• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

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CHRISTMAS IS AWESOME!!! - Part 1: On The Eve Of Christmas

Author's Note:

WARNING: Shenanigans, excessive swearing(Holy crap so much!), sexual... Everything... Might want to skip the whole Christmas special if you don't like that... Wanna know why?

This Christmas is HOT. Get it? I'll shut up now.

Christmas Eve In An Alternate World

Time Spinner sat in a large chair that was worn out. Outside the window to his right, snow fell over a dark void that held more stars than Equestria. In his lap, a young girl was sleeping, wearing red pj’s and white socks, her head rested on his chest.

A fireplace was crackling in front of him, with stockings on it as well as a picture of the Power Ponies. Behind him was a TV that was silently playing Muppets Christmas Carol, and next to that was a tree without decorations.

A man wearing a black cloak and red mask walked up to Time. Folteren had a little orange Bat Pony filly with him. And a woman wearing the black suited Spiderman costume walked up on the other side.

“This is a mistake. There’s a War going on and you’re having a Christmas party!” The woman said sourly.

“I like it.” Said Folteren. “These are still people after all. I’m willing to halt the war for one night. I’ll welcome the guests.” The Sith Lord said, right before he vanished.

Folteren reappeared outside the front door as a vortex came into being.

Out came the two Dark Magicians along with a man wearing red, a purple anthro cat, a red haired woman wearing armour and a little blue haired girl who fell over on the ground.

“Ouch! Not again.” Complained the blue haired girl said.

“Hello again Timey.” Said Dark Magician Girl waving her hand with a grin.

“Wrong guy.” Folteren said, smirking under his mask. “I’m Sullivan. But if you call me that I’ll cleave you in two. Call me Darth Folteren.”

“Oh Sorry.” Dark Magician Girl said blushing before she continues. “Anyway my name is Dark Magician Girl. This is my boyfriend Dark Magician-”

“I know who you two are. My bots have cameras that I watch sometimes.” Folteren said simply.

“Well then I bet you don’t know who the rest of us are?” Dark Magician Girl asked cheekily.

“It doesn’t matter. Only if you all want me to know.” Folteren said.

“Okay, so when do we start partying then?” Asked the man in red who was now holding a bat with the word ‘sandman’ on it.

“I have to suggest you not use your weapons. Time wants not a single scratch on this building.” Folteren pointed to the cabin behind him. “You’re taking my presence rather… Well…”

“It’s Christmas. We keep the bad blood between anyone out of it.” Said the woman in armour. “I am Erza Scarlet by the way.” She added.

A flash popped into existence as Loki appeared with cookies and a sack on his shoulder. “Merry Christmas everyone… cookie?” He offered.

“Sure.” The six Displaced all said before picking a cookie to eat.

“Nice cookie.” Dark Magician said.

“Not bad. But it could use some milk.” Said the man in red as he pull out a bottle of Milk.

“Not the mad milk Scout!” Shouted the blue hair girl as she back away.

“You are such a wimp you know that Wendy?” The purple cat taunted.

“Whatever Blaze.” Wendy said as she cross her arms.

“Now then anyone want something for christmas?” Loki asked as he searched his sack, pulling out a large candy cane and started eating it. From out of nowhere hundreds of challenging children run over to time telling him what they want.

“Kids calm down, one at a time please.” Called Asphyxious as he walks out of the vortex with a young changeling queen getting a piggy back ride from him. Pupa was laughing at how her dad had a hard time controlling his other kids.

“Hey you know I have the magic sack right?” Loki asked with a sigh he just tossed it down. “Screw it go nuts.” Asphyxious rolls his eye as he let Pupa down to join in as his children go nuts over the sack.

“I love them but they only listen to their moms.” Said Asphyxious with a smile.

“That’s not true~” Said a large pink dragoness who was three times his size. Who had a large belly as the changeling queen walked next to her followed by a Pinkie Pie. “They do listen when you get a little upset~” Purred Chrysalis with a smile.

“Anyways!” Folteren yelled as he tossed an odd coin into the vortex. However, one thing that the sith lord did not expect was for a certain monkey faunus to tumble over him, causing his face to meet the floor.

“Oh man, what hit me?” He asked, looking around for a second, until he noticed someone else he knew nearby. “Matter of fact, who summoned me? Please don’t tell me I was called up for Displaced Jury Duty.”

“No this is the Displaced Christmas Party, Jury Duty is for those that vote.” Loki answered.

“Oh hey Loki,” The Faunus noticed. “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’ve you been?”

“Other than becoming a Void Dweller? Not bad. You?”

“Same here. Just doing… things.” Turning around, he soon noticed everyone else and sighed. “Sorry about that. I’m Sun Wukong. Nice to meet you guys.”

“Folteren.” The Sith said simply. “Now, Empire Commanders are in the west side of the field making Snowmen, Alliance are in the North having a Snowball fight, and Neutral is trying to get the lights working on the ‘Master Tree’.”

“Snowballs?” Asked Mask as he, Surprise and Vinyl popped out of a rabbit hole next to Folteren. The Sith jumped, sending lightning into the air.

“Cool light show, Dude.” Said Vinyl.

“Light show eh?” Sun smirked, getting an idea as he pulled something out of his pocket. After saying something briefly, a surge of lightning went off in the room like Thor had come from Asgard as someone new stepped forward.

“You called?”

“Hey Lance, good to see you!” Sun answered, both of them fist bumping briefly as small surges of electricity still flowed through him. “Happy holidays!!”

Walking in was someone covered in snow. The snow melted off his body. Deathwing looked annoyed. “I should not have gone out there.”

“Looks like someone had got dominated you in a snowball fight.” Said Scout laughing.

“Yo my dragon brother!” Called Asphyxious with a smile as he drinks some vodka as his kids play. “How’s it going big guy?”

“I’m making cookies!” Calls an anthro Pinkie Pie as she walked out into the cabin.

“Anyways.” Folteren said again. “Where do you all want to go first?”

“That depends-.” Lance sighed, before looking to see who was talking. “Oh…”

“Is there a problem?” Folteren asked, slightly annoyed.

“No, I just… ah nevermind.” The Adept replied. He would rather keep those thoughts to himself and not let any bad tensions rise up.

“Good. Keep whatever problems you two have with each other out of the party.” Erza said giving two a glare.

“I’m not going back into the snowball fight.” Deathwing said eating a cookie Loki offered.

“What do you expect? Your black with glowing orange between your plate scales.” Loki said.

“Oh hey, Nel. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Sun replied, putting his hands behind his head in a relaxed position. Lance himself just decided to go inside and get himself something to drink, leaving the Faunus outside with the lightly drizzling snow.

“Okay, since there are so many people here, we’ll split up. I’ll take some of you to the Snowman part. Lee’s gonna take some more to the snowball fight.” As his name was spoken, the Symbiote hopped out the cabin window.

“Everyone else can go into the cabin with Time and Enid. Now, who’s coming with me?” Lee asked as Pinkie’s face was revealed.

“I will come.” Erza said simply follow by Scout, Blaze and Dark Magician Girl.

Astral Discord appeared behind Deathwing and spoke in his voice. “Why not?”

“Wait what?” Deathwing asked as he was dragged back into the fight. “NOOOOOO!”

“Well, Lance is inside so… Hey, does anyone need help with decorating the tree?” Sun asked, looking around a bit. “Meh, maybe I should go inside and ask this Time person about it. He seems to be organizing everything.”

“Who’s gonna make snowmen with me and my gang!?” Folteren asked as he took his mask off and placed it somewhere in his cloak.

“I will come to make a snowmen.” Wendy said followed by Vinyl.

“I am going to watch the snowball fight.” Said Mask follow by Surprise and Dark Magician. For Sun, he considered joining the fight, but only if there wasn’t any extra help needed with the tree.

Time Spinner was sitting in his chair still, talking to Lance.

“How’s home?” The Displacer asked quietly.

“Pretty good. Pinkie is eager to see you again. I’ll tell her you said hi when I get back.” He replied, noticing Sun as he walked in. “Hey Sun, how are things?”

“Alright. I was just looking for someone named Time. I was going to ask if he needed help with the christmas tree decorating.” The Faunus said as he walked into the room

“Why hello there mr~” Said Pupa smiling up at Sun with a big smile on her face and her hands behind her back.

“Uh… Hello?” Sun replied, a little bit confused. As the little changeling girl was smiling at him. “Who are you?” He asked.

“I’m Pupa. I turned 16 last week and I was thinking you and I could have a nice hot chocolate~” Pupa purred at him as she take his hand and pulls him inside.

Time Spinner sighed. “This is weird…” That was when he saw Asphyxious growling as smoke was coming out of his mouth watching them walk off.

Lance himself sighed. “You tell me. My cousin just got yanked by a changeling from behind. I’m telling you, something tells me he’s unsure of what he got himself into.”

“Stay away from my baby girl!” yelled Asphyxious as he ran after Sun with a cutlass.

“Stop dad! I love him!” called Pupa as she ran after them.


Time Spinner giggled a bit as the girl in his lap started to wake. Lance didn’t even notice the girl until her head rose up a little and was looking at the figure she called her father.

“Hey…” She groggily said as she removed hair from her mouth.

“Oh, Lance this is my daughter Enid. Entropy I mean.” Time said, introducing her.

“Nice to meet you,” The Adept replied. “Merry christmas, Entropy.”

“You too…” Entropy said as she got to her feet. Lance noticed she had yellow eyes with red pupils like Discord.

“Am I late?” Came a voice as the air rippled before a being in a blue cloak appeared.

“No, you’re just about to see something funny.” Time said as he turned to the fireplace.

“I got the camera!” The being said pulling out a digital camera and setting it to record.

Suddenly a figure dumped down the chimney and fell out covered in soot, “Ow, that hurt.” Edward groaned.

“Healing candy cane?” Loki offered him.

“As long as it’s doesn’t have some random side effect.” Edward took it.

“Says the guy who fell into a lit fireplace,” Lance sighed. “I’m personally surprised that your hair isn’t on fire.”

Edward sniffed the air, “Do any of you smell something burning?” He looked down himself not seeing anything in particular.

“You.” Time said.

“Oh… Ok…” Edward then began rolling on the ground.

“It’s SANTA!” yelled all of Chrysalis children as they look at Edward.

“You know what to do. Pola Pola.” Said Chrysalis smiling.

“POLA POLA!” Scream the little changelings as they ran at Edward and jump on him.

“Ah damn… Oh well gotta make it believable.” Edward said snapping his fingers and suddenly wearing a christmas theme of his outfit with a santa hat on top.

“I'm just going to real quickly make this worse~” The being in the blue cloak chuckled before a portal opened. Out of the portal came a group consisting of a silver biomechanical robot, a orange lion with a red mane and dragon wings and tail followed by a anthropomorphic yellow changeling queen and a couple Infiltrators, and a tan girl with blond hair holding hands with a slime girl before the portal closed. when the changeling queen saw the man in the fireplace she got a mischievous grin.

Meanwhile, the Faunus that was being chased earlier by a certain lich had finally returned into the room after outrunning his two pursuers. “Man, did those two have stamina…” He sighed, before noticing the dogpile of changelings on the floor. “Hey, what’s with the midget Santa?”

Entropy stared at Edward and the Changelings for a moment before bursting out laughing. Time Spinner adjusted into his chair a bit. “At least it’s not me…”

Edward perked up at the Faunus words. “Oi! Who you calling midget?”

“Oh boy…” Lance sighed, thinking to himself. “Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say…”

“Uh… Who else?” Sun asked, shrugging his shoulders.

“Dammit Sun!!” Lance mentally cursed, almost spilling his coffee.

Before Edward could react to Sun’s comment he was pinned in a bone crushing hug from the yellow changeling queen. “Soo cute! Can I have him, grandpa?” She said, the mischievous smirk not leaving her face.

“Wow, children are morbid these days.” Time Spinner said from his hiding spot.

“I apologize for my granddaughters shenanigans… ahead of time.” The man in the blue cloak groaned. “No you can NOT have him Lea.” He then told the yellow changeling.

“Hey he’s mine!” Yelled Pupa who was being held back by her dad Asphyxious.

“No, I’m not!!” Sun retorted. “Geez… Why is everyone acting like this? It’s suppose to be christmas!!”

“You called me a midget!” Edward yelled but was muffled by all the children and one changeling queen. “I’ll have you know I’m 5'11", hmph.”

“I was just asking an honest question.” Sun sighed, before facepalming himself. “Besides. that’s just the same height as Lance.”

“Hey, don’t pull me in on this. You messed up!” The Adept told him.

“And I was taller before I got displaced, but that doesn’t count I guess.” Edward again was muffled by the changelings.

“Dad!” Entropy whispered. “Can you dress as Santa Claws?”

“No.” Spinner grumbled, crossing his arms. “Last time I was set on fire by a ‘god’.”

“I'll do it.” The man in the blue cloak said before his cloak turned red and a Santa hat appeared on his head.

“Can you look like the big guy?” Entropy asked.

“Crux, you don't make a very good santa…” The robot deadpanned.

“Then you be santa Arthur?” the being said as his cloak turned back to blue.

“How about me?” Loki asked as his cloak became a santa suit. “I have the magic, the joly outlook and a magic bag with limitless presents.”

“You are nominated as santa for the day then!” Crux said taking off his santa hat. “Leo, get your daughter off of the boy…” he added before turning to the slime girl and her girlfriend. “Lilith, Cyrine… Go find yourselves something to do, but don't go anywhere near the snowball fight… I don't want to have to clean up a massacre…”

“I’ll be on the roof if you need me.” Sun sighed before disappearing out the window and leaving the room.

“Hey, Entropy, what would you like?” Time Spinner asked.

Outside, Justine waited by the vortex, which changed color rapidly.

Seconds later a small group walked through the portal that included a large man wearing a burgundy jumper and long black jeans, The second a young boy wearing a black trench coat, the third was a young woman wearing a flowing blue dress and the last was a small orange pegasus who was sitting on the first mans shoulder.

Justine waved to them. “Hello, I’m Justine, and yes, I know I look like an Anthro Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to the Shadow Christmas Party.”

The man then smiles and says “hello Justin, I’m Craig this is my mother Asuna, brother Kirito and daughter Scootaloo.”

“I’d introduce you to my kids, but they’re not allowed here. Nice to meet you. There’s some people inside, and some people at the Snowpark.”

Craig then smiles and says “Who’s inside?”

“Time Spinner, Lance, bunch of people really.” Justine said.

Just as Justine finished speaking, a loud crash could be heard from behind Time’s cabin.

“Sorry I’m not used to being this big.” Said a Large pink dragoness as she pulled her tail back inside..

Asuna then looks at Kirito and says “Spinner. I have a few words to say to him.” They then run towards the cabin.

Craig then sighs and say “well this can only end badly, I’d better catch them up. We’ll see you later Justine.” With that he ran off to catch up with the other.

It was only then that anyone who was outside or nearby the windows inside saw a two story Onyx dragon accompanied by two other individuals. The first was a human like figure with the arm of a dragon. The second being an orange earth pony with a Stetson hat on her head.

“Revaan, please don’t tell me that someone brought us here to terrorize a whole town.” The human sighed.

“It was me!” Laughed Asphyxious as he give Ken a hug. “I thought you and AJ could join the party, also the Pink Dragon apart of my hoard so no biting.”

“Oh, hi Asphy!” he replied. “Nice to see you guys. Oh and for the second part, wasn’t planning on it.”

There was a yell and Entropy smashed out the window, holding a red lightsaber. Time Spinner followed, holding his own red lightsaber.

“Well… someone’s ready for The Force Awakens…” The Scalebound chuckled.

“Entropy! I am your father!” Time yelled.

“I know dad!” Entropy replied, twirling her weapon.

Revaan chuckled a little at the young child as she played with her father. He found it… amusing to say the least. But he did not expect anyone else to join in on the fight. “It nice to see them all enjoying themselves.” Said the Pink dragoness watching everyone play.

“Hey I want in!” Said Leo as she jumped out the window after them before turning into a girl with dragon wings and tail. She then pulled out a blue and green lightsaber and joined the duel.

Suddenly there was a pop and a christmas themed Edward Kenway appeared in the arms of Revaan, “Please don’t let me get dog piled again… Scales… Warm… Am I hugging a dragon for protection right now?”

“Yes you are.” Ken deadpanned, facepalming himself with his draconic arm.

“And Who would you be? Also… Who is the dragon I’m hugging?”

“One… I’m Ken Ahkrin. Two, you're hugging my partner Revaan.” The Scalebound told the captain.

“Hello.” Revaan spoke, startling Edward as he tapped his head softly with a talon.

Edward quickly got over it and dusted himself off, “I am terribly sorry for that Mr. Revaan.” Edward then put out an apologetic hand, in which Revaan used a talon to shake.

“It’s okay. A lot of things happen and I’m kind of used to it.” He sighed. Looking back at the rest of the group. Watching the lightsaber fight unfold in the snow.

“And Mr. Ahkrin I don’t think we’ve met before.” Edward said holding out a hand for a handshake.

“Me neither. This is quite a large amount of people if you ask me.” Ken replied, turning to notice an Adept in a light blue coat walk outside.

“Well, it seems like everyone is having fun.” The Adept named Lance smiled. “If I knew this was a christmas celebration, I would’ve invited my Fiance’ Max.”

“Ah so you are the one Max is going to marry, names Edward if you didn’t already know.” Edward smiled, while he handed his token to both Lance and Ken.

“Pleasure to meet you, Edward.” Lance replied, handing him his own token. “I take it you must be Ken? I heard about you from Zinnia.”

“Yeah, that’s me. Though, she never mentioned anything about you.”

“Well, we only met a couple of times, so it’s bound to happen.” The adept replied as he stuck out his hand for the Scalebound to shake. “Lance Walker.”

“Ken Ahkrin.” He replied, shaking the Adept’s hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Lance replied, before looking at the roof for a minute. “You know, I was going to have my cousin Sun come down for a second, but after what happened earlier, he needs a much needed break.”

“He called me a midget…” Edward grumbled.

“Well, when you came out in red, I think he mistook you for Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. Case of Mistaken Identity, Mr. Kenway.” Lance sighed.

“As it has just been cleared up it’s ok… Oh well atleast I can have an awesome evening and get a lot of friends… While not getting haunted by a spirit of chaos.” Edward smiled and pulled out a lot of christmas decorations from his apparently limitless backpack.

“Well, I’m going back inside. Ken, you want a cup of coffee?”

“Oh you have no idea…” Ken replied, nodding his head. “Wanna come AJ?”

“Fine by me. I can go for some cider right now.” She replied as the three of them went inside. Leaving Edward outside with Revaan as they watched everything else unfold in front of them.

“So… Revaan… Do you like christmas carols?” Edward asked as they stood and watched.

“Is this christmas what you Displaced call Hearth’s warming?” Revaan asked. “I haven’t really celebrated much of the holidays normal Equestrians would. I am the last of my kind back home.” The last part, he let out a deep sigh as he sat down on all fours and looked back at the jedi vs. sith duel in the snow.

“Well they are usually not this chaotic but yeah kinda like this… So do you want some glogg?” Edward asked with a small smile, causing Revaan to raise an eyebrow. “It’s a kind of Scandinavian punch I had while travelling Europe… First and only travel across the Atlantic I ever had.”

“You are very generous, but I’ll pass.” Revaan replied, lowering his head a little. “You want to get a better view from up here?”

“Heh, sure, thanks.” Edward said as he snapped his fingers and appeared on top of Revaan’s head while holding a hot cup of glogg. Revaan himself just raised his head a little, allowing the Assassin in order to see from nearby twenty feet off the ground, looking over the entire area like he was at the top of a ferris wheel. Edward pulled out his phone and put on a song/ several songs all put in one.

Justine looked at the scene for a moment before turning back to the group. “There he is. You wanted to say something Asuna?”

Asuna then gave her a devious grin and said “oh yes” She then walks over towards Time Spinner and shouts “Hey Spinner remember me!”

Kirito and Craig then sigh as they walk beside her and say “Calm down, mum.”

She then smiles and says “Relax you two, I’m not going to hurt him”

“Leo! Don't dual wield around civilians!” Crux shouted from the window before the yellow changelings that were behind him ran off to go make snowmen and Arthur snuck off to the snowball fight.

“Fine dad!” Leo grumbled before putting away her green lightsaber and charging at Time and Entropy with her blue one.

Time Spinner blocked an attack from Entropy and turned towards Craig and his family. He was about to say something but noticed Leo. He deflected the blue blade with his, and Entropy kicked him in the stomach, sending him rolling towards them.

Time rolled next to Asuna and gave her a two fingered peace sign. “Should I?”

She then smiles as she says “Relax we don’t want to start anything with you” she then grabs him in a hug and says “just thank you for reuniting us with Craig.”

Craig then laughs and say “It’s thanks to you that we are back together… well mostly they’re around a thousand years in the past but still we’re in the same reality.”

“Uh… You’re welcome?” Time said, confused.

Entropy, still dueling Leo, yelled. “Timey wimey dad! We haven’t done it yet!”

“Probably something for next week… Add them to the list!” Time said. “Anyways, it’s nice to meet you. Things don’t happen to me in the right order.”

“I broke some time space rules bringing two of my displaced here.” Crux said laughing as he walked over and helped Time Spinner up.

“In any case, have some fun. Darth Pinkamena and Darth Surprise are in the kitchen making some Christmas cookies and Chocolate. Why doesn’t the little one go inside.”

“And be careful of Darkaloo. She’s a bit grouchy.” Justine added.

“Come back! I just want to hug you!” Lilith shouted as she slid after a orange batpony filly, Cyrine running after them in an attempt to stop the slime girl.

“I’m not a plushie!” The filly yelled as she sped away.

“But you're so cute!” Lilith replied.

“I’m not cute! I’m cool!”

“Lilith! Get back here! And stop terrorizing that filly!” Cyrine cried as she cased after her girlfriend.

“That’s Darkaloo. She’s Folteren’s Scootaloo.” Justine said. “She hates Hearths Warming AND Christmas.”

Craig’s Scootaloo then smirks and says “Wow she’s a lot different to me.”

“Wonder how she’d react to you.” Justine smirked. “She’s rude, impatient, hates Displaced, and likes dark stuff which is where she got the nickname Darkaloo.”

Craig then sighs and says “Probably badly and I seriously don't want to have to stop a kid to protect you Scoots.”

Darkaloo runs past Craig's Scootaloo and disappears as Lilith starts to catch up. “I have you now!” Lilith said as she glomps Scootaloo, either not noticing or not caring that she had the wrong pony.

Craig then sighs and say “One second.” He then opens his palms as Lilith is placed in small pink bubble suspending her in the air as he says “Calm down kid” He then turns to Darkaloo and says “You okay kid?”

“Yeah, sure…” Darkaloo mumbled. “I’ve got somewhere to be. Later.” She stared at Craig’s Scootaloo as she went off.

“Okay then just be careful.” said Craig waving her off before saying “You okay Scoots?”

She then rubs her head and says “Yeah,” she then stares at Lilith and says “I just am not happy with her”

Lilith just pouted from inside the bubble until Cyrine arrived. “Oh thank the emperor that someone stopped her…” She sighed. “You can let her out now, I’ll deal with her…”

Craig then smiles and says “No problem.” he then closes his hand as the bubble begins to fade and Lilith falls to the floor. He then looks at her and says “what do you have to say to my daughter?”

“Sorry?” Lilith says with a pout before cyrine comes over and grabs her hand.

“Come on… Let's go watch your big sister duel with Time Spinner and his daughter…” Cyrine says as she drags Lilith away.

Craig then smiles and says “we might aswell follow her so you can meet the other kids.”

Scootaloo then smiles and says “Okay.” and with that they follow Cyrine and Lilith down the hall.

“Hey! Grab a chair!” Crux says to the group as they enter the front yard as he is sitting in a recliner eating an ungodly bag of popcorn.

“I’ll be going, my girls are waiting for me. Merry Christmas.” Said Justine.

Craig then smiles and says “well i’m gonna go out for a bit to see what chaos me and Discord can create.”

Asuna then smiles and says “See you in a bit.”

Craig then sticks his thumb up as he disappears from the room.

Snowball Fight

Lee grumbled as he hid behind a snowbank with the others.

“You’re gonna feel this tomorrow!” Yelled Rainbine from the other side.

Deathwing keep getting pelted as he stood out in the white snow. “Keep it up maybe I’ll hit you with lighting.” He said, too bad he was muffed by the snow.

“Hey wimps!” Shouted Scout as he hit Rainbine with a snowball that had some mad milk in it.

The cyborg started twitching as she short circuited. Next to her was Rarifruit, who face hoofed. “She’s a cyborg you dolt! Milk is bad for her!”

“Then she should have dodged it. I mean, isn’t she suppose to be fast?” Scout said, chuckling as he threw a snowball at Deathwing.

“She’s water resistant, but adding milk isn't supposed to be in a-” She was cut off as Rainbine started shooting lasers at Scout, which sent him flying.

“Your moms fat!!!” Rainbine laughed as she twitched a bit.

“Oh. Shots have been fired in this snowball war.” Mask said while Surprise giggles.

“Oh Yeah? Well your momma is so fat, everytime she turn around its her birthday!” Scout shouted back.

“Don’t give a shit! She was a jerk to me!” Rainbine laughed.

“Teams!!!” Lee shouted. “Rainbine is team Gears, and Rarifruit is team Fabs! Choose which side!

“It would be better then everyone hitting me.” Deathwing melted the snow on himself. “I choose gears.”

“Would you like to get hit by fireballs instead?” Blaze asked, holding a fireball. “Also I choose Fabs.” She added.

“Yes I would.” Deathwing deadpanned.

“I will choose Gears.” Erza said simply.

“I guess I will go with Fabs. So I can beat Rainbutt here.” Scout said.

“You’ll lose! I’m too cool to get beat by a moron who adds milk to his snowballs!” Rainbine said.

“Says the slowpoke.” Said Scout.

“I think I will go for Gears.” Dark Magician Girl said while eating a sandwich.

“Okay. Anyone else?” Lee asked.

“Nope. Me, Mask and Surprise are going to watch and do a play by play banter.” Dark Magician said.

“Okay. Good luck to both sides.” Lee grumbled as he walked into a snow fort. “You’re gonna need it…”

“Welcome to the first and only Christmas Snowball Wars!” Mask shouted as he continues. “I’m your host, the most handsomest Mask along with the lovely Surprise and the wise Dark Magician.” He added, while all three are sitting at a table.

“Hiya! Is everypony having a fun time?” Surprise asks.

“Yes and today battle we have Team Gears vs Team Fabs.” Dark Magician said.

“Before we start, how many of you can fly?” Deathwing asked team fabs.

“I can use my fire to fly for a short time.” Blaze said.

“Good to know.” Deathwing had a evil smile, which was disturbing him how natural it was for him. With his wings raised high he flew all the way up into the clouds. “Because no one says I can’t attack from above.”

“Now what fun would that be?” Said Arthur as he walked over and made a cage grow over the snowball field keeping deathwing within range of the ground. “And how have you two been?” He asked Mask and Surprise as he stepped into their spectator box before he turned it into a tree fort.

“Great. We give some bad guys wedgies and we go to nightclubs every night.” Mask said grinning.

“And we had fun with the Warner Brothers.” Said Surprise.

“And a Warner Sister.” Said Dot as she went back in a hole she came out of.

“Yours?” Arthur asked before pulling out a set of binoculars and offering a few.

“Who?” Dark Magician asked.

“Ok so the air out.” Deathwing smashed into the ground instead.

“I think that would be fair.” Dark Magician Girl Said nodding her head.

“Fair only as fair as the power you wield.” Deathwing said.

“Think fast Chucklenuts!” Shouted Scout as he Deathwing with a snowball with mad milk in it.

Deathwing glared at him. “Taste lightning!” True to his word lightning struck near him.

“Nope.” Scout said as he move out of the way.

“Ooh~ And he missed again!” Arthur laughed at deathwing from the tree fort.

“He is going to have to try harder if he wants to hit Scout.” Surprise said while waving a flag of Team Fabs.

“And Scout is going to milk it for all its worth.” Mask said.

“Scout must be careful since it’s a dragon that he is mocking.” Dark Magician said.

“I wonder how they would feel if things went TF2 on them?” Arthur said, his mask shifting to resemble a troll face as he tapped his fingers together.

“Oh it looks like Dark Magician Girl is way ahead of you on that one.” Mask said as he Dark Magician Girl enter Team Fabs fort disguised as Rarifruit.

“Then let's send her some reinforcements, shall we?” He said before his mask began to glow. “Ko Matoran! Give her some backup!” he said as white robotic people half Arthur’s height began to storm the field.

“We got a Spy!” Scout shouted out. Moments later he was hit in the face with a snowball from one of the ice matoran before it ran off.

“And scout has taken a hit! There is no stopping a ko Matoran on their home turf!” Arthur laughed.

“But wait! Scout is getting out his can of Bonk!” Surprise said.

“And Erza is getting a really big snowball, and she's got Dark Magician Girl and Deathwing in her sights!” Said Mask.

“This should be interesting…” Arthur said with a chuckle. moments later a ko matoran threw a snowball at Erza’s giant one hoping to cause it to collapse on her, but Blaze stopped the Ko matoran snowball with her fire.

Deathwing slammed into the ground and dug right into it. “Screw this I’m outta here.”

A ko matoran noticed Deathwing's attempt to escape and called a few of its brethren before they charged over and dragged the dragon out of the hole.

“Incoming!” Erza shouted as she throw her big snowball at Deathwing and Dark Magician Girl.

“Oh no...” Dark Magician Girl simply said as she and Deathwing was hit.

the ko matoran stopped and just watched for a few moments before holding up 10 point signs. They then turned and start pelting anyone that isn't a matoran or Dark Magician Girl with snowballs again.

“And Scout has drunk his Bonk and now he is hitting everyone that is on Team Gear with a super fast throw of his snowballs!” Dark Magician said.

“While Blaze is protecting everypony on her team with a firewall!” Surprise said while eating a cupcake.

“While that is an impressive firewall, it won't protect her team from being hacked!” Arthur joked as the ko matoran built a cannon out of snow and ice.

The matoran signaled each other as they started loading gigantic snowballs next to their canon before one of them hops on top and yells “Fire!” Suddenly, a loud boom emanated from the cannon as it fired a glowing snowball at the firewall taking it down.

“Now that’s cold!” Mask said.

Deathwing gave a sigh. “By the Titans, I was forced here so excuse me.” Deathwing forced a dome of stone around him.

“What’s this? Scout is drinking his chit-cola!” Mask shouted.

“You know what that means?” Surprise asked already knowing.

“That he is going to go on a caffeine fueled rampage?” Arthur joked.

“No. Scout now has chits to his snowballs. Making do more damage.” Dark Magician said as he saw Scout’s snowballs are glowing purple.

“Oh my~ Looks like Deathwing is no longer safe inside that dome!” Arthur quipped.

“If anyone hits my dome I’m blowing up this continent!” Deathwing screamed.

“Not if I cancel out your powers!” Arthur shouted at Deathwing.

“Eat this!” Scout shouted as he throw his one of his cited snowball at Deathwing and throwing another one at Rainbine.

Deathwing glared unfased at it but was mad. “Fuck this.” Deathwing disappeared via portal to the elemental plane. Leaving his team.

“Corward!” Erza shouted with a look of rage.

Seconds later a voice shouted “Switch!” As a massive snowball come flying towards Scout.

“Missed me!” Scout shouted as he jumped out of the way.

The voice then shouts “Are you sure?” as the large snowball explodes into a barrage of smaller ones that began to batter everyone on the opposing team.

“That’s going to leave a mark.” Surprise said.

Rainbine shouted. “Freeze!” And as soon as she said that, she shot a barrage of snowballs through her arm and the dazed.

“I think not.” Blaze said as she created a firewall.

“Looks like Rainbine’s freeze virus has been stopped.” Mask said.

Rarifruit used her magic to bring up three dozen snowballs. “Are you ready for my generous gift!?”

The matoran used their cannon to destroy the firewall again before firing a second round at Blaze, causing her to be buried in enchanted snow.

“Incoming!” Erza shouted as she throw another big snowball.

Rarifruit popped up next to Rainbine and dumped all of the snowballs onto her. From a nearby rooftop, a certain Faunus was watching the snowball fight unfold. Bored of sitting around, he hopped down and walked over.

“Hey,” Sun asked. “You guys have room for one more?”

“Sure Sunny. What team do you want to join?” Surprise asked.

“Awesome guys here!” Rainbine shouted.

“Be reasonable dear!” Rarifruit added.

Craig then lands next to Rainbine and says “Let's make it two for the price of one.”

“Oh and Sun and Craig now join the fight.” Mask said.

Craig then smirks and says “lets start by boosting our defence” he then places his hands one the ground as a massive wall of ice appears between the groups with small arrow slits in the side.

The ko matoran look at the massive wall of ice and grin. seconds later they swarm the wall wielding ice picks and start digging into it, building themselves a small village.

Craig smirked as blue tendrils appear around him, creating thousands of snowballs above him.

“Ah crap!” Scout shouted as he move out the way.

The ko matoran just ignored the snowballs as they bounced off the walls of their new ice village.

“Well, seems the matoran have made a home for themselves… and it looks like I am needed elsewhere…” Arthur said as a fishing hook attached to the back of his armor and dragged him away.

“Things are getting crazy here.” Dark Magician Girl as she manage to hit Scout with a snowball. Meanwhile, Sun liked where this was going as he looked at the other displaced who were throwing snowballs and smirked.

“Is anyone going to even try to hit me?” He asked as he moved his head to the left to avoid a snowball being aimed at his face.

“Be carefully what you wish for monkeyboy.” Erza said holding a snowball that was a size of a house. Sun just smirked, pulling out his two Gunchaku’ a from behind as he clapped his hands together. The Faunus used his Semblance to create two spectral clones that detonated on impact to cut the snowball down to size before having his two weapons form a bo staff as he swung at it.

“And it’s a HOME RUN!!” He shouted out, sending the snowball back in the initial direction that it came from. “Man, I always wanted to do that.”

“Think fast chucklenuts!” Scout shouts as he hit Sun when he wasn’t looking with a snowball that had mad milk in it. “You just got ice creamed.” He added.

When the smoke cleared, all that was there was a wooden figure of what was sun with his jacket on there. A sign saying “Sucker”. Unknowingly, as Scout saw this, he felt a tap on the shoulder and turned to see Sun without his jacket… or any shirt on in general standing right behind him.

“And yet, you couldn’t tell that I tricked ya.” He said, before slamming his staff across his face.

“Ouch!” Scout shouted. “Medic!”

“This is supposed to be a snowball fight! Not a real fight!” Yelled Rainbine.

“Yeah, I came to the fight late. My bad.” Sun replied, using his tail to toss a snowball to his hand before throwing it at the mare that called him out. Hitting her dead on in the face.

“What team are you on!?” Rarifruit shouted as she threw a fluffy ball onto the Faunus’ exposed back.

“Wait, there was teams? In that case, I’ll be on the one that allows me to throw snowballs at skittles!”

“Fabs and Gears, why yes.” Rarifruit said. “And that would be my team. Team Fabs.”

“Raribitch!? Really!? And don’t call me skittles! I’m a freakin cyborg! I’ll rip your head of without even trying!”

“Skittlesbutt.” Scout said laughing.

“Alright, now this is going to be a little more interesting…” Sun grinned, grabbing his jacket and letting it be in the snow a little. “Any strategies?”

“Eat this Monkeyboy!” Dark Magician Girl said as she throws two snowballs at Sun.

“Take Cover!” Sun shouted, barrel rolling to the right as he dodged the incoming snowballs. Grinning a little, He made a snowball and placed something on the outside and chucked it towards Drak Magician Girl. “Here you go, have a biscuit!”

“Mirror Force!” Dark Magician Girl said as a barrier appeared and send the snowball back at Sun. “No thank you.” She said. Only for Sun to hit it back like it was baseball and for the dog treat inside to hit Rainbine in the face.

Craig then smiles and shouts “Eat this!” as tiled his forefinger forwards causing the massive snowball to fly towards the Sun. The Faunus himself disappeared from view, and soon, he was seen hanging in a tree by his tail. “Good thing I like to climb trees.”

“Enough of eating things, let’s snow ‘em out!” Rainbine yelled as she place a vacuum in the snow, turned it on, and plugged it into her gun.

Craig then smiles and says “On your mark”

“Taste the rainbow motherf*cker!” Rainbine screamed as she started raining hail on team Fabs.

“Surprise motherf*cker!” Blaze shouted as she created a firewall to stop the hail.

Rainbine appeared behind Blaze, smirking. “Some fries motherf*cker!” And shot a single hail into her back before teleporting away.

Craig then shouts “For those about Rock” as the ground below her explodes into air and multiple copies of him appear around sun and instantly hit him with a barrage of snowballs.

“Uh Rainbine. Why are you wearing panties that attach to a fishing line?” Dark Magician Girl asked as she notice wearing rainbow coloured pantie with a fishing line hook at the back.

“Wha-!?” Rainbine looked down, surprised. It was only then that during this moment of distraction that a Snowball pelted her in the head. But after the snow fell off, what remained was a dog treat. Courtesy of Sun. “Did ya just throw a MotherF**k​ing Dog trea-!?"

“Surprise wedgie!” Scout shouted as he use the fishing rod to pull Rainbine’s panties up high. The cyborg yelped loudly and fell over, tears brimming in her eyes.

“Where did Scout get that fishing rod from?” Dark Magician asked as him and Surprise both look at Mask who had a halo on of his head.

“What?” Mask asked trying to look confused.

Craig’s eyes then sharpen as he says “Sun you just signed your metaphorical death warrant.” With that he shouts “Discord, cause as much snow based chaos as you like!”

“Heads up!” The Faunus shouted, throwing a snowball in Craig's direction. However, there was one thing different with it. Snowballs never said “whee!!” while in mid flight. When it landed on Craig, he was now looking at a small bundle of white fur with a small pair of eyes and small horns.

“Aww, he likes you!” Craig heard from the faunus as the Poro began to lick his face like a puppy.

“Awww, He so cute!” Surprise gushed as some of her inner Fluttershy showing.

Rainbine tried pulling the panties off while she snarled.

“That a good look for you skittlesbutt.” Scout said snickering.

“I’m going to kill your whole team!” She said before coughing. “I’m sensitive down there you bastards!”

“That was underhanded! You should feel ashamed of yourselves for doing that in a snowball fight.” Rarifruit said as she sent a snowball towards Dark Magician Girl.

“Miss me Fruitloops.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling as she ducked under the snowball.

Craig then closes his eyes as strange symbols appear in his eyes and he shouts. “You are going to feel my wrath! Rainbine get ready” He then brings his hands together as multiple clones appear around him and Craig shouts “Time to blot out the Sun” The clones then throw millions of snowballs into the air.

“Seriously? If that’s suppose to be a pun, then you guys are just plain bad.” Sun sighed. Taking his staff, he began to spin in around in a 360 degree motion in front of him as it acted like a barrier. Blocking most of the snowballs, but not all.

Craig then shouts “Discord now!” Seconds later the falling snowballs begin to warp as there shape change to look more like large bullets whist increasing speed and size.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me!!” Sun snarled, forcing himself to jump out of the way and continue running. “Dang it. If Penny were here, she would have a blast.” He thought to himself as a few bullets almost hit his tail. “Okay, I’ve had enough near death situations already! I rather not add another one to the list!”

“Hey Rarifruit. Is Applepills near by?” Erza asked.

“Why do you ask?” Rarifruit asked, preparing dozens of snowballs.

“I got a plan.” Erza said getting out a bottle of pills and placing them in a snowball.

The ko matoran were watching the chaos through the windows of their village before going back to minding their own business.

“Time out! Both sides need to regroup!” Rarifruit yelled as she pulled back.

“I second that…” Rainbine groaned as she feebly crawled away. “Help… Please...”

“Why?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

“Is this a time out Rarifruit is calling?” Surprise asked.

“Maybe she need to go to the bathroom or hunt for a rare hat.” Mask said while holding a shiny looking top hat.

Rarifruit looked at the hat, eyes bugging out a bit. “Mine!” She screamed as she started running towards the hat but was hit with a snowball from one of her own teammates.

“Moron.” Blaze simply said.

The ko matoran dragged dark magician girl into their village for her safety, and to act as their leader, when they heard someone say regroup.

Rarifruit snapped out of her odd trance. “Okay, I’ll get Apple Pills. Be back in a flash!” She said before teleporting in a purple aura.

On the other side Rainbine shot herself in her lower regions to destroy the panties. She stood up wobbly, almost on the brink of crying. “If… If she’s getting… Apple Pills, I’m getting… Getting Derpigun…” She said as she flew off.

“She going to feel that one tomorrow.” Dark Magician Girl said still confused.

Few seconds later Rarifruit returned with two others, Apple Pills and Tri-Edge. “Back! And I got that Imperial Grand Commander too!”

“Excellent.” Erza said as she shakes the snowball that had the bottle of pills in them.

The ko matoran all looked to Dark magician girl as if expecting something.

Rainbine returned as well with two others as well. “Found Derpigun… And Superior Spiderman… Happy?” She panted.

“Hi!” Derpigun said, waving her hoof.

“Hi!” Dark Magician Girl said waving back before she got hit by a snowball with a bottle in it. “Ouch.” She said.

“Should we use our tech?” One of the matoran asked Dark Magician Girl.

“Wait. Why was a bottle of pills doing in a snowball?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

“Oh shi-” Before Rainbine and Derpigun could finish, an orange and black mare collided into them, screaming like a mad mare.

PILLLLLLSSSS!!!!!!!!” Snow went everywhere, and somehow another pair of panties were on the rainbow colored cyborg mare again, this time filled with snow.

“Surprise Bitch!” Scout shouted his best Vanoss voice as he pull the fishing rod up high.

And with that, Rainbine screamed… Again… This time though, she turned her right arm into a long cannon and her left into a short shotgun-like thing. “That’s it!” She turned into an Equestria Girls version of herself and pointed the weapon at Scout. “Surprise this!” She then shot seven times per gun, and sent a ball of lightning.

Scout quickly drink his Bonk and ran out the way. Which Rainbine just followed, continuing to fire all she had in blind rage.

“Jarate!” Mask shouted as he threw a jar of piss from the table at Rainbine, who kicked it unto Scouts head, soaking him.

“Ah geez!” Scout said in disgust.

The ko matoran just stared at the spectacle all except for one, “Well?” he said to Dark Magician Girl.

“Huh?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Should we use our tech?” The matoran repeated the question for her.

“Yeah!” Derpigun said before tapping her chin. “What tech?”

“Don’t ask me. Rainbine and Rarifruit know the rules.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Stand clear for tier one tech usage!” The matoran shouted as he and the other ko matoran scattered and disappeared into tunnels no one noticed before.

While all this was happening, the faunus that was originally in the battle just sighed. “Screw this, I’m outta here.” He said, retreating to Time’s cabin before anyone or anything could hit him.

“Get back here you coward!” Erza shouted as she run after Sun.

And with that, the fight was suddenly over...

Snowmen Making

Folteren walked into a field of poorly constructed balls of snow. He gestured to multiple teams who were each trying to build their own. There was Maka and Crona at one, Silica, Tri-Edge, and Sara at another, Spider-Gwen, Brutalight and Pinkis at the last.

“This is the snowman thing.” Folteren said.

“Hi!” Lea said to Folteren as she and a group of other yellow changelings bounced into the snowmen area.

“Hello.” Said Wendy.

“What up.” Said Vinyl.

“Hey, did I miss anything?” Draigo asked as he stepped through a portal that had appeared in the snowman area.

“You look like mommy when she’s angry.” Lea snickered as she walked up to Draigo.

“We are just started to make snowmen.” Wendy said.

“Ah, snowmen making. It's been forever since I've made one. How do I look like your mom when she's angry?” Draigo asked curiously as he looked at Lea.

“She Digivolves into a giant dragon!” Lea replied. “Want to make a snowman with me and my brethren?” she then asks.

“Sounds like fun. How big should we make it?” Draigo asked as he tried to imagine the girl’s mom when she was angry.

“How about... bigger than my other mothers hive?” Lea asked as she gave a shrug.

“Okay, do we have enough snow for that?” Draigo asked as he started to gather up snow for the base.

“We could always ask grandpa to make more!” Lea replied as she and the other yellow anthro changelings began to use teamwork to make a snowball as big as the cottage that they first arrived at.

“Hey dudes. Check out my snowmare.” Vinyl said as she her DJ looking snowman.

“Looks like you…” One of the changeling infiltrators said.

“Anyone want to see a Snow Dragon?” Draigo asked as he continued to gather snow.

“Oh! Let's make a Frigimon!” another infiltrator said before they swarmed the giant snowball they had made creating a snow cloud. When the snow cloud cleared there was a giant being standing in front of the infiltrators.

“Very nice snow beings, check this out,” Draigo said as he began to form a dragon from the snow. First came the general outline of the winged dragon. Next came the details such as the scales, claws, eyes, spines, wing membranes, and teeth. Finally as the dragon was solidifying its colors showed up: White body with ice blue belly scales, eyes, spines, and wing membranes. It slowly started to move its giant body and looked around to see everyone.

Then everyone saw what looked like something out of someone nightmares giving rides to all the kids. The metal worm just seemed to move around the cabin as the kids of the many displaced took turns riding it.

“Hay everypony come inside the effigy pudding ready!” Called out Pinkie Pie as she go back inside to help with the rest of the cooking.

Deathwing appeared out of the elemental plane next to them. “Can I make snowmen with you all?”

“Sure, come join the fun, young Deathwing,” Draigo called to his fellow dragon.

“How is four point six billion young?” Deathwing asked.

“Is he older than you?” Folteren asked Deathwing.

“Yes, I am older than him. I’m fourteen billion years, give or take a few hundred million years,” Draigo said before Deathwing could answer.

“More people…? I don’t know how to handle this…” Crona said, hiding behind his snowman.

“I challenge your snowdragon to a duel!” Lea said to Draigo as the Frigimon she and her brethren made started to walk over to her.

“Oh, a duel is it? We accept!” Draigo responded as his dragon turned to face his opponent.

The Frigimon gained a determined look as it pounded its fists together like a boxer as it got ready to fight. “Sic em!” Lea shouted causing the Frigimon to charge at Draigo’s snow dragon.

The snow dragon took to the air and swiped at the Frigimon’s head with its tail as it soared away to prep for a strafing run.

Frigimon ducked under the dragon’s tail before grabbing it and slamming it into the ground like The Hulk.

“Nice move, might want to be careful, though,” Draigo commented as the snow dragon turned its head around and bit Frigimon’s hand.

Frigimon flinched but used its other hand to deliver a ‘Ice Punch’ to its face, knocking the dragon away while trapping its head in a large block of ice.

Deathwing pulled up a huge pile of snow as this was taking place behind him. With a wave of his claws he used the wind to cut it apart and slowly molded it into a person. In its right hand a hammer and in his left was resting on an anvil. “Father.” He said looking at the being he felt sad, regret… and rage.

Draigo’s snow dragon used on of its claws and smashed the ice that was encasing its head before lashing out with its tail knocking Frigimon to the side as it stood up.

As Frigimon got up, it started to glow. “Oh boy… Mom is not going to be happy…” Lea said nervously. A blue ring appeared around Frigimon before the glow expanded into a solid sphere around the snowman before it shattered to reveal a white anthropomorphic lion.

“Why would you mom be unhappy?” Draigo asked as he looked down at Lea.

“Because I accidentally created a wild digimon…” Lea chuckled nervously.

“Well then, I think this has gone on long enough,” Draigo said as he disintegrated his dragon and tried crushed the lion beneath his claws.

“I am Iceleomon! I shall not be defeated so easily!” Iceleomon said before he tossed Draigo to the side.

“I’ll… go get my mom…” Lea said before running off as Iceleomon was surrounded by the changeling infiltrators that were with her.

Draigo sighed, “There’s no need for that, but I won’t stop you from getting her.” He then inhaled and sent a torrent of flame towards IceLeomon. Draigo made sure that the flames would only hit Leomon.

Iceleomon blocked the flames with his sword but couldn’t move as the infiltrators were blocking his path.

Deathwing heat rose as he started to get mad looking at his creation. “Every step I take can cause an earthquake and every breath a hurricane, yet with all this power you gave me!” He screamed glaring at it. “You could have warned me about the OLD GODS!” He screamed with ash burning off him. “Thanks dad for giving me domain over were you imprisoned them! Jerk!” He scream burning it with lava.

“IceLeomon, you will surrender or you will face the full wrath of a dragon,” Draigo explained as he towered over the wild digimon.

“I shalt not bow to anyone other than the sovereigns!” Iceleomon exclaimed.

“Ok, where is the accident you made?” Leo said as she followed Lea into the area where they were making snowmen.

“Over here, ma’am. We’ve kept him from moving and have tried some methods for defeating him, even if they weren’t with any effort,” Draigo replied without looking at the newest arrival.

When Iceleomon looked at Leo he felt a chill run down his spine. “H-how… You shouldn't be here!” He shouted, visibly sweating as he tried to shrink away from Leo.

“I didn’t even realize that an ice type of anything could actually sweat,” Draigo commented as he noticed the sweat on the digimon.

“Well, it helps if one is facing one of their gods!” Leo Laughed.

“I surrender! Just don't let her anywhere near me!” Iceleomon shouted as he threw his arms in the air.

“You should’ve just let my attacks through, puny mortal. Unfortunately for you, I’m going to let her do what she wants with you,” Draigo said with an evil smile on his face.

“Now, how about we have a chat? I have been needing some excuse to use my full power, so give me a challenge~” Leo sang in a tone that gave everyone in the clearing chills.

“Bored much?” Draigo asked as he looked down at the female digimon for the first time.

“No, I just need a stress reliever, and Namiro isn’t available…” Leo replied before she shifted into her base form. “Now, let’s get started, DIGIVOLVE!” She growled before she began to glow.

Folteren shook his head. “What happened? I zoned out.”

“I… I’m not sure. I think Draigo fought Leo.” Brutalight murmured.

“I did no such thing. She fought an accidentally created digimon, not me,” Draigo clarified.

“Oh… Okay.” Folteren said. “Is everyone done?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Draigo replied.

“I think I’ll reel my Displaced in before they cause anymore chaos…” Crux said before pulling out a fishing pole and literally reeling them in.

“I thought this was gonna be peaceful! If there no saceritity!?!?” Pinkis screamed.

“No Pinkis, there’s no sacredness. You miss pronounced that word.” Folteren pointed out. “Someone help Crona, I think he’s gonna freak… Again…”

“On it!” Maka yelled as she tackle hugged the pinkhead into the snow.

“So, anything else we’re gonna do?” Draigo asked as watched the girl tackle the pink headed person.

“Uh… There’s a lot we could do… The Christmas Tree is in need of decorating… And power… And someone to get rid of the Pyro… AND a choir.” Folteren said, before laughing.

“Well, here are some decorations to use! and we will just use Arthur as a powersource.” Crux said as boxes of decorations appeared at everyone's feet.

“Where’d you come from!? Weren’t you supposed to be at the cabin!” Folteren asked, surprised.

“I am everywhere yet nowhere~” Crux teased as a pair of cat ears and a tail appeared on him.

“Schrodinger, you are not,” Draigo deadpanned before turning his attention back to Folteren, “Now, what’s this about a Pyro and getting rid of it? Oh, we’re actually going to sing?”

“Time messed up a spell creating a Pyro from TF2 who has a tree obsession and dare I say… Fetish. He’s burning it while singing something under his mask.” Folteren said. “I can’t kill him because… Well, I’m not allowed to fight, and the Commanders are either busy or running low on life support.”

“Okay, he only uses fire, right?” Draigo asked as he thought of how to fight the Pyro.

“He’s got some kind of air pressure gun, but yeah.”

“Hey can I help beat this Pyro dude with my wubs?” Vinyl asked.

“Well, if your ‘wubs’ can vibrate the air enough then the fire won’t have any oxygen and thus go out. You’d need a fairly bass heavy song, speakers that could handle high volumes while providing the bass, and be within range of the flames,” Draigo explained with a claw to his chin while looking into the sky.

“That’s why I have brought my bass cannon with me.” Vinyl said as she pulls out her bass cannon from her mane.

“Would you like any upgrades for it?” Arthur asked as he examined the sound cannon. “Or a pet that has a sonic attack that would dwarf the output of this?” He added as his mask began to glow.

“Nah I ‘am good.” Vinyl said.

“If you say so… although I’ll still give you the pet just in case you change your mind.” Arthur said. Moments later a small silver bat like robot materialized from the dust at Arthur's feet before his mask stopped glowing. “This is a Klakk, a creature who’s sonic attacks are able to harm beings of shadow and cure mind control. Also it will eventually grow big enough for you to ride on.” Arthur said as he picked up the small rahi before it flew over and perched on Vinyl’s shoulder.

“Cool.” Vinyl said.

“Can I go now…?” Crona asked shyly.

“No.” Folteren replied. He looked to his red Pip-boy and played with it a bit before mumbling something about lightsabers and ‘Time Spinner stealing his umph’ in a playful tone. He looked up and asked. “You girls done? I’ve got something y’all might like.”

“I’ll ignore that you called me a girl, Folteren,” Draigo responded, “Now, what do you have that you think we’d like?”

Folteren rolled his eyes and growled. “You guys are so annoying…” He looked back at the group and cleared his throat. “I called a few of my ‘henchmen’ from back home to create a cabin of our own that’s twice the size of Time Spinner’s and has more features ready. Hot chocolate, movies, an indoor Christmas tree, several hundred cookies and an awesome backyard if you don’t like the calmness of inside. Sound good? Why don’t you come to the ‘dark side’?” He snickered at the last part.

“Well, you’ve got cookies,” Draigo mumbled, “Where is it?”

A TF2 teleporter appeared right in front of them. “Through this.” Folteren said.

“Where did that TF2 teleporter come from?” Wendy asked after she notice the teleporter.

“It teleported, duh!” Folteren said, bonking his head with his hand before hopping on top of it and vanishing.

“Let’s go. Can’t be any worse than here, probably better actually,” Draigo commented as he stepped through the teleporter.

“Wait for me dudes!” Vinyl said as she stepped on the teleporter followed by Wendy.

“I'll get there when Time Spinner does.” Crux said as he walked back to Time’s cabin with his Displaced in tow.

As soon as they all arrived, they saw dozens of doorways to other rooms. The thing that surprised them the most though was a darkly clad Pinkie Pie and an armored Rainbow Dash.

“Welcome to the Dark Side cabin relaxation Christmas/Hearth's Warming Eve experience…” Rainbow said, sounding bored and angry.

“Runaway cake!” Yelled Pinkie as a cake went flying through the air.

“I’ll take care of that,” Draigo replied as he snapped the cake out of the air in one bite.

“Hay that was for the kiddies!” Yelled Pinkie as she walks over and hit him with a firing pan before going back to make more.

“It was delicious and I’m more than willing to help make another for the kids,” Draigo called out to the retreating Pinkie.

“Then get your big butt in here!” She yells. Ducking under a large robot arm that fighting with a alien. Draigo quickly followed her, not wanting the kids to wait too long.

“Rain, Nizar, these are the Displaced I was talking about.” Folteren said, “Guys, this is my Nightmare Squad leader Rain Dash and my Great granddaughter and apprentice Nizar.”

“Show me the way to go home! I’m tired and I want to go to bed!” Sang Asphyxious with what looked like Ken in a headlock. “I had a drink about an hour ago and it all went to my HEAD!”

“Wimp.” Vinyl said giggling.

“Then go, nobody will care.” Rain snapped.

“You’ll have to excuse her, she, like my daughter, hates Christmas. I think that’s where she got it from.” Folteren apologised.

“To each their own.” Wendy said nodding.

“Eh, can't please everyone.” Crux said while shrugging.

“So, while the cake bakes. What shall we do?” Draigo asked as he stepped out from the kitchen.

“We watch a movie!” Called out Asphyxious as he falls over. “I’m okay…”

“Zazubean!” Crux shouts while flicking a bean at Asphyxious that hit him on the head.

“Good job, Krillin,” Draigo responded with a chuckle.

“So what do you all want to watch? I’ve got a hundred Christmas specials.” Folteren said.

“I just watched all your movies, so I’m good.” Crux said as he floated upside down.

“How the hell’d you do that?” Folteren asked before sighing. “Who am I kidding… What do you all want to watch? I’ve got all the Christmas Carols, or whatever those Scrooge movies are, I’ve got Nightmare Before Christmas, Polar Express-an all time favorite of mine-, The Year Without A Santa Claus, Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer, Miracle On Thirty Fourth Street etc, etc.”

Then Asphyxious’ kids started singing the songs to Nightmare before Christmas as they sit on the floor.

“Seems the kids would like to watch ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas,” Draigo said as he chuckled at the energy the kids had, “I’ve always liked Miracle on thirty-fourth street, though.”

“I will go with the Nightmare one. It’s sound good.” Vinyl said as her fangs poke out her mouth a bit.

“I think my displaced need to see that one, it would be fun to watch their reactions~” Crux said. “Then we should do the polar express possibly…” He then mumbled as he started going through a sack full of strange tickets.

“Guess majority wins!” Folteren announced. “Like, everyone has the same freakin tastes… Nizar, mind being a dear and find that one?”

“Okie dokie Folty!” The Pinkie said, saluting. She zipped off and returned a moment later with the movie and handing it to Folteren.

“Don’t call me that.” The Sith coldly replied as he started preparing a LARGE flatscreen TV and placed the DVD on the screen, which somehow ate it.

“Oh let the Pies have their fun.” Said Asphyxious as he sit with his kids.

“Pies?” Folteren asked, head tilted.

“Shouldn’t we send some people to take care of that Pyro guy?” Draigo asked as he remembered about the flame wielding crazy man.

“I’ll rip him to peices…” Rain sighed as she walked onto the teleporter.

“She’s been like that for awhile.”

“Why is that?” Wendy asked.

“I think it’s because of this war. She and my Scoots have a close bond, and Human tradition reminds her that, in the long run, she’s ‘nothing compared to a god-like being who all think they’re the center of the universe’. Those are her words.” Folteren said as he sat down.

“Well, I can’t argue with her point of view,” Draigo said as he looked at the teleporter, “Do we need to worry about her or is Pyro in for a world of hurt?”

“She’s more skilled than Jango Fett, and has about as much chance of dying as… Well, Wolverine…”

“Let me guess Scoots is her Boba?” Wendy joke a bit.

“No, she’s my Bat Pony. Or maybe my Vader.” Folteren said seriously.

“Alright, how about that movie?” Draigo asked as he laid down on the floor, making sure he wouldn’t block anyone’s view.

“Let me go get Time Spinner and the others from the other cabin real quick!” Crux said before moonwalking beneath the couch cushions.

“Don’t!” Folteren yelled. “This is only for you guys.”

“So, no Time Spinner?” Crux asked, his head popping out if a flowerpot.

“Yep, Empire only. Besides, Time would probably mess with something or someone in a strange way,” Draigo commented.

“Not Empire only.” Folteren corrected. “It’s just that Time’s focused on keeping this place together, and making him watch a movie would make this place and all in it to instantly die or go back home depending on how strong.”

“Ah, okay. Do you guys have a favorite food for the holidays?” Draigo asked to change the subject.

“I’ve got everything in the kitchen, and my little Darthy’s gonna serve you.” Folteren said, pinching Nizar’s cheek, who purred.

“You have everything? Now that's impressive.” Leo said as she and Crux’s other displaced began to appear in the room.

“Do you know what Miku’s favorite food is?” Arthur asked Folteren.

“Um… Sylar!” Folteren yelled, and soon a darkly clad male appeared with a sinister face. “What’s Miku’s favorite food? Wait, what does she eat?”

Sylar sighed. “She likes red liquorice, and her favorite drink is fruit punch. That all?”

“I think so.” Folteren shrugged.

Sylar was almost knocked over by a silver blur as Arthur ran at impossible speeds into the kitchen and back out before crashing through a wall to go find Miku, while holding the food in a large bag and leaving a hole in the wall shaped like him.

“What’s with him? And why’d you ask?” Sylar asked, head tilted.

“No idea what’s with him, but he was the one who asked about Miku,” Draigo supplied as he shrugged his wings.

“Arthur and Miku are dating!” Lilith shouted like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sylar’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so…”

“I would know! I was at their we…” Lilith started to say before being cut off by Folteren.

“Don’t… Say… Another… Word…” Folteren said.

“Indeed, I brought you from the future to have fun, not give spoilers.” Crux scolded.

Sylar crossed his arms. “Spoilers… Right…”

“Dude, I didn’t know you cared about Miku!” Folteren said, surprised. “I thought you hated everyone.”

“Miku and Jubilee are exceptions.” Sylar stated.

“I wonder if Jubilee still has that Kikanalo that accepted her as its master?” Crux wondered aloud at the mention of the Twilight look alike.

Sylar gave Crux an incredulous look.

“If you want to fight someone at least take it outside so we don’t have to clean up the mess you’d make of the cabin,” Draigo said as he sensed the tension increase.

“If he tried to fight me he wouldn’t even last a millisecond.” Crux deadpanned.

“What are you talking about?” Sylar questioned.

“I’m a displacer, and I’m in charge of the fate of the multiverse I’m stationed in.” Crux stated as if it was nothing.

“You’re really getting on my nerves.” Sylar said, his voice evolving into a more hostile one.

“Eh, I have a tendency to do that to people with a short fuse.” Crux said while shrugging before starting to walk off.

Sylar’s hands started to glow white with intense radiation, but Time spoke up. “Sylar, I order you to stop and calm down.” The male’s hands went back to normal and he turned and walked away. Folteren sighed, “Sorry, he has issues. Let’s get to watching the movie.”

“I was wondering if you would show up on your own.” Crux laughed. “And you didn't have to stop him, he wouldn't have been able to do anything.” He added.

“It would have hurt anyone who couldn’t withstand radiation like me or Nizar.” Folteren stated.

“I had an anti-radiation barrier ready in case it came to that.” Crux shrugged. “Now, let's start the movie!” He then said as if the incident never happened.

“Nizar, will serve you during the movie. Need anything and ask her so you can relax. I’ll get Miku.” Folteren said before walking away. Nizar stepped forward and waved shyly.

“I’ll take you up on your kind offer then,” Draigo said as he turned his attention to the small Darth, “I’d like some gems, fifty pounds of beef, a turkey, some fresh veggies, and plenty of bread for starters.” He licked his lips and smiled in anticipation of a good meal.

“The gingerbread men are escaping!” Lea shouts as an army of small cookie men run out of the kitchen being chased by the half changelings.

“I’ll… Get right on it…” Nizar said, slightly distracted by the spectacle. “What on Korriban?”

“Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch us we’re the gingerbread men!” The small cookie men chanted as they zipped around and away from the displaced and their families.

Nazir moved her hoof towards the men and lifted about half of them into the air with her Force Grip. “Boy I love proving… Lifeforms, wrong! Get them!”

“Charge!” The half changelings shouted as they attacked the floating cookie men.

“Anypony else want something?” The sadistic mare asked, still holding the Gingerbread Men and hovering one next to her head before ripping it’s leg off and eating it. She took that as a no, and left.

“Get back here! I’m hungry!” Cyrine cried as she chased after Lilith.

“No! You are not eating me in public!” Lilith said as she ran from her girlfriend.

“Man, Jubilee is missing out…” Folteren said.

“Cyrine, stop treating Lilith like jello when you get hungry!” Leo said.

“Yeah… Missing out…” Sylar rolled his eyes as he returned. “Like this doesn’t happen with Time Spinner and Entropy. I heard they were fighting Leo with real lightsabers.”

“It’s been a while since I have been able to use my husband’s teachings, but yes that did happen.” Leo said.

“That’s my mojo!” Folteren said angrily.

“Are you a Changeling Je’Daii? Didnt think so~” Leo teased.

Suddenly Folteren turns into a Changeling. “Bitch I’mma Changeling on weekends.” He then turned back into his human form. “Light Side stinks too.”

“I said Je’Daii not jedi.” Lea deadpanned. “We use both.”

“He’s having fun with this.” Sylar said.

“Where is Jube? I heard she wasn’t coming.” Folteren said.

“Sick.” Sylar simply stated. “Life support got too low and know she has the flu. Derpigun, Fluttershout and Justine are helping take care of her. Wait… Where are Arthur and Miku? Shouldn’t they be here? You did go out to get them.”

“I decided I didn’t want to leave… I just sent a care package with fireworks that read ‘Get your ass over here Arthku’. Should get them here since I used their ship name.” Folteren said.

“Oh My~” Crux said.

“Well, that’ll have an interesting outcome,” Draigo said as he chuckled at the ridiculousness going on.

“I’ve done this before, tru-” Folteren was cut off as a blue laser blast went over his head, which he dodged just in time for.

“Folteren you bastard!” Miku screamed as she stomped in, her arm a laser cannon. “I’m not a needy bitch! And I do wear a bra you perverted psychotic weasel!”

“Actually, I’m mostly Human, Pony and Zebra.” Folteren said, smirking before being hit in the face by a vine that came out of nowhere.

“Run for your lives! She is using me as a weapon!” Arthur warned from Miku’s hand while in mask form.

“I’m just going to lay here and watch. She can’t actually kill me anyway,” Draigo said as his tail curled around his body.

“Miku, sleep.” Folteren said simply, and Miku’s eyes went blank and she bent over. “And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a Vocaloid.”

“Can someone get me out of her death grip?” Arthur asked.

“I’ll be right there,” Draigo answered as he stood up and walked over to Miku. He grabbed Arthur and pulled him out of Miku’s grasp as he worked her fingers apart.

“What in the Void did you write in those fireworks?” Sylar asked, surprised at the Sith and Vocaloid.

“Oh nothing, just that she was a needy bitch that needed a stress reliever, that she never wears a bra and that would be a good place to start, and maybe… Just maybe I asked how a robot can have sex… And maybe… Maybe I wrote that Miku’s voice isn’t all that good…” Folteren said, smirking. “And perhaps that she should by a… Protection…”

“Wait, THAT'S what the fireworks said when Miku covered my eyes?” Arthur asked, a blood red aura forming over his mask form.

“Yeah, I was never really formal… Maybe that’s why Rain doesn’t like my parties!” Folteren hypothesized. Moments later he was turned into a frog.

“I will not change you back until Miku decides she forgives you without someone telling her to.” Arthur said with a tone that made the air in the room drop 30 degrees in half a second.

“Oh, so you know about her Echo-thingy?” Folteren asked. “And I’m sorry to spoil your little boyfriend thing, but…” He suddenly turned back into a Human. “I’ll make her forget the whole experience! How’s that sound? She wouldn't forgive me in a million years, heck last time I did this kind of thing to her she went on a rampage… She hates both me and Lee… Anyway, Miku, that fireworks thing never happened.” Moments later he was turned into a slug and was unable to change forms anymore.

With that, Miku yelped awake and shook her head. “What the heck? Feels like Jubilee splashed me with water again. Why am I in a cabin suddenly?”

“Change me back or I’ll call Time Spinner!” Folteren mentally yelled.

“It's a side affect of trying to override my powers, sorry~” Arthur said before Miku let him go. Arthur then made himself a new body and sat on the couch with a sigh.

There was a knock at the door sounding strangely like Anna’s knock.

Nizar appeared next to the door and pulled it open. “Hiya! I’m Darth Nizar! Merry Christmas!”

Four raptors just jumped in w a guy parking his bike outside.

“Girls. Behave.” the man said “Sorry about that, they’re like this every year. I’m Owen.”

“It’s nice to meet you! Come in, would you like anything?” Nizar asked as she moved away from the door.

Owen walked inside and saw the other displaced on the floor or on the couch. He went on the couch and sat beside Arthur.

Nizar cleared her throat. “Would you like anything?” She sounded more annoyed than anything. About everyone but Draigo didn’t even talk to her.

“Nah I’m fine.” Owen said.

“And… The girls?” Nizar questioned again, gesturing to the raptors.

“I’d like some mice.” Blue said.

“I want some cheetos.” Charlie said

“I want Oreos.” Delta said.

“I want a gingerbread man.” Echo said.

“And a pig, preferably tied up.” all of them said together.

Nizar held in her lunch as she nodded. “S-sure…” She then zipped off.

Moments later Lea and the other half changelings walked up to the raptors. “Hi! I’m Lea, Who are you?” the queen of the group asked.

“I’m Blue, the brown one is Echo, the light green one is Charlie and the dark green on is Delta.” Blue replied. Soon, Nizar returned with all the aforementioned ‘treats’.

“Nice to meet you. well, we're going to go hang with Nizar, she looks lonely at the moment.” Lea said before she and the other yellow half changelings zipped off after Darth Pinkie.

Cyrine had managed to procure herself a cup of hot chocolate as she made her way over to one of the unoccupied seats with a content smile on her face. “It’s nice to have some time to relax…” She mumbled before taking a sip.

“Turn me back Arthur…” Folteren mentally snarled.

“Ok, I guess I can change you back now…” Arthur replied before returning Folteren back to normal.

“Thank you. I won’t mess with Miku again, I was told it’d be funny.” Folteren said as he used the Force to prepare A Nightmare Before Christmas. “Almost ready!”

Darth Nizar returned with all of Draigo’s food on her back, followed by Lea and the half changelings. “Here you go! Took me forever to make it all with the right amount of everything!”

“Fluffy!” Lilith shouted as she jumped at Nizar from a dark corner she was hiding in. The Sith Earth pony used her Force ability to quickly give Draigo everything before she was glomped by the Slime Girl.

“Thank you, Nizar. I appreciate it,” Draigo told the mare as she was tackled by the Slime Girl.

Cyrine hesitated in the middle of her sip, debating about whether she should do something about Lilith’s habit. ”You know what…? It’s the holidays… she deserves a chance to relax.” she thought with a small smirk as she leaned back in her chair a bit more and jingled one of the bells around her neck with a chuckle.

“Everyone here? Miku, sit down with Arthur!” Folteren said as he worked on the DVR. Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal a snowy Lee Connors who was glaring at Folteren.

“Next time… you get the snowball fight. I nearly got fried and milked on!” The Symbiote snarled as he walked in and sat on an empty couch. Folteren stared at him a bit, slightly surprised.

Crux noticed the tension, and laughed. “Seriously? You are angry about a snowball fight? Didn't you hit anyone?” He asked.

“I was watching and a fireball burned my arm. Then Rainbine and Rarifruit snuck over to me and threw all they had at me.” Lee said, brooding.

“Comon! Cheer up! Or I will have one of my displaced tickle you.” Crux told the symbiote.

“I’m incapable of positive emotions. I’m a parasite.” Lee said simply. “Just play the damn movie.”

“What people believe to be fact or true tends to either fly out the window or just vanish in my presence, so if I say you can be tickled know that I mean it.” Crux said, his voice making it sound like he was making a smug face despite nobody being able to see his face.

“Time Spinner killed me… I’m not in the mood for this shit.”

“This is why I want to kill him.” Folteren said. “That and he chopped my babies wings off.”

“Well you’re an annoying brat who thinks that you’ve been wronged so much that you overthrew Celestia.” Miku smugly snot back.

“She murdered my friend!” Folteren snapped. “She deserved it!”

Miku rolled her eyes as she sat next to Arthur. Folteren, meanwhile, finished working on the DVR.

“Okay! Everyone take a seat or make one, I don’t care!” Folteren said. On the main couch closest to the TV sat Draigo, Owen, Arthur, Miku, Leo and Lilith. In the secondary couch sat Lee, Crona, Maka and Nizar. In the last couch sat Blue, Charlie, Echo and Delta. And Crux was just floating in the air.

Folteren sighed as he picked up the remote and sat on the floor with the kids. A girl in a yellow trench coat popped out of the screen.

“Jubilee is in th-!” She started before getting pushed out of the way by Folteren’s force power.

“Thank you.” Lee sighed.

“You’re welcome.” Folteren replied before Jubilee sat next to him. Just as he was about to press play, another mare walked into the room and sat next to Jubilee. It was Rain, who had burn marks all over her. “Is everyone here?”

No reply. Asphyxious his kids and hoard mates wave their hands at him.

“Okay, you guys are helpful.” Folteren mumbled as he pressed play. And as soon as the first song start to play they all joined in. Well… Except for Lee, Folteren, Rain, Crona, and Maka who were all brooding for some reason.

Meanwhile Pinkie was going around offering snacks to everyone. The raptors were tearing into the pig, somehow the pig can talk and was shouting “Vanoss! Why are there dinosaurs attacking me!?”. Then Blue snapped his neck.

“Ah fudge I died. I just wanted to play some Far Cry Primal and I’m here. Why’d my owl abandon me. Why Vanoss.” a voice said coming from the pig.

“What on Time Spinner’s world did you feed them?” Folteren asked the little pink Sith.

“I don’t know!” Nizar whispered.

“Is that Wildcat’s voice I can hear?” Wendy asked after noticing the pig.

“Sh! Movie!” Jubilee said, eyes glued to the screen.

“Wasn’t she supposed to be sick?” Lee asked before getting shushed.


Deathwing keep creating snow sculptures. All around him were carving of the titans, Dragons and even a scale model of Azeroth. Finally he looked up and saw he was basically alone. “Where is everyone?”

It was around then that, to his surprise, another dragon was next to him. “Either they’re inside, pelting each other with snowballs or ignoring the fact that the tree still needs to be decorated… I’m Revaan. It’s a pleasure to meet another dragon like you, sir.”

“Likewise, I am Neltharion the Earth Warder, but I go by Deathwing.” the dragon aspect said.

“I would prefer to call you Neltharion for now. I rather not think about Death on the eve of a joyful holiday like tonight.” Revaan replied, noticing someone walking towards him. “Ah, and there’s my partner, Ken.”

“Seems that you found some company Revaan,” The Scalebound said as he and his world’s Applejack walked up to him. “Who’s your big friend?”

“That is Neltharion. Known as the Earth Wander in his realm.” the dragon replied.

“The pleasures mine, though might I ask… what’s with your arm?”

“You mean my dragon arm? Comes with being a Scalebound.” Ken replied to the dragon, putting his hands behind his head in a relaxed position. “Revaan’s soul is bound to mine, so in a way, we’re connected.”

Deathwing turned to the dragon sculptures and the Titans. “Strange how that is, in a way I understand that.” He turned back to them, “My brothers and sisters are each empowered by the Titans with a part of them, so far I have only found one of my lost siblings.”

“You’re lucky. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. But Revaan just reunited with his son, Spike, three weeks ago.” The Scalebound casually replied. He was starting to wonder how come Deathwing hadn’t noticed Applejack… and the fact that she was an earth dragon instead of an earth pony right now.

There was an explosion far away, a snow mushroom cloud that engulfed the entire corner of the small dimension they were in.

“Yeah… that must be the snowball fight. Glad I’m not over there.”

Time Spinner popped up next to the Applejack looking pissed. “What in the name of food coloring is going on over there!?”

Applejack sighed, looking back at Time. “Somepony just set off an explosion.”

“Or in Fallout terms, they set off an Atom bomb.” Ken sighed. “Seriously, those idiots the last I heard from are doing turf warfare.”

“Atom Bombs aren’t just in fiction, they were real weapons back on Earth. So it’s not ‘Fallout terms’.” Time said.

“I know that. I was comparing them to it because a snow mushroom cloud went off.” The Scalebound replied.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard…” Time said as he began to hover.

Deathwing shook his head. “Are they trying to cause a nuclear winter?”

Ken sighed, grabbing Time with his Dragon hand before using it to get on top of Revaan’s head so he could see the damage for himself.

“What… The actual fuck… ARE YOU DOING!?!?” Time Spinner belted. “I’m a fucking Displacer! I made this realm you idiot! I can fly! Don’t you ever man handle me again!”

“Yeah…… I was just trying to help you before that snow cloud disappeared-.” Ken was speaking before a patch of snow fell on his head. Only that it was not snow, but the Poor from the snowball fight. “Okay, who brought Poro’s?”

“I don’t care if you were trying to save my life, don’t touch me again or I’ll Displaced whatever family you had back home into a fucking volcano you shit head!” Time Spinner vented.

Behind Deathwing a cloak formed as a bronze dragon appeared next to him. “So this is where you’ve been brother.” Deathwing had a smile. Giving him a hug.

“Nozdormu you’re here.”

“Okay… Sorry about that… Shouldn’t you be going over there before they try killing themselves?” Ken asked. “I think things are a little more-. Holy crap, bronze dragon!”

Deathwing decided to introduce them. “This is Nozdormu, the Timeless, he is the brother I was talking about.”

“Oh, nice. I’m Ken Ahkrin, Scalebound. This dragon right here is my partner Revaan and my friend Applejack.” He said as the Poro on his head was licking his face. “This guy… he just landed on my head. Maybe call him Snowy?”

“Fred sounds better.” Time Spinner said as he hovered away from them to get a better look and to get away from the one who touched him.

“I heard a doorbell ring, do we have new guests?” Crux asked.

“Yes you did Crux, I am Nozdromu.”

“And I’m the milkman, now shut up, I’m focussing.” Time said.

Crux shrugged as he floated sideways in front of Nozdromu as if he was standing upright on the ground.

“Alright, who made Time Spinner mad?” Draigo asked as he stepped out of the teleporter.

“Ken…” Spinner snarled.

“Oh! Almost all the dragons are here! Let me get my eldest daughter real quickly!” Crux said before his arm stretched over to Folteren’s cabin and grabbed Leo before dragging her over in the blink of an eye.

“Well, isn’t this nice. Six dragons all in one spot and not a hint of fighting….This is really strange,” Draigo commented as he looked around at his fellow dragons.

“For you maybe, for me and Neltherion this used to be the norm, until… them.’ The aspect of Time said with at remembering them.

“I guarantee nothing!” Leo roared.

“She has been having mood swings…” Crux explained.

Time Spinner glared at them. “Quiet! I’m doing something here meatheads!”

Loki appeared next to him. “Need help?”

“I have no flesh!” Crux shouted as he turned to smoke.

An anime vein appeared on Time Spinner’s forehead. “How about this… Shut up everyone, everything, and nothing!”

Suddenly the world went silent as if someone hit a giant mute button.

“Look what you guys just did.” Loki said telepathically to the group.

Crux’s telepathic laughter came in response to Loki, almost as if he was the cause of the sound loss.

“I hate you all…” Time resounded as he silently clicked his fingers and the mushroom cloud started to fade slowly. After a bit, the cloud was gone. “There, I’ll be leaving you to your stupid dragon time.” Time Spinner thought as he vanished into snow.

As time disappeared sound slowly began to return.

“Well, that was interesting,” Draigo said as he realized that the sound was back and the mushroom cloud was gone.

“Ok so… anyone want something?” Loki formed a list. “What do you want for Christmas.” He then had a santa get up on.

“I have no clue, It's my first christmas since being displaced. And before that I grew up in a orphanage that didn't celebrate holidays.” Leo said, tapping a paw to her chin.

“All I want is to have my weapons back, I lost them in the eons I was asleep.” Deathwing said.

“I really don’t want anything.” The bronze dragon said.

“No! I am not going to ask for that Devi!” Leo shouted at herself.

“Other personalities?” Loki asked, “If you want I can shut them up for a while free of charge.”

“She’s gonna say no!” Folteren yelled from inside.

“Devi shall not be si…” came a voice from leo.

“Shut up Devi!” Leo said, cutting the voice off.

“So yes?” Loki asked.

“You can't silence Devi… She is like Leo’s personal pinkie, just very lued…” Crux said from on top of Loki’s head.

“Told you!” Folteren yelled again.

Loki turned to Folteren. “Punch in the face?”

“Nah, I’m good.” The Sith said, putting on his mask.

All of a sudden it started raining Zoidbergs.

“Time’s gonna be more pissed off now… What are these things?” Lee questioned.

“Annoying.” Loki pointed at them and in a flash of energy atomized them all.

“The movie’s about to end!” Yelled Nizar.

“IT'S RAINING POPCORN!” Crux yelled as it started snowing bags of popcorn everywhere.

“Ok who keeps doing this?” Loki snapped turning the clouds into normal clouds.

All of a sudden an army of Cruxs appeared while breakdancing like Discord. Moments later they scattered and chaos beyond description began.

Time Spinner reappeared, eye turned red and black with wings extended. “THIS IS MY REALM, AND I’VE DEALT WITH ENOUGH TODAY!!!”

“Would you like a banhammer?” The original Crux asked as he stepped up to Time Spinner.

“No, I’ll take care of this.” Time Spinner said. “Change it back or I’ll tear out your innards and feed it to my pets!”

The alternate Cruxs turned to stare at Time Spinner for a moment before running into the forest.

Loki face taloned. “They should have escaped into the void.”

“Actually, me and my alternates exist in the plain between the void and any dimension or multiverse, thus we can not escape to one or the other for we are in both...” Crux explained with a nervous chuckle.

Loki blinked at this. “You realize you exist in an imaginary realm right?”

“Kinda… It gets hard to remember what's me and what's the dimension at times because of it…” Crux said, seeming to zone out a bit.

“Who’s going to fix my realm? I spent too much of my actual power to make this.” Time said.

“One sec. I got this…” Said a version of Crux that looked like he was wearing armor under his cloak and holding a sword. Moments later he ran into the forest, then silence...

“Ok, I think I may have broken time…” Crux said as he watched his future self run into the forest after his alternates.

“You broke nothing… Aaron breaks time, this… is normal.” Loki said.

“Seeing as my life is full of paradoxes… I will believe you…” Crux said before walking off.

“You should see my birth…” Time mumbled.

“Hey wait, where is Eris?” Loki asked.

“Look for the cage in your pocket!” Crux called back to Loki as he vanished.

Loki did, and found no cage. “That son of a bitch.” he said as Crux’s laughter began to be telepathically transmitted into his head.

During the whole time, Ken was listening to the music that was beating through his headphones, unaware of what was happening. However, when a certain Adept heard Time’s ranting earlier, he soon became concerned and walked outside. “Okay, just what the actual fu-!? Time, what the hell is going on?”

I SAID HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!” Asphyxious Roared as he ran out of the cabin after Sun in his dragon form trying to eat the faunus Displaced.

“It not my fault!” Yells Sun as he runs for his life. “She was hitting on ME!”

“Get back here and help with the snowball fight you cowardly monkey!” Erza shouted still running after Sun.

When I get my claws on you I’m going to-!” Asphyxious stop to look at the other dragons displaced. “Merry christmas.” He said before going back after the faunus. The others blink at the fact he had no eyes in his dragon form except for Ken and Revaan who have met Asphyxious before and Leo because not all digimon have eyes.

“Huh, don't see that everyday,” Draigo said as he watched the chase, “So, we've got a time dragon, a death dragon, a couple digimon dragons, a dragon who is partners with a human, and myself. Did I miss anyone?”

I’m NOT a digimon!” Roared Asphyxious as he try to set fire to Sun.

“And I am no ordinary dragon digimon, I am the dragon digimon of balance and the ruler of all digimon.” Leo pointed out.

“Sorry, you don’t have eyes so I just assumed. I don’t think any of us are ‘ordinary’ dragons. Any unique powers you’d like to show off?” Draigo replied.

I maybe the Dragon Of Instinct but if you think I’ll let you lay one hand on Pupa you have another thing coming boyo!” Asphyxious growls as he towers over Sun.

“Well, If I used my mega evolution I have an attack that can destroy worlds by separating them and everything on them into pure light and darkness. along with the fact that I have near impenetrable scales.” Leo said explaining one of her most powerful abilities.

“Huh, only nearly impenetrable scales while in your mega form? I have those right now,” Draigo queried.

“I say nearly impenetrable because they can be penetrated by weapons made of the same material as my scales and nothing else.” Leo explained. “And I am more than three times the size of Canterlot mountain in that form…”

Try being the love toy of a goddess then you can get back to me on who has the better story.” Said Asphyxious as he bearys Sun in snow.

“I have been on the goddes end of that statement~” Leo teased. Asphyxious then grins at her.

Was it Ava~” He purred to her licking his fangs.

“Get a room you two. I hear enough about other displaces having sex when I walk by Dark Magician’s Watcher room.” Erza said annoyed while still chasing Sun once he dug himself free.

We’re dragons there nothing wrong with talking about our sex lives.” Said Asphyxious as he uses one of his large wings to stop the snow from landing on Leo.

“Do you have any idea on how loud the moans the other displaces makes? Especially the ones that a displace Alucard and his version of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy make?” Erza asked glaring.

“Nope, and I don't care.” Leo said blushing. “I hear enough about it from when Devi takes control as it is…” she then moves a little closer to Asphyxious as he shields her from the snow.

“At least you guys have a love life. I’ve only just found someone I like and haven’t made any progress,” Draigo replied snarkily.

“Having two anthro royal cast changelings is quite enjoyable~” Came a voice from Leo as her fur turned dark grey.

Asphyxious blushes at that. “I was hoping no one heard that… But I just can’t say no to Len~” Said Asphyxious as he rubs his face.

“Well, aren’t you the lucky one. I’m not even sure how my love interest feels about me. So, can we change the subject? Please?” Draigo pleaded.

“Why? I just got control and the subject was getting interesting…” Devi asked.

“Cause it’s kinda awkward for me, but I won’t force a change if that’s what everyone wants to talk about,” Draigo admitted.

“I could give you some… Tips, if you want~” Devi purred.

Besides I can tell this mate you have your eye on has a thing for you, I can smell it on your scent.” Said Asphyxious with a soft grin. If a dragon can do that.

“Tips would be nice and how are you smelling her on me?Celestia hasn-….Crap, didn’t mean to tell you that,” Draigo said as fidgeted with his wings.

Asphyxious grins. “A Dragon’s nose knows.” he said smiling.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Draigo replied.

“Ooh~ Going for the pony princess I see.” Devi laughed. “Sorry but I can't help there besides suggest getting a lot of cake, I don’t get along with alicorns.”

You may change your mind once you meet one of my other hoard mates who could not make it here.” said Asphyxious who gave Leo a light nuzzle.

“Let me guess. Twilight?” Erza asked. Asphyxious just purrs as a reply.

“I mostly don't get along with them because when I’m in control my presence tends to make them go all Nightmarish.” Devi said with a shrug.

Kinky~” Asphyxious purred before a Pink dragoness slides up in between them.

“I see Asphyxious is trying to add to the hoard.” Said Sister as she smiles at the two of them. “And here I thought you could wait for me to lay my eggs first.”

“Sorry miss, but this goddess is taken~” Devi laughed. Sister laughs with her as Asphyxious just looks around blushing.

Draigo sighed, “Would you like to ‘design’ what your child would look like?”

“No thank you I’ve already had them blessed by a friend of ours.” She purred rubbing herself along Asphyxious side.

“Leo is the one who creates lifeforms from nothing but ambient energy.” Devi said absentmindedly.

Loki appeared again, “Oh Asphyxious, what do you want for Christmas.” Loki said with the list out.

“I didn’t mean blessing them. Dragon creation is one of my powers,” Draigo explained.

“No thank you it fine.” Said Sister as she flexed her wings.

“Hello Loki! Its nice to meet you! I’m Devi!” Devi said while extending one of her dark grey paws out to Loki.

That a hard one hmm, maybe a little more control over making every female not try and sleep with me the moment they see me would be a good start but that going to be a hard one.” Said Asphyxious as he rubs his neck before getting a snowball to the face from Devi. “Never mind I have something else in mind~” He purred.

“Not really, a hard one is stopping time so you can’t make a mistake in the fifth dimension… Don’t ask.” Loki said, “But what is it?”

I want some outfits for my hoard mates.” Asphyxious then go down and whispers into Loki ear.

“Ok then.” Loki wrote it down, “You will find them in them under the tree.”

One of them a displaced you think you can send it to her? she often works in her lab and forgets the time sometimes. I find it cute. ” Said Asphyxious smiling.

“Very well.” Loki said with a snap.

“I’d like the perfect present for Celestia and Luna. I haven’t been able to figure out a gift for either of them yet,” Draigo said.

“Oh? Luna too? Oh My~” Devi said as she sent Draigo a smirk.

“Yes, I’m trying to decide between the two, but it’s really hard since I like them both for different reasons,” Draigo admitted as a heavy blush formed on his scales.

“Then take mr. were-dragon’s approach and start a hoard with them~’ Devi suggested.

“That option is becoming more and more attractive,” Draigo admitted.

Loki gave a laugh. “It’s times like this I’m actually thankful I am married.” he wrote it down.

“Leo doesn't plan on marrying anyone else now that she is married to a changeling Je’Daii, even if it was by accident. But gods and goddesses having multiple spouses at once tends to get messy so I have to agree with her.” Devi admitted.

“I want some stronger armour and sword.” Erza said simply.

“Ok then how about Dark Steel?” Loki asked, “Or do you want what Deathwing has as scales?”

“Hmm What about both?” Erza asked as she turn and glares at where Deathwing is at right now.

“I don't find Deathwing's scales very impressive. Digizoid can cut through them…” Devi said rolling her eyes.

“That’s Elementium, the material is from warcraft, combined with his own powers, made him a terrifying boss in WoW,” Loki answered. “Though I think his had been heavily altered.”

“Really? I have never heard of Elementium, I just thought those scales were some kind of steel. and digizoid cuts steel like a hot knife through butter and doesn't even get scratched when struck by the blade of a lightsaber...” Devi said, now slightly interested in how well Neltharion would do in a fight against her or Leo.

“Anyway I’ll check you up for Elementium.” Loki said with a finish.

“Ok just make sure it’s strong.” Erza said.

Whatever you do don’t give anyone a Athanc stone. It may hold the soul of one of Toruk son’s.” Asphyxious said darkly looking into Time eyes, hard to tell with Asphyxious. “And also blight the land and the living with their power.

“Oh please if I have one of those I’ll probably negate or destroy it, can’t have those kinds of things be given to those who you know can’t hold them.” Loki said.

“We have more dangerous things in me and Leo’s basement.” Devi said rolling her eyes.

You all don’t have to worry it not like you have a Athanc stone in your chest holding your soul.” Asphyxious said bluntly as he walks back to the cabin with his hoard mate.

“True, but we do have evil digimon that can destroy our world many times over on the loose because discord caused us to spawn digieggs all over our planet against our will.” Devi said.

“I might as head back to the cabin since I think the snowball is over. That and Rainbine is still chasing Scout after he give her a wedgie for the second time.” Erza said as she heads to the cabin.

“Well then let’s all head back, well you all can I got to get the others.” Loki said with a snap and disappeared.

“What just happened?” leo asked as she regained control of her body and her fur returned to a fiery orange.

“We are to head inside.” Deathwing stated.

“Oh… Ok…” Leo said with a blank look as she walked rigidly back to the cottage.

“Finally!” Sun yelled. “A chance for everyone to settle down.” He was lucky for the chance to catch his breath, especially with him now being next to Ken and Lance. “Can we stop with the chasing now, Mr. Lich?”

“Seriously?” Ken asked. “What did you do to get on Asphy’s bad side?”

“His daughter was hitting on me and she thought I was agreeing to it when I actually didn’t say anything.”

“Yeah, he’s speaking the truth,” Lance replied. “I saw it happen, but when it comes to Sun, he’s not the best in social cues.”

“I’m right here, you know that.” The Faunus deadpanned

“I know, that’s why I said it.”

“And that what make it so funny.” Surprise said as she appeared behind Sun.

“And I agreed to that.” Mask said as he appeared behind Lance. Sun himself wasn’t startled since he had seen these kinds of things from before with his Pinkie. But for Lance, getting blindsided by a guy in a green mask and weird suit almost caused him to act defensively. But he took the whole thing with time and decided not to draw out one of the Forerunner weapons that was given to him when he met the AI Displaced, Church-Epsilon.

“You know, I would ask you to warn me next time, but I have a feeling that part of your job description is to surprise people like that.”

“That and giving them wedgie.” Mask said grinning.

“Right. Not the best time to do that,” Sun advised. “Scout did the same thing with a fishing line and putting a pair of panties on Rainbine… Long story short, it didn’t end well and it was one of the reasons why I left. The snowball fight was getting too out of hand.”

“Huh. Erza thought you chickened out and chase after you.” Surprise said looking confused.

“I’m guessing you aren’t aware that my Semblance is Decoy? I could just make a spectral copy of myself and have it go one way as I go another. However, all that did was have me end up getting chased by the Undead Lich… dragon thingamajig. Seriously, I can’t remember what his name is to save my life.”

“Don’t give him any ideas.” Ken added on. “One time when he went into his dragon form, he was acting like a puppy. I think I got him to roll over once.”

“Yes I saw him do that.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl enter the room.

“Decided to take a break from all the shenanigans?” Ken asked, Revaan turning a bit to notice the two spellcasters. “I think we haven’t met before.”

“I am the Dark Magician the watcher of all displaced and co-founder of Neo Domoio Town. I would say my other tiles but it would take to long.” Dark Magician said offer a hand.

“Ken Ahkrin, Scalebound and the Head of the Kazoku Family's Chroma Branch.” The Scalebound replied, shaking the outstretched hand with his dragon hand. “This big guy back here is my friend and partner, Revaan.”

“Oh I already know who you two are. I don’t have the tile of watcher of all displaced for nothing.” Dark Magician said smiling.

Deathwing and Nozdormu finally walked in, each in their mortal forms. “Seriously We could have used our Alicorn forms you know.” Deathwing stated.

“I much prefer my high elf form thank you.” Nozdormu said.

“Hey everyone like to introduce you to my brother, Nozdormu the Timeless.” Deathwing said to those who just meet.

“Nice to meet you.” Ken replied. “Oh and I’m just going to stay out here with Revaan. He doesn’t have a special form like you and I rather not leave him in the cold.”

“I’ll stay too,” Lance seconded the motion. “I wanted to get the chance to surprise Time with something once he comes back. What about you, Sun?”

“Anywhere where I’m not getting wrongly chased or accused is fine with me.”

“There you are!” Erza shouted running toward Sun. Only to stop at the sight of him leaning against Revaan. The dragon being massively taller than her just looked at her before looking at Sun before deeply sighing.

“And just when things have calmed down…” He sighed.

“Ello chaps!” Crux said appearing in the blink of an eye between Erza and Sun, followed by Leo appearing beside him inside of a large block of ice.

Loki appeared next with his paper and candy.

“Hey Loki,” Lance and Sun replied, almost in unison. “Who’s the Digimon?” The Faunus then asked.

“I think her name is Leo, anyways... Dark Magicians, Lance, Sun I have yet to ask you what do you want under the tree.” Loki said with his list out.

“Something to surprise my kids.” Lance replied. “Trust me, I have three daughters, a son and another one on the way, so maybe something to surprise them…”

“I would ask for Ki based powers, but then Ruby back home would go crazy and think I’m a saiyan.”

“Plus, I can teach you that.”

“Oh… right.” Sun facepalmed, looking back at Lance before eyeing Loki. “Maybe a Poro then.”

“Something to help me fight against siths and warhammer displaced.” Dark Magician said simply.

“Oh I want some clown noses that can turn people or ponies into clowns.” Dark Magician Girl said smiling.

“Freedom!” Leo cried as Crux broke the giant ice block she was trapped in. “Sorry about that… I fell into a frozen lake on my way here and I had to get my dad to free me…” She said with a sheepish smile.

“Glad your okay…” Sun smirked before looking at Leo from his position on a small basin. “Little lion.”

“Thank you, and I think I see a small changeling trying to sneak up on you with a fishing net…” Leo said to Sun.

Before anything sneak up on him, Sun pulled out one of his gunchaku and pointed it at the suspected changeling. Quoting a line from ASDFmovie 2. “Not today!”

Loki finished his writing. “Alright it will all be there now then anyone hungry?” Loki asked.

“We are.” Mask and Surprise both said at the same time.

Clouds appeared and started raining a full christmas feast on a table that spawned in the room out of nowhere. “Eat up.”

“Dibs on the apple pie!” Ken yelled as he and his Applejack raced to the table.

Deathwing started filling his plate… with sweets and only sweets. “Really brother?” Nozdormu asked. Deathwing ignored him while he started eating.

“Hey food. Sweet.” Scout said as he and Blaze came in the room and grab something to eat. Only to have it be replaced by something a little more fluffy because of the golden tail of a faunus.

“Don’t you know your manners...” Sun asked, handing the food to Blaze with his tail. “Ladies first.”

“Whatever.” Scout said rolling his eyes.

“Hey man, relax,” Sun said, grabbing a cup and pouring a drink for Scout. “Have a drink. You need it after everything that happened today.”

“Fuzzy!” Lilith yelled as the blue slime girl jumped out of the Punch bowl and tackled Sun.

“What the fu-!?!” The Faunus reacted. “OH COME ON!! SERIOUSLY?!”

“Hahhahahaha!” Scout laughed. A moment later the blue liquid jumped out of Scouts cup and splashed his face before returning to Lilith’s body. “Ah Gees” Scout said.

“You should’ve thought through on that one,” Lance sighed. “Speaking of which, where's Time? I got something for him he might like.”

“Oh, he’s trying to keep this place together after that snow bomb. I can go get him if you want.” Brutalight said as she materialized.

“That would be most appreciated. There’s somepony he knows that want’s to say hi.” Lance smiled, looking towards Sun as he was now hanging around on the ceiling.

“Wonder who…” She mumbled as she lit her horn.

Loki was eating a mini sun. “Tell him that we eating if he wants some.”

“Okay.” And with that, a black bipedal appeared with white eyes and nothing else. It changed almost instantly into Time Spinner, who rolled his wings in an attempt to relax.

“What is it now...?” Time grumbled before opening his eyes.

“Oh Surgey… Where are you?” A familiar voice that was known to Time echoed.

Spinner’s eye widened and he instantly summoned an eyepatch and threw it over his missing eye. Soon, the Pinkie that he knew and cared for trotted into the room, recognizing him instantly. “There you are!” She cried out as she catapulted herself onto him. It was then that Pinkie looked up and smiled. “I’ve really missed you, Surgey.”

Up ahead, Time could now see that the Faunus above them was holding some Mistletoe, which thanks to Arthur, now became a heart shaped wreath.

“What on Earth is happening…?” Folteren asked, confused.

“That’s Time’s Marefriend. And with christmas tradition, whoever is under the mistletoe… must kiss each other.”

“SHIPPING!” Crux yelled as he flew into the room through the door and out through a window that vanished shortly after.

“So Time Spinner girlfriend… Is my alternate granddaughter!?” Folteren’s eye twitched.

“She’s the Pinkie Pie from my realm.” Lance pointed out. “Now… we wait-.”

“And my alternate 1,000 times great granddaughter.” Surprise said smiling at Time and Pinkie.

“Guys! You’re missing the kiss!” Brutalight whispered, watching the two… Interface.

Loki gave a laugh. “Oh this is too much, Discord you have a camera?” He asks his Astral Discord, He nodded.

Time Spinner’s hand started twitching. He tried to focus on Pinkie, but with everyone talking was starting to get pissed off.

“I’m going to take over maintaining the dimension for you so you can spend time with your love~” Crux whispered to Time Spinner from inside his ear before vanishing.

“Guys, SHUT THE HELL UP!!” Ken yelled. “Can’t you see that you are distracting him? Be quiet for god’s sake!!”

Spinner reluctantly ended the kiss and glared a red dagger at everyone. “Moment has been ruined asshats.”

“Sorry Time.” Lance sighed. “I was just trying to make things a little more… memorable for you.”

“Why do you all have to do this?” Deathwing asked with cake all over him.

“Be glad Crux isn't here to see that the moment was ruined…” Arthur shuddered as he held Miku bridal style.

“Guys, Time hasn’t seen his Marefriend in a few millenia-.”

“It’s actually been five months since your last visit…” Added Time.

“Still, the point is that you two should spend the holiday together. Make it memorable.”

“How about this? I take her and you guys can continue beings dicks, idiots and observers respectively.” He turned to Pinkie, “Sound good? We didn’t get much alone time last time.”

“Ha! You said time twice!” Laughed Brutalight.

“Oh yes make pun about his name, I saw that coming.” Nozdormu deadpanned.

“It was about time you saw it coming.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling along with Surprise.

“Pinkie! Answer! Please!” Time said, banging his head with his hand, which somehow changed everything about him like a randomizer from a character creator.

“Stop. Hammer time.” Mask said as he laughed.

“Everyone stop before he erases you from time.” Loki warned.

“All I’m doing is kissing Miku in the corner~” Arthur said as he and Crux’s other displaced tried to give Time Spinner as much space as possible out of respect.

“I believe Time has walked into that one when he made a pun about his name first.” Dark Magician said simply.

“EVERYONE LEAVE THEM ALONE OR SO HELP ME I WILL TOSS YOU INTO THE VOID!” Crux’s voice boomed as if it was coming from everywhere at once.

“Gee calm down Cruxy. We were only making puns.” Dark Magician Girl said still smiling.

“Sorry about my father, he gets snippy when people ruin romantic moments between couples that have fates that don’t allow them to see each other except for on occasion… It probably has something to do with what happened to my mother…” Leo explained.

“Wow… that was basically threatening them with death.” Loki said finishing his star. “Unless you're a void dweller you die within the void.”

“Dear god… What was Time thinking…?” Lee mumbled, shaking his head. “All these Displaced…”

“Not cool dude, not cool.” Vinyl said said simply.

“I will literally tear out all of your intestines and skip rope with them if you all don’t shut up!” Time screamed in a high, feminine voice. When they all turned to him, they saw his random shape shifting landed him into a little female human child body. “Son of a nutcracker…”


“Uh… Sorry…” Time said as he slowly transformed back into his normal form. Lance himself walked over to the two of them, using instant transmission to have all three of them disappear before returning back.

“The two of them need some space.” The Adept said, “They earned it after tonight.”

“So present opening?” Loki asked.

“Yes… I think it’s the perfect time for that.” Lance replied. “However, let’s keep things Civil. I don’t think Time wants another ruckus to deal with.”

Rainbine bursts in, dragging an unconscious Craig, Derpigun and Rarifruit.

“Alright now then.” Loki was in a santa outfit and tossed a sack which exploded into every gift on his list. “Ho ho ho merry christmas!” Loki said his voice mimicking santa.

“Nice one… Hey Santa Claus… do you think that we might might be forgetting anyone?” Ken asked, looking around. “I think Edward Kenway was on the roof… Oh crap… WE FORGOT ED!”

“Don’t worry.” Loki pulled out another sack pulling Edward out of it.

“That… is convenient…”

“Not exactly what I wanted…” Folteren mumbled.

“Who wants a pet!” Arthur asked.

“No thanks! I got a Poro!” Sun replied. “Even a second one for Lance and his kids.”

“No thanks I have a Wendigo.” Loki answered.

“No thank you after the last time.” Deathwing said .winking.

“No thanks! I-. Wait, who said ah Wendigo!?” Ken’s Applejack asked.

“No thanks, I have my girls with me.” Owen said as the raptors nuzzled him.

“I did.” Loki said, “He usually with my daughter Nyx.”

“Ah hope this ain’t going to cause the cabin to freeze.” AJ replied back as Ken sat down next to her

“I want a pet!” Yelled Jubilee before getting slapped in the face by Sylar.

“No, she doesn’t…”

“Too late~” Arthur said as a certain kikanalo appeared and licked Jubilee, Again.

The mutant tackle hugged it and squealed. “Best… Present… Ever! Does it have a name or can I?”

“Does it even have a gender?” Sylar asked. “And where’s the receipt?” The kikanalo glared at Sylar before kicking him out the front door and closing it before ‘hrumph’ing.

“I thought you named him back at the neutral base…” Arthur said.

“Zink sounds good!” Jubilee said before Sylar appeared next to her, scowling.

“Someone get Craig some hot water!” Rainbine yelled, shaking. A moment later a flower grew next to Craig before it sprayed the displaced with scalding hot water.

Deathwing shrugged it off. Loki didn’t seem affected. “You call this hot?” Deathwing asked.

Seconds later Craig screamed as the water scolded his face and he shouts “Okay what moron just hit me with boiling water!”

“A flower.” Loki said.

“And who created that damn flower!”

Whistling could be heard coming from everywhere in response to Craig's question.

Loki atomized the flower. “Don’t worry about it.” Loki handed him his present.

Craig then sighs and says “Just calm yourself Craig” He then takes the present from Loki then says “thank you.”

“Your Welcome.”

“I have my present~” Said Pupa who was hugging Sun with Asphyxious standing behind them in his Lich form.

One wrong move.” Said Asphyxious as he looks down at them. meanwhile his hoard mates were opening gifts along with the 20 Dragonlings and taking over gifts to take back home for the others back home. They never took their gifts out of the box’s.

“I love it~” Said Pinkie as she give Asphyxious a kiss on the side of his skull. “Also I have pitchers of the other me’s!” She said with a smile. She even had one of Time and his marefriend kissing. Chrysalis also joined in hugging the Lich arm.

“We all have a gift for you once we get home~” Purred Chrysalis as she kissed the other side of the Lich skull. “Also Pupa if you’re going to bed with this Monkey use a condom.”

Pupa blushes at her mum words and even more when Chrysalis put one in Sun hand.

“Okay, THAT’S IT!!” Sun snapped, throwing the condom in the fireplace as it burned to cinders. “I’M NOT SLEEPING WITH ANYONE BECAUSE BEFORE I WAS SUMMONED HERE, I WAS GOING TO GET A GIFT FOR MY MAREFRIEND!” Breaking himself free, he took the Poro that was with him, zipped up his jacket and walked outside. “Now, if you would excuse me, I will be seeing myself out. Good night and merry christmas. I’m sorry if I angered anyone or hurt anyone, but I just about had it with the way I’m being treated tonight.” With that, Sun took his own token, tore open a rift for him to walk through, and returned home, closing the tear behind him so Pupa wouldn’t follow him.

Everything went silent for a couple of minutes, before someone else decided to speak. This time being Lance. “Moral of the story... pester a monkey too long and eventually, he’ll go bananas.” Turning to Pupa, he got an idea and asked for Loki to give him a life size plushie of the Faunus. But it wasn’t for him to have. It was for Pupa. “I know it might not be the real thing, but this could count as a substitute right?”

“What’s up with that monkey?” Vinyl asked looking confused.

“Ever had that moment where you have bottled emotions that you haven’t used and they just blow up? Like when you shake a soda can before opening it?” Lance asked. “That’s my cousin for you. Plus, he told me that he was soon going to propose to his Fluttershy.”

“That's ironically how Devi was created… and good luck to him.” Leo said.

“That’s why he was frustrated,” Lance added on. “Before coming here, he was trying to get a Christmas Present for Fluttershy, only for him to get tangled up in this web of shenanigans. At least things have settled down a bit… I think.”

“If he wanted a gift for Flutters why didn't he ask for a pet to give to her? She loves animals.” Arthur asked.

“Technically, Sun is a Faunus… who is part animal… He has a poro with him and also has a wolf pup back home named Grif. No, don’t ask me why, all I know is that the pup is lazy sometimes.”

“At least he handle the shenanigans longer that racist Ben Ten at Ironman’s Christmas party.” Dark Magician said nodding his head.

“Don’t even get me started about when he visited my Fiance’ Max.”

“I already know about what happen he visited her.” Dark Magician replied.

“Let’s not go into details.” The Adept replied, only noticing a few faces looking at him with expressions that could only mean they wanted to know what happened. “We’re not talking about that around kids, you sick minded people!!”

Craig then smirks and says “Not the person with a dirty mind here, that would be my brother Kirito.”

“Or maybe Scout wouldn’t mind about hearing the details.” Dark Magician Girl said giggling while Scout blushed and glared at her.

“Ugh… seriously?” Lance just facepalmed.

“Ignore the trolls, do that and they will eventually shut up…” Leo said face pawing.

“Hard to do that when I keep remembering about Max. She’s… forward in her advances.” The Adept sighed. “Still, that’s a reason why I love her. Not to mention the fact that my other Fiance’ is Sephiroth. And yes, she is a woman… Dammit, I really need a christmas gift for both of them.”

“Me and Arthur could make something for you, but if you want a weapon or tool to gift her talk to Lilith… She may be a bit silly but she is a master blacksmith despite being a slime…” Leo said.

“I don’t really need a weapon give that Seph has a ten to fifteen foot Katana and the fact that we also know another Displaced named Asura. Just something… memorable. Like a crystallized snowflake or something. I want to give them something special.”

“I could help with snowflake.” Dark Magician said simply.

“Lilith has made magic artifacts before… I wouldn't be surprised if she somehow forged a enchanted crystal snowflake…” Arthur said.

“That… would be perfect. Could two of those work? One for Max and the other for Seph?”

“What enhancements would you like?” Lilith asked as she dropped from the ceiling right in front of the adept.

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe something along the lines of “Time heals all wounds”? Since Max can control Time and stuff besides Magic.”

“Ok, and for your other girlfriend?” Lilith asked as she pulled a notepad and pen out of her hair somehow.

“She isn’t my other girlfriend. I’m marrying both of them… But maybe something to help her overcome the… succubus magic that she has?”

“Oh… I think I can help with that…” Lilith said blushing as she glanced at Cyrine.

“Aaand done.” Dark Magician said as finish making a crystal snowflake with the number 103 in the centre with his magic.

“Would you like to place a side order of rings?” Lilith asked as she formed two crystal snowflakes in her hands that seemed to glow with magic before handing them to Lance.

“Well, I might need one because I already gave one to Max. I rather not have Seph feel left out.”

“One Magicsteel wedding ring coming right up~” Lilith said before dashing into another room.

“Thanks guys,” The Adept replied to Lilith and Dark Magician. “You guys are awesome.”

“Your welcome~” Lilit said as she walked back into the room with a purple metal ring with a diamond embedded in it before handing it to Lance.

“Your welcome. Hope it come in handy for you in the future.” Dark Magician said.

“Alright… Now before I go… I need to talk to a certain someone… Where’s Asphyxious?” Lance asked, looking around.

“Oh before you do that I need warn you about two things.” Dark Magician said to Lance.

“Okay, shoot. What are they?”

“First beware of a “number” monster that might pop up in your Equestria controlling someone.” Dark Magician said.

Crag then looks at her and says “as “numbers” can only beat “numbers” right?”

“I thought that only happened with a certain trap card?” Ken asked, before everyone in the room was looking at him. “What? I used to play back home.”

“No they can only be beaten another Number monster. And Second. Watch out for a displaced named Death Gun he is coming to kill you and the Power Ponies.” Dark Magician said.

“Thanks…” Lance sighed, before noticing a certain Lich as he walked over towards them. Asphyxious was seen giving Pupa a talking to and to his hoard mate about taking things too far with their teasing. “If and when he come back I want you both to say your sorry understand?” They nod at him as he crossed his arms.

“Excuse me,” The Adept asked, “Would you happen to be the lich dragon that was chasing my cousin earlier?”

Yes and I’d like to say I’m sorry for that I get, protective around my daughter. I’m sorry for the way I was acting with Sun. It was uncalled for.” Said Asphyxious as he bow to them.

“I understand that. Sun himself has a lot going for him and sometimes, he has a breaking point… His timeline from what I know is a LOT different. Plus, Grimm roam freely in his Equestria.”

“Plus lots of displaced as characters from Rwby have been popping up where he is at.” Dark Magician said nodding in understanding.

“Yeah. Not to mention that Sun just reunited with his mother a few weeks ago.”

I… Understand, let say I just found out there have been some displaced in my world I didn’t know about. One is working with the griffons who thinks I’m evil. And the other a brat in a man's body trying to take over the world using the minotaurs.” Said Asphyxious as he rubs his face.

“I understand that. Yet for Sun, someone as Adam Taurus went as far as attacking his own daughters, almost killing Chrysalis and forming the White Fang.”

“Tell sun he’s going to have a new robotic friend soon!” Crux said.

“You mean Penny?” Lance asked. “They already met.”

“No… Alteisen Knight!” Crux explained before vanishing.

“... Anyways, I understand where you are at Asphyxious. Hell, I have a friend named Nicko who is in the same situation I’m in with children on the way and his world is soon going to be at war with demons. I know this because he asked Max and I to be his children’s godparents.”

“If he needs backup would you like a copy of our tokens?” Leo asked as she indicated her and Crux’s other displaced.

“If he needs any help he will have my whole family by his side” said Craig

That sucks. If he needs any fire power I know a guy.” Said Asphyxious as he looks around.

“Thanks guys, but from what I heard, he’s been training… a lot. Ever heard of a Displaced Kaiser named Ryu?”

“Yes I have heard of him.” Dark Magician said.

Oh him…” Asphyxious rub the back of his neck. “Don’t call me around Ryu let say when he called me, there was a battle… I still had no control over my dragon form at the time.

“Nicko is his student.” Lance sighed. “Not only did he teach him how to use his abilities in different ways, but he also taught him how to perform Spell Chains and to [Examine] his opponents. Also, he’s marrying Discord’s daughter Eris.”

“In chaostic ways.” Dark Magician Girl said.

Eris huh. I’d ship it.” Asphyxious said sounding amused.

“Did somepony call my name?” A voice asked as a small tear in the void opened up and out stepped the Red headed Rune Slayer and the spirit of chaos. “Well, sorry for being late-.

“Who’s that short stuff that just got here?” Scout asked.

So CUTE!” Asphyxious yells as he go up and start to hug Eris.

“That’s Nicko.”


“Uncle, please control yourself.” Another voice popped up as a white haired girl soon walked out. “Never thought I would attend another christmas party… again”

“Sorry Faith.”

“Cute!” Lilith shouts as she glomps Faith. Only to be pulled apart and have a series of mechanical spears aimed at her. A holographic sign saying “PLEASE RESPECT PERSONAL SPACE.” which the slime ignored and continued to cuddle the girl despite having objects trying to shred her.

“That would be me small fry.” Scout said.

“You moron.” Both Blaze and Wendy said at the same time.

Pupa just smiles and turns to her mum. “I like them.” She said smiling.

Nicko himself sighed. “If Moondancer were here, she would flip at everything that’s happening right now.”

“Is she as cute as mine?” Asked Asphyxious as he turn back into his human form still cuddling Eris.

“You can say that.” The Rune Slayer replied. “She’s the only other being in my world that can control Rune Magic, my apprentice, and also… my second Fiance’”

“Are you ok?” Cyrine asked Faith as she noticed Lilith cuddling the little girl.

“I just need some space… Moby, Remy. Please help here.” The simple phrase has both of the Code Nemesis’ earrings flash as they had her drones appear and separate Lilith from her, holding her up by a kinetic grip before setting her down on Scout.

“Ah crap not again.” Scout said annoyed.

“You're no fun…” Lilith pouted at the Code Nemesis’ before pulling out a laspistol and blasting scout in the face before disappearing in a crack in the floor.

“Sorry for cuddling your wife, I just could not help myself.” Said Asphyxious as he put Eris down. “But how about some time later we have a duel or something.”

“Probably. Oh and she’s only one wife. Remember when I mentioned my apprentice? Turns out, she has feelings for me.”

“I’m part dragon I understand my friend.” He said as Sister go over and nuzzles Asphyxious back.

“Yeah. I understand.” Nicko replied. “Trust me, I have a Kaiser as a teacher.”

“Ryu right? next time you see can you tell him sorry for me for almost trying to eat him.” Asked Asphyxious as he bit his lip. “I kind of set a lot of stuff on fire…”

“It’s alright. I had to kick his ass after he got beaten to a bloody pulp and refused to find his dragon genes again. I really had to dish out the pain on that one.” The Rune Slayer replied. “Had to throw him in the air with Shining Rune Buster.”

“Yeah I saw you and your brother did that to him.” Dark Magician said simply.

“Right… you know, with you saying that you see things, you sound like Bill Cypher from Gravity falls.” Nicko pointed out, only hearing about the Triangle briefly. “God, if there was a Displaced on him, we might as well be doomed.”

“No I am the watcher of all displaces. Plus there two displace Bill Cyphers running around.” Dark Magician said.

“Ello!” Crux says to Niko, appearing out of nowhere.

“... And just when I thought that visiting Max was crazy enough.” Nicko replied. “Still, it was nice to see you guys.

“I don’t know who this Max is but she sounds like Ava.” Said Asphyxious rubbing his chin.

“Max Caulfield?” Nicko asked, showing the photograph of her. “This familiar?”

“No but she does look sexy in that dress.” Said Asphyxious smiling. “And your friend in blue looks worried in this.” He grins looking to Lance.

“Is she that half pokemon displaced?” Crux asked.

“That’s Zinnia.” Ken replied. “Trust me, I’m in her hoard.”

“Sorry, I get names mixed up at times…” Crux chuckled.

“Right…” Lance sighed, “Well, Asphyxious, let me give you these before I go.” Lance replied back, handing him his token and a replica of a gold coin. “The coin is Sun’s token. Use it so you two can talk out what was going on earlier. It’s best that you two have things be good between you two.” With that, the Azure Striker soon disappeared in a Flash of Lightning.

“Understood. Oh and tell Derpy she cute for me.” Asphyxious smiled at that.


“Okay… So…” Nicko sighed. “Now what?”

“Hi.” Leo said walking up to Nicko. “I heard you are about to get involved in something and might need help?”

“Hello Nicky” Surprise said as she appear behind Nicko

“...... I’m guessing that Lance told you about the demons, didn’t he?”

“Yes he did.” Mask answer while eating a cupcake.

“Well, if you decide you would like me or Arthurs help here's our tokens.” Leo said before handing Nicko a digivice and a metal disk with the picture of the mask of life on it.

“Sure… Just be prepared for my friend Amy. She’s basically the female version of Alucard.”

“That to be expected when she and your Rainbow Dash annoys your Celestia with the damages.” Dark Magician said simply.

Craig then smiles and says “same comes from me” whist tossing him a amulet in the shape of a longsword.

“Is this Amy the one who dating RD or the one who hates her?” Asked Asphyxious looking over at Nicko. “I met two of them just a heads up.”

“How many Amys do you know?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Just the two.” Said Asphyxious as he eats a cookie.

“The one that’s dating Rainbow Dash.” Dark Magician said.

“Well I better send the Kids and my Hoard mates home I have a lot of work to do.” Said Asphyxious as he walks off to get everyone ready to go home.

“Oh if you see any number monsters in your Equestria. Let me know.” Dark Magician said.

“I still don’t know what that means.” Said Asphyxious as he walks off. “Even after Sister told me about it.”

“It a monster with a number on them and can only be killed by another number monster and they sometime take control someone or somepony or the other way round.” Dark Magician Girl said helpfully.

“I’ll let you know if I see one.” Asphyxious replied as the large Pink dragoness opens a portal and Asphyxious family walks into it. “Time I’m going back to base I need to make sure the Runes are still working.” Said Asphyxious as he walks off.

“And tell your Pinkie Pie I said hi.” Surprise said waving goodbye.

“Silly I’ve been here the whole time.” Said Pinkie as she run into the portal after the others.

“Oh well...Hi.” Surprise still grining.

“Hi and bye!” Said Pinkie as the portal closed.

Craig then sighs and says “well that was eventful.”

“You can say that again.” Wendy said.

Nicko sighed, waiting for a moment to speak. “Regarding Amy, she’s the one who was in Hayzil and said “SUNBUTT WANTS A HUG!!” while standing at the statue of Celestia in South Mareica.”

“she sounds like a barrel of laughs… let me guess she quite Hellsing abridged a lot.”

“Wait for it…” Nicko sighed, before noticing some blood dripping down a nearby wall.


“B-blood?” Vinyl said left eye twitching and licking her lips.

“I told you she was like Alucard.” Nicko replied. “Plus, her powers are blood magic so it’s normal.”

“Meh, I've seen better from Vezon. well, later!” Arthur says before vanishing.

“Amy!” Asphyxious calls out with open arms.

“Asphyxious, long time no see you son of a bitch!” Amy said as she hugged Asphyxious.

Asphyxious hugs back and even put one hand on her ass by mistake.

“Glad you can make it Amy.” Nicko said cheerfully, just noticing Ken and his Applejack before noticing Revaan outside.

“I want to add you and her Dash to my hoard~” Purrs Asphyxious who still hugging Amy.

“You know I’m not into the whole hoard thing. Plus Rainbow Dash is still pissed after what happen last time.”

“*Sigh* I can dream can’t I?” Asphyxious asked giving Amy the puppy eye.

“Just make sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t see you doing the same thing like last time.”

“Hey, is it just me or there a dragon outside?” Nicko asked.

“That’s Revaan and he’s my partner.” Ken told him before looking at Scout, who was making his own approach towards… first base.

“Hey who’s the hot chick?” Scout asked looking at Amy.

Nicko sighed, facepalming himself. “And that is your downfall.”

“The name’s Amy Anderson the Third, The Crimson Avenger, The Bane of Celestia, and Equestria’s greatest hero of all time.”

Dark Magician Girl Giggle at the bane of Celestia part.

“I had some other titles too, but I left the list back home. So I’m pretty much going with the ones I know up the top of my head.”

“I got lots of titles too.” Dark Magician said simply.

“Does one involve destroyer of the moon?”

“Nope.” Dark Magician answer back.

“Then be prepare for learning a lot of my titles.”

“Hey Amy you still okay with me grabbing your ass?” Asphyxious asked in a whisper into Amy ear.

“Eh, I don’t mind. Rainbow Dash isn’t here so you’re in the clear.” Amy whispered back.

“Well, I’ve been waiting too long for this.” Brutalight said. “Time Spinner’s gift to you all is outside. You guys like shows?”

“Yeah!” The half changelings say as they run over from raiding the desert tables.

“Lee, Folteren, you know what to do.” Brutalight said as the two walked out.

Outside, Lee and Folteren stood on opposite ends of a large stage with almost everyone watching. The Sith held a blaster pistol in one hand and twirled a katana in the other. Lee on the other hand was duel wielding Halo pistol that were black and white, while exposing his host to the elements in only a one piece suit.

“Lee vs. Folteren!” Brutalight announced.

“Who do you think will win?” Leo asked Jubilee who was being nuzzled by her kikanalo Zinc.

“Dunno, they’re almost exact opposites. Lee’s almost impossible to actually hurt, but Folteren’s Force abilities will keep him on his toes. Folteren’s Force abilities are unmatched so far as I’ve seen, but Lee’s weapons are somehow able to go straight through most of Folteren’s defences.”

“So its basicly like a miniature version of if Lilith and Namiro had a duel?” Leo wondered.

“We’ll see.” Jubilee said.

“You know the thing I hate most about you Lee?” Folteren asked, smirking as he placed his mask over his face.

“No. What?” Lee questioned, aiming his guns at the dark lord.

“Your eyes! Well, your hosts eyes! Oh, and you’re barely a Venom Displaced anymore!” Folteren yelled through his mask, looking into ‘Pinkie’s white pure eyes. “Makes you look like a zombie!”

“Maybe I am!” Lee shot back.

“Now that Folteren had said. I never seen Lee let his Pinkie take control not even once.” Erza said to Dark Magician which he nods at.

“Ready!?” Brutalight yelled. “Fight!”

“Hey, I’m not read-” Folteren tried to say but was shot in the face by Lee. “Hey!” Luckily, Folteren’s mask saved him.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so full of yourself.” Lee spat while his host’s mouth smirked.

“Takes one to know one!” Folteren yelled as he started to open fire on Lee while he ran up a tree. Lee dodged easily, seeing the red bolts coming a mile away.

“Folteren is too slow.” Scout said.

“Who are you, Sonic The Hedgehog?” Asked Craig

“Do you know who you ever talking to?” Scout answered.

“Definitely not someone who is fast.” Leo chuckled. moments later she dodged a baseball that scout tried to hit her with.

“Folteren is playing Lee.” Sylar said simple. “He’s faster than the naked eye when he’s using Force Speed.”

Folteren closed the distance between him and Lee, who tried his hardest to shoot the Sith dead but the shots only bounced off. Folteren backhanded the Symbiote, sending him flying into a tree which split down the middle. Folteren used his Force powers to shoot lightning into Lee, causing him to scream.

“Shocking isn’t it?” Mask simply said.

“Sparks are flying!” Cyrine quipped.

“Fast as Lightning!” Brutalight tried.

“That wasn't half bad Brutalight.” Leo complimented.

Lee used his web fluid to blind Folteren and get out of the painful surges. He hopped to his feet and created a sword of black, which he used to stab the Sith in his chest. Folteren, still blinded, used Force Lightning into the ‘blade’, making Lee back off.

“Can I say blindsided?” Asked Jubilee.

“I Guess Folty had gotten Lee’s point.” Surprise said giggling.

“Enough with the puns…” Groaned Sylar. Nizar came trotting over to them.

“Go master! Kick his slime!” She shouted. Sylar face palmed.

“Hey! Thats insulting to us slimes here!” Lilith pouted.

“He IS slime, you know that right?” Sylar questioned.

“But he’s a symbiote, I’m a real slime.” Lilith pointed out bluntly.

“He’s in the slime family!” Nizar said, eyes following every move her master made.

“And I’m a demon slime.” Lilith snarked, rolling her ‘eyes’.

Folteren ripped the slime off his mask, and spun his blade once. He charged Lee who ducked the Sith’s first attack and did a roundhouse kick, sending Folteren to the snowy floor. He didn’t stay there, as he jumped back to his feet. He hissed, and hovered his right hand over it. Lee charged, and the two met blades.

“Who you guys routing for?” Rainbine asked.

Craig then smiles and says “Gotta support Lee, besides he is the one I’m following in the war.”

“We are supporting Lee.” Both magicians said.

“I don’t care who wins this fight.” Erza said simply which Scout and Blaze nods at.

“Everyone has a right to their own opinions.” admits Craig.

“No shi- Uh, I mean no duh.” Rainbine said.

“Someone learning self control?” Leo asked Rainbine with a smirk.

“You were going to say Shipping Hub, Rainbutt?” Scout taunted, chuckling.

“Say Rainbutt again, SEE HOW MUCH I DISLIKE YOU!!!” Rainbine screamed, eyes twitching.

“What? I was asking her a simple question.” Scout said looking confused.

“I was gonna say shit, fucktard. Folteren doesn’t like Nizar hearing swear words.” Rainbine whispered.

Lee and Folteren met blow for blow, only managing to scratch each other. Eventually, Folteren removed his right hand from his chest, revealing it to be completely healed. Lee was surprised, and was even more so when he switched hands.

“I’m not left handed.” Folteren smirked as he gained an advantage, dealing out fast and precise strikes to Lee’s host. In her right leg, her left shoulder, the right side of her chest, and through her throat.

“Poor Pinkie.” Wendy said looking sad which Dark Magician Girl agreed with.

Craig then sighs and says “Filthy tactics for a filthy man. After they finish fighting someone will need to help Pinkie.”

“Filthy!? Those were right out of Princess Bride!” Brutalight said, offended.

“A dirty Princess Bride if you ask me.” Dark Magician said.

“Both heroes used it. They were both amazing! And this fight is to the death, Folteren’s only move he can do is hurt the host enough so Lee wika leave and then unleash all of his power. It’s what you all would do if you were like him.” Brutalight said.

“I would have used a supersonic sound wave to get Lee off of Pinkie.” Dark Magician said simply.

“I would avoid using my full power… heck I actually am scared of my own power.” admits Craig

Brutalight face palmed. “You guys are thinking too you… Folteren isn’t as powerful as you, and Lee isn’t exactly a Symbiote anymore!”

Lee stumbled backwards as the whole suit wrapped around Pinkie’s body. Lee’s mouth appeared, and fire spewed out of his mouth.

“Ah son of a bubble gum…” Brutalight mumbled.

“Sorry what’s going on I was getting my ass kicked by Amy.” Said Asphyxious walks over rubbing his face.

“Lee vs. Folteren, and please don’t swear, Nizar’s already heard enough of that today.” Brutalight stated.

“Well it about time they had a fight.” Said Asphyxious as he eats some popcorn which for some reason has a picture of Crux on the front.

“What the heck!? Fire breathing!? Where’d you get that!?” Folteren yelped, shocked.

“When I fused with Alduin, I got some of his powers… Wanna see what else I’ve picked up?” Lee said in a slithery voice.

“Things are heating up.” Blaze said.

“Only if they start kissing.” Asphyxious said as he eats more popcorn.

“Knock it off you pervert.” Blaze said while glaring at the Lich.

“I don't think it’s wise to ignore him… unless you want to end up in his hoard when you least expect it…” Leo said, eyeing Asphyxious warily.

“If he tries. I will burn his two dicks off with my fire.” Blaze said setting her hands on fire.

Asphyxious slowly looks at Blaze. “How do you know how many I have?” He asked really wondering how she knows that.

“I saw them when I enter the watcher room to talk to Dark Magician.” Blaze replied.

“Oh My~” A voice said in response to blaze.

Asphyxious then blushes at that. “Grate not only F.A.U.S.T. spying on my sex life but that Dark wizard to.” Said Asphyxious annoyed.

“It not just your sex time he had spy on but other displaces too.” Blaze said giggling.

“And its Magician not wizard.” Dark Magician said.

“Will you guys shut up?” Asked Rainbine.

Folteren rose his hand, and Nizar squealed as she threw two lightsabers at him, which he caught and turned on, showing red and purple blades. Lee crouched on all fours, blood seeping through the black suit. A smile plastered itself on Lee’s mask, and he laughed.

“B-Blood.” Vinyl said her right eye twitching and she is licking her lips at the sight.

“Now, now if you want blood you can drink mine.” Said Asphyxious holding out his arm as his tail wages.

Jubilee rolled her eyes at Vinyl’s lust for blood. “It’s like you’ve been around as long as a baby.”

“It's hard for me to control myself when I see blood even after I was bitten by a busty vampony 1,000 years ago.’ Vinyl said she drink some of the Lich’s blood. Asphyxious pets Vinly as she drinks.

“Wow… That’s young.” Jubilee said. “I’m a Vampire. Like a Vampony, but cooler.”

“Yeah but Vinyl is a rare type of vampony where she gets very horny when she out in the sunlight.” Surprise said not bother Vinyl drinking. Asphyxious smiles at this and hugs the vampony.

From the Roof, Ken, Applejack, Nicko and Faith could try to make out what’s going on with the fight… if it weren’t for the mosh pit of people down below. “Is it just me or did someone trample Asphyxious?”

“Maybe.” Deathwing said flying next to them.

“Ah, hey Nelly,” Faith cheered, trying to hug the dragon once he touched down. “Good to see you! Merry Christmas!!”

“Thanks I had to go see off my brother, he can’t stay away from the caverns of time for long.”

“Never knew you had one. But then again, responsibilities.” Nicko said. “Speaking of which, Where’s Lance and Sun? I heard they were here earlier.”

“Lance left to bring his gifts to his family and Sun was being pressured by Asphyxious’ hoard mate and being chased around all night so he saw himself out.”

“Ouch… Guess you’re new here? Nicko Nocte, Rune Slayer.”

“Ken ahkrin, Scalebound and head of the Chroma Branch in the Kazoku family.” He replied as they shook hands. Shortly before Wendy and a few others joined them.

“A Rune Slayer Hub? Well I am a Sky Dragon Slayer.” Wendy said.

“Well, technically, that’s the name of my class. Where I’m from, I’m only one of two beings alive that can control Rune Magic. A powerful form of sorcery that was left behind by Starswirl the Bearded…”

“And you are teaching Moondancer rune magic.” Dark Magician said.

“She’s the only other person that can read Runes.” Nicko told him. “Most of the time, Equestrians can’t read or see it because the language is a form of code. But she can read it perfectly.

“May I see it?” Deathwing asked, “The runes I mean.”

“Sure big guy. In fact, maybe I should give a demonstration.” He insisted, soon having a ring of runic magic float around him.

“How’s that?”

“It’s different from the rune magic I’m used to seeing, my father’s race, the Titans use there own Runic Magic.” Deathwing stated. “It’s more unstable for thoses who don’t know what they're doing.”

“Pretty~” Lilith said while slowly approaching the runes.

“Be careful, they might explode.” Faith giggled. “Besides, it’s a demonstration.”

In a flash Loki appeared handing Nicko and Faith a present box. “Here think what you want and they will give it, also welcome.”

“Okay… Got it!” Faith said. “But I should save opening it for when I get back. That way, I can tell Dad and Pinkie about being here.”

“She kind of see’s Pinkie as her new mother,” Nicko whispered on the side. “Not only that, but the gift you gave me kind of makes me think I’m Dante from Devil May Cry. Just missing the grey hair, but that might come with age.”

“Since we're giving gifts, here.” Lilith said before handing Faith a bracelet that seemed to shimmer with hidden power. “Cute girls get cool surprises~” she said.

“Is there a gift for me.” Dark Magician Girl asked with puppy dog eyes.

“Here~” Lilith said handing dark magician girl a set of earrings that looked like purple miniature cyber dragons.

“Neat. Thank you.” Dark Magician Girl said grinning.

“Neat. Another one to add to the one Jack gave us.” Nicko added. “Well, we all had fun, but I think we need to get moving. We’ll call you guys when it’s time to fight.” With that, Nicko took out his third blade, Void Edge, and cut open a tear in space as he, Faith and Eris stepped through to return home.

Meanwhile, Folteren started moving his Lightsabers in random movements, not giving Lee a chance to find a pattern. Folteren then rushed around Lee so fast even Pinkie would be impressed. He then jabbed both blades into Lee back and sent Lightning into him. Lee screamed, as well as his host, and Folteren used Force Push to send him into the snow.

“That die an dozen backstabbing scumbag.” Scout said seeing Folteren as Spy.

“Thought you didn’t care who won.” Rainbine countered, smirking.

“I do. Folteren had did something that remind me of spy.” Scout replied.

“It’s called a surprise attack…” Brutalight said uninterested.

“You called?” Surprise asked.

Folteren stood still, unsure weather to continue or not. It didn’t help that his audience was nagging about his tactics behind his back. It’s probably the reason a black web wrapped around his throat and pulled him up a foot in the air. His Lightsabers fell and he tried to give himself some breathing room.

Lee laughed as he slowly squeezed the life out of Folteren. He started tugging, letting go slightly, then tugging again. Unfortunately his fun was cut in half like his web, when Folteren obtained his Lightsabers and cut through them.

Folteren gasped for breath and got up just in time to dodge a Scythe to the face.

“What? No… No holiday spirits?” Folteren joked.

“Shut up, you’re not funny and never were!” Lee yelled as he swung the Scythe, to which Folteren blocked… But didn’t burn through.

“What the hell!?” Folteren’s eyes widened. “What is this!?”

“A Scythe, what else?”

Asphyxious from out of nowhere yells out. “I get to eat the winner!”

Both combatants turned to look at him, and both glared. They ignored him and continued fighting.

“Not before I drink their blood.” Vinyl said who was wearing Asphyxious eye patch.

“You guys actually think Time Spinner would let you eat them?” Asked Sylar. “And why are you wearing his eyepatch?”

“Oh no reason.” Vinyl said giggling. “He’s good but nowhere near as good as my roommate.” She added.

“We’ve got rooms in the cabin.” Jubilee said, pointing her thumb towards the cabin. “Anyone else is welcomed to go in there too, just stay away from the one with black tendrils. Arthur and Miku aren’t allowed near those though.”

“What do you think round two Vinyl?” Asked Asphyxious smiling at her.

“Nah I am good.” Vinyl said. Asphyxious cuddles her as they watch the fight.

Folteren’s leg received the entire blade of Lee’s Scythe, and yelped in pain. Lee twisted the blade, causing Folteren to scream a little in pain. He took off his mask and hood and used his purple lightsaber to cut the limb off. He scrambled backwards to dodge Lee’s swings, and grey flakes created a new one that was metal.

Folteren got back onto his feet, and just as Lee was about to jab into Folteren’s chest, a little blue Pokemon popped out of his clothes and sprayed water into Lee’s mask, making him blind for a moment as Folteren cut off Pinkie’s arm.

“Aww! It's a Mudkip.” Surprise said gushing over the little pokemon.

“He’s name is Waffles! I’ll let you hold him after the fight if you want!” Folteren yelled as he watched Lee spasm a bit.

“Thanks.” Surprise said smiling.

“Dude, you aren’t looking to good. Neither is your host. Why don’t you forfeit and get medical care before I kill you?” Folteren offered. Lee pulled back his mask, showing Pinkie’s face, which had her pupils and color back. She was still bleeding from her throat.

“No!” Lee yelled, which made Folteren cringe.

“That blood looks so tasty.” Vinyl said looking the spill blood.

“Ok this is getting weird.” Loki said.

“It’s actually pretty normal if you think about it.” Brutalight said.

Asphyxious Nuzzles Vinyl. “I don’t mind watching you drink.” He said smiling at the Vampony as he hugs her.

Jubilee put her finger in her mouth and faked a gag. “I’m a million years old and that disgusts me! Love! Ew!”

“Don’t tell me you never got laid all this time.” Vinyl gasped. Asphyxious nuzzles her as she said that.

“I’m not a virgin, I just think it’s gross.” Jubilee said as she laid back.

“I’m sure we can change your mind.” Asphyxious purrs as he bite Vinyl neck softly. Which made Vinyl moan as she grab one of her F-cup breasts.

Jubilee almost threw up. She rolled over the way they weren’t. “This is worst than when I was stuck with my parents…”

Asphyxious then started fondal Vinyl breast as he kisses her and wraps his tail around her.

“Guys, we’re outside and there are kids.” Sylar said.

“Good point.” Asphyxious then teleports himself and Vinyl somewhere else.

“I think after 1,000 years Vinyl no longer cares ‘who's watching.” Surprise said.

“She doesn’t. But I do…” Jubilee gurgled.

“She’s never been loved.” Sylar said simpley.

“Aww you poor dear.” Wendy said as she give Jubilee a hug.

“Scuse me… I need to speak with Lilith in the cabins…” Cyrine says before dragging the slime girl in the direction of the cabins.

“Great… now there's going to be two rooms full of tentacles…” Leo groaned.

Lee jumped at Folteren, claws extended and slashed at the Sith’s face while also using his sharp teeth to pierce deep into the flesh. But for some odd reason, instead of blood, it was colored water.

Lee didn’t stop there, he bit down twice more, and before Folteren could chop his head off he leaped over the Sith, used his web fluid to take the purple Lightsaber, and stabbed Folteren backwards, and pulled up enough to do sizeable damage. He pulled out, and threw the lightsaber away. Folteren dropped to his knees, holding his wound.

“This may be as close as I get to killing you…” Lee then decapitated Folteren with his Scythe and limped away, holding Pinkie’s lost arm.

Craig then touches spin on his chest and says “Mum mind coming outside, Keep Scootaloo inside for now.”

Seconds later Asuna then appears next to him and says “what’s up Craig?”

“Lee, need a hand!?” Brutalight asked, laughing.

He then points towards Folteren’s body and says “Mind reviving him”

She then smiles and says “No problem” she then walks towards Folteren as strange symbols appear around her as she says “Þeír fylla heilagr austr, brott svalr bani.” and within seconds his head began to reattach to his body.

Lee fell to Pinkie’s knees. “Someone catch me…” Before he fell over.

Seconds later a blue tendril appeared below Lee as Craig appeared next to him and says “Just rest for a second.” he then whispers “Grand Healing.” Causing the unattached limb to reattach itself to Pinkie’s body

“Good fight Lee.” Dark Magician said with a smile.

“Whatever. I’m tired…” Lee’s body disappeared mostly, leaving Pinkie Pie in her grey one piece. “Ow! Wh-where am I!? What happened!?”

“Huh? Don’t you remember what Lee’s been doing?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

“N-no… He only let’s me resurface once a month…” Pinkamena said. “Wh-who are you all?”

“I am Dark Magician and this is my girlfriend Dark Magician Girl.” Dark Magician said as Dark Magician Girl gift a wave.

“My names Craig, Miss Pie and that is my mother Asuna” says Craig pointing over to Asuna.

“The name is Scout.” Scout said.

“My name is Blaze. Blaze the Cat.” Blaze said.

“My Name is Erza and why does Lee only let you out once a month?” Erza said.

“He says it’s to protect me, but I don’t believe him. He’s scary…” Pinkamena said, shaking slightly.

Craig then places one hand on her shoulder then says “It’s OK.”

“Something is definitely not right with Lee…” Leo said.

“If I have to guess it has something to with his Twilight Sparkle’s death his last host before Pinkie.” Dark Magician said simply.

“If we want to find out what's happening we need to talk to Lee.”

“C-can I have something t-to eat?” Pinkamena asked.

“Sure.” Surprise said offer Pinkamena a sandwich and a cupcake.

The host took the food and tried to get up, but couldn’t. “Can… Um… Someone help me inside? I feel really light headed for some reason…”

Craig then smiles and says “No problem” he then carefully picks her up in his arms and walks towards the cabin.

“Hey Folty!” Rainbine yelled. “Mind your head! Hahah!”

Folteren glared at her and raised his hand in a choking motion, using Force Choke on the cyborg.

“That’s no way to get ahead in life. hahahaha.” Mask laughed.

“Why not? It got me my Emperor title.” Folteren said darkly, still choking the poor cyborg.

“Folteren! Let her go…” Brutalight snarled, horn flaring. Folteren rolled his eyes and let go.

“Poor Rainbiney.” Surprise said as she gave Rainbine a hug.

“Uh… Thanks…” Rainbine said, not sure if she should hug back. Her systems started calculating the right action, before she just hugged the darn mare back.

“Aww that sweet.” Wendy said look at the two.

“Okay, enough mushy stuff.” Rainbine said, embarrassedly blushing.

“Ok.” Surprise said as she let Rainbine go.

“Rainbine, Christmas is about mushy stu-” Brutalight tried but was silenced as a candy cane was shoved into her mouth.

“I’m not mushy!” Rainbine shouted, face redder than Big Macintosh.

“It’s alright to let out your mushy side once in awhile.” Erza said.

“She used to be a he, and he hasn’t really accepted any of this that well.” Brutalight said. “Anyway, we should get inside.”

“Agreed.” Dark Magician said as he and the rest went inside.

“Well… We’ve done just about everything… Decorate the tree!” Rainbine said as she crashed on the couch.

“Wasn’t that already done?” Blaze asked.

“Was it?” Rainbine asked. “I thought I was sent to go kill the Pyro at the tree and nobody came to help me.”

“Didn’t Folteren’s Rainbow Dash that Kill that Pyro?” Wendy asked.

“Yeah… But I was sent first, but I… Sorta chickened out… I don’t like fire…” Rainbine said, before shoving her face into the couch.

“Okay.” Wendy simply said.

“Hmm. Now where did Vinyl get off to?” Mask asked himself as he opens a door to a bedroom. Only to hear moans and deep growls as if something big was in the bedroom. “That answers my question.” Mask said as he hold up a sign saying “Goodnight everybody” and leave the door open before leaving.

Inside the room was Lilith and Cyrine, frozen in embarrassment from being barged in on… Cyrine was held up in the air by tentacles doing (Censored) and Lilith was on the ground half turned into a puddle that the tentacles were coming out of while (Censored). “SHUT THE DOOR!” They screamed before the door was slammed shut by Leo.

“Holy balls!” Jubilee said before she tripped. Brutalight turned around, oblivious to the whole event.

Jubilee ran to another door and opened it to stay away from the other door, blood pouring out of her nose. Only to find Asphyxious and Vinyl cuddling on the bed.

“Oh Hey Jubilee. Care to join in?” Vinyl purred. Asphyxious purred back and gave Vinyl a kiss.

“Fuck!” Jubilee screamed as she slammed the door and ran away, bleeding even more from the nose. She opened a door, this time no one in it and ran in, slamming the door.

“Aww. The blood from her nose would have been more fun and tasty.” Vinyl said.

“This party sucks…” Said Folteren. “Lock the doors idiots!”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Said Asphyxious as he noms on Vinyl ear.

“Lilith and Cyrine’s door was locked… But somehow Mask unlocked it without doing anything…” Leo groaned while face pawing.

“Mask can be such a troll at times.” Surprise said laughing her ass off.

“Well we’re going to bed night.” Said Asphyxious as he hugs Vinyl in the bedroom.

“I think it’s best we go to bed.” Dark Magician said.

“I call top bunk!” Rainbine yelled as she zoomed off.

“Fuck you Timothy!” Brutalight screamed as she gave chase.

“Dark, you’re staying?” Folteren asked, surprised.

“Sure might as well.” Dark Magician said.

“Come on I found a perfect bedroom for us.” Dark Magician Girl purred which Dark Magician gave a knowing grin as he follow her.

“Hello, goodbye!” Arthur said to Folteren before he dragged Miku into one of the rooms and locked the door.

A few minutes later, another flash of lightning goes off and Lance returns. “Hey guys, I’m-. Okay, what the hell is going on?”

“Some of us are going to one the bedrooms of this cabin for fun and rest. If you know what I mean.” Blaze said.

“Technically, I came back because I thought my departure earlier was a bit rude. Also, I brought Kai along.” The Adept replied, letting the Blaziken that he had as a partner out of his pokeball.

Pinkis ran past them, screaming. “My eyes! Kill me! That cannot be unseen!”

“Huh?” Wendy said confused.

“I rather not want to know what happened back there.” Lance sighed. Kai chirped, waving one of his claws in disgust around his nose. “Yep, definitely don’t want to know.”

“It was worse seeing Lilith and Cyrine when Mask barged in on them…” Leo shuddered.

“Wait. Did Dark Magician Girl purr before she lead her boyfriend to a bedroom?” Scout said worried.

“They’re gonna have sex you dufas!” Miku said, rolling her eyes before being pulled back into her and Arthur’s room.

“At least it won't involve hentai level tentacles…” Leo muttered.

“OH CRAP! Cover your ears!” Blaze shouted as she and her friends covered their ears. The cabin start to stake from a scream.

“Okay, I’m stepping outside.” Lance replied, Ken following him.

“Wait for me! I don't want to be stuck in there with them!” Leo shouted before running after the adept.

Meanwhile with Time and Fili-Second

Time Spinner appeared in a dark room which had only a bed and mirror in it.

“Look, I’m sorry about the intestine thing, I… Overreact when there are too many Displaced around.”

“No worries, Surgey.” Pinkie replied. Soon, she heard a couple of knocks as both of them turned towards the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s Lance, can I come in. Things are getting a little crazy back at the cabin now that everyone is trying to get some… sleep.”

Pinkie then turned to Time, waiting for his answer. He clicked his fingers, letting the door open by itself and a darkness fade.

“There a reason you came to my room?” Time asked.

“Personally, I was going to go back home, but I wanted to say goodbye to you first and thanks for setting up this Christmas party. I really enjoyed it and I think everyone else did too.” The Adept told him.

“Thanks… I guess… If you need me…” Time said.

“I know…” Lance said. “Merry Christmas Time… We’ll try to get you back home soon.”

“There’s just a few things before you leave. First, I’d like to give you an easier way to use my token. Use it and I’ll bring you to a world outside of time and we can talk. Second, me and Lee got you guys a present. Well, I got you guys a present, and Lee got Lance a present.” Three gifts appeared in Time’s hands. “The presents themselves are either bigger or smaller than the actual box, so…”

“Thanks Time.” The Adept replied, smiling. “You really are cheerful at heart… Which reminds me… I have something I think you would like.” The Azure Striker soon got out what appeared to be a necklace that had the symbol that represented Time when he was in the Power ponies. But when he opened it up, it showed a photograph of both Time and Pinkie inside. “Pinkie and I both worked on this together. I hope you like it.”

“Thanks. Merry Christmas. And tell the others I said hi!” Time said as he gave Pinkie a kiss on her forehead before sending them off with his magic.

Time sighed before his door opened, revealing Sylar. “They’re all asleep, my lord.”

“Good. Get Jubilee, Brutalight, and Entropy. Then scan them. We’ll need those scans for later.”

“But we already have the Magicians and some of the others. Do you really want another?” Sylar asked, eyebrow raised.

“I need those scans. I can’t keep this up, I’m on my last two years…” Time said before sighing. “Call someone else. I need to keep this party going if I’m going to get what I need.”

“And what do you need?” Crux asked, appearing from the wall.