• Published 27th May 2012
  • 12,858 Views, 2,025 Comments

My Little Pony: Morphing is Magic - Tricondon

The Mane 6 team up with another Main 6 to fight a new threat.

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Chapter 17

Author's Note: Written by Samaru163 and Tricondon.

Chapter 17


I’m not the best flier around, so it was hard for me to keep up with Tobias. Not that I was complaining or anything. This allowed me a great view of the mountainsides and the many forest and valleys below.

<Is that Canterlot?> Tobias asked. I looked up from the ground, peering in front of us. Up ahead, I could just make out the towers of Canterlot Castle, poking out of the side of the mountain. I nodded before remembering Tobias couldn’t see me.

“Yes. I hope Princess Celestia will listen to us.”

<What’s she look like? Bright white with a multi-coloured mane? Wears a golden tiara?>

“Yes, but how do you know that?” I asked in surprise.

<I see her flying around the damaged tower and directing ponies.>

I was about to ask how he could see all that from here, but then I remembered he was a hawk, so instead I just kept silent and flew on.

<So you’re sure this Princess will be able to help us?> Tobias asked.

“Oh absolutely. She’s the most powerful being in Equestria. She raises the sun every day, and even the moon when Luna was unable to.” I didn’t feel like telling Tobias about Princess Luna’s imprisonment. It wasn’t her fault, and I didn’t think she wanted to be reminded of it, or have others talking about it.

<Just because she’s all powerful doesn’t mean she’ll be a major help against the Yeerks.> Tobias spat, a touch of bitterness in his voice.

“Why would you say that?” I asked, completely perplexed by his response.

<It’s complicated, but let’s just say me and near-omnipotent beings have had a rough history.>

Something about his tone frightened me, so I decided not to press further. We flew in silence for a bit longer, and as Canterlot grew closer something about it bothered me, besides the broken castle tower.

“Tobias, does anything seem strange about Canterlot to you?”

<Well, there does seem to be some form of bubble around it if that helps.>

“A bubble?” I looked at the city again, and this time I saw a faint pink sphere encircling it. “That looks like a spellshield.”

<A what shield?>

“A spellshield. The last time Canterlot had one was when the Changelings tried to take over. Twilight’s brother projected it to keep them out.”

<Hmm, if it keeps out Changelings, it’s fair to assume it’ll keep us out as well. Or at least me.>

“We can get in at the train platform,” I said reassuringly. “The shield’s slightly weaker there so trains can enter the city.”

Tobias was silent for a moment.

<I guess those guards are posted there to keep any unwanted creatures out, since the shield is weaker.> I couldn’t help but be impressed with his eyesight.

As we neared the platform I finally saw the guards as well. There were about eight of them, with an equal pegasus and unicorn ratio. Each one had a spear in his hoof. I landed a short distance away and walked to them slowly. Tobias fluttered down and perched himself on my back. As we got closer some of them noticed me and I hid part of my face behind my mane.

“Um, hello,” I said softly, once we were close enough to talk. “Um, I need to get in and see Princess Celestia.”

“Nopony is to enter the city without prior notice,” one of the guards spoke. “Do you have any proof of your arrangements with the Princess?”

I squeaked and looked away.

“Um, no. But Princess Luna told us to come.”

“And have you any proof of this?” he asked, raising his eyebrow questioningly.

<Oh, come on!> Tobias complained. <Why not ask the Princess yourself instead of wasting time?>

The guards eyes widened with shock as they frantically looked around.

“Who said that? Show yourself!” one of them shouted, drawing his spear and waving it around. I gave a yell and jumped backwards. Tobias fluttered off of my back and landed in front of the guards.

<Hello, down here,> he said, causing all the guards to look at him. <I’m why she needs to see the Princess.>

“What sorcery is this?!” one guard cried, pointing his spear at Tobias. Tobias squawked and took to the air.

<Hey! Watch where you’re pointing that thing!> he said defensively as he returned to my back.

“Um, so, now can we see the Princess?” I asked as nicely as possible.

“I’m not inclined to let either of you in,” one of the guards said. His armour was more ornate than the others, so I guess he was in charge. “For all I know you two could be a Changeling stealth team.”

<We’re not Changelings,> Tobias replied. <And we’re not a threat.>

“Says the bird that can talk,” the guard said. “Call me crazy, but that just doesn’t seem right.”

“Oh, but he’s not normally from Equestria,” I cut in. “So, it’s not that weird to think birds from outside Equestria can speak.”

<Uh, Fluttershy? I don’t think they need to know.>

“Where he’s from is irrelevant,” the guard said. “The Changelings said they’d visited many lands before coming here. They could have easily learned how to copy other creatures outside our borders.”

<I already told you, I’m not a Changeling!> Tobias insisted.

“Even though he can choose to look just like me,” I added.

The guards all swung their spears towards me and Tobias, and I squeaked again, backing up fearfully.

“What did you say?” one of them asked through gritted teeth.

“I, um, well, that is, what I meant to say-”

“I think you’ve said enough my dear,” the lead guard spoke, his horn beginning to glow. “Now I think it’s in everypony’s best interests if you go.”

“But-but we have to see the Princess!” I said.

“Now I asked you nicely the first time, and I’ll ask nicely again. You should go back to wherever you came from,” the lead guard repeated. “Don’t make me ask a third time.”

<Fine, but don’t blame me when the Changelings invade Canterlot!> Tobias shouted.

All of the guards angled their spears closer to us and the leader gathered more magic in his horn. I gave a fearful nod to them before turning around and spreading my wings. Tobias took off from my back and the two of us were soon flying back the way we came.

<Why’d you go and say those things Fluttershy?> Tobias asked. I could easily make out the frustration in his voice.

“I’m sorry; I was just trying to explain.”

<What if they were controllers? What if the Yeerks infest them? You should have been more careful!>

I looked away from Tobias, trying to blink away my tears.

“I thought I was helping.”

<Well you didn’t, and now we can’t get to this Princess of yours either,> Tobias spoke with finality, and I didn’t feel much like talking after that anyways.

We flew in silence for some time, barely looking at one another. I tried several times to apologize to Tobias, but the words never left my mind. I think Tobias was mad at me, but his stoic hawk face never changed expression, so it was hard to tell.

Soon we made it to the tunnel where we had been attacked by the Changelings. My stomach knotted as I remembered the horrible scene that had unfolded not a few hours ago. Tobias curved down, heading for the tunnel.

“Wait, where are you going?” I called after him.

<Faster to go through than around,> he said simply.

Realizing what he said was true I followed him into the dark tunnel. I slowed down to reduce my chances of hitting something, and out of fear. My only guide through was the speck of light that was the exit.

“How are you doing, Tobias?” I asked.

<I’m ok; right now I’m morphing into a bat.>

I waited around for a moment until I heard the flapping of leathery wings to my left.

“Is there anything we should avoid?”

<No, the way is clear,> he responded. <Except for the train, but we can easily move around that.>

I nodded and flew as slowly as I could, keeping close to the ceiling of the tunnel. Besides the pinprick of light marking the end of the tunnel ahead we were in complete darkness. I held my breath as we approached the train car that we had ridden up in; I only knew because I recognized the smell of Changeling blood.

<Fluttershy, wait,> Tobias said. <Do you see that?>

I looked around the cave until I found what he meant. There in the center was the train, illuminated by several lights from inside. As we got closer I could hear voices from inside.

“Who would have thought that these little ponies could do all of this?” a male voice said.

“Are you sure it was them? Some of these bodies look like they were killed by large creatures.” A second, deeper voice spoke.

“Have you seen most of the wildlife here? I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those things broke in.” This time the voice was female.

“Nah, it had to be the ponies,” the first voice said. “What animal would tie up these live ones with a metal bar?”

“Does it matter what killed them? Let’s just get this over with,” the female voice said authoritatively.

There was silence for a moment, then the sound of thousands of legs against the metal floor. Then this horrible crunching sound filled the tunnel, followed by screeching. I froze in place, not sure if I should get any closer to the light.

<Fluttreshy? Don’t stop, just keep flying,> Tobias said. I thought it was my imagination, but he sounded scared.

“So what do you think happened with the cargo ship we recovered earlier?” the deep voice asked.

“My guess would be on sabotage. You know it came from Earth, where those Andalite bandits have been giving Visser Three no end of trouble,” the first voice said back.

“Keep your voices down, you fools,” the female voice said. “You want Visser Seven to find out about the missing weapons? Just do as you’re told for once and stay out of things that don’t concern you.”

“The Visser will find out sooner or later you know. And while not to the same extent Visser Three, you’ll still receive some form of punishment for it.” Deep Voice replied.

“You’d better hope not; any punishment I receive will come back to you two twice as painfully,” the female said, a cruel laugh punctuating her threat.

I sped up, flying over the train car, and continued flying until it was well behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I flew out of the tunnel and into open air.

<You alright, Fluttershy?> Tobias asked, a small bat hovering around my head. I nodded, though I wished I could forget what I’d heard so easily. <We need to get back to the others.>

“Tobias, what were they doing in there?”

Tobias was silent for a long time.

<Getting rid of the evidence. Through any means necessary.>

Something about the way he paused and phrased it made me worry. I wanted to ask more, but Tobias was already flying back down the mountainside.