• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 666 Views, 25 Comments

Cape and Cowl III: Showdown - Artimae

  • ...

Chapter Four


January 15th, 1008,

Another day, another fight with Charade. Once again, I needed help. Maybe I was worrying for nothing, but I didn't want anypony to see me. Maybe they wouldn't even compare me to the Mare do Well, but enough ponies know who I am as it is. I'm tired of it.

At least now I know what her purpose is here.


Funny how these events turn out, isn't it? Everything has this image of being connected. What's next? I don't want to know.

Maybe if I can find Facade, I can use him against-

No. No! I can't believe I'm starting to think like the Red Hoof. This is how it starts. The descent into madness. How could I even contemplate such a thing? Would the end justify the means? What makes a pony good or bad, anyway? Her actions or her intent? I've been asking myself that question ever since I first put the suit on. I used to believe it was intent - it's how I brought myself to attack those four. I told myself I wouldn't go as far as they did, so it was okay.

But it wasn't.

Baiting Charade wouldn't work, anyway. I'm trying to earn her trust. Hurting her brother would only make her furious.

Trust me, I know that feeling.

I can't wait. I'll make the Red Hoof regret ever crossing me.

-Snow Storm


Amber Shield stared up into the gray sky, feeling small, insignificant, and confused. Last night had been wonderful, except perhaps for the argument she’d had with Petunia… but even that didn’t seem so bad, since it led into greater things.

She bit her lip, still feeling the phantom of Petunia’s kiss. Amber had a couple of coltfriends over the years, but none of them had ever felt like that.

But… that’s not right, is it? I’m supposed to like colts.

Her ears twitched to the sound of approaching hoofsteps crunching the light layer of snow. Her training wouldn’t allow even the deepest of her musings to leave her unguarded.

“Bit for your thoughts?” Murdoc asked while his girls ran around Amber in their usual fashion.

“I’m not sure if I should be telling you this…” Amber said, still weighing the possible outcomes of revealing what had occurred between her and Petunia to her superior.

“You’ve never really been one to keep secrets, Amber. I’d like to think you and I have a close enough relationship as both friends and co-workers that if something’s up, you’d keep me in the loop,” Murdoc said, trying to get a feel for what was going on in the mare’s head.

“Can we maybe have a moment... alone?” Amber said, motioning towards the fillies surrounding her.

“Girls, why don’t you let me talk to Amber for a minute? Go play where I can still see you,” Murdoc said.

“Okay, Daddy!” the fillies chimed in unison, leaving the two alone to play in the snow.

“So, what did you want to tell me?” Murdoc asked, keeping a passive eye on his daughters.

“W-Well, um…” Amber stammered, clearing her throat. Murdoc waited in patient silence, allowing her to gather her thoughts. “I… think I’m in love- or, maybe falling in love.”

“Oh?” Murdoc said, a small smile playing across his face. “Well, that’s good. Who’s the lucky-” Murdoc stopped short when Amber raised a hoof.

“Let me finish,” Amber said, blushing hotly as she cleared her throat. “I think I’m falling in love… with a mare.”

“Mmm, I see…” Murdoc said, pondering her words. “It wouldn’t happen to be with that cute little flower filly we met the other day, would it?” Amber’s silence was all the response he needed.

“Is this a bad thing? Am I doing a bad thing by falling for her? I mean, I even kissed her… isn’t that supposed to be wrong?” Amber asked, a tone of desperation and frustration in her voice. She then sighed. “I’ve never really considered actually spending my life with a colt. It just doesn’t feel right. Then again, I’ve also never considered being with a mare, either…”

“Listen Amber,” Murdoc said, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “You’re close enough to my family and me that I consider you a part of it- Hell, there are days where I can’t help but wonder if I sired you myself, so believe me when I tell you, I have no issue with it. All I want is for you to be happy, healthy, and for you to do your job the right way,” he said earnestly. “Now, that doesn’t mean that every pony you meet is gonna feel the same way. You need to be prepared for others to look at you strangely and maybe even react adversely.”

“I know… that’s what scares me,” Amber said.

“You shouldn’t let that stop you if that’s what you truly want, though,” Murdoc said. “If she’s what makes you get up in the morning and get through the day, then why not embrace it? Forget what anypony else thinks. You do you, and nopony else. Just remember- you are always welcome in my home, and as long as whomever you’re with doesn’t affect you or my girls in a bad way, then my door is open to them as well,” he said with a smile.

“Thanks, Murdoc…” Amber said with a teary smile, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off both her shoulders and her heart. She leaned over and pulled the older stallion into a hug.

“C’mon now, you should know me better than that,” Murdoc chuckled, returning the hug. He heard the sounds of sniffling, and knew exactly what that meant. He simply held her for a moment, giving her reassuring pats on the back as she vented her emotions. After a short time, Murdoc spoke. “Feel better?”

“Yeah… yeah, I’m okay,” Amber said, quickly wiping her face and exhaling heavily as she separated herself from Murdoc.

“This was really eating you up, huh?” Murdoc asked.

“It was… I just... I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to face you and Silver, or anypony else for that matter. There was a part of me that was telling me that what I did was wrong, but the other part told me not to care if it was wrong, because it felt right, so I wasn’t really sure who to listen to, but you helped clear that up, so thanks again,” Amber said, feeling more positive.

“Trust me, Silver’s going to jump with joy when she finds out you’re lovestruck, especially when she finds out it’s Petunia,” Murdoc reassured. “You know how she dotes over you.”

“Yeah… it means a lot to me, you know,” Amber said.

“I know it does,” Murdoc said with a wink. “Girls! The school carriage is here!”


Snow Storm strolled down the sidewalk, relishing the crisp morning air on her face. Her destination was unknown, but her feet appeared to be carrying her down the familiar path of Market Row.

Her mind was dull and wandering, but her body was alert for any sign of Charade. Now that she knew the Pegasus’ motives, it would be easier to open up a dialogue.

Especially since Snow Storm herself could relate.

The familiar aroma of cinnamon and baking bread wafted out of The Bread Box, and she turned automatically to enter it.

“Good morning, dear,” Marble Swirl said cheerfully as Snow Storm slid onto a seat at the counter. “Hm, no Diamond Pup today?”

Snow Storm smiled distractedly. “Just me today.”

“Very well. Might I recommend a jelly-filled Danish? Guaranteed to keep your belly full to lunch - or possibly beyond.” He chuckled, grabbing a fresh pastry when she nodded.

She was into her third messy bite when she noticed peripherally somepony sit next to her. Well of course. This is a busy place.

“I can’t stay long. I’m expected,” Pick Pocket said in a low voice. “Slight change of plans. I got in.”

Snow Storm resisted the urge to look at him - she wasn’t sure if either of them were being watched. The Bread Box was one of the few places in Manehattan that the Red Hoof couldn’t touch… yet. She swallowed her bite. “What do you mean, you ‘got in’?”

“I’m in the gang…” Pick said, keeping his voice low. “I tricked some of their goons to let me in and they did.”

This time she couldn’t help herself. Her head whipped around fast enough to cause a small pop in her neck. “Are you nuts?! It’s too dangerous!” she hissed, keeping her tone matched with his.

“You want your parents back or not? This is the only way we’re gonna find them without bringing down the entire weight of the Hoof’s organization ontop of us. Not to mention it’s probably the safest option for them, too,” Pick reasoned.

“Of course I want them back! But I don’t want you to get killed in the process!”

“You and me both,” Pick grumbled. “I’m doing it as a favor. If I get killed, you kick Deorsa’s ass, hear me?”

“I’ve got a reason or two of my own to kick his ass… Good luck.”

“Yeah… I’m gonna need all the luck I can get,” Pick sighed. “You stay safe too, hear me? I don’t wanna risk my ass saving your folks for nothin’.”

“Just let me know as soon as you know where they are.” Snow Storm stared coldly at Pick Pocket as he rose from the seat. “I’ll tear the place apart after that.”

“Don’t you think it’d be better if we get them out first?” Pick asked, shooting her a cocky grin.

She gave him a stony look in return. “You know what I mean. Now get going, before somepony sees us.”

“Yeah, sure…” Pick said, standing up from his stool. “Stay safe, yeah?”

“You do realize,” she said as he began to walk away, “that if I catch you with them…” The words trailed off, leaving the unspoken implication hanging in the air in between them.

“I ain’t a monster, Snow,” Pick said. “Not like them.”

“Make sure it stays that way…” Snow warned.

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Pick said as he waved her off, exiting the bakery. The things I have to go through to do just a little good in this damn town...


It was what any Guard would call a ‘relaxing day’. The pale noon sun hung far above a gray overcast, the winter wind was non-existent, and there hadn’t been a single incident in the hours that Murdoc and Amber had been on duty.

“Enjoy the peace while it lasts, Cadet,” Murdoc said as they strolled leisurely through their usual patrol route. “It may not be worth much for training, but it’s nice when it happens.”

“Yes, sir,” Amber Shield agreed. Boring’s more like it. “Does it happen often?”

Murdoc smiled. “Not as often as I’d like. There’s always going to be somepony to break the peace.”

Amber considered that. Perhaps it was one of the Lieutenant’s simple observations - or perhaps it was one of his lessons to her. Either way, she’d take it to heart.

Speaking of hearts… Their patrol route happened to go straight through Market. It was a little nuance she hadn’t thought about… until Petunia had come into her life. They were only thirty or so feet away from her gorgeous flower cart when Amber stopped dead in her tracks, mind completely blank as she stared straight at it. Petunia was bent low, pruning what looked like a bouquet of violets.

“Hm?” Murdoc noticed his Cadet had stopped. He followed her gaze, spotting the flower mare from last night’s dinner. “Ah, I see. Permission to break off is granted, Cadet. And be careful with what you say. Words can last a lifetime.”

“Y-yes sir,” Amber said, parting from Murdoc and walking towards Petunia with her heart pounding in her ears. Okay, you’ve got this. Don’t screw it up. Everything’ll be okay, okay?

She cleared her throat, causing the pretty little flower mare to look up from her stand. “Hey, Petunia…”

“Hey you,” Petunia said cheerily. “You okay? Your ears are burning.”

“Look, uh…” Amber took a deep breath. She removed her helmet, spilling out her messy flaxen mane. “We need to talk. About last night. About this whole week, really.”

“...Oh… you’re not mad at me, are you?” Petunia asked, her ears pinning back as her expression fell.

“No, no! It was great! You’re great! Ugh, I mean… it’s about me, really.”

“Then what…” Suddenly a deep, cold sensation of fear followed by immense sadness swept over her. “You… you don’t want to be with me… do you?”

“That’s just it! I do! I… really do. But… gosh I’m not making sense, am I? What I’m trying to say is I’m… confused. I don’t know how to do… this. I mean, you grow up in this huge family and everypony tells you they can’t wait until you get far in the Guard and then settle down with a nice colt and raise some foals and then they go far in the Guard and they keep the line going and it’s just… I’m gonna disappoint them. Because that’s not what I want.”

“I’m… I’m sorry, Amber…” Petunia said, her voice cracking slightly, the pruning shears falling out of her hooves onto the pavement. “I never meant to cause you so much trouble… I just… I can’t help myself,” she murmured, biting her lower lip and shutting her eyes tightly in a futile attempt at trying to stem the flow of tears now coursing down her cheeks.. “I can’t help the way I feel. I just can’t. I can’t just tell my heart to leave you alone. I can’t do it. I never meant for this to happen!” she choked out, bringing her hooves to the sides of her head.

“But this is a good thing! Really! Who knows how many other colts I’d’ve gone through? All the while being miserable with all of them?” She pawed at the ground, blushing. “So, uh, want some dinner? When I get off?”

Petunia looked up, her cheeks still glistening with tears. “You… really?”

“You bet! It’ll be my treat.”

Petunia cleaned her face, giving a small smile. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

“Well, uh, I should be getting back to my patrol.” Amber leaned over the flower cart, planting a small kiss on Petunia’s cheek before putting her helmet back on. “See ya tonight?”

Petunia felt her face heat up, a bright pink blush playing across her face as she retrieved her pruning shears. “Yeah! See you later!”

* * *

Lieutenant Murdoc was a stallion of simple pleasures. One of these pleasures just so happened to be scaring the ever-loving-Celestia out of his fellow Guards whenever he had the chance.

It was almost always a beautiful sight.

He left his Cadet to her privacy with her possible-marefriend, and set his devious sights on one of Captain Leaf’s new experiments - a new rank to shake up the monotony of grinding away one’s life as a Sentry. Five Guards of each shift had been selected to testbed this new rank, and one of them stood a ways down the street, absentmindedly scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble.

Out of the corner of his eye, Murdoc saw the Sergeant’s partner idly browsing through some sort of magazine rack. He couldn’t have prayed for a better set-up. Show time.

“Sergeant Watts!” the Lieutenant barked with authority, putting his game face on and marching up to the pegasus. The Sergeant nearly jumped out of his skin, and it took all of Murdoc’s willpower not to start laughing. “Where in the name of Tartarus is your partner!? New rank or not, Guards are never alone!”

“S-Sorry, sir!” Joules said, saluting his commanding officer. He then turned, unable to catch sight of his trainee. “Sentry, front and center!” he barked, and a moment later the younger pony appeared at his right, saluting Murdoc as well. “I sent him off to go do some reconnaissance on his own… I didn’t think he’d end up at a magazine rack,” he chided, much to the trainee’s embarrassment.

“I didn’t realize magazines needed recon,” Murdoc said harshly. I love my job.

“Of course not sir,” Joules said. He then turned to his trainee, giving him orders to assume the post he had left down at the street corner. The Sentry saluted them both, then enthusiastically bounded off to carry out his orders.

“Well Sergeant? Did you learn anything interesting?”

“Streets seem normal, nothing out of the ordinary for the moment. I’ll be sure the trainee gets the proper disciplinary action for this, sir. He’s a good kid, but between you and me,” he then leaned in to whisper to Murdoc. “He’s a bit of a bird-brain…”

Murdoc nodded, betraying a small snort of amusement. “Has there been any sign of that pegasus attacking the Mare do Well these past few days?”

Joules then became serious. “Not a trace, sir. She’s very thorough. Reports indicate she’s very quick for her size. She’s also supposedly very quick on her hooves for a pegasus. Most witnesses just recognize her as a blur. We know she’s female because no stallion could move at that speed. At least, none that we are aware of.”

“Alright, then,” Murdoc said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. “I’ve told a dozen Guards already, and I’ll tell a dozen more: if she shows up, do not engage her. At least, not without our mysterious heroine around. Don’t try to be a hero. Is that clear?”

“Understood, sir. I’ll radio for backup if I pick up on anything,” Joules said, saluting Murdoc. “If you’ll excuse me sir, I still need to discipline my trainee.”

“Very good. As you were.” Murdoc pivoted, strolling away from the Sergeant at a leisurely pace. Amber caught up to him, her face red instead of its usual golden-brown color.

“It go well?” he asked her, smirking as he gave her a sideways glance. If she gets any redder, she’ll catch on fire.

“It went okay,” she said quickly and quietly, in the sort of noncommittal tone that implied she didn’t really want to get into details.

“Just ‘okay’?” Murdoc said, raising an eyebrow.

“...Yes, sir,” she replied.

“Fair enough,” Murdoc said simply. He knew that eventually she’d spill, but until then he was content with the fact that she seemed to be intact. Besides, it was hardly his right to pry.

“...I suppose I’ve learned that some ponies are worth making yourself uncomfortable for,” she said after a few minutes.

“Very true,” Murdoc said, patiently waiting for her to divulge more information, even if it came at a slower pace than he would have preferred.

Amber laughed quietly, turning to face him. “I meant what I said. It went well. Better than I could have hoped, even. Because even though it wasn’t easy to talk to her, it was worth talking about.”

“I’m glad to hear it. So when do you plan on telling Silver about this whole little affair? Because it’s not gonna be me that tells her,” Murdoc said. “It has to come from you.”

“Maybe I won’t say it with words,” she said cheekily. “Maybe she’ll see me and Petunia hug, and put the pieces together. I can’t wait to see the smile on her face!”

Murdoc gave a small smile, patting his Cadet on the shoulder. “I’m proud of you. It does my heart good to see you growing and actually seeing the world through your own eyes for a change, not through lenses passed down to you.”

Amber smiled at him, “Well, I learned from the best, Sir.”

“Of course you did,” Murdoc said, giving her a warm grin.


Day transitioned into dusk in Manehattan, covering the sleepless city with a twilight blanket. Pick Pocket withheld a sigh - he had been running with a couple of stallions all day long, picking up tabs when he could and being generally amiable.

But now that the sun had set, the time for pleasure was over. Now it was time for business.

“Alright… so what exactly are we doing here?” Pick asked, now flanked by two of the Red Hoof’s underlings on both sides.

“We’re going to a stallion that ain’t been payin’ his dues,” one of the thugs replied tersely. “Someone that thinks he can go behind the Bosses’ back.... we gotta remind him how wrong he is.”

“Gotcha. So, we gonna rough him up, or maybe just lift his bits?” Pick asked, trying to get an idea of what to expect.

“Nobody told you the rules?” one asked suspiciously, “Oh well. Listen up. First time they forget to pay, we bust up their store. Second time, we bust them up. Third…” he grinned nastily.

Pick cringed internally, doing his absolute best to hide his disgust. “Sounds like fun.”

* * *

The Mare do Well watched the meeting from her perch, taking care to stay well out of their sight. Be careful, Pick… she thought sadly, wishing she could take this all back. Asking him to look for her parents had been one thing - for him to join the Red Hoof’s gang, even as a spy, was too much for her to handle. If they find him out, he’s dead.

Be careful, she thought again. And don’t go too far. You said you weren’t a monster.

* * *

“He’s on his second warning, this guy,” the thug said as they marched down the street. “And since we ain’t seen you work before, we’re gonna give you the honors. Want my advice?”

Oh great, I get to beat the stuffing out of some poor schlub on my first day. Snow’s gonna love that, Pick thought. “Sure, why not?”

“Take your time, and break a leg. In this city, folks see a pony limping, they know who they crossed.”

“Right, got it…” Pick said, clearing his head and trying to turn off his conscience for the time being.

After about half an hour the group stopped outside the residence of the pony in question. One of the thugs knocked on the door, and a elderly gentlecolt opened it after a few minutes.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me! He’s just an old fart! Pick protested internally.

“If you’re here for the bits, I told you I can’t pay you. My wife is very sick, and-”

“Maybe you should ditch the old broad. You know who comes first.”

“The- the whole reason I took out the loan was to help pay for her treatment! Please, just give me more time!” the elderly pony begged.

“See, here’s the problem with that. My superiors want their money. I go back without their money, they break my legs. I don’t want my legs broken. So I’m getting my money,” the thug growled. “Newbie, get to it.”

* * *

Oh come on! Snow Storm’s brain screamed. She had been hoping whoever this target was could at least put up a fight. But an old sire? This isn’t fair. She bit down on her lip, fighting every urge to leap down from the rooftop and stop this before it even began.

Do that and they’ll call him a rat. You know that.

Where’s a damned Guard when you need one? She looked down the streets, as if to confirm there were none in sight.

* * *

Pick swallowed hard. Snow, all I can ask is you forgive me, he thought. “Right,” he said, cantering up to the old pony. He took a deep breath, and proceeded to shove the elderly stallion down off his hooves.

“Please… don’t do this…” the stallion begged.

“You gave us no choice,” Pick said coldly, trying to mask his reluctance. Every last bit of his conscience screamed at him to stop, but he tuned it out. He was in it too deep to turn back now. He decided that the guilt would be dealt with later when he was alone. He reared his hoof back and swung it forward, landing a punch directly on the side of his face, cutting the stallion’s lip and causing a trickle of blood to escape his snout.

* * *

I’m sorry, mister, Snow Storm thought, sliding down to her rump behind the chimney in defeat. An old, harmless stallion was going to get viciously beaten and she could do nothing to stop it without risking the life of her friend. She tried to silence the war that her heart and mind were waging within her, a thin veil of tears forming in her eyes as she heard the first blow land and the stallion crying out in anguish. She covered her ears to drown out any further sound, as if it would ease her own guilt.

Go. Just go. There’s nothing you can do here. Before she could pick herself up, she heard a commanding voice down the street. Oh thank Epona...

* * *

Hey!” Lieutenant Flyntt called out. He and Calias had been on their route for a solid hour when they picked up the commotion coming from down the street. “Stop, in the name of the guard!”

“Damn, it’s the fuzz! Beat it!” the thug yelled.

The pair of Guards rushed over, quickly scattering the group away from the old stallion.

Pick took a quick look around as the Guards approached, seeing a back door and instantly making a break for it. He charged through the kitchen and kicked open the door, disappearing around the corner and out of view.

“Not bad,” the thug whispered as he rejoined Pick, the two of them sneaking away from the scene, “Too bad it got cut short, but it looks like you got what it takes after all.”

“Yeah, it sucks,” Pick lied through his teeth. I’ve never been so happy to see the Guard in my life… words I thought I’d never say.

“Guess we’ll just have to leave that one alone,” the thug shrugged. “Once the Guard are fighting in their corner, it becomes more trouble than it’s worth to go after ‘em.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind…” Pick said. Maybe I can use the Guard to my advantage… If I cause enough of a ruckus, the Guard’ll show up and we’ll have to bug out, getting me off scot-free.

“We still got a few hours before we gotta report in, so might as well go grab a beer.”

“Sounds good. I’ll buy. I lifted the stallion’s wallet on the way out,” Pick said, pulling the wallet out of his pocket. Eh… some habits die hard.

“Ha! You’re alright, newbie.”


“Well, here we are,” Amber said. Petunia’s eyes lit up as she craned her neck up, her mind barely able to register the name of the restaurant Amber had chosen. “La Plume D’or. Fanciest restaurant in Equestria.”

“This place is amazing, Amber! How’d you get reservations? They’re supposed to be really tough to get,” Petunia said, thoroughly impressed.

“Well…” Amber blushed, scratching the back of her leg. “My name does get me places, if I want. Shall we?” She opened the door, motioning Petunia to step in first.

“We shall!” Petunia said with a bright smile, trotting in first. The restaurant was beautifully decorated with a soft, sparkling gold appearance, accentuated by dim candlelight to make the ambiance feel more luxurious. The soft sound of a string quartet permeated the air, adding to the relaxed atmosphere.

“The atmosphere is beautiful Amber, this place is even better than I imagined it would be!” Petunia gushed, smiling happily. The two mares found their table, a stallion approaching them.

Bonsoir demoiselles, et bienvenue a La Plume D’or,” the waiter said in flawless Prench. “My name is Henri and I will be your server this evening,” he said, bowing his head. “We have a special this evening on a bottle of Scarlet Rose, a delectable and remarkably smooth cabernet icewine from the Crystal Mountains, it is one of the finest wines in our collection. Would you like to try a sample before you buy?” he offered.

“Uh, sure, that’d be a good idea,” Amber said distractedly, glancing nervously around the dining room.

“Very good, I will be right back with your samples,” the waiter said, excusing himself. Petunia looked over at Amber, catching a glimpse of the nervous expression on her face.

“Are you okay? What’s the matter?” Petunia asked.

“Huh? Oh.” Amber offered up a smile. “Just a little bit of Guard paranoia. I keep expecting something to happen and ruin this night. That’s how it always goes. I guess I should ease up just a little…”

“As long as that’s what it is, I’m okay,” Petunia said with a smile. “Thank you, Amber.”

“It’s my pleasure! So, how’d you get into flowers, anyway?”

“Mm, it all started when I was a little filly,” Petunia began, feeling a smile spread across her face as she reminisced. “My mom used to own a flower shop back in the day by the name of Elysium Gardens. I used to love going there every day after school. The scent of the fresh soil, the sight of all the beautiful flowers blooming, it was always amazing to me.”

“One day, my mom put a pot and some orchid seeds in front of me and encouraged me to grow my own flowers, and I came to find that one of my biggest joys in life is watching a flower’s bud blossoming. The day my orchids bloomed, I cried. I had put so much time and energy into nursing those little seeds that seeing them become something so beautiful touched me in a way I had never felt before. I remember it like it was yesterday, the way the petals just opened wide, as if basking in the glow of Celestia’s sun… simply beautiful…” Petunia sighed fondly.

“It was then that I found that I truly loved working with flowers, and I got my cutie mark.” Petunia’s expression then fell. “Unfortunately, the business didn’t hold up and we had to sell the store. My goal is to raise enough money to buy the property and reopen it.”

“That sounds… wow,” Amber said, smiling across the table at her date. “Do you… do you think I could help fund the new shop? I understand if it’s something you wanna do on your own…” Petunia looked over at Amber, her face lit up with a bright blush.

“You… you want to help?” Petunia asked, both stunned and touched by Amber’s offer.

“Well sure! Why not? Especially if we’re gonna be… like this. Y’know, going out.” Petunia’s eyes widened.

“Y-you… you just… you mean it? Are we really…?” Petunia stammered, praying to whomever would listen that what she had heard Amber just say was true.

Amber felt her face fall. “You don’t wanna, do you?” Of course she doesn’t. This was all a mistake. “I’m going about this too fast. I always dive into relationships too fast.”

“Are you kidding!? I’ve been waiting for this!” Petunia exclaimed a little too loudly, causing other patrons to look over and shush them. “Eheh… sorry…” she said sheepishly. She then looked back to Amber with a loving smile. “Of course I want to be with you… I was just worried you wouldn’t want to be with me,” she said, reaching across the table and sliding her hoof under Amber’s.

Amber took the hoof, squeezing it. “Well, there’s still some me stuff I have to figure out, but what the hay this is the happiest I’ve felt since I got transferred here.”

“Well… we can figure it out together,” Petunia winked.

“On the first date?” Amber gave her a wry smirk. “And here I thought you were a lady.”

Petunia giggled, feeling a blush rise up into her face. Their waiter returned with a pair of glasses, each half-filled with red wine. “A sampling of Scarlet Rose,” Henri said, levitating a glass to each mare.

“To us?” Petunia said, raising her glass.

“To us,” Amber agreed, gently tapping her glass against Petunia’s. Her eyes lit up as she took a sip. It’s like silk running down my neck, she thought. “What do you think of it?”

“It’s delicious! I don’t normally drink and wine sometimes has a kind of vinegary taste, but this is fantastic!” Petunia said, taking another sip.

“We’ll have a bottle,” Amber told the waiter. “And we should probably order food, too…”

Tres bien! I will get you the bottle right away and will be back to order your entrees,” the waiter said, excusing himself.

“You know… this is all really exciting,” Petunia said, smiling. “I’ve been in a couple of other relationships before, but nothing ever really felt so… exhilarating!” she admitted. She took another sip of her wine, feeling it warm her throat as it went down. “We need to take a bottle of this to go, this is really good!”

“Slow down, now,” Amber warned, nursing her second glass. “Otherwise you’ll be stumbling out of here.”

“Well, you’d catch me though, right?” Petunia asked cheekily.

“Hm, I miiight,” Amber teased, shooting off a wry grin.

“Hmph, only ‘might’. I see how it is,” Petunia said, feigning being hurt, then leaning on the table and smiling at her date. “I’ve told you about me, so now it’s your turn! Tell me about little filly Amber, how she grew up and why she became a Guard.”

“Well,” Amber began, trying to figure out where to start. “I come from a huge family. Most of the Shield clan have become guards - Uncle Brass once told me that we go all the way back before even Nightmare Moon. I wanted to wear my own armor ever since I could remember. I…” Amber blushed. “I even had my own plastic toy set as a filly.”

Petunia’s eyes widened, bringing her hooves to her mouth. “That’s adorable!” she said, almost squealing in delight. “Oh, what I would have given to see you as a little filly playing with your toys!”

“Oh I’m sure dad has pictures… safely tucked away… in Canterlot. Mom wasn’t too keen on the idea of me joining the Guard, though. She wanted me to be more like my older cousin, Mirror Shield. She studied at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, specializing in illusionary magic. She was a real blast on Nightmare Night when I was growing up. There was nopony she couldn’t scare.”

“I followed dad into the Guard when I was sixteen, as a probationary. It’s where they let you ‘tag along’, but you’re not officially part of them, since you’re still underage. After I turned eighteen, dad sent me off to Uncle Brass in Liveryburg because he thought a small town might be better for learning the ropes and not get overwhelmed. But that didn’t go quite as planned…”

“That’s interesting,” Petunia said, taking another sip of her wine. “Don’t Guardsponies usually get moved around a lot? How did you end up here?” she asked.

“Well, Liveryburg has their own Mare do Well and their own set of problems… even worse than here, believe it or not. So Uncle Brass decided it’d be safer for me here, where he had close friends who could watch out for me and tutor me while I was a Cadet. So, here I am. Incidentally, I’m the first Shield in Manehattan in ten years.”

“Ohh, okay. Well, I’m glad you’re here,” Petunia smiled.

The waiter returned, ready to take their first orders.

* * *

The night progressed, the two having their dinner as well as more wine to go along with it. They ordered a bottle to take home, Petunia and Amber both stumbling slightly as they walked down the sidewalk.

“Amberrr… can I lean against youuu?” Petunia whined softly, trotting closely to Amber.

“Of course!” Sweet Celestia she’s drunk off her flank. “Easy does it.” Petunia sidled up to Amber, leaning her head just under Amber’s chin, letting her lead.

“My place isn’t far…” Petunia murmured just under Amber’s ear. The sound of her voice had an unusual reaction within Amber- one that was both very new and very enticing. Her own inebriation only magnified that feeling.

“You live alone?” Amber asked.

“Yyyup,” Petunia giggled, a bright pink stripe of a blush appearing on her face.

“Oh.” What the hell are you thinking? She’s off in la-la-land. It wouldn’t be right! “Me too.”

“Do you live closer, or do I live closer? Either way, wherever you’re goin’ is where I’m stayin’!” Petunia slurred, nuzzling Amber along her jawline.

“Pretty sure you do. How’re ya feeling? Let me know if you’re gonna hurl or something.”

“Naaah, I’m okay, I’ll tell ya if I’m gonna get sick though,” Petunia said, fanning a hoof at Amber. To Amber’s shock and surprisingly her delight, she felt Petunia’s tail flicking back and forth, gently brushing along her flank.

“Hm…” Amber mused, trying her best to ignore the feeling. “First thing we’ll do is get you a glass of water. Otherwise your head’ll be pounding in the morning.”

“Mmmhmmm,” Petunia cooed, reveling in the feeling of Amber’s coat against hers.

“So, I was wondering… The Captain’s Ball is at the end of next month. Wanna come with me?”

Petunia looked up at her, her eyes glassy as she smiled, planting a kiss on Amber’s cheek. “Of course I do!” she said happily, leaning in as closely to Amber as she could without the two of them falling over. The two arrived at Petunia’s apartment, the mare fumbling for her key in her purse. Once she retrieved it, she unlocked the door, allowing Amber inside first. Once they were both inside, Petunia locked the door behind her.

“Nice place,” Amber said as she flipped the lights, completely unsurprised to find the entire apartment bedecked with flowers of all kinds.

“Mhm,” Petunia affirmed. “I think I’m gonna go lay down…” she said, trotting past Amber, teasingly running her tail under Amber’s chin. “You’re welcome to join me…”

“I think I will,” Amber said, strolling after her into the bedroom.

Petunia climbed up on the bed, flopping onto the comfortable surface, rolling over and stretching, giving a sigh of pure pleasure. “Ahh, that’s the stuff…” she said, content. She then rolled back over, patting the spot next to her, beckoning Amber to join her.

“The bed looks a little small,” Amber said, sidling up to it anyway.

“Big enough for two,” Petunia said softly, leaning into Amber. “Hey, Amber?” she called out quietly.

“Yeah?” Amber replied as she shuffled herself onto the bed and under the covers.

When Amber turned her head to look at Petunia, her mind found itself grinding to a halt as Petunia leaned forward and kissed her. This one felt different to Amber- there was a bright, burning fire behind it. Amber found herself swept away in the kiss, the two only breaking it to breathe.

“I… I didn’t quite catch that.”

“Ssshh, just let me do the talking…” Petunia breathed, pulling the covers over them.


Charade woke up to the unmistakable sound of a teleport spell. A note fluttered down to her face. She read it, sighing, wondering just how in the name of Celestia she had allowed herself to get so finely screwed over. He probably even knows I didn’t go after her today… Just the idea of fighting the Mare do Well again wore her out - not to mention the massive hangover that had taken all day to sleep off. Now it was nighttime and she’d gotten buck-all accomplished.

Might as well head to Tartarus and see the devil, she thought sardonically, grabbing her coat on the way out. “Besides, what’s the worst he can do to me?”

* * *

“You mentioned you had something very important to discuss, Boss?” Charade asked, pawing the floor nervously. “If it’s about my failure, I’ve still got a trick up my sleeve. One she won’t be able to counter with cheap tricks.”

“Glad you could make it, Charade… though I seem to feel that I may not be giving you enough work to do,” the Red Hoof stated, staring into the crackling fireplace. “You came here fairly quickly after your summons went out. I daresay it seems as though you were not occupied.”

“I’m capable of being a professional, even if it may not always seem that way, and I’m well aware of the stakes here, for myself and for you as well.”

“‘Professional’, you say… how peculiar,” the Hoof said, his seat turning around, allowing him to lock eyes with Charade. “See, I would be inclined to believe that… if you actually showed even the slightest semblance of professionalism, the likes of which I have yet to see even a shred of.”

Charade tried not to react to that, though she knew she was on thin ice. “Be that as it may, there are precious few ponies at your disposal that are capable of doing what I can. If you had a better option you’d have fired me by now.”

“How funny that you should mention that. As it turns out, I do have another option, and that option has just returned home from a mission I gave him, which he completed flawlessly. He is exactly what I ask for in an employee- punctual, professional, and... persuasive,” the Hoof said. He then raised his hoof and put it down on the buzzer on his desk. “Send him in,” he said. The sound of hoofsteps could be heard approaching the door beside the Red Hoof’s desk, the doorknob turning. “You would do well to learn from him… though, I have a feeling that you may have already,” he said, a devilish smile creasing his face.

The door opened, and Charade’s blood ran cold. In entered an earth pony stallion, not much bigger than her, his coat a deep charcoal gray. His jet black mane, almost shoulder-length, was tied together in one long ponytail at the nape of his neck. His frigid, ice blue eyes peered out from behind his thin glasses, casting a withering gaze on whatever he trained his sights on. A wooden sword rested at his hip as the edges of his robes barely touched the floor.

“Good evening, Master. To what do I owe this honor of you summoning me?” the stallion asked, bowing his head to the Red Hoof.

“Charade, meet my right hoof- Hano Hizawa. The ‘Bladed Hoof’. Though, as far as I have been made aware, the two of you have already met. Am I correct in that assumption, Hano?”

“Yes, Master, you are indeed correct,” Hano said calmly.

“...If you’re desperate enough to get him involved, then there’s no point of me being here anymore. You both know I’m out of his league.”

“Oh, come now, Charade. Please, do not sell yourself so short. I would not have specifically chosen you if I did not see potential in you. Granted, whether you come to waste that potential is not my decision… though it would be my decision to punish you for it,” the Hoof said. “The real reason I have called you in this evening is to tell you that you will be partnering up with him on your next mission. Until I see a significant improvement in professionalism, you will report to him. Am I clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Excellent. I grow tired, I believe I will leave you two to get… acquainted,” the Red Hoof said, adjourning himself and disappearing into the next room, shutting the door behind him.

“...You only ever had one Master, Hano, and he was a damn better pony than him,” she said, turning away.

“That matters not. The Red Hoof is my true master. I am merely the tool he uses to enact his will,” Hano responded simply.

“He has no honor. And if you follow his instruction without question, sooner or later you’ll hurt someone that really didn’t deserve it. Maybe you have already…”

Hano pondered her words, trotting up to the glass window behind the Red Hoof’s desk, peering out at the city. He then spoke. “It is pony nature to cry out against the hammer that fells them,” Hano said. “It is a sign of strength for a pony to cry out against its fate, rather than succumb and let fate wash them away. Inevitably, many shall fault the hooves upon the hammer. I merely perform the duty of the office bestowed upon me. To further fear the Red Hoof is redundant. To defy him, is to ask for death. Should providence allow, some may steel their hatred and refine it, giving it purpose, and perhaps even give them the strength to control their own fate by coming to his service, much as I did.”

“And if he told you to kill me?” she asked, finally turning to look him in the eye. “Tell me. Would you choose him again? Would you even hesitate? Or haven't you learned anything from what happened between us?!”

“My blade only strikes if it is ordered to,” Hano replied coldly.

“Then yes, yes you would,” she turned away, a painful amount of hurt in her voice. “I’m glad you left. You hear me? Glad! Because you weren’t the stallion I thought you were. You’re nothing but a cold blooded monster, like him.You deserve each other.”

Hano did not react or respond, instead choosing to quietly listen to her.

“I’ll work with you this one last time, and then I’m taking my brother and leaving Equestria. Unless he orders you to kill me, too…”

“You will not leave unless he allows you to,” Hano warned. “Defying him is a death sentence, as I am sure you know.”

“Then I’ll choose the sentence over being here with a coward like you any longer. You want to know why he’s so strong? Because of ponies like you. If he was alone he’d be powerless. Think about that next time you call him ‘Master.’ “

“You would do well to know your place, Charade. The walls have ears,” Hano said cryptically.

“...I know he’s listening. But he won’t kill me just yet. He’ll let me think I’m safe, that I’m really going to make it out of here, and then he’ll sick you on me. Because there’s nothing in this world he enjoys more than giving people hope, only so he can take it away at the last second.”

“Hope is something of a drug. When intoxicated on it, it gives strength the likes of which cannot be matched. That strength is something he desires,” Hano said. “That strength is what got him to where he stands today. It is something to be admired, is it not?”

“He has no strength, Hano! If I walked in there and fought him myself, I’d kick his ass. The only thing stopping me is you… and I wish I could say it’s because I don’t want to hurt you.”

Once again, Hano remained silent. He knew what she was feeling. It would be a bold-faced lie to say he was not feeling the same, but she could never know. He could never tell her, lest the Hoof use it as a weapon.

“...Whatever. I’m going to leave now. Come find me when it’s time to start the mission,” she said, turning away.

Once Charade exited the room and he heard the audible click of the room’s microphone shutting off, Hano sighed. He reached into the collar of his robes, retrieving a locket from within. He looked at it for a few moments, then tucked it back in.

“Your reward will be, aside from our agreed upon payment, her getting to leave the city. I’m in a generous mood, so I’ll even let her take her brother with her… give her the happy ending you didn’t,” the Red Hoof’s voice floated around the room.

“After all, why would I ever need her when I have you.”

“Understood, Master.”

“Excellent. Now, I have an important task for you.”

“What is your order, Master?” Hano asked.

“A carriage full of crossbows will cross town from the ports to the Guard Barracks tomorrow evening. I want this carriage. I want these weapons.”

“Yes Master. They will be yours by the following sunrise,” Hano responded.

“The Mare do Well will almost certainly show up. If she does, do not kill her. I want- no, I need her alive. If you can possibly capture her, do so. If not… your priority is the carriage, not her. Your old marefriend can handle her. Is that clear?”

“Understood, Master.”

Author's Note:

Plenty of emotion in this chapter. Amber/Petunia is such a fun ship.

Hano is a new and interesting character from the mind of Lithe Tomigotchi Kamikazi kamehameha Kamitatsy. He may or may not be a permanent foe - who knows?

Remember the name 'Mirror Shield'. Remember it well.