uh… Shoot.”

I came to inform you and hopefully everyone else through you I have made a deal with the Elemental Lords to have their forces fight for us, in exchange I must let them walk on this world.” Deathwing started. “I trust that there would be no problem?

“I’d say no. As long as they don’t order me around.” Bly joked. “Or Lee.”

Very well then.” Deathwing landed taking deep breaths as he got himself ready. “I will begin summoning them into this world.” Deathwing closed his eyes channeling his mana and will. Wind blew around him, the ground shock, water flowed and fire circled around him. His eyes opened up glowing. A massive burst of the four elements channeled through him.

The sky darkened around the commander and Deathwing portals opened around them. Fire, Water, Earth and Air elementals walked out ready for battle in the dozens. Finally the energy around Deathwing was sent right up into the air as a massive portal opened up. Four massive figures came down. With Deathwing down the four landed glaring down at the city.

Commander, allow me to introduce you to, Al’Akir the Windlord,” The giant of Air, “Neptulon the Tidehunter,” The one of water, “Ragnaros the Firelord.” The fire one raised his hammer. “and Therazane the Stonemother.” The giant of rock. Deathwing flew up enlarging himself to his full size. “I have upheld my end of the deal, will you all yours?” Deathwing asked.

Very well, our elements are the Alliance’s to command Earth Wander.” Therazane said.

“So… You have units?” Bly asked, slightly awed.

The Commander structure of these forces is not well divined to me but yes now I do.” Deathwing answered, turning to the Elementals he gave a command. “Push these droids off our base and drive them back!” The elements gave a roar and went to do as commanded with the elemental lords following close behind.

“Seems Columbia’s gonna get a purging… Heh…” Bly commented awkwardly.

Alduin walked along, making his way to the upper floors. He intended to find whoever he was supposed to find when…

“Hey bro! Wait up!” Alduin turned to see Gale, making his way towards him.

“Ah, there you are Gale. What happened to that girl you were fighting?”

“Installed a freezer virus in her, should prevent her from doing anything for a minute, all the time we need to get to Celestia’s chambers.”

“I assume that’s where this agent is?”

“Yep.” With a nod, the two moved onward, now hurrying to Celestia’s room.

They stopped when they heard a snort. A familiar snort at that. Alduin and Gale both tried to remember who it was that held that voice, when the owner walked out in front of them. Pinkie… Or some form of her, as she looked more human than pony. She snorted again as blood dripped out of her mouth.

“Who, the hell, are you?” Gale wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at. All he knew was, this woman was not normal. “And why do you look like an anthro Pinkie?”

“Hungry… So hungry… I’m famished! It was then that the two saw a collar around her neck, and she had no eyes. She was also half submerged under red water with bones floating around. “You look tasty!”

Gale leveled his arm at her and charged up a blast.

“Okay, I don’t care what the rules say. I’m killing this thing, and making sure it stays dead.” He then opened fired at her with multiple beams coming out of his arm like a gatling gun. The Pinkie creature screamed in pain as she fell into the water, shrieking as loud as she could as more blood filled the water.

“It hurts…” She whispered, spasming slightly. Gale then walked up to it, and continued firing.

“Um, Gale? It’s dead.”

“Like I said, making sure it stays that way.” He fired a few more times, then stopped. “Alright, don’t think they’ll be able to heal that thing so let’s go.”

Suddenly, there were two more shrieks. Not in pain, but fury. Alduin and Gale heard something in each.

“Nooooo~!” Which sounded like Fluttershy.

And, “FAMINE!!!” Which sounded more like Rainbow Dash. “I’LL RIP YOU APART GALE!!! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU AND YOUR WORLD!!!”

“How do they know your name?”

“Don’t know.” Then, from around the corner, came an anthro Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the same condition, causing Gale to panic and turn his arm into a flamethrower.. “KILL THEM! KILL THEM WITH FIRE!”

“You won’t kill me you bastard! What did Famine do to you!?” The Rainbow look-alike flew down another corridor.

“She was going to eat me! What the hell was I supposed to do?!”

“She wasn’t moving because she can’t leave the water you bitch! She was helpless!”

“Hey! All’s fair in love and war! This is war, so ALL’S FAIR!” Gale was caught off guard as the Fluttershy slammed into him, causing his already damaged leg to rust away. “Okay, what the hell?”

“But we were neutral…” She said as she sauntered away to hide.

“And how the HELL was I supposed to know that?” Alduin just barely managed to knock away the Rainbow Dash when she went for Gale’s head, slamming her into a wall. She recovered and dove at Alduin, and latched onto his face. He could suddenly feel time catching up to him before he knocked her away.

“Gale, we need to end this fast! I don’t know who or what they are, but their auras seem to deteriorate their targets.”

“You think I can’t see that?”

“Get to Justine! I’ll rips these assholes apart!” The Rainbow Dash said to the Fluttershy. She nodded and sped off. Rainbow turned back to her opponents and dove at Gale, when another figure knocked her aside. She was slammed into a wall with quite a bit of force.

I have to save both your asses again, don’t I?” Rainbow opened her eyes, to see Epidemic in front of her, that same look of hate he always had. “Tell me, who are you to attack my father and my uncle?

“Why would you care, you’ll try to kill me anyway! Your uncle shot my sister dead!” She snarled, blood dripping down her face from her mouth.

Is that it? Ugh… very well. Where is she?

The Rainbow Dash hesitantly pointed to Famine, whose body was floating in the bloody water. Epidemic rolled his eyes, and turned into his Symbiote form. He covered Famine’s body, and began to shift around. After a few seconds, he left, and she looked perfectly fine.

There, she’s fine now. All you need to do is whatever you do to bring dead displaced back to life, and she’ll be fine. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, we’re on the hunt for someone, so move it, or suffer the same fate.

The Dash glared as she dragged Famine into the water. She vanished, leaving Alduin, Gale and Epidemic alone.

“So… that happened.”

“I suppose we’ll be seeing that Fluttershy one when we find Justine.”

Then we’ll just have to take care of them both.” They attempted to walk on, but then Gale fell.

“Oh yeah, my leg.”

“And I believe my immortality ran out for a brief moment.” Epidemic rolled his eyes.

Then we’ll call for a neutral.

“Okay well we just pissed off the nearest ones.”

Then we’ll call for another one.

“And we do that how?”

“Well, isn’t Justine a neutral?”


“So we get her.” Alduin put Gale on his back, and they moved onward. A few minutes later, and they arrived at Celestia’s chambers. By that point, Gale had rusted a bit more, and now Alduin was getting worried. He knocked on the door, which was thrown open and they were all dragged inside by an unseen force.

“YOU DARE ATTACK MY HOME, INJURE MY GUARD, AND KILL MY CHILD!!! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!?!? WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE!?!?” It was an anthro Twilight, but this one was in perfect health and wore clothes expected of a human. She also had a broad sword held in her right hand. “IF AMNESIA HADN’T TOLD ME YOU REVIVED HER, I’D KILL YOU ON THE SPOT!!!”

“Look, I understand that you’re mad, beyond mad even, but Gale needs a medic right now.”

“You want me to treat the exact fool who killed Famine? And then take your shit about needing to know about the flaw about the clones!?”

“I understand that this sounds very selfish and bad at this point, but we do require both. I mean, Gale is a bit of a dumbass-”

“That… is very true.”

“Anyways, Gale is a bit of a dumbass, and fired before he understood the situation. But I mean, what would you do if you were in a war, didn’t quite know who your enemy consisted of, and then saw something straight out of a nightmare, not that I’m saying your daughter is ugly or anything like that, and it said it wanted to eat you?”

“He’s a robot! How the hell would she eat him!?” Justine barked.

“Tell that to the Timberwolves!”

“Look, Gale may be a robot, but he has a human brain. Humans tend to panic in those situations, and Gale was caught off guard especially. Besides, with so many things portraying things like your kids back on earth as things to fear, and him being a robot so he can recall the exact emotions he felt at times like that, I don’t exactly blame him for how he acted.”

Justine’s glare intensified. “I should have you banished for attacking an Agent of Time.”

“Look, if you banish him now, his condition won’t heal and he’ll die. I was just married and have a child on the way, plus my already existing children. Do you really want them to grow up, without an uncle?”

Justine just laughed. “That’s the sappiest thing I’ve ever had to endure! I’ve done that same begging and pleading to others… I’ve had to drag them out of so many horrors their forms pale in comparison. It’s kill or be killed, and I don’t think he’s a good role model anyway.”

“Justine… Please… If we heal him, maybe they’ll leave… If we don’t, that dragon and Symbiote will hurt us…” The Fluttershy said.

Justine stared towards Gale, then to Alduin, and then to the Fluttershy. “Loki, I need some help…”

Loki appeared next to Justine. “You called?” Loki saw the injured Gale. “What happened?” Loki asked, he held out his talons glowing with magic. With a wave he reversed the damage.

“Loki! I summoned you, they attacked a Neutrals base! They killed Famine, injured Amnesia, and scared Misery half to death!” Justine said.

Loki turned to them. “You realize that attacking us is while stupid, is suicidal right?” Loki said folding his arms. “As for Famine I’ll see if I can reverse the whole… dying thing.”

“Thank you Loki.” Justine said.

“No worries it’s what I’m here for.” Loki said as he picked up Famine’s “corpse” through a portal and left with it.

Justine turned back to Alduin and Gale. “You’re healed now, get out.”

“Will do!” And with that, Gale ran off, Alduin following him. Epidemic however, was still going to get what he came for.

Hey, I put your daughter back together, but I didn’t do it for free. That information, hand it over. Now.

“I don’t know anything about it. Time told me to look out for it because it wasn’t in his master plan. That’s all I know.” Justine said, moving slightly in front of Misery.

Very well, then I’ll take my leave.” He then left, following his uncle and father.

“And I don’t ever want to see any of you around this Forest again, or a rusting leg will be the least of your worries.” Justine threatened. Epidemic ignored the comment, not caring if they would be back or not. If they were, then he would come, and no one would stop him.

Justine sat on Celestia’s old bed, snarling. “Worst… Assignment… Ever…”

Misery looked towards Justine with her hollow eyes, feeling her caregiver’s sorrow.

“Oh don’t mind them.” Justine and Misery both turned to suddenly see a Twilight with a slightly bigger belly than normal behind them, clearly she was pregnant. “Gale can be annoying sometimes, but Alduin and Epidemic would help either of you out in a pinch if you needed it.”

Justine stood up and rolled her eyes. “They just attacked me… And I threatened them.”

“As my eldest child would say, ‘war is war, you can’t change that.’”

“Thing is… I won’t have Loki the next time we meet… I won’t even remember…”

“Well if you do, just remember that it was Gale’s fault, and that Epidemic damaged himself to save Famine.”

“And we th-thank him… Hopefully when we next meet, it’ll end on a… happier note…” Misery added.

“With the way our lives work, I’m sure you will. Anyways, I have to get back to the spectating box to watch Alduin. I wanna know how good my husband is at making wise decisions in a war.”

“He fucking sucks…” Justine said.

“Again, Gale’s fault, not his. If it were him, he would have just waited until he knew what was going on.”

“Sometimes, inaction is as bad as action. And he’s the one who took Lee’s orders blindly.”

“They’re brothers, in a sense, he trusts Lee.”

“Maybe he needs a reality check. You’ve seen Lee, he isn’t the most sane guy on the block!”

“And you’ve never seen Psychotic. He’s beyond insane, and Alduin deals with him. And, knowing my husband, I’d say he’d do anything to pull Lee back from the brink. And if he couldn’t well, I don’t think he’d let him suffer. Besides, Alduin’s been in a war before, and the consequences were way worse then. If worse comes to worse, he knows when to disobey an order.”

And with that, Twilight was gone, leaving Justine to wonder what she meant.

“Fuck it, the Multiverse is riddled with bullshit.”

Misty stood in front of Hoity Toity’s place, Pokeball in hand, standing over a few Battle Droids.

“Hulk, secure the area outside the building.” She ordered. Hulk grumbled and signaled his unit to split up and do what the Commander said.

Misty opened her Pokeball, summoning a Dugtrio.

“A Dugtrio?” Dark Magician Girl said confused.

“What?” Misty asked.

“Nothing really. I just thought you would use water type Pokemon.” Dark Magician Girl answered.

“If she has a ground type I wander if she has a bug type as well.” Dark Magician said to Dark Magician Girl.

Craig then smirks and says “If she has her phobia as well I very much doubt it.”

Misty shuddered. “Don’t go there…”

“That’s a yes on the phobia part.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling.

Craig then smiles and says “At least you don’t have Acrophobia. It does my head in when I’m flying but I’ve learn’t to ignore it since I got Displaced.”

“Try being around Wasp…” Misty grumbled.

“Anyway. Let’s get in there and beat Crona up really good.” Dark Magician said as he checks his hammer space.

“So who’s going to knock?” Asked Dark Magician Girl.

“I was thinking Dugtrio.” Misty said as she pointed towards the door, which was thrown off it’s hinges by a headbutt.

“Knock knock.” Dark Magician said.

“Housekeeping.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling.

“Let’s hope we can do this without too many casualties.” sighed Craig

“These are Droids, not organics.” Misty said. “Well… Not sentient? I dunno. Doesn’t seem like they're on this floor...”

Once inside they saw the middle of the room had what looked like a large pile of droid body's put in it.

Craig then closes his eyes then says “I can sense five living targets in there, but I can’t sense any more than that.” he then opens his eyes.

“Dugtrio, use dig and figure out what’s here.” Misty ordered, and Dugtrio nodded and went underground. That’s when they heard a loud hiss from the pile of dead robots. Then a large skull like head pokes out and looks at Misty in the face as it mandibles move.

Craig then looks at Misty and says “Get behind us.”

Misty screamed and scurried behind Craig. The metal worm then started to dig its way into the floor as black smoke flowed behind it. All that left is a hole in the floor where it once was.

Craig then closed his eyes and sensed where the creature would reappear and then said “It’s gone.”

“What… Was that!?” Misty yelled.

“A metal worm.” Dark Magician answered Misty.

“B-but Folteren doesn’t have any bugs yet!!!” Misty said, fearful tears streaming down her cheeks at the thought of fighting bugs.

“No, that worm belongs to an Iron Lich we know.” Dark Magician Girl grinned.

“It’s not funny~!” Misty whined as Togepi hugged her from behind.

Craig then sighed and said, “Don’t worry Misty, it’s gone and if it does come back it will be turned to ash.”

Misty sighed. “We’re gonna need help…”

“Yeah some dino help.” Dark Magician said nodding.

“J-just call him…” Misty said as she pulled out another Pokeball.

“Right. Hey Owen get yours and your dino’s lazy ass out here right now!” Dark Magician Girl shouted.

A boom sounded and and ODST dropship landed in the middle of the droid pile and a few others outside landed as well. The first one opened and Owen came walking out.

“Did somebody call?” he said.

The other dropships opened and six raptors walked out, one having a metallic jaw and another had a very spiked tail.

“That would be me.” Dark Magician Girl said waving her hand.

“Hello again. So what’s the reason you called me here?” Owen asked.

“We need your help with dealing with some droids.” Dark Magician answered.

“Alright then, just let me get my Z-6 rotary cannon.” Owen snapped his fingers and the minigun appeared in his hands.

“Girls, come over here.” Owen said.

“Coming dad.” a raptor with blue streaks running down her sides came with the other five raptors.

“You guys are our eyes in there. Lead us to the other droids in here.” Owen said.

They walked forward and smelled the air.

“Sir, the droids are on the upper floor.” the raptor with the metal jaw said.

“Good job Carnifex. Radio the Dactyl brothers to shoot any enemy that comes out of this house.” Owen ordered.

“Sir, yes, sir!”

“We knew they were there…” Misty mumbled. “Anyways, I’ll check the basement to see if there’s anything useful. Commanders can be slippery and get away like the Magicians, so I’ll be as quick as possible. I expect Crona to be on top, so take this guy with you.” Misty announced as she summoned a Blastoise.

“Cool! Let’s give Crona a shell of a beating.” Dark Magician Girl said as she and Dark Magician flew to the top.

Craig then sighed and said, “I better try to paralyze this one as well.”

“Hurry up Owen, you’ll be left behind.” Misty commented as she went downstairs.

“I’m comin’,” Owen said following Misty downstairs.

Blastoise growled as he tried going down the stairs.

“Should be a squad up ahead. You take ‘em out.” Misty said.

“Aw blast it!” Yelled a Battle Droid before Dark Magician Girl whacked it over the head.

“You are too slow!” Said Dark Magician Girl giggling as she another droid.

“Now where is Crona?” Asked Dark Magician as he look around.

Craig then looks around and says “No idea, but I’ve got an idea how to get a reaction from her… but it’s likely to piss her off.”

“Like calling her girlfriend?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Crona’s a boy actually…” A feminine voice says from behind them. Spinning around, the trio saw a robot girl with black ‘pigtails’. “So you’re Lee’s ‘heroes’?”

Craig then said, “What do you think kid?”

“Wow, you really don’t know who you’re talking to. I’m Folteren’s lead General Chaos Jenny. Don’t call me kid.”

“I knew who you are.” Dark Magician said.

“Then you should know I’m allowed to use my full power unlike you.” Chaos smirks. “Wanna go cry to your momma?”

Craig then sighs and mutters “I don’t use my full power… ever”

“Oh, Chaos Jenny? You do realise you're fucked when facing me?” Dark Magician Girl asked while wearing a TF2 Spy outfit and holding a zapper.

“And I can use an EMP spell.” Dark Magician said as he points his staff at the robot girl. “I am surprised you didn’t bring Robotboy with you.” He added.

“I don’t need him.” Chaos laughed. “And that EMP won’t do a thing against me. I’ve made adjustments...”

Craig then sighs and says “Unless we remove your batteries then you can’t do anything.”

“Shut up, you’re talking is hurting my ears.” Chaos said as she sent a laser blast into Craig’s chest, sending him through the side of the building. “I’m sick of hero players…”

“That’s gotta hurt. Hey, where did Dark Magician Girl go to?” Dark Magician asked looking but only to spot her declocking behind Chaos Jenny and placing the zapper on her back. Unfortunately, it short circuited.

“I’m not normal hardware!” Chaos yelled as her torso spun to face Dark Magician Girl with a cold glare. She sent her fist into Dark Magician Girl’s stomach, sending her crashing into the floor.

Dark Magician Girl just get back up smiling while opening hand to reveal some screws. “Look you got a few screws loose.” She said.

Chaos glared. “I thought you’d be easy. Guess I overestimated Time’s commitment. This isn’t my strongest body, and it won’t be the last.” Her eyes lost color, and a timer popped up in it.

“A bomb? How lame.” Dark Magician said as he open a portal right under the body bomb and it fell in. But it slammed into his back.

Craig then reappeared and said, “Allow me.” He then threw it out the window and then throws it high into the air as it disappears. Then fell back down towards Ponyville… And right on top of Twilight’s castle…


Craig then mutters. “Fuck my life.”

“Craig you moron. You blew up Twilight’s Castle.” Dark Magician said deadpanned.

Craig then mutters “You’ve got to get away from me. Quickly.”

“Why?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

Craig then looks towards them as they realise that he eyes had turned blood red and he says “my powers have overloaded you need to get to safety.”

“Right.” Dark Magician said as he opens a portal to the moon right under Craig and he fell in.

“Biiitttcchh!” Dark Magician Girl yelled.

“Now where is that yellow belly Crona is hiding?” Dark Magician said out loud.

Dark Magician listened carefully and heard a sniff and quiet breathing from his left. There was a reinforced door with the remains of Droids and a lot of blood over it.

“I think he’s that way.” Dark Magician Girl said as both Magicians walk to the door. The breathing picked up, and the two heard whimpering.

Both Magicians looked at each other confused before opening the door. Inside, a pink haired boy sat curled up in a corner, shaking like a leaf.

“Huh, that’s Crona? I thought he would be older.” Dark Magician Girl said looking at Crona.

“Yeah.” Dark Magician said. “I wonder what Craig’s doing on the moon.” He added.

“P-Please, leave me alone…” Crona said.

“Why?” Both Magicians asked.

“J-just… Please…” Crona sniffed.

“Why are you here?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“She means why are you in this war?” Dark Magician asked which Dark Magician Girl nods at him.

“M-mr. Spinner Displaced me… I was forced to become one of F-Folteren’s Commander thingys…”

“Hmm, right, how to deal with this problem?” Dark Magician said to himself.

“The rules do say that if a displace get killed he or she get brought back to life in their Equestria and can’t rejoin until after a week.” Dark Magician Girl said thinking on what to do.

“Hmm, maybe we can give him a painless death so he can relax back in his Equestria for a week.” Dark Magician suggested.

Crona’s eyes widened. “N-no! I don’t have an Equestria! None of the Commanders do!”

“Really? I thought all displaced have an Equestria.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Not really.” Discord came floating next to them. “Some Displaced are lost in other multiverses, and a few have no real home as they are created as companions for Void Dwellers.” He answered.

“Then what should we do with him?” Dark Magician asked.

“Well that depends, killing him could be permanent if he doesn’t have a way to be reforged if he dies like me and Evilight.” Discord said as he started to think, “Perhaps we should ask Time Spinner.”

“Or maybe you just take him as your prisoner… Like you were ordered to.” Captain Hulk walked into the room. “Where’s Craig?”

Discord looked around then looked up. “I’ll go get him.” With that he turned into lightning a few moments later Discord returned with Craig from a bolt of lightning. “He was on the moon, near where Loki set up camp.”

“Ok, taking Crona as a prisoner it is then.” Dark Magician Girl said.

Craig then knelt down next to Crona and said, “Time to take you to Maka.” He then picked Crona up and put the boy over his shoulders.

“I’ll go check on Misty,” Hulk said.

“Now that is taken care off. What now?” Dark Magician asked.

“Do you feel that?” Discord asked, outside the clouds darkened. Around beings of fire appeared into existence while Discord looked on. “Well, this is unexpected.” He stated looking on.

The fire beings looked up and moved to them. “You are Alliance.” The fire being said. “The Earth Wander, and the Elemental Lords have sent us, we are yours to command.

“Neat.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Glad to have your assistance,” replies Craig.

What would you have us do?” He asked.

“How about watch and deliver this captive?” Discord asked pointing to Crona.

Very well.” He said as they surrounded Crona.

Craig then took him off his shoulder and said, “Nothing will happen to you. I promise.” He then passed him over to one of Fire elementals.

The elementals moved out with the captive. Discord turned to them. “Ok, so what’s next? Or is this it?”

“Well I don’t know.” admitted Craig. “We could possibly try asking Coulson.”

“Right, can’t Misty call him?” Dark Magician asked.

“Yes, yes she can. I guess we better go ask her.”

“So, where is she?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“I got a better idea. Hey, Discord, could you take us to Coulson?” Dark Magician asked looking at Discord.

“Sure hold on.” With a flash they turned into lightning and soon appeared right in front of him.

Coulson was talking to Wasp about something serious, but the antennaed girl seemed to be making a joke about it.

“And you let it get away?” Wasp snickered.

“It had a Lightsaber, what was I supposed to do? Get my arm chopped off?”

“Or you could force it to drop the lightsaber.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling behind Coulson.

“Oh ha ha.” Coulson rolled his eyes. “Did you take care of Crona?”

“Yes. He is now a captive.” Dark Magician said.

“You make it sound like a bad thing.” Coulson said. “In any case, you’re all free to go back home. We’ve kept you here longer than we thought. If you want to say goodbye to anyone before going, feel free.”

Craig then turns to Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl and says “Catch.” He then throws them both an amulet in the shape of his sword and then says “if either of you ever need help don’t hesitate to call me.”

Both Magicians took Craig’s token and then gave him theirs. Which is a Yu-Gi-Oh! card version of themselves. “Same goes for you,” Dark Magician said with a smile.

Discord looked down for a moment. “Great, well, I’ll see you all later.” With that he disappeared through a portal.

“Well, Dark Magician Girl and I need to head back to see how my sister is doing running Neo Domino Town,” Dark Magician said as he opens a portal and steps in.

“See you all in the next Alliance chapter. Bye.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling as she step into the portal as it close.

“I’m not going to miss those guys.” Coulson stated.

“Ditto. Think Blossom will play Halo 5 with me?” Wasp asked.

“At least you didn’t spend the day with them. And who knows, you may get lucky.” He then tossed them both a copy of his token then continued to say “If any villains come after you lot shout me.”

“Of course.” Coulson said, before turning to Wasp. “Maybe we shouldn’t focus on games right now, we just lost Canterot, one of our biggest assets-”

They continued their conversation as they went towards Canterlot Castle.

Celestia stared out her window sternly. “These monsters must be stopped…” She turned to Blossom. “I’ll help you.”

“Good!” Blossom smiled.

Author's Note:

Alduin's part will continue later.