• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 616 Views, 3 Comments

The Weakling - PurplePolymath

She stood in a position of power and yet she had none? In an empire where she could command her subjects to literally shatter at her feet, she only spoke sweet things. Love was all she could ever give, she... was an utter weakling.

  • ...

Parallel Eulogy

It had been nearly an hour ago since the chapel’s velvety seats, floors and rows were filled to the brim… since the massive bell had rung to remind them of the evening’s ceremony. Evening was upon them and any notion of condolences had been given at the altar, and now the living looked the same as the dead, with their eyes shut and hooves clasped in respect.

With a heavy sigh the minister found his way to the podium and solemnly spoke, “They say the changeling that took her life had taken the form of princess Cadence... that is how it managed to sneak into the castle in the dead of night. The princess’ name was the last word she’d ever spoken…”

The distinguished equine looked to the setting sun before gazing below to the open casket, and saw a mare that looked as if she were made of a snowy selenite, her crystal mane a blaze of ruby even after her body lost its shine and luster as all their kind did in death. Still, to see such beauty and youth reflecting upon his weary old face seemed almost cruel.

Aside from his shape, just as the one inside, he also had no wings or horn to speak of. He only wore his finest robe and the aforementioned, her finest dress. “Here I hold a light journal of sorts, instructed to be read aloud upon her demise.” He cleared his throat and faced the crowded ceremony.

Never have I known such a defenseless creature, a princess no less. Day by day I was left at her side, I couldn't help but think of how simple it would be to slit her throat as she smiled and spoke such kindness to even the rudest of subjects.

Collective gasp sound in the chapel, eyes growing at such a statement spoken outright while she was present.

She possessed no true might of her own to strike down her enemies, we all wondered, and only half of us knew. Those who could comprehend how such a weak royal could have pride or even a mind to rule were those who were fortunately burdened with a family of their own... of wives, husbands or a significant other at best. As embarrassing as it seemed, I was the last to understand something so simple. And I would not dare use the loss of my family at a fleeting age for an excuse.

At first I was puzzled as to how she rallied so many of us, when she was not the one to rescue us from his blackened tyranny. She dealt with us all a certain way, perhaps our literal transparency played a part I'll never comprehend.

Once I found a stallion of my own, I slowly began to realize how the princess could have such faith in us, her guard was never present in our presence, and she was easily taken, surprised by our world’s small wonders. Always laughing at her own faults and openly expressing any sentiment the visage of her husband or companions brought her in spare times.

She refused all training and defensive spells any adviser might suggest, I furrowed a brow every occasion,"I've no need for them. Rest assured I’ve all the strength I need."

She always said the same thing, and we all believed she had none, even as we followed her without question, fondly in fact... Is it odd that we never thought ourselves fools, this princess that suddenly appeared at the end of a song, our ruler overnight?

She warmed the throne without a single coin, no wealth that was our own at least, and as the weeks went by the mystery that she was became clearer. She answered every question given to her, from us-- her guards, including subjects curious and courteous.

And with so much truth, we still had not given the princess trust, that was something only her husband had presented to her. It pains me to say but there were some that thought her a witch, performing so many wonders for our crystal kind; though, like any good witch, she won them over quite quickly. In all my years of service to her, I've only had to remove four fools from the court; and only one of them dared scratch my armor, the rest she'd all made friends with.

"I am love, and I will not insult this empire by being anything but!"

That was the second edict she'd ever given from her throne that made me mistake her for having strength, this is what she told the fool who'd dare attempt to take a step beyond me and my metal, my pride.

I'm not sure why the princess kept me as close as she did; I doubt it was because I doubted her more than any other in her court, of her guardians. I accompanied her whenever she left the castle, escorted her safely to her chambers, to her bath, and to the throne of course. She called me friend, despite how quiet I was in her presence. As I said before, she’d known so many miracles already that we did not, perhaps our friendship was another truth she was aware of that would eventually dawn upon me in time.

The princess would always mock me, asking me to sing, I told her I would learn if I outlived my armor; when it rusts. She would giggle as my face flushed a predictable color, "Fair enough,” she said. She knew I'd never sung, nor was my voice as sweet as her own.

She calls me by name so loosely, so often… perhaps another truth I was late at realizing, I never thought to call her by a name other than princess. Cadence… even now this is the first time I’ve even written her name, perhaps I will call her name as fondly one day, in my later years. Surely that would surprise her, I’d be teasing her for once.

"She was so strong and silent, unlike any knight I've ever known. To think, I actually got to her," she said gently as a tear trail down her unconscious smile. She quickly wiped her eyes, she knew her friend wouldn't want such an embarrassing display.

The minister continued.

The princess also had a habit of inquiring queer things when it was just she and I, especially when she bathes in the garden's fountain. "Do you think I'm weak? Does my soft skin worry you?"

I nearly choked on my own saliva the very day. "...Yes," I spoke with drifting eyes. She smiled as she trace the damp cloth against her leg, she knew I took some satisfaction in my unyielding honesty. "Do you think there is anything wrong with being weak?" She asked as she rinsed the soap from her back. It took me some time to find my own answer, and before I could speak she came with another.

"Do you think I'm meant to be a weakling?" She asked as water lightly cascade upon her mane.

"No, not at all princess!" I responded almost immediately.

Her smile rinsed away in the bath along with my words, and she'd asked me that same question once over the course of every year I'd served her and my answer never changed.

After my fourth year, I'd met my husband, and it was ludicrous how quickly my ideal changed. Since her arrival, she'd left words etched in our jeweled hearts, the more we were loved, the truer they became.

I am... proud to say that our princess was a weakling, one unlike any other; she was far from a coward. She served as strength and nothing more for this kingdom, love is nothing on its own, it is a power that can be made of use only with the aid of another; without a significant vessel it is merely a sentiment! And love alone has never saved a soul. All of us who had precious others understood this, we fought for them, and their existence was the epitome of our power.

Our princess never gave us trust, and so we never gave her such a luxury. Love was what we parted with, she was… composed of it, and thus our kingdom became prosperous and powerful once again. She never demanded anything of us, hers was a love unfair.

We always wondered how her husband had become captain of Celestia’s guards at such an age, before our princess herself had even acquired her stature and sat on the gem throne. It was obvious once we’d understood her, all that love, focused on a single creature, housing two hearts; one held inside her and the other the symbol of her talent. Some say that talent alone was proof she was destined to watch over this kingdom.

I told my husband of the princess’ first words to us, and even he could understand as he himself was proof of that, he was considered a healthy weakling as well. He always did the best he could no matter how small; he didn’t have to be the best looking stallion, he was squishy, plush unlike my crystal kind.

At times he’d become as blue on the inside as he was all over, when I’d depart to face danger, the moment I returned I’d stare into his lenses to make certain I had a smile that was his alone. I couldn’t imagine a day without him, I adored his mind more than anything and he naturally appeared handsome whenever he spoke of sciences that made him smile; even still when he failed at simple things like surprise dinners, luckily he improved with time.

But enough about him, anyone who knew even the smallest inkling of me knew of my monumental love for him, and his equal worry for me whenever I left for my duties.

The princess was loved, and even when she was unattended, she was adored by all citizens; especially children. That mare could be a proper mother to any creature.

“I am without might of my own that is why I need your help to ensure the safety of this empire. For I am not passion, I will never protect you. I am no savior to be worshipped, nor a queen to be revered! I can only stay by your side and provide you with strength, I am love… and I will never be anything more!”

I will remember these words as given with a hoof at her heart, her first impression and declaration from her throne. She spoke with such pride, of being so feeble. In all my time, I’ve never known one so weak, one so deserving of the throne. She was so unlike us all, literally in body, and purely in mind.

I hope to have served you bravely, to the bitter end by the time this is read aloud. If these words reach your ears, then I’ll have done my duties without regrets. Carry no tears for me, Cotton Princess. We wouldn’t want you to melt.

Cadence had trot down the aisle and now she stood before the coffin, she held a weary smile for all to see, she was fighting back tears as she began the ritual. Her horn shined and every heart that sat in the chapel emit a light, their truest intentions of how they felt toward the guardsmare now held within their own hearts as all silently experienced their own rapture with eyes shut.

It wasn’t long before the deceased’s husband trot down the aisle, standing beside the princess. He’d had tears in his eyes for days now, it wasn’t until now that he could muster a smile as his heart was aglow with every tender memory of the mare he’d been wed to for nearly a year.

Her horn touched his wife’s chest, and slowly her heart passed through translucent veins, soon it was afloat for all to see. Inch by inch the organ was forged in jewel, embedded in sparkling ruby until it was housed in a crystal heart similar to the princess’ talent. Cadence turned to the widowed stallion and presents him with the gem, he grabs hold of it with the will of his horn and swept his wet eyes with a hoof as he faced the sovereign.

“Thank you princess,” He spoke through his sniffling.

So sorely she wanted to apologize a hundred—more so a thousand times to the unicorn in front of her, even if she had not been the cause, but that would solve nothing. Tears held back, hidden beneath her grit teeth. She had already stored all her angry for the day she met with the imposter, for now sorrow and gratitude were all she kept. She would insult neither, the living nor dead, with pity of any kind.

“And as tradition, for Lady Halina’s many years of dedication as a knight and… a true friend, I declare this heart to be invaluable compared to any tangible possession that has ever existed in this kingdom,” she gesture to the crowd with her righteous voice addressing all. “It is yours to hold and treasure for the rest of your days, or, should you wish you can bestow it to me for any one wish. Should you do this, it will be put in the Hall of Hearts with this empire’s knights of service and greatest champions, becoming part of its jeweled legacy for all eternity.”

He thought for a while, he never wanted to part with this treasure, no wish the princess could grant was worth it. Besides, he knew that reviving the dead was one of the few wishes the princess would not grant. But he knew that Halina had always wished her heart to be left alongside those in said chamber, she’d spent almost half her life training and he wouldn’t deny her final wish.

“Give me a night… to think it over princess, please.”

Cadence lightly embraced the stallion, and gave him the brightest smile she could muster in this melancholy endeavor. It was getting harder to fend off her tears whenever she looked him in the eyes. She wondered if she would look the same when Shining took his departure.

The ceremony continued, and words were spoken by all who knew the knight well. Shining salute the crystal knight, smiling on the inside."You were the only one to ever break any of the records I set here, despite our differences." He said beneath his breath.

Both royals then gave their blessing at ceremony’s end and the day finally succumb to night. The next day, Cadence received a new recruit kneeled upon the red carpet, one who presented her with an invaluable crystal heart quite unlike any other.

Author's Note:

I always wanted what to explore the charms of a weakling, there will never be a living creature that can be considered useless, coward or otherwise. Everything that exist serves a purpose, and at first glance it isn't always as apparent as it could be.

Hope you enjoyed the Cadence-AKA: Weakest Princess fable.
Had a lot of fun with this one.~ :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 3 )

I really got confused as to what happened here.


I'll just send a PM, for the sake of spoilers and such. :twilightsmile:

Didn't make me cry (a lot of sad things don't make me cry, despite me wanting to cry), but amazing and well-written :twilightsmile:

The only thing that ruined the image on my part was the fact that I was too stupid to realize who was dead (I first thought it was Shining Armor, then Twilight, then Cadence) and who was writing in the diary (Shining Armor, Chrysalis then some grumpy, random Crystal Pony) :3

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