• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 665 Views, 25 Comments

Cape and Cowl III: Showdown - Artimae

  • ...

Chapter One


January 14th, 1008,

I’ve been replaying the events at the warehouse over and over again, wondering what I could have done differently. Now I regret being so angry with her… she was just a normal, everyday mare caught up in events that went far over her own head.

Is it fair to blame an ametuer swimmer when he gets caught in a riptide?

I had thought her selfish, but in the end she was the most selfless of all of us. There wasn’t even a moment’s hesitation on her part to jump in front of that bolt. For me, of all ponies. Even after I started treating her like dirt-

No. If I start telling myself it’s my fault, I’ll never survive. It was Abacus’ fault, through-and-through. And just where did she go? Damnit, if only I was a pegasus, I could’ve chased her! I had so many frightening thoughts running through my mind when I was face-to-face with her. There was a part of me that was even darker than when I wanted revenge on those four. If I’d’ve gotten my hooves on her, I'd've wrung her neck.

Even worse, I would've enjoyed it.

And now there's Charade. I don't get her. She doesn't really feel like one of the Red Hoof's goonies. I got the upper-hoof on her and she treated it like a sparring match. Is it possible she's in a similar situation to me? I need to learn her motives.

I need to be honest: I got complacent, even arrogant. I never considered the possibility that there was anypony in Equestria who could match me, let alone fight better. How stupid of me - I was taught in a class! Of course there are other ponies who can do martial arts. Hers are so different from anything I know... It seems to be based solely on dodging attacks and wearing an opponent out.

Two can play that game, Charade. I’ll be ready this time.

Sweet Luna I've rambled long enough. I need some sleep.

-Snow Storm


“Flyntt...” Pelleas moaned, laying on the cot in his cell. His entire body was shaking badly. He huddled with himself in the fetal position, glaring at his former superior with wide, bloodshot eyes. “So cold… gimme the stuff… Just a taste...”

“...There’s no Diamond Eyes here for you,” Flyntt said coldly, glaring down at the pathetic heap in the jail cell. “And if I get my way? You’ll never get another taste of that vile stuff. You need help, kid. I’m hoping this stint in jail helps you realize just how far you’ve fallen.”

“I did what I had to!” Pelleas spat, matching Flyntt’s glare with his own. His insides were on fire, dying for just a small bit of the Diamond Eyes. He cursed Abacus - surely she was going to free him, and give him what he needed. But days had passed, and she hadn’t appeared. She’s just busy, that’s all.

“And what was that, exactly? What was your grand scheme? Can you even remember, or are your brains so scrambled that even that is beyond you?” Flyntt snarled, striking the cold steel bars of the cell. “You got one mare killed, and you almost killed another… your own girlfriend, for Luna’s sake!. I’ve heard her talk about you since that night. Even now she’s too sweet and too forgiving to hate you, you idiot! She might be the only pony left in Manehattan that pities you!” He looked at the pathetic lump with contempt. Except for me, you damned fool.

Flyntt marched out of the holding area, slamming the door shut behind him. He tried to put on a friendly face, but managed only a strained smile. “Lookin’ sharp, Fangs,” he said, complimenting the kid’s shiny new armor.

“Please don’t call me that,” Calias replied, a blush rising in his face. “It… I don’t like it.”

“Well, I don’t exactly know your real name, y’know.”

The Cadet gave Flyntt a sideways glance. “But… that means you didn’t read my dossier?”

“Nope. I wanted to know you, rather than come in with assumptions. If you were an ex-thief or one of the Red Hoof’s former guys, it would’ve… well, it feels fairer treating you like anyone else. I don’t wanna second-guess you here.”

“Oh.” The cadet blinked. “It’s Calias, sir. Just Calias… another one of the few things I get from dad. Single names…”

“I’m Flyntt Crois, though even my dear old Pa never says my surname. I’d prefer either just Flyntt or Sir. Whichever you prefer, really.”

“Was he a Guard?” Calias asked as they stepped outside. “Jeez it’s freezing here.”

Flyntt chuckled as they walked side by side. “He was. Can’t say I have much in common with him though. He had ambition, and he saw it through. What’s your old man like?”

“You probably know him better than I do, since he works here.”

“Is that so? Huh… oh, you might wanna request a slightly larger set of armor, then wear a sweater under it in the cold months. It’s a little trick most of the guard use, especially the bats. It gets cold at night.”

“They don’t control the temperature here like in Canterlot?”

“Not as well as they should. Canterlot… they tend to have a better time of it. This place isn’t as rich, or as friendly as, say, Ponyville. But I kinda like it anyway. Fulake get treated like anypony else, and the high crime rate means there’s never a dull night.” He flashed his fangs in a toothy grin.

“Yeah… sounds fun…” Calias gulped. Hopefully there won’t be any crimes tonight.

“Our main patrol route was altered a few nights ago. Lieutenants with new partners get the easy beat for the first few months. You want my advice? Look to the rooftops. You might just see the Mare do Well. That’s probably the most interesting sight in Manehattan. She glides across the rooftops, like a shadow,” he said, his grin widening. “Pretty spooky, huh? Y’know, some say she’s a ghost…” he teased, nudging the cadet.

“Everypony knows ghosts don’t exist… but why is she allowed to roam around? Isn’t she outside of the law?”

“Technically vigilantism is outlawed, yes. But to be frank? We were fighting a losing battle against the Red Hoof before she showed up. He owned the city and everypony knew it. She’s the first hope we’ve had in a long time. It’s up to us to try and follow in her hoofsteps as best we can… crap, you hear that?”

Flyntt‘s ears flicked. A muffled yell could be heard, followed by the sound of a struggle. “C’mon,” he said, running towards the source of commotion.

* * *

It was a messy scene. An elderly mare leaned against a building, sobbing quietly and pinching her bleeding nose. Not a great way to break the kid in…

“Ma’am, are you alright?” Flyntt asked, falling into his comfortable, professional posture.

“Oh, jeez,” Calias muttered, standing back and looking pale. He had forgotten to mention the sight of blood made him woozy.

“That young buck stole my purse, and my necklace,” the mare said, getting herself under control. Now that the Guard were here, everything would be fine.

Flyntt turned to Calias, frowning. He handed the kid a small piece of paper containing a number of questions. “Think you can handle questioning the witness? I’m going to search the area, just incase they didn’t get far. Just ask her everything on that list that’s relevant, it’s standard protocol.”

The cadet fumbled with the paper, holding it upside-down at first. “O-of course. I’ll try.”

The mare dried her eyes, trying to stop trembling. “W-what do you need to know?”

“Yes, well, uhm…” Calias squinted, trying to read the paper in the soft light. “What… er, what happened?”

“He came out of nowhere,” she began, failing to cease her shivering. “And bumped into me. He looked like bad business, so I tried to get away, but he grabbed my pearl necklace and ripped it off, then knocked me down, took my purse and ran off, cackling… I didn’t get a good look at his face, but he had a soft brown colored coat, and his mane was as bright orange as fire…”

“Pearl necklace, got it. What did the purse look like?” Calias asked.

“It was pink, with a floral pattern. There wasn’t much money in it, but…” she looked to the ground, ashamed. “My medication was in that purse.”

“What kind of pony was he? Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn?”

“An earth pony, I think. If he even was a pony… he was as tall as the Sisters, I swear it!”

“We’ll find him, ma’am. Uhm… in the meantime, the hospital's not too far from here, for your medicine. I could escort you…?”

“Yes please, dear. I’d appreciate the help.”

* * *

After about an hour, Calias returned to the alleyway to find Flyntt leaning against a wall, looking tired.

“Any luck on your end? I couldn't find anyone around,” Flyntt admitted, sighing and stretching out. He hated when the perp got away, but it wouldn’t last. The small-timers never do.

“I’ve got a description, at least. Earth pony, presumably, tall, brown with orange mane. Somepony like that can’t be hard to find right?”

“Shouldn’t be, but in a city this big we might never find him.... it’s strange though. The Mare do Well has been missing a few of these the last few nights… she can’t get ‘em all, but she’s definitely been preoccupied.”

“Maybe she thinks we have to step it up because she can’t babysit everypony?” Calias offered.

“Hmm… could be. Either way, we need to work harder. You did okay out here tonight, Cadet. I was hoping to avoid you dealing with anything serious so soon. Shame we spent a quarter of our shift chasing shadows, but some nights are like that. At the very least, we can put out a search for anypony matching that description. Now then, there’s not much else we can do here. Let’s get back to the route. I’ll write up the paperwork after our shift.”

“Yes, sir!” Calias saluted, falling in line with his Lieutenant.


“Oh, my aching head!” Charade cried, sitting herself up. It turned out to be a bad idea - the room she was in swam in rapid circles, amplified by the loud pounding against her ears, as though a jackhammer were beating against her brain.

She rolled over, jumping at the note lying innocently on the pillow next to her:

Come see me. I am very displeased.

There was a knock on her door. “You okay in there, kid?” Punch Drunk’s voice came from the other side. “Plan on sleeping all day? It’s already noon!”

“Shut up Punch, I’ll get up when I feel like it!” she yelled, trying to clear her thoughts, not to mention that incessant buzzing in her head.

“Alright, sheesh! Just seeing if you’re fine!”

Charade got up, punching the wall angrily. He knew she’d need time, damnit! She wasn’t a miracle worker, after all. Please don’t have hurt him, please… she shuddered at the thought as she made her way out of the room.

“Thanks for letting me crash here,” she said, handing Punch Drunk fifty bits. “I might be back later, I might not. But I’d appreciate if you left the room vacant just in case.”

“Yeah, no biggie,” Punch said. “But don’tcha want any breakfast?”

“Maybe when I get back. I have urgent business to attend to,” she muttered, shooting him a glance she always gave when she didn’t want someone to ask questions.

“Gotcha,” he said, walking away. “It’ll be ready when ya get back.”

“Thank you, Punch. Nice to know there’s at least one pony in this town that’s got my back…” she sighed, shaking her pounding head as she left.


Amber Shield smiled brightly, waving as she saw Lieutenant Murdoc with his two fillies. The pair grinned and sprinted towards her despite the slick sidewalk, both plowing into Amber in a tackle-hug.

“We know what day it is!” said Sonnet, the older one, as though it were the biggest secret in Equestria.

“Yep!” the younger one, Stanza, agreed. “It’s a special day!”

Amber Shield blushed, pawing the ground. “It’s nothing that important…”

“Yes it is! It’s your birthday!”

Amber grinned at the two, “Well guess which two fillies are gonna help me pick a cake?”

“Pick?” The smaller one giggled. “We’re going to bake you one! Tonight!”

“Well now, aren’t I lucky?” she smiled warmly at them, before looking up at Murdoc. “These two troublemakers are the sweetest kids I’ve ever met.”

“Try seeing them at bedtime,” Murdoc said, floating a small box Amber’s way. “It’s set of broaches, for mane and tail. You’ll need it soon.”

“Sir, I’ve been meaning to ask about that incident at the warehouse for awhile now,” she whispered, moving a little closer. “What exactly happened that night? After that mare’s death I was marched off with the rest before I knew what was going on…”

“Very little happened afterwards,” Murdoc said. “Clean-up, et cetera…”

“But she got away…” Amber sighed. “And what happened to Pelleas?”

“Flyntt wants to bury him so far under the jail he’ll become a myth.”

“I don’t think that’d be right, Sir. The stuff he’s started saying… I don’t think he’s well anymore. Maybe he should be sent to an asylum instead?”

“The trial will determine that. As for Abacus… I don’t believe she got away entirely clean.”

“She might as well have, for all the damage she caused… and I’m not entirely sure the trial will be a fair one. He’ll be held accountable to the same standards as a guard, and it’s clear now that he never had the mental stability to be one in the first place…” she sighed, shaking her head. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have any feelings left for him except pity.”

“I don’t believe you quite understand me,” Murdoc said, seeing his fillies onto the school carriage. He looked grim as it took off, sending his innocent daughters to another adventurous day at school. “The Mare do Well managed to nick her wing with a bolt. And those bolts were coated with poison.”

“... Oh. Well I suppose that’s the last we’ll see of her, then.” She shrugged. “How are the rest of the guard doing?” She knew full well asking directly about Flyntt was unwise, but at the same time she knew he’d understand what the real question was.

“Tense,” he said, waving his girls goodbye and strolling down the sidewalk. “Worn out.”

“I wonder how they’re doing with their new recruits. I hear he-” she winced, cursing her stupidity, “I hear they’re quite a hassle.”

Murdoc gave her a wry grin. “He’s a greenhorn straight from the Canterlot Academy of Sheltered Greenhorns… or that’s what I like to call it. How do you think he’s doing?”

“They’re supposed to be well trained, though I suppose there’s really no substitute for actually getting out there and working in the field, if you need training… frankly I think that particular pairing was horribly thought out,” she said, no longer bothering with the pretense. “Though quite frankly, that particular Lieutenant has shown they clearly aren’t capable of training anyone. My condolences to the Cadet.”

“Now now,” Murdoc admonished Amber. “Gossip is never a good thing. If our particular Lieutenant has a problem, it’s he’s lost his luster for the Guard. I admit I haven’t helped matters much in that regard…”

“You can hardly be blamed for the incompetence of others, Sir. If you’d never been involved they’d have just found another excuse,” she began, before shaking her head and looking to the floor”… I’m sorry. I’m still angry after everything that’s happened.”

“No, I can be partly to blame. I’ve held a twenty year grudge against him.”

I hope I can get over Pelleas before then… “I feel as if this is just the beginning, Sir. Things before the Mare do Well showed up were hardly perfect, but the other guards painted a picture of a city that was much more stable. I can’t help but feel as if her presence has ruined that.”

“That picture was a lie,” Murdoc spat a little more harshly than he’d wanted. “Calm waters do not show the sharks underneath. She managed to bring those sharks to the surface.”

“And people got hurt because of it. People that would have lived otherwise. If you’re fine with the Guard having to risk their lives just so she can barely scratch the second in command of the Red Hoof, please remember that the mare whose body was recovered was a civilian’s. It’s not their war, and it shouldn't be. And because of her, it is. “

“And I would love nothing more than to tell you why she’s doing all of this, but I don’t feel it’s my place to.”

Amber rolled her eyes as they walked down the street. “Some stupid vendetta or something, I’m sure. It won’t justify the price the innocent ponies of this city will have to pay. If she wants to make a difference she should have joined the guard like everyone else, gone through procedure… I don’t care if it’s less effective. We aren’t the ones that get to bask in the glory of being the city’s ‘hero’, Sir. We’re the ones that have to inform the families of the dead that they were casualties in this pointless revenge quest of her’s. Looking at that dead mare that night showed me what the Mare do Well really is- a selfish, stupid and delusional vigilante. Nothing more.”

Murdoc raised an eyebrow. “If that mare was such a civilian, what was she doing at the warehouse in the first place?”

“Pegasi…” she blushed furiously. “Sometimes pegasi use rooftops to make out with their partners. She could have flown up there with them, assuming it was abandoned, and ended up getting caught in the crossfire before they made an escape. An innocent night of fun turned tragedy...” If he claims she was in the wrong for trespassing on private property he’s getting a slap, superior or not.

“I suspect there’s more to it than that…” I should visit her later. “I must apologize for one thing, though. I never did congratulate you on a commendable shield spell. Ironically, you may have saved the Mare do Well’s life, whether you hate her or not.”

“Thank you, sir. I… I think I’d like to request a half-day, assuming the Captain wouldn’t mind. I’ve got some things I need to see to.” Petunia still doesn't know my real name… does she even have to know? It’s just a surname, right?”

“Oh? Well, it is your birthday, after all. I’m sure Captain Leaf won’t mind.”

“I’ll be back in a few hours, then. I can’t miss out on that delicious birthday cake, after all!” She giggled.

* * *

Petunia hummed to herself as she pruned a new batch of flowers. She leaned her nose into them, taking in their full scent. “Ah! You guys will make somepony very happy, I just know it!”

The bell over her door rang, signalling a customer. Petunia glanced up, beaming as Amber stepped inside. “Hey there Petunia, I’m so sorry I left you hanging last night. Things… things got complicated. I was in no state for drinking…” Bullshit. After seeing that poor mare die the only thing you wanted to do was drink and you know it, but Murdoc was adamant you didn’t. Was probably for the best, too…

“Oh, that’s alright!” Petunia said cheerfully. “Must be a rough job, huh?”

“Very. I’m not much in the mood for talking about work right now, though. It’s my birthday you see, and I had something special in mind, a surprise for a couple of dear fillies that are coming to my party. I know for a fact Sonnet loves the colour blue, and Stanza likes bright orange. If you have anything that’d work, I’d happily buy a bunch for both of them. Those two have made moving here much easier,” she smiled.

Petunia’s eye twitched. “It’s… your birthday!? I don’t even have anything for you!”

“Awww, no need to worry about that!” Amber blushed. “But if you’d like to come to my party, I’d love to see you there. I’m staying with Lieutenant Murdoc and his family. I bet they’d love you!”

“I’ll definitely be there! Oh, right, you wanted flowers… yes, let’s see what we’ve got here…”

Amber pointed to some dark blue flowers, as well as a sunny orange bouquet. “That comes to thirty-five bits each, right?”

“Hm, for you?” Petunia tapped her chin. “Twenty bits apiece.”

Amber smiled warmly at her, pulling her into a tight hug. “Aww, thanks! I hope they like them, I want it to be a surprise… actually, if you’re available to close the stall early you could come see them now. They’ve baked a cake and everything!”

“Well… I can’t quite close yet. One of my customers still needs to pick up his daily bouquet.”

“Well, I’ll come back in an hour to pick you up then, if that’s alright?”

“That should be fine!” Petunia said, waving Amber goodbye and returning to her flowers.


Bolt Buck got up, looking wearily around his apartment. Even now, a part of him just wanted to leave this miserable city, to take the next train to Appleloosa. Why not? It’s not like there’s anything left for me in this town anyway…

“I’m going out for flowers,” he said to Snow Storm, who was pacing around his apartment, deep in thought. “You alright there?”

Bolt Buck sighed when there was no response, and simply left. She barely heard him leave; she was too caught up in herself. Not to mention homesick. Her strides became more aggressive as she continued her pacing, and her tail swished back and forth violently.

This is insane.

I agree.

You’re acting like you’re scared.

Of what? The one mare who can actually beat me in a straight fight? Of course I’m not scared.

Then grow a pair, get out there, and find her! She’s your ticket to the Red Hoof.

Too bad she won’t just give him over, no matter how hard I try.

Of course she won’t. She’s got a stake in this, too. Once you figure out what it is, you might be able to bring her to your side.

But she’s a mercenary. What could the Red Hoof have over somepony like that?

You need a way to get more info on her. Who do you know who can do that…?

She stopped suddenly, looking sharply out of the window. She needed to have a word with Pick Pocket… but he was already busy grasping and unraveling even the slightest thread in the search for her parents. Surely she couldn’t also ask him to find out the history of this Charade mare?

It seems like the two goals aren’t mutually exclusive.

Finally it was too much. The walls were starting to close in - she needed to get out. “You awake yet, pup?” she asked, poking her head into the bedroom Bolt Buck had lent her.

“... Five mor’ mins, Mom…” Figaro mumbled automatically, barely even half awake.

She smiled, backing out of the room and writing a note instead. It’s not like he could get into much trouble anyways, she thought, sticking the note where Figaro would see it and then heading out.


“I expected better,” the Red Hoof said.

“I know,” Charade held her head low. Don’t apologize. Don’t make excuses. He hates that. Just let him say his piece and pray he hasn’t hurt Facade yet…

“Has living with those filthy barbarians made you soft?” he asked. She could barely see the side of his face move - he must have been sneering. It was no secret how the Red Hoof felt about Griffons.

“They’re stronger than ponies, one-on-one. I left to become stronger. I didn’t fail because I was too weak. I failed because I was too stupid and arrogant. I expected the fight to be over in an instant, and I was beaten because of it. It was an inexcusable oversight.”

“I warned you not to underestimate her!” he said sharply, almost growling like a beast. “Don’t forget that I do not exaggerate.”

“I don’t understand what she’s after. I can’t get in her head… But I won’t justify my failure. I will go out there again and again and again. I’ll chase her, and taunt her, and drive her to the very brink if I have to. You know I can outlast her. We’ll see how much trouble she can give you after a week of sleepless nights.”

“It’s refreshing to hear somepony acknowledge their own failure,” he said, taking a generous sip of red wine. “But be warned: She has much to gain and little to lose at this point. She’ll fight like a cornered beast. It’s become much harder for me to keep eyes on her… Whatever else Abacus may have been, she was an unrelenting hawk when it came to tailing somepony.”

“There are some of those in Canterlot, not that it’s any of my business. Now, I’m gonna go finish this. I’m honored you’ve given me a second shot at this, sir.” She saluted, a more serious attempt at the gesture than last time. She had screwed up, and the Red Hoof had tightened her leash as a consequence. As long as that leash doesn’t become a noose.

“I won’t be so forgiving next time.” The words followed Charade all the way into downtown, where she spotted Snow Storm again several hours later.

Author's Note:

So I'm trying something different with this particular story. Smaller chapters, and more of them.

Fun fact: My favorite trope is Chekhov's Gun. And Charade is probably one of my bigger ones. Cast your mind back to the end of the first fic:

“Of course. Oh, and regarding Bloodshot… should I go to the griffon kingdom for a replacement? There are several candidates I had already lined up for this unfortunate inevitability.”

“No,” he said sharply. “Those creatures cannot be trusted. I have… somepony else in mind.”

Yup, he was talking about Charade. Too bad she didn't actually show up for six or seven months. Why did she take so long to get there? Reluctance? Isolation? Would things have been different if she appeared earlier?

Who knows?