• Published 27th May 2012
  • 12,858 Views, 2,025 Comments

My Little Pony: Morphing is Magic - Tricondon

The Mane 6 team up with another Main 6 to fight a new threat.

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Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Pinkie Pie

“You took that?” Illusion’s eyes went as big as birthday cakes as he looked at the parked Yeerk Ship. “You? All alone?”

I giggled and leaned on his shoulder (which was really comfy, it turned out). “No silly, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and all of Prince Jake’s friends helped as well. I mean, you saw us all leave together, and that ship is so big inside. I mean, it looks big on the outside, but inside is even bigger. What with all the hallways and rooms and passageways.”

“That what I mean. You twelve take ship by yourselves.” Illusion seemed stunned by the news. “It take half of all warrior Changelings to take ship.”

“Naw, it was easy!” I said, grabbing a plate and holding it out to him. “Here, try a cupcake! I made them myself.”

Illusion gave a weird hiss of surprise, which ended up startling a group of Changelings above him, causing them to nearly drop the weird lizard monster they were carrying. But I knew nothing was gonna happen, ‘cause my tail wasn’t twitching.

These last few days had been nothing but work. Changelings had been buzzing in from everywhere, bringing Yeerks from all corners of Equestria and loading them onto the ship. Except for the ponies, because they couldn’t leave all their friends and families behind - especially when they didn’t have any control over what they did. If that was the case, then all of my friends and I would be tossed out because of that time Discord made our memories all wonky and our personalities mean, lean, and very obscene.

But Princess Celestia is a super-nice leader. So when she and Luna arrived, she had us all use the Elements to unfreeze the ponies so she could talk to them. They got this really fair deal, all things considered: the Princess would let them all go home if they agreed to leave the poor ponies they’d infested then and there. Luckily they all agreed without much trouble, most likely because of the Princess’ super diplomacy, and some Changelings escorted them all inside the ship. Aximimimily said that all the little Yeerks were going to be put inside one of their indoor pools for transport. I wonder if the Princesses could install indoor pools inside of our carriages — it’d make travel at least ten times more fun! I could hold the world’s first moving pool party!

A flash of white to my side caught my eye and I turned, smiling as Sweetie Belle did this really funny hobble-walk out of the ship. A guard walked over to support her, but he was pushed out of the way by Rarity as she came running in, scooping Sweetie Belle up and hugging her tightly. They just sat there in the middle of the path for a while, holding each other, tears streaming down Rarity’s face and messing up her carefully applied eyeliner. It was a little hard to see Sweetie Belle, but I was pretty sure she was crying too. Part of me wanted to go over and cheer them up, but I knew it was best to leave the two of them alone for a while. I could always throw them a ‘Your sister’s back to normal’ party when we got back to Ponyville.

“Lot of love between white pony,” Illusion said, leaning slightly towards them.

“Yeah,” I sniffled.

Not too long after the last pony had exited the ship came Twilight, Marco, and Aximimimimily, came walking out and talking amongst each other. Shining Armour was beside Twilight, and he gave her a quick hug before joining the others. She looked like she was about to cry, or maybe she already had. It wasn’t a sad cry, more like a happy one — which made sense, seeing as she got her brother back and all.

Illusion was still super excited to see Rarity and Sweetie Belle back together, so I decided to bounce over to Twilight and see what’s up (besides the sky, of course).

“Hey there, everypony, what’cha been up to inside?”

<I have infected the onboard computers with a virus that will wipe their memory approximately twelve hours after launch,> Ax said. Well, not really said — since he doesn’t have a mouth. <Also, I’ve instructed the ship with an automatic course to the closest sector of Yeerk Space. It is unlikely they will discover your planet again in the near future.>

“And a good thing too,” Marco said. “I mean, I like you guys and all, but if it came down between humanity and you, you’d win.”

“Is this because we have magic and powered flight?” Twilight inquired.

“No, it’s because all the girls of the world would want to keep you, so the guys would be suckered into letting you win.”

I couldn’t help but giggle when he’d finished, with Twilight quickly joining. “D-does that mean you think we’re cute?”

Marco stuttered something, but I couldn’t hear what he said since I was laughing even harder.

<I must admit, Miss Sparkle, that you managed to get the process organized quite efficiently,> Ax said once Twilight stopped laughing. <I estimate that all the local controllers will be freed within two hours.>

“Thank you, Ax,” Twilight’s face suddenly developed a small frown. “But I don’t understand why you wouldn’t let us free the humans as well.”

“It’s too risky,” Marco answered. “The Yeerks would notice if all the human controllers they’d sent here were to suddenly go missing. Plus, if they got re-infested on Earth, then they’d know who we are, and that’s the end of us.”

Twilight opened her mouth as if to protest, but Marco held up one of his hands. “I know what you’re gonna say, but it won’t work. We’re talking a couple hundred humans, maybe a couple thousand. I dunno, I never counted. That’s nothing compared to the several hundred thousand back on Earth, and even then I’m guessing. We simply have no way to count them without exposing ourselves. Not to mention getting them back to Earth with us.”

I sagged, suddenly feeling unhappy. “Oh. I thought it was over...”

Ax swerved one of his stalk-eyes towards me. <For you, it is.>

Marco sighed. “Seems like it’s never over for us, though.”

Twilight looked at both of them with a sad smile. “Well, you were able to help us fight the Yeerks, so I just know you’ll end up winning in the end.”

I perked up, my mind racing with ideas. “Ooh, and when you win you can come back here and we can celebrate.”

Marco gave a small chuckle, but not a happy one. It wasn’t sad either, more like amused. “Sure Pinkie, we’ll just have to convince Jake to let us return.”

<We should inform Prince Jake that we’ve completed our tasks,> Ax said.

“Ooh, I’ll come with you!” I said, bouncing. “I think he was talking with Princess Celestia.”

<And I assume you know where she is as well?>

“Yep,” I pointed a hoof over to the town of Dodge Junction — which is really fun to say. “I saw her head that way not too long ago. Come on!” I began bouncing towards the town, glancing over at the large group of free ponies, all of whom were learning to walk on their own again.

The guards keeping the townsponies away from the ship let us pass without any trouble. I guess Aximimiimimimi was well-known enough to not need any questions. Or Twilight. Or maybe even myself.

“This has been one crazy adventure,” Marco said. I turned around, bouncing backwards so I could listen to him better. “Though it feels nice to actually get a tangible win for once.”

I stopped bouncing in mid-air as my eyelid fluttered and my ear flopped over, then landed back on the ground so my hoof could stomp. I giggled and looked around, twisting my head this way and that. “Oooh, somepony’s really excited!”

<Tell me, Twilight,> Ax began. <Does your neck contain a spine, muscles, ligatures, and such?>

“Of course we do.”

<Then how, by Ellimist’s beard, can her neck do that?!>

I saw Marco’s eyes go wide and look at me. “Well, you did it. You finally broke Ax.”

I looked over at Ax, then back at Marco. “He doesn’t seem broken to me.”

Marco sighed, burying his face in his hands. “That isn’t what I mean...just forget it.” He looked around. “Town this small, you’d think we could find one giant white pony a lot easier.”

“She’s over there,” I said, pointing to where the Princess was speaking to a group of guards busy keeping a crowd of ponies back. “Prince Jake is probably there, too. And maybe Luna.” I gasped. “Oh, that’d be so cool to see so much royalty in one place!”

Marco was about to speak, but something else seemed to catch his eye. Not too far away from us was a rather inconspicuous looking bush, with a pair of binoculars poking out in the direction of the Princess.

“Hey, is that pony hiding in that shrub?” Marco’s face took on a suspicious frown. “An escaped controller?”

One of Ax’s stalk eyes — see, I knew he wasn’t broken — swerved in the direction of the bush. <She appears to be spying on Prince Jake.>

“Well, that’s not very nice,” I said. “Nopony should go snooping on royalty.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes and walked over to the bush. “Um, excuse me, but what are you doing?”

The pony gave a startled yelp and leapt backwards out of the bush in a streak of minty green. She looked around wildly before focussing on Twilight and smiled awkwardly. “Oh, um, hello...I was just, uh, birdwatching...”

“Oh really?” I said, getting in between Twilight to look Lyra straight in the eyes. “Then you should have been watching the sky instead of royalty, because as of this moment, Prince Jake is not a bird.”

“I’m sure Jake will love knowing he’s got a stalker,” Marco muttered.

“I’m sorry,” Lyra said, practically throwing herself at our hooves (or whatever Marco has now, feet?). “But I was right! I knew Prince Jake’s natural state was a human, so I couldn’t just let this opportunity pass by! I didn’t mean any harm; I just wanted to observe him! You’re a scientist, right Twilight? You understand!” She stopped babbling for a few moments and finally seemed to notice Marco, which made her eyes go even wider, which was really really funny, actually.

“What? Is there something on my shirt?” Marco asked.

“You’re a human,” Lyra said, amazed.

“And you’re a unicorn,” Marco retorted.

“And I’m Pinkie Pie! That is Twilight, and this is Aximimimily!” I giggled, popping up behind Ax’s neck and grabbing his head. “Say hi, Aximimimi!”

<Pinkie, stop that.>

Lyra gasped as she looked at Ax. “You’re a...what are you?”

<I am an Andalite,> Ax said, though for some reason he sounded irritated. <Please, you are preventing us from meeting with Prince Jake.>

“Andalite,” Lyra said slowly; I giggled. It’s fun to play with words, too. “Where are you from? Do you live with the humans? Is there a human that can fly? Can you do magic?”

“Look, Lyra,” Twilight said suddenly. “We have important matters with the Princess and Prince Jake, and it really can’t wait any longer.”

“Oh, OK, I get it,” Lyra said, looking upset. I frowned as well, then hopped over to her.

“Awww, it’s OK! There’s going to be a party later, and you can talk to us there! I’m sure Marco would love to spend some time with you.”

Lyra’s head swerved towards Marco. He groaned, and gave a small nod in reply. After that, the four of us left Lyra — giddy as she was — and headed over to the Prince and Princesses. Marco seemed flustered for some reason. I guess he could have been worried about making the wrong impression, like I did with the buffalo. Maybe I should throw a ‘learn about pony culture’ party for the humans. Twilight could help me decide what things to teach first.

Prince Jake and Princess Celestia were talking when we approached, so Princess Luna was the first to spot us. She trotted over, smiling widely.

“We must congratulate you on your fine work,” she said once she was close enough. I opened my mouth to speak before remembering that she was a Princess and bowed. Twilight bowed alongside me, and even Marco and Aximimimily gave their own human and Andalite versions. It made me think of how different humans must be. Maybe I could throw another party later and Prince Jake could tell us about humans!

“It was no problem. We do this kinda thing all the time,” Marco said, smirking.

“Yes. Prince Jake has informed us of some of your ventures,” the Princess continued. “From what we have learned, it seems that you rarely get recognized for your deeds. Our Sister has thus insisted you remain until We may thank you properly for your actions in the past week.”

“I think a fifty-foot statue would be perfect,” Marco mused softly. “Carved from marble, informing all the world of my heroic deeds.”

“Yes, Marco, I’m sure sitting around on your butt all day watching TV is really heroic.”

I turned around to see Rachel walking up towards us, Rainbow flying at her side.

“Oh, Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. “Your wing feeling better?”

“Ha, yeah. Still a bit sore, but it feels so good to be airborn again.” Rainbow flexed her wing and gave a sly grin to Rachel. “Should be right as rain by the time we’re back in Ponyville.”

“We are pleased that you are not gravely injured, Rainbow Dash,” Princess Luna said, at which point Rainbow belatedly noticed her and did a mid-air bow. Princess Luna smiled and nodded towards Marco and Aximimimili. “Once your business with the Yeerk ship is concluded We would like to invite you to Canterlot for a proper send-off.”

“Send off?” Rachel turned to the Princess. “You mean we’re finally heading home?”

Princess Luna smiled. “In due time, but first, there are festivities to be had”

Just then my mane exploded outwards in a rain of confetti, plus one noisemaker that got stuck. I giggled and smiled. “Ooh, we’re gonna have a party!”

“With respect, Princess, we really don’t have time for that,” Marco said. “Who knows what Visser Three and his bunch have been up to on Earth with us gone. We need to get back as soon as possible.”

“An understandable plight,” Princess Luna replied. “Yet the warrior who never lowers his sword often finds he can no longer wield it.”

“You certainly can’t fight all the time without ever taking a rest,” Twilight piped up. “And I think you’ve earned at least a day of relaxation for what you’ve done here.”

“I am inclined to agree with my student,” Princess Celestia said as she came in beside Princess Luna. “How well do you predict you will perform in your home directly after liberating ours?”

<I am very sorry, but we simply cannot delay,> Aximimimimi said, the sourpuss. <Every day that we are not on Earth is another day that the Yeerks stand unopposed.>

“Aww, come on, Axi!” I pouted. “All work and no play makes you a dull somepony. You need to loosen up and have some fun!”

Ax was about to say something — at least, I think he was. Hard to tell without a mouth — but Prince Jake beat him to the punch.

“Don’t worry, Ax, it’s only going to be for one more day. Besides, we need the time to repair some of these leftover ships for the trip home.”

Ax’s eye seemed to relax a little, but he didn’t say anything else. Probably because he finally saw how important it is to relax. I mean, he’s a really smart Andalite, but the littlest things always seemed to slip right by.

His left stalk eye seemed to notice something, and swerved over the Princesses’s heads to look. I decided to follow it; since Axi thought it was more important than the Princesses, it must be something really impressive. And it was, kinda. I guess it all depends on if you count two Changelings buzzing beside their Queen impressive. I guess seeing the sun through the holes in her legs was pretty neat. I even saw Applejack and Cassie walking side by side through one hole, and in another was Fluttershy with Tobias sitting on her back.

Chrysalis landed nearby, her guards flanking her, and nodded at Prince Jake. “Your Highness. On behalf of myself and my subjects, I would like to offer you my sincerest gratitude for your part in liberating my hive from those vile worms.”

Prince Jake didn’t respond at first — no doubt blown away by the rarity that was the Changeling Queen acting humble!

“Hey!” Rainbow interjected. “We helped too, you know!”

“Rainbow,” Twilight hissed. “Show some restraint.”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes and snarled. “Very well, I concede the point,” she said through gritted teeth. “You have my thanks as well, Bearers of the Elements of, ugh, Harmony.” Rainbow smiled triumphantly, grinning from cheek to cheek.

“Have your Changelings nearly completed their collection of the controllers?” Celestia asked, breaking up the uncomfortable silence.

“Just about. I still have a few patrol groups looking to see if we might have missed some, but the majority are all here.” Chrysalis turned to look at the Princess, a wry grin snaking its way across her face. “So, if you'll permit me, Celestia, I should be returning to my hive.”

Princess Celestia nodded, her gaze never wandering far from Chrysalis. “Of course. Do travel safely.”

“I’m sensing some bad history between them,” Marco muttered to Prince Jake, who hushed him.

“Quiet. Let’s try not to interfere any more than we have, ok?”

“That ship, my friend, has already sailed.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. “We’re nowhere near the ocean, Marco.” I thought for a moment then gasped loudly. “Oooh, unless you want to get on another airship!”

“Oh no, I’m not doing anymore flying unless it’s with my wings,” Rainbow said.

Chrysalis grinned a little at Dashie before turning to her soldiers. Then, with the precision of a well trained marching band, they took off and flew high into the sky. Then there was this really loud buzzing, and the sky went black as an entire swarm of Changelings followed after their queen. I squinted as hard as I could, looking for Illusion, but couldn’t find him.

The sky was soon empty of Changelings, and I frowned. “Aww, he didn’t even say goodbye...”

Rachel walked over to me. “It’s alright, I think they got the idea.”

I looked up at her and smiled. “You won’t leave without saying goodbye, right? I can throw you a ‘Come Back Soon’ party!”

Princess Celestia stepped forward, smiling. “All in good time, my little pony, but first I have something special planned for our human saviors back at Canterlot.”

Author's Note:

Written by Samaru163 and Tricondon.