• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 865 Views, 18 Comments

Beyond the Veil - Twi-Fi

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Rainbow Dash let her gait slow to a walk. Her head was pounding. “Few, glad we got away from whatever those things were.” She heard the Stallion come to a halt behind her. “What were those things?”

She felt a twinge of uncertainty then nothing.

“It’s okay if you don’t know. You wouldn’t believe some of the crazy things my friends and I have seen.”

She felt his presence touch hers again. She had grown used to having him there in such a short time, but it felt as if she had always known him.

In the distance Dash made out decrepit structures of sandstone and rock. It looked like one good sandstorm could blow them away.

The Stallion stopped, overcome with forlorn longing. His grief overwhelmed him. He kicked at the ground, dragging his hoof through the sand.

“Hey.” She put her hoof on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright.”

He reared, squealing and kicking. Dash was forced to dive out of his reach as his hooves thundered onto the ground.

“Look at me!” Trembling, Dash put her nose to the agitated stallion’s. “Friends.” Remember? Friends? He flooded her mind with images and her heart with emotions. Too much. Too much. “Aahhh!”

His hot breath blew over her face. You leave me too.

Before she could recover from the information overload, he cantered off at breakneck speed.

“Hey, come back!” She rubbed a hoof to her head as the dust cloud settled. “I guess I can go to the oasis and wait for him to come back. Where else can I go?”

“There’s just one problem… I’m lost again.” She about-faced, looking for her own tracks: something that proved near impossible in the dark.

Suddenly, as if the desert had heard her, the sky flashed with bright colors, blinding her. A stone archway formed right in front of her. A translucent blue swirled between the stone pillars.

Through the pillars she caught a glimpse of a distorted purple figure. “Twilight?” This is it! The way home!

She took a step toward it when she felt a familiar presence touch hers. Then she heard those powerful hooves on the ground. She felt him racing toward her.


Dash spun around. Five shadow apparitions were advancing on her.

In a flash of shiny black hooves and white teeth he kicked and bit at them.

She didn’t wait a second later and leaped toward the leader. Hooves outstretched, Dash was going to meet this nightmare head-on—

Something grabbed at her. For a second she hung dumbfounded in midair. A bright purple aura surrounded her; gradually, she was pulled backwards, straight for the portal.

So long Sky Pony. My friend.

The last thing she heard was a squeal of pain.

“I got you, Rainbow. Just hang on!” Twilight’s strained voice commanded.

It was so dark the stars did little to provide light. Each step crunched and echoed loudly against the night.

“Oh, I hope he comes back soon. It’s so quiet and empty here.”

"Dashie! You did it, Twilight!” Pinkie cheered.

“No! Send me back!” Dash pleaded.

“Back?” Rarity asked. “You want to go back?”

“Hurry. He’ll die!” Realizing she was free of Twilight’s magical hold, she bolted for the portal.

“You can’t go back! It’s overrun by chaotic manifestations.” Twilight’s aura dragged her back again.

“Please!” she pleaded. “They’ll kill him.”


“M-my-my friend.” Somehow that word had more power than it ever had before. “He saved my life… twice.”

“Well, what are we standing around for?” Applejack asked. “A friend is in need.”

“We can’t just run through the portal—okay, but we have to be quick. The world is destabilizing.” Everypony made their way to the portal, Dash in the lead. “Wait!” Everyone froze.

Twilight light her horn, firing it at the portal. “The portal is unicorn constructed, therefore positively charged. I changed it to a neutral charge.”

“Meaning what?” Dash spat. We’re wasting time!

“No time! Go!”

“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Dash waited no longer and jumped through.

There were more apparitions than she could count. Not waiting for the others, Dash charged into the them. Strangely, they scattered when she got close. She lowered her head and charged to the center. “Get out! Get off him!”

As the others caught up, the remaining apparitions scattered.

All that remained on the crimson stained sand was a single black mass. Patches shone in the reflection of the ambient light.

Dash rushed to him, kneeling down. He looked at her with his gashed face, his eyes soft as ever. Friend.


“Oh my,” Rarity gasped. “Such a beautiful po—creature.”

“This must be what Star Swirl sensed here. Equine looking in all respects. Just not a pony.”

“Oh my, he’s hurting badly,” Fluttershy said softly, tears running down her face. “Can you feel it? He’s communicating.” She pressed a hoof to her chest.

“Guys, we can’t leave him here,” Dash said, not taking her eyes off him.

My home.

Dash felt that familiar sensation of at peace. The one she felt in the oasis. “But it doesn’t have to be. You can have friends in Equestria.”

I belong here.

Twilight and Rarity gasped.

“I felt it,” said Twilight.

“Me too,” whispered Rarity.

“He’ll die if we leave him here,” Dash cried.

“Sugarcube, I think he knows.” Applejack stepped forward. “I can feel something in him I understand really well. Like Sweet Apple Acres for me, there’s no place he’d rather be.”

“He’s lost so much. He can have a family again.” She put her muzzle to his and stared into his eyes. Please. You’re hurting me.

Fluttershy laid a hoof on Dash’s back pulling her into a light embrace.

Dash pushed Fluttershy off. “There must something we can do! Twilight?”

She felt his wet nose against hers once again. Friends.

“If he comes with us, there’s no coming back. I’m sealing the portal before any more harm can be done here.” Twilight bowed her head. “I-I’ve done a terrible thing.”

Noble Sky Pony, noble ponies of aether, noble ponies of earth and sky… my eternal gratitude. I join you.

A flash of happiness, and then Dash felt nothing but the cold desert air. The horizon glowed yellow; a new day about to dawn.

Twilight lifted the limp body in her magical embrace, guiding him through the portal.