• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 865 Views, 18 Comments

Beyond the Veil - Twi-Fi

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Twilight panted, finally releasing her spell. Forcing my way in with magic just won’t work. Even using Star Swirl’s portal spells are no use.

“Are you alright, Twi?” asked a concerned Applejack.

“I was close… so close to getting something. There were complex magical patterns that only belong to a sapient life form.”

“Maybe we should try again tomorrow,” suggested Applejack. “It’s getting late, and we know Rainbow’s in there and not going anywhere.”

Twilight shook her head. “We don’t know where she is. She could be in a dangerous place, she could be hurt.”

Twilight sat down next to her open book. I think Magical Resonance and Portal Properties isn't what I need here. Her eyes landed on the old worn book. It’s worth a shot.

Magical portals and travelling through the aether is a simple thing. But what if there were many hidden worlds? What if a pony could travel to them?

My research of the aether found something interesting. In a previous paper I wrote about magical fissures and how to close them. In my recent studies I came across the largest fissure even found. Call it a gaping hole. It was full of chaotic and unharnessed magic, but beneath that was order and logic and magical construct. Many of those structures were similar to our word, suggesting that inside this large fissure was a pocket of magic containing a whole other world.

In this paper I’ll be documenting my attempts to construct a portal into this world.

Twilight skipped over pages filled with equations scribbled in every corner, making a note to come back and look them over when she had time.

Think of the aether as a veil which exists in our world, and us unicorns can channel magic from it. Recent discoveries of another hole revealing similar properties to other one suggests there isn’t one pocket of magic containing a world, but perhaps millions upon millions of realities. Each pocket is a possible point of entry; much like a distant shore

I shall list my equations on the next page, but due to the potentially disturbing nature of this profound discovery, I shall not publish this paper.

Twilight glanced over the various equations. They were beyond her abilities. She skipped ahead to see if he made any more findings.

I’ve completed the construction of my portal and hid it out of phase so no one accidently enters it. A simple spell shall reveal it.

Mapping the pocket of magic proved near impossible at first, as I was met with resistance of incredible force. However, entering the world is easier than one would think.

All unicorns in this world use a positive charge when they cast spells (see my paper on magical polarities). To enter this world a unicorn needs to have a neutral charge (a charge equal to the resonance of Equestria). To do this one must embrace the chaos inside the portal in lieu of pushing past it.

I feel as if I’m nearly ready to physically enter my portal. There is something down there so much like us, yet more complex. When crossing I’ll have to change the polarity of my construct to neutral (imbue it with dark magic) so my magic works in there.

Twilight skimmed through the other pages. She found the spell to reveal the portal and a note at the end saying Star Swirl never got to use the portal as it vanished. He didn't take into account the sub-aether he discovered could shift. He predicted it would once again reappear, but he couldn’t be certain when. The equations on the following page were scribbled out as if he became frustrated and gave up.

“Hey girls,” Twilight shouted over her book. “Stand back.”

Reading the spell once more, Twilight charged her spell at the general area of the portal. With a blast of purple light, Twilight’s horn was directed to the center as she pulled a massive stone arch into view.

Rarity let out a gasp of surprise while Applejack stumbled backwards.

“She couldn’t see all of it. The spell Star Swirl used to hide it was deteriorating. I think she flew in for a closer look and was sucked in. I think all ponies are positive charged, not just unicorns.” Twilight took a step back, her rump bumping into the fence. She could feel the portal pulling at her.

“Where in tarnation did that thing come from?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Well, that’s… that’s a long story. But, it was built by Star Swirl,” Twilight answered.

“Has it always been there?” asked Apple Bloom.

“No. It disappeared many years ago. I don’t think it’s been here very long, and it may not stay much longer either.” I need more time with those equations.

“Apple Bloom why don’t you go keep Sweetie Belle company?” Rarity offered a kind smile to the filly’s defiant stare. “Please?”

“Good idea, Rares. You heard her,” Applejack chimed in.

Apple Bloom muttered under her breath and stalked off.

“And tell her everything is fine!” Rarity yelled after her.

“Maybe-um, maybe I should go home too,” Fluttershy said.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Well, if you don’t need me too—”

“This is no place for a foal. Dear, we need you.”

Fluttershy deflated behind her mane. “Oh, okay.”

Twilight turned her attention back to the portal. Embrace the chaos, don’t fight it. Here goes something....